HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1885-02-25, Page 4I B8«W i NEWSPAPER LAWS i We cal] the sp«:i>d 4te©ntimi of Poet «i utter* ami eiihycribmu to the following lyMoiwofthvuewsjiiAiier Uws;-” , t- -A postmaster La required to give wii'env uuTi:n,i,rt‘turumg a paper does ; ffot iMtawer thv law’) when a #ubsffl'ibei'ud«M Mot tak« bis pnpei out of the office, and the reason fur its nnt.being lujwm Anyntelei't tu^o so makes th«)p.»stina#tv» TespouriUv to4ue publWiers for pay ment. ♦J>rlf iute peixn orders hi» paper dis-, jontiutasd, he pay irrearagVe, ©r the publisher may continue to send it until payment is imuje* and collect the whole amount, whether it be taken fronii • fie office or not; There can be no legal iarmitiu nance until the payment is made, J*- the pi name < IM ,<ow^i'~',ir ir^jM-mwrwMiwrn drMsea of all th© ,p*B^s w^pe public* ly given in th© Maik Atoll has been no dqnlsd of j^mi,rfw^temen|» Here then we hutve “f ’ ep<cimen brick” of Xhe S-ilvaUon to which thia organizatfbn courtuqte it» followers, if not controlled by religious in fl aim- ces, followed up by oompetent relig­ ious instruction wlu n it does happen Bat it uii instruction in th© d#ss of unei^taci teachers, turuod fate, from the 5#a^va- JJ—Ativ perapn whq takes a paper from, ns poyt'Offiw, whether directed tQ> his or another, ©r whether be lies sub- libi'd or not, is responsible for the pay. 4 -.-If a subscriber orders bis paper to be upped at a wrptia time, and tlie publish- eoiitimms to semi, it th© aiilmiher is ounl to pay forit if he takes it out of the st oltiee. "This ptoceeibj upontho ground nta uuui. num pay for what be usea. $ £ , s F’ -IV • Britain the Division Court in -dbderieh at the November sitting a newspaper pub- Jisfier ailed for pay cf paper. The defend­ ant objected paying bn thsjgroinid that he luul paper to diico uinue it. that that was not a valid defence Cl l> I’ ti ileicd: a former proprietor of Rio The Judgeheki _____ ........................... .. . , The plaintiff; tlie present proprietor, Had no notice to discontinue and donseqtfbntly could collect, although it was not denied .................... - piictor to discontinue. T, ' ‘iidant was bound Jo pay for the time had received the paper and itotil-he p ud all arr,,urs due for subscription. hntlee to diaeontinuo and Consequently con’’ ..J.’, t, „’ -:t. . ’ ' ’ ’ that-(lefemlnnt.- had notified former pro- lh any event he had § ng. A I.Akoi: staff of IN THE COUNTY. There are- swans. on the River Thames, England, that are known to be 150 years old. GApIERED FROaM RELIABLE SOURCES. A gambling house in Helena^ MX, pays a licensaof $3,380. 2338 iCJOOO b fej $ b §<3 S'S § GODERICH. 23" He Sells'Oheaper than any aneon top of the.Earth. " 0 West of England, Scotch arid foreign Suitings Albert Street,Clinton, Ont $1.25 in advance ; $2 if not so paid.. HEALTH IS WEALTH .< ci rr H- Ordered and Readydnade Suits at the, lqwest:pric.es eVer heart! of—heme but the best of t.rirninings'used, timi perfect tits glniruhteed. A full line of GENTS’ FURNISHINGS «l«y» in stock. Call and see, it will pay yon. . Ito^tlSPArBR I whtah on Salt Rheum. , Koiftheum, Hmphsdr hfotrhM c*Oe Mm/ ou?hly removed by a proper application of Me ■ Gregor d: Parke's Carbol Io Cerata to the part and a taw domes of McGtogor’e Speedy Cure ter I iKifi.tM .blAA,!... ,Wia. ratlins. sional duties; suffered from nauseur sick headache and biliousness. Tried Burdock Blood Bitters with the most beneficial effect;*--’ Am well as ever. r. 326-2’t -f -Ttneosts fhe United States govern­ ment $89,000 a yeai' to maintain the White Hotise, exclusive of the President's salary. : r E fl.inos,- TO $mo% 30 I year, 60 6 mbB, 30 3 mos,. 18 3500 REWARD! WE will pay the above reward for any case of hivor Complaint, .Dyspepsia, Sick Headaclu'; In­ digestion, Constipation or Costiveness we cannot cure with West's VegotableJLivor Pills, when the .dlrectipns-are-strictly. complied with. They arc purely Vegetable, and never fail to give satlsfac-'' . tiohi Sugar Coated. Liu-ge.hoxes, containing 30 Pills, 25 conts. For Sale, bv all Druggists. Be­ ware of counterfeits and- imitations. The genu­ ine manufactured .only by JOTINC. WESTS CO., "Thu Pill .Milkers," 81 and 83 King-st., E., Toren; to, Ont. Freo trial packages sent by mail pre-' •paid on receipt of a 3 cent stamp. J, II. Combe, -agc.nt.CJInton,A-' 314-iy-------/■, f . Jgverv Wednesday Morning, . —-BY- . (,- %W\\\Xe/k\\ & , AT THEIR OFFICE, SMITH, THE CLOTHIER, Goderich, fins a splendidly assorted stock of new-Sprina'ffnd S-umrper Goods. Ordered and Readydnftde Suits at the. lowest prices eVer heard of—rikwc but the best of trirninin«s'used, and perfect tits glia rail teed. A full line of CENTS’ FURNISHINGS #W» In stock. Call and see, it will pay yott. . . | ABRAHAM SMITH, The Square. G-OtjERIOBC, OJSTT. r^pren.enta Wthtully the seniiff ofa hr®» «ml gwwfog Qrang# democracy of North. & aq, Alteougb mucg Mill divide# ui, thuMta ug. barrier; that need prevent th© Protestant and Catholic worker from ctrivlnft each efter his own fashion to deliver the industry of the land from the incubus of the Crichtons And Hamil­ tons, Mr. M’Ccrmack has confidence enough In hi# countrymen te know tint they ltave no more notion of bringing back r©Ugi°d* persecution then ofre e#tablishing th© worihipor Ba4l, end he hea confidence enough in RroteBtantiBnVto think that it will survive without the bulwark of the rent-office; end he pitches into the whinning, hypyocrilical oratory of the, landlord pUtfornjs accordingly with the vigour of hie ^ace. THE LATEST I J TARRY FtBHKR, th# Mnow»»1 spitel Axtut. MS dbtatasd th# a* sflrst-olnw Bmw. Mf All th# l*tw. , of kdm* ml gvntknian’* Mlr-WtUmr. On# dw •ut of ih» 0*inm»raLi HotA. 1 Aa&rw Mmoy. A KemarkaW Speech- o» the jUXteiislQii ot the Irauehiwe- A‘t the annual adiree /tod HH of the Iloyal Black Preceptory,No 248, I op Friday oyauing >n the Orapgo HaH» Ballymacarrett, th© KUaual loyaJ toftate were proposed and reapdtidtod to, after whteh the Chair­ man proponed the Troteatant cauae.’ Mr.^William M’Cormick, responding to the toant, Baid-r-W© are, I may say, op tboevu of a great revolution •—perhaps the gredtqst thew ©uun,- triea have evt-r been subjected to,and which will b« pregnant with great changes to*a!l parties in this country. Already the din of preparation for the tight i« ben’d on every side, and if epared to this time next year wp will see’the hoata assembled in obedi­ ence tq th© muster roll, the register 1 tell, <»ud ready for tlie fray. Some ■- . of the FroteHtant party>t the pre­ sent time appear to be greatly de-- pressed, and in a state of trepida­ tion,owing todirtcourging statements publicly made use of by leaders to the effect that the Protestant purty were defeated, and that efforts were being tya'de to obileratef Protestaut- jam altogether. r That-tlie Protest­ autism referred to will not have everything politically its own way, as it had to a large extent in bygone days, is pretty clear; but that is no proof that* true Protestantism is ,'&ntijig.in the life,vitality,-or olden fire of the past, or th$ it is likely to depart at the bidding of anybody, or vanish, at th‘e expressed fears of. faint-hearted lenders or friends. O|i! no-; that is pot Protestantism that I belieye’in. While I never believed in an affgressivp’ Protestantism, which'never did any good, never benetitted permanently either itself or friepds, L ever believed in a pro­ gressive Protestantism—(bear, hear) —not a sham progress, but real pro­ gress, which is its essence, and with­ out which it is not Protestantism at all, There is po fear, of Protestant­ ism going down in the battle of progress. THE PEOPLE’S CAUSE, Unfortunately,true Protestantism cannot .rid itself of the parasites which have.grafted themselver. upon it, and cling to it with desperate ' tenacity ; but it is for you, and men such as you to take .the; pruning knife, and, like the sk,’Ifnigardener, cut them off ae cumberers thjereon. Those professors anj.traders upon it —who are, it is to be regretted, a goodly number;—will seek for. ex- Aieptioual privileges, and endeavour ‘tergulTits real^oir iirtending -friends - into a belief that such its necessary to in its growth and prosperity, in order, that they may thrive and • fatten thereon. Say some of the leaders here, - Protestantism . is', not able—ca-mipt bear the strain,, the tug in this base. What! Not able ’to hold irs own because-the people -are being enfranchised, are being in­ vested with5 the rights of subjects . and, citizens of the realm ! If so, I- 'would think ve'ry little of Protestan­ tism,. ’ - . THE REAL 'DELINQUENTS. Doubtless. there are those who have a right to be fearful, owing to th© selfish and" u’nfeeling manner in ' which they have dispensed' Protes- ■ tanfc privileges with which they were trusted and possessed, and hence the dread, not of- Protestantism . Iieitigr obliterated ; no, fhattew’ not fear— that is only said to frighten you. and- and-me. (/The fear is of the proper­ ties—the possessions, vanishing from them, or. being called .upon to give an. account of their stewardship? Who, I ask? did .more in this coun­ try to obliterate , Protestantism or defeat; it than the class who now bewail and lament the present state of affairs; (hear, hear) and are almost in despair, believing that they will now be defeated at the poll where, in days'gone by, they held undisput­ ed flway (hear, heai;), and for this reverse, to which they, were large contributors, they blame everybody -t»ur : ihemse-ryBs? -S— delinquents 1 A PRACTICAL QUESTION. The question arises, will the people suffer if men of this stainp. do not get seats in. Parliament 1 1 am not aware .of anything of. importance during the long time that they and their predecessors had seats done by them for the people—for the Protes’ tant people, if you prefer it, as they were regarded as their special repre­ sentatives. And with nd favourable record of deeds done during their long tenure of power the people can­ not suffer if such mcn are .not sent’. . Jiack^te-JEariiadiieate That they legislated and, made laws to suit tlfeuisdlves, and had them adminis­ tered by their agents and friends, so as to drive the people out of the country, irrespective of creed or" .-politics, .is, uiydeniahle. bii.t ja.wa.to provide industry for the popple, and keep tlteir energy aiid their skill at , home, they neither, promoted, mtide, nor assisted td’-makq although they ..admit and declare that.England for her own- selfish ends destroyed the Irish industries, and .that it is her bounden duty tpgive her assistance in restoring them. THE WORKING CLASSES. If the extension of the franchise doos nothing else but rouse out leg­ islators to a Bouse ofthe duties and responsibilities they owe to th© people—duties and responsibilities -which they have hitherto failed to discharge—it will have accomplished & great amoiHit of good:- Except the franchise he oxercihed for .the improvement of trade, ihe.introduc- tian of liew or the revival of old industries, the education which is at present being ’ spread among the’ people will to a grep.t extent be use­ lessor lost to this country. * * •* •The working classes are making on­ ward movement to the goal of inde­ pendence. On they . go Jiko the tmtech of a conquering army, breftk- ing down the old Jiarriers of preju­ dice, bigotry; and superstition, enabling them to clear the.hyay to carry one position after another-— 'positions ,pf importance and of tisefu^iess for the cornmOn weal of all, Up,*thon, I say to you* prepare to take your proper place and qqit you HkA men in the coming fray (loud applause,) -■ At the roquest'Of a highly esteemed subscriber we publish tho ’precedirig extracts from a “remarkable speech,” as also the following, portion of tho coni ments of the editor of Ifnttnd Mandi in whose paper lhe speech appeared in full ' •>$>' l«!