HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1885-01-21, Page 3AXWAY8R£ADt Alleviate 'J- PAINS AND ILES, rittal OM.Iiell»M(>HUterofPata, -"-I'11............. !> m....ffi ..... , Krr Advertisements this Day. '«* • •’ • -*■!'!■ J...""’ !■ . '■> Time is money.—John Craib. Sarven Wheels.—R/M. Racey. The Bee-hivq Store—E, Floody. Tenders wanted.—Rev. W. Craig. TBCH1 ZECTTZKOJSF The Goderich News —ajt»— Huron Record, (AMALGASf^TKD.} • ----------------—---------------------s-----------— ■ . Olitteit, Wednesday, Jan;' 31st ~ ■ LOCAL N E WS. ’ In and Around the “JIub.” JieTlCR,—At alt tiines-we ioill be glad to receive J, r|r ^Ue^ofn^rfid^v^ny^iidileioufceielther S verbal or written. Repor/e of meetings, en- ttertainineiils, society anit^hurch doings, eto. <ete, or any other matters of general interest nill alu’ays'hdve a place in our columns.—Ev Slashing Away.—High prices nftve to stand from under at’’ John Craib’s. Al! kinds of dry goods s——aftd-even ordered clothing are being . . Bohl at ridiculously low prices. ■t "?h0Se who" call first will probably get the best’ bargains. . . aMr; Henry Perdue dislocated his shoulder while engaged in a friendly Jostle with a'frieiid/ He is speedily getting all ri^litf again.; / • Mr. Isaac Rattenbury will do the hig lnternatiiinal Exhibition now be- ing held: at New Orleans, And' rum- •wrjiftysi'So v^ilf^Rtoyor. Forrester. The- new Presbyterian church is mow inwardly approaching cample- >tiion. When/co.aipleted it will be a very fine s^nritiit'e/.' . < j• 'i * daughter of Mr.. R., Irwin 5vas juried oil tlie ice by lie.r companions ‘ while Ukating arid sustained- spinal iinjury, but, we understand .not of a ^■"fflastfrig character. , ■/ The mother of J^rs. Thos. Gieen* way, of Clearwater, Manitoba, died an like .township of .Stephen last week. ,„JEI.er^Daine—waslMrsJ John. JEssey, .sen. . • , .Costly Mummery.—The Mum- i——>meiw^8itit.-receptly, ti ied in London, •cost the city, of.'St. Thoaias-$1.40.0. - Mummery -received-injuries From' a detective sidewalk. This .‘ought (to be a-good warning-to oilier coun- •oils.. ’. ’’ W . ' .■■•/’ „-A. Lady TRUSTEErff-Mrs. RffJ. . Smith lias .buen;elected a school -.trustee for BruSyie(s;’ - It _.i8~believed. *to be il,ie first caitji in. tins part off. / -.thri.country, of a-lady being elected —5R inembrirtof dief "sc I idol boa rd- ’ The Home Missjoif .Cuiriiwittee of •the Pr.eslivterian Qliurch,- lias ap-'; ■pointed t'lie’* Rev. T. G. Thompson., -of Brucefield, in the Preslivtery of Huron, as their minister, at. JBurrard ffnlet (Vancouver city), 'BjJLt.isb Co- ' iuinliKi'TliTffPacrfiri terminus of the -^.iCartada Pacifie.Railway. . O R A ng E — H- uliett. District~brn’tge“ imnt’TnUliri^il‘'dll Tuesday of last '.week/ The following' are- the .liftw •officers:—W.- D M., D. Cancelon. U. • D. M., E. Floody. D. S?, P. ••Cantelon. D; F. S.', A.‘ M. Todd? ' 1D. C., R. Bulger,/ D. To W. Mc< Mullen. D/D. of C., John Star- ilett. ■ ' The congregatjoii of S?t. Paul's •church Will erect A Suirday-rSchool ’’ building in the spring. - As will be «een .by advrirtisetn'mit^ tend^^/to ’ith'tf- |»nnC/xiJT;jje’:.reSt'^'(Uby th e Rev. .Mr. Craig up to Fi b. 2 at 5 I, p. n». Plans/.etc, at_R. wM- Racey’s » hardware? store/ Offers Will also be irecff’vud for the old school hcMise./ Mr. William Sloan, formerly a popular conductor on the G'. T^ R.,- :and well known along the line from ‘Goderich eastward, now' fills a siini- ’Xias Carnival at the rtolc Friday evening was a success. Skaters from Goderich and other places were in attendance, The costumes were varied, and tastily gotten up. The Town Band will give a grand oarnival iu the Clinton skating ri>k a week from Friday. Among the prizes there will be a silver butter dish, pitcher, etc., valued at $20. The Bible.