The Huron News-Record, 1885-02-11, Page 3' JftnM-wlff&aj
^SapsritQXT -.
"Mr. F. 8. MliwYLL of the “P*>
Uoe” ia away, ou a short vacation
•Jitrip ssrt.
’ Hyndman of Exeter, who
Jias been the guest of Mrs. W. W.
Farren, returned Fri lay last.
Spring Assizes will be held in
Goderich Court House, Monday,
March 22nd—-Hon. Chief Justice
Cameron presiding.
The Court of Chansery will at
tend to business in Goderich Court
Hoop'*, Monday, .April 13—Hon.
Air, justioe Ferguson presiding.
Thy Preslmerien social at the
residence of Mr. John, Callander,
................................................................. .....................................................—------------------ ------------ , . ,
. Men’s Fur Caps,. Ladies’ Fur Caps and Gapes.
Blankets, Rugs, Carpets, Clothing.
The Finest Selection in the County. Always busy on accouil
of the (3-reat Variety of Goods we show. J
Come and see us. Only One Pric
5 per cent, oif for Cash. Butter and Eggs taken for Goods.
! .T. CALLANDER, Manager
(■muwffij!....................... i . ............ n >' ■ "'■■I i’"•wu"||X5M
"ROB.. *W
' (Suooesaor to S._ FOWLER & SOK.
Watchmaker, Jeweler and Engraver.
-The latest styles of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Optical Goods and Silverware always In
- , stock; A good stock of VIOLIN STRINGS always on band*
Repairing promptly attended to and Warranted.
■ >--»p —— ............... ... ■
February 14th is Valentine Day arftf * ’ •'
is the place to buy your Valentines. Large? variety;
* cheap, from lc. to $1.50 each. ,, >?... /v
I have'about 500 CUP< and. SAUCeW^^J: W..
/ sell at about o^e half .regular priest; /? / u, .'e. T
Also about 10,000; RollsWALL PAPER, vary
These Goods and thousands of other articles* must.
by March 1st to make room for the largest stock of Spring
Goods ever brought to Clinton. J J -
Miss~A Gilchrist, i»on*a visit
to her sister, Mrs. Neill, at Pia^s*.
" Miss McManus, of .the “Palace,”
left yesterday (Tuesday) morning on
a holiday trip to her home at Port
THsDur^/nea Reformer is now
published in the eight page form
and from new type. It presents an
excellent appearance and is every
whit as good as it looks.
HNTERTAINMjSNT—St. Paul’s guild
pre arranging for an entertainment
to be given in the Town Hall on
the evening of Febr, 17tb, next
Tuesday. From the pleasing char:
acter of those given in the school
room in spite cf obvious disadvan
tages, we shall'expect the one in tbe
.TriWJJhall lo be a thoroughly inter:
esting one. An excellent programme
Jus been prepared and will be-carried
out by the Very best ’local talent.
Admission is placed at the popular
figure of 20 cents, children 10 cents
Everyone and their wives and dffugb:
ters and sweethearts are invited.
J, Q, G, Officer?,—iAt the last
regular meeting of Clinton Lodge
No; 705 I, O. G. T. on Friday night
last tlm following officers were duly
installed-for the ensuing quarter by
Jacob Taylor, LodgeJJeputy :—
W. C. I., Bro."K’S: Booth; W.
V. T, Sis, M»rv Cottle; W|‘S, Bro.
James Rye; W. A. S. Sis. I. Me-
Dot)gall, W1. T. Sis. Susan Moore;
W, R S., Bro. H B. Kerr; W. C.,
Bro. G. Hannaford; W. D. M., Sis.
Sarah Mull.oy, W.’I. G., Si?.: E.
Whittington; W, 0. G., Bro. Wm.
Rutledge; W. R. IL S., Sis. Sophia
Kilty; W. L. H. S.,.gis. E. Bricken-
den. 0
Temperance Delegation.—The
’ following Delegates were appointed
to represeut Glintou Lodge at the'
/Went Huron Dibtrict Lodge I. 0/
G. T. to be hpld in Manchester on
: Wednesday-Feb. 18th A. W.
Carslake, * John Bayley, Susan
1 Moore,, E/lizabeth Betts, Elizalteth
Bayley, James Bye,-Edwa'rd Saville.
Wo rather like, tho snap, of the
Durham Chronicle mas, but in his
vigor lie sometimes rivet looks ru'ea
he land down wheq a school teacher.
As in the following: ‘Our many
friends wi|| be glad to hear that the, .
impending payment for the Chroni
cle, has been discharged. If anyone
expect^ iis to be “swamped” we beg
to inform them, that th®Y be
lamentably disappointed, providing
v^e keep oup liealth and our‘friends’
away from us.” '
About twenty five young people-
assemhled ut the residence of Mr.
H. W, Cooke on Friday evening last,
to tender a farewell party co Miss
Lotlie Mitchell, jprior to leaving for
her home in .Ypsilanti, Mich. The
eveningpjyaR spent in innocent games
and. aniusements. A splendid sup
per—oysters’, etc.,—- was served
about 12, shortly after which the
company adjourned’ to their respec
tive homes. Miss Mitchell left for
her home on'-Monday morning.
