HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1885-02-18, Page 1*I Clinfe Marble Works, ■Jk HW STREET, CLINTON. eoof>£lt,” Jr., " « uftd d»*Jer Iu «li Had* ot ifarbla & Ctaonts for Cemetery Work Kt .tbit «l»ty oompotftlon Ako manUfaeturei' of the Celebrated AhtiFiDiAL Btone lor , Building pur- po»Q8 and Cemetery Work, which must l»et w*en to be appreciated.-— All work warranted to -riivh katiafaetion. it •• T T ■' f* aTERMS: $125 per Annum, in Advinoe. 7*t ••i £•** r-—-*--------------*...................................------------------------------------------------------ “INDEPENDENT IN ALL TKlN^i, NffUTRAL IN (IOTH|NG« —- ■»* ij, ■Wrirtf i.'i ift. ii i* ii ij|nwij,‘t. -r* CLINTON, HURON COUNT?, ONT-, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1886. 4-3 BUSINESS DIRECTORY ■ ©rtaje. •. ■ 'C* O l> <D O’ g co- m c3 Q o Lt X * * genttetry. -g^EDWIKEEFER^^- , " ZDEZSTTIST, Bota of Toronto, Honor Graduate Royal Collogo of Dental Surgeons, ,;‘ fToats's Blook, - Olintqib . All Work Registered. ^’"‘■' ‘Chargos Modoratc. $UtaI DR. REEVE. Office-.*'Palace* Brick ■ Block, Rftttppbtiry Street, ttesidonce opposite the Tetnjibrxnce Ua.il, Huron Street. Coroner for the County of Huron. Office hours from 8 a.m. to 0 p. m. j "Clinton, Jan. if, 1 §31. . 1-y §liwhottr^5ng. H/W. BALL, \ UOTIONEER for Huron County. Sales at- r\ tended to in any part of the County. Ad­ dress orders to GodbiuchP. 6. V-17. , T IT . ' - —.....SJJ—SSU..................... . . CHAS. HAMILTON, 'A UCTION.EER, land, Ioan and insurance agent. ‘ X. Blyth. Sales attended.in town and Country, >n 'reasonable terms. A' list Of farms end village lots" for salo. Alpney to loan on roal estate, at low ratos of Interest. Insurance effected oh all classes of property. Notes and debts collected, Goods appralgedj-and sold on. commission. Bank­ rupt stocks bought. and sold. * I Blvth. bee, 10,1880 . . L. O.L.No.710. ; . cjuintoN,.;’ ". Macte. sitcQCT. J8pAPAJUot_ewB^ -inonth. Hall upstairs, opposite' £ the Town Hall. Visitlng’brethiron tss&giSjlfsSo always njade welcome. ' - ■ .- ■*****v- .. p, OANTELON, W. M. A-M. TODD, Secy. C. TWEEDY, ». M. FOR SALE. IN THE village, of BEI.GrAVE, the dwelling house and store oeetipied by me. The site is otic of the most desirable in the village for Hush noss. There ia a good stable, oatliouSiasj ahd'un excellont soft water eistern on the premises. The- in good riipair. Wlli be sold cheap, as the- pro­ prietor is giving, up business. Torinsoasy. i Apply to . ' • ........ WM. DUNCAN ; Btlgravc, Ont...5-11-tf. Wmnary. MANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, Solicitors, Convavancers, Ac Coni* hiisiioncril for Ontario and Manitoba. . Office—Town- Hall, Clinton/ Clinton, May 17th, 1882. ' D. A. FORRfiSTE^f fidsrSVAIfCUR, LA!rn, l^SUJiANt!K, <fc c* OENKRAh .AGENT. Mong to lain. Office, BieAver Bloc^^Clinton.' v22tf HEAGERA MORTOit, Barristers, , Go<l- Dorioh and Winffham. O. Songer, Jr>t Goderich. J, A# Morton Wiijjthatii.. . -My,.... YA A VIS ON” & JOHNSTON, LkW,'Ch*ntery',ahd al|i*> Conveyancing. -Office—West Stflhst, ilOXi door td Post Office, Godorlch, Ont. 67. J; E. BLACKALL, Veterinary Surgeon, Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Collogo, To­ ronto, havibjr.oponed.ah office jn Clinton, is prepared to treat all diseases of domestic animals on the, most modern prin­ ciples. "All operations carefully - performed,"And calls prompt- Jy’Attendcd. to by day or ' ' , .....