HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1890-6-5, Page 1VOL. III. "A UNITED CANADA AND BRIT'iSH CONNECTION." EXETER, ONTARIO,- TITU ,,,DAV, JUNE 5, 1890, The Pitolsons Bank. (Chartered by Parliament, 1855) Paid up Capital • $2,000,000. Rest Fund. . 1,000,000, Ileal office Montreal. , F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Esq., GRNERAL MANAGER, Twenty Branch offices in the Dominion' Agencies in the Dominion, U. S. and Europe• Open every lawful day from 10 a. m• to 8 p. m., Saturdays lO a.. sn. to 1 p. m. .A. general banking business transacted Four per cent. per ttnntun allowed for money on Deposit B.oceip s. R. H. ARCHER, Exeter, Jan 28,•'88, Manager. THE O t A?r b •Date) Is published every Thursday Morning, at the Office, MAIN -STREET. -- EXETER: By the SANDERS' PUBLISHING COMPANY. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Dollar per annum it' paid n Advance. S1.50ifnot .so paid. J1.6.-srortiaing Rates ora li.plalica.- ticsi • No paper discontinued until all;arrearages are paid. Advertisements without specific directions will be published.Liberal it for aforbimade an chrged accordingly for transcient advertisements inserted for long periods. Every descriptionof JOB PRINTING turned oat inhthe finest nes style, and at moderate rate subscriptions, etc. to ord- ers, &e. for advertising, F be made payable to 1Yilli�tn� Sanders, Editor, Church Directory. TRIYITT MEMORIAL Cuuncat.--Rev. S. F Robinson, 7 pm. Rector. Sunday School, 2.8Services, per11 a. m+ MEent, Pas O. unday Services, 10.80 a.m. Clement, Pastor. Sunday and 6.80 p.m. Sabbath School, 2 p. m. MAIN STREET -Rev. J'.. Wilson, PastorSabbath day Services, 10.80 a.m. and 6.80 p. School 2.30 p. m. • aem W.Martin, Pastor. Sunday 11 ad6,30p m. Sabbath School, 9.45 a. m. Professional Cards. For Sale. That desiroable Hotel, at Mount Carmel, alio.; Limerick, #'orsale. Tho premises have been thoroughly refitted throughout and is one of the best stands in Canada. No one can make a mistake in purchasing the same. Reason of selling, proprietor is going West. For fall particulars apply to April 10th-tf P. HALL. Mount. Carmel, Ont. For Sale. A desirableresidenoe In Exeter North, new frame house, one -fifths acre of land, The house was erected in 1888, Good terms to purchaser, Apply at this office. 145-t I. H L. BILLINGS. • =MsT's'ISM.. Office over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario, Nitrous, Oxide Gas for painless extraction. Goes to Lucan every Friday., H. KINSMAN, DENTIST, L. D. S;, ex- tracts teeth without pain by giving Vegetable Vapor, or using the new. Anaesthetic on the gums. Makes Gold Filli ings and other dental work the best possible. Goes to ZuriohlastThursday in each month. East side of Main street. Exeter. B WHITELY, M.D. C. Mild P HYSICIAN I A. T • and Surgeon. Office Corner 'Victoria and Elgin streets, Goderich, Ontario. R. J. A. ROLLINS. OFFICE -MAIN l th T. Residence -Corner Andrew and Nor Streets, Exeter, Ontario. A. AMOS, AL,D., C. H. L. C. P•, EDIN.; L, T. 11.C. S•, Ediu.• L. F. F. St S., Glasgow, L. M•, Edinburgh and Glasgow; M. C. 1'. & S.. Ontario; F. T. 2f. S., Toronto. Night boli at office. Crediton, Ontario. R. COWEN. OFFICE --MAIN STREET, D , Exeter, upstairs, opposite Contra Hotel. Side entrance on south --James street leading to the Methodist Church. TILLIAM SWEET, VETER- ;� !r inary Surgeon. Graduate Toronto. Veterinary Dentist- ry a .speciality..Office and Re- �• Rich. !