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The Huron News-Record, 1885-01-21, Page 4
NEWSPAPER LAWS We ciin the special attention cl I’ost- «liters and Sttbjeriljera to the following synopsis of the newspaper lawsT— 1— A posttmwtvr is required to, give nothe uy mmu (returning, a pan..... not rniHWt-r the law) when it subset-ill tr it . w Abv in r< Ct f u njr does lor does ;e, aud . taktai. 'ct to do sfiinakes tlie postutastet '.........................‘ “- -...........t. rd .'i s his paper dis- J! . ‘ J '. "r er may retinue to .send jt sit; is "made, )twak«- bis paper .out of the oflk* reason for its not being t ,>4p >usibk to the publishers for payment 2 If any peisun orders his paper dis- itjriuued, he must pay all aireamges, or i« publisher may ei^timie to send it util payment is'ma le, and collect the holo amount, whether It be taken front m office or not There can be me kgaJL. who takes a paper from ?.2i’ directed to his ir whether he lias sub- el...... .......... ...... —.liiscoutiammre imtfl the payipent is nuuiC; ft—Any verson wl. J t " ' " ’ " sr directed to his There the post-oillee, Whcthei ihtlli'...................'' ' .............'' I'iht 4.- TP \>r iinothei/ ... ..... id or not,, is responsible for the pay. - If a subsei-tber ortlers bis paper to bo nr] at a certain time, and the publish- ..Jiititnies to send, it the subscriber is nd t»> pay for.it if he takes it out of til post-office. ’’This proceeds upon tlie groun ■Jtlmtu man must pay for what he usei fAiyln the Di at The Noveinbei hfiwr sued for pay of palter. The tlefem’ ant objected, paying on the ground that li hail ordered a former ‘ prgprietor of th piper to diSeOmiimo It. The Judge hcl that that was jiot a valid defence. Th pbintilf, the picsent proprietor,*, had n n " ‘ ” *’..... “ 1 ..........“ s si ci b [1 rision Coi sitting a ■to < dlei; •funii to lit w - - re.eil „ . , had paid, all iirv-ars due foi diet) mid c< mt de •i<dop ■fendni • had it, lift ;h it was notified f< lie. In : it denied iner pro- y event ay for the time )r and until lie subscription. Paul s Church.—Services on Sunday at 11 Bible Class, 10 a.m. Sun" Service on Wednesday, 8 p Aia, B, IX, liector in.Ja Motlmdist—Sen ices 'at 10.80 a. » p. hi. Sabbath School at 2.'30 p. st.idiv f! ami Owulx Fresbytorian.'-Services at 11 a.m. anl KW Siibbath School, 2.30 p. m. Kkv. Ai.icy. Stiivart,' Pastor. ■ Bible Christian..—Seryicca. at 10.30 a, tn. anl 9.30 p. in Suhbath School, 2-.30-p.ni. Rkv. J. Kbxser, P.istor. * . '■■ Bap‘.i-t Church,.—Service at 6.30 p. pi. Sib- buth Hcbccl, 2.S0 n. in,. Rr.v J. Gray, Pastor. 'Sfl TSEIZE HTJ^OTST "’/Wl *... 3i The GotaiMews • —AND— - Huron Record, (.AMALGAMATED, Clinton, Wednesday, Jan. 21st. ^TOXY-^EADERS. ? anthoni^Slemm aT ___..or -. . “You Can't Have Too Mlich '. Soap.” [Translated from’ the Gorman ■ by Alex E. Sweet.] ... • . .Il was during a very cold evening in tho carnival season, at Vienna, that a young man who was a clerk- in ——. -t-h.fL.aauu.tLD g bouse of Au wealthy ban - kei\T stood before tne coachman of" his fiuipioy’wr, aud conversed z with him in low, earnest, tones. Now, 11 it inld been tffe bbiiUtiiul-daughter 4il the banker ebnversing, with the coachman, there need have'.been no -rvpjiqn for surprise, but that a young- pmn,should do so was strange: and unusiiur. ' '“’.Johunn,” said the young ' man,- “this evening 1 want you feo get out the old man’s finest carriage , anil' drive me to the bit 1. He neyer need know anything about it.”; T'lie coachman shook His Head dub iously, and replied :— ■ ’ ___“I hardly thiixk.that plan will work -i/r. AntiionyV Tlie old gentlematu.. night find it out, and than.'J might be bounced under.t-l-ie civil service reform rule.” “He will not need the coach at.al.1 tins evening. .The weatherJs so cold thatdu^will tee afraid .to stick nis.nose out of t'lie doors, urged . tlie young iminywho was faultlessly dressed in a sp i lie•.tail jCoat...and^a-s-taBdtnii~ti<yliar/ ...—otherwise prepared to go dutjn- tO Society.' ' . " * ’ “But.lie will make it hot enough if be linffe out about it; and there is very I ii tleliiiffp'enuigdliafMiffddeifnot know - - ' nbout, And when he gets. Hot he makes it warm for the menials,” re-. .sponded the coachman. "But I tell you he .will never hear anything about it, and wliiit a man —*:T<rr<ywg'TFatMinTO*ffriiTffl^iiTm^h*bt7’^"” *nVTiy don’t you 11ire a li’itck V” “Hire a hack 1 You can't expect ~ nW ttrdo—thiUi .Johann, when .1-tel.L you that I-want, to take a^’oung lady II a masquerade ball. I have pro mised to come (or® her ih’an eleganti v - enrringe, and it.