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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1885-01-28, Page 4ti
We call tlu» ap«eUl attention of Feat-
. >*»>jti»8 afol snWfow to the following
i,; nopais efthe Uewi-pAper law*
|-*A pABtfowMfor $ requlrad to give
■1 n rikc iry LEtvEU (retoi uiug a iffiiwr ‘to»’«
\“ ,tmt aiMMW? rite law'1 wliaa a sulwcribw does
. fort taka feis paper wilt of the etftre> awl
itite th* tmIuih fix* its not bring taken.
Any neglect to do so makes theppstmiwtei I
.•eeponsible to foe publishers for payment. |
If anv orders hi# pafw dis-
fw lunat pay all arrvaragtv, mr
t’w vahlriter'W? cotttiaua to semi it
ubH! payment is mode, and cellcet the
whnfoamount- whsfoer R bo taken frunj
JhoJiflwaQr ifot, ^Harv cun be illegal
t .iisiimittiniance unff! tlto I>aytaent w wade*
{|*k-4rv porsdn who takes a wujM^i om
the ppBt-atfo’C, whether dire<ih>FTQ ins
fotnie or anether, w whether hehasjsuh-
wiibixi or not, i3 nKqK>usit>re fofr ilw pay.
4—If a suImciRw orders liis paper to he
aMfoywt at a r^rtafo. time, aiid tho pahUsh-
er "x'Bt.inuna io send, it the siibserihi'r is
fomml fo pay for it if ho takes it out of the
poit-oftiee. Thia proceeds upon th« ground
that a >rin h»uat pay for what he uses,
g* ,F N
thu Piviafon Court in. avlciiek
st the November sitting a newspaper pub
lisher sued for pay of paper. Tlie defend*
But object.d l»lying °0 thff ground that he
hfol orjlend a" former proprietor of tho
pujsir toditott.itirtue it. The Judge held
that that was not a valid defoneo. Tim
pfoiiittUT,. the present pwpiietor, had fin
unt we to discontinue amt consequently
coifld, collect, although it was jint denied
that defendant had uqtitifrl fonyer pro*
prietor to discontinue. - In, any event
defendant, was IsHiiul to pay forthotimo
he had* received the paper hndriintil he
had ptol a|I -ari'-ais due for aub,serfption.
iltV TE( TOB.m
1'8, Hil(l lie nut
»: OSt llfwlllljl
we have ivir
JnL M Jm JOL wl
Cherry Pectoral.
No otlisr oomplxintD are m insliUons In thefar
id took as those affoo ting the throat and lungi:
none so trifled with by Hw majority oLsulicr*
er». l*l»e ordinary cough or cold, resulting
perhaps from * trifling or uiMionselcna ex
posure, 18 Often but the bcglmdug of a fatal
sickness. AYER’S ClimUtV X'MlORAL ban
veil proven Ifo, efficacy in n forty years’ light
Mhh throat ami lung ii:sq;u;cs, and sLuuid be
taken in all coses ucUicut delay.
A Terrible CougrlHJured,
“ Th 18.'71 a severe cold, which affected
foy Imigs. fcliad a urrible cough, ui d passtd
jiigld al ter ji’ght m idiout sleep, Tlie Joctora
ga ve me up. 1 tried AYEB’CChjmuiv 1e<-
wk al, \tfdeli relieved my hmgs; hfiitiecdr
sleep, and afforded me the rest necessary
4.jr- dJtejrmixurx Urik
continued use of the Fixtoral a permit,
.luuitcure wax effected. I t.m now 03 yuu*8
old, halo and hearty, and am sullblied your
L'liERRX f la i or a I. saved me.
ItocUugliam, Vt., July 15, ltbL.
Croup.—A Mclhcr’e Tribiife.
il« in the country last wii ter my llttlo
rec years old, vias ti'leu illwlih croup;
ic<l as it ho would dio from strmigu-
Pnv »t tl;e fondly suggested the use
■;n*rt tmmtnv i’evtpkai., a buttle ot
was alwitya kipt in the hopse.. Tlda
ed in small and freouent d<s,-b, ai.d
delight In loss Hum half an hour tfie
atient was bnalhivg easily. Th'-' doc.
d that the ( m nnv Fji tobai. had
uy du ding’s life, CnJ> jou wonder at
•*■*•• “'jetrciyrivMTfi, -1’WMA CiEPXF.V?’*
It was neither a noblemanto castle
nor a baropetto mansion, nor even a
cqnheto ballj it was a big old-fashion
ed roomy house, in wliioli was. ever;. •
thing that; makes Mfo happy, Hp
thought we young people in the year
of grace when on Chuintunis
live of that "year we .were njl assem
bled in Him jarga*/-well ftH-niBlufo)
drawing-room, V/hose windows look
ing on a sloping lawn, now white
with snow. Afternoon tea was over^
the elderly people had all disappear
ed, I suppose frightened by” the friivo-
tons conversation of soma twqnty
young people of hotb sexes, all bent
on getting* as much fup out of the
day as possible, Th? last cup pf tea
has been swallowed, the last plate of
hot buttered muffin has-been des
patched, and now the pa^'ty gather
close around the blazing wdpd fire,
J‘iVluit shall we do till* dinner
time ?” was the universal cry.
•‘Tell stories,” said one; “I’lay
cards said another forgetting tlfat
with no light save That of the fitful
blaze ol the lire tluj queeu of beans
might'be taken for the knave of dia
“I vote for conjuring,” said a mer
ry fod of sixteen, burning to show off
his last treasure, a box of conjuring
“No, no” laughed mv eldest-broth-
er, who had just been called' to tile
bar,[“l have it. -Who will consent to
be toesinerised ?”• L
’ As he pl’bno’unced the last word,
the door slowly opened.and the state
ly. .figure of graniUnother appeared
on H,e threslibold,
“Mesmerised,” she said slowly,
and with a painful intonation; “who
spoke of being mesmerised ?’’
“I did, gran,”-said the young bar
rister, as with youthful gallantry he
offered' her Iff3 arm, liis handseme
face all aglow with pleasure, as lead
ing her to lifjr own chair he added
gaily “Choose me.a subject, gran,.but
lemember it must he a lady,” .' ' *
“Young people,” .said my grand-
mother, “can you keep, still.. Iofan
hour?” ' ’’ * , 0 * \ . .