�;�,� �'. sidonceone block east of Pickard's store. Opposite skating rink, Ex- eter, Ontario. SID.; utter, utter. The Under��.,�$g ]Cled will pay the high- est Cash price for butter and Eggs. Don't forget the spot �Opposiitte T O �'4(N H A L L. A. Q. Bobier. H: COLLINS, BARRISTER, SOLICIT- R. •OR, • Conveyancer, Notary Public. Office- Samweil s. Block, Exeter, Ontario, Money to Loan. THE CELEBRATED Trotting Stallion, Abbert. Miss: Minnie Spare was the guest of Miss Johanna Miller last Sunday. Mr, and Mrs; Boreland of the Thames . roach' were the guests of Mr, Coleman of Cromarty on Sunday last, The 'Misses McKellar, of Cromarty' spent Sunday evening at Mr. Coleman's with their friend Miss T. McLaren. Mrs, James Park, of 'Cromarty, is spending a few weeks with her daugh- ter, Mrs. Jacob Weitzman; of Niagara Falls. Mrs. Alex. Morrison and Mrs. John McLaren, of Glenquaich, who have been suffering for the past few weeks from an attack of inflammation, are now Convalescent. Miss Susie McLaren, of the 12 eon,, is at present surfering from a very sore arm. While visiting at Mr. Alex.. Hackney's of the Thames road onEaster Monday, she had the misfortune of fal- ling and dislocating her arm. She felt. it a little painful at the time but no more notice was taken of it till last week when her arm began to feel ,sore' again and became swollen so badly,she• was unable to raise it. We hope to see her around again shortly. will stand for seruioe at his own stable, Bissett's Livery. W. Gr SISSETT. TH. DICKSON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR .LJ.e of Supreme Court, Notar y Public, Con- veyancer, Commissioner; &c. Money to loan Office-Fanson's Block, Exeter. ELLIOT & ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, SOLIC- itors, Conveyancers, &c. Money to loan at 6. per cent. - B. V.ELLIOT. J. ELLIOT • ia, RED. W. FARNCOMB, Provincial Lipid 1 Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Ore, Samwell's block, up stairs, Main street, Exeter, Ont. 152-t. f. IfTAMES OKE, Exeter, Ontario, Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties ofJiuron, Perth and Middlesex. Sales promptly attend- ed to and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales arranged at this office. Dashwood, Mr. Ide, of this place, purchased a W. Bell & Co. piano model organ from H. Well, of Zurich. They are the most handsome instrument in the province in every respect. Port Blake. Miss Annie Pollock, daughter of John Pollock, Esq., has purchased a hand- some W. Bell & Co. organ from II. Well, of Zurich. Those desirous of purchas- ing an organ would do well by calling on him before purchasing elsewhere. TT BROWN Winchelsea. Licensed looser Aiub Counties _of Perth and •- BROWN, the C p Middlesex township for the i of Usborno. Sales promptly attended to and terms reason able. Sales arranged. at Post office, Winohelsa' BSENBERRY, Henson On'tario Lie - E• ens ensed Auctioneer for the Countysof Huron and Perth. Charges moderate and satisfaction. guaranteed. 7IOLT, Rhiva, Ontario. Licensed auct- • ioneer for the Counties of Middlesex and Lambtcg,,atrid the townships of Stephen and :Ray All solos promptly attenclod to: HRITIR'S 30311111010VY .)RE Si I•1,11/41Ia First Class RIG$ And HORSES. Zurich Hermon Well has received a large assortment of bedroom suites and all kinds of furniture. A new stock of spring roller window blinds, organs and pianos. If you want to buy a good Bell.