-is too late now to go- ' buck on it.” ’' ' Perhaps, it .was, this last argument th t convinced Jolnmn ; perhaps it ' was the glittering coin Which Mr. Ani.. tliony gently squeezed into the paltn of the family jeli'U. At all events, Anttipny was driven in the.newest and most elegant turnout his em ployer possessed; . to a inoijest resi dence in the suburbs, on the stoop of which, already dressed for tlie occas- ' sion, was a young lady waiting impat iently for the bnnKer’s clerk. M iss Rosa was not a very refined- looking girl, but she was undbubted- ly Very pretty, and seemed to be i'll the* enjoy merit of . robust health. Gur hero had made her acquaintance H in the dancing school, wljere he had learned to trip the Might fantastic toe. His delicate attentions.to her were immediately reciprocated, and a I though, her grammar .and rniiniH’r > eqded revision A her plumpness and IT looks mailekHn ordund lm p fes- f-ior on Anthony, who-was only About I'lghteen years of age, and the son of wealthy gentleman living some dis mice from Vienna. At tlii) ball Anthony and his fair, ouipanion..swam in a sea of’bliss, so > speakr pwi.ng Co the excitement of the dance and’sef’eral glasses of’Wjne not to meniK Unity of'his thrown into eotacy, the never experienced before, While the young fairy was encof'h passing the destruction of her fourth plate of oysters, Anthony, who had been treading on her toes under the jiihle, nmmtged to divert her alien- a t t of the intoxicating pros* dukinea Anthony was ft pleasurable Stille of like of which ho had I of his heart Anthony immediately in. I trqduced Miss Rasa to his friends and acfyiipplance at the ball as his future bride, and, as the local report- ers si’y, tho happy couple were the cynosure of all eyes. The harmony and happiness of tlie occasion was marred by only one little incident. Amowg the spectators at the ball, AdUikw Observed the cynical face • and sarcastic smile of his employer’s venerable bookkeeper, for whom , ’ Mr. Anthony entertained an inordi nate dread. The sight of the cy nical old man affected Anthony pretty much in the same .manner that Banquo’s ghost did the guests at the feast. Everything in this world must come to an end, and so did the ball. " f Johann was' on hand with; the car riage, and Miss Rosa was left, -with a parting kiss, on -the stoop of her mother’s modest residence. Next morning Mr, Anthony suf fered somewhat from reaction, also hadn bad taste in his mouth, and a bad headache,, caused possibly by too much excitement and cheap wine, lie was somewhat depressed by fore bodings of the most gloomy charact er, He was depressed by the, dreacT that gome disaster was about to oc cur, His. worstl fears were realiz d when the aged and confidential book keeper informed him that his em ployer wishsdsto see him immediate: ly in liis private office. .liecomplied with the request in a slow and hesita ting manner. ‘ . “Ah, Mr. Anthony; I am glad ta see you looking so well this morning. I only wanted, to ask you "how. you. were pleased With my carriage,” s lid the banker, pushing his specs back on his forehead- and smiling unpleas antly at the youth. Anthony hung his head in silence. He - began to , .wish that he had hired a hack for the occasion. ’• ’ . , .’o , “T hope that you wefe pleased ■with itr- It Tuns vdry easy, doesn’t it ? 1 hope you ldund the cushions comfortable, By tlm way allow roe to congratulate you. I hear that you are about to enter tlm holy state of matrimony." The young man’s face became as red as'it was possible for it to do,, unless it, was painted._od varnished for the occasion.' “This will be a moat pleasant sur prise for your dear father. To what ' kind of a fami.y does your future wife belong?” ’ . .. " That was something that had never occured to Mr. Anthony before. He wasftwftre of course that Rosa, was Dcjt related to. the.jniperial family. There was not much style about bey ■ but.be proposed to marry her, not J/er family: of course, she must belong to-some, family. Anthony resumed his farmer silence* and tried-to look unconcerned. 7 . • “Are you personally .acquainted with her parents?’’ continued tin? -old-hanker,„w;h oLse e m edito_-be^ea-t<?jr up with morbid 'curiosity on this particular occasion.' . - Anthony had given, ho more thought . to the. social status of' the' parents of his-ffr»^Stfd Lridwrthan' he had to : that of tli.e ■ parents of the Emperor Lof Ghina, so he merely made a futile effort to,look dignified. . * .. “rfo- you are not acquaintdd with '.‘her parents?” continued the banker. “rhenj. inj’er-,you will be gratified to have some reliable ..in/orinatipn on "tliat point, ?As far as I can learn her mother takes in. washing.- . l‘ro bably tiie young lady herself does jiot know who her father really is.” ■ This last thrust baused him to -;bi’aee up and say .defiantly that even if such was tlie ca^i't.-wx>uffF'liay^no” effect on him wliateve'r. r \ ~“Of course 'not.- 1 did" not expect if would.,” responded the banker • dryly.-, .“However, your father is-an- o.ld friend of mine . -I am’satisfied lie would b« very .'much’.gratified Jo. see yj2U„-.bfi.fore--you~~TjfaTry" Yqu have got time, to catch. the next _trairi,' and'by to morrow you will be, tn his presence. ;My/bob"kkbei'>e'r will do you tlie kindness to accom pany you to the station.. Good mor®*- nirig, sfr.’.’ : ■ ' . . • -Eight ybars have rolled away into eternity since Mr. Anthony attended the never-to he forgotten balk In the^ diftTng rt’dom of a fashion-- . .jdffg., Viemn a. Ji’M&l^ft.La_yjq.u n g-cb up 1 e- ffress-M.1 in. travelling costumes. It was evident to. the- most inexperien ced eye that they had-juist been mar- ...I’ied. and ivere oif,their,bridal tour. The Vehemence alone with which the young man . chased- away a fly . that lit on the bifftei' of ljis com- panion, Was; sufficient to give them, away. •..:•' T ~ jThe waiter cl^arecBoff the dessert. ■ Tlie. youDgdi'uabandLleanecLback in- . Ji is., chiliir, whicii he bad drawn up clo.se .lofc that of the partner. of bis joys. Tlmy conversed in low, but earnest tones, on a subject that has" an„irresifltible attraction.to all newly married.couples.•• .... < “Am f really thy first love, dearest Anthony ?” cooed the bride. “'My first and only love,” replied Anthony with, great ejnphttsis. “HbW happy it makes me to hear • you say sot The thought that you shouldst have, been loved by another , even for a moment, would make me 'the most miserable of women/but,” slm continued looking at him in a dubious kind of a way, “I believe you men prevaricate a- little sometimes on tliat subject. 'Anthony was just about £o throw himself into an attitude find streng then his^ssertion with the solemnity of an oath, when a female peddler, such rts are very cqmmjpn 'in large cities, approached tlie e^tple with a byge basket upon her arm. / Annoyed nt this interruption, An thony cast‘4t scornful glance.At the large; Common, but not bad-looking female peddler, and then he felt his heart drop (town into tlm bottom of his boot, |for lo and behold I the- female peddler was "none other than •his beloved Rosa, whom he had not seen, since that.happy night at the ball, when she destroyed four plates of oysters, and he promised mar ry her. 'Ite turned as pale as a piece of cheese, and he Jell as sick’ as a candidate who has not been elected | ity. There was, He was im>»«ff‘»tely absorbed in reading the advertisements upside down, bolding the document between him self and his long lust love. Ilia hopes that she had not reoog nized him were delusive; He felt that she was looking right through - the paper at him, and that she re* I membered him as well as if he bad only been absent eight hoursjmBtead iff eight years. , ' It she were to .recognize him right here before Mb wife, to whom be had just sworn that she was bis first and only love, what would be say ? What would he do ? Great beads of per spiration hung down upon his brow- He felt that ft would be the last of him if he had to confess that ibis girl bad been his promised wife, and yet it would not be Bafe to deny it, She kept hejr eyes steadily upon him, while he squirmed about in his chair as if it were hot. a -‘Don’t you want to buy some nice toilet soap, Bir?” -asked Rosa, in precisely the same voice in which she had ordered another plate"o'f oysters, and promised to cherish him as long as God gave her life. He breathed a sigh of relief. Per haps she would act as if she knew, him not. ___» > , “Certainly I peed some soap,” he L ~ ~ replied, tn a husky voice, and with vvnii(liiv ;vlioh {d trembling hands he took a fewpieces from the basket, and reached for his pocketbook. 1 . “I don’t think,’’ said the female peddler, “that you have got as much as you need. It is so very cheap.” - Mechanically he removed the pieces of soap from the bjiaket, and piled them on the table". “For heaven’s sake, Anthony,” Whispered the young wife, vainly en deavorin t» to catch his eye and break up the trade. “I think I have got.enough now,’-’ he stammered, without daring to look at.the female peddler. “Won’t you be kind enougff to take" some more ?’ said Rosa, j-ersuasive- V* ’ •. -=■ -He did not dare resist, and once more he piled up soap all over the table, until her ba’sket appeared, to | be empty, when lie paused in his labors/-' j”" . .-' “There are a few more .pieces yet in the bottom of the basket.” • With.a sigh he reached in and took those too. Tlre'female peddler look ed him full in- the face for a few mo ments, and picking up her money - and the. empty, basket,'quietly left the room. ; For a tew minutes' the young wife was speechless with astonishment, finally she said ~— “What in the. name of heaven will we do .jvithali that soap? Anthony, -have you.lost your mind?” ■ ’ > “Don’t worry yourself,, my dear. What , yon can't put'in your trunk 1’11 pack away in my Valise;” .B •‘“But the smell of.soap I it is hoT-'- ..to-rid.” “I have, to^lell you, confidentially, -niy^dieai’, that there is no perfumeff : am so fond of as I am of the shiell.of soap. - It gets away With me every time.” ‘ '. . “But what use have we- got for all that soap ?” '- r 7 J “You donfcrttndersfah'd that, my child. Soap is useful for .a great many things.. You can’t have too much soap ip the house. -Only ' the otlieri day H read in a Canadian newspaper, that if Mr.Blake had not run short of sOap' lie would have been Premier of the Dominion of Canada,” ‘ ’ '• - TSIie shook her bead dubiously] and seemfed absorbed 'irir.th'Hight, , ■ The young people have gotr soap enough to last them for ' many years .to come, but iioxv AnHionj’, will allay ‘her cui’ib'sit.v,' which Will be. renewed' every time she gejts out a fresh piece of soap, is a problem we are unable to. solve. Anthony will have to attend .to-that himself, but lie .saeuis-r-t-o-be" -eq u aJ-'to'"tTfe‘ern"e’rge t i cy. ooJnitry and the tariff question, and the