<o luhak Mr. W. M'Cor- A-I J&n a -' Cherry Pectoral No other eompUlnts ar# a# to their attack Mthow atfoetlug the throat anti JungM bom >o.trUM with by th# majority of «uff«r- #!#.. Th* ordinary cough or cold,-resulting p^rbap# from a trilling or unconscious ex- •posttta, i» Often but th# beginiilrg of « fata) sickness. , Arim's Ckeki:y 1'EeiipitAt ha# •well proVia it# efficacy in a forty yeW tight •with throat and lung JiiteiMie#, and siwuid l># takeu in, a)l owes,withoutdelay. A"Terrible Cough Cared. ♦’ In 1 took a Severe cold, which r lWtad a*v lungs. I had a terrible cough, al d pt>» ■ d night after night without sleep. The meters’ pave me ni>. 1 tried AVER’S CUKnpv I n<- Toral, which relieved my lungs, induced pleep, and afforded me tlie rest necessary for the recorery of my strengib. By tl.e continued use of th# pFvrORAL a |Wrmk* nenteur# was effected. 1 i.m now <12 J'er.rs old, hale and hearty, and am satisfied your CiiKkuv l'EcroiiAE saved nie. How APR 15AUU«*OTHaB,” llQcldtgham, Vi., July 15, lbb2s. Croup. —A Mother’s Tribute, •’ TVlille in th* cbufitry llflrt a Infer my little boy, three years old, was taken HI wit li croup; it seemed as if he would'die from strangu­ lation. Otte of the family suggested the UM Of A Aim’s ClffiRKV d’ECT OKAL, Il bottle ot •which wit# always kept in the house, ’Till# ■ was tried in small and frequent .loses, and to our delight ip less than half ap hour lliq little patient was breathing easily. The doc. tor said that the CiiEitnv Prc wkAh had saved niy darling's life. Can you wonder OUf gratitude ? ^Sincerely > ours, • \ >i«a. Fmma GnoNEV.’*150KStkSt.-; ji.«W Vtak,,t!. 1^82, ♦‘ J hav* used AverXCiiwbwv FrcrowAh fn my family for scVertil jenrs, and do not hcBltate/tp j»rpm>uiiee H the most eifechml remedy for coughs and colds we have e'er tried., A..». CMASB.” Lake Crystal, Minn., Nwrch 13,1882. MI suffered for eight years from Bronchitis, 'iimrafcertryiug nmnv rcmedita with no flue- cesa, I. Was cured by tlie use ofoVvi’<ns-t'iH-u^ my Pl-.r-ronAL. .TosurW Walden,” Bj'hllliu; Miss., April 6, 188". I cannot savenough in.praise'of A vvn’a Cinmitv rEU'taUUtiu.be’ricvii.ig ns I do that but for its use I should long since have died from lung troubles. F. BitaUbos.’-* Palestine, Texas, April 22,18S2. ‘ No case of aif affection of the throat or lung? exists -which cannot be greatly relieved by the use of Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, •nd it Will always cure when the disease w not already beyond the control of medicine. PREPARED BY . , Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. » - • Sold by ill Druggists. , irf that th© religjj&us spark ,, l„i,i But it in yairt to a^pcot te ' mon tramingapliool, ag<L. njpn^t drilling at Clapton, MushrootuB rnaturo m a uiglft, competent teach­ ers of religious truths aro of Blower growth and more permanent vitality, r I must now refer to some of th© documents recently dis^ehiihated by this organization here and'in Eng* laud, and the facts disclosed thereby. Several number© ot their Canadian uWai' Cry’’ are now before the public, and no doubt have been in the hands of many of your readers. A pamphlet has also been emulated he^e, eman­ ating teorii the Jbofly, reprinted by Willjamson & Co., from the “Andover (an American publication), entitled /‘Red Cross-Kuights of the , Salvation. Ar my,’* iff. which ar© ip- t formed that “ iu this heathen . England the ©Id traditions of , Christianity' have been ’ utterly lost; tbs men Ur© debased and brutal,: often as cruel as tlmi^own bull, dogs, the women.,have a crushed and down trodden semblance of wo­ manhood, ajid.tlie children, alas I a wretchedly stunted and morally-de­ formed, childhood. The blessedness of home iy unknown * • * the trail of the serpentls, over them all?! and “on this’, mass but little, impression Uias been made by all the ‘Missions’ which christinn philantrophy has in­ stituted ’ *. the churches have failedto gather hi the lapsed masses, for not.oqlyar.e such services beyond ' them, but they are absolutely unat­ tractive to them.” .Yet what is, it thus alleged the churches have failed to grapple „with, we aro told is now being effected by tho Army, and the Cadets, turned out after a Six months course at its’Clapton training, school •where we are informed “the study of the scripture is of course promoted,- and same timo is allowed for im­ provement in writing, and other things; necessary for future useful­ ness. There is no pretension made to give an education,' even a thaolog- icaloue, . “The only thing-,” slays an . official publication, “we care to teach as to theological ■ questions, is that they are to be avoided as much as post- . sibli,” and liy the aid’ of these 2,000 Cadets, under the directing wisdom of General Booth thisdlHeathen Eng . land’’ is promised that secure salva- tion which 2,800 clergy of the cbtirch- of England; 1,800 Roman Catholic clergy; 3,950’ Methodist; 1,700 church of Scotland, and; probably 5,"000 clergy of other Christian denomina­ tions have failed to; win, but all this is being ‘effected bv the military par-. mpharnalia whiph the Salvation Army has-put on “to gather men and women together’by the soimd of drum and -tambourinb, * aiid lively choruses, .dancing, shouting and proce'Bsions” apdbthPitexpedients resorted t© for.; ’th^ nurpofje’ofexciwng-curip'sity-and\ • attracting crowds, • and catching the “doilars. . ...' ■ . ; . And who is this Greneral Booth ? The pamphlet tells us, he began his ministry in tlie Methodist, church, in 1’853, and resigned his ministry therein to start as an evartgelist in 1861 ..