& Co. organ call at H. Well's ` fur- niture store. All kinds of harness and trunks etc., cheaper than ever. ORDERS LEF'1' AT THE HAWK. SIIAW HOUSE OR AT THE STABLE WILL BL PROMPT 'LY ATTENDED TO. Warrrsai c Tia coati a Sl s Telephone Connection.. is • Greenway.. Mr. Wilson Eagleson lost a valuable brood mare last week. Mr: W. Sanders, of the EXETER AD- VOOATE gas'e us a friendly dill last Monday. FOUND, -011 the townline a weight off a butcher's scales, owner can haye it by calling at the Boston house, ' The annual picnic of the Grand Bend Circuit Sabbath Schools will be held at the lake, Wednesday June the 18th. Messrs. J. Sherritt and Rufus L Wil- son go to Chatham this week as lay delegates to the Methodist Conference. At the last regular meeting of L. 0. Orange Lodge, No• 219 it,was' decided to hold a special meeting. onJune 13th. The semi-annual district meeting of the Biddtlph District will be held in Crediton, June 15th. Bees for sale, apply to Port Monte's Greenway. Every farmer sho1I1d keep bees oneor two colonies will supply a large family with honey. One . farmer, took two'l iundred dollars worth fro 14 colonies last.season.. Mr. John McGregor sold his 50 acres on the corner of the 19th and Crediton road to Mr. John Sherritt. Mr. Sherritt has a valuable property extending from the 20th to 19th concessions, one and a quarter miles in length. C. H. Wilson, county constable, ar- rested an insane tramp one night last week and J. P. ordered him to be plac- ed in the township lock up at Crediton, the next morning he was tried before Mr. W. Lewis and committeed to the Goderich goal for 80 days. • Grand Bend,. X+ollotti ing is the standing and marks obtaimes of the pupils of S. S. No, 8, Grand Bondi di for the month of May. In eonsy+i;ewe of very irregular at tend,'.. niarko' rogul'a. 'no vie pupils haye a very low ;'.rens shot`ild remember that attendance is an essential to '-fiella Mollard, 116; Mary 7.a1 )B; Melissa Mollard,98; Lena Robin ±71. Thltt;•--Mars Ravilld,135; James Ful- ton 7k'; 1 'u• ?a Rush, 67; Adelbert M01- larp, t12a f 1' Senirse nr=Tillie Brenner,225; Wal- ter McD 'all,182; Lovina Musser,160; Mary Devine, 152; Alma Holt, 152; Percy Mollard, 129; Ida Gravelle, 26; Ada Hamilton, Alfred eravelle, 5. Junier,2ui1 'Curtis Glanville, 181; Fred T)isjardinc, 121; Arthur Glanville,. 77; Albert Kehnedy, 6. Part II -Sarah Ravine, 262; Una Gravels', 233; Louisa Zapfe, 160; Amy Spael:'nati, 153; Willie Ilolt, 149; Geo, Zapfe, 37; Willie Devine, 82; Essery Brew Nettie Allen, 29; Annie Allo? "hard McLelland, 7. Pert rd Glanville, 126; Echo Sp.tc fila v Robinson, \.71;Wa1- �. toi cLelletnd, 6 ; .Mary* Ravine, 62; Peter Devine, 31. Biddulph. The late rains make the crops appear in a flourishing: condition at present. 'We regret to hear of the serious ill- ness of a son of Mr. T. A. Dobbs from infiamation of the lungs. Another farm of 50 acres on 8th con,: Biddulph, near Granton has bean sold to Mr. James Heenan for the very mod- est sum of thirteen hundred dollars, valued at twenty three hundred dollars five years ago, that sum was refused for this farm. If the government would supply farmer with cheap money as at present asked for or if farmers would look more to their own interests in vot ing and less to party, good land would not be selling to day for less than wild unimproved land in the new sections of Canada. Mount Carmel. Stanley Council. The council met at Varna on May 27th as a Court' of Revision with all the members present except Jas. Aiken head; the Reeve acting as chairman. Lancelot Beatty's assessment was lowered $100. ' Rev. J. A. McConnell's appeal was next considered and the assessor's valuation sustained. The appeal of the G. T. R. Co. was withdrawn. John Esson's name was entered as. owner of N. H. lot 17, L. R. W•; and Arch. Sterling's name entered as owner of S. H. lot 