■ night. Fees moderate....... door West of. Ken* nedy’s Motel, Clinton, Ont. V-17* MONEY TO LOAN At lowjrates of.Interest and upon terms to $pit borrowers, . , .. MANNING & SCOTT, ’ ■ . ’ «Boa ver Block;Clinton Clinton, May 17th, 1882* ’ "•’20’ COMMERCIAL HOTEL, this Hotel is'furnlshod throughout with great carcto meet the wants of the travelling pub'lle.. Commodious sample rooms. Tttfr best’ of liquors and cigars rite al Wavs, kept at the bar. Good table. Best situated Hotel in Clinton. Give us a call. . » . J AS. MOORE,. Proprietor. Clinton, June 7ch, 1882, . .. MONEY toietiti in large of email mints, on good Mortgages or pors* de! ocurity, at ■ thO lo'.vost uurront rates. H. HALE . Huron-St. * 'Clinton, . Cl.utop, Fob. 25,1881. ... i,,,,,.,, r WAVERLY_HOVSE- rnins HOTEL IS NEW and has ail the requird- JL inoftts Of a first-class house. Large and airy rooms, elegant parlors, heated with Hot air. In the immediate vicinity of * the G. Jr. R. Depot.. Tiro bar IS well stocked with the .choicest brands' 6f liquors and cigars. The travelling ptihlic may rest assured of being well cared for at this’ house* ■ SAMUEL FIKE, Clinton, May 16,1384. 287-y Proprietor. ^r ii;'iiyyiiiltsi.«l'iiTi-1 'inr.fr.Wr~M im ■ito<lria»lWailali.eaiidhWrT.1 •tv c.1 . SotoctBor, ’m* Office, corner of TV fkluare and West Strict, into* Butler's Book Store, GodWc^tO"'* **< *• ’• * * • ®“* •4ar M<m*E t0 l*nd *t lowest rates of Interest. ....... ................... Photographers J LOAN C0‘Y LOSstzoqtst. onris. ' $100,000 nr,INTON Lodgo, No.’84, A,* F. & A M.» U moots every Friday, on or after the full moon; Visiting brethren cordially invited, J, Young, w. m; j, oalLanger, sbc OlintonrJmim^l88L^^^^^^^Jtev^ NEW BEWMiGMACHXNE FOR ’ HALE. • < .T* • ■ 3i *■ e.‘ ’ A So,ld atx cants for postageu U |« I f I*, anctrocelvo ffta, a costly box C* > . *"■ 14w taol ftooda 'wbloh will help all, of either eo«, to mote money .right nwav than anythiriRelse in thta wbtld. Fortuttes aviralt the Workart absolutely aura. At Ondo address Trot & Cd.# Attguatit, Mtini 281 -ly# LONDON 4' 0'3 CLINTON. 4?.... " > . , * !, •» •; J ' Life Size Portraits a .Sneoialty. TO THE PUBLIC. /*., ft ' #•( •*. S*-<?XS<P10^> Ifer'ris^ ‘Xttoni'oy, S&llclter In Goderieh Marble Works T HAVE.appointed MA KOBF.RT GORDON, a« J-t2figlMlAxtet*2tfeLOvdarWl MarbIe Works J ..........................................t Y , :J Htfwe IteMM I'opiel • . .•‘-'AtljWfWtoH. ■ whop you ■ —The xeakftst woman, mnlW *c| arid slekwt invalid can uaa bop With »afaty and gieat good. .. *]■ —Old man tottering around fpem |H matiwp, kidney tr< ublo or any .werilB will U osid® aljncwt mar hj bitterr, , #L a®*1 dangbtrrwfrehealthy by the use vt hop bitten »■ rwommeod them tp iuy diet Clergyman. A»k onjTKxt dotterif V>P ■ M«l«rUI;fererr 4gne ^^4 ^iUfowfl wffi leave every ueighborbcwl ns aoqjl boo bitters emvo. ‘hiy. °tethpr_ drove the paradyirfS I p^malgia alloutcif her syatern ujth I bittera.”—Ortcefo Ni.n^ . • 1 '* the kidneys healthy with I •fiittira end you need not fear rtclaieriCl -—leu water is rendered bartnlwT'l more refreshing and reviving with 1 bitter? i~, aerii draught . 1 of youth for the aged J htfirn 46 hop bitters?| 11 ' ’ 1 $-»‘lAt the change ot Hfe nothlw wnafa j Hop mere t« allay »U troubles lciier I 'roereto.” , 1 r», r; ■ „■ ■ w Kansas Qity looms up second thi* winter in hog packing. Chicago packer* slaughtered „ apd c packed 2,055.000 head; Kansas City peeked 425,000; Cincinnati, 370,000 head; St.J<ouis, 325,000 he* d;. Indiana polls 374,000, limd, and Louisville,. -141*- 0Q0 beau. The total shortness at the points named aggregates aboyt’ fTOQ.OQO. / ’ .TbetotalcoMS tolm paidliy ious fona.toc, was praying one'even- - ’ ■’ * ... p jug for the, recovery* of his four chil­ dren who were ill with scarkit fever* his wife Remarked that if he would build a fire wo would do more serv­ ice than by praying. Strottmau bee-' aaift *sM«raged, beat his wife fatally and 4-etnLbed his aged father-in* law te death. The murderer was arrested after bruising dm city