reiiiftind r of his Hptwli, until nearly the end, when he blossomed out in the most astonishing manner at the friend of the wgtkingman, The Baby ortlie Cana Jian Par liainent New York Sum There is always a “baby” in the chamber, Jjle is the youngest mem ber of the JIouKe, although he may not be the youngest mar, Some times this “baby takes liberties,] as all babies do. Here is one of his prank.s. He dresses so that the sergeautvat-ainH dots not know bin . He wears a false jvig, puts on.gog gles, disarranges Ids hair, and puts on a coat, thac is new to the eyes of the members, He does’ th it when sitting near some friend, but away from Ins own desk. Then he goes to bis own seat disguisei! so that no one knows him, A’ division on some bill is called. Etch member Staffds up as he votes “aye” or “no.” It comes to the turn of the “baby.” He stands up wheti his name is call ed. The clerk of tlie Bouse\dot<s not recognize him. The. clerk looks-- at the Speaker-. The*Bpraker fails. to see though the disguise, The ■yWIHHHIHI I MHUIIBU ........j |. || ............ X8 I’UBLISJIKD Every Wednesday Morning -—nv--—■ "Wvv\Uu\ §£ AT THEIR OFFICE, Albert Streef, Clinton, Ont. Tlii's space is reserved for P. AV HAYWARD, who has leased the ■ Clinton Carriage Works. Watch for his announcenfent. i I - t AYER’S Hair Vigor restores, xdtb tho gloss oftd frsahnesa of youth, faded or gray hair to a natural, rich brown color, or doep bladf.a»maybedoBlred. „ By its use light or tod hair may be darkened, thin hair thickened, and baldness often, though not always, cured. i It cheeks falling of the hair, and stimu lates a weak and sickly growth to vigor. It prevents and cures scurf aud damlruif, and heals nearly every disease peculiar to tho scalp. As a LadicH’ Ilulr pressing, the Vigor Is unequalled; It contains neither oil oor dye, renders the hair soft, glossy, and. jllkeii in nppi'iivanco, and liiipai'Ls ft dcUcftie^- .grceable, and lasting perfume, / Mr. C. P. Bull’llElt writes froip Kirby, (I.. hi'n 3.1882: " Bust full nij halrcouimeuced ailing out, ftud la n short time 1 bueam<y K.'.’irlv bald. I used part of a bottle of kl i’H's II aik Viunit. which slopped the lull- ig of the b’.ir, and stiu-ted n now growth. 1 iavs now a full head of liuir growing vigor- .’.t-dy, and mil convinced that.but lor the i.-'eof jo.u' fn-eparatiou 1 should have been ,-uUrcly biilX” J. W. Bowes', proprietor of tlie. ,Vc4rthur O'li a Kuyiiir >\ sa.a; ” A VKtt’a H HR 1 mon s a uiosit esvOlleut preparation for the hair. . 4p--:tk ,f it from my own experience. Its i.ie prom ties the jrtwtli of new hair, imd .t gios-W .md soft. 1'h1’ Vigor is also . st re eu ■<) for itvmlniif. Not within my . >i<i; t‘lg» has tlm preparation ever failed > give entire s.ulsftk’llou," Jin. Avifs FviiniAiRX, lender of tho .•1-hrited •• Fuirlmirn Family ” of Scottish ..•.’•kmI-tsis, writes from lion.'ou, Jhw., . '• tso . •« Ever since my hair began to give sil- . t'L'v evUkmeo of tho change which Heeling one procu.clh; I hitvo used AVER'S 1JA1H . tEiJiave been ai>ie,4° maintaiit i.) ipin'aran io of youthfulness-«ii inatler of joiislderable uoiisuQueiico to ministers, oi'a- o -s, actors, mid in fact every oho whoiivcs m theeyes-m* the public.'" JMlts. O. A. Prescott, writing from 18 TUlm S*.. <'h irlesloit'ii, Mass', ••tpi'll .14, 1882, says: *'Teo years ago about tjvo-thirds of my hair lame oil', it. thinned very rapidly, and I wns^ •’ast growing bald. On using Avi-nt’s lldm VtU at the fulling stopped and a new growj.li cofnmeaced, mnl in about n month my head was complet'Cy'covered with shOrt.lmir. It . has continued to grow, and is Downs good ns before II fell, . I regularly used but omnbottle of the Vigor, but uow use it occasionally as a dressing." ■ Wo have lnmdrcils of similar testimonials ' • to Ilia efficacy of A vim’s. Hair Vigqr. It”’ needs but a.trial to conviuce lliQ.most skepti cal of its value’ ’ • mrvARr.nby Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co?, Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists, in advance; </ not no paid. The proprietorsofTHEGoDERicii News, having purchased the business ami plant >f The Ilvitox Record, will iu future uuWish the amalgamated papers in Clinton, mdftsrthe title of “The llvnox News- Record:" Clinton is the most prosperous town in Western Ontario, is the seat of considerable i nanilfiicturing, and the centre of the finest ,-i igricultural seetion in Ontario. The combined circulation of The News Recurd exceeds that of any paper pnb- islied in the County of Huron. It is, therefore me'diijm. 1 column 1 . 1 4 •4 4 The . member^ wopder what is the-mat- ter. Tney turn* in their chair and look at. the strangt-r. There is sil ■ enfie and indignation. The ser- geant-at arms approaches the ‘baby,.’ ■He'is afraid to touch him. If he, r laid a finger on a nfember it would be a breach of‘privilege, an unpar donable offence. He is even afraid to question him, JB? walks around him, examines his dress from head to footy and the “baby” looks hitn full in the face. The sergeant does not know’, what, to do. The House is waiting, and business is .suspend* ed. "At last there is-a roar ot\ laughter. One of the “babyV’ friends can’t stands it any longer, and the decorum .of the House is broken, as its • members-join ” the chorus and the count goes du. “Did.you. ever see a move natltriil corpse^han.Mrs. 1’odson ?” asked a lady friend, returning from a Snnday funeral,. -“Such a contented smile.” “Contented smile,” repeated the friend, “it Was all put on.” . ' . Answer,This Question Why.do so many qicople we seo” around us, seeni to prefer to sillier and bo made, misorlible Lby Indigestion,..,Consolation. , 'Dizziness, Loss of Appetite,'*doming TqFpf the Food, 'YcHoW Skin, when for foots, wo will sell them Shiloh's Vitah'zor,guai- auteed to euro.- Sold bv J. I L- Cofnljc. A father complained bitterly of the way his children destroyed their, clothing. He said : “When I was'a boy I-only had one suit of clothes, and I had to ta.ke,ca,re- of it; I was only allowed one .pair of shoes a year ', in those days.’’. There was a pause, and then . the ‘oldest boy spoke up and said.;*' ?‘I' :say, dad, you. have'a much easier time of it now—you are living with us. ■ » ; ' . : Reports, have been received from the mayors ol’eighteen of the prin cipal cities of'To’Wu as to the work.ing of the prohibitory law. Fifteen pro. nounce it'a failure and three .I’eguid it as doubtful. ' .. . ’ A Would-be wijb once said,speaking of the (air sex : “Ah I It’S woman's, mission to. make-fools of men.” And how vexed we are,” said ft bright eyed feminine present, “to find that nature lias so often forestalled us l’.’ It is, ............. rtisiug are; inrl year, $30 6 mes, 3 BIOS ' 1 year, 6 mos, 3 mos, me UQUIliy oi jiiikhj. Av m, , unsurpassed as an advertising Our rates for advertising are t 1 y 6 n 3 n 1 y 0 li 3 n 'ear. nos, | col i i 4 4 $90 50 30 50 30 ' 18 u <( << * Advertisements, without instructions as to space and time, will be left to tho judg ment of the compositor in the display, in serted until forbidden, nieasuied by a tale of solid nonpareil (12 lines to the mill), and cha *' .... nsortion au ’ ‘ eqiient inst advertisenti . AST Noth (Nonpareil •’neb) 10 cents per touts per line each »ar os, IOS d 3 ( rtion nits Ji •OS set lasui ed by, a a line for first for each, stilv (I 10 cents e'ntu a line Orders to discontimw list bp iiLWiiting. as Rl ement, line 11 subsea AIHNG MATTE1I, 12 .lijfeS to the •st insertion ; 3 tent insertion. job work; .We have one of tho best appointed Job Offices west of Toronto. Our facilities in , tliis-'depnrhiieht ciinble us to do till kinds of Wovk-^-frbin a callin' card to a maimnoth ■ poster, in the best style known to tlie craft, and at the lowest jipssible rates. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Address, : , Jhe News-Record, ? , Clinton. Ont December, 1882. 0 THE LATEST ! . , • -I*-—---------- TTARRt•FTSITKR, tlie renowned' Tnn- I 1 sori'll'Artist, hat obtained, tho assistance of a flrst-clnsli Barber-. K'J-’ All the latest, styles of indies’ and guntloiuen's liair-cutting. One door east of the Csimneicial Hotel. 4-“e Worms often effufee. serious illness.' ,T.he cure is,Dr. LbW’s-' Worm ’Syrup. 'It destroys and expels Worms effect ually,. T , ( 321 4t •> 'An Irish agricultural journal adver tises a new--wasbing machine under the headinglb'.“Every^man his own wnsbennftn/L'rtnd in its culipary de- -p a i't^T.eflt~say-S“L1 «tW»pe t-a to es-s 1) o u Id- always ba boijed in cold wateiv" . Husband and wife .present them-’ selves before .the divorce • ch,urt- What • do you ‘ ■want,’ nmdame ?”• “Divorce fromtliftt wretch.” BA nd you, Sir?^“fDi.vorcj from Ilfat vixen ”• “The decree isj refused—there is no incompatibility of temper; You both . sehm to be perfectly agreed. Call tile next case.’,’— ' • ' .. • A young man called hiaAwcetheart “rare -opportunity-beef^e she is worthy of being emljraced.' “There is many a slip ’twixt the couple and; the lip,” sardonically paraphrased young J^0.^00'! as be Vainly essayed to kiss his best^gH-1. ... Forthe CoMPLEXioN.--Ror Pimples Blotches^Tari, and all itching tumors .of the ■ skin, use Prof. Low’s Magic .Sulphur Soap. - 321 ;4t .- ■ l\ . " A Settled Fact. . It is a signficaiit fact thatd-I-agj'ard’s Yellow Qil is tka best household ’re medy. for internal use in casepf pain, soreness, lameness and inflammatory complaints. ■ 32‘2-2t . '“I didn’t see yon-out at. the -party said one Benedict to. nnotlier. “N I’ was ten,ding a wake,” was the ans1 er of th'e-ot'lier, as he thought liDw he ■pronienail’^^tiwTd’ijfflro'Oni‘TCBir inor- ‘tii.f Imdrs with a kid that refused, to be comforted;. □‘OEZlSr TuESSI-iIEl Wishes to lpfurm his olll ciisiqiners.anfl the public generally " that he has again opened out in the ' Carriage and Waggon Business, Oh the Corner of Huron and Orangs Streets, Clinton, ’ ’ , in the Brick Building known as.the “Alountcastle property," whore lie will'cnrry I on the trade in all it^brii'ncites.. Jtn experience of over 20 years ii| business in CllnlDii will 'enable. Him Lo. meet the requirements dfsihe public in his line, AIL nijtU’riul Of the very best quality and the work jipinsh.lp.,iipsur|)asseiLi „Cidl’ and' exainine before purchasing. All- the latest InTproved, rlgstnaiiufactured and kept constantly on hand. , ”, \. ’ ’ ALL: WOM WABRAMTED. 