17, L. R. E. The followIng changes were made in the roll respecting dogs: Robt. Turner, one dog off; Jane Elliot, one dog off; Wilson Cook, one clog off; Robt. Pollock, one bitch offand one dog en. 0n motion Robt. Mnllyeen. seconded. by Isaac Erratt, the roll was now de- clared to be finally passed and the Court closed. The council then opened for general business. Minutes of the previous meetingwere read and passed. r- 70 The assessor's salary ($ ) was order- ed to be paid. The PP following' a ropriations for the b township roads were made. con. 2 and 3, $50; con. 4 and 5, $85; con. -6 and 7, $40; con. 8 and 9, $40; con. 10 and 11, $40; con. 12 and 13, $65; Sauble Line, $100; Centre Line from Parr to Babylon, $30; Babylon to Goshen, $15; Goshen to Bronson, $60; Bronson to Sauble, $20; Carne's sideroad, $10; McGregor's side road, $15; Innes' sideroad, $40; Sharp's. sideroad, $15; Mcllveen's sideroad, $10; ho,, vet's sideroad :$20; Johnston's side. road, $10; AleNair's sideroad; $35; Baird's sideroad, Reicl's' sideroad, $15; Pollock's sideroad, $10; Mei3eth's side, road, $50; Cturie'srsideroad; $15; Scree- sideroad, cree- ,. ; S , . . y 1 wdat ] Ol •,.-. � tt1B 0 0 > l t w y nan s sllcio,lt , , $250, providing Hay griyeSe an equal e nt; Bay icicl road $ 3 amount; +,. ,,. t 1�1et1 to meet The council then ad,lot again at the" call of the ''Reeve, Gro, STE-Water, Clerk. The following is the report of Mount. Carmel Separate School for the month of Julie. Names its order of merit. ' FIFTIn-Denis QuarrYy, , Michael Doyle, Lucy Laughlin. Sit, lou 11Ta:-Bridget Carey. Juv. Fou•u'ril.---Patrick McDonough, Frank Ol11C. Sn. Ttliun.-Phoebe Doyle, Cornelius Regale, .Toe Doyle, �, Jia. T1IiRD•-IZ'.atic McDonough, 11I: Ryan, George Cullom. Sn:'SLCo',n,---Mtiry- Ryan, John Cat- ey, Angola Mellhargey. Jlti• Sloe -No. -May Neville and Katie McDonald (equal), 3ulitt Mahony,Annie Ryan, Slt. Ftusy.-Katie Campbell, Michael Carey, Lizzie Glavin, N. Tighe, Teacher, Corbett, Biddulph Township Council. e May 26111, 1890; •The council met pursuant to adjourn meat in Seltar's Hall, Clandeboye: The Reeve and all members present. A petition from F. G. Abbott and 13 other ratepayers pi'as read asking that the council would improve ilawkshaw's sideroad so that it would be tit for pub- lic travel, referred to councillors Davis and Hedging. The Clerk was authorized to have 100 copies of form of Board printed for. the use of commissioners, Moved by Wm. McGee seconded by A. Bentson ft -nit the following accounts be paid and the Reeve sign orders for the same, Free Press advertising Court of Re-• vision, is $1.50; Henry Stanley building new bridge and rep. old, Div. 1, $10,00 Richard Coursey rep. bridge and ap- proaches, Div. 1, $4.50, John Howard rep. culvert new road, Div, 1, $3.00;. John lloward new culvert and ditch- ing, Div. 1; $5.00; Wm, Rollins new culvert and ditching, Div. 1, $3.75; Wm. foreman rep. culvert St:; M. G. Road, Div. 5, .30; Robert Radcliffe 6 in. tile culvert con. 14 and 15, Div. 5, $2.25; Ales. Langford 9 cords gravel Granton $27.00; St m,hloffat part pay ,gravel contact C. S. It, Div. 5, $20.00; Win.