marshal, ‘ ' i J. P. Ward, of Columbus county, N. C., some time ago eloped with his sister-in-law, Mrs. Prince, After a (.time the latter returned to her hu8< band and became a church member. Ward then, grew desperate,and shot and killed Prince.froui ambush. He informed the *nigbbors of what lie. had done and k<*pt them at* bay with* a shotgun while he swallowed sev­ eral vids of laudanum. Both-men had families. They; were buried the Bame day in the same cemetery.' A Deserved Compliment Among the.extensive general news­ paper advertisers of the .country, the firm of .Wt-1 Is & Richardson, of Burlington, Vt., '■occupy, a • Very proniiiient position. They expend $100,ObQ annually, and have done so persistently for several years. O’f course they have become immensely, rich,—tile qlmost universal ex per ience of those who thus use printer's ink* liberally, judiciously and per­ sistently. Tlyi business of this firm extending through every state in the Vtiion, their advertising is naturally done within every state and through a general ageucy. They very wi.sely selected Hubbard’s International Newspaper Agency, of New Haven, at the outset ; and a private letter from the home office in Burlington, just received, speaks of the business; bavirig been done by Mr.~Hubliard iii a most thorough and satisfactory manner. This’ testimony to the . fidelity and skill of our friend Hub­ bard in transactions covering five years ,vnd involving an expenditure of more than half a million'dollars,- is about as fine a compliment »s he or any other.' reasonable man could ask for or wish. There can do no doSibt that it is welldeserved,— Ilartford,C<mn, Post, Jan. 1885. suggest that city clergymen should pray for tbs trustees . every Suu* tlay* '.u . ( . * s Thy costs in the cases of Dr. Oliphant v. tlir* City of Toronto arid Mrs.. Oliphant y. the City, of Tur* onto/ have bpen taxed at Oagoode Hall at >156.03 and >285.33, spfictiveiy, making $441,86 in. all for costs. £be City of Toronto psid $750 to the plaintiffs to settle the case.-- **" ' the' .city amounted to $1,191,8$. This is bu$ one instance as to how tbacity corporations payafor neg­ lecting toattend properly to sawags and sanitary affairs. The tlominiou House of Com* mons.-^Of the jll repreaehtativss of the jpeoplecons posing the present House of Commons 18 are married, 12 'Sra widowers,f-and 11^ ha»* hithertomaintained’s state of sing-' le blessedness. The, professions or occupations are .as follows: ‘Archis tects 1, bankers .3, brokers .3, builders 13,^ contractors 2, doctors 16, engineers I, farmers 34, factory proprietors and brewers 4, journa­ lists 8,„ lawyers 54, merchants 35, inilKowners 16, notaries 8, profes­ sors’ 1, stock "holders "14., As re* gards nationality the figures are:* Uf American (U.S.) .descent, 20 ; of English birth,'58 ; of French paren­ tage,. 40 ;, German 4 5 Danes, -1; .Irishmen, 44; Scotchmen, 35. Robert Malcolm was arraigned at the ^Toronto Police C »uH . ou # the charge of having unlawfully pointed -a revolver at James Fox, a bailiff. The facts are that Fox whs endea­ voring on Thursday last to take possrswion of .Malcolm’s premises at 97 King street wesv, where he car­ ries oh business'as > harness' maker,' but as Mr. Malcolm was evidently forewarned and forearmed flie pro­ gress of. Mr. Fox .was interrupted. That gentleman then resorted to strategical measures, and * with a horse collar slung over bin shoulder approaclied the premises as a coring tryman intent on having some re- pairp executed. * The ruse was .so far successful as to gain the bailiff par­ tial admission, -but on announcing his real missi’oi^he was .confronted with what appeared to him to beTthe deadly muzzle of a- revolver,, the operttoive end of which was firmly grasped by the hand of tlie dealejr'in horse furnishings.