Messrs W. HE, Murney, R>bt
Plunkett and John Reid of Goderiuh
dropped in on us while they w<jre
en roulefor.tbe purpose of attending .
the annual- meeting of- the South-
Huron County L, O’.' L. holden in
Exeter last week. We were glad to
see such sterling representatives of
tbpse who stand by
“Tho flag that flouts triumphant o’or the
world. '
D'sliOiiored never by' the stain of
<■ shame,—
. The fhw that never fell, while British
blood, ‘
In British hearts remained beneath its
shade,—. '
The lion-guarded flag of Brittan."
Candlemas Day. —And behold ic“
cometh to pass that the second day
• of February, anno domini 1885, was
_.the day'/on which the-briarj so legend,
hath it, wak.eth up in his darksome
cave/ wipetli the soot out of his eyes,
with his paws, yqwnath, stretcheth
iris limbs, ariseth, walketh "out. of
his cave; looket.h about for his sha
dow, .returueth to his cave’if he
findeth hisj| shadow, ' and decided)
that tile end of the winter doth yet
be six'weeksJiEthe future : or, if' he
"findeth not hi.? shadow, there being
iio sun visible,’ remaineth our, satis-
(ieth himself that the reign’of F Ost
is o’er, anddnstructeth Mrs. Brum
to preparo. for . her spring house
cleaning^ And jt,caiD.e to pass that-
a bear .in the township of Huilett,
which was an early i iser and caugh t
the early worm, walked out of his
cave in the morning"at an early hour
and, seeing the shadow of himself,
1 returned, him to his-Jowly .Couch,
pulled.the bedclothes about/hia form .
and told-tlie hired mao .to call him '
.Rix weekq hence. .
bouTH nuaoN "Orange.-—The an
nual meeting of the County Orange
lodge,ot South lluron met on Tues
day last in Eki-terJ ■”T<rere~'werir""
alMut' 75 of the .brethern. present,.
BroJ Jblni Scarlett, C. M", presided.
Tlie Various committees were struck
and after.dinner their reports were
read and discussed Three places
vvere meMinned for the processi&Li/,. -
on the I2thof. July n- Kt.:—Exeter,
Bayti Id, and Stratford, - brit' on a
division tho e in. favor, of "Bayfield
were in- the'majority. Tl/e follow*
ing officers- weie ele.ctedLfo.r..the.;cur<.
rent year :— J. Scarlett; W; C. M ;
•Alex. Garret, Dpy•'-M-j.-W?- H:
Murne-y, Treas. ; E. Floody,' Sec’y y
Wj. W-»-Connor, Chap. ; John. Doig,
Dir. of Qer. ; John ‘Pollock and H.
•Eilher, Lecturers. communica
tion wa8„.repeiyel from W. W.<
Connor, ut -Bajfield, 'expressing his
regrets that owing- to ill liealth.he
was unable to bu.ipresent. This is
the first time lie- lias missed a coun
ty meeting during tlie last. 47 years.
'Among those present were' Bros.
Rfijd, Plunkett, Mur'imy, and Slier*
man,.--*Goderich} Calbictr’, Holmes
ville;- Floody and Cantelon, Ciin
ton. /Scarlett,... Horney, JLeadbury,
Simpson, • Brucefield;- Torrance,
Beatty, Foster. Itatliwell, Stewart,
Varna;' Pollock, -Heid,' Higgins,
Castles, Bayfield; J. Bengqugb, R'.
B.engough, Clarke, Ilensall; .Eit
her, Lawson and Sims, Crediton ;
W.“Portice, -Morey, J." Dagg, J.
Neil, F.Davis,- Centralia, and others.
Ths: ^eKt :nieeting.‘■WU“ •
‘ Personal.—The .Brussels Post
publishes the following 'honorable
mention of one of Huron’s million--
a ires, whose, home is in Clinton,
where is how*, residing,-’from tlie
Daily British Whig of Jan. 15th :—
TIie Eirst Railroader—a survivor of
the tiines of George Stephenson, a
hale old gen'leman yet.—Joseph
Whitehead, of .Clinton,'the first mHn
to fire a railway locomotive,is’at the
Royal hotel, in Kingston. Mr,
Whitehead 'fa 1827 w^g oh the
engine bult by George Stephenson.
It was a ten ton machine, worked,
with a beam, and was altogether An
awkward lookfag affair. Last even
ing to many auditors Im related the
j>tory of his early life; and it was
• very fateresting, He is the sole
survivor of those who wore identified
with tjie operations and workings of
theTfrst locomotive, ...When the en*-.
gino would go into-.the ditch an old
gray.- horse wan secured to work a.'
cr^ne which lifted it on to the track
again. .He looks now with astonish
ment‘on tlie marvollous progress
made in railroading. At first 10
miles an hour was good wdrk ; re
cently he had ridden over A fond at
tho rata of 60 mileh «fa*hour. Then
a good wind would stop the trftin,
nriw it;wou!d require a terrifiri hur*
ricano to even reduce the spend, At
Chidage the first engine was Mffiown
along-side a leviathan of tbris.