Our eager • faces -. showed that we
meant to try,-and never cani [-forget,
the thrill ol horror ! experienced as
I listened to the last story, my grand
mother. ever fold us.- Folding her
dear old- hands., upon,, her knees she'
thub’hegan tale;?—> ■ •
“Fifty Christmas Eves have come
and gone since that one the events
of which .are <indelibjy stamped upon'-
tny memory. We were.all assembled'
in the drawing, room, waiting, as you
are waiting now. until the stroke of
;.th‘e big should warn us it was
time to dress for dinner. Many
topi s of conversation were started,
‘but in-none of aviiiclf I felt interest
enough to join.<•. Suddenly some one
among fhe .'more, scientific members
-of the company began tai-king-about
somnambulism,\and from that arose
"a <j.isciission“ onXfoeBUierism. The.
toubject was new to most of the peo
ple there." Some declared* their
. utter disbelief in it; others, were
doubtful ; whilst I, the youngest
member of'the party, openly declar
ed that nothing would delight me
more than to meet someone wlio™
Avoidd *e'i tlier^Tjesmerise nle"'or ‘ irT-"*
struct ine. in this occult. sciences
■Remember, -L . was. barely twenty
years of age; old'for my years, al-?
ways ■preferring the society of my
seniors; spoiled, indulged,and pett.e.d
by -my doling graudvparents, with
whom I had lived from the time Of
.toy mother’s death, and over whom 1
domineered will! alL. the selfishness
of my wilful nature.’ v :
.“Among my grandfather’^ guests
was one . for whose society I had al- *
ways a Btvange-Jik ing;-’t--Twice before
~naw^be' liad yisiteid us, brought by
my father, who had.met him in one
of his Eastern wanderings. The
last time was pn the occasion of my
fotherto death. Of lrts-lifetond^hiei^-
acter .we knew simply nothihgj it
was enough for- gi’andfather tliat his •
son loved him,,.and so' oftentotHie
chose to come be was made welcome.
...... Nature had cast bis frame iruan ath-
Bc disappointed of its quarry. -Jetic mould, but the wear and tear
' , Ef. lWfetVhinvh.—Services on ‘Sunday at H-
».ui. »nd 7 pun. Bible Ctoss, 10 sun. Sunday
«c’wu1,2.3Q Sen-leoon Wednesday, 8 p.m
.* K«r.*Wtr.|.r.vM CijAib, Itec-tur ,
0ann.4a Mqfoodist.r-Servk'eh at 10.80 a, ni.
*»<i 7,<» 1». ui. Safibath Schoal at 2.30 ;i. m.
ilpv, J. <Hlkv,Pastor. "
M-Himla Ureibytorian,- Services at II and
8.30 Sabbath-School, 2.30 v. in. lyty,
Ai>n5.';SJj8V*Rt* (lastOT. .
Bfole Christian. ^Servieoi at 10.30 a. m. and
J..U) p. in Sabhath School, ?.3Q p.m. Hsu. u.
KKXXKft, Pastor. •
Ilaptfrt Church.—^n lco |U 0.30 p. m. Sab
bath Suhcol. 2.30 v. in, 1115V J, G»Ar, PiiBtor.
■ —xxr>—
Huron Record,
Clinton, Weilri^sWy* Juri-
, Prom the Scotsman, New York,
Tlili Cnniulian II iglilander.
' ■ Bl1 CHARLES MAt K 1Y, L. 1. S.
■ l / "• * •
„,i Thunks to my >ires, I'm Highland
, ’ born,
And trod the moorland Rud the
heather, ’’ ? <p '
Since childhood and this soul of mine,
First came into the world together !
I’ve, “paidled” barefoot in flip bayi,
Roamed 'oh the braes to ,pu’ tho
gowari, , ■
Or clomb the granitA cliffs td’phiclf.
The scarlet berriea*of the rowan. ,,
■ ‘ ' 7.W- ■ ’
And when tho.winds blew 3oud and
shrill °F' ’' ' - *
I've scaled the heavenward sum-
- iHit8- hoary, “
Of grey Ben Nevis or lim peqra
In' all their solitary glory,— ■ \* .
Aud with the enraptured .eyes..of
’ * youth
Have seen' .halt* Scotlandspread
before, nie, ; B •
A nd proudly tlloUgli t with' flush ing’
'* eyes ' ■
How noble-was the land that bore
4«v« . . ;
n;. . -- .-
' Alas I tho land .denied mo-bread;. ‘.
Land of tlm Wallace and the Brne’e,’
And ’ countless lieroes, bards and
sages. . ' . - \
It-has no place.for me aud-mine,
No elbow-room to stand alive in,- '
. Nor rood of kindly mother earth
For honest industl-v to-thrivedh.^
IV ’ _p' ' *■*
’.Twas parcell’d out in wide domains '
By cruel law’s resistless fiat, ' ' .
So that the’UacredJierds of deer
Might roam the wilderness in quiet,
Untroubled by the foot of man; .
On mountain side; .or Blielt^tihg
corrie,. .- ; v*
L )st sport -should—fail, aiid selfish
wealth 1 . *
bq our guest, she, believing him to
he at bast but a ‘poor BohoJar/ a»
soon as he wm itone .exproiieii a with
tha| he should ‘never eome hfte
“Twelve tnonius pasv rapidly away,
and agfiiu it is near Christmas* As I
enter the brenskfost-room I find noy
grundfather reading a letter just re
ceived. It wae from Philip Montjton,
saying h^ had again resolved^ to
spend Christmas ’vilb MLS- The foV.
ter was not > tong .one,, but at it?
close be mentioned the death of hfo
mother, lie said, ‘I have now ooiUQ
into the control and full enjoyment
of her enormous fortune? As I look
ed up my eve met that.
mother; be.r glance said plainly,
l’hilip Mouotofl with £20.000 a year
ami Philip.Moncton penniless are.
two very different people? I said
nothing,-but, flushed ami excited, I
sought tlie quite ot my own room,
and there strove to fathom the,true
State' of my feelings. Did I really
love tiffs man, or was it a glamour, a
foscinittiop ?* What was it thf-t so
attracted me? IJe was weak, I was
strong; he was many years my sen
ior. I was young, barely twenty ;
but already I loved display, luxury,
and, above all, power.,6! wanted to
lead, not to be led. Yes, in'tlus sen
tence lies the key-note to my char
acter.’ And now, with his large in
come and the handsome allowance I
knew my grandfather would settle
upon me, all my- extravagant loye of
ease would be gratified. Yest I
would win him, come what would;,!
would put forth every effort to ae-
curq ’’him, and that as soon as pos
sible.. Children, ! was not, as you
may fancy, all bad-rfew are. I loved
this man, too, after my own passion
ate wayward fashion ; at least; I loved
no one olse/aml faneied, in my want
of experience that this was enough.'
