HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1885-02-25, Page 1* 4* WHITELYI TODD, FubMew rrwm Curious and Accidental. w, IJ Life Size Portraits a Specialty. loonie. Woiwy to ^ntl.Hotels m Meets sKcof’D JIONbAt of jevary li.,~ ,. . .. .. ... . 'the alw* A. M* TODD, Secy. Rend 'nix cents for postage and receive freb, a oostlyhox ■ ■ » «««■■«■• of goods Which Wil) Help al), of, either. Seat, to more money right away twm an.ythitlgtlso in this world. Fortunes await the FROST- PRESERVES THEM. SOME F^pTS ABOUT FROZEN APPLES TlfAT ,, ARE CONTRARY TO THE GENERAL .■ 1 ' BELIEF. . WHOLE NO. 827 ’Poverty fend ohscurity are only evils to him who cab sit gravely down mid mrtk#* n repining ('Omparmon be­ tween his own'situation and thatof others.-—Robert Burns* Destroy Yti'eWorms or they, rnsv destroy the children, Vso Freeman’s WorniPoWdera, they expel nil kindb of worms. 324 4t MONEY TO LOAN At low rates of interest and upon' .terms to suit borrowers. MANNING & SCOTT;: ' . Beaver Block, Chilton Clinton, May 17tb, 1882. '• 20 1.OL.No. .710, CLIN TON, mouth; Hall upstairs, opposite ilia frown Hall. Visiting brethren r/W mode welcome. > A. .,, ... . . ■ p, cANTELON, W. M. C. TWEEDY-,pD. M, , * Apply to . . - * - -8 WM nuNCAN Belgrave, Ont. FOR SALE. ,JL house and. store occupied hy mo. The site is one of the most desirable in the village for bust nesg. Thero is a good stable, outhouses, arid'nn excellent soft water cistern on the premises. The lot comprises j Of on acre.’ The buildings arb in good repair. Will be sold cheap, *h th* pro­ prietor is givinx:up business'. Tetmaeasy. ... ,.*. ,.-'u 5-U-M- J. E. BLACKALL, Veterinary Surgeon, Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, To­ ronto, havihg opaned an oiBce irt Clinton, Is , prepared to treat all diseases of domestic ' animals bn the most modern prih. * clplci. All operations carefully performed, and calls prompt-' ly attended to by a»y or’- » i flight, Feos moderate. Office,—l«fc, ’door West of Ken­ nedy’s Hotel, OlintonfUnt* V-17. U- COMMERCIAL -HOTEL This Hotol' Is furnished throughout with groat care td meet the wahts' Of the travelling public. Commodious sample rooms. The befit of liquors and. cigars are always kept at the bar. Good table. Best situated Hotel tn .Clinton, Give us * call. « ' JAS. MOORE, Proprietor, ailntdn, JuheTth, 1882, ' , . i" anytnmgeisft in this woriu. » ortunen await the - workers absolutely sure. At once mA reus Trc« A Co., Augueta, Maine 28HVi LONOON LWCTY, $100,000 6 &6i per Cent Apply io _ ,. __ Jlfi.v t tmw a NE\V SEWING MACIIiNR^OR , uBedjor ikht or heavy *or*i win w,a6M wrww .thanItew. AflWyovMdreW ' i W RURON NfeWi.WWt^ •wcrRikoxNT m all things, neutral ,i...Sf HWG.M f CUNTON, HURON COUNTY, ONT.,-WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY ^5, 1885. Ordered direct from Switzerland, has , as it was/impoSsible to cancel White., find the. flame,extinguished i by covering the top. of the well i tightly fifver with plank. He then I inserted n gas pipe, I| in, bore, 15 I feet )Ohg, and when a light is held i nfear this pipe a bright flauie 15 or : 20 fe’eb' in lengtli will shoot forth, < lighting the, country for a consider- < able distance around, and will con- I tinue to burn for any d^tigth of < time, regardless of wind or weathj < er, until extinguished by being turn­ ed off. i The other Sunday a Barrie minis- < ter preached on “the wickedness of I printers, editors and publishers of 1 newspapers/’ That must have been I the shortest, sermon on record.-— 1 Spedator^^ ■ . __ i The English government has ex- 1 pressed ita williugneas to accept the Services of a Canadian regiment (for home garrisons. That will probably be mu<*h too tame for the. rich blood ’ ut us Cantickf. If we can’t die in 1 glory and a blue funk, iye will Htick / to the old ’tater patch.