The contrast was wonderful. l\Tr.
in 1844>
"** ' ■ ' • • < ift1* i1'Joi
JlUllfttte,.. ' ,.,
Maps.—The majority . Icbools
being insufficiently aupplierj;. with
waps, and school section , No. S HuL
.lett being in thitb- p’redicameujt they
^it once Bet the matter right . by pujp
chasing river thirty dQllarn wbrth pF
the latest school maps, from /Chris.
Dickson of Clinton. ”
Bpoke about th® smell of coal oil.
On my ^suggestion Collier-went in
side where'the tire was and threw
some water on it.. He went through
the opening I had made in the ro<>f,.
but immediately camo out savins
he could not stay there "for the heat
aiid smoke. We then threw in
some water and saw that the fire
was extinguished, Went home and.
came "back after breakfast and.
found t^e shavings, (shavings pro
duced), saturated .with coal.oil. at
the place the fire had started. The
:ouly access to the place' where the
tire was is a “niauliole” in the ceil-
jng. I also got dry,, shavings be
tween the joist. Coal oil appears
to have soaked . through the ceiling.
The joist. Tor 7 or 8 feet from the
chimney towards the “manhole” are
blackened .by the fire. When I
showed Collier the "shavings and
traces of ' oil he offered no ex
planation ;.how they got there.
There was. no way of getting" to
where tfie fire started except though
the “manhole” in the ceiling. My
self and Mr. Leslie compared the
shavingR produced with (hose got
, by Collier’s boy at.the wagon shop,
and believe them.' to have been the
same. • • -
W. H.’Cooper said Mr. Paisley
asked him to go to Collier’s aiid ex
amine the place where the tire had
been,-and corroborated Mr, Paisley’s
evidence. ' ,
John Stewart, working at Leslie’s
wagon shop, agreed . aS . to the,
shavings got at the place of the fire
corrcRponding with those got by Col
lier’s boy. \ *
Mrs. Collier Raid she awoke Mr.
Collier when th® cry of “fire” was
raised <,a:iTd stAted that lio one ~bW
members of- her family stayed in
the house on the night in. question.,
Mr. Collier came to bed a^ half past,
eleven. The boy--got a few shav-
‘ ings the night previous to the fire.
Mr. Collier testified to. his wife
arousing "him from sleep. He at
once put op. his..pants *a.nd took'his
•coat and hat off the rack as he burs
ried : out. After going, out .and
handing water to Beattie he went
"^bHclcaiw}-|Hit’oiTi hislaTots; Did not
notice than anyone iiad^jot through
.i-he windows dr doors on the night
of the. tire.- There is no way of get
ting into the ioft except bv going
through-the billiard room which he
had chargb of. He liad $100 inRTir«.
ance on the;Iurniture. and $3QQJ,ti-
Rurqnce on the billittrd 'tables and
fixtures. Wa‘s understood f-o say
that the duly wav he could account
for oil being at the place of fiie wds
-that he had a’panorama ad veitisiiig.
sheet stored tip there for a few days
to dry, on which oil or-benzine had
been freshly put. Knew nothing as
as to how shavingR had'got there;
Ah 11 year’ old boy of Collier’s
saw .his Brother got shavings from
Leslie’s the night before the fire and
put their, under the. table up stairs.
Mr. Collier being recalled Raid
his1 landlord was Mr, Janies Miller
and they have-always been on good
termR. .
"The Buhstance of the finding of
the jury was, tllat the premises were
mali-iously. set on fire, but that-'
there was no evidence Jo show who
the guilty Darty.or parties were, .
We are inclehted to Mr. /W. H.
Co<,per for the.above report.
stoves:COATS,■ Feb. llth
In anji Arouud thc “Hub.”
’/W*’. ■■ ■ in
qUwiipiiii’Avm'i'ny f-ilwbti toutce, eithtY
Verbal cr writUn. Keporti of mtetingt, tn~
UrtslnMcnCt,society 'and church dolngt, etc.
kte^.or'^dy other viattert of general interest
■will alwidjl* keM aplaeeuiourcol^>nns<~-En
Canadian Abhoad.—At a scul
ling match at. Sydney,' New South
< Wgjgft, ]Rst Saturday. Hanlon beat
Clifford'by .-seven hrngt ha.
Mr. Riohabd Oxtabx, at one
timVl^Gbiiductbr on the Grand
Trunk Rail way/ but lately‘a farmer
aiftiftCtfryinap, died ou Monday.last
near Brantford. ' '
is now charged that women
pracsidytlib 'jnferiijLl machines which
blew u|/ tifiu parliament buildings.
‘ a great deal of the blow
ipgpup in this world. 4..
^Cqn’duqtqk, Qui RK, who has for a
long.period, been running on the W.:
G. W/W <betw'ee|ii- Kfacardind apd
H^miltbipllias been transferred to
- the- J^Hidpn JHurou A Bruce., .
Mr. Beok Doyle does things ac-_
at ^ie. Que®*/8
ItriS is fortunate in-hav-
in^JM?uirwl-the-services of so genial
ah<T"aqcouimbdiiting an ’asHistant.