Alas I alffsl there was no gentle
mother near to guide" me iVith lier
gentlg band, and in this crisis of my
life none ehe-.(save God, and Him I;
did hot. Care to seek) would have
power to warn me from ‘the prim
rose way?. • " ■■ '.•:
“But I must hasten on. Jie came
that evening, I was in the drawing
room with my grandmother when he
was announced ; a minute more and
he was beside. me,.Joolt,ing ’nto n)y
eyqs, holding-iny hand as I-gazed in
to his eyes to let* hini^’ead his wel
come in mine. I Noticed that his
■cheek was paler, more sunken than
ever ; liis eyes,, too, were brighter
fand more unsteady in* their gaze'.
They had a .wistful pleading foox,:
and I noticed how his hand trembled
in mine L felt I-bad but lo lead and
he would.follow me novVSmdJor eVer.'-
•'rdFi'y "gi*ahdmotltoi:,S'’que“Stion about*
■ the mode of liis journey from the
-North he paid little, or no heed, but
when she. offered her sympathy on
/the „ death of bis mother, he shud
dered, turned deadly''white, and rap
idly changed the subject.. The eve-*
uing. passed all too-iquickly. I was
gentle, winning, and determined’to,
please.' And i«o the days rolled by
till-'Christmas Eve. Ten days ho
bad been w'ith u’s ail alone, am) now
the houEe-iyasTirli^pfoyisitorsJ but for
me it mattered little how lew or -
many came, so wholly absorbed was
I in my own selfish plans. 'So-far
they bad succeeded. Philip had
eyes and ears for no one but me.;. to
me atone he talked ; to me alone he
listened. He followed me every-"
“where, and was obedieut tofmy
; -81ighte8trWOi’d-7"btttras*yetmirwoT<Fof
tove bad fie spoken* • At last l/c^uTd
no longer bear the suspense. 1
!. wo,uld at ivliy.Jje delay,-,
ed to speak the love so plainly writ
ten in his eyes. Circumstances fav
oured my plans- At luncheon, b^,
announced that in three days time
Ito rniist return,, to London, liis
lawyer had written to request a .per
sonal Interview'with him du* iinport
ant—business,.'and as lie. had said
. piese words ' his cheek grew vel'y
pale. OheLy ,one our, guests had
yv* - -■ Hg ■. a**dH,
to morrow? Tht to»o of dfoxppojiat
meut In which thw» last words wore
•poken left no doubt on my mind as
to her meaning. This alope was
wanted to xtwngthen my horrible
resolve. BeaideB’ I was anxtouB to
parade my conquest to the matol<*
making mothers of our party, and fo j
receive the congratulations of their p
disappointed daughters, any one of |
whom would have jumped at an offer
from so wealthy a unitor (little as
they knew about him),
“Aa 1 deaceuded the Biairs a fiend
seemed to possess me, but what X in
tended to do must be done quickly. '
As I entered the room bis wan face
startled me. J[ walkedjitraigbt np
Jo hYm, and* setting"myseTTopposife
to him, J said ‘Philip, I want to speak
to you; look at me? Helplessly he
raised hia eyes to my face, and fixing
my eyes steadfastly on his, IJconoen-
trated every power of will and min’d*
on subduing'his will and* intelligence
to mine. "(Thia process has since
been called mesjnensm, in those
days it was known as a faot, and
practised without any definite name.
Since the scene of last Christmas, I.
had become aware that I possessed
the power of absorbing his whole will
and spirit, provided only a chance
was given ine.}-, I could see that his
glance quailed beneath mine ; his
colour became leaden in hue, tlie
pupils of his eyes dilatpd,- his breath
ing became short and laboured; -a
dull stony glare now came intp the
staring eyeballs. Still -my eyes grew
rigid in Mieir intense afore. Present-^
ly a, trance-like took Btole over his
face, and now I felt my. time was
come; his very soul had passed into
toy keeping, ‘Where are you ?’ I de
manded. ‘In the library' at Wildfell
Hall? he murmured. .‘For' whom do
ypu wait ‘For Isabel Maitland?
’J)d"ydu love her?’ ‘With my whole
sou],’ was his answer. ‘Sufficiently
so to make her ybur wife?1 was my
next’query;, and as I waited breath
lessly for, his answer every drop of
■blood in my bo ly seemed to curdle
rpund’ my heart. It came at last
eiowjy, painfully,*and with a great ef
fort.. ‘I’cannot m trry? lie Whispered.,
"‘Why?’-1 asked hoarsely. . ‘Because*
—because? he staminered: forth,
‘my Wife’Hives!’ .The last -three
words sepmed to exorcise the fiend
that possessed * me. With an effort
I withdrew-my eyes from his face.
(my. purpose was accomplished), and
as f, did. Bd Philip Moncton fell at
my feet a corpse. ■ The next moment^
, I had swooned.f Months after. When,
I had. partially, .recovered from the
fever that attacked toy brain; they bow the unearthly,Scream I
had u,tte,red. -’ echoing t^^^hi - the
house, had-summoned the.servants
Tnmy aid? As * Igrew strongerHhey
told me more, disease of the heart,
had ’ caused" his ‘"death, accelerated
‘by_ the violent exercise and tong
fast he had undergone oii tfie fatal'
day,. * ■
‘“And* oh., Isabel? said my.'grand
mother'how fortunately for you he had
never proposed. At the inquiry aG
ter his deathtouch horrors come out.