- Mr. Fox’s ardour ,was ' somewhat siibdLtf^d,' ®U.d he,’ ’with his forces, retired, not in the best of order, leaving Mr. Malcolm master of die , situation. “’The evP ■ dance, brought, forward at, the Police* •pourt. showed rIho that Mr. Malcolm was a strategist# The.deadly revol-: ver proved to have Keen the harm/' less handle of a harness-nniker’s -cutting guage, which,, in- all.truth,. , boremifficient resemblance to a pistol to" have. Struck terrdr .to stouter hearts than- those: engaged in the- raid on Malcolm’s premises.* AMERICAN.' Current Topics- WIN’DT. WASTE. The JBrpntford, Qo^riut' fathers the followingThe Ontario Leg­ islature ip. abopt^ to .convene, and th? ratepayers of Ontario wjU short- * M»v ratepayers OJ QutariG wjU Bliort- * ty have the pUap.qu e of knowing that thousaq^ of dollars of their money THE WEEK’S DHIAGS# CANADIAN. John’ Davis, fish and game dealer, of Hamil'on, was fined $42 for vio- Jation of t lie game lawR, by sei liiig prairie fowl out of season. .The de* fendaut will appeal. , “I -WR8 in Halton a week,” Baid Mr, Simpkins* “and I saw nothing stronger than., water ’ while F'wk-s tlteire.” ‘ “Oh, that is altogether too thin," rejMifcd „ Robinson. And Simpkins has been wondering ever since whether Robinson’s remarks referred to the drink or to his story. Captain L. P. Pouliot, son of J#' B. Pouliot, late Liberal. M. P. for. Temisconata, has written to the gov­ ernor-general offering to', raise a re giment of French Canadian volun­ teers for Service in Egypt or else­ where. Captain Pouliot saw sever­ al years’ service in Italy, andrwent to-the Northwest with the mounted police in 1873. It is thought that-, lijs offerwill be accented. ■ Some time ago Lieut. Col. Wil­ liams, M. PM made a.’pidpositjon to -the British war office offering to rsise a regiment of Canadian volun­ teers for the imperial service. It is reported that his offer has *fieen ac» cepted, and that CoJon el William's will proceed 30 Oftli^t his meh at* once. The regiment will be 600 strong, and will;do garrison dutrin England. * .11 is . understood' that Colonel Williams will have the*' right of selecting Iris own officers# At th# regular fortnightly meet­ ing Of the Minkteriid asaociatioii hold in Shattesburft hall, in the city of iTorotito, the efthjetit for discussion was “Our dtaty ’to the city school board.” Several gentle* meri spoke on the subject tlie gener­ al Opinion boing that* there was - room for reform in the school board, of tho members “.Short,'who stabbed Phelan, has bean-released on $3,000 bail. iniijent members of the Fenian broi h- - erhood tendered Short a reception.?’ Ninetydiine'rinfaiits were ou ex­ hibition ut the New Orleans baby , 'show. The first prize was taken by a seven. monthHold baby that weigh* ed thirty one .pounds. The town of Holdrage, Neb.,’.is only four months’old? has 62 busi ’ _uess houses And a proportionate .number of dwellings. Pretty goo<(g for a cold winter’s, grow th. . *'A livery stable was last week struck by lightning, at Franklin, Ill.j killing a Jiofse.-. Two boys ' were knocked senseless. The entire vil^ lage was shaken by the tthock. Wilbur Peters', - a: jiitetrdoiw, shot' and fatally wounded Laura Chester at-Shreve, Ohio, as she was leaving the roller skating r,ink .last night, and then#blew his own brains out. '* ’ /'/ 2. ' ’’t2 ' Mary .. McCrystaUof^Af i nersvi 11 e- Peun., -was married to. William Duffy, merchant,on. SundaVuveuing. While tho^wedding- festivities were Hi-'progreHftethe^-bride-Avas'-attpcked* ’ lJ.L jPritMysis and diecl lii: ri feW„ hou rs.. y . , - * ■.'