- In. 1865 he began his labors .as such-in East'London, and it was not until “soni© Ce,n or eleven years . later (.1876) tliat- the organizatipfi known as the Salvation Army sprung in-tp life,- and its,fantastical acces­ sories of drums-; tambourines, danc- ■ . ihg and shouting in the streets.were superadded, as their usefulness in promoting the jirnifs .tfjeils com ’ men.ded them to- the- shrewd and active mind of the organizer and edm- mander of the forqe.” TH© fruits of this xbounteoankingW®-learn .isjteffat ' since the organization of the “Army” ' in 1876, by General Booth, they have ‘in and about London alone&Jarge- —muster, roll, eighteen barrack^' own­ ed, twefityffiverented,.and.numerous . outposts-, in which they^ring_'the changes .for God and Mammon. By the annual report of., their pro­ ceedings for the past.year, published in England lately,- we learn that the receipts from there .for the past year havp’been considerably over $370,000, besides gifts’Of. property and'pro/its arising from the trading transactions of the -Army, into which as ’wedearn by the advertisements in the “ War Cry,” they have entered largely, whilst'the Treasurer announces that there is only $448 ifi hand , equal to two’days ’expenditure, and lie urgently de­ mands $150/;0() for present necessitiis to maintain the—work. . These,mfen evidently are of the opinion that “all ' tiindoote-wrvr^ so called “Heathen England,’’ and East London, in particular, is being christianized through their labor, whilst the fact is .that they only haVe endeavored; to“avail themselves of -Lbe-zealoita labors of men, Who had, long years before . Gentrul Booth' had evt‘ii commencedliis cure<mais tl it eslcynn minister or seceded from the ranks'^ of that body, laid "thy fouitdation for lhe good work that -for nearly forty years has been steadily carried-on in East London with unexampled success by the lobal. clergy of the Church of. England, seconded by other denom-- inations on.-which foundation '. this modern. Salvation Army , have based an organization, and not only claim credit tor tlie fruits of prior labor, but how aCtuairyjffiriuTtlieir soldiers to ©©-'operate therein, or receive that spiritual instruction from the church which their craving demands, and Jadiich tlrey, can not rimve-from-th© ' tlm Clapton school of General|Booth. “Anfongst th© early pioneers of the -in ission—wqckyyi n-Bwstf6:EoPdptT/~VVtts" .the late Rev. Mr.-. .Stone, Rector of ■Spitalfields, with whom I. was person­ ally acquainted.’.and. with- him the* mission work (fas in fall blast, so far back as 1847. lie was zealously aid ed by th© llev. Mr. Lowden,-also a resident, clergyman in that localitv. Both have now passed .to their rest, ..but not until they had seen The Church Jlrmy quietly attain 'a tnag- • nitmle, a success, and a hold upon the affections of the triasBes Which the tJalvatioii Army can never attain". ■ A slight sketch its growth may be ac-. Cbpttible to your readers.but as.it would requir© more space than may be rfow at your disposal,J shall re­ serve it for another occasion, when 1 shall shew the falsity of- the assertion now made that “the churches’ have failed to gather.in the lapsed masses- of Heathen England—-thtit church services are beyond then? and total- ly unattractive to them, and, tliat “What tlie churches fail td achieve is effected by th© pagan an ties and, mountebank dauqings^nddrtimniihgs ot th© Salvation Army, Yours, SENiiX.'” ■ Makins Glad tke Waste Pieces ID rdX hi Ld 5 z o 14 0 tt b*Ld Q Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Th» Baar Salvb in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Sufi Rheum, Fever Sorel, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chllbltiliw, Toms, and all Skin Erup­ tions, and- posltlvelyifores Piles, or no pay rcflUJred. It Is "utfranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box, F-m sale bt Watts & Co. ” 258-ly Heretofore it Ira* been supposed that the covers of abook had no U«e but to protect the printed leave8f between them. They have generally been looked upon as mere shells to Ahe literary nuts within. 'But bencO-i forward they ar© to be .made in? structive as well as useful. Miss Julia Colman, of New York, is engaged in npubli8hi»)g,‘ temperance book covers “in six different styles,” on each side of which, we are told, “poetical and prose selections are printed, while even the back-4^ utilized by haying-some sudh sentD ment as— „ "A true and noble boyhood will makes manhood fine, » Then shun the* dangerous cider, tq^c90, ale and wine 0r, . ' - - ............< ■_ What Jiarbi there in n glass officer!- Nono my friend in ope 'or two ; 'Tis harriiless and you’re safo unless - Theglsyjs of beer should get in you. Trico $1.00 a hundred. ■ ' There is something touching in i the lust line-. - And the youth who takes down tlie thrilling story of Kinard, and Red Revenger; or thei Black Pirates of the Spanish Main,' Will have his attention excited and bis moral feelings aroused by lines on the ^bver tejling him that— Young Johnnie. McGlue wag, a jewel most rare, . ‘ lie'll come to be President one day. He never played marbles, for keeps,-I de­ clare ; ‘ ■ And never wont fishing on Bunday.” Price $L 00 a hundred. Then as he studiously porfes oyer the enhobling record of The-Scalp Hunters ; or/ The -BioodyLTerror Skeleton Gu|ch, lie will note on the cover that— - The boy who like George. Washington; Would be a truthful hacker, Will never, never, never,-never ■-—--ifever chaw tobaeker. - - ’ . Price00 a hundred; Thetnew .‘system of moral sunsion TWiir noW-coHfiued-to the male sex.' Its benign influence will extend to girls as well, and their vices will-he- sharply condemned or gently reprov­ ed, as follows : The girl: who’d have a sealskin sack, f To whom the beaux shall coni a,’ , ' Mustfii-mly, sternly turn her back - Upon the sinfulgutin Price $1.25 per hundred,^ ... . • ■ ' It is to be hoped that Miss- Col­ man will persevere in her missionary work ; for it is certain that she will do.ffiiich good.ir—*S7;ecteter;' L ’ SHILOH’S CATARRH REMEDY, A marvelous cure for Catarrh. Diptlierin, Canker mouth, and Head Ache. With each bottle there is an ingenious nasal In- sector for the more successful treatment of these complaints without extra charge. Price fiOcts. Sold by S. II. Combe. 262-ly W an### a#JL# I- aa in 4 oSllsS? 7* SS <S « ££ S® JOUZT LESLIE Wishes to inform his old customers and the public generally that he has again openeA out in the Carriage and Waggon Business, On the Corner of Huron and Orange Streets, Clinton, in the Brick Building known as the “Monntcnstle property,” where he wUTcarry ‘on the trade- in all Its branches. An experience of over 20 years hi busluehs in Clinton will eiiable him to meet.the requirements of the public in Ids line. All material of the Very best quality and the workmanship unsurpassed. Call and .examine before purchasing. All'the latest Improved rlgsmauufactured and kept, constantly oh hand;---------—VW®™—------- -— : ALL WORK WARRANTED. . - - PRICES REASONABLE. ®®*Repairing and Repainting Promptly Attended to. —The fallowing ls from J. W. Ptolemy, of Win­ nipeg, formerly grain buyer for Will iam Gf Heeby, of Hamilton and. Gritnsbv: ”1 was for many years much afflicted with Costiveness. Bilious­ ness, and ultimately Dvspepsia. I suffered very much and tried many different modlalnes, which gave me only temporary relief and then I was as bad as eVer again. I was. recommended by a friend, who had been restored to health by it, to try McGregor’s Speedy Cure. I did so, anu it was notJpng before I felt like a now man, and I have enjoyed excellent health ever since. 1 first 'commenced taking -it February 7th, 1879., Sold by your druggist mOJKtHl DIREOTORl r >1. :h.~-Services on Bible Olgas, 10 Service on Wed-t Aid, 11. D., Rector ><list,^-.Ser' Icei at 1D.3Q a1, 'hi. ■■ iml 7.00 p. in. Snhhittiy School JS 2.30 p,' tn, <taKV,l'n3fpr, . c'uii.kIa Presbyterian.— Services at 11 a.tn. and 3 30 n. m, SjibliMh' School, 2.30 p. nt. ItaV. AlAX. »TF.W4kT, -PilMtOr, , . Bible Chrbtfan.—Seoiees- afe 10.30 «. m. and JKip.m Sabbath School, 2.30 piiu. ItBV.J. Kbsxuii, Pwtor. Bapti-.t tlhureh.—Service -at-6.30 p. in. Sab- batli'ochool, 2.30 u. in. Kkv J. Gray,- J’aStor,. - *$1 a., m Meh ml a ail <1 7 p. I :!.3O p. tl.I.IAM U Mat) -htjzrotst Tiie Goderich. News - -ANO- . Huron Record, (A.bifhGAbtdrF.n, Clinton. Wednesday,.Feb. 85 th H’c it t» l>a distinctly dnileMoml th.a.1 wa do not hold onlwlvt'S responsible far-the^iiimaius txi>re»eecl-bvvorrettpOiul«i(tik~’ H»; Nkwh-Rbcohu- l.'d tor N'eu'S-llecord. Dear Sir,—Sinco. I last addressed ' you on the~dqings' of the Salvation Ariuy^I have allowed ample- time to elapse for tlie developoinept of the. improveioeuts. in. discipline and man- . ag'enmnt, as well as labor, which might have been expected under the ‘ Frrglish management, now prevailing both at head) quarters and outposts, and many events have, even in that- brief interval, taken place wliich sat­ isfy me that in no-instance have. 1 spoken too harshly cof their organiza­ tion and its tendencies, or foreshad­ owed- pernicious results therefrom which have not .been' fully realized, both iu Canada and in England. I. shall pass’ briefly over their persisted • disregard, of tlie, spirit, if not the letter ..of our laws, in the prosecution:. of their street'parades, and discord­ ant shoutings, to the disturbance of the public quiet aud cliristThn wor- snip oir the Sabbath day, and to - the danger of the passing citizen on week , days, offeuce* which it' seems can •only be reached where by-laws have been passed, or may b© passed by municipalities,' A,under, tlie. ^j^er which municipal' law confers upon them. In the riots which lately took place at Worthing, in England, Mr.' .histico Manisty-in passing sentence ■—--mi- qiartwimj. who hatL diFJbnriifiirLpjjprQ.- ceSsion, said, “'tli'e Salvation Ai-iny were undoubtedly entitled to the pro­ tection of the laW, but they must be ... t -uigiit that they could.not be allo^vcd to carry out proceedings that were. calculated to irritate, aniioy, and ex­ asperate others, and tliat if they do h.», the law would step in, anti .they were liable to severe punishineut. He had witetiesscd in the processions oi the S. A., Ijowlings, noise, music, »dancing and o'thqr things, which made Into almost..doubt whether he/ was in his owu coiintry., ‘Proceedings of this kind "must be put a .stop to;. The la'w, it stood was sufficient to j repress the evil;“but if it'Avas”h“otrdieM was sure that Parliament .’Would grant additional powers to • the authorities (or the purpose.” So.said Mr. Justice Manisty, at. th'O^ .last Muidstouejissizes/but' wKat in effect says General B^o,th.‘? “I cannot’ • draw c)tlmr jiibn<?,y,--OK.!,followets^iiQ' my iion-relig'ious-. organization .with- • out playing the- meuiitoliiink, street tramping, howling and dancing on » t|j.e .road , to tho- salvaljpn which1 iruclaim ’7 . ; v ' And what is the salvation-to which those doings load ? I have referred with pain to the exhibitions of juvenile profanity and irreverence for religion, too often exhibited iu our streets by children, and tire unwisely familiar intercourse of’youiig girls just, entering womanhood, with-very doubtful soldiers of the other sox, aud I have warnod parents against -possible results. The same remarks hrtvo been mad© by other Writers ifi the press, in other towns. A Writer iu a. Whitby- paper now before me says ■' L'houghbliil .men speak with - soi row of tho growing levity amtpro- fi.iui.ty pf the youi’ig. Names which t ill tho advent of this fanatic sect were held sacred, aro ifow sung apd^h.oiit-j »d thoughtlessly every where; and the true spirit of. profanity is taught in a more snhtilo way than by wild Ijlas- phemings of a drunkard on tho street.” And ho adds ‘‘there is not much religion in & sect, sixteen, of a hose members wore at .one time . during the past summer to be found in the Burnside lying-iu-hospifaFtl in , Toronto.’- This is a painful allega*- lion,' aiid u respectable resident of Whitby, published ovcr.hiss.igiUtnre, a denial, in which ho says “thelatter. s< nteiico is fitls<ffi.;.;,ThiH frenerai n<!. irnlri’e is not "sWeftsy of proof, and wlmthot the allegation bo true; in tho • w hole; or only in part,it is bad opough. Tho original,accuser responds to the ''denial, but tho; Editor very property/ wlbsed his columns to atiy further ^liscusftfon of so painful a question, <■ oBtl the sorrows it involved to Um. Muti.ms aifil tlioir families, •XHW cnsos have lately scefi the i ii-jhh itbleh ate fully as painful, t . Whilst the late Salvation Army dis- ^gulatebtQmir.ch, Ljvoraml Dowels, pl ay in Toronto:, wits in full, s^itlg, a ’ in the Toronto Alnil, to lieloped Matcli-Makinff in Italy.. ■’ now THE YOUNIS GIRLS IN A GREAT HOSPITAL ARE PROVIDED WITH . HUSBANDS. (iress and the occupation aniUpIftce of abode of the suitor. Should the yonng man refuse the first damsel presenfptl touh,im he is favored with th© sight of three mor©, „but should he still appear diffic'ile, he }« dismis­ sed. The girl also has the power of- refusal. . Christianity can not. be improved, but nwii’i views.|and estimate and- comprehension Of Christianity may be‘indefinitely, improved. CONSUMPTION CURED An old physician, retired from’ pracii&o, having had placed in his hands by an East India nfjssibnary the formula of a simple vegetable, repiedy for the speedy and ^permanent cure- of Consumption, Brorfcnitis, Catarrh, Asthma and rail throat land. Lung Affections, -also a nos- itive and radicalcurefor .NervousDehuity. and. all Nfflvous Complaints; after having tested it’s wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, haa felt it his duty to make it khown to his suffering. fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will ’send free t>f charge,- to all who desire it, this fe; cine; in German,..French or English, with lull directions for preparing and .Using; Sent by mail by addressing- with stamp,, naming this paper,. W. A. Noyes, 149 Poibet ’s Block, llochester, Y. ■_ , . ,31,l-iv-ie.n,w> Charles Kingsley says: “If you want- to bo m'serahtef think about : ypuraplf, about.what you want, what you like, "what respect people ©unite to pay you, and What people think of you.” ... “ ■ .. - French doctors saylhat levy mar­ ried people .die of cholera. Tough ■ sulqfict earily xesist that which con- qiierB tend©'? ones. -—~—- YOUNG MEN r-READ THIS.' ' - I* ■ ’’J - ..Tnn Voltaic Belt Co., of Marshall, Mich., offer to send their celebrated Elec- tric-.Voltaic Belt and other Electric Appliances on trial for thirty days, to inen (young or old) afflicted with nervotis debility, loss of vitality and .manhood; and all kindred troubles. Also for rheuma­ tism,. neuralgia,' prfrajysis, and many other diseases. Complete restoration to heiilth, vigor and manhood,guaranteed. No risk is incurredes thirty days trial i's allowed.’ •Write them at onCe for illustrated pamph­ let free. 318,-y Ihl. XairavtU tb« Ltapin a mWITWttLAWiuu. "WJLTTfS &j CO. -CLINTON, ONT., DEALERS IN—' : •jst <fg Medicines Physicians’ Prescriptions Carefully and. Aoourately Compounded, and Orders Answered with Care'and Despatoh. ~ . The Public un(l find, our Stock of Afedicines Complete, Waiyanted and of the Best Quality---- • ' ’ » -i Toilet Soaps, Perfumery, Shoulder Braces, Trusses, Sponges, and all kinds of Druggists’ Sundries usually kept in a First-Class Drug Store.. cb II: tai §. fe s? ta-s WAPAPER P WALL PARER. • The time for House-Cleaning i3 near. Ail, Wanting Hall, Parlor, Dini ig-Roo ii, or Bee- Room Papers* . Will find the - . . . Best and Latest Patterns-. Burdock It excites expectoration and causes the lungs to throw off the phlegm or mucous ; chmiacs.lhe J tccreliorit antif urtjics.i/teIdwd,- heals the'trii- < ^tated“partsq'-g‘ives strength--to -the (jligestive ( •’^organs lybririgs the liver to its'piopcr action, -/ and imparts strength-to the whole systems ■Such is thb-immediate and satisfactoiiy. effect that // warrciiitcil ti break d* most distressing, couy/i in a hours time, ii . not of too'long stiinding. ’ it is warranted TO GIVE EHTIRg SATISFACTION, EVEN IN THR most cosi/irtited cases of Cansuinfitian !li is warranted hot to produce costiveness (most rem. • edies cause this trouble) or affect the head, as it contains no opium in any form. It is soar ■ ranted to^be perfectly Jtarntless to the most . delicate childi'although it is tin active and pow. -erfiil rejnedy for restoring live-system. There I '. »'» no feat necessity for so many deaths by Con. • sumfition, when AlI.eN’s Luno Bai.sam will .. prevent it if only taken in time. To Physician* having consumptive patients, and w;ho, having failed to cure thetp with their own medicine, «e would recommend to give Allen’s Lung Bal- •am a trial Sold by all Druggists-, (FRIEZES, ORNIufS ANO PANELS, HLLE-S K; * S3” The Bazaar Fashion Books for”1883 are out and.can bejiad for noth Call and. sea the pupera and get a Book - 1 f ■ WILL CURE OR REUEVC . . BILIOUSNESS; . ' ’ DYSPEPSIA, . INDIGESTION, JAUNDICE. ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM,- .. HEADACHE,'' DIZZINESS, • ’ DROPSY, . ' • FLUTTERINQ OFTHEHUNKfl ACIDITY OF _______ ____ THESTONACN, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE, '___________OF THE SKIN, . And every species of disease arising ©reqsAnd every species of dfseasa arising frsHZa disordered L:VHR, KIDNEYS, BTOMAGtC B0WEL8 OR BLOOD,___ T. ULB03N & • " MmaasMssas—a—a— DO YOU 0 ’ -TAKE THE, B0WEL8 OR BLOOD, —Ihl j’n. . #■ iir; itoiM ig^,'.,'iywniiii-Mi wiiiMiiii GOLDEN CREAM, Thobcstprcparation known toscienco for beautify ins the COMPLEXION : ONE- SINGLE APPLICATION-'ta Wnrraritcdjb I Beautify, the Face and give to the Faded or Sallow Com- - plexion a' Perfectly Healthy. Natural, aiid Youthful Appearance.