In liis youth heTiad married a vile
.Woman, much beneath him in rank,
land .who is.nowlalive^, liis mother
' died last year raving, mad, aud he
t himself was for;twpyears in a private
luiyrtic-asylum? * ■;
‘*NoW Children,” said grandmother,
fdbes anyoiie stili %ai‘e, to be ntos
merised.?” ■
Softly and-sadly she /withdraw "from,
us :. we never ■ heard ,her voice,attain „
Before the chimes.had ceased to. ring
her spirit liad passed away and the
CJ)i:istma8 bells were her funeral
dirge. . *;
it seeiii
lai ion.
ol Avi
was tri
to onr
litUo n
tor s;tisaved i ., ........... _ ..... __I , - . .
our gratitude? Sincerely JlW, -
159 West meth St., hew X o.r.k, Al by m, U8?.
“I bare used Avrit's Cii
I,, .ay fondly lor seviral y
hesimto to pronounce) It 11
remedy for coughs and cc
tried. . ' • «sA.,l. I RAXS,"
Lake Crystal, Minn., March 13, IWh -
“Jsuircred for eight years from Bronchitis,
and al'ier-tryjng mnnv rcmefilis whh Do suc
cess, I yvns cured by the use of A > i b's Ciir u-
BY J'lU THi:\l.. ■ jhisi rn \\ ALDLN,”
. JByLiillafAlieS.^’Aprll 0,1182,
•‘I cannot s‘'V Ciiougli in praise of Awn’s
Ciinnnv FECTintAr., boUevli g as I «’•« Hint
but for Its usoi J should long sii.c<* lune liieu
from lung irouides. 1*. El:audux.”
>’i’alosti.»e, Texas, April ?2, lt>82.
• JSTo case of an affection of the throat or
Itiijgs exists which cannot he greatly relieved
by the use of Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral,
and it will ahl-aj/r cure when the'disease m
not already beyond the-control of medicine.
* TRErARED BY ‘’,a-
* Dr. J, C“. Ayer & Co. , Lowell, Mass,
Sold by all Druggists.
Tun Voltaic. Brut-Co., of Marshal1,
Mich., oiler to send their celebrated Elkc-
tiiiic-Volta.ic Belt and other, Electric
• ArrtiANt’ES oitotiial for thirty days, to
men (young or old) afflicted with nervous
debility, loss of vitality.and manhood, and;
all kindre I troubles. Also for rhciuna-'’
tism, neuralgia, paralysis, and many other
discuses. Complete restoration to health,
' vigor and manhood guarantppd, No risk
is incurred as thirty days trial ■ is allowed, *
Write tl.cin at once for illustrated pain,ph*
lot free. ■ 318-y 1
M. Jules’Grevy seems to be a hum-
.orist. When a deputation ofuriem
ployed workmen approached him the
other ’day be exclaimed: ”What*
grumblers you fellows are I Look at
me.' I haven’t a stroke of. work .to
do, and do I complain ? ’
( A Settled Fact« "
. It is a signficant fact that ITagya|rd’s
Yellow Oil is the. best household re-
..medyjpx ijlternalAise.’in Cas^jQf pain.,,
soreness, lameness'and inflammatory
complaints.; • 3i2 2t *
■ An Oakland obituary notice reft- -
ed to.a deceased citizens having
■ “gone to a happier home.” The'
widow is about bringing a iib.elsuit.
. Proinineiit among the greatest medical dis-
cov< iies, by the ninny eui'es it has effected, Me-'
. Grrcyor.’ii .Syi'eacZy Cure le;ids..,cliq van, .Subjected
to the, minutest chcuiluul' aivalysis, it has been
found to euiit.iin jiune of those injurious uigie.'
diems eilaracteiiz.iil^ tlie'woi thless specifies oat y
utrured to-tlie public, ■ JSvriry ingredientpossej^cs.i
a peculiar adaptability to-the various cuiupliunts
fur which it has been compounded., iy id. its eilicacy*
is* being'csUbiialied by testimonial^ hourly re.-,
'ceiveii.. Wo are therefore, confident that we have
u preparation which, wt* win offer to the- public
■ wit'h' the aSsUruiilie thntlt will be'found not oil y
a relief but all ufasohite extrf fur l)y spep/m, 1 iver
Complaint, Indige.-tionj.G'onstipntwn and Impure
Blood. Free trial buttles at your Drug Stoio,
' < .*..... , . 322*41
. ] IC1V vuw
riglCSWl, the raUir«»d Tun-
ct»fffHra«w Burbir. Afftibc
or lad iu« ami goaHciucn’B balr-cuUliig. Guo floor
sa»b of tbu Cttiuuiarcw llvtol.
Shiloh's Consumption Cure.
This is beyond question the .most sue
eessful Cough Medicine we have ever sold,
a few drops invariably cures the worst
eases of Cough, Croup, and Bronchitis,
while it’s wonderful success in the cure of
Consumption is lyithout a parallel in the
history of medicine. SinCe it's first dis
covery it has been sold on a guarantee, a
test which no other medicine can stand.
If you have u Cough we earnestly ask you
to try it. Price lOcts. BOets. and $1.00.
If your Lungs ih*3 sore,-Chest, or Back,
Lame, use Shiloh’s Porous Plaster. Price
25cts. Sold by J, H. Combe. 262-ly
A sample of buckwheat flour, which
was submitted for microscopical ex
amination to Dr- Carroll, Secretary
of the '“New York State Board of
Health, was found to contain not a
particle of buckwheat and very little
of anything except a mineral sub
stance, which he thinks is gypsum.
, Wc have a speedy and positive Cure,
for Cntarrlr, piptheila, Canker mouth
and Head Ache, In SHIIlOll’S CAI’-
ARKH KEMV.DY. A nasal Injectorfree
with each bottle. Use It if yoii desire
.health and sweet breath, • Price SQcts.
Sold by J, H. Combe. 203-1y
_________ . A
• Brides on the island of Sicily are
compelled to have their eyebrows
shaved off iiptoediately before the
Wedding ceremony takes place.
.. jWell Spoken of.
R. N. Wheeler, of Everton, s’peaks
highly of Hugyard's Pectoral Balsam.
It cured him of inflammation of the
lungs a'nd an. obstinate coiigh.. It
.loosens the phlegm and heals the
lungs. " 322-2t •
Tins apace is reserved for R, W
HAYWARD, who has leased the
Clinton Carriage Works. Watch
for his announcement
' "4HM
. ■ *1
0 Wishes to inform his old customers and the public generally
that he has again opened out in the
Carriage aud Waggon Business,
On the Comer of Huron and Orange Streets, Clinton,
in the Brick Building known as the “Mountcnstle property,” where be will carry
on the trade In all its branches. An experience of overt 20 years in business in
Clinton will enable him to meet the requirements of the public in his line. AH
material of t he very-best quality and the workmanship unsurpassed. Call and"
examine before purchasing. All the latest improved rigsmanufoctured and kept
constantly on hand."
i^^Repairing and Repainting-Promptly Attended, to.