/ Forty member* of the old Fenian organization met in Chicago and de­ cided tQ- reorganize. under the name of. the - “Old Feniair,Guard.” T. P. Sherlock announced that the object of the organization whs to blow Up ' the whole city of. London. Other speakyfs opposed the use of "dyna- jnd. Steinman, a wealthy Penn­ sylvania.fanner, was found dead in his barn, with hit# head downwards in a. barrel, with a weight?around his ueok. Fivejof his cow.a and two-lmr- ' s'es were found with their throats cut. One thousand dollars was found sew ed in Steinman’s coat. It is sup* posed he suicided under religious mania. . Three hundred inhabitants of Jones island,.a strip of Tand in Lake Mich# igan, at the mouth of the Milwaukee river, narrowly escaped.destruction. The island is suriounded by huge ■ piles .of ’ice. A fearful gale raged, aiid tho waves began to * wash oyer the icy barrier. Tho peo­ ple Were aroused by the flood, mid many narrowly escaped death trying to cross the ice. to thit/-mainland... The ice was found .broken and they returned, wading through slush, icC and water jttirio deep, and took re* . fuge in the second stories of the larg­ er houses, and Wherever they could porch out of Teach of the water The Suffering of the people through tho night wore terrible,-the mercuiy being 18 below zero. The,, water, gradually receded. ■ . Ijx Judge Fullerton,-rii Jfe.w York, who will defend Mrs. Dudley, who shot O’Donovan Ro-sa, says he has . no doubt the woman is insane* and. he will not attempt to jprovo tlmrS was rio intent to kill#. J’ullertbn attributes her mania to having fol lowed tip the dynamite “ warfare, which worked upon het unbalanced mind until she believed it was her duly as an ^hglishwoman to strike a blow in her omjntrjflej ffefenoe. Elarton, agys the only defence A DAKOTATRAGEDY Canadian Victims of a Brute. . ' George Millbr, the murderer. of iMKS^Sheir and hor little, boy, near 'Larimore, Dakota, .was arrested, at Anoka and lodged in jail, where he cOoIIy confessed his crimo with very little interrogation,. He talked, free­ ly of the matter to visitors, of wliom a large number called to see him. He gives the following version of his villainous atrocity: • —'-----' ‘ - • THE CONFESSION. On Saturday, January 24,,I took a load of wheat to town. That eve­ ning I wen£ to a dance in the neigh­ borhood, telling Airs. Snell I was going to a literary club. Saturday “morning • she found I had been to. the dance, to- which 'she was much opposed, Jand scalded mo until she made.me angry. -I went to the barn, ..then returned to .the house,' when she resumed the scolding, and that is theJasti-know. -i.dau't.kiiaw.. how-1 killed them, whether with an • axe or .beat' their brains out with a dub or hammer. In about.two hours :I came to myself, and realizing what I liacL done; I.took' what money I ’could find in the house, about $15$ hitched up the team, drove to Grand Forks’, took the train to Fargo, and .:frouitheretoJBrainerd..I-amsorry- 1 did‘ itA arid have not cared' much’ since I left-Whether I was caught or hung or shot, or what bobame of me. I hated the sight of the moneys and and spent it as fast .as I could to get rid of it. .. THREATS OF LYNCHING, Grand Forks despatches state that there is much .excitement there, and lynching is freely talked of in case Miller is takeri to that place. Parties from Larimore'say that, tho feeling thero is exceedingly bitter, and that there, would be no hope for the mur­ derer if taken there. Tho funeral of the victims of this"horrihle tragedy occurred on Monday, the services be­ ing held by the Bev Mr Huntly, super­ intendent of tho Baptist mission in North Dakota. .A string of waggons half a mile' long: followed the hearse. Much sympathy is expressed for the boreaved husband ; and the throe children left. The amount of