—Bolt Smiff. Lieut-Col., J^Vanca Gravelly, 'of th« 4Qtl/'Battalion," and Mayor, of Cobourg, has formally offered his aervicea to the Imperial authorities for active duty in th« Soudan. Thia offer/ia made in conjunction with that of-Cui. Williams to raise a Canadian regiment, and Col. Grave- ley says he is preparod'to enlist a contingent of 300 men from Nortli- Umbeiland alone,. When a yotfng nian Col. Graveley seryed at the frontier during . the Fenian and Red River troubles. He is a .popu­ lar officor. ' .' Tlie dismissal of a Toronto sher­ iff’s officer "for tampering with a. jury draws attention to a form of criminality which ‘is, we liavp reason - to know, much more common iti Toronto than most pei/ple are awarei of. 'There is, unfortunately,, grow­ ing up in’ this country a class of lawyers who rely more'upon chican­ ery and intrigue, than .' upon their legal knowledge. It is beginning to be thought a rather excellent joke’ to purchase a jury man, and thus: to steal a verdict. . It is’time that alt such offenders |iad notloe that on being -detected they will be- dealt 'with rigor6usm 'lihfl'TfiaF' pu bIiic opinion will jnot always be satisfied with the dismissal of a mere sheriff’s officer. Lawyers who dabble’Jti this kind of work must be made to un­ derstand that they will be- struck from the rolls oil detection-. If the law is not-sufficiently;'severe as-it now stands itnirust be amended. The ^jur-y«-boX;-iiiti8t—be jeept pure what­ ever else is corrupt.—G7oie. One of the. most "determined sui­ cides that- has ever taken' place in tlie province occurred in the tQ’wn- ship/o£ Woolwich,-Waterloo county,' on Saturday afternoon. /Anthony _Zuber.is-a middle aged, man. He live-1* on,the Elmira road.- His wife, 1 a woman of .abon.L-30~years of‘age, sent herVwq children—the eldest of which .is-kboutlfi years -of ;age—to the.barn to hunt for eggs. They were~abfieut a considerable time, and on returning they could.not find Their mother. On searching the House the little ones were ho'r'rified to discover the dead body . of their mother suspended from a rafter up-.^ sta|rs by a stout, piece of factory cotton. She was in a crouched'.posi- .^ion, l^er lower extreineties resting in a cradle which she had brought tlnther to aid her in.accomplishirig her designs. It was'evident that., suicide had been a most deter­ mined one, as the^voman must have strangled herself by pulling, down on the cord, as tlie height would not -pemiiFof-Tho-Jjod^^ —T deceased had been known—in, the vicinity for years, she being a Haugh- t^-of-.a "rapcctGms^ firnicr; • iunmed Martin GaelZ, who lives near by the Zuber farm,' It is impossible to ascribe any reasons pfor tlie woman th as taking her life. * She whs of sound—mind anil appeared to get along, well with her'husband. , AMERICAN. The new^resideiice. of John IL Stebger, of Washington Territory, was blown to atoms by dynainite. Loss, $3,000. Nd lives were lost. It-is supposed the outrage. Vvas the outcome of land troubkrwhich has beeti .brewing tiyo years. 1,...... A twelve-year-old girl carrying a’ parcel of meat, was attacked in Philadelphia by a dozen uiongiel do'gs, on a 'itocatit lot . After secur- Jng' dogs; horribly mutilated the child, and then tore off her clothing. Her Condition is,critical. • The directors of the Aurora, ilHn- ois, Watch Company, allege that' ' Maurice Wendell, secretary, treas'qr-. er and chief stockholder has spent §1206,000-of .the company’s funds in'- a little more" than a yeftr. ‘I'n one bill for machinery, etc., on which he "alleged he paid $124,000, the actual ' outlay was $40,000. In' other ways he Itos nnsappropria’ted the funds. Wendell confessed and asked the directors wliht they, proposed to do about■■rtyasftyjng he went into the company for th /.purpose of speculat­ ing on the stockholders’ money* In the New Jersey House of Representatives, a quotation from ono of Talmage’s sermons on higlb license was read,, in which the speaker of the New Jersey Legisla- Turn was mentioned’as the worst blasphemei* in .the country, and it was Stated tho speaker’s address, whefi elected, was so full' Of baths that-tlie printors.usod- a number of blanks to indicate where the oatfin cable in, .. Speaker Armstrong said lie never Used an oatF in his Ofb. Ho characterized Talmage as a wil­ ful liar* ' * •. ” Ex-J'udgoHenry.It, Voo'hfees, of Springvalley, N. J.