. WATTS &5 CO.
X3x*xx@;s <fc Medicines
Physicians' Prescriptions Carefully and Accurately - Compounded,
' and Orders Answered with Care and Despatoh.
The Pa.
and of the
• Toilet Softfc
will find oiir Stock of Medicines Complete, Warranted
§ o
HEADACHE, , _________,
And every, species of drieaio arlsln'c from
T. HIIiBtlRN & CO,. p~>”',;So„To.
' ‘ A Brooklyfi young man was read
ing “Llamtet” to his sweatheart (he
the other day, and came to the pas
sage, “Or if. ihbu wilt needs"-'marry,'
-mtuaty^MooP^'Ifr-HmHAie proposal
dear?’’ sli'o asked. “Yes darling,”
,rroepn®<iriii.1,ff''thtoytoeitte'd^tim to
ter there and then. - ■
y.- ' '• •
Hie lords of- acres deemed tlie clans
Were aliens at tlie best, or focnien,
.beeves' .
Were worthier animals than yeo-,
- men ;
And held that men might live or'die
Wher’ef their fate or fancy- led .
Except among the Highland liillsi , ,
Where, noble mothers -boro and
, bred them. ._L.' ~___, .
■ vr. . •' ■’ •
In agony of siWOfiltra
The partner of my soul bcsklc mo,
I crossed the Beas to find a home
That Scotland cruelly llcnied ine, ■
Aiid found it on Canadian soil,
Where tnan is man in Lifi's brave
And not.'iis in my native glens,
♦ Of less importance thhirtbe cattle,
vtr, .. ,
And love with steadfast faith in God,
Strong With the strength I gained
in sorrow,
I've looked tho future in tho fac-',
Nor feahxl the * hardships of tho
/** ■ morrow; ’ . . ...
Assurod that if I strove aright
Good end Would follow brave begin-
, ' ... 4 ' f ’
And that the bread, if not tho gold,.
Would nover fail mo in tlie^viniiing.
* " viii.1 * •■*- ’ "
, Anil as years roll on
And toiieh. my brow with age's
, , finger, * , > ,
I learn to clmiiah more and mom
The land where love delights to
linger. •
in thoughts by day, and dreatnB by
Fond meqforjr recallft and blesses
Its heathery ”bi'aes, its. niounttiin
" peaks,
•Ito straths and glens and - wilder-
And hope revives .nt mmnory1,« touch,
. That Swtlanil, crttslfod and land-
loi'd-riddeii, '
May yet ibid room for all her sous.
Nor treat the hnnrtJleflt as unbid*
■ . deH,es«.
Room, for tho bravii, the atauuob, tho
true, . ,,M ’ ■*.
As in tho doye of olden story,
fo f*’m fnd •-( i trtoee nred*to my roman tic-
fqncy.) had sdmewhat impaired her
gifts. Hi"i eyes were large and Itito-
Xirous,’'in8^h'hee]to paleand delicate,
save where .therh.ectie•<spot burned*
ever atid always; the mouth was
large,’the lips weak anil flexible, but
whafo’lnaiTed the^entfre face was the
want of ^steadiness in his gaze. His.
brow alone was noble, .withmasses
of waving hair, of the same shade' as
his shifting eyes. ' Tfijs Was’lhe man
LloiLwhotiL a. strange fascination Wiib
rapidTy taking possession of me, and
Who, hearing my declaration, stepped
forward, saying, ‘Will you allow me
to. mesmerise you?’ ‘Indeed, you
may try,’ I said, ‘but 1- doubt very.
’much if you succeed.’ lie looked
rather nettled at mv cool answer,
and pointed to a chair, on W’liich I
quietly seatfed myself (riotwithstand-
'ing my grandmother’s warning Bbake
of the beat] ; lie took the Opposite
chair, placing the lamp so*that tho
light should fall Upon, my face;;.. In
a few minutes I discovered that
though .his 'strongest efforts were
brought to bear his gaze was-flicker-
ing’and unsteady. Suddenly he
started up, saying in a-strangely agit-.
ated voice'," ‘I have failed? ‘Now it
is my turn/. I said boldly,, waving
hiinXo the seat 1 had occupied, but
to my annoyance ho tyrnod to'way,
saying, ‘‘Andthe’r time ; noL, now.’
Evidently to my grandmother’s in
tense relief, (lie gong Bounded ; Bhe
thought the scenu’hfol already gone
tod far, and by A clever manuouvito
on her part 1’ldlip .Moncton took
down to dinner an elderfy squiresa
in a-blue tuiban, who by the Wqy^
pronounced mu a, forward
minx. For the-next'week wc were
in entirely oectipjed with our guests
that I had little time to analyBd toy
feelings. 1’ldlip Boomed rather id
avoid uic than otherwise, ami, each
day lio grew paler and more abstract
ed. My grandmother took good care
to'‘prevent (for being Jeft alone, for
bop idea was that girls brought up in
albne * • ’... ■ “ \
“Isabel,’ he sai'l, And his - voice
trembled, ‘I must go; you know I
Atove you more than anything on
earth; 'For twelve nionths have I
struggled against my love ; I have
tried to forget you,’(‘Why should h**?’
flashed though", my. mind), 1 have
striven against, this wild, passionate
longing, till I am ijo longer master
•of :inyaeif.- -Ever since t-liat- night-1
failfed.’ to mesmerise you 'Jour facb
has haunted* me ; every' word you
speak ilrawsYiie closer to you ; every
■took-^burns into my s’oul.’ AncLas he
poured out this torrenTYir wofrls’lib"
sank down oh’, tjje. couch close -by,
his face buried in.his hands;
• “All;this,Was wjia't I.hourly,, daily
expected, but ;it jvas Apt alj I Imped
for. (WillYou Dot answer me?’ he
almost moaned, for I had not yet
snoken. I did.upf watit to tell him
he had asked no question ; 'lie had
but declared his love. Presently lie
spoke again. ‘Isabel, trust me,’ he
said, ‘trust me-. In time you shall
knowjall^but not yet. Will you, my
darling I’ ‘I know npt,’, I replied.