monoy* .for which the crime was commuted' is about §800. REV, MR. SNELL, husband and father of thb murdered woman and child,-is a wolbknowri Baptist minister, and was for several vyears .incunibent ot tho church at? Port Oolborno. A largo number of people who- were formerly, members ‘of bis congregation having removed to Dakota, extended a* call for him to come west* and administer to their Spiritual wants. He accepted* the offer, ..and some four years ago re* moved WitlfthMOst of, his family to Dakota,,whbrG hbjhas since resided# He came originally from $Tova Scotia, And was in the ministry there, and at a later period'had a congregation in Eastern OntaHo. ' • ‘ MILLKR.TnE MURDERER, had the utmost confidence nob Ohly Of Mr# Snell and-all hW family,'but also of &11 th© neighborhood. ' He was i<> all outward appearance a niQdel young conducted, thG .family devotions ih Mr.* Snell’s^ absenoe, asked blessings at meals, and seemed’ ^^evont jeader.of his Bible. HU pose at T^rontp,r through iis medi­ um. It wifi be, the same old story, Days wastfd pn uspfosa formalism? and aenselesa discussions with -«*• much actual business aicojuprished as an Ordinary- 'County Council ■ could get .tlirough with in about, three days. "Jim people, of Ontario are now commencing to realize tbftt'* ?the annual, sitting ~of tins-XegisW"*' ture is a waste of money to no pur • pose, and it is not improbable that the public voice will shortly ex­ press jt? opinion in this respect with no uncertain sound. As far as bus­ iness and necessity is concerned there is not t|ie slightest need for’ sessions’ to be held mure frequently than once every two years-. . o’DEMONWE R083A. The following is a choice extract from the speech of O’Donovan Ros- sa made at a meeting of dynamite fieuds in New York on a recent Sunday evening :— ^’When Burke and Cavendish Were slain, a fo.v years ago, a cry-of horror- went. up. -I stood alone among the editors of the country in defence of that .removal, I cried fof"jby. And now every ”nfan anil woman in America except the An glo-mauihcs are glad those villians were slain.' I believe not an Irish’* heart exists ip. America or in the whole world but wept,for joy at the news of the explosion last week. (Loud cheers.) I would pick out 100 mon and take thenrto;Eugland. .1 know 100 men who would go into 100 hotels. and sat" fire to them. One hundred • fires in. 100 hotels at the dead of night, will strike terror tQ-England.’’ ——• ' . ' -1 Is it a -wonder that many people almost’ cry with grief’ that. Mrs.- Dudley’s aim was so poor ?. FROM THE TORONTO globe; Ata recent meeting of. the Nor­ thumberland County. Council, th? following resolution passed by a. oLHAqZj'- .\Vlierpas, The Scott Act ancj the •Dominion Liquor Licence Law have proved inoperative and ”'inef­ fectual for the prevention of Intem? perance iir this county ; And where as, the said 'Acts, by- depriving, this Municipal Cuuncil of the authority to issue licenses to liquor dealers, .has deprived the County of .some $2,500 per annum revenue, former­ ly obtained, from the sale of liquor in this County. And wheFeas, the sale of" intoxicating drink lias hot rather increased in consequence outlie uncertainty of the law in tlie premises., Thore- fortfTRBol ved, That This Council is of opinion that a repeal of the Raid Scott Act, etc.; and a return to the former system- of license is highly desirable in the interests of .the rate payers -of this county. Further resolved, that the Councillors from the seyera! parishes'be authorized to call meetings to ascertain the foel- ingsof the people as to the'repeal of the said Act.. > PART Gil EAT Eft. THAN THE WHOLE. The is how the recent* decision uf the Supreme court of Canada re garding .the .