> Secretary of the Bergen County Farmers Mutual ift- suranco Co., died a few weeks ago. Inquiry into liis affairs shows he had been Systematically misappropn'at- ing funds of the Company and other trust funds jin his possession* It is supposed the pur,Uy of ohawoter that enveloped Vorlions caused him to be . widely trusted, and ho was sought for as exocutor of several estates. Ho aud an active worker in prayer meetings, gaining (ar himself the title |>f the “Godly man,” Among the amounts he is ’alleged tn be short bre the estate of the Jat® Rich’ ard Aokerman,. 815,000; entate of J, R. Brown, of Paterson,. $6,QQ0;. C. G. Van Horn, of West Washing­ ton Market, 37,000. the Insurance Company, $12,000, and $2,000, church cemetery funds. The report of the Hous® commit­ tee at Washington, adversely report# ed on a joint /resolntion for the ap­ pointment of an alcoholic liquor traffic, commission, ami takes the ground that tlie pow«r' to regulate and control the traffic rests jn the states. Strigpnt restrictions and safeguards are considered more prac­ ticable than attempted prohibition. The committee holds that the necess­ ity for th® passage is not urgent, enough to warrant „the attempt to exercise doubtful powers which ap­ pear properly to belong to the states themselves. \ BRITISH—FOREIGN, - The Pope has, refused to see Daviti, lie fears 4liat England would deem an audience with Davit-t Under the present circumstances an unfriendly act. w The Swiss .officialshave again been-? warned of a plot to blow up the federal.palace at. Berne -with, dyna­ mite in retaliation-for the reprehen- sive measures adopted hy the federal .council.. It is stated that the'police of Geneva have discovered a secret dynamite factory there, _ _ It is Customary to speak of the opponents Of the -English in the Soudan as Arabs. This is chiefly due to the fadt that they are desert tribes, and the best known of the . desert tribes'are Arabs- Rut most of the population are no more Arabs than the Mexicans are American Indians. The Soudanese are’ ne< groos—Nubians chiefly, some mixed with-other races. They, afe ’not the negroes of the Congo, but a.more tieroe and * warlike >raee. t' The.-trouble between the English Freemasons- and the Grand Orient of France continues. The Prince of Wales, iii • replying, to. a recent let­ ter of the French grand- master,,, says : “English Masons have always held to the belief that God .a.the first great landmark of genuine, EreemaSphry. '■ Without such a be-, lief dobody can rightly claim to in­ herit- the- traditions .^f true FreC~ masonry.’’ It is expected that the the Grand Orient will/convene' &' meetingJi.n*Lpndotr in-order to ex'-. plain, the attitude' of. the Orient, which intended to allpw the fullest liberty of Conscience,( •r In Devonshire the other day, a. Congregationalist, being engaged to the daughter of an English church-- .mafty'^’lisbed to be married in the cJjUroh,' But the ..rector, after per­ mitting the banns to,.br3 published, declined to perform .tile ceremony ■unless the bridegroom agreed to .be, baptized. He, of ^course, refused to^ submit to this'unnecessary opera­ tion, aud the couple, were married at the • Congregational ', church. It is stated that the.' rector, tlie Rev. Tubal .Hole, asked tlie a'dvice of tljie •Bishop ,of Exeter, but