‘Whait is your meahiiig ?’ ‘Io inpot
how give you a final answer;’ but
to morrow meet me here,- and per
haps I may? . -
. .‘He rose up quickly; and, the dos-
inn of-the door as he passed Put told
I Was alone. As yet no word of that*
proposal ofTiiarriiige I was sodelefr
mined to wring from him. ‘What se
cret can it be? ‘Why should he tell me
,1m had striven to forget ipe ? Wliy
should he ask me tn irifstdiim to
wa'it? No^twili not wait ; before to
morrow’s sun has set he shall- tell
me,’ I murmured as with heightened
colour and pulse galloping, 1 retired
. td my own ronm, a devil’s purpose
in my wicked heart. That night
bought no sleepi to me, and when I
. did close my burning lids it'Was only
to start up weary and unVefreslmd,
but 1 had finally* made up my mind
that fathom his secret I would. I
Jiftd at least discovered how to do bo.
At breakfast I’liilip was absent; lie
often was; he rose at daylight, aivl
walked till lnnoheon was nearly over*
To-day he only appeared as the last
member of ouv party was leaving the
room, at least so my grandmother
informed me, for I had purposely’*
absented myself from that meal.
“‘And iiovr. Isabel,’ she 'added,
with a knowing smile, which needed
better go
Ari .11. I*, oil l’roiiibitioir
Professor .Foster M. P., .made a
speech at-the Ontario. A bianco, meet
• ing; ,iir Toronto last week’, pfi the.
question of prohibition. Proliioi-
tipn. was something, lie-said, Whii li
caihe from within, and never, could*
be ’ nlared npoii iis frojnj wRJninjL
Prohibition was only possible ais it
started in the hear.s and minds of
the ’ people and forced its way out.*
Secondly, prohibition, was a growth,„
not a creation., The only way to
get it was by'the process of growth,
The-speaker then proceeded to show
how these: two -thoughts had - been
carried out in the . history of the
mpxemeqtJn Uaj»a.4a«__The extent
to which prohibition had now.grown,
was sho'wn by the fact- that at the
last session of tlie Dominion parlia:
njeu.t‘,_tiie House declared by a vote
of 122 against *40, tlfat whenever
the people of Canada asked Xer pro
hibition they were prepared to.grant.
it. ' . . ’, ...\ '
In the-Scott Act 'contests which
hfid* taken *pvaee, tiio jEiifaidS’ of^tlr-
meiwFre"Bad^0uiureT 82 per ce.n.t.
of the victories. They had only won
29 per cent., however, of the coum.
ties and cities of. the. Dominion, so
there was plenty of work yet to be
done. Thirty per-cent’ of the popu^.,
lation was under tlto^ Ait; 'iSAtpiFO
per dent, of the members in the
Dominion parliament represeni^
Scott zket aouiitiea.".s|^!hesei. di'd^moL
by any means incfude''*h.ll. the ,mem\
bets who were fiTelidly *to. tlie Act.
In view of dffu. it would be impose
.sible for tlio Government to muti .
late the Act during the coming ses
sion,_a8 it has been said they would.
Tberd were two things now to be
doito. Ono Was to-took after # the
Scott Act, and the other Was to look
alien'd for proKibrtTdi'pX“Tfow to
wisely do these tilings was the all-
important question. They slnmld
make tlie Scott Act a# efficient ns
possible, and get'the gov.eriuqen'if’to
remedy its defects if it had any. Iiy
■ for the most important, thing, how
ever, Was to see that iii every coun
ty where the Act passed it vVas
■Strictly enforced from tlie Very first
moment. The success of the prohi
bition movement depended more
upon the honest enforcement» f the .
Scott Act than upon anything ’else.
The three things, necessary to the
Sue css of prohii<iti(jo were; lit,
piaiitHal ifqofthat it could bo eit
forced ; 2nd; llm victory must b*
gained by ihtelligeHtditicuRsfon
there must be a dear end d> finite [
r'eciiioii. of thb. people,., in which
neither men, norctoeds, nor parties
had anything to do. If the friends
of prohibition would do their work I
BucRleu's Arnica Salve.- -
Till; BiiSr Saia's rn tli.e'World for Cuts,
Bruises,’- Sores, Ulcei.*s, ,b.iit Hlieian,
Fever Sores,' Teller, thupped ll.-uuis,
Uhiibkuus, Corns, an-1 all .“kill I'lrtip-
lions,- ami positively <;ines Hiles,-or lo
pay required. It is i;uiii*aiiteeil to give
pe'*Ject satisfaction, or inO.iey reiumleil;
Price 25 cents -per box, F.m sale by
Aiitts & Co. ..... .. ... 258-iy
“How-<8 .it, Fogg, that\you are a’-1
ways advising everybody to marry,iiud
-yetryou show no hurry about takpig a-
" W1 re" yout'se 1 i ?i5*rogg'—■■■B-ecau se';'
my boy'," I am too much of^a*gentle
man fo help myself until everybody’
else-iB supplied?’ ' .....■■ .
™r..Ayey’8-Pills cure constipation,- im
prove the appetite,promote.digestion’;'
‘restore healthy action, and regulate
every function. They are pleasant
to take, gentle in their operation, yet
thorough, searching, anG powerful in
subduing disease. * -
A Total Wreck.
’"'Many u strong frame “has been £m*
-tally—wre.eke<ihy_„.i-lieumatison. D.
AfoU.i'imip.on'rof Lancaster, wiia cured
of* chronici'hournatism by Burdock
Blood Bitters. It clires all blood ini-
purities, , „ ,' 322-2t
Mistress (to liousemaiif — “Now,
Mary, you know I am going to give a
..bail to morrow night, and I shall’ex-
■*pecb you to bestir, yourself, and be
useful generally.” ' Alary. -'“Yes,4'
mum; but fam veiiy—sorry to say 1
..can’t-dance*’.’ .. L ...__
We believe the cause of the won
derful success pt Murray & Lanman’s
KloridivAWAter-may. be found hi the
fact that the principal’ aim ih its /nr*
fiiine of flowers without any chemical
addition whatever, and to avoid, “by
all m'eans, the great- error of making
A-heavy, sicky, sweet perfume, Y
Come along with me and have a
fine time,” remarked a policeman, to
a raa’n arrested. I’m afraid you are
trying to cell me,” replied the pris
oner. - - ■__' *
Drive it 'AWay.