-.liquor JiueuRfi law* regarded by. a' leading American journal, the Chicago Current: Tlie clash between the Dominion arid tba.prpyinciaL.governments •(be­ tween th® “hation'*, and the “mates*’) ■-'iin”ij;a’nada’’WtH»be“brough'trfori=^e ttle^ n.ent-before the privy council of the British empire. ■ Under the decision of the Supreme court, the parts are lAaclugreater than the whole.- The - subject of the dispute is the licensing of liquor-saloons. ’ It would- be no surprise if the. Hqrne government styod by the premier and against the Supreme court. The question actually in dispute in Canada is. What .legislative powers are reserved to the Dominion, parliament1 The settlement of this question depends upon Um construe tion placed upbn. the British North -^Ajjierica_act, and the decision of the privy council #as to this would he .filial, ■ If the: case slibuld be taken before the members of that body it would be odd, it they should prncti cally. declare tha.t in. this matter the “parts” of the Dominion are greater thaix the’ whole. Spectct- tor. BLOODY TREACHERY. The following details of tho,killing of Gen. Gordon and the fill’ Of Khartoum havejieen roceived. On the day oLtho capture, which is var­ iously stated h's the 2Gth and 27th. of January, Gordon’s attention was attracted by a tremendous tumult in the streets. ’ He left the so-called palace or government building, in which he had* made his headquartera, to asi'ertaiij tho cause.. As he reach-’ ed the street he was stabbed in-.l'he ••ack, and fell dead. The tumult was caused by the Mahdi’s trooos, who had gained access tn the inter** ,ior of the town through treachery, and who were soon in complete pos­ session of the.place, including the ritadeh A fearful massaoro of th? garrison followed. The scenes of slaughter are described as Rfttpassing the Bulgarian atrocitiesandTivalliftg the worst horrors of the Sepoy mu­ tiny. The |»anic-htrio.k,eft Egyptians were captured* In thrir’iflightand put to death with the most fiendish tor­ tures. Some ware transfixed with spears and left to bleed to death, Moat of the victims were mutjlated 1ft ft horrible manner. JJyoa* were gouged OftV, fidsea were slit And ton* gne.s torn out fiy tho roots. In many Oases the mutilated parts of the vio* tims bodies wore thrust into j their mouths Irbil© they Ward Ihhf# The '.’HRt-i ■*- ----------- ■ - *'« * * been lessened *bi monthly, snd from which they pelva th* grwtest1 benefit is hop • —-Mothers with sickly, fretful, chihbeif, wtU eurV tho children fit themselves by t«klng |:op hittenf ’ KO —-Thousands die annually form, of kidney dtseescthat ^ffiighrul^^^^B been -prevented by-a timely bitters. ' —Indigestion, w^ek JtWerf bowels, paulfilt blttoTS are. used." -7-: f \n wl’vet hflalpi a yeacat eJittU^et^K^g —Tb piwlnco real genuine sleep' cliild-like repose all night, take; a hop'bitterg oti tetp i'ng. . <JL.N«i»'jNfhiine without a- Hops on the white label. Hhun all the poinon'o us stuff with “Hup" or “Hope".In name. 824-4t were subjected to aliauteful i'ndigM||l|| hides. More than onrt. httndn*4^^H| women and vpun'g girls wore given^^^H over, to the Mahdi'* followers to- US||I| u*ed as slaves. * After the slan#hteiH|||| many Arabs were seen rushing^HH about the streets with the heads ot^^S Egyptians impaled u,>on tlteir spears.^^M Tue next .mighty, was spent ity'a urnaha. of blood and debauchery. The Malidi has .repaired-the -fortifi-^^H cations, aiid. made Khartoum- weUHH|| nigh impregnable. He has. made it^^H his-headquarters, and is said to havriH|||| abumJance of guns and ammunition. Bad Butter.