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The Exeter Advocate, 1890-6-5, Page 5
Have you tried the Celebrated %fl SHOE ESSIJU . If not don't fail to do so at once. It is not a polish but a wonderful leather preservative it will make the finest or coarsest shoe as soft and pliable as kid and very easy to the foot. It will make tlaetn absolutely water- proof, and if occasionally dressed with this dressing will last more than twice as long as otherwise. We Mean What We Say. It is the very life of leather. It can be: applied at any time. No trouble— Shoe can be polished immediately afterwards. plat; E, • 10 15• Coots per iiox. Sold by all first•class stores. Sam- ples mailed=—Stamps: taken. OLIV:E;I2 CABANA Jr., COLE MANUFACTURER, BUFFALO, 1+7 Y e� -•tom r *;,T. h.. l•X :a r �au.��: s'�i�-sur• ,C•: f2�ir� „�,c?,i+�..t. �iS+a::.�l�'S t?,L.s.„ •", 'i ,t. Nvivi!uNayeitosv.vwa .itswo.•,.w vi wa awl uKriw av ••• WiTArl' IT IYIL,L I30. 1 to 2 bottles of B. 13. B, will clue Headache. 1 to 2 bottles of B, 13, 13, will cureBil- i0usneSs. 1 to 4 bottles of 8.13,13• will cure Con- stipation. 1 to 4 bottles of 33.33.B. will euro Dys- pepsia. 1 to 6 bottles of B. B. B, will cure 13acl Blood. 1 to 0 bottles of E, 33, 73. will dire Scrofula. In any case relief will be had from the first few doses. Send me another half dozen bottles of Everest's Cough Syrup, I cannot keep house without it.—John Stephenson, Sanilae Co., Mich. ADVICE To Dr©7i'I Elia . Are you disturbed at night and broken of you!. rest by, a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting toothy? if so, send at once and W get a brittle of Mits. INsLow'8 SooTH[NG StEUP . om„, ,..,,W, -,.d. m +O-•-�•�•--n• + Fon CIULD1nti TEETHING. Revalue is inC11cu1• 16"��""- , n able. itwill relievethe poor little sufferer imme- diately.is no Depend upon it, mothers, there mistake about it. it cures dysentery and dlar- ncces., regulates the stomach and bowels, ourefa Windcolio, softens the gums, reduces inflamma• tion, and gives tone and onergy to the whole system. MRS. WINSLOW'8 SOOTHING STROP l!0R CHILDREN TRETIIING1S pleasant to the taste,ancl is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female nurses and physicians in the United States, and is for sale byr all druggists through.Qat the world. P1100 Ho cents a bottle, ,. PRACTICAL POINTERS.. • Loy < for Infants and Children. .,Constipation, I recommend it as superior to any prescription Se � h Dian -13°3a' EtctRtn, Oastoa•LaissoweIIadaptedtochildrenthat Ctpstordn cures Collo, g known to zoo." IL A. Andhra, AI. D., bleep' aad :protnoies, die i1 Elo. Os3ord St,, Brooklyn, N. Y. Without KiliZZoinjurious medication. Tun Cusmeus ContrANX, it Murray Street; N: 1.,' flay&' W. G. B ssett's Livery. CLOT 13'irst Class Tlorses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN. Orders left at Bissett Bros.' Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention. `PERMS REASONABLE. A TRIAL SOLICITED. W. Cr. BISSETT. As a sillliale, natural laxative, stom- achic, blood, brain and nerve tonic, '),,when taken as directed, the value of Pur -lack Blood Bitters cannot be over- estimated, virile as a cure for constipa tion, indigestion, liver diseases, impure blood, sleeplessness, nervous and sick headache, it is the best that money can buy. Yellow 011 has clone good work for 30 years 1n curing muscular rheuma- tism, lumbago, eroup, quinsy, colds, sprains, bruises; burns anti all pains and aches. It is equally good for man. or beast. COnsaaiullti.011•Cul ed. An old physisan, retired from pract- ice, having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent euro of Con- sumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and:all throat and Lung. Affections, al- so a positive and radical cure for Ner- vous Debility aid all Nervous Com- plaints, after having tested its wonder.• ful curative powers in thousands: of cas es,has felt it his dray to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering. I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with.stamp, naming. this paper, W. A. • Noyes, 320 Powers' Block, Rochester, N. Y.,Feby. 6 —90. We invariably find Everest's Cough Syrup the best family medit:ine.—Geo. Donaldson, Forest.P. 0. MOSES HAD ASTH1VLA.<. My husband had asthma for eight years with severe cough, and his lungs also were affected.. He could neither rest. worknor get relief from any mI edicine le tried. Some tinge ago we got Ha4•yarcl's Pectoral Balsam, and alter taking six or eight bottles his cough is entirely cured, the asthma greatly relieved, and his lungs greatly benefited. Mrs. Moses Couch, Apsley, Ont. Notall sta Do not suffer from sick headache a moment longer. It is not necessary., Carter's Little Liver Pills will cure you. Dose, one little pill. :Small price. Small dose Small pill. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castori When she became Miss, she cling to Castoria. When shehad Children, she gave them Castoria. 1-1=iI+ TC:)=Si , Agent for the Noxon Steel Frau hoosier Drill, GUARANTEED TO BE THE BEST IN TITE WORLD. The only drill that can be instantly regulated to run the desired depth in hard or soft soil while in motion. HAVING ie'JIIGHT THE ENTIRE —STOCK OF -- Also for their light SteelEevated :hider with BtIUTS.•H3 t,'S From the James, Pickard Estate, At a nameless figure, I will knock the bottom Clean out of. now knotter. It is the only knotter having a rotary cord holder that does not cut off or drop or waste a single piece of twine, Remember, THE ONLY ONE, AND NOT A PIECE WASTED. Other binders waste from one and a half to four inches every time a bundle is tied. MBINEDIt00TPULPER• Also agent for the WATERLOO HAY LOADERS, CQMBINED SLICERS, GRAIN CRUSRFRS, DISC HARROWS and all farm implements. Show rooms in south half of I. HANDFORD'S carriage shop. For information address HENRY' 301'E , Exeter. TIO A Fresh and New Stock of •MRCS'.SoRlootmarg JUST ARRIVED AT TRE Family .oma Grocery. Also Pure EXTRACTS and SPICES. A beautiful piece of glass ware given away 'with 1 lb of Mayeil's Baking Powder. Dashwood. Flour For Salo. Call and examine our goods before purchasing geelsew�here. G@'O tl G. A. ERMAN. BILIOUSNESS AND ACID STOMACH, IHaving used your Burdocl Blood b Bitters successfully for some time: past for rriy complaint, biliousness and acid stomach, I have never found its equal. Thos. W. Sutton, St. Thomas, Ont. This is to certify that my wife hav- ing,been troubled over eight years with a sore throat and symptoms of Bronchitis, and having tried many remedies without obtaining a cure, I was induced to try Everest's Cough Syrup and after taking five or six. bot- tles Hester, a cure was e�ectect. �V,en. ester , Arizona P. 0. FOR COLDS OR PAiN. Yellow 0i1 is the best remody I ever used. I had bottling' breast 15 neon the ago, which• was very Sore. 1 rot leo relief until I tried iio g v nrd's Yellow Oil, gave whieh e'ave instant relief. firs. Jno. Corbett, St lMIarys, Ont. 1?or croup, quinsy or colds use Yellow Oil. Mrs. Chis: Su'iti-i of Junes, Ohio, Writes: I have 115ec1 every remedy for sick headache i could hear of for the past fifteen years, 1'. , bat Carter's Little rl li • l'll,'3..lid rue, more good filart .a Liver the lost. 1' 'I'E1).. i'1 q(- TO PARENTS. IMLr.Ilobt. 1..',icllaw, of the Ottawa I roc Press, says: Our• babe was so choked up she could hardly breathe, In fact at one time we feared she would choke; to death. Respiration became 'more', dill.iOul1 every minute, for which `n,e could. get no relief ley the usual remneclies formerly deed. ing, a bottle of Nasaliniiu in the house my it,111 twout = wife Suggested trying and r y min •' . � ` IIO ute1s from the first x113iG.ItI11 the errll WAS Sleeping a b and breathing. tl leg ens ii;y,titiriin 5 twcnit • font heirs not ! sign ' renaided. it is ailiuvaluable Of troiiblt, grown rowvn remedy for children as Well as b people. G. EOM, Ierckakt Tailor. PROMOTES lI GES TWON. CURES DYSPEPSIA. CURES DYSPEPSIA. CURES DYSPEPSIA. Mr. Neil McNeil, of Leith, Ont., writes: DEMI Suis,—For years and years Istril'erodfrom dyspepsia in its worst forms, and after trying f Mimosas in my power to no purpose I was persuaded by friends to try 13.B.B., which I 040, and after using 5 bottles 170.3 completely cured. IOE —REMEMBER THE -- Creat ,Ll SNELL, EXETER - ONTARIO Has now in stock IS' NOW ON,FULL STOCK IN ALL LINES. LOOK FOR THE SIGN, SPACKPAAN'S i Wi 14C::iG9 CONSTIPATION l' 3,tl ' &isms CONSTIPATION Cure., CONSTIPATION ZG�4c - C� ACTS OTHE Rapid Eteeovorp. Than Snas,—I have tried your B.B.13. with great succuss for constipation and pain in my head. The second dose made ine ever so 'much better. My bowels now move freely and the pain in my head has left ane, sial to everybody -with the Ftanee disease 'recommend B. B.13. Miss F. W1IiLIAhrs, 445 B1oor St., Toronto. Cures BIL•IOL'SiNESS. Curec BILIOUSNESS. Cures BILIOUSNESS. Direct Proof. Srns,—I was troubled for five years with Liver Complaint. 3used a groat deal of -medicine which. cid ole 110 good, and I was getting worse all the time until 1 arted Burdock Blood Bitters. After taking four bottles I o;un now well. I can also recommend, Mier . the cure of DV: yer:in,. MARY A.n. Ihrtyksstone Ont. Cute, HEADACHE Cures HEADACHE. Cul'E s HEADACHE 11110d STd9�, Remember the old stand oSK Near the POST OFFICE. If you want an easy shave and neat hair -cut just call at L+', 11 FISkI'S SHAVING SALOON, Where he does all his • work in a neat style. Ladies' and Children's hair -cutting in A � the latest style: IN THE FOLLOWING LINES ;. West of England Suitings and Trolls' erings, Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser- ings. French and English Worsted Cloths All made up in the Latest Style, at best Rates. FANSON'S BLOCK, EXETER. E. J. SPACKMAN. THE BEAUTIFUL AND CLEAR CUT ---TYP F ura® Je from which this paper is printed was supplied by the Cnnre. SIRS, DrAIa alRs,—I woo vary bad -with headache and pain in my back; my hands and foot swelled 60I C001(1 do no wart;. My sister-in-law advised me to try 0.13.73. With one bottle I bit to much better that gut n11010010. 1 am now w611, and Can 110110 PA `i ell as ever. AiiNlr"u I;uncnGs, 1 nl7tlr Ont. 2 iso far rearActa y54r rit TO ii' Ciu,i'es BAD BLOOD. Cures BAD BLOOD. T-OTWITO TY pt MUM Dealers in Type, Presses, and Printers' Supplies. S. THE. LEADING nd—rtaker J. T. JOHNSTON, go, ed iington St. west TORONTO, ONT. CLU' s BAs BLOOD. Beat Blooday• arise from aStomach, r of rile w.on„act eta Liver, huluoys and Bowels. 11 11. I3 by regulating and toning diose organs, removes the cause and makes new rich blood, removing all blood .111100'00 from a pimple to a scrofulous solo., �REg :°4!4,1.,4:1A t .:; .!... l+�ofd aynreh: B7W'.I 50 wtoh 0 �ho World. Porker wntolt In rho World. 'Parket ' tlmekeelmrWiwi-anted heavy, 30110o0r,o hunting enact.. !loth hellos' and gent's eller, With works and ohduM of equal value. Os t; r,iht,ox in cath locality can eecuro ono _ren, together with our largo v able lineofJ5o,t h to d ., •.,, and niu s .1 1 f ho 0111111110A, ns c l 4 sr.„«.,:•,a *molt, ” ThoseW I B� AANtrD 111 t nark you urn free. + the t as rho *molt, to those lake esti--our usedde is to show *hatwesend you , 11.vMerida and afor a and thou. about you—that when oast: to rted, when m,or, e£nrtdd ifitt f tus wertrade rop,ld.Widthepyholds1(elision's iontnuewearoropl,v we pay all ,t,,wPrkforItoto.,\tier you kraut nil, if yon would 11'r to go to worts for ns,1111 cart g tarn tient do Co., Muxp'33.'., 1 of tIaiid,5Iwtue. "A STITCH IN TINE SAGES EIRE,” s0 WILL A DOLLAR INVESTED IN l! 'LTOP3 PSYN Iitl . a. SNEL . AND Furniture Dealer OF THE To AGENT FOR THE PARISIAN STEAM LANDURY. I have an immense Stock of, Furniture and Undertaking' Goods now on hand, which I will sell at right prices. Ino artificial gastric juice—formula onevery label] SAVE 99 DOLLARS to any person suffering from stomach troubles, es- pecially if taken at the first sytnptom of Indigestion, whn:h is usually• weight at the stomach, sometimes attended by slight pain, end may follow either a wholesome or a heavy meal. At first, this feeling soon passes away, and 10 only remembered es a Zi1'le mysieasant,which, when repeated, gradually be- comes more pronounced. To the average person is now suggested the cathartic pill, bitters, or other liquid purgatives, that will clear out the bowels. Such treatment is worse than ussles•s , it is p sitty. ly harm- ful. The trouble is in the Stomach, the Bowels ere not responsible, and' relief will only come through an intelligent treatment of the disorder within the stomach. MALTOPEBSYN is the remedy, for all stomach troubles. Endorsed by the best plsysieians of England and Canada. Send 3 cts. in postage for valuable pamphlet to I•IAZEN MORSE, INTERNATIONAL BRIDGE, ONE3rIo. EVEREST'S GOUGH SYRUP CANNOT BE EXCELLED. Try it and be convinced of Its wonderful cur41i e pI'opertiea. Price 25 cents. IINDE1RTAKLNG A SPECIALTY. An examination of our Stock Solicited. Try Everest's layer Regulator For D10e1231 fs: the Liver Kidneys, &e., and purify ing of tree S1,od. Price 51, Six bottles for $5. For Sale by ALL DRUGGISTS. Manufactured only by (ILO. 55 LVES1:ST, 00811101, Foliar, 05! ,at,t01. SOG.L 0 —THE— CENTRAL SHAVN EXETER, Ontario. A. HATINGL IN ORDER TO MAKE SPACE --FOR R clear out the balance of 'i'o will our Winter Stock AT COST C —FOR ----- "ios�y Including a