( aalliher,ditchin g, Div. 4, $2.00; P. Breen repairing two bridges, Div. 4, $150; W. Wangle rep.. bridge, Div. 4, $2.00; Wm. Culbert rebuilding approach con. 4, Div. 3, • $3.00; Wm. Culbert fencing approach to bridge, Dobbs' Ss Dickens', Div. 3, $3; Wm. Caves in full for damages at Dobbs' bridge, $13.00. '-Carried. Moved by F. Davis seconded by Wm. McGee that the following accounts be paid and the Reeve sign orders for the 'same:- Thomas Abbott removing atree , from con. 4 and 5, Div. a, $2.00; John Hodgins rep. culvert, W. B. Div. 1, $3.00. W J. Smyth rep• approach to bridge, Div. 8, .50 R. Walker and Neil culvert cedar posts and rep. culvert, Div. 2, , $5.50; John Howard, damages to crop draw- ing gravel, 1888-9, $5.50; Jerry Lewis salary in full as assessor for 1890. $55.00. -Carried. The council adjourned to meet on Monday the 7th day of July, 1890 at 10 a. m. W. D. STANLEY, Clerk. COURT OF REVISION. The court of revision for the town- ship of Bidclulph met in G. Seller's Hall Clandeboye on May 26th 1890, at 10 a. m. Present, C. C. Hodgins, Reeve,' S. H. Hodgins, Deputy Reeve and F. Da- vis, W. McGee and A. Beatson council- lors each member took and subscribed to the statuary oath of office. C. C. Hodgins was elected chairman. There were no appeals to go before the court. A few corrections were made on application of interested parties. W. D. STANLEY, Clerk' M' ,(.eorge and Miss Rebeckn Mead spent Sunday last visiting Mrs.: A. Nlche1s", Cf this place. 11rrs. Geo. Jolles returned from Sarnia last Saturday; wherershe.had been visit- ing friends. Mr. and Mrs. P. McKenzie, of Shipka, spent Sunday last with Mr. A. McIntosh. 11.r. Janes 1lfathers is doing a rushing. bnsiiieas this spring making bee hives. He has already made over one hundred. and has over 'a hundred mom The Corbett, Presbyterians and Grace Church, Boston, intend holding; their annual Sunday School picnic at Grand Bend on Friday, June 13th. Owing to tlie showery weather of the last few weeks the fall' wheat in this loealtty,promises to be far ahead of what lvas formerly expected. 'J has,eero.;has every appearance ab l ,. the average Spring crops' also look extremely well, and if we ha e no June frosts we may expect au abiindant crop of all sorts of fruit. Messrs -'Corbett, Steeper, Breen, Laur- ie and Hodgins engaged the surveyor from Exeter last week and ran the blind line between their farms. The old fence proved to be from one to two rods astray from end to end. Ts 0. 157,, of this villas;e, who have beenin Wing ham on a visit, returned home th%a<s week. -Mr, and Mrs, John Murray left this ;Week for Wingham. The best' wishes:of their snarly .friends follow them,Mr. D. \S'. 1i'oss,.our enterprising baker, has recently had his fine palace bakery delivery wagon tastefully Ill -- painted i - painted and varnished, -Mr, A. W. King, our energetic confectioner, ks once more to the front u ith a No,1 nidi cooling ice ennui, a hich is the vc-r tiling for election times.- lfessrs, White & Lewis, our popular horse biiyers, shipped from London this w•eek a eat load of fine driving and carriage horse:' for the Boston market, They were fine cgllectiou and sold well. Crediton. Mr. Matt Ginter visited Loden last week. Mr. T. A. Amos visited FQrtaato this week on business. • re; The band attended thss ne;;;to show in Exeter on Saturday, evening. Mr. J. E. Amos, Miss Amos and Miss Ascott were in town on Sunday. Have no equal as a prompt and peg tiiccure for :sick headache, bilious- ness, constipation, pain in the side, and all liver trtitiblt; 1. Carter's Little Liver Pills. Try thein. Mr. Frank Holtzman and sister Kate, of Dashwood, spent Sunday at home. • The South Huron Ministerial Associ- atien-were in. session here on Monday Mr. Christopher Eilber and daughter have gone on a prolonged trip to friends in Michigan. Master George Either left on Monday to fill the position 'as "devil" in the 1'itnes " office, Exeter. Mr. W. B. Geyser, of Denver, Col,, is home on a visit. He reports things booming in that city. This sultry weather makes one long for the cool breezes of 'Lake Huron, piciaics being now in order. . large amount of gravel and brief: bats are being deposited on the Crediton road which will soon be the best road in the township. A vagrant named Chas. Anderson was sentenced to one month's imprison- ment in mprison-mentin the county jail, by Magistrates Brown ;and Lewis. Cromarty, Mr. Geo. Wilson. 