HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1890-6-5, Page 4THE balorate. $AN'10:CRS, Editor. �URSDA , JUNE 5t11,; :1890... (Pm CANDIDATE. i11 South, Huron we have suffered, efeatt politically speaking, at the, hands of the Reformers; While we Dave suffered that defeat we can beth it gracefully. In the .lection of 1883 we suffered a defeat by til majority of ;532, in 188E we again got defeated by majority of 507, and in this election we are beaten b,, about 140. Let is take up the election of 1882 and coin - Pre notes. At that time there were 3792 votes roll.d in the riding and Mr, Bishop's majority was 132; in 1686 thl're were 4119 votes polled in the riding and Mr. Bishop's majority was 507 ; and in this election the num- ber of votes polled will be in the neigh- torhood of 4850, there. being over 4500 n the lists, and lir. Bishop's majority only reaches in: the neighborhood of about 140. The gain in voters from 1083 to 1590 is about 553, which goes tl.o show that Mr. Holmes has made the gain, and Mr. Bishop has suffered loss. Mr. Holmes, our candidate, can go back to Toronto, from whence he came, with the eyes of the electors ever set upon him, that some day he will be one of the shining lights in our Parliament. Not one word of condemnation can be 17'ds against Mr. Holmes, and only once did any person try to belittled or con- €ienin his character. The people of the South Riding of Huron did not believe ft as the words were utterly false. Those words emiisated from the mouth of one, if the people's judgments are right, who is a crank and fanatic and resides in Seaforth. The Conservatives of South Huron rejoice to know that their candidate entered the field • with an unblemished character and leaves ft the same. The opposition have not one word to say against Mr. Holmes, but that he has conducted himself and campaign honorable. No doubt at the next election 31r. Holmes will be with as again, and we will receive him with open arms and give hini; a larger wel- eome than ever. Success to Holmes! D SLE'[ T LIBRARY.. Issued,. G2uartex2. . .A, Series Of *he RIust. Thrilling Detective StOr!iee Ever 1 blitelt 9tt,. J. Old Sleuth the Detective 100 » The King of the Detectives 10o 3 Old Sleuth's Triumph (1st half) 100 3' Old Sleuth's Triumph, (2nd heir) 10o 4 Tinder a Million Disguises (1st half 106 4 Hauler a Million Disguises (2nd half) 10e 5 flight scenes iii New York 100 6 Old Electricity, theLigll.tlii'gDetectivelee 7 The Shadow Detective (1st half) 10o 7 The Shade w Detootive (2nd half) 1.06 8 Red 'Light Will, the River Detective (1st half) 100 8 lied -Light Will, the River Detective (»lid half) 100 9 Iron Burgess, the Government Detoot- ive (1st half) 10c 0 Iron Burgess, the GovernlnentDetect- ive (2nd half) 100 10 The Brigands of New York (1st half) 106 10 The Brigands of Now York (2nd half) 100 11 Tracked by a Ventriloquist loo 12 The Twin Shadowers 100 13 The French Detective 100 14 Billy Wayne, the St. Lewis Detective 10c 15 The New York Detective 100 10 O'Neil MoDarragh, the Deteotiye 1tc 17 Old Sleuth in .Harness Again 100 18 The Lady Detective 10c 19 The Yankee Detective 10c 20 Tlie Fastest Boy in New York 100 't Black Ravels, the Georgia Detective 100 22 Night hawk:, the Mounted Detective 10c 23 'Phe Gypsy Detective 10e 24 The ltystries & Miseries of New York, 100 25 Old Torribo 10c 26 The Smugglers of New York Bay 106 27 Manfred, the Magic Trick Detective 100 28 Mora, the Western Lady Detective 10c 29 