splendid assortment of OVERCOATS ST. SUITS FOR MEN AND BOYS, LADIES AND GENTS FURS. LADIES FUR CAPS, MUFFS AND HATS. LADIES NETT, VEST AND WOOL SHAWLS. A NICE STOCK OF FUR TRIMMIN'S GENTS HEAVY WOOL LINED KID MITS & GLOVES at 75c worth $1. We cant be undersold in Teas and Sugars for SPOT CASH, JOHN MATHESON. Exeter North PROPRIETOR. Every Attention paid to Ladies' and Children's Hair Cutting. a$t�a. Hastings. IROiD GIt1Il1G OPIUM to, children if you wish. for their futnro Welfare. i)tot•so's Gfy- oeoole of Celery Cant- pottnd'rt xact formula on e rem- l n safe every label, is thin infants is or teething u od t Y tilts. Ln- adh and nerving l dersod by physicians. Sond Iso cent stamp for descriptive circular to gaols aftrso, Eu 'ato,,14'. Y. For Image At right prices go to c� the leading BE i4/FOISITURE FU$EPLL DIRECTOR. Stand one door north R. No �rrat fa page$ ti lti Having leased the premises latety occupied by Mr. John. Brawn, I would inform the public that I carry an immen se stock of FURNITURE of my own Manufacture,which I will sell at . , n EXTRAORDINARY PRICES Inepect my stock before buy inelsewhere anu 0a.vTe from 10 to 20 per cent. I am -bound to sell,ancl guaratee my goods to be superior to factory work. >�f MOLSONS BANK. ' Mall l_st., Exeter. .� Undertaking in all its branches at lowest possible prices. Special attention will be giver: to this branch of the business. Give me a share of the patronage. Remember the stand, two doors north of the Town Hall, Exeter. WALT. ANDREWS. nin. STANLEY has accomplish- ed more than any other dis- coverer before him and has made for himself a name that Will go rolling down through. the coming ages. People will read of his achievements with wonder and amazement and on all sides decorations and honors will overwhelni him. During his late expedition , much labor and inconvenience would have been obviated by a liberal use of C O T T A. M' S Washing ound Cadap, by the means of which all dirt and infections of disease can be removed and, utterly destroyed, effectual It is the sL�rfc,st, most e �' and economical washing coin pound that has ever been dis- covered, and the people of Canada use and appreciate it more every day. ask your grocer for. sureand o C. Be J f', mount fplausible W, C. and retire a o . excuses incluse your to take a substitute. ROBT. N. ROWE. London Huron & Bruce Railway rae;sengev !triune able. 1(101xG NORTH.GOING SOUTH. e-m.pni. ram p.m. London,clep't 8.05 4,25. Wingham 7.05 3:10. LimaanUro.,'g 3,47 520 1]elgravo 7 24 4.00. Clandeboye 8.52 5.28 Myth7747 38 1 i5, Oen traliia 0.05 0l a5 Londesbor0' 717 455, EXta:e]IIII 01 136 ,7, Clinton 8.0 4.45. 'lensall (4.18 6.00 Bruceftold 8.26 1-0d. Nispout 0,31 617 Nippon 8..31 pp on 0d2 ('U lletis;itl 8.41 5,10, 6 ,,tis. 1.11 �,lt,%L st, 10.00 ntoit � r 1,Ouciceboro' 10,10 703 Clgntralila - 007 .,,dfi. itl rtlt 10.28 7.12 Clandolloyo 018 5.56. 1ZoIgrave 1042 7.27 I,ttolanOros' g,024 6.05. Winghmnn 11.00 1.•15. London, arr t015 6.45. EXETER fitaRKETS. Wheat per bushel .. . $0.95 to 100 Barley . • SS to 42 Oats , • 30 to 35 Peas: . ....... , 33 to 42 ,gm 9 Eggs per doz . to 9 bb p Bui;tci, Po11s . 10 to 1 Rutter, Crocks.. .... 10 to 13' : �h.. ... 40 to �'srinla 50 I orated, per . 7,00 t ton 07:00 a per .. . Iz, Yp Clover Seed: . 5.50 5 to 3.O ,T :1,u to 2:0 1. 'eel. , , . b.. Titnott y 5 9