received no reply. DodbtlesB’theBishop thought no interference of his necessary, in so simple a matter. A Dublin special BaysOn Sun­ day.in all the Catholic churches was rgad’ the-lenten pastoral letter Car-, dinal*McCabe prepared .on the'eve of his sudden death. “The -object of that wicked conspiracy/’ Baid the pastoral, “is/to achieve the ifide* WarMetev- Wolseley has deokUd. to remain at Korti with 1,500 troo}* until' Gen.. Wood report* as to cha situa­ tion atMetemma, Despatches from Korti state that Arabs ura deserting from Meteinma rn large numbers, and are entering the British camp at Gubat. A Sheikh reports much sickiinsa and dissatisfaction among the prdp- het's troops, who are alleged to be tired of war and desiyous of Eng­ lish protection* The sheikh aaya the Arabs now respond slowly to the Mahdi’s levies tor troop*. The Commander at Metemma Jia's asked the Mahdi for, guns and am- munition. as he is unable to fivht the English with-, spears, The Mahdi replied, “Don't fight, wait a while. • 1 will come and destroy the infidels/’ The convoy of wounded and in-- valided British soldiers on the way from Gubut to "Korti encounled a party of Arabs, and a hot fight en­ sued between Arabs and the escort, Which lasted fifteen minutes.. The casualties of the British were few. One man kilted. . Mown Xtfew Aw< WIHW* (At hbp blU»r» that w -Kuw. —Ths wwltosf woiMii, ohlKfi* and sicksMt jsvulM. exn tap frU-tW wkh wf«ty nudgi'«t»g<x>d* ' —-Qid wtn tpttering around fugs* 'ruxtlirn, kidiiev fn dale or any weak##** will b« made almost new by using bitMiw, jifT My wife and daughter wwv H»ad» healthy by thv nw-of liup bitts«iiifid I recommend them- tb my people.— dMi Okrgymau; „ , Askany twddbctnr'jf hop1 JWara are wet tlw beat fo»iy lueWn* On earth 11! Malarial fever, Ague atwl Bfillk>w»ne*^ will leave every neighborhood ea wr *w hop bittern arrive, ‘‘My mother drove the MwdyaiB w# neuralgia all cut of her systm- with Mfr- blttura.Orwego Run1,. JQhKeep the kidneys lioidehy with-hop* bitters ana yvu med hot fear siekHtw.*’ —Jc» water M rendered iiaemicff* awd1 more reipM.hihg.ftnd reviving with hoj> Wttere n «irh -mawght. —The vigor of youth for the kgsd afl'i infirm iu hop bitters 11 f i —'‘At Mie ehnnae of life nothin,? vmiah w { Hop Bittorn to allay oil trouble* uMndaSC - t Thcrtto." ’• —‘ ‘The best period r*nl for l idies to t ak e» nmnthjy, and from which they Will r«- ceivethu great ent benefit i« lk.j» Jnfttere.'r Mothe™ With sickly, fretful, pursihg children, will nu c th® children'and Win*- fit tlminaelvcs by taking liop bitters dai’/- -^-ThouBands die ehouaUy hw *»nie- forw» of kidney 'dide»»a that might have been prevented by & timely uae of hop. Wttera. ’ • • radigrtfioh, weak wionuHtfi, irrcguliw- i ities of the bowels, cannot exist when hop* bitters are used,. . A timely * * * U’o of bOP’ Bittern will keep'*' whole family Inrobuat hcalthayear ata'llttloeOfir. —To prcdtiee reel genuine e)eep,*.«hiS child-like repose nil night, take a little? bop bittcre on i el iring, T3L None genuine without a Imrii-lV of Rrwn Hop/ on the white label* Shun fill Itbe vihr poisonous stuff with “Hop" or ‘UlpM” !»■ Urn r name." New York Sun. ‘‘If your.garret or loft is only cold enough, there isn’t an)' reason in tlieG World why you shouldiTt treat your friends ’with plump, full-flavored Rhode island, greenings, Baldwins, or any other choicer apples, just as well next June as you did last Christ­ mas, "said a, Washington street com-i mission merchant. “I'll have last year’s Baldwins, and I doh’t know but last year’s greenings-, as sound ak a knot,, in my house next summer, in thesame dish with this year’s har­ vest apples, yet nine out of ten peo­ ple would have thought these same apples were iuined ,two months ago, and would hayeAreateA ihein. accords ingly. • Why ? Simply because they, were frozen.’ “Doesn’t th a freezing of apples' BpoiJ them,.then?” asked -the re- BUSINESSDIRECTORY a. ■■ ' ‘ • ' '’ (EfiWIN KEEFER; J5gg '■ D33N.TiaT, • Lste of Toronto, Honor Graduate Royal College , ef Dental Burgeons, ‘ . Coats’s. Blook, ;^Clintpii. - Ail Work Registered Charges Moderate. Dr/ REEVE. Onfce-“Palaco” Brick Block, Rattcpbury Rtreot, ■ Residence opposite the Temperance Hall,, Huron Street. Coroner for tho -County of .Huron. Office houre from 8 a.tn, to 6 , m. • . Clinton, Jan. 14,1881. 1-y ’ MANNING & SCOTT, bsjrrlitora, ftoHcitors, Conveyancers, Ac Com- mUHontrftor ObUH0 srto Manitoba. .<8r Qjficp-4T<>WX HALLkCtlNTON, Clinton, Mv i7th, 1832. “ r \ 20 D< A. FORRESTER, UNIfa iafSltRANCK, & V lONiV/MlAD: A M2T Moneg t4 loan. Ofljce, BeAver Block, Clinton. ..v22tf SfeAdsn A MORTON, BarHstbrMkc,,, God­ erich And Wingham. C. Seager, Jr<, Goderich. •J, A-.Merton jyiqgham. idy, ~A. W. BALL, * UCTTONEER for .Huron County. Sales at rV tended to in any; part of the County. Ad iresB orders to Godbiuoii P. ■ V-17, ClLlS.HAlllLTQN, . 4 UCTIONEEtl, land, loan and insurance agent ‘ V attended in town' and country, >n reasonable terms. A llatrdf farmsand village* lots-for sale. Mono? to loan or} real estate, at low rates of Interest.' insurance affected on all classes of property, Notes and debts collected. Goods appraised, and sold on coinmission. Bank­ rupt stocks bought and sold.’ ■ - ' Blvth. Dec. is, lftsn ' ' ri AVtspN 4 JdfttystONi t>w,.Ch»nco/.v,*tid ly Cdhvb.vinclnfc. Office—West Bti-fiet, next Mr tb FofitOflicsi^Meriehi Oat, , 67. MillcUor, *tc. , Office, oorxer of Wifit 8tr»et,-irWRCtm B6<* iMl't. »MFiMwiea to lend st Mrfeat .r»M«<>H»tor&K ■ OASlPioN, BfiMotor,Attorney, BoHeltor In UAKVeyoitoerf Offifivavir Aby antount atobfiy to loan at lowwt tktov 6t interett.. ply. MONEY to lend in large or small sums, on good mortgages or nori' la eeprity, at the-lowest current rates. ■ ft. HALE Huron-St. Cllhtoit, > Cl.ntOn. Fob. 25,188L Photographers $ate or to Set TO THE PUBLIC WAVERLYHOUSE. THIS HOTEL IS NEWand-hMsll the require- monts of a first-class house. Large ana airy rooms, elegant parlors, heated with hot air. In the linndiate vicinity of the G. T. R. Depot, The bar Is well.stqcjted;with the choicest-brands of liquors knd cigars. -The travellthg public may reSt assured of being well oireci for at this houso.Samuel Fike, Clinton, May JS,188L 287-jJ Fropnotor. . CLINTON Lodge,, No. 84, A, F. A A M., titoto every Friday, on-or "after the full moon. Visiting brethren cordially iqvited. ■ J. YOUN6, W. M. J, CALLANDER, SBC Olinton, Jan. 14; 1881. K MericliMarWo Works I-,Mk.\ ROBERT GORDON, M .<$I*** A*?”?? th«Matbto Werk* tor thr Oounty ot Huron. y ■* w „ ' ^’Skp'IrtlVANfitONB. ... . \......fouktor TUB WEEK’S DOIKGS. The Mahdi might, juat as well walk down to Gubut' and give him-. self up 'Beresford. ./ That .gentle­ man once thraahed an. .editor,Spec­ tator, ' The delegation of millers that re. cently interviewed- t-hw“*Government at Ottawa regarding an increase in the duty oh flour, report that they received a promise, that in futufe. the duty would be increased from 50 cents per .barrotLto 75 cents.. It is reported in -Toronto that. Gordon Brown “will join' the present proprietor of the News, and that paper will be run hyphenf in .opposi­ tion to tho Globe and Blake party. It is said efforts are being made to raise the hecessarv funds to buy otF. a mortgage now held by Charles Riordon .on tlie-Np-WSr- -- -...... Mrs Bfpwn, Toronto, had an in­ fant placed in a habv carriage in her hall-way a couple of weeks ago by a servant girj who claims that “Mrs. Brown’s brother |l^the father of the child. As the child Was not exposed on. the street, the .mother could not be punished for deserting it. Mrs. Brown, obtained an order* from the mayor tp place it in the Infants* home, ’ ■ John White, of Mdrsea, Essex County, whilst boring forjyUer last fall procured, aq; abufidaht supply at a depth of 40 feet* The Water will suddenly raise to the surface, boiling and bubbling with a hissing eaun<[ like escaping steam, and will' as suddenly recode, flowing up atid down alternately every few seconds* Whilst. Mr. Whjto w«e .passing the Well with a lighted lamp ho was considerly surprised and frightened by- the air suddenly igniting and it steady, "bright, roaring flame elint Up to the height pf 20 feet, and eon|inued to burn for two or three deyp, .when jbn account ot its proxte Ph-e- -pendence-ciFTnflinrti-anTl'"rvveng02tljer ‘.wrongs inflicted on tlito happy coun­ try in former times. God know«, .#i6^i^bruy0r its wrongs fbrinsri'ne- bl.ackest page in European history, but 8avag6 vengeance is not calcu­ lated to win God or the world to.the- side oLtliis' ]>oor and afflicted ebun- try;'which has no more dually foes than the wretched meii who support or countenance schemes so dealest--. • ihle. Deeply as I love Ireland I would ghitlly consent 'to a continua­ tion of its greatest sorrow rather see its redemption wdrked. out by* agencies thjit God and. the chu.rch.. ■Foatl.ieniat.ize/’ , In all the churches the other Bishops denounced the dyii- , auiiters. ■ .- ■’• Archbishop C'roke. of Gashe!, who iR’kaid to be A strong favorite .with, the -younger priests and with the' Nationalist party for the See of Dublin, vanatit through, .the., death’ of Cardinal McCabe, is rfepbrtel as' • havnrg^sardrin 'a rwmit- addiWff/atr Kildare : ' The outrages in London or in Kerry.are not-tlie work of the patriots or the, friends of.Ireland. .They are the deeds of her worst enemies. ’ They are done to the in­ calculable detriment of the national cause, but all these things go only to demonstrate the. abRoluto and' most urgent necessity ^or the Irish episco­ pacy and priesthood at home and abroad-to be like the Strand^ of the, electric.cable, from continent to con­ tinent, so united, so’firin.ly-hound together, that through the very core of their being Only one mighty life­ current flows of devotion to obe purpose and the making of Irdkfid a. great, and the keeping’ of her ft 'Christian nation. What a Barrel ofWhiskey Dld ’ A singular scene has just been witnessed in Elimohurcb, Newman county, Georgia, in Which allftbst the entire membership watt arraigned for unchristian conduct. A* barrel of whiskeyhad lately been smuggled into that tempferanco doinmunjty, and clxgrch membfefs. wurpEtssefl*; worldlings in their demonstrations. • A dance was organized, and thus the sin Of the feet was added to that of the appetite, supplemented later bv 'profanity which shocked the.ears of the elder sisters. Seventeen were brought up to the stool of repent ance at once. With various degrees of penitential epenohes they ack now- ledg$d;thfe deceits of the flesh and promised never to dance, never to drink, never to sweat* ’any more, when the congregation joined in a hymn and dispersed. There were, Hack sheep, however, who did not appear to make oxcUse and they will porter; “The general opinion is,” replied the merchant, “that after an -apple ; freezes its value is gone; but the fact is*that just the contrary ia the case. Let a barrel of apples freeze in this . fall, and' keep.them frozen, or,.rather, do not .disturb them, and in the spring they will be in the very con­ dition they Were when taken from the tree. Baldwins, arvLin /act all favorite .eating apples, do not have . their full flavor nor mellowness when 'first packed in the fall. They ripen in the barrel ahd_,are_at3heir best in. January. After that they begin to decay, a,nd when. March comes they are few and far between, those thaT are felt being thp result .of especial good care .and attention. ■ ; . ■ 1‘ifi'they are frozfen in