A <coW got . driink in St.'. Thomas
bli'a'^Wy W&fcweek oh. pour beer
which had.; bem.l thrown out of a
ftreweryj.- -,The'v T*‘nes pertinently
remarks- was an. interesting
display, of corned beef.; •
Ticke ts nd place like home, so
we imagine:thfaks. Mr.,Harry Cante••
- Ion. Ahhougii figcpssaj-ily/.living a
sdrt^of Bedoiun life in.following jils"!
new occupation he will cornu ‘home.’
He was iu'town Sunday-and Mon
day. - ' . ~.
Mil. and Mrs Joqep'h Goldthorpe
of. Golborne drove to- .the ,.‘.‘Hub’’
Saturday And spent Sunday with
their relative Mrs. McLaren, .
“Queen's" Hotel. Mr. Goldthrope
say^ he'never found-better sleighing
than on Saturday last.
Miu Bobi& HoLMEajr of' Clinktpti,
'liajtf wrtftfcn to? M’jor. Draper, of
* Tbrdnto,’ for-partiiUl <rs of the death’.
oFa namesake, formerly of Demer-
ara, and if the party reAliy died.
There appears" to be some mystery
surrounding the aUe^liil death. —’
ITamft’TdS *n£]'>dbtator-:-“- -Guelph-
was”'fdrine’rly noii?(F-‘ToP"/bffiug"fthe.
■ residence- of tlie gentleman, wlio
driit-kH hot • Trilli w-hisk’ey/-in July.
——It is now notijd f®r being the first
Ontario city that, has. decided---that
t'liatr^ gentleman shall not have'his
lint Irish, in July or’any other
The Presbyterian Dr. Cuyler
accords to-.tire Bapusts “the hook,-
which next to God’s own book, has
had :mor«'-rekiliirs-than ahv in the
E iglish tongue," meaning Bunyan’s
“Riig.<im:’s - Rr<?gre'-s,.” an<l - the
preacher, , whq . has -reached more
,ihan~pny~^man since the.
.Apswtl^sj-'.iyrthe-persoir of Spurgeon.
Six’-JP-AtiL^s School HousE.-r-The
,cnnti!«c4> i for--- ihw ■■ building of ,St.
Paii-l^'Church School- House' has
• Mr. John.. Scott,,at.
$ll,20: some of-the material- to ’ be
furfashddrbyfthe trusiees. Includ-
i^jj. material the cnBt will be about?
$1,450. T-he-huildinc Will, be of
fain proportions.—28x&6,
So appears that the McGillij
cuddly brothers, of Goderich, do not
own the town, and that a gentjeman •
named Mr. Mafcolmson is better
thought of than my brother Tom.
He actually defeated the latter for
. School. Trustee the other day by nihe^
votes. It is well o.nce and a while
for a'man to ,gb-to'‘the people' and
see how,
New IjEGAL Firm.—We are glad
to notice^ in the*1 Seaforth that
.-the .business of Mr." J> M. / Beet,
that he has to take in an aii- ■
sistant in the ol a partner.
Mr. Hector C«>wan7*wlm has just
pAiik'e.ff’.'t^'.’ii Wiirristdr With honors, at.
the-bead of the iist, boing"*the' gen
tleman. ’ ‘ ' -.
Important • Question.—If Mrs.
- were left a widow,.
Ahdbld' stfeWsume her own given
name or continue to. hr® thajb of her
lath ireshand wheny "being addressed/
by (etter qr. signing her name 1 -An-
Rttct<^Wiren that edamity happens
' to’ Mfa. John Smith, (and to ME.
John SmithTjT’ioo,) Rhe should be ad-
’ B.V «w’ Mrs.’- Mary
Jane Smith. 'Some women prefer
to qAp tlmjr own nafttb in -that way
evdn Spring their hunHand’s lifetime
bnt is rather evidence tljat tlie’Jr
rebel agajnRt the present relations
of m.en And women, fthtl - that they--
do nobbntertajn thd respect and ad-
rrirration of-their "hftsbands-that is
the basis of true matrimonial fell-
-------"TMty.'^— ' ’ ’
ArFRECijiiiSD.—We # congratulate
difa (Ah’iF pre want
m many more as wp. can g«’t from '
various parte of the ebunty) on the^
appreciation of their items by onr
|bri)U|t‘jin:of tho - resji. Thd Godtf-
ich personal organ last wety conr
items th® #J5W8'REpo*p
fliffipM--' '/qoyrwpbndupjw J nlneteptt
Ite^bbfa'th^.N^rltFtiORD, Por-
j/'-and ten
-r •
Incendiary Attempt.
About . 2’.o'clock Wednesday
morning, Feby. 4th, smoke was seen
to issue -from the premises occupied
by Mr. Collier,. a., poi tion of which
is used as a billiard hall. His fams
ily also reside upon the premises.
They are situated between Cunning
ham's corner grocery-and Kennedy’s
hotel, the centre of a-very inflatum*
able row of buildings. - Some young
men -who-had just returned from
Goderich gave the alarm and the
steamer was soon at work, but the
fire, fortunately, hqd not.made suffix
cient Headway to require very great
efforts to extinguish it. A pringent
smell of burning coal oil suggested
the idea ethat that liquid had- been
used to get up a blaze by .some per
son of incendiary instincts. An ex
amination of the location of the fire
by Inspector Paisley, revealed the
fact that, the tire had started in the
loft, or lo.W place between tbe ceil
ing and -the roof,, access to which
could only be had by a “riianhofa”
opening, about 15 inches* square.
Here also.were found shavings sat
urated, wit.h coal oil. .The tire ap
peared tcTliaVe started about fifteen
feet fro.m the chimney which was-
perfectly-secure. The smell of coal
.oil iu* the atmosphere during the
burning qf-the..‘dbfaze” having jpten-.
sified the acuteness of the olfuctbr
ies of'.Chief Paisley, he, during the-'
investigation>of the origin of” the
fire concluded that he smelt a “rat."
Tie gathered up some of' the p w ily
burned and.coal oil saturated shav
ings, and, having learned tliat a «u'ri
of the occupier of the premises h/nl
brought home shavings froiirLeslie’s
wagpn shop the previous .evening,.-
lie Cook "W.-H. Cooper witlr liim
and went?to- Mr. Leslie’s shop and
arrived, at the conclusion thaf the
shavinge used, in- what appeared an ■
incendiary attempt were identical
with those got by the )ad the eve
ning previous'to the fire.’ Who
placed them where ba found them,
was now the question. .
-"Tn prdfer to ‘HeteiriSine'"Tnw“ah3,Td
get all the- informatioi/posfdhle in
rhe premises; Coroner Dr/ Worth
ington, on the application of
Reeve M’cMurchie."* and others,
suinmoni-d a jury to appear in
the town hall, oii Febr. 5th at 10
o’clock in the forenboh to hear evi
dence., digest it-and report accord
ingly. ‘ The jury was comppsed of-
Joseph Whitehe ijdi (foreman), J; IT.
. YL.mL'u _T" <li«..»>iuiJjWrtfr- 1
Hy. Steel>,' J as. Smi th. Jas. Thomp
son, T-hos. Cooper,"G. E. Pay, W.
H.Simpson, W. Beesley and.Ro’bt.
■Coals.. After examining the prem
ises they squared - themselves for
work • in .the service , of her Majes-
John. Armor testified that early
on the morning of the 4th Febr,
lie, Will Fisher and W- Strsith
and Earnest Copp noticed the sniolt,o
issuing from .Collier’s,/ atid a strong,
smell., of coal oil, but did not per
ceive any Jilaze, They went/to Mr.
Collier’s -apd rappea at the door,
and told him jiis .house was on fire.
Mr. Collier appeared, .already
dressed'. Witness and the compan
ions named, along with Dick Patter
son then went to the back „of the
premisesr and finding^ the fire wan
making headway he rang the firb
Earnest Copp corroborated pre
vious witnoss and stated that two
or8 threeminutes atter the rapping"
■three children and Mrs. Collier
came out apparently fully dressed,
;,wa9 not quite-certain that Mrs. CoK
lier was.
Alf. Dennis said he was in Beat
tie’s livery stable when his comrades'
shouted “fire.” He ran out and
the first, thing that greeted him was
a smell of coal oil. After finding
out where tbe fire was he ran up
Collier’s stairs and found-that gen.-
Hernan in the doorway with a bed
tick. >In About three minutes heard
Mrs. 0. ask, “where’s the Jbabyl”
Thought the folk? in the hduso bad
their boots on. ’ ..
■Roland Beattie wad there at the
time and Mr. Collier asked him »o
help take his furniture out. He.
asked Mr. 0. to get hinr spbie water
to put the fire out, Mr. 0. brought
half a pailful saying that was all
there Was: fa the house. Ijhrewft
■ on the fire, Mr. 0. wan dressed.
Asko l him for more water but did
no,t get any,
W. Straith told much the satire’
sfary aS -the previous witnesses
about noticing the smoke and the
pre valance of thq burning coal oil
W. J.Paislev, chief of police, was
aroused by the fire alarm Ori the
rnornincr fa question. Upon arriv--
fag at the Scene wont up the stairs
from the street, Found a lot of
bedding at the door, at the tdp of
the stairs. Climberl . on tliS. roof
.Nile.-,’ ’’ -'h
Mrs. D. McWhinney and -JfciF. Qj;
May^gre visaing frienda.iti •C|fatoq«,.^
Mr. W. Mclntyfe isrhome - from
Dakota.' He|has taken ai farm. th eye -
and will likely return in .the spring
‘ Mr. Wm. Shifefa/^r CdibdWeJtt dn1
the sick lLti. ‘
Mr. Martin ip mending stby^^ere,
He invaiiably makes »,!
A large number of saw logp./pre be
ing drawn to McWhipney’s .i^VW' mUL.
The roads aref still, very--livery ‘J?
Mr. Thos; Anderson arid sister and’
■ Alisa Webst. r are visiting hcy.^
Rev. T M. Campbell preached here
on Sunday. ■*
" —“ ■■» — ;y ...*«..f*. ■■ „
Just Arrived, a Splendid D
Colbornc .
There were’married on February r
by the Rev. W. Birks., at the" residence
of the bride's uncle, W Forster, Esq.,
James./Page,-Esq , of Hamilton, to Miss
Hanna Rebecca Forster,"of Colborne.
. Dungannon.
Miss A. Kaine, of Gorne, is on a
visit here.
Mr.. II. Biokle and bride, have re
turned from their honeymoon trip.
. An old-lady, Mrs. Robinson, died
early on - Friday. and was buried on’
Saturday, She was about JOO years
Of age. - ’ '
A big sleigh load.of young folks,
from this , place, and the Nile, had a
surprise at Beifast-dn Friday evening.
On their return they had an upset,
and it was quite a sight to see 23 of
them scrambling, in the deep snow.
No one,was very badly hurt.’ , •
Alias Susan McIntyre-ut Port FJ&pq.
is honrie again-visiting her parents,
and friends "galore, wno areglad tri
see her.
Mr. Geo. Fisher’s team ra.n away
on Friday and made a grand spill of
cord, wood through the village but no.
great damage done. .*
The'roads are very bad at present
especially out towards Dunlop there
being innumerable' pitch holes, hut
’under the skilful management of\our
4 Wetion boss” they ate not as bad as1
they might be.
. Thd^inhabitants of this village re-
joioe in the overthrow and downfall
of brother Tom of Goderich,for Mr Mo
GilHcuddy'is the gentleman (excuse
this phrase) who said we were liood
•Zumx. Will the'.Signal steal thia as*
it stole rail* Under this head, (and
others, last week.
It is likely that Holmesville will
soon be oonneoted with the Bell
Telephone Trunk line And the resid
ents of this “Burg” will soon be Able
to‘hello’ to their friends in the‘Hub/
As there is no Telegraph.'office at
this point |it wiil be a great Udnveti-
anoe to residents in the locality. The
central office will probably he
managed by Mr. Duff, Post Master.
Our village is increasing in popula
tion. The latest addition is a family
named Bishop who have removed
here from Kincardine.
Mrs, Hall, the evangelist, Is doing
,a power of good. Revival meetings
presided over by her are verjr largely
attended and the power of-the Spirit
Is being felt by a great many whd
openly acknowledge, it. The lady is
ah Able resBoner and instructor,which
Ugi/te accompanied by a kympathetio
Porter’s llillv = "y’7 '
A pleasant time -was' spent. at the
.residence of Mr. McPhail, of $he Cut
Line, by-th® youug,.folks pf 'thp place,
one ‘evosing last w,eek,. .- .
Mr. Stewart MriDougall, qf^b® Ps*l.
Lino has disposed-Of
horse for a large sutu to Mr,. Jqhu,,
Turnbull, ol Listowell. .trr .jf
-Mr. -.Alex Robihsqir,’ of*- Vjaterlop,
was on a business, tjflur ihroMgh the
village and vicinity. His,<e.b,and.-1wet,
believe was.the purcliasfag oiso-nio .Qf
the splendid ■ liQr,ses;. ^r'lyy^iol; Ulis
place is famous. . -
Mr. James H. Ell^o,tE J
for Porter’s 'bill, : has
head of his cattlo,:"..T!lie,y.j-ay)eraged.
over $66 each,..and wereMprotonucod
by competent judges to’.W5&a
’-lob-of cattle as.had been TfeiSl(-iii' Hie
“Hub” for sotrie.. tiino/'fwp^'f/theih
turning the scales^t
Our local cattle dealers R^e,putvit|
the business $gafa..: Mr." Jarnos'"
Elliott,- of tho 5,t‘h; " and David.
Cox, of. tho ffithi are, making hoavyt;
purchases. • •
{-Mrs. Cryderman is visiting friends
at Dublin. ; - ■>’..
Mr, Gcorgo Cox, chief ^magistrate,
of the .village, "and Mrs. ..Cox have
"returned from their visit to |heir. spn
in Hilton township, .;sf r
Mr.-/and .’.-Mrs.,.John. Stirling, of-
• Goderich, whojwore recently married,
areWisiting at Mr. Wm; Morgan's,.of
of the 5th. ’ •-.7.■ .. ■
Miss;Bella. McClusky - is’'visiting
friends in "the Village. . • . -
Mr. David Walden, of HbYrintown*
ship, is visi.tirig friendsdu 'tli’ri'n'ci^h-
hood, J1 j"-/J .\
Miss Cox, of. tho 6th, is'ph. tlie sick
list. . .. ■ "J.-
. Mrs, John Wallis, of- tlie ‘’2nd con.,
is1 seriously- ill, ■’infliffimrttioifr'being:
the cause, •’ ■
Mrs. James Wallis, of tho 1st coni,
we are sorry to state" is much worse. -
It wjll bo remembered tfrisdiidy met
with an accidorit last fall'that con
fined her to her bedjand though seem
ing, to" be getting better:of . late, it is
now. feared that-those b'righfantioipa-"
tions inay~not oe realized^ x-<- • ’•
Mr/Picot, of tho 4th", ha^.T'bnj'oyed-
to the 1st con,. He will db'lfbtless Be"
missed, by. his'old neighbors?
The many friends, of-Mr/iHasting^.
. of the '4th,«>vyill'tbe pleased \’to loam
lip is recovering’’fftitji -hffi "illness.^.*
■ We understand’.^liat:Mr.’ Jjohn M.c-
Lonan, framer, of' tlip 5t,h,pon.,. has
. undertaken"’ a big-contract 'from-Mr.
Thomas .McKee,, of:£bu.;4tfi, Tor. the
foundation,' also for. anAdUitibn to be
.built to the barn.-' 'j.‘ 7 j/ • -•
I -Mr. John-McCauley, -^oderiofa
Sis making _Borne extensive repair's,,in
the’,bh,rris of. Mr. Da,v^ the
Owing to^the illness of thq,organist,
the entertainment ,at Bq|h"(4-Qhnrch
was postpenecL-a-' „. ,7).J "
Mr. William Clark^f -tlie;6th, paid
a flyirig visit to thri villageilast week,
the purchasing of horses, we believe,
was. the.olijdct he had'in.vjpw. -
. Mr. Foster; Presbyterian ministef;.
of Bayfield, officiated-;-at, .’Bothel
church, on Sunday evening;last, in
the place of Rev. Mr. Gee who was
too ill to attend. "
The many fr.iends-of -Ro'eVo Elliott
will be pleased-to see.thutf he has
been again-appointed- road 'cdmmiB-
sioner. No doubt the County Coun
cil know how to apprdci’are good
sefvices, lb Seems th'StFJtliey don’t
want an engineer.'. Well, it l^ niiiff-
ter of opinion whethbt prii^tiiSal mei?
-like-Mr. Elliott arid "his fml^w-pdm-"
missioners .can. attend.. 4o’2t%afl'and.
bridge making .as well > asl-ti!, good
theoretically capable man.,
Your correspondent it appears wiis
wrongly ihformed in regard id..Mr.
Fred Smith’, That geptil^jia'b .has
no intention of retiring froth -the
washing machine ’ businefl^ mn the
contrary Jhe Jntends to’ ’ri'ngagri .in''
the business, oji .a rnpcli . larger
scale than evor. Be rides t^modem
. ^improved ones, oi. which ' bb’"'keeps a
supply, always..rih^handj.,Jjeei'ntohds
to invest in ^re/ old, original Dan
O’Connol stylo of machine.' yretl,’ old
fellow, roceivo our congratulations, ■
Tho latest modern improvemopt is
a machine for drawing" wood; and may
be seen on tho 1st oon. daily. r It is
managed by an .elderly..genntleman,
, and it is an eyesore, to :a spirited
horse. o. ■ ’ • , ,
. Miss Annie Elliottvof Toronto,.'who
.has been ‘ .visiting-Jrfend^ in thia'
' ^vic’iniFy" returried-’to "^her’i'-bottie! :«n
Friday last. , •' ,
NR............................... ’ll! I ’ifir ii
WANTED/ ■■:./;
A pjy’to’ - ’ "MRS. JOrtN’CRlIB.
Applications for ibe-poirftkiA ^
taker of thaClibfofi Hi&o. lol'6’1®
year, will be received by' ainaersignea
up to tho evening of thG.iflth liittr ' Ptiti^
to bo performed; &6;: lhiy-h'edt' oh' ‘applica
tion to the Secrottftf.fv 6-W!«'H<'
February 5'th,-18&5l o.f: ■/ - -f '
’ .- pn11.1; h„ r,{>DA.-
Choice Groceries, fruits, Confectionery, Etc.
■■ Fresh Currants, Layer Raisins, Rlack Basket Raisins,
1 Valencias, layers; Valencias, loose;" Citron, Orange,
& Lemon Peels: Nuts—Almbnds, Filberts,’ Peacan; &c.
Green and Dried Fruits of all kinds. About twenty different kinds of
Confectionery. BISCUITS—Wine, Abernethy, .Lqmojn, Fruit, Sod^s and
Crown. Bisquitg. Marmalade in. jars, CANNED GOODS—Reaches, Pears,
Toinatoes, Salmon, .Mapkerai,. Lobsters, .Sardines,’ etc,-, j^y..Haddie>, and
OUSTERS constantly on hand. ‘ -.
I ' ...................•_______-_*a
Gent's Cups and Saucers, Glass Bread Plates, Fruit Dishes, Jugs, Nappies,
otc.-—all new goods and of the very latest styles. ■ See them early, v
Essences of every kind. Reliable Yeast Cakes. Toilet Soaps, made by
all the leading" manufacturers. Washing Soaps—all the leadin? lines.
’ — ETC., AT-
Victoria Block, j . Clinton, Ontario.
BUFFALO^ gOAT ROBES, for Sate Cheap.
—i-Having received ;my-— .
O'Wotajen’s Kid Boots only $1.75. -
ts" Meifs^Boy's and Children’s, cheap, accordingly.
ear Trunks^aDd Vallses very cheap; •” ' . ■ '
Team and Carriage Harness cheaper tliaii ever. Silver Mounted Single
Harness omy$l4. • . *
Xfflr B.aby Carriages,Vjarge variety, at almost half prlcb.,’ .
15,000 Bunches IIlghxL'ind Pine and Cedar ..Shingles for-sivle, cheap.
Better and tiggs'$k&i, as cask for Boots and ,Skoe'3>
........................... .....
Coal Stoves, :-t Cook
- -----AT------ I
Mammoth. Stove Warehouse, Hardware and Trip,
CLIJSTTOlSr,. - ousr'i’l
We have removed-to our new storo in SEARLE’S BLOCK, • ' • , I
Wllere we haye opened out a .large and well-assorted stock of
. A visit will convince you that w# have the best store of-lhe'kind ih the county.-
. • pall and examiue our promises. *
General Grocers artel Produce... Merchants]
Choice, Fresh Family Groceries
• * - Constantly in stock. • '
teas-^extra VALUE.
Farm Produce taken at Highest Price.
Id *
A BRICK STORE, Suitable for first class Dry
•XX Good?, Hardware, or general business, now
occupied by P.lumbtkel & Co. Possession given
let of January. Ront moderate. Apply to
--------.3-l7.-......... . R—JRWlrf
smith’s".BLOCK, > " CLINTONj ONT.
- The corrcct place forporfect fitting garments
■ at closest quotations. .
Fit, Workmanship, Style Assured
' • 323tf Apply to T. COOPER, Grocer.
-A . j. —- ---------■
GAME to the premises of the auhsorihor, Lot
19, Con. ft, Goderich Township, about the
midd’.o of October, 1884, 4: SXlIOJIlJiP
(two ewes and two lambs). The uwTior.can have
thorn bj proving property and paying charges.
$23-4t . Portor’e HtH 1‘. 0.
HAVING distwsed of the whole Of mV Ineur-
anca Business to Mr. 0. .RIDOUT, I would
ask for him from my-many friends and patrons a.
corttinuance of the conBdonee and support so long
extended to-mo. He can.- be found at my old
office on High Street.,
(8d) A. 8. FISHER."
dfntop,J4nu«ryl9th, 1885,. 223-3t
. Hand-made work, sewed and (begged, at
ptkes to suit every purse, The wet work,
lowest prices, and satisfaction guaranteed.,
As I have flrst-claes city workmen em
ployed, entire satisfaction ’is A certainty.
Give m* a call. 1
is Ybrtr Time £q Buy
Large & Assorted Stock
■ of ROBES AND BLANKETS -if you'wish to Vi
Everything In thn HARNl 88 l,De down to suit the time’s,
Buggies and Wagons, Cutters and Sleighs,
• FB.EEMAN’3 ..
\ro pleasant to t sho. Contain their own
■ .ti'e. la a safe, sure, and, orrcctcaJ
forms iu Children or AdnUt
Notice to Contractors.
SEALED TENDERS addressed to 'the under
signed, and endorsed “Tender for Colling-
wood,’’will be received until MONDAY, the Otn
of PEEiltUARY next inclusively, for the con
struction of a further length of tho Breakwater
at Collingwood, Siiucoo County, Ontario, accord-
ihg to a specification to be seen on application to
Adem Dudgeon, Esq-, Collingwood, from whom
forms of tender can-oe obtained.
.Persons tendering are hotifltrd that tenders will
not he considered unions made orf tho printed
forms buppliod, she blanks properly filled in, And
signed with tholtactual signatures.'
' Eilcb tender must bo accompanied by tn
ooeentari bank ahoqhe, made payable to tho
Honorable the Minister of Public AWfe, equal ta
fvepertenl. tM amount of the tendert which
will be fotfoited If tho party decline to enter into
a contract when oaliOdpn to do. so, or is. he fall
to efitb pitta th a *ork contracted for. It the ten •
dor bo’notacbopted the cboquo will be rotnimod.'
The Doptrtraent wjjl not bo bound to tocept
tlx lowest or toy tender.
’ By order.
’ A. G<WL,’
Acting Ro Ct Wy
Department of public Worktr, ■ •. dttewt, »th January, 1886 .- . W
<■ Only beat seasoned lumber arid heB^ifonuMd, Best workmen"cmpToycdT’
AllworkWarranted as-represented.JiriwyPricies" arid‘"'QhTclc Sales
Biiggy Tops,- Bodies,.Gears/Trimmings, etc., m'ade'in large quantities nuitsuppliod to
the Trace at the very lowest Wholesale Prices.? B^PAlRlNu promptly attended-to.,'
All kinds of Lumber takori in exchange. Givei u£<a call'..'. q ’ . - .
P. W. HAYWARD, Opposite Fair's Mill.
Subscribe for the News-Record,
$1.25 per Year.
The Only Double ■ Circulating1
. Paper in the County.
j 4A0 - -------------
■tf » ,.. n
Ars ttteaMntf ef Ao fe»rd of t>lropta«f of
A wjtfUl m IMWMM Oe. bold in
ewfortb on January Mtb, 1886, for the purtoOo
of deciding tho point Mt over from the
meoting, tt WWrtblOuely deoMed that Uta ,------.
o r i i G AS
How to Sell Goods