7 -. . - TRLCESAsONABLE. ..a P-yp‘1? fogM M WILL CURE OR RELIEVE . BILIOUSNESS,' ; DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA,- DR ffPSY,< INDIGESTION, FLUTTERING \IAUNDICE.' - OF THE. HEART, . Erysipelas,- *. acidity of • SALTS RHEUM, . THE . STOMACH, . HEARttiURN; . DRYNESS' ' .HEADACHE,^ . ...OF THE SKIN, And every species of disease arising from, disordered LfVER, KIDNEYS, STOMACH, 'I BOWELS OR BLOOD, . • . t."iiwoR«ho.. ■ , , • - •. . . , The Democratic Tribune. ’ “l£j’a a cold night when me and _Qlj,ver- -get left at a public meeting/’ fremail’ked.Jlon. Edward Blake to Hon. Timothy Anglin last-Tuesday as his spectacles surveyed the crowd in Shaftsbury hall, Toronto. ’ The meeting was lfeld under the" „au spi'ccs-of-tl i e Yo u ng-MBn’ir Likeml > club of Turonto.,„ ’ • Air. Blake obi lined, the long talk ed of IAberal policy ds fo1 lows.: - ! A ' Bena'te responsible , to, and elected by the people, small in nuni-. Imrs and' carefully guarded by power, placed in the hands of tlie people. Power to revise .the constittuion of the Domihibp of Canada, some-' thing that- how1 does not. rest with the parliament of Canada. ’ • > A system -that will do away with the confusion of judicial’powers that now exist.-. . ' " " Provincial rights. He would prefer a legislature union rather than that the Dominion should have power to interfere with the legislature of the " provinces. Under this beading he spoke at length on the disputed licence ques- , tiori, -holding tlfftt the judgment of the supreme court was a triuqiph to -the Reform-p>i rt.y under the consti tution. Even if tlm Conservatives had been right in tlnMr doclriuda of necessity lie believed it better to make tho constitution conform to. the usages of the people tlmn make the people conform to, a newly-disK covered " spirit- in the constitution.. Proceeding with the anuiicjalion of principles lie wanted • The right, of Canada to make, commercial treaties. • Then he suddenly branched out upon straightout Democratic princi ples, and the more he said on the subject the, belter he talked. He wanted a greater cb-minglitig of the people, the abolition Of all clasR diss tinctions, freedom of opinion of per son and of property, the right to do with his own as he phgfiee, ho loing as Im did not injure liW^d^glHior,'' freedom to exchange that which he had for that which Im wanted, “liicideiitally’' he declared for Brit ish connection, but in terms so guarded probably dim-half of tlm audif*nc«>will not know it tmtil- limy read his speech, All through -tliis part of his speech, and lm took ’ MMWfcMNiiiBMiiuMLcs-Jinder tlm De- Arc you troubled with .Salt Rbeun’i, Roujjh Hands,, or Old Sores of an.v kind that’ caiinot be’ healed? Ev-oii though it be of. years, standing MuGrpgdr.&■ Parke’s (.'arbolieX’craje will cure ip, Beyond the shadyiv of a_doubt it is'the.best heal* ing compound eVer knoWji. Boils, l'cstecings,- frost Bites, Buriis^ .<ir.„an;v--l(kin"'TfbuIii<i).- are jiI.ilj;.e^eured-*by~fE:‘""Sold at 25 cents by yom' ’ Druggist. - 322-4t. . ; ' : ■ *■' >■ ' In Biblical days the foolish virgins neglected-to put oil in. their lamps. In our times the foolish virgins put . oil bn tkgJR'p., U;_:',. Oh, What a. tJo.iiftli.; Will you lieerl flic warning? The m’g- nul pcrliaps of-tlie si.ir6iiT proiie1i uf tl.ui1 more, terrible dis«ase Consiiniption, . Akk yourselves if yon caii nfiord4oi* the sake el- saving fiOc.ts,, t.o run the risk, and do noth ing for it. We know I'roni experieiii’O tluif Sliiloh’s Curo- will eure your Congli, IT never fails.. q'hikexphiins why inore.thafi a Million Bo'l t.li'.j were sold the' past year. It relieves Croup'aiiil Whonping Coiigh at ,<ince. Mothers, dp not be with blit it. For Laine- Baek,. Side or Chest, use Shiloh's I’oi otis Plaster. - Sold .by J. IL Conibe..2fi3y . A Detroit doctor knocked a man down -with a club in a.‘ sUmet'qiinrrel and then charged ’liiti) $\2' f.or fixing, up'- his scalp’.'' You, c an’t. slump .a: ' d^ctp^SKffWa rd times.' The rERFUME.oF AN. n.E^q$jenig.BE^— Througbout.an area occupied by more* than one hundred millions of civilized brings,Murray &“L'anman’3 Florida Water is to day the standarT jierfume in society.' '' * . ' ——i•■■. ...»— , .-T-be Bisliop of Tor on to has received- the, resignation of the Bey, W... E.v. ”Gampoell, secretary of tlie mission board of Toronto diocese. ■ Tit-E, Signs .of :Worms tire .well-. kii.own, but the remedy- is -not always so well d.eteynined. Worm. Powders* will destroy them,, 321 41 < . Wife-What’sjihc matter now, John ? Husband—-Oil, that neuralgia H))d tootlincl'.e near ldjis me. . .. '.'u .' Wife—-Why don't you go- to the Drug Store and get’a bottie of Fluid Lightning ? You know It retires ail such things tis Tootlnich'e, Neuralgia,, Headache, Ltinlliago;'Earache-, Sore Throat, etc. ■_ Lt givdSLlnstant rollot.__322-41,. ■ . ■Wycliffe di>pd five hundred year?, ago, and, Ins many theological anil polemical'writings: are not yet-alb published. . ;‘ Privieit Awiiy. '■ . , ,.'"TfrrvS’*”away all poisonous humor from the blood , before it develops in scrofula or some chronic fo.rm of dis ease. •it.. -Prominent among , tho greatest nieiTieal ,dis- . co. cries,, tiv tho nnuiy.' cui'es.it.hns effected.i J/r- ijrteyor's Sp'ecdy Cure lends tlie va.ii; Subject, d to* tlnr. niinufej't cheniienl analysis, it hiis beci.