'lost a valuable mare a few days a='0. Mr. P. Campbell had the misfortune to lose two colts this season, The Cromarty base -ball club visited Fullarton on the 24th, and 'defeated rr r .runs. of that"village by • nine A large quantity of brick and tile are being hauled away from the Credi- ton yards' s he manufacturers are. very Y bus 5 ' *applying the demand. A son of Mr ,1lobt. Flynn, while play- ing with another boy, was struck in the with a nail shot from a bow which completely destroyed the sight. About 40 people attended the Reform meeting held in the Town Hall on Tuesday evening, Mr. R. H. Collins beim the only speaker. We under stand that none of the Opposition were invited. Mr. Samuel Hodgins wag fined $20 and co StSfor using b ilofat e languageua b e and having a revoly er' in his possession on the 24th of A1a,,y;Yby our magistrate. We hope others will take a Wattling by this example + Ii •hin�'lan �.Outrie;veteltn<a;r ,y sur- geons, can be consulted at Clark's Ho- tel, 1 tel of this place, 'ortit Staffa. A full ,, stock of veterinary medicines kept con- stantly dentistry stautly on hand.Veterinary y and surgery a specialty. May lst.-3 mos,; Mr. Thos, Hoggarth, ,who has been suffering from ail affliction of the lungs after la grippe, is recovering and is expected soon to be around again. Mr. John Melville, the champion del- ver, dug on the farm of Mr. John Dun- lop, sixty-three post holes three feet deep, starting at nine o'clock and fin- fishing before sui dowu. Who can beat this? Mrs. Jas. Scott, who has been ailing for sonic time, passed peacefully aware on the 23rd of Mays and her remains were interred in Roy's burying ground. on Sabbath, May 25th. She leaves be- hind a husband and a partly grown -use family to mourn the loss of a kind: mother.' Mr. Scott and family have the sympathy of the entire community in this their sad bereavement. Miss Mary Osmond is home on a vis it. Miss Grace Cameron, of Detroit, home spending a vacation with her friends. 'A large number from Hullett spent, enjoyable time pickiiicing in Jewett grove ort Saturday. Reeve Castles was attending County Council, in Goderich, this weeks,'but came back to vote, the Council hving• adjourned. Two very lively political meeting were held in the Town Hall, last week, one in the interest of each candidate. Before this reeaches our readers the po- litical question will be settled. Dr. Stanbury was hurredlysummon ed from a meeticg in the Town Hail the other evening, to dress the hand of a young lad who had one finger, by some accident, almost severed in. twain. Hensall• • FINE PuidiuAsu.-Mr, T. Berry, the well-known horse buyer of this place, recently purchased from Mr. McMillan, of Brucelield, a fine four-year-old geld- ing, sired. by "Puzzler," weighing 1,500 lbs.; for which he paid the round sum of $200, The Canadian -bred trotting stallion Am- ber, by Clear Grit,formerly owned by Mr. P. .1. Eikoy,ofBrantford, stands atthe highest fee of any of the stallions owned by the Ital- ian Government, which,aid $3;500 for him in. Germanylast yyear.-Elx. Amber F., own- ed by Mr. T Murdock, of Hensall. is son of Ander, and is one of the best stallions in Canada. Re will stand at Murdock's stables duringthe,corning season. A Goon' SEND OFF. -We have just learned that Mr. A. Stravell, of Cross - well., Michigan, sent his thoroughbred mare here to be bred to "Edinburgh". the property of Jas. Berry of this place. She has a colt by her ,side from "Edin burgh." Competent judges say it com- bines all the points of the thproughbred and is the best colt of the breed they ever saw. This speaks well for •"Edin-, durgh"• when horsemen from a distance eve their mares such a length. will move e Parties wishing to see this colt, will find it at Wm. Buchanan's, 2nd concession of Hay, half a mile west of Hensel. Berge NOTES A' very large quan- titY of rain has fallen in this section during the past couple of weeks. -The crops still give promise of a good aver- age yield and. the hay will be very heavy. -Politics has been the all absorb- ingi"topic during :the past few weeks and' feeling on the same never ran higher than in tate present campaign.- Missof f the, •ni Kau o 111. Ler g , township Colborne is visiting friends in this vil- lage.-The Rev. J. S. Henderson, of .Church,will Carmel Presbyterian v de- liver his quarterly sermon to the young people on Sabbath next, the Sth•--',rhe Rev. E. A. Fear and J. S. Cook, of this place, left this week for Stratford to attend the Conference being held there, -Miss Hersey and Miss Ilawkshaw, of Exteter, were this week the guests of Miss Murdock. -The Misses Patterson, ately. Price 10 ets, rot sale by Gpoc.. Sanders, As. the sultry summef sun begins to make itself felt in the crowded city streets, large numbers seek the coal and refreshing breezes of some large lake. Visitors, from neighboring towns and country have been pouring in'during the past week, to get fanned by the mighty breezes of Lake Huron, which are so agreeably felt at Canada's far famed "Saratoga." A large party fir from.Clinton, drove over on Monday and spent the evening in sailing on the lake in the moonlight, Town Council met on the forene in of Tuesday last as a Court of Revision all the members being present business was commenced. The appeal of Mr. Jamesp againsthigh Tom sou taxation was considered and as the appellant was tiot satisfied with the amount that the Court deemed sufficient to take oft the matter was left as before. We un- derstand Mr, 'Thompson will proceed to a higher Court. The remainder of the appeals were of a trifling nature and were nearly all recognized. The Court then adjourned to meet at notice from. reeve. In the afternoon of the same day our fathers met again, when some small contracts for roadwork were pas- sed. We t e are sorry that before long e 5 a we are, to lose a very popular minister from our midst lathe person of Rev: Mr Hill. During the time Mr. Hill has been in Bayfield he has wort for himself not only the love of his own congrega- tion but the esteem and admiration of every citizen in the, village.' At pubha entertainments he will perhaps be mis- sed most of :all, Whenever he it as ask- ed to participate in a meeting he was always ready to offer his countenance and voice and soul to the program, :.ft is not yet settled where lIr. Hill be stationed but wo hope it will not his ve r far from Ia.A cid Iia wife, and family are, 11 pre: rt vlsl6''rg friends near Winghasn Asa,. will j: i:f'bably re - onin there until matt �is finally decided, On Wee <sday st exnoon Ms. Hill left for Strati d, ',sheaf the GOD.' fere1101 is now 111 i SsiOtt, Are your boots or shoes hard with be- ing wet. If so,secure a box of Electri : blacking. It will soften thorn immed&