'■ Drive away.fall poisonous humor
from the blood before it develops in
scrofula or some chronic form of disp
ense. Burdock Blood Bitters will do
■ 4 ' ’> • .’kJ. ' / ■
wapapee J WALL paper:
• . The time for House-Cleaning ia near. All wanting . .
Hall, Parlor, Dininq-Room, or Bed-
Room Papers,
1 " „ 'will find the , .
Best and Latest Patterns.
™ l» at
. „ jest Work, ,.....fist prices, and satisfaction guarflhteed*
As I have flfsLclass city w'oiknieu onto
Give ine a call;
perfumery, Shoulder Braces, Trusses,' Sponges, and all
kinds of. Druggists’ Sundries usually kept in a First-Class Drug: Store.
— f MM——————M—M————8——MM*——
• Trade. Mark.
For the Complexion.—For Pimples
. Blotches, Tan, arid all itching rumors
of the skin, use ProR-Lowto Magic
Siiipbur' Soap, ’ ’321.4t,^' •?
— On one occasion* a friend of Lord.
Alvanley came' for. advice under the
following circumstances ' “Mr-—
‘Kas'flu’eatehed'Tirkick me whenever*
-he sees me in society. VVhat ami
t,o do if he comes jn'to the room?”
“SU^dpwn,” replied? liis lordship. .
Hands, or Old Sores of ally kind tlijit cannot no
healed.? Even though- it l>o of .V^ara standing.
McGregor & Parke’s Carbolic Cerate will etire'it.
Be) ond the SlindOW of a doubt it is the best liejiD
iiig eompouiiA u'verA'nOwn, Boils, PcMrerings,
FrOst Bites, .Burns or. any 8'kiir Trouble, uro
aliko cured by it. Sold at 25 cents by your
' Druggist.'-
(/, noLsppaid^
*’ /.■■'■
« *W \\\XeA.\y 8&. o^jtar
Albert Street, Clinton, Ont.
WE Lrill .paiLJiheiahoxe.i-dwardLorjLny-casejOL.
'iLiver Complaint., I>yspepsia,~.S'iok Headachn, Iff*
digestion, CoiistipatiOT.or Costivcnoss woTcannot
uintr with West’S Vegetable Liver Pills, when Hie
difeotlonB are Strictly complied with. They are
purely Vegetable,, and never fail to give snlisfae;
tloh. Sugar Coated. Large boxes, containing 30
Pills, 25 Cents. For all Oruggists. ■ Be
ware of Counterfeits and imitations. The genii-
inc manufactured only by JOHN C. WEST & CO.,
'jTlie Pill Makers,’’ 81 and 83 Iiing-sL, Ei,.Toron
to, O.n,t., 'Free trial packages 'Sent by' mail-pte*
ptdil.on receipt of-u-3 cent sta)np. J, IL Combe,
agent.Clinton 314-ly
■ * ,18 PUBLISHED . .i/T?'
Every ~ Wednesday Morning,
Tbit Engr»-’-" “- -rbiiiij
. In Consumptive Cases
, It approaches so near a specific that “ Ninety.
. five ’’ per cent are pernraheritly cured where the
directions are strictly complied with.
There is np clierpical or other ingredients to
harrtithe.young or dld6‘; . . '*
As an EXPECTORANT, it has ng Equal.
It contains no OPIUM in any form!
;■ SOI.Ej\GENTS, '
. .Tim Bakely "'vlfo I*ves“=at’*a““place-
called Cowboy’s Delight in Arizona,
•publishes an interesting, notice jh a.
local paper, thus: “Ifanyone nhould.
kill hti elk this winter with a circle B
on it, this is to notify them that that mine,- and is ouly half elk
a.nyway, as the other half ,is cow, be-
ing the cair'oF my old; milker Chero-
*kee. ■ t,____ __________
’- The .Signs of, Worms are well-
known,but the remedy is not always
so well determined. Worm Lowders
will destroy them'* , 321 4t
53" The Bazaar Faahton Books for 1883 are.oui and can be had for notlirng
Call ana see the papers and get a^Book ** ' ., •* - <
.• .It BJjvTLERrS.
. < ^ODERiCH
53” He Sells Cheaper than any etieon top of the-Eartli.
Tlie best preparation known to science for beautifying the
ONE SINGI.E APPLICATION ii warranted, to.
Beautify the Face and give to.the Fadalor Sallow Com-
. ploxion a Perfectly Healthy, Natural, mid Youthful
Appearance.* It Conceals Wrinkles, Freckles. Crow's
Feet, and the Evidence Of Age, leavihg tl.m Skin Soft,
'Senf^ jSdrcsm "PostagT
b stamps taken. Address all letters to ■ (
CREIWBJYJIR, Brawer^2^78, Jotonto^PA___
Ask your druggist for it. Wholesale by all whole
sale druggists.
West of England, Scotch and Foreign Suitings
£ Trouserings, English & French-Worsteds.
“Ooilyrich, Las a splendidly assorted stock of new Spring inid Summer Goods.
Ordered and Ready-made Sults at life .lowest prices ever heard-Qf—npne but, the
best of trimmings used, and perfect fits guaranteed; A full line of CENTS’
FURNISHINGS afways Instock. Call and see, it. will pay you. '
Q-OJDZEmiCH. onsrT.
Hand-nidde work,' sewed and pegged,
prices to suit every purse. The best Wo
lowest ' ’ .. ............