- ■ found-to contain Tfonc.ol those Injurious iiigre dic.iits eharactcrizinir the worthless spui-lfics daily offered to the public. Every ingredient possesses ;a pcenlfar adaptal.i.lity to tile various complaints'’ ■ for wl.iich ithasdieenaOMirpouii<led^arulj.tsxllitaey •‘iii --tjeiitg. ir.Taibl ialietj. by. tcotnnymiii's. ’lOG'rly _s® . eoived; \Vc iii-e'tTierefbroTdh'fl(lc)itz that we have a preparation Which we can offer to t.lio public <awth- ^hufnssurance that it will be found not only a reitc/ihit un absoliite cure for Dyspepsia,. liver Complaint, Indigestion, Constipation and Impure Blood.: Free trial, bottles nt your Drug Stoic. •'.T22-4t ; A ^Vide Spread Evil- The JjrPftt source of consumption and of ugly sores scrofula in thb .|)JnoxL....BHhlo,cl<J31ood.Bilters-p.urify- tlie entire system and dure, scrofula, as well as tlie the.more common blodd -humors. "" . , \ 322 2t Dyf-spepsta & LivtcY Conplaint Ik.'lt not worth" the small price oLTfL cents to free ybqfself of every symptom of these distressing complaints,, if you think so cull nt onr store iihcl get a bot tle of Shiloh's Vitalize!’, every bottle Inis n printed gunriintee on it,- use accor dingly niid if it .does you no good, it wi'l cost you n’otlHiig, SpSold by J, II.. Combe. .. . 1 SGfl-ly That was a triumphal.uppeal of fli& lover of antiquity, Who, in arguing the superiority of old . architec ture over the new, s.dd: “Where will you Apd-any . modern building that has lasted so. long as the an cient?” ■ ’ ' ... ■i ■ News-Record, THE^A CKNOAVLEP.GED A • • T. ’ OF THE-COUNTXJ < ^rX”T'F3; <Sc. C O. \ CLINTON, ONT., DEALERS IN— • ' - X <sSs ^Ked^Lolxxes Physicians' Prescriptions OEffefully^ani Accurately Compounded, •. . • /and.Orders Answered with Care and Despatch. ; ■ , / . • The-*Public Will. fwut our- iStqck of ’Medicines. Complete, Urarranted tend of the JLest.Qnalitg' f’ ' • ; ■ ........— Soapy,iPcrfnniei’y', 'Shoulder Brficesb-. Trusses, Sponges, "and -all kinds of Druggists’' Sundries usuall,y kept'in a First-Class Drug*Stord. The tiihe for-.liddsfc^ wantihg”‘ Hall,, Parlor, piiiiag-Room', or Bed- : Room Rapers, . ’ . ' . . -will find Mie '•*’ ■'“* , ' ; - ■ .: ' ■ Best and Latest Patterns .Burdock Blood Bitters will do '. 322-.4t “Look.here,” -said Upperceft, the choirster, as the grocer was Weighing ou| his sUgarj “tiieso things weigh light..” ’“Mr. Upperc’ea,” replied old Hyson severely, “I’m like your self ; I run the scales to suit myself, and the congregation has to stand it?’ And the chorister pulled out all his stops at once- L IVell Spoken of. R. N. Wheeler, of Everton, speaks highly of Hagynrd’s Pectoral Balaam. It cured him of inflammation of’ lungs and an obstinate cough, loosens the phlegm and heals lungs, 322-2t- Professor—“Does my question barrass you ?” “Not.at ■ all, sir,” plied the student, “it is quite clear It is the answers that bothersome.” Goon toe Year Rorxn.—National Pills ate a good blood purifier, liver j for ailregulator.and mild purgative seasons. ; 321 4t More thap three thousand lior die every week in Xjotidon, This what niakes alligator leather so oliei over there, ; cMsymmoN cuitEB • An old phvskiiin, retired from prftet having had placed in Ills hands I»y .... East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for tlm speedy and permiffient cure of Cornuim; lion,. Bronchitis,* Catarrh, Asthma and all throat'and Lting Affections, also a p<»s-' itive mid radical cure lor .^ervims Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its Wonderful eurtilivc powers in thousands of cases, lias, felt it his <luty to make it knoWh to bis snfleri'ig fellows, Actuated by this motive rind -a desire to relievo humair suffering, I will semi free of charge, to all who <Wrc it, this re cipe, in German, French or English, with full dirocHohs for preparing mid using. nn FRIEZES, ORHICES PANELS, FILLERS;-^.. . H3” The Bazaar Fashidn Books for 1883 are out and can be-.had for noth.ng. Call and See the papers and get a. Book ' • ■:‘>-*.1.;-Y 23“ He Sells .Cheaper than any ©neon top of the Earth. • I’ Thlr' EBsrF-rT-»r r«ljr«»Mi','tb» . STRICTLY PURE. ,J^RLESS:TO THE MOST DELICATE. ' In Consuuiiitivc It approaches near a specific that.,** Ninety- ' .. five ’ per cent are permanently cured where th* , direction^are strictly complied with. o;-' . . There is ho chemical or other ingredients to harm the young or old. . ‘ ' —___ ___2___ ' As'an EXPECTORANT it has no'Equal. _ It contains no' OPIUM in any form.' . SOLD^BYLALL druggists. DAVIS&LAWEENCE CO.,<muTro.) • • jJS.OLE AGENTS, . ~ " FWSEMAJFS 'POWDERS, \rc ]itcRStint to tako. Contain tlioir own W t< o, 1b a Bide, Bure, and efjteciual < ivorj:i<s in Children or Adulte l)n, F. CwWimt’s Nerve and BijainiSucklen's Arnica Salve. Tim Best Salve in the.world for Outs, Brrtisfs,’ Sores, Peyer Sores, ('hflblidns, V ms, n’lid pc ly required, rffect, *a,HSb •icTSfi cents per box. 'alts.& Co. 