the fall,-how­ ever, tbe'ripe'hifig process is .checked. The vitality ef the apple is simply suspended, and it oply needs proper treatment to reatore.it to its natural action. A frozen apple is one of the rmqs't sensitive things in the world. Touch your finger Upon it, and,when the frost is thawed fi’o.in the '-apple the; spot touched wjll- be a mark of decay- which spreads rapidly over the -Fruit. -—:—■■. —— “Therefore, if you ever find that iyour barrel of Baldwins is frozen, h“at ii. gefitiy.: if ihe apples are .. thoroughly frozen the barrel will not be full by nearly a peck, bo much has the fruit contracted with the frost. If Would7 be impossible, Chow, to move the barrel Without mining, every apple in it.. So, if it stailds.' where it will no.t be'subjected to sud­ den warmth, and thus tbaWed out rapidly, lef it stand. Coye^the ap . pies op to they will be. kept’dark. Then go Away and let them alone until spring com.es and draws' the frost out of everything,’ Then1 un­ cover your apples. It may startle to the head with plump fellows that were roiled into your house jn the .fall, and which were a sorry looking lot of wrinkled, shrunk up fruit the Ahfiflv-_..... “If they were assorted apples when ■ packed ’you need not pick them over, for ..they Will be .jusX as sound and hard as tbey.were in. November. By the middle of.May orF^st of June, they will be iff tlie fragrant, mellow condition that they would have.been' in five months befpre if th® frost hadri’t stepped in atid held it back. I’ve had apples frozen and thawed - out three times in one winter,- owing to sudden changes in th®. Weather, but they wore all- right when, the final drawing Of the frost took place, A barrel Of apples fnight be kept frozen a thousand years, I believe, a’nd the fruit wbuIFbe just nff sound and fine flavored when thawed out and ripened as it was the day it was packed' \*' Onion SociXblcs.-- Onion sociable* are the latest rashioriwWe novelty its Wyoming,’ /I'erritory* Six- yeung ladies take an onion with .them inp> a room, and one of tlu?m tnkes it bite> out of it; Then a young gentletnai» is admitted, and, if; aft-yr kissing' them all, he falls to tell wliioh^of them bit the'onion' all the girls nr* obliged to kiss'hitn. Hitherto the- young men have proved exceedingly stupid,. . Religious Feeling,—-“A-man might, as well judge of bis patriotism by thcr condition .of' Iris liver ns'take re­ ligious feeling ns a criterion of.hr*. Christianity," ■ said Henry Wurtl Beecher at his, prayer meeting on • Friday evening. “I once had a gttodl elder in my church, who, if we speftk of. him as a thermometer," never flue- \ titrated two degrees the* year ’round. TJierfvwas another person in the ' church who never was very actirw »- until tlie regulation. season for r«- vivals came arauinl.. /l'ln*>k -»|^he — gets-excited confesses what a back- slider he has been, and -eries right out.in^ie meetmir, and rU thefeel- ' ing whicn should have been (listrihiit- ' dtotribute.d thiough twelve months he crowded into one." . - ' „ ' '■'• * Cayenne, whether takeh^itHpills ’ ..or d.usted over the .food or slewed with it'in carries or otherwise, is one of tlie most cruel of slow poisons ..when taken habitually/ Thousands ■/ of papr:wretches are crawlina miser-.- t ftbl'y towards their graves, t he vjoti ms of the., multitude of maladies of both mind anil hotly-that are; connected- with .chronic, incurftbl^Y dyspepsia, / ftll.brought about by thediHbituw) use - of-"cayenne and its: conditnental- cousins.. The usbal history of theso vjctimsjs that they began by- over-, feeding/look’the condiment to force « • the' Btdmaoh to dm-inoie than its healthful amount of work; using but little .at first. Then the.stomach be­ came tolerant of this little and de­ manded more; then more and more, . ■and more until-inflammation, ulcer, ' . atiott,.torpidity and finally the deaih -of the digestive.'.powers, acompaui- d~ - with that long, trajn \of mi»er.to»-io ■. which I have ■ referred. From “The ■ i Chemistry of Cookery,”, by W. M«t-~ - - tieu -Williams, in. Popular1 Scicnch Monthly for January. Ax Ab<urp :L^W.—Sec, 1625; Re­ vised Statutes of the United States, read's as follows: Every nble bodi-' fed male citizen of the respective . StateB, resident-therein, who-is of the hge of eighteen years,and. undir. the age of forty-five years, .ahall be enrolled in the militia,. Sec. IVStf. Every' citizen shall, after' notice bY ' his enrollment, be constantly pro­ vided with a good musket or firelock of rf liore sufficient, for -balls of tin#" e i gh.t.e.enth4iailtQLa^-iiQiii).(l,?a„euffici.-;t^^ ent bayonet and belt,, two aparff-"" '” "flints, and a knapsack, a pouch willy a box -.therein io contain not less than twenty-four cartridges, suited to the bore of his musket or firelock , . each cartridge' io contain a proper . quantity of power and. ball or with a good rifle, knapsack, shet pouch fil'd. . J powder horn, twenty -balls sui ted ID the bore of his trifle,,and a qmn:ier'f>£, it pourtd of powder and shulUippeair so armed, accoutered, mid pro.vidcib - when called out “to-exercise, or into service,' except-that when called out 1 on.company to exercise only, he may‘appeal without knapsack ; : and nil arms, ammunition, and .«*• „ coutrements so provided and reqair- . ed sbalijbo held exempted from all s'uits, distresses, execution, orsnies/^ ~ for debt, Oh IdFlhe paytiiimt of inxes, . ~;1 Each commissioned officer ^hall be . "AVtrt^cl W/itli 0» f^worej oiit (ii* • 8'pontomk'^Novv jt jfl. not the object ■ of the News to alarm tin necessarily the good citizens of this grand repub­ lic, Or to get upni corner on jiinhf potpderhom^f dr Apontotjits. But we d<»; in all earnesthess urge our legisla­ tors to remove from our;statutek thia .absurd law which was-. enacted nearly one hundred years'Ago *■--*■ Academy AVtoi. Singular S gut.—A letter to tho CincinnatiJ Enquirer gays; - t One of the most singular.cases of vision on record is found in the fourth grade o( otfr sohool8,*in 4he .‘person, of Belle Kinney, a little' girl 12 years oi age. She lately came frdm Kinton with her parents and shortly after entering sohQpl herc her-teftohor' discovered that-She always read •with her book Upside ddtvii, and that while writing she invariably placed the copy in the same position and .wrote backward, With the Ibtters inverted and with hdr left hand, Not knowing whdtlier to attempt a correction of the habit) the leaeher s^nt for t>r. I, N* IRunib top) a prominent physlelafi and Pres­ ident of the Board df Education) Vrho tested her thorougliiy with figures, pictures, reading and writing,.vand dUcdveted ihai she Was equally skil­ ful with her books in any position, al­ though the child hsrheK bad never particularly notified hei" peculiarity, but exprasaad a desire to use her books as others do. The doctor says if. i* lh« HiOaf. **«* , To.our Readers If you suffer from headache, ■ dizir* ness,baok ache, biliousness or humor* of the blood, try Burdock Blood Ritters. It is n guaranteed cure for all . irregularities otothe blood, liver ami kidneys. ., . '326 tv/ - 4*" ' .... i-.:. J o „ .,...4„,^.,.-.r... j.,.,......."'1. • ' ' , “ Very .cold,- hist night,Mr Town­ send,’,’observed the. reporter* Cold J J should say so Went home} Hjt a candle; jumped into Tied; tried to blow candle out} couldn’t do It,* blaze frozenj had to break it off," replied Mr. Townsend* An ^xgelleiit. Report* »T08, G. Goo irtdjjC) b.t Brook- ?yn,N. Y., writ(*«.•—“I can.not ext ress ftiiyself in .tmffieioiuly praivoworthy toiWfi of Burdock Blood Bittert Which „T have us,cd /or the pitot two WM with great benefit,'1'• 2 Common ROftoo to $»n tuhtOfttmriit