-It Conceals Wrinkles. Freckles, Crow's Feet, and tbeJJvidench o£ Age, leaving the Skm-Soft, Smooth, and Wbfitg. ■ , ■ ' - PRICE—50 cent’s* Sent to any address. Pbstago Stamps taken. Address, all lettcrs to. • ' CREME D’ OR, Drawer 2.678, Toronto P<0- Ask your druggist. for it . Wholesale-by altewholc. sale druggists. The long dormitories of the hoai- pital were clean . and orderly but the Curious’ and’ peculiar feature” of this establishment was the parlitorio or reception room. Picture a long, 'large* room, tlie greater portion of which is divided off from the sides and farther end by an iron grating, which forms a cage,- entered only by a well-barred street door, through which visitors from the oiiter world are admitted. Pier© the inmates sit on benches, to converse with those'on the other side of tho iron ’ arntintr Once A .week, hbwever, Sunday morning from 10 ’to 12, ►this place is a scene of the- most hovel ;and Judiccrous ^courtships ©ver described. -One-of the objects of this motherly establishrnentis to find fit and. proper husbands foa. the girls under its charge. The fit and proper here is much like, the fit and . proper of society’— the . one jre* quisite being that the young man is bound to show himself in possession of . sufficient means to maintain a wife in comfort before he i© allowed to aspire to the hand of one of those precious d\ulsels. ■ Having given in his credentials of fitness to the guardian, he receives •acarU which admits him next Sun* day moriiinir to aiTPnflpection-of the- the candidate for matrimony, Tltete, sitting on a bench, if his curiosity and ardor.will allow him to remain sitting, he awaits the arrival on the other side of the grating- of the Lady Superior and the girl. She had beef) selected by ,order of sen­ iority. and capacity for household work from the hundred or more be- tweefi 17 i^nd 21, waiting for a youth to deliver them from their prison. The young people, both, no doubt, breathless with agitation at the importance of the ceremony, have to. take Ohe-long.fixed look at each othpr, No word is spoken, ino sign is mad©.' These good sisters believe Bo fully in the language of the’ eye that,, in'their minds, any addition is futile,* and might bpt •serve to mystify the pure and per­ fect aflbot of love at .first sigh t. - Th© look over, the Lady Superior asks tho man if he accepts the maid­ en as nis bride. Should* the answer be in the affirmative, the same ques­ tion is put' to her, and if ah© hows asaent, th© betrothal has taken place, aiid they pi£rt till tbe Sunday following.. The young lover ag^in makes his appearance, before the tribunal of guardians, and there the contract is signed, the tiny of mar­ riage fixed, and lie .granted leave to bring the ring, earrings and wed* ding dress, Mid present them*- through the gridiren, ot coursc—To the betrothed. Everything has to pass the wrutiny of the Sisters for fear of A fetter or some tender word being- slipped .in with the gifts. During! the few Sundays that inter- vebu between Abe first love semio and the niarriago an hour’s convert nation iwithhi the hearings of the Lady Superior is allowed, bill not .a touch is exchanged, - Tho empty “It am de walk, oer , man''that ‘ s’iles his character. No matter how. . clean er roostei’may be, let him fob • low er-duck all day an’ at night he’ll be ffluddy-'.”! ; A lit.Ue:; seriousness .notv and then, ig relifihpd by the funniest men. A Good lCecord. ^ Amongf the niai)y tbousand bottlea" of ilagyinrd’8 Yeilow Oil sold annually in Canada, not one has ever failed to give,satisfaction. It cures .rheuma­ tism, colds,and all painful complaints and injuries. * 326-2t Scene—Greenock Railway Station, Passenger bn .platform,.who has lost bis waterproof, looking into.carria<’e window—HIs.-there a black macin­ tosh there ?” Voice from within— “No we're'a’ Red McGregors;” - For NetLe Rash,' Itching Pile’s, Ring-worm Eruptions, and all skin diseases, use Prof. Low'b Sulphur 8oap. ,’ 324-4t -r^ - , . . » -r-| .A,--,"* ___ Itjs a’belief ifftiie Bible,.thefruits' of deep meditation, which, has served me as a guide of’my moral ahd liter­ ary life,—Goethe. . ’" .■■•••'■...... Ayeris Sarsaparilla ’ is" th© best medicine for‘every One in the spring. Emigrants and travellers will find in 'it an..effectual cure for the eruptions', boil©,’ pimples, eczema, etc., that break out on the skin-^the effect of disorder Tn .the biood, caused by sea­ diet and life bn board ship. < > /An old tnaid in Nashville keeps a parrot which 'swears anti a monkey' whicth ohewsTobacco. She says tpat between th© two she doesn’t miss a Iimband jhuch.. We have a speedy ©.nd positive Cure, for Datarih, Diptherla, Cahker mouth nhd /Head Ache, In SHILOH’S CAT- ARIlTl KEMRDY. A nasal Injector free with eiich’bditle. .Use it If you desire health and sweet breatlf, Price 50cts, WM bv J/M. Cortibe. 2(J8-1y Trade Mark. ■B^owaoua. ■ News-Record, THE A CKNOWLEDGED Wellasever- .Lottie Howard writes from Buffalo, . N. Y.: “My system becariie greatly n t*" " • r /' / b ‘r* - ' / iff/ 7 ................................................ liiacrfir- ■ . l • . .-j,/ I--— ———=■— — ■ Shiloh’s Consumption Cure. This is beyond question the most- sue eossful Gough Medicine we have ever, sold, ? a few drops invariably cures the wqr&t cases of Cough, Ciotip. and Bronchitis,’ while it’s wonderful sucubss in the cure of Consumption is without a parallel in the history of medicine. Since it's first dis­ coveryit "h as been ‘sold on a guaran tee; a test which no other medicine can stand. If you Have a Cough We earnestly ask you to try it. Price. lOcts, 50ets. and SI.00. If your Lungs are sore, Chest, or Back, Laine, ,uso Shiloh’s Porous.Plaster; Pric.e 25cts. Sold by J, H. Combe. 262-ly The potato, ititrodnced into Eng-, iand in 1600, was used as u sweatmeat, steWcd.in sack-wine and-sugar. f - Vsbfiil to JLihoW. Everyone should know that Hag- yard’s Yelldw Oil will give prompt relief ^applied .externally will "stop any pain ; and taken internally cures edid, asthma, croup, sor© throat and most inflammatory complaints. . ‘ .• . - 326 2t OF THE COUNTY V The proprietorsotThe Goderjoh News, having purchased the business and plant of The Huron Record, will in future publish the amalgamated paporsin Clinton, iriSer tho title of “Thk Huron JjTiiws- Record." , Clinton is the most prosperous town in Western Ontario, is the seat of considerable manufacturing, and the centre of the finest igricultural section in Ontario. The Combined circulation of TheNeWs* Record exceeds that of any paper pttb- ished in the’ County of Huron. It .is, thoi/efote; unsurpassed" as an advertising medium. Our rates for advertising aro : • 1 column 1 year, $90 1 ' * 1 J 4 4 SI,000 FORFEIT ! . "*• Having the utmost confidence In its superiority overall others, and after thousands of tests of the most compHcatcd and severest cases we could find, we fee) Justified In offering W forfeit Ohe Thousand Dollars for any caso of Coughs, colds, Sore throat, influenza,hoarseness, bronchitis,con­ sumption, inits Carly stages, wBOoping cough, and all disouSos of the throat and lungs, except 'Asthma, for which We only claim rolief, that we can't ebre with West’s Cough Syrup, when taken according to .directions. Sample bottles 25 and, 50 cents; large bottles one dollar. Genuine wrap­ pers only.in blue. Sold by all druggists, or Sont by oxpress on receipt of prico. JOHN C. WEST A CO., sole proprietors, 81 and 83*King street E., Toronto Ont. J* H-, Combo, ageDt, Clinton, 314 | column 1 year, $30 J* “ 6 mas,- ■ 18 J “ 3 mos ’ 12I ' “ 1 year,-18 | ‘ fl mos; 12 I. “ . '3 mos, 8 WIDE-AWAKE CORRESPONDENTS '■ THE VERY INTERESTING •V i Canadian, ■ American, British and' .. Foreign News THE MARKETS Ar© corrected every TttiMKby afternoon, * just befor# going to preos. Hr. F. C. West’s Nerve and Brain Treatment, a guaranteed specific for Hys­ teria, Dizziness, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous. Jiciualgi#, Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by tho uso of alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Mental I)eprcssibn, .Soften- —ing of the Brain resulting in insanity and- 1 leading to misery,’ do<:ay and death, Pre­ mature Old Age, Barrenness, Lois ofpower in either” sox, In voluntary Losses andBpfer- matorrhma caused by over-oxertioh of the brain, self-abuse or ©ver-iftdiilgenocr Esch - box contains one month’s treatment. $1.00 - a box, or six boxes for $5.00, sent by mail prepaid on Receipt of price. W© Guarantee Gix Bdxes' . To. cure any case. With osoh order re­ ceived by us for six hoXes, accompanied with $5,00, wo Will send the purchaser our written guarrfhtee to refund the money if the treatment does not effect; a cure. Gmirantees issued only by JoffN C. West *Cm,8i aftd 83 King-st. E.rToronto, Ont. J H. Combo, agent, Clinton, 3U4y ” Advertisements, without instructions as to space and time, will bo left to the judg­ ment of the compositor in the display, in­ sert'd until foi-hiddbiL measured by a cale of solid nonpareil (12 linos to th© , »eh), knd charged 10 cents aline for fjrst, nsortibn and 3 cents A line for^eacb stih- equent insertion. Orders to, discontinue advertisements must bo in writing. ssr Notices s<Jt as reading matter, (Nonpareil measurement, 12 lipostothb •‘noli). 10 cents, per lino first insertion ; 3 Tents per lino each stibscauont insertion. Oh no h© doesn’t ardoun.t.Ao,much,V .said a young lady, referrirfg. to a rather effernifmte youth. “Why ho actualljrJWbarB ©ar-mfiffs!” Fluid Libgtning. Fluid Lightning not only cure# Toothache In^ staritly, but also Nournlgia, Headache, Earn ch o Rhcuntatisni, Lumbago and Sciatica, Pain of all kinds einnot remain one minute where it is ap- , plied. When you hear of Fluid Lightning yoti, hear Of one of the greatest niarvels evor known lriTlie Way of a ntcdicine, as it never jails to cure, and not in a week or .l <Uy, but thelnHtant it is applied to tl)0 affected part. Sold by ydtir drug­ gist. , ■ . ■ 320 4t< 0 A-fair poetess says: “I’ve.found what-silence is.” All right, tlarling; you may keep it. Perhaps ydu’il need it some day. “ Dr.” Low’s .Worm Hyrvf WiB re­ move Worms and Cause, qiuicker than any otk©t‘ Medicine. - ’AtA sehool examination a oforgy- man was descanting on the neeaesity of growing up loyal and useful dtiions. In order to ethphariz© his remarks he pointed to a larg© flag hanging on one side of the school­ room and said : “Beys, what’is that flag fot?1’ An, urchin who under- stood the condition of the ^oom bet ter than* the speaker’s rhetoric, ex*- claimed, to.hide the dirt, Air.” Title and ancestry-render a good name more illustrious, but ail 111 One mor© contemptible, It is a. good rule t,o accept only aUch medhiines as have, after long years of trial, proved worthy of con. fldenc©,’ This is a case where other people’s experience may b© of great, service, and it has been tho ©xpet- ieho© of thousands that Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral is th© bfcfjjb cough medicine over uaetl. , It is books that teach us to foflfio our pleastiijOii'When young,and which, having SO taught us, diable us to roi call them with satisfaction when old. MharaV <fe LanMan’s FtofibA WATgif. —W© ©hteCstly urg© ©very purchaser: to aflk for that which is prepared by Messrs tAumnn <fc Khtnp, Now Ifork, who ar©' th© sole proprietors of the two pe?FinnAil other so-called Danger in tlie Air. tTi© clnning whids, the damp atmosphere and suddenly checked perspiratiop,c<»TcTs are lurking, Hag. yard's Pectoral ‘’Balsam cures colds, roughs, asthma and bronchitis, and all cotpplftinte tending towards edn- sumplion, 8261)6 Thor© are in the territery of M©n» tana hors©*, mules, cow#, she©p and swine to the number of f,$;$0,910, th© total ftssWsbd value of which is 112,- 943,1H).' , • ■ %’ATiONAr, Pn.Ls^nirlfy the BJopd 324 4t. THE A . ......; Tn Oglethrope -county, Georgia,‘X from that city with a married man justic© of Hie peace ^Wns paid for stated’, JOB WORK. XVo hav© one of tba best appointed dob Offioos west ©f Toronto. Our facilities in this department enable ns to do all kinds ' of work—from a oallin card to a mammoth , pohtor, in the best ttyio knowfi to th© craft, and at the lowest possible rates.' Orders by mail promptly attended to. .<rAddrO«S, The News-Record, ........... Clinton. *»t I