'tie pa pn 1’r W Ulcers, Balt llheutn, Tetter, Uliupped Hands, orns, and nil Mdn Brnp- sllively cures Piles, or no It, is tiu a rim teed to give icllmi^xm money rehiuded. If.>n sale jiv 2o8-ly ■ = Treatment, a guaranteed.specific for Hys teria, Dizziness, Coin......N. 7 Neuralgia, Hoadadie, Nervous.Prostration caused by the i " * ’ '' Wakefulness, M ing of fl. lining a lure oi the .-if oi-t-l -uin, s 11 Bi to m. ... Old Age, Bi r sex, In vol i '.V ivol md" »•A LARGE STAFF OF ’ r. ^raAo^Jark. EFcfitAO Xu A CREME D’OR;L ' •.i'h'cbestpr^parationEno'wntb'sclencoforbeautifj’ingthe I ■ ’. COMMEXIPM '.ONE SINGLE “APPLICATION i<i warrant cd “to Beautify the Face and give to the Fadi dot- Sallow t’oni- plexion.a'' F'crfeetlyllealthy. • Natural, and Youthful. Appearance. It ConccflJs. Wrinkles. Freckles, Crow’s Feet, and tlie Evidence of -Age, leaving tlyy Skin, JSoIt,_ ■' Smooth, ahd ,While. ‘ ’ , ” • ' ■> PRICE—.50.cents. Sent to any address; Postage . stamps taken. Address all letters to . . - N ’ CREME D’ OR, Drawer 2,678, Toronto P.O. I ; Ask your druggist for it. Wliblefialo by all whole- H . saledruggists. ■' g• • IN THE dOUNTX. ” Z • o -H-INTERESTING '•-. West of England, Scotch and Foreign Suitings & Trouserings, English <& French Worsteds. . ITH,CLOTHIER,s Goderich, Ims . a splendidly assorted stock of nyw Spring n.nd-Sunimcr Goods'. C..k>..d .....I IL..?., At Iz'. Z. t: f.ZA.?. ./ best, o.f trimmings used, nnd perfect fits gtmkmteecl. A full line of CJENTSP FURNISHINGS alwnysdn s<ock. Call mid sec, It will pay you. . . ABRAHAK SMU®, Tire Square, OTMT. Ordered and Ready-mbdo Sults at the lowest prices ever hciircl of— none but the' Canadian, [American, British and ■ Foreign News GATHERED FROM RELIABLE ’ SOURCES. .- Z A I’ittisbnrg judge has decided, after ft dwo days’ hearing, (hatabicy- cles have the same rights on the streets as other vehicles, and that if a horse isjfrightened'by them and its ■ovncr injured' ho cannot recover damage from the wheelmen, unless their machines were carelessly muii- mfeed. Young meniread this. ’ Tiru VuLTAH1 Belt Cm, of Marshall, Midi., offer tn send their voluljrated Elec- 'finc Vm/rAic Belt and other lir.Ecrfjjn ArrtdANCBS on tiiakfor thirty days. t<r men (young or old) nillietod with nervous debility, loss of vitality and manhood, and all 'kindroI troubles. Also for rheuma tism, nonrnlgia, paialysis, and many other diseases, (’oinplate restoration to health, vigor and manhood giriranloed. No ti.-k...U nJih{,.(vrbv*. trial L allowed. 1 ■lirai box , a box, prepaid ivulsions, Fits, Nervous ........:. / i of nleohol or tobneeo, al Depression, Soften- suiting in insanity and decay- and death, Pro- irrennvss, Lossof power intary Losse's nnd^Sper- ,y over-exertion of the over-indnlgchee. ICnvh nth’s treatment. $l".00 HiiMiinuynEmMC THE MARKETS Are corrected every Tuesday < afternoon, just Leforts - govig io press. S5OO REWARD! WK will pay the above reward formiv cane of Liver G'omplnbit, 1 spop.-da, Sick Headache, hi. digestion, Constlpatioi) or.Costlvenass we cannot curd with West’s Vegetable Liver Pilis, when the directions are strictly complied with. Thcv arc purely Vegetable, ami hovof fail to .giro saiiafuc- iJm1’- h'rttw Coated. Large boxes, containing no Pills, 2.> cents, For sale bv nil Druggists. Be- 'ware of eouhforfeits and imitations. Thu genu, h'cananutattired onl.vbyJOiiNX!. WKST&CO,, ''■The Pill'Mftkors," 81 W|<1 «8 Klhg-st.; ft., Toroiv to,_ Ont. l-roo tm^paekanos sent by mail pro- paid oir receipt of a 8 cent sfeuiip-;’’.!,. H,"'Combe, agent, Clinton 314-ly alm is ni ixb Guarantee Six Boxes " rare. With each order re- w for six boxes, accompnnied. , wo Will send fjio purchrisyr our m anh unit inf 83 K lie, uglw ptbl We Tn <-iu-o tiny eases reived by it with $3.00, «'*• atn cr*s Urn ■ ttin Du J 11. ( life 81 ili so to refund the money if docs not elleet ft cure. (1 only by Joitx C. AVw I** '4 -/'Vvi*#—-'- f'mf,clint eifeet a cure, Toron iff, Ont; 31-Lly Tlie tvbale swims by striking the water up and down, Instead of later ally) with a fin likc horizontal tail. Poes this iiefer to you? Arc you troubled with bilioufthoss, dvflnbpsifljlivorjor kidney complaints, oi’ bad blood? If so yon will find ft ^ux^aii ai’.re in pHidoek Blood Bit- 4 1 SljOOO FORFEIT I , having the iitmost.cohndoiice in Its superiority over all others, and after thousands of tortsi of the most complicated and sei crest ciwe« wo could ?r<’rALiV0 bl oltoting to forfeit One '1 hmmtnd Dollars for any case of Coughs, colds, sore throat, influenza, hoarseness, bronchitis, con- suthptldn, m Itff oaHy tfAgcS, Miodphitf wiffh. kud ail diseases oi tlie throat ami lungs, except Asthma, for which we only claim relief, that wo c.uit cure with West's Cough Hyrup, when taken according to dircctian»,.^amplo. bottles 25 ami So cents; large bottle'?Olio dollar, Genuine wrap, nets only In blue. Sold by All dnigglats, or sent by express on receipt of ptieo. .John c. WKst R,>’')P’'f>l>fl«bWl’>.8l.arid e3 King street E„ Foronto ont. j, h. Combe, ngcYit, Winton. 3I< My H r THE 4 i_ L, 1 I Subscribe for The News* Record—$1,25 per annum ftl.« ntOVJlK)MAS? ib Uormiek Block, t'Mcnfto, BI Production A . ♦ WHITELY & TODD. __ WBLISUEBS.; t