—-The Clinton Branch of the Bible Society will hold Its an­ nual meeting in the Ratteubury St. Church Thursday evening,,Jany 29. Rev. Mr. McCosh, resident minist­ ers and others will give -addresses, l^asic by choir. Everyone invited, A. Fire occured at Brucefield, Jany, 15, consumed the large new grist miff owned by Mr. Smith, together with a quantity of grist. Had it not been snowing heavily at the time the fire was raging it would no doubt have destroyed the saw mill, warehouse, and a large quantity of cordwood. The •origin ofthe fire is unknown, as it started in the upper story of the building. The building is said to be insured. Mrs. William Hilliard, of Bran­ don, Manitoba (formerly of Coder- .ich, where her husband of one -time owned the Piper flouring mill) is confined in the county jail there as a lunatic, and the Suit of that town asks if she is insane, and adds :— “There is no doubt liut that the woman is weak minded, ana it is quite apparent nothing has been done at home to help this ailment. : In conversation with -the lady she speaks quite sensibly and rationally on most subjects until it comes down to. domestic matters, and she then converses rather incoherently, 'shows that domestic cares and differences in the family have had considerable/ to do with her troubled.” Sittin’ Up O’ NiGirfe.—In olden times it was customary for young folks to do. ■.their courting after the old folks were in the jitnil of nod. In these times the genteel young umn has to be more careful. The other night, after the old folks had retired in their cottage in town, aud tlje-young gent and .lady had just . completed' about thirty minutes of convivial bliss, when/the “boss’ •appeared on the scene, dressed in “skeleton robes^” and demanded a retreat. The retreat • was . hastily* made, but then you know the times are changed from the good old days of youth in- th is .^particular case. Qut?ry—-was it for the sake of-tlfe gent, lady,.coal oil or woo<], that the feelings were aroused off this one-time youthful and .jovial court* ing maul.—-COM.;* . Fishy.—The following ghost story from tlie Seaforth, Sun is—strictly ’ true, at least as -worthy of credence as the yarn spun by our town cote.ii) to tlie effect that'-a Stanley farmer bauk,".' put it into a dairy salt Lag, chucked it into the bottom of his cutter,drove to Goderich,.-hung the bug with the $10,000 on a" nail in a public. "roOni and went -out about -towff; Ghosts are not all dead yet.—A Mr. Na'sJ) .vacated ,liis ^dwelling in Har- 4> u dteyum few t ormi y-i ii”l >■ tLdHa'te“iTf a" hurry. • He had -.repeatedly seen a skeleton’emerge from the cellar, the' door-being closed, an 1 walk upstair^ and then\perform its tantrums. Nasdj. was Wasting- awaVLtolit jkliailoML-but- ashamed to acknowle Ige liis supet1- stition ^of being a ;g mst seer, He. wai? wiislirhg fifmself at a stand whei/ he felt a heavy pressure as if Struck’, on the' shokldeT,-looking up lie- l>e- h'eld/th’e glaringjeVes of Lis gljostsbifi peering'over his shoulder. .Nash .re... quested bis wife t'o takethechildren and come to het , mother's, being- lar porfiton on . the Canada TPacific Railway," ruiitving somewhere be- _ '.'tween ’ Brancl'oii.- an<l:“«ther Rfickiris. , He is yisi'tirig. friends in Stratford iit present; „ ../'./ /■'"■ /- /... ' Can’t oiT, and Yet no Boils nor Upended Tacks.-*-Dr. Groves, the Reeve elect of Fergus,. is .dis .qualified from sitting in tlie' County ‘Council, in the opinionfof the Coun­ ty Solicitor, Mr. ,D;: Guthrie, Q. C., 'by the fact, that hejiolds the office ■of phyarciarr aiid 'surgeon" to’ the * House off lTrdustry^aT«ffRrifu2Dfr^7 ff , \ Y.. JL. C.' C.