Mons. Armand; or, The h'renoli Detect- ive in New York 100 80 Lady Kato, the Dashing Female Detect- ive (let half) 100 30 Lady Nate, the Dashing Female Detect- ive (21)0 half) 10o 91 Haznucl the Detective 100 32 The Giant Detective in France 1st half 100 32 The Giant Detective in France '2nd half 10 33 Tho American Detective in Russia 100 :14 The Dutch Detective 10c 35 01d Puritan, tho Old -Time Yank() De- tective (1st half) 10c No. 00501) 89 Old Puritan, the Old-TimeYankee De- tective (end half) 100 90 Manfred's (guest; or, The Nystory of a Trunk (let half) 100 36 Manfred's Queet; or, The Mystries of a Trunk (2nd half) 10o 97 Toni Thumb; 0r, The Wonderful. boy Detective (1st half 100 37 Tom Thumb; or, The Ilronderful Bey Detootive (2nd half)) 98 01d Ironsides .Abroad (lst half) 100 38 Old. Ironsides Abroad' 2nd21alt,) 100 90 Little Black Torn, or; The Adventures of a Misoliiovone Darkey (tst half ) 100 99 Little Black Tom; or, The Adventures of a Mischievous Darkey (2m1.half ) 100. 40 Olcl Irousicles Among the Cowboys (ist 40 Old Ironsides Among the e: Rb, ys (2nd0a hhalf) 10e 41 Black Toni in search of a Father; or the Further Adventures of a Mischievous Darkey (tst half) 100 41 Black Tom in Search of a Father; or, the Further Adventures of a M.echioyous. Darkcy (-red half) 10e 42 Bonara Bardie; or, the Treasurer of the Rookies (1st half) 10c 42 Bonanza Bardic; or, the Treasurer of the Rookies (.2nd half) .100 43 Old Transform, the Secret S taeial De- tective (tst half) 100 49 010. Transform, the Secret SpecialDc.. tective (2ncl half) 100 4..1 The King of the Shadowe,s (tsthalf) 10o 44 The Ring of•the Shadow ors (2nd half100 15 Gas ,oroni, the Italian Detootive;, or, Hide-and'-Seek in New York 106 46 Old Sleuth's Luck 100 47 Tho Irish Detective 100 43 Down in n Coal mine 106 To Bo ISSUED TUNE 28TH: 4:) Faithful Mike, the Irish Hero 100 The foregoing works are for sale by all newsclealers, or will be sent to any address, postage paid'45', on receipt of 12 cquts each, �' the publisher. Address GEORGE MTTNRO,; MUNRO'S PUBLISHING HOUSE, P. 0. Box 3751. 17 to 27 Vandewator St., N. Y, WE hope our many subscribers will 'wear with us this week for not getting their paper on Thursday as heretofore. The reason of the delay was that we wished to .give the returns to our read- ers as early as possible, as nearly all are anxious to hear how the 'elections were, and who was elected. Tir i campaign. is over, and all will settle down to quiet life until the next election rolls around. All should again Jan. hands as before and let those polit- ical jealousies drop and be friends. 'We have no animosity against any man, and hope that none does against sts. Let us live friendly and peacably again towards. each other. Mowat Sllstailled. Norfolk, N -Freeman, 311. Norfolk; S -Charlton, 50. ' Nipissin g-Laughrin. Ottawa -Bronson. Oxford, S -McKay. Oxford, N -Mowat, (ace) Ontario, S -Dryden, 145. Peterboro', N -Stratton, 200. Peel -Chisholm. Perth, S-Ballentyne. Perth, N-Aheans, 93. Prescott-Evanturel (ace). Parry Sound -Sharpe. Renfrew, S --Dowling. Russell--Robil lard. Simcoe, C --Patten, 367. Toronto (minority) --Tait, 146 over Mc Dougall, the other Reformer. Victoria, W -McKay, 400. Wentworth, N-Macmahon, 299. Wentworth, S--Awrey. Wellington, S--Gutherie, Wellington, W -Allen. Wel'.'ington, C -Clarke. Waterloo, S -Moore, 370. Waterloo, N -Snider. York, E -Smith, 519. York, N -Davis, 500. York, W -Gilmour, 60. Total -56. The election of