A * -• * -• v<84
ployed, entire satisfaction, is'a certainty
(hCA Yilt* n nslll* i
e ploasr.nt to t ko. - Contain th&r ow®
ti c. Is a p.'fc, Bure, and r/fectaftl
,.r worms ia Children or Adult*
""Having tlie utmost confli.leiiCe in its superiority
over ail others, and after thousands of tests of the
most complicated and severest, case's ■ we ootilfl
find, we feci justified in offering to forfeit One
Thousand Dollars for* any case of Coughs, colds,
sore throat, iiilhienzii, hoarseness, bronchitis, cOn-
sumption, in its early stftgoJ, iVhooping cough,
aiid ail .diseases of the throat and lungs,* except
Asthma, for which we only claim' relief, that we
■ can’t cure with West’s Cough Syrup;-when taken
According to directions. Sample bottles 2fi and
50 cents; large bottles one dollar. Genuine wrap-
-pors only-in blue. Sold by all druggists, or scut
by express 0|) reaeipt of-price. JOHN C* WEST
& CO., sole .proprietors, 81 and 83 King street E.,
Toronto Ont, J,.JI/- Coiiibe, agent, Clinton. 3J4
The proprietors of The CfoDHRlOH News,
having purchased tlie business and-.plant
of The Huron Record, will in future
publish tho amalgamated papers in Clinton,,
mder the titlo of “The Huron News-*
$IS£OtlD,” '
Clinton is tho most prosperous town in
iVostern Ontario, is the scat of eerisiderable
manufacturing, and the centre of the,finest
igricultural section ia Ontario. .
.The combined circulation of The Newb-
REcoRiiT exceeds that of any paper pub-
ished in, tho County of Huron. It is,
therefore, unsurpassed as an advertising
medium. Our rates for ad vertising are :
American, ■
British and
Foreign NewsHEALTH IS WEALTH■ “I love drops l”|exolaimed a young
society belle? AThen I should think
you would wear-more of it,” retorted*
the cynical bachelor friend of middle
m* .* .....................•....
■ Wife- Wliat’8 the matter now, John ?,
IIunhand---Oh, that neuralgia and '(.oothnehe
hear kills hie.
Wife—Why don't you gh to the Dnfg Store iuid get it hottie tff Jllild Llgbtfflngf 1 Yon know it
euros all such things as Toothache, Ne’nrulgiK,
Headache, lainibiigo, Earache, Sore Throat,’etc.
it gives instant relief, 322-it. ...
cm’rectibn-^Tommy: “What do
„ think happened! Our teacher
hud A perplexity shock!*1 Edith'A-
“Pferplexity^ehock ? Yyou mean a
parallel stroke 1” v -
marvelous cure for (’aturrli, T\ ‘
Cafiker mouth, nml Head Ache." ’
‘ ___ _
sector lor the more successful treatment of
these complaints without extra elmtge.
Pried SOets. Sold by 8, H, Combe. *262dy
, ^Marnmn,” asked little Carrie,-foan
you'tell n)e what part of heaven peo
ple live in who nro good, but not
agreeable ?”“-*Snuday Cerald.
* Ayef’s Saraparilla being highly eon-
fcentrute<L reqlres smaller dose,and
is more effective, dose for dose, than
any other blond medicine. It is the
cheapest, because thebfst,, Qualify
and not quantity should bo consider*
-.............,.......... -"
“ J>w tills Refer to yon?
Arc you troubled with biliousness,
ffyspensia, liver or kidney complaints i blood, uuruoqw jjiooa miterspurny
or bad blood? If so you will find a ; tlw entire system and cuW Bcroful^
,------- With
each bottle tliMcis fth ingenious nasal In-
A man in York town, Pehnsyb
Vania, has had l<js wife arrested lor
pouring a gallon of molasses on his
head. lie said he didn't y/ant his
taffy that way.
Goon Titii Year R(WNn.^riNaiioiial
Pills are a good. blood purifier, liver
regulator aud mild purgative for all
seasons, 321 4t
A,Denver lady went to the theatre
the other night her hair
half a dozen live humming birds,
which she, had trained to sing be
tween the nets for the amusement of
the audience.
A Wide spread Sivil.*
The great source of consumption
and of'ugly sores is scrofula in the
blood. Burdoqto Blodd Bitter# purify
wait as the iho more common blood
Icolufhn 1 year,$tto i column 1 year,$30
1 ‘‘ 6 iilOs,50 i ‘ 6 mes,18
1. ‘‘ 3 BIOS,30 i ‘ 3 mos 12
i 1 ' 1 year,50 A !,• 1 year,18
. 6 inos,30 J 6 inos,12
i ‘3 mos,18 A . '‘ 3 nws,8
Advertisements, without instructions as anil timp, will bo Icl't’tbYho^ltnlg^
ment of the compositoi’ in the display, in
serted until. forbidden, measured by a
‘oale of Joint nonpareil (1’2 lines to th©
nch), and charged 10 cents a lino for first
nsortion and 3 cents a lino for each sub*
eqitont insertion,, Orders tot discontinue
advertisements must bo ih writing.
Notices sot as nfowtsa mattkr,
(Nonpareil ‘measnromontj 1’2 lines to tlio
•nch) 10. cents per lino first insertion ; 3
tents per lino oach subsea don t insertion, *
Wo have one of tho boat appolnfoil Tob
OllicoB west of Toronto. Ouv fiicihticaih
this dopartiiKint cnublo uh to do all kinds
of wotk-^ii’Om a callin catxl to a hmtninoih
postor, in tho best Myio known to the
craft, and at tho^lowest possible rates.
Orders by tnidl promptly attended to,
’ The Heivs-Reccrd,
(Tlufon. (hit
I)n. *F. C. West s Nf.rve and Brain
J'’Ment, a guaranteed specific for Hys-
tom, Dizziness, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous-
Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration
caused by file Use of alcohol or tobacco,
Wakefulness, Mental Doprcssion, Soften-^
ing of the Braiii resulting in insanity-and
leading to misery', decay and death, pre
mature Did Age, Barrenness, Lossofpower
ip either sok, Involuntary Losses and Sper-
mfttorthcoa caused by over-cxerlioif ul’ the
brain, self-nlmsc or ovor-indulgente,. Each
box contains’oiie month's treatment $1.00
a box, or six boxes for $5,00, sent by.mail'
prepaid on receipt of price, *■’
, Wc Guarantoe Six Boxes
To euro any case, .With each order re-
jBoived by us for six boxes, accompanied
with $5,00, wo will send the purchaser our
written guarantee to tofunit the money if
the treatment does hot effect a cure.
Guarantees issued only by John 0, Wj®x*
fcCo.,81 and83King-st. E.f Toronto, Ont
J II. Combo, agent', Clinton, k 314-ly
.., ................. . r.... ..4
tHBflONM*ffit at tbeojSte nf LORI) A tliOMAH, Mfr
Ooruikk Block, HhitHOM. ill
*» Are corrected every TWesdaV' >
' aftbrnopn, just before
going;, to r press
’ z: