The Huron News-Record, 1885-02-11, Page 1AVd Artif! puses ajM be awji* J o o <1 < H II (OraiUK.FOR SALE. - : TN THE village-of BELGRAVE, the dwelling .JL house and.etore occupied by me. .The eito is ono of the most desirable in the village for busi­ ness. • There is a good stable, outhouses, andean excellent soft wutor cistern on the premises, The lot comprises -J o» -an acre,...The buildings aro in good repair. Will bo sold cheap, as .tho pro- prietor is giving up business. Termsomy. 4.M?. Mart w STREET, CUETON* , C0QP£R, dr rw ot and deal** Im *U Mm4s fit JS Granite for Cemetery ^*t.fl<ure» that dMy oompstttlon ,mnnufacturer of the Culebi-aied 3ML Stonb lor Building pur- Cometary Work, which must a be appreciated.—All work warranMA to idve satisfaction. f-l o o 34 <wgsg»-gj.iggii'e^.~^S TERMS; $1.2fr per Annum, in Advance,« “INDEPENDENT IN ALL THING?. NEUTRAL IN NOTHING.” , ■ 1 yjiW i, r''r iini W'ff'i'.r.. Mil"'■ Li jl■□BJXt WBXTELY &. TODD, Publishers sap CLINTON, HURON COUNTY, ONT.. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1885. cm O © Q d Q -p Sh o rS CQ Q r3 -P bo fl ? •M Y £ -A O ci o J BUSINESSDIRECTORY £gg||EDWIN KEEFER, . . • qD3E2ITTIS1?s Late of Toronto, Honor Graduate lU&al College x ’ of Dental Surgeons, OoatsX Block, - • Clinton, All Work Registered. f Chagos Moderate. , ~i. 1.r. , gJMiflil.’ DR. REEVE.’ Offlee; Rattenbury Street, im. moJJatoly behind Hansford’s book store. „„RMibae« oni»4ltfi*the Tumperabcb Halb.HMwv fitreet. OdieO hours from 8'u.ln. to O p. m. .Clinton; Jan. 14,1881. 1-y MANN ING& SCOTT, Barristcre, Solicitors, Conveyancers, iia Com-, mission® rtf for Ontario and Manitoba- OF Office—Town Hall, Clinton,’ Clinton, Mayl7th,I882. ' 50 D. A. FORRESTER, ‘nb.vrzjra.vc’HK. la.va insuranov, & V GRRElUb AGENT. AT Montf to Loan. Officb, Beaver Block, Clinton. v?2tf OEAGEfl & MORTON, BarriBUra, <fcc.-, A , Gftd-. OAlch Kfid Windham. C. Sdageb MWatfclfa J. A. Morton Wingham. 1-ly. . T^AVISON &'JdHNfitON, Law, OfunrerVtftnd ...convayitri^^^ "Street,’ next ' aoor to Yogi Office; Oodetich, Ont, 6?, „ ■ -. .IL - ---- , ..... ........... R O, HAtS. SoUcttor, efed. Office, corner oi v Bqua'reind W<(*t Street, ov«r Biitlcr’a Wook Store, Goderich, Ont. 07. Mohoy to lorid At lowest riteie of Interest CO <s> o £«?s £ H. W. BALL, A VCTIONEER for Huron County. 8alcs at- rx tended to in any part of the County. Ad- iross orders to Gomciuoit P. O. 'V-17. •CSIAS* H AMILTON 1 A UCTIONEER, land, loan and insurance agant .'A Biyth. Sales attended in town andoountry, >n reasonable terms. A list of farms and village lots for Salo. Money to 'loan on real estate, at low rates- ofcintorest. ' Insurance effected one all classes of 'property, Notes and. debts collected. Goods appraised, And sold otl commission. Bank­ rupt 8tocke bought and sold. - Blvth. Doc. 1(1, 1880 - —..............................—..........................., i „ _ ; J.fE.,BLAlOKALL, Veterinary. Surgeon, Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, To, ronth, havihg opened an otfico in Clinton, ft;.1 prepared to treat all dlseasos of dowieatlc animals on the most modem prin­ ciples. Ail Operations Carefully performed, and calls prompt- . < ly attended to by a»y or ' night. Fees moderate. Office,—1st door West of Ken­ nedy’s Hotel, Clinton, Ont. V-17. o h «2 t>».. .. _43Q | s 8 •*-. turj O. 44 43 <D rS *P <D 1 DC -) O L. O. L. No. 710. pLIINTOTST, . - Meets sBOoro ifduDAT of every month. Ilall upstairs, opposite tho-Town'Hall?- -Visiting-brcthron- always mode welcome. \ ’***J*^" .. p. OANTELON, W. M. A; M. TODD, Socy. O. TWEEDY, D. M.5-114! MONEY TO LOAN At low rates of interest and-upon terms to suit borrowers.- <> MANNING & SCOTT, ■ • ' Beaver Block, Clinton Clinton, May 17th, 1882. o 20 ’ "O’O^I^lolend in largo or small sums, on 1YJL good mortgages or pors- ua> "ocurity, at the .lowest current ratss. H. HALE Huron-St. Clinton i ■ Cl.nton, Fob'. 26,1&>] Apply to WM. PUNCAN BeUrayo, Ont, H<■ H t ” <1 W P /.Qj' TilE WEEK’S DOINGS. ' CANADIAN. The T'Wbnto Presbytery, by a vote of .27 to .12,' decided that a man may lawfully marry- his ..deceased wife’s. ■-LuiHtjBC___________ ___... . COMMERCIAL HOTEL. This Hotel is furnished throughout with groat-' carq to meet tho wants of the travelling public, Pefnmodious.nnmple rboms. '-Thc bust of liquors,, and cigars aro alwavs kept at the bar. Good table. Bost situated Hotel in Clinton. Give us. a call. ■' . -d' . JAS. MOORE, Proprietor. Clinton, Juno 7th, 1882, Photographers A 111)171* Six conta far pohta^d 11 MMl / k rdSelw tr&6t a cdsfcly box A# 'All'k/t'M lA! 'kvVAiA .kiix'Llj -X iUox. da ■£ 1- ~ eZ.of -either sex, to mote money rl^ht ftway than ariythlngelse if! this world, Fortune!! await,.the Workers absolutely etlro. At Once address Tm it Co., Attgueta, Maine 28Lly* CO Life Size Portraits a Sneoialty. Goderich Marble Works *. t o• Z s 1 WAVERLYJHOUSE. THIS HOTEL IS New and has all the require­ ments ota, prstrcUea house. Largo and airy rooms, elegant parlors, heated with hot air. In the immediate vicinity of the G. T.- R. Depot. The bar is well stocked with the fclioiccst brands of liquors and cigars. The travelling nubile may rest assured Of being well bared for at this holme. ' , , SAMUEL PIKfi, Clinton, May IB, 1884. 287-y Proprietor. fMLINTOH Lodge, No. 84, A, F. & A U meets every Friday, on dr after the ftill moon, visiting brethren oordhlly invited. J. YOUNG, V, X. „ A, WORTHINGTON, Sm, gllntgg^ami4^jtyi, , j,y bv fa NEW BEWING MACHINE FOB . BALE. LONDON LOAN GO’Y, .$100,00’0 : The Hon. A, “M, 'Ross stated in the Assembly that tlio expenditure, incurred by the Provincial Board of Health in the township of blunger- ford,' which was .recently afflicted, with smallpox, ,was -$1,600, and by the township.boards $10,000.. Thin, he th.'Ught, was not a large amount, when .it.was remembered that 200 cases were reported, out of which only 45 were fatal, ‘“Montreal, February 3,—The Itmkdon volunteers of 1837 Are shout to- petition tlm Dominion- Government for* a pension for ser­ vices rendered,by them in the trou­ blesome times' of the ^rebellion. The petition recounts the fact that when the alarming state of the Count! y made it necessary, steps were taken which resulted in the formation of the ’.‘Loyftt Bowden Volunteers,” 500 strong. Tlvpy marched to Sorel for arms and ac­ coutrements in the most inclement season of th.fi year, and n6W .ask for remuneration by pension br other­ wise, ' „ . A rfispfidtable, welUtonhS farmer wm taken sick during the prevalence bf the .smallpox ^epidemic in th/ township of Hungerford, Ont, add one of the siudfitita .ftfthL to .the lo- daiity by the Provincial Board of Health Was called in and declared it a case of smallpox and otdfitedJiim to thfi hospital, although it after- wards turned out,that he did no/ have the smallpok fit alb, The pa- limit objected, at* di l the membeM of his family, but the studeOt in­ sisted, and after fourteen days’ con- * Jfl. Mtfw weighing fiOO lbs. and con« tabling $3,0Q and some valuable papers, waft stolen from a hotel in Montreal the other night. The Canada, Pacific Company, it is reported, want the Dominion Government to’buy baffle all their unsold land at $2 an acre, , Holland flouring nulls *t Water­ down, Wentworth county, were destroyed by fire last week, Their capacity was 175 barrels a day. Lona, $35,0QQ. Insured, . Last Wednesday several freight cars were thrown off the bridge at Georgetown. Trains for Goderich, and Clinton, front Toronto, had to come by London. ’. — - Judge Johnson, of Montreal, fiaB ■ decided that a tavern keeper mbst pay $2Q0 and costs because he. sold liquor to a drunkard after the wife of the latter had notified him not to doeo. - The Toronto organ of tho Re­ formers remarks that to be rejected by the people has qualified men for: seats in the Senate. Yes, that’s a fact. The late Hon.