* *■’ OVER $100,000 WORTH-OF IT ffitt-AT CANN0T’"flE'80LD. ' ; -- f^Tlie farmers of Ontario-WiilHofur over $100,000 ou inferior, fiirtter this year,” said a dealer on thp.Tor- outo'market. “How is thatf' asked *tha report-- Mil • /“Simply because the country is full.of bad butter, and nobody swill- buy it, It shows the want of mnru ' creameries,”' • —’ ’ ■ ' “How would more creameries im->’ prove matters ?” • __‘(WJiy,; you.see^ mosLof.this -had butter comes from i the hack town- ships, where the .people .don’t gel- oub to market very; often. Their cows feed around in the bush, and . eat all kinds of^, stuff not calculated to improve ,, the", flavor of milk.. . H Neither tl(e cows nor tlie persons. B who milk them are as’clean as tliey M should be. «. Consequently the milk H isn’t clean, and as a matter of Course H the cream, that. rises frojn it; al-0 „ ■ lack's purity;- The milk is put into- ■ aceliar. with, onion’s, poTstoes, cpb- H ■ bage and other vegetables frequent- : H ly in process of decay. ThA'odor ■ from-these further contamin’aies'the H milk. .Then, as people do pot own ■ more than two or threecOws, it. takes ’ ■ a .long time ro collect cream'enough I to churn. It’i fact it’ stands arftuud* ■ . u nTfieiL'Aa'7 'I -mixture—is— •ma‘da-of---it-whielrTiiF^ M .farmer ia pleased to call butter.. I This is sold to a .grower in the near- ■ I est village* who keeps it.a month Or-. . I two in Ins cellar, where, it is .tumbled. I about and' the finisuing.-dodches *“l given to it, bo that by thetime.it I reaches Toronte it_iS qnly'fi t for ax-lflt ' I grtiAse. There, are hundreds of tona I . .pf just such stuff , which will not I bring more 'thrift three or four cents I rpduTM. .........................-•........... Now, if creameries wore estab- ’ | lislied'in these neigh boyhoods the;. I cream coyld ’ be colleetcd everyKec- ond or third day’SniLcdfl vert edin- - , =L6Jriu.tter<brfore it-had-tin»e-to spoib-—— Some butter could be sold at not'leas I than twenty c**nt8 a pound, You.. ’ know a creamery can be profitably operated with on'e.third the number. qf cows which would be required to •, make, a cheese 'factory pay', /Tlfri .< creaiii froin-oue hundred cows would he sufficient to make a creamery pay from the start.” ' ' ' Stock that Docs Not PcJy. An error, which many farmers hrw guilty of,.is keeping stock that does ^not^pay;---^ttture--pt'ovides^foi^t:lx«,rt^*^r ‘.‘survival of the ^ttest,” in animal and vegetable growth, and practice.*r a severe -Weeding out df those apcCi* men’s which fall behind in the race# • But many, fai.mers keop whatever they happen to start-in with, oppur- -• ently thinking that if.thtf animalseat / what is put before them it is all right and all they can do, leayibg' the question’ of growth or.pr’ofit tb fin deci:(led .by accident. The old cow id1 kept after «he is past her prime, W» cause she has been a good one, and two or three of her heifeifi are kept* at a loss for the same reason. T"'G litt’e grubby steers', that happen tos lqdk wlike, are put together and raiH- ,ed, growing five or six, inches in • year, abd sniff at two years old for ■lees- than the cost»of the bay they consumed.' The heist lambs are bo1J ' «' to the butchjjra, and the flock kept up with what are left; and, after bw* ‘ itig nursed up with more dare and eM» pense thaw it would-take to keefft good sheep, half of them die in spring before the grow 'utarte, * \ *Th6 worst tbatcan be said of tbs > condition of things in thU oounttyt at present ia that busipm tand dufttry ,aro nnt brisk,—Hamilton ‘ *’ ■ - ;'' * '. Wo presume a matt tyiftgf Gfi hU back with ft broken leg blight' ’ b# doing as well as could W expeelfdr? But he would not be brisk# Motb * th Millfl, eijlitor-inschie^. , - . We presume that A man who hi#*' just sat down on a hortiei\r. tiasi might bi oven brisker (han eoiild hw ONpeeteit But ho ^htild not eon* r ;' d