members for the Ont- ario Legislature took place on Thurs- day. The result is that 56 Ministeral- li is and 34 oppositionists were elected and one constituency in doubt. In Huron, the oid member, Mr. A. Bishop, was elected by probably a majority of about 135 or 140. In the last election Mr. Bishop received a majority of 507,. and the election this time shows that public sentiment is growing against xaslrz. Exeter kept up its record as us sal, pooling 'more than the straight ;party vote. Although the majority given was not so large as that given 1'r ivIr. Swinerton in the last contest, the reason being that Mr. Swinerton was a resident of the village. Two of Mr, Mowat's Cabinet Ministers were de fated, Mr. Gibson, Provincial Secre- tary, was defeated in Hamilton and Mr. Drury, Minister of Agriculture was defeated in Simcoe East. Below we give the returns as far as heard :£roma- • Ministerial. ,;g oma, E -Lyon, 312. W-Conmee. Brant, N -W ood Brant, S -Hardy, 626. Brockville -Fraser, 216. Bruce, E-Dack. !kz'ice, N -Por ter, Bruce, S -O'Connor. €orni: al l --Mack. ..Durham, W -Lockhart. 3Issex'S-Balfour, 200. (Grey S -Hunter. Grey,N-Cleland, :350. ilangary-Rayside, 290. 3Zrlrolh E -Gibson, 400. iuron, S--Eishop, 140, Huron, W-Garrow, about 100, ilfalcllmand-;Baxter, 150. `1astings, E-Vcrnlllyea. Kent, E---i+or 'uson. Lambton, W -Mackenzie. tnark, N. -Caldwell, 113, Ln.mbtolr, E -Mackenzie, 26. Monek-Harcourt i dcliesezt, N -Waters. ,'l 'fddl'esex, W - Ross, , o1'thumberland=-Field, 437. 657. Opposition. Addington -Read about 158. Cardwell -Hammell, 25. Carleton-Monck. Dufferin-Barr. Dundas -Whitney, 100. Durham, E -Campbell (E..R.), 7. Elgin, E. -Godwin, about 100 Elgin, W. -McColl, 195. Essex, N. -White, 600. Frontenac-Smith. Greenville -Bush, 300. Grey, E.--Rorde, 75. Halton -Kerns, 160. Hamilton -Stinson. Hastings, N. -Wood (ace) Kent, W. -Clancy, 100. Kingston -Metcalfe, 29. Lanark, S.-McLenegham, 317. Leeds -Preston. Lennox -Meacham. Lincoln-Hiscott. London -Meredith, (acc) Middlesex, E -Tooley, 27. Muskoka-Marter, 107. Northumberland E. -Willoughby, Ontario, N. -Glendenning, 200. Peterboro', E -Kidd (E. R.) Prince Edward -Johnston, 50; Renfrew, N -Dunlop, S1. Simcoe, E.-Miscampbell. Simcoe, W. -Wylie. Toronto -E F. Clarke, about 400. Toronto -H. E. Clarke about 300. Welland -McCleary, about 75. Total -34. Ministerial Gains. Hastings, «r., Grey, S., Hastings, E., Perth, N., Bruce., N. Oppositions Gains. Ilamilton, Peterboro' E., Elgin., E., Ontario, N., Prince Edward, Simcoe, E., Renfrew, N , Essex, N., Welland, Victoria, W., Grey, N., Nipissing (New), Norfolk, S., JUN. SIMOND PART' llie Warren, Henry Busch, Sarah Northcott. FIRST PART, -Carrie Gotild, Flora Northcott, Fred Corbett. W. H. JonNSTON Teacher. DEATHS., HuTcilmNsoN.-On Wednesday, May 28, Ann, wife of Mr. Wni. Hutchinson, Greenway, aged 56 years and 10 months. BASICIORVILLD -In Stephen, on 2nd inst., Eva 0. B. Baskerville aged 8 months. WiipLSAL:_g. • AND RETAIL. The Largest Wholesale Stock in the County, ennessy Brandy hi wood and c sesalso J. R. brandy and Qther "bran. .. ® Corby, Walker and Jubilee �� ko always sin Stook. FRENCH A E 11 WIN'S OF ALL KINDS; Also lito Colotratal NUR ORTIPIIRE. Bass Ales, Guinesses Stout and. American Ales and Porters. CE 111ES N FR ESTE, g Lugo Coolgort SORSOTS lloas "list IA. Flour, Feed and Provisions always on hand. C' HOSPITAL REMEDIES. What are they ? The growth of intern gence in medical matters has given rise to a demand for a class of genuine, reliable naedicine. The opportunity of the ignorant quack, who grew rich curing everything out of a single bottle has passed. To supply satisfactorily this demand this list of reme- dies has been created They are the favor- ite prescriptions of the most famous medical practitioners of the clay, gathered #om the hospitals of London, Paris, Berlin and Vien- na. Prescriptions which cost the patients of these specialists frol5 Lio.,*(11..are here offered prepared and leitt7foi",ilirr,CAlhe nominal price of one dollar each. Not one of them is a cure all; each one has only the reasonable power of curing a single disease, and each one keeps is contract. Sufferers from Catarrh, Diseased Lungs, Bronchitis, Asthma, Consumption, Rheumatism, Dys- pepsia, Liver and Kidney Complaints, Fever and Ague, Neuralgia, Female Weakness, Leucarrhces, or Nervous Debility,should send stamp for descriptive catalogue to Hospital Remedy Co., 303i West Ring St., Toronto, Canada. If your druggist does notkeepthese remedies remitnrice and we will send direct. CARTERS IITTLE EVER Sick Headache and relieve all the troubles Mei. dent to a bilious state of the system, such as Dizziness, Nausea. Drowsiness, Distress after eating, Pain in the Side, &c. While their most remarkable success has been shown in curing Headache, yet CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILIA are equally valuable in Constipation, miring and preventing this annoying Complaint, while they also correct all disorders of the stomach, stimulate the liver and regulate this. bowels. Even if they only cured ' Ache they wouli be almost priceless to those who suffer from this distressing complaint: but fortunately their goodness does not end here, and those who once try them wilt find these little pills valuable in so many ways that they will not be willing to do without them. But after all sick head is the bane of so many lives that here is where we make our great boast. Our pills cure it wkile others do not. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS are very small and very easy to take. One or two pills make a dose. They are strictly vesetable and do not gripe or purge, but by •their gentle action please all who use them. In vials at 25 cents; five for $1. Sold everywhere, or sent by mail 0ABTEII LTEDIOINE 00., Yaw Tett. EL .1%111 Dom .Prioe. THE LIGHT RUNNING 11 1890. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT 1890. LIVERPOOL AND QUEBEC SERVICE FROM LIVERPOOL STEAMER FROM MONTREAL. Enom QUEBEC. 17 April 1 May 7 August 14 " POLYNESIAN .. PARISIAN POLYNESIAN PARISIAN CIRCASSIAN POLYNESIAN PARISIAN POLYNESIAN PARISIAN 11 " 25 " 9 July 30 " 13 August 8 May 5 June . 12 " 26 " 14 August . 21 " 28 " 4 September Mind wandering cured. Books %armed in one reading. Testimonials from all parts of the globe. Prospectus P0fi'r annt on application to Prof. A.. Loisette. 237 Fitth Ave. New York. Eititand 1.4rOwrzia' ,ENquickly ,cturc them- . selves of Ill'astbse Vitality., Lost =hood, from y::mth/t1,1 *Tore,' etc., cratetly at horns. 13ook on all 210. ovate diseases sent free (sealed). Perfectly or Pennyroyal Pills. Insures regalerityY. Bend for partleulars. A.ddress In Doubt, -victoria, E -Both, candidates claim a victory. Ministers Defeated. Hon. J. M. Gibson, Provincial Secretary in Hamilton. Hon. Chas, Drury, Minister of AgTieul- tare, in East Simeoe. Hay Solaool. Report. The following' is the report of S. S. N9, 2, Play, for the month of May, the names being in order of merit: F/FTYr,-Homer Russell. arm, FOLTRTITI-301111 Calllp1.1011, Jas. Campbell, Aggie Murray. Jug, FOITRTH,-Da Shirray, David Smith, William Northeott, JUkinsc-111 'Cate Chapman, Fred. Eaerett. O'Brien, Annie Northeott. Sm. Snaobtn PATer,-Lewis Smith, Beeltie Northoott Filen Corbett 1 BEA RDS FORCED Mitrncothast races, bolo on baldest heeds, in go to days. Magic. Latett nnd greatest achievement of modern science 1 Mont won. &aril discovery of the age. 7105 T10 other preparation 1 Magical, sure, almost instantaneous in action i Boys with positive truths. Only genuine article In xnarbot, and certato to give absolute satisfaction. Guaranteed. Pries 010 &We, or three bottlea for Sa. Eaoh bottle lasts one month. Address' A. DIXON, Box 005, TOR,NTO, CANADA. MAME ['BERMES. SUPERFLUOUS fl§.111 sporniae.resujo.us hair without InJury tO the akin". warrantee,. PIMPLES AND BLECKNEADS from 10 to DO daye. Warranted. Pride tor 30days treatment, $1. 11110 0111 on. point lean:rater ol solicitude, whether because it is once:a. Sortable or unfashionable -PAT POLIfS using " ANTI. 00TPULENCE PILLS" lose le lbs. a month. 'Theo cause no sickness; contain no poison and never fail., Price /et one mon. Ws treatment, 92; or 'three months medicine, V. COMP, LEMON WAFERS '9W1rAN'N'tNI.8." in effect. Warranted. Price $ a. box, ar NO RATES OF PASSAGE. Montreal or Qiaebee to Liverpool. Cabin, 960.00, 970.00 and 980.00, according to accommodation. Servants- in Cabin.. 950. Intermediate, 925.00. steerage, 920.00 Return Tiekets,.Cabin, 9110.00, 913040, 9150.00. Inter- mediate, 955.00. Steerage, 940.00. Passengers wishing to embark at Montreal will leave Toronto by Tuesday morning's Express and go on board any thne after eight Walock the same evening,. For further information apply to JOHN SPACKMAN5 The only authorized agent for Exeter, Ont. FARMERS AND THRESHERS HARNEBsOsLT CUTTING, 11100011 FOS. WOOL OILS, LAMBE OIL AXLE GREASE, PARAF IN E, BOILER PURGERS. SEE THAT THE BARRELS ARE BRANDED McColl Bros., Lardine, FOR SALE BY 1SSETT BR S., Exeter, Ontario. ONLY 3E1107.2 FaCiliNE Irk CITY, HOTEL LONDON, ONTARIO. per y. J.,& J. MeIVIARTIN, Proprietors. A certain and speedy Cure for Cold in the Head and Catarrh in all its etages. , Instant Holler, Permanent Cucei Many so -milled clieeaset are simply symptoms of Catarrh, such se,headache, partial deafness, losing Senad of smell, breath, hawkieg and 'spitting, nauteaf general feelieg of debility, eta, Tr yen are troubled with tiny of thele or Ideated syyriptoins, y.ou have Catarrh r a n Shmild lose no time IP p,rocunng neglettod cold in hod results in Catarrh, followed by donnurriplion ata death. NASAL. 8ALtf is told, by all ehuggists, or will be sent, post paid. elt, fedoipi ef pace 00 cents and er.o6) hyvddrossing HARMLESS HEAVUICliE PolaFins They are net adver. tiseet to cure every- thlny,butsimply head - veil/ cost but 26 •cents fora loge and they are They are not a Cathartic. SALES CA-ood Salary and Illttpertees,or Commission, sta. to the right Men, T 'Kant mon 8fp to 90 at (Mee, Stating,age 'Ittld.refererietts. 0. D. DOOTHbY, Recites ter, N. May It will be to your interest to call on us before buying your building hardware and shelf hardware. Barbed, Buckthorn, Oiled, Anneale and Galvan.ized wires, always in stock. First-class tinware, no two -and -a years shop- forn g ods to offer. PAINTS and BRUSHES, EalfetrougiiinP a Specialty, hal AGENTS FOR TIIE RAYMOND SEWING. MACHINE.