- George Brown was one of them. . On Saturday evening.a. man nam-- ed Jdhn’Gibbs, of: Ridgetown, made an;aitempt to commit suicide by cutting his throat with s razor. He 'sdya'.h'is wife joined the Salvation Army last March and has not been home an evening since. It is thought he will 'recover. A private .detective lias ihsued summonses against over one hun­ dred-citizens’to appear at the Divis-. ion Court to answer a charge of re* - peating vqtes at* thft'Tecent Toronto mayoralty election. Uncler section T36 of the municipal act any voter guilty bf -repeating is liable to a penalty of $50, to HeJianded-over-to- tlre informer, If .Hucces,8ful in each case the private detective will'make $5,^oo. ; The efforts bf citizens to separate two dogs" engaged- in fiehting in Guelph seemed to be unavailing, in fact seemed to etimtrlate the brutes to greater' ferocity, until a druggist Jbroii g ht..tl> o.iioience.ofh is.cal ii n g. to their aid,' arid dashed the contents- of a bottle of ammonia -in the dogs’ faces/. This Workej-like magic. .The dogs gave,one how-l, turned .tails on •each Other, and ran. i.ij opposite di­ rections as. fast as their legs could carry them. . • ..; Terftnce Scott (colored) onticed a respectable young married woman (also colored), named Mrs. Mary £|mith, to go for. a; drive ouo.nigKt last- w<?ek. He promised to” not tuke her .outside Hamilton. Mrs. Smith reported to' the police that Scott drove her to a. lonely place qast Of the city, called the”-“Delta, where lie outraged her. Scott was arrested, aiid at. Court the Magis trftte committed him for trial, bail being refused. Mrs.'Smith says that Syott auk now lodged to her. that he had buwn pondering and planning this outrage for nearly throe years, and 'liat he: was prepared "to go to penitentiary for it. A far greater number of serious accidents, happened at the various, tobo-jgaii elides during the Montr eal carnival than have so far been .pub.-’ .lished in the local press. ’ Ati Amer­ ican visitor who received dangerous jrijurieH at the Tuque Bleue slide, by coming in collision with a sleigh at ' the foot of the run. has since diedy- arid .his body-has been taken to his home..- A young lady from Boston' mot with such seiibus Wounds at one of the mountain.slides in a Him* ilar way that she has been confined* to bed. The’ medical attendants have npjiopfts of their patient re: uuveiing for some’ iijmep’^QnTVB'TT' number of minor accidents are also reported, vbut-^iione are likely to prove fatal. ’ Mr. Beaty,-M. P.,- tor . Toronto, proposes -to^introduce a- Bill- into- Parliament abolishing .‘.s'piritSi and perhlilting only the use of beer and wines as a beverage. This idea of" partial prohibition - is one that Mr. BedtyJ has jon’g favored, and he be­ lieves he will be able>.to_britig“<Ibwn such a measure as will’satisfy all reasonable opposition Cither.1 frotn the “Government on the sebro of ’revenue, or from thedistillers.or the' extreme prohibitionists. Part’* of Mr. Beaty’s scheme will, be the granting, of moderate compensation to distillers fop the loss which- their business will sris’tain. Mr. B ’ftty.’s Views have been advocated 'by^tbe 'NewS'REcord, and we hope he will succf’ed - in^haying theriv-embedied in legislation. ■ What is .called the Bayham- murd­ er occurred in the township of that name in the.county of Elgin. Lewis Stillwell was, fatally, shot dn New Year’sday 18,85. Ransom Forbes who was supposed lobe intimate with Mrs .Stillwell, and' Stillwell’s hired man, Al< ■ Thomas,-were arrested for the muffler.' Since then Stillwell’s wife . has been arrested' as an accessory. At the preliminary investigation last Week Edward Yorbes, brother of one of the prisoners statod that be know all. the parties, ahd that Mrs., Still­ well1 had once told him at her' bouse that she would give the team to any­ one who would put Lewis (her’ Kuh- bund) out of the way. Win. Difflde . swore that Mrs . Stillwell had said she would givehefjewelry to his sister if she would place poison iri her hus­ band’s teij, statnd fro had,lived at the murdered man’s hbuse, as hired’ manj for a lbng time< On one oc­ casion ^rs0 Stillwell said tn him, “Btlfi if you’ll put Lewis dnt of the way, i’ll givn«yoti everything. I’ve got. Mrs Forbes, mother of Bail* r<6in Forbes, slated that she bad’ Ohce heard Mrs. Still Wei I say that she would give her toam nr anything she bad/fo any perenti who would •get t iflofhw-httifflwndr^ / AMERICAN. “ Gen, firtshin, Vice-president of the Na’inna! fikectitive Committee of Oa’tlnmarr, Helena, Mont, says nbe»sixth of all the cattle herds west of the MiSKOuH river aro owned or onritrolled. by jEnglishmerij who toed free A morican yrass, At Cairo, III., a short time ago an ’ old boldier sneezed out of his nose a ; bullet that had been embedded there during the late war, ’ Thousands of head of live stock in Oregon and ^Washington terri tory have perished the past six weeks on account of severe weather, and large numbers of persons have been frozen to death ifl isolated ' 'places, ■” Mary McGee, of Newark, N. J., who threw vitriol upon Wm. Clark, superjnfendiuit of the thread works, was on Monday sentenced to ten yeaiH. The judge said persons who threw vitfflol were as dangerous as -thdae™who~ threw dynamite, and .must expect to be punished to the full ftxterit.ofihe law. ’ rr — A correspondant in Indian Terri­ tory* telegraphs to Chicago that over 30Qt000 cattle have died in that teriitory from cold and starvation, There are five inches of snow on the .ground. If the cold continues .•/ week longer, half, a- million head of stock will perish, . Thenative Americans,nor eyen the Irish-Amoricans as a class,do hot ap. prove of tho cowardly conduct, of the dynamite assassins, Tire recent ex plosions in England havearoimed the better portions of the- American .press to sound a warnirig vote. Here is a sample of their views :—-“The explosion of dynamite under' the bulkhead window "of a New York, store represents a’ new and enlarged and even alarming phase of this form of crime." So’long as it was . confined to England, and was a feature of the Irish warfare on Eng ' landi it received little attention in this country. We have been negli­ gent, if not abs ilutel-y derelict in en­ acting lawson thiB subject, But now - -~that-thft~matt«r—i:rbrought“fionTe7 and; we may ^understand thatjye are • to grapple with it direct. It appears that the New York.firm discharged an employe^for cause. Immediately it received threatening letters, but gave them no. attention. The ex-, plosion of dynamite, shattering a. bulkhead window, and doing^consid- . era bl e damage, illustrated'\tlie jsin-i , eerily of the8 threats. Dynamite is the most cowardly means of revenge- that can be thought of. It,can be placed against a building, or put in any convenient place quietly ' and without -notice, and the party can. escape, and the explosion will occur at. an arranged time, and do a vast. "deal of damage. Evidently we will- be compelled at once 'to deal with this means' of revenge. Its manu* facture, sale, and unauthorized possession iSmst be regulate/! by rjgid laws. Only those licensed should, be permitted to manufacture- And the right to manufacture should involve a heavy license .charge. And "every sale should be registered, so •that it may b'e trucetl. The unauth­ orized possession of dynamite- ought to be treated as* evidence/of criminal intent and severely puriishe'd.- The laws on this subject,cannot be made too rigid. We evidently will have, a seveie battle with this new form of crime.”—Philadelphia Call. BRITISH-FOREIGN. Mr. O’Brien, of United Ireland, says the condition of the Irish farm­ er, has materially improved during the past fewt years, and- the Irish people will never again be compeli* ed to.ask other nations for food., Bridget- Cunningham,' an Irish girl of 16, went lb Lo'ndon. seeking employment in 1854, and afterwards went to Liverpool, where she tnar- -ried A. Pinn, sailor, who • deserted lier in 1858, and lnts not been heard of since. She then sailed for one of ■rtliFHolfElTefn' STareg bl^meViclTOlW tairiing a situation' as nurse in a family, and afterwards commenced . a boarding house, by which ahe made .£1.0.000, and'died there last year without leaving ib8ue« • Mr. Thomas Ireland,. 71, Clerk' street, ■ Edinburgh, ■:Iihh advartised many “times, with tlfe view of-.discovering her^rejativ.esj or next of kin, but hitherto withou t succesa.,..... Tr.,. ■ :•■ An Unnatural Uncle* ' 4 WHOLE M 325 .......................J, BM'BDHD Interview With the Woman who Shot O’Donovan Rossa. MRS, DUDLEY INTERVIEWED. To a reportor Mra. Dudloy, in an­ swer, a request for the? fapts in connection with tho shooting of Rossa, §aid• “f will make no statement except to a reporter Of a cartain paper. -L have detOrmiped to tnaka my cbm* muriication with - tho public throngli it. There has been so much romanco and sensation published already that people can go without any more. I never in my life saw such a pack of ridiculous lies ao the papers have about me. The facts Will allcomo out in the trial. I will tell tho whole truth then.” “Are you dhe of -a band of avong- ars asked the reporter,. .“Why,” aaid the lady, arching her pyebrowa,. half smiling and biting her lips, “you are tryitfg to got up the most sensational story of the. lot. Band of' aVengei#'! Band of flddld- sticks 1 Why» if this had taken plaoo in Lohdoii the papers would have printed twelve lines'ab’out it, and that would have been, the end; but here they must print columns. No.” . “No one was.with you in this at­ tack on Rossa ?” “No; I did it alono/ and no one knew I was going to do it.” 5 “Did you khow Rossis porsonally before you met‘him after sending your first note ?” • “I won’t answer that." " "Areyou used to handling" a pis­ ■nin & RUNS OFF WITH' .HIS YOUNG NIECE AND IS CAPTURED. Ail infernal scoundrel who, did lie live in the .Staten, would ere this have • experienced - tire, justice of/a lynching party, was arrested at /To­ ronto,by Deteciivo Hodgins, .but Mr Fenton unable to~turn up any ^lEWbn"w4rich7tY^Watn“lrim^ Was kicked out of the police head< quarters. His name is George VV; StepIieiiB, or Stevens,' and he asserts that,he is a" jeweler, .living in Lind* srty. Some time ajjo fiis niece, u girbabout sixteen, went on a visit-, tb his house, but her parents,, who raside*at'Port_ .Huron, fearing that fiverything-Was not T»ght, took her home. The - girl herself was not satisfied', and apparent1/ favored heY uncle greatly. Last Thursday she disappeared., and about, the same time Stephens left Li .dsay. It afterwards turned outfthat be and the girl, came to Toronto Iasi. Thursday and remained iri an hotel over night, the unholy uncle going back home next day. At noon*yes- terday he and the ; unsuspecting father arrived in the city iri search of the missing girbana^while the uncle disappeared On ’some' private business the father applied'to Ilifi police-, Detective Hodgins being de* tailed. He got on to Stephens’ track, arid followed hirii for art hour till he run him down, Catching, him in the O. P. B. waiting-room at the Union station, He was taken to |$j,ioe headquarters-' on a charge of abduction, but as the gifj had hfifip ; a willing party In the flight ho could not ba held, He^was ordered out of th« detectives’ rooms, and As he was leAvipg he attempted to tike the-girl lit bis arms and kin# firir. detective Hudgins caught him‘by the nftpe of the neck and trowsers and threw him down siaiii^, The people of Lindsay wiT pMbabfy At ten.fl to him when ha goes back home,' T’eatbers and t«r mixed with a, little light gfavel, liberally 'l Home Hews And .-“All your own fault. M It you rom4o nit’k when you Got HP? Utters yevw—/»}»■ •—The woakest woman, and ntckwt iuvslid van uaa bopH with safety and great goqd. ■ —Old m«« foltcHng arojund ftmiH maMaia, kldoay tn n'jlu or any will be mado almost law by ua« bitters, <sr My wife and daughter we»M healthy by the ure oi hop bitteiM recommend them to my people.—■ dUt Cleigyman: ■ Ask any good dbetor if hop ■ Bituta are not tbs beat tamir modi® Oneartb',11 W Malarial fever, Ague and pillioB - will lea-w mMry | han bitters art Ire. ■ “My mother drove the p«tolyiB neuralgia all out of bar system wiB bitters."-'-Eli. Orviego Hi,ft, . ■ Kj*Keep the kidneys healthy wil blttere and you need not fear skkbem ~~Ice water is, rendered- IrermleB more refreshing and reviving witB bitters h aach draught. ■ —The vigor of youth for the agl inflrm-in.hopblttorai.il I ( —“At the chans” of llfe notbfng mtu| 4 Hon EH tew to allay all troubled uul I Thereto.*’ ■ —“The beat periodical for fl "monthly, and from which they wB ceive the greateet benefit is hop 'biB —Mothers with rickly, fretful, nl childrou, will cure the slfflflrei* omm fit thcri^elves by taking hop httfaml —-Thousands die- annually frcml form of kidney dfawao that mfgWi bfen promted by a timely im.i| bittern. 1 —Indigestion, weak atoiuftch, Irrel itios of fne bowels, cannot exist whel bitters are used. I A timely « » » ucp of hop I Bitters will keen a K-htde fam.'!/ I In robust health a jr«*r at a littlel —To produce real genuine aleepl child-like repose all night, take al hop bitters on retiring. r Non» iren«fK« wfthmrt a bunch J Hops op White UbM. Ehsn all ttJ poisonous stuff with “Bop'* or '’’Hopp" Ln sama.'. “ . ? ,r MJMt. m*'.i inji gti, j~. IL .1.1.1 ilq—MStfiSaM,—mmA |I ^rj?T!S tol ?” . ; * ’ ■ ■ A ' . “No; I nover did it beforo in my- -life. I had just bought the pistol and got the man I bought it from to show me how to put1. the things—the bul­ lets— I dont know what you call thorn. Then he showed me how tq make it ready for .firing, and how to .fire it. _ OhJJL learned jt.very .quick­ ly I" • ’ ” “YoWound it hard, work to fire straight?” ' . “Oh, no; I was quite able to .do that.” , / '• . ■ -4‘But you only hit once out of five shote.” ... . “Oh; but that was the first shot. I fired no more at him because he lay down on the sidewalk and said, ‘For God’s sake, don’t kill me !’', That un­ nerved me immediately ; I could not . kill anyone who lay at-my feet beg. giiig for mercy. -;The English’dcr not •strike a fallen foe. The other bullets ■ in my pistol I shot into the sidewalk, so that'if, I was seized I should pot • elioot . any innocent "person in. my struggles."; 1 “Why did you shoot Roisa ?" “That will .come out in tho trial.” “Wore any of your, people injured by a dynamite explosion ?” “Whom do you mean by my peo­ ple? The English are giy people." ”, “I mean your relatives.”. “Why don’t you ask me whether my father.'and mother ,and husband and child have not been blown .up ?’’ > “What wrong had Rossa done you, then?” • ... “He had-been murdering innocent Englishwomen and children, audit wae 'fitting that he shduld die by the hand of an English woman. I am only sorry I did not. succeed in killing him. There is one thing 1 like Rossa for, though. He said - that'he knew was Insu. VvulL I am ‘partly-Ivish and I am proud of it.. My mother- was Irish." ■ - . • “Are you willing, to. take all the Consequences,' whatever they may • be?’’—';”'”, " 7 ‘ “Indeed I am, and take them many titoeS’over", if I could rid the world of. such a monster I” Throughout the interview the lady -displayed no excitement. To another reporter Mrs. Dudley said:—“It may appear strange that I should have put myself forward- as' the avenger of English wrongs,, but I hrid positive ideas of iny own, and while all the world was talking about' Rossa and dynamitet and.’all-that, not one with bravo enough to come forward and put a stop to that one man, who was, after all, as muoh of, an injury to the Irish Cause as he is to the English, people. I am sorry,” she continued, “I appear in tho light r.of boing Btich a-bad shot,. did not. mean t.0 kill Rossa—-only bo frighten • him. if I mean t tn kill him outrigh t I could have done so.” Poison in tiie Saeraniental M The Sicilian journafs- rfipoft® conclusion of a remarkable trial■! week at Cata’uta.' -T#'6 yeare J^B elapsed wince a groat crime was (H initted’ at Corleutini. A pB named Fail lay on cleaning outH py-x and- consuming every partH casted .something bitter. Oa ■ termination of the mans he H attacked by Revere paius in H bowels, aVid died in a few luinu'el the sacristy. A- post-moNeni I amination proved that thu prH THail been poifiptT0d~with strychnB and, on examining the pyx minutB aprim particles of stryebniue wfl discovered.: < ■ .. Sii.sptei’on.fell upon a canon of H church named Gaetano Linioli, v® cherished a great -hatred against I deceased —a- feeling which had B cently been muqh increased by soB proriiotion, a Warded to h i.m’ by B archbishop of Syracuse. Elwpli 1B a brother.^who was “ft druggist, | whom the siiop -was often left to B care of pie-canon, who. had 'thus ■ : means 'of su,ppl viug. liinreeff.with" | poison. *' " I Limoli was arrested and corisignl to-the prison of Syracuse, where'I lias romfiined for t wo , years. LI week- the ca«e Was brought befil the -Camera.di Cosiguo (equivalel ;to our grand jury) of the, court I ^appeal of Catanta, when’it was <1 cjdrd that for want of proof tlitl was hp ground fdr penal proceed ini against the canon, ' “M««ntitne, Itl beyond doubt,’’ 'says tlfe VRom “that the priest Failla.di'-d of poi.-d .mixed with the partialcs repr.r.sei ing the body and blood of’our .Lu Jesus Christ,” ’ Sulphur & Diutheria. a An ftminhnt London physician said to have , worked great wonders iri treating’ diptln'ria.with sulphur (1 tiring its prevalence as an an epidv, nnc.Aijipng his,patients, and the fol­ lowing description of his treatment may not be amiss, now that this .dreadful disease is* breaking-out atrfong us. He ptit, it seems, a tea- spoonful of flour of brimstone into’ a wineglass of water and’stirred it with' hia finger instead of aspooti, As sul­ phur does not. rftadilv amalgamate with water, When the sulphur whs' will m.ixed he gave it as"a gargle,. he recommended the swallowing of . it. In extreme caseR, when he had been (jailed too late for the milder treat* merit, and when the fungus was too nearly closing to allow the gurgle to enter the. orifice of the throat, he blew, the sulphur through a quill into the throat passage, He never, it is said,lost A patientthat Im treated in this manner. Xf the patient cannot gargle take a live goal, put it. on’ a shovel and eprink Io a spoonful or two of the flour of brimstone at a time upon it. Let the pilient inhale it, holding* the bead over it. I’n- dead the whole room, the doors be­ ing closed, can bo filled with the fumes of the burning brimstone, And the patient can thus inhale it ftefflv Without effort, Surely such ft” simple remedy as ’this might easily be tested by some of our’ pbysfcianB and a re­ port published* that is war success* ful in London there i$ no doubt arid sf r- V--. .....’ « - IS The Irish Denounce PynamitH At the meeting.of L’Utiiun CatlH olique, in Montreal, on Sui.duy, mH Agar<izn the chair, Mr.- Francin zfl Quinri, advocate, delivered a lectuiH on “Ireland’s Rights.’V In tlH course of his address fie said thtl the whole world, not alone thfl -British World, but all civi’jxatioH itself, had been horror-stricken witlH in the past fe’^ days »»t the ubcmirl able attempts made in London* tH .blow up the Tow*-r and Parljaiiren. Buildings. To none bad these ex plosions giveiuaunora hateful shod than, patriotic Irishmen, who’claim nd their Yigbts and* them by legitimate ineana. Foi seven Centuries the Irish, people liar co.ritonded for their 'rights; beateii r thousand times thny b^d ever ro mai ned ,juneem queted, tljb spiriF o nationality was aa vivid within then to-day as if they had never knowi defeat, as if their history was one iong epic psalm ofgloiy and triumph That Spirit; lived and the fight i,hbtih go on until the full Attainment of their sacred claims. But im dpt in* their long struggle the Irish fought in fair and open fluid, with the arms that nature gave to them and.to all -men, so their children will do battle , unstained by crime, and their strug* gle should inoefin the presont.aH in .the1' future the admiraimn. cf tlm ’ world,’even, of their enemies. That a few misguided men should, havu reoourHfi to dynamite arid ptli.er criuu inal in ean s, a I fire. d ang? roftk- f o their friends j as to their e.nomies, to women and children as to* meh, that they jdiOjpd, by the.audiioity and recklessness, of tbfiir deeds, excite the horror of, mankind, is no reascuf why the. Irish people should Im blamed, To accuse the trls'h pen- I pie of their misdeeds is as irrational .as to impute ,to tho Apostles the treachery of Jtidan. These meh aim, in ti*uth, the greatest enemies of thn IrHdirOfHifi<*,“-and no people bri earth, have mors liaTrelT for tljem than tin* Irish people. The means employed , by. them avh sttcli as to retard tint advances of the Irish people t-rt lihoi ty, find as such are detestable in the eyes- pf all patriots, ThfiR»' means are abhorrent tojjjl Chris, tian precept and practice^ the Irish ’'people liAve ever been A Clifi^tjar* ‘ people,'a Catholic people, essmitmlly a fnoial people, end they look witln horror upon riieans which would not meet with the approbation- pf theic ancestors who died for the faith,' 1U»-Stated that thA collection* of oAttle At the great stock breeding farms 6f Canada is among the most valuable in the world, lt is nm.de up of the very bent hfeivl 0? the bovine aristocracy of „ $ igland, Wo.t many years ago therm wore no pme brad herds in tho'cnuntvy, ex­ cept the smail xppfflrs t f cow in th»* Fretioh part of lower Canmhj will, h were brought in chiefly from Bret s'* qua, and potass tire milking char wuoristice of- the Aldameyjt To* day lljoro are Im-^nada gud tl-Sii' vstwlian XtortibWest many dmrflg of the beat‘Kncdmli br^ds, «i(h a pure and unbroken record <xtoiv!:n.v