—’i’lio youngjMeii’sj ^Conservative Club rfiet in the For- ' Rater’s liali On Moiid.iy evening. . A good number were iiff attendance and great. " interest rn/nifested/ Th’e evening will be “The abolition of taxes.” Sides Jiave been chosen .and a very interesting time is ex* \pected. All dre Welcome. «. s A Telephone Concert was gi ven at the central oflice*-;W. Jackson--* L on Saturday eyeiiiiig. Tlfe‘ line. ■ -was opened to Stratford and the ■ jnusid could be hoard more distinct* K .]y there than if one were beside it. Tho various productions were re* peatedly encored—and all by tele* Ip phone. Rev. Goo. Clark, of Welland, is being tried for ^trimming” a game cock for exhibition. * lie quotes poultry experts to prove that the act was one of mercy1*rather , than of cruelty.' Tho case was reserved fo£ judgment. Mr. Qlark wellienown to the north of Clinton and lifts been it large ftnrf successful poultry ex, bibitor at the shows., „ Progress wiU NOT bo,WK.*--‘‘The trade in Kincardine has been fairly , native during the year. There have been titf failures, and onr busjnoss ' men /seem Sfttihfiod ivith what, they bftye done. The successful ffiftnu* facturo.and kale of cheese has been e groat source of revenue to the’ fftrtuors of Kincardin, Bruce, Huron and Kinioss township; this industry I will ba largely inerfeased next year, ffhe export irad.ejjflhbg.jiilftiCe^haA. ftteeadnd that of any other year?’ and come to her . stormy she declined. ’HJeffliastcned to her-inotliffr’s. .Mrs. Nash’s sister soon arrived when' bis ghostship commenced rapping and having a- regular arniy diHietLOxer thrir beads. -A-notJmr- man saw' the - unearthly ”ViSlTSmcSilie thrbiigli1 flj<ffceIla'rffTnoF' andwalk up stairs,hefollbwrd ir,ask­ ing ‘whati-the devil it wanted/ when it instantly disappeareii dowif through the.stovepipe hole. GirWed .nesday night of : last ’'’week 'David Dowling,, who fears neither idilh or . d e v i I, w i 11> acorn r ad e sa t up a 11.11 i g h t, searching every nook aiid.corner from ‘gar.fet to’ei-.llar but failed to discover his gliQStship. After supper Some’ years’ago- a carpenter mysteiibusly. '7iT^’ppR^^ffS6axifli“w’aS’‘ma^ •'body in the’surroundirtg swamps but liis body was never discovered and it is now supposed to. ,be his ghost coming back. “ • Distorted SI’atemenT's.'Our local cotein says i- “Mr. A. B. Nes* .bitt charges the editor of this paper, • Era) with wilffulTy distort)hg' statements published in tfisstffcclff ujn.ns (Tlie Era's) relating to Mani-- ■tdba.” • There has not .been -any- charge-made: by Mr. jjesbitt .or any one else • that the Era distorted the ' statements . published . in its owh. goluTn,n5. Th,e -charge is that "the ■ editor . wilfully perverted and dis-' torted, and then published these distortions aiid perversions, not that it perverted what it liaffalready pub­ lished- We challenged the coriect- n ess of the- statements wilh regard U.o-certahi doi’ng^ihffMaiiitoba-wJiich- were published in the columns, of our -eowmr;*- We liaVe tire/autffdrity of respectable residents of-Clinton that our cotem’s informant .said the in­ formation he gave was distorted notwithstanding the informant af* terwardff 'pablisbei! a: denial,“dictat­ ed apparently by the editor, that he ever said the published states ■mentsdid not agree with liis infor-, niation. - Then we "published -a let­ ter Written by Mr. Nesbitt,, last gummer, which, went to show that our cotem’.s version of alleged oe cnrffences .was- net" correct. ’ And now Mr. Nesbitt personally informs us that the Era’s statements were .not ■, trim. Cur cotem Valiantly asks Mr. Nesbitt to r'nake use of, its columns, to deny its wicked blunders, if Mr. Nesl»i.tt< should take ih hand to correct- tili the misstatetnonfs concerning Manitoba that have appeared in the AVa he would have a neyer ending job, .'^Unfortunately our cotem has tlie bad habit of. -maWng-rasb statement^; not war­ ranted by facts, .apparetitiy to have .the pleasure of seeing ’ sbrnie one .’contradict. them. This doesff very well fotftho Associated Press, which telegraphs sensational canards &t\so tmich a word, then telegraphs a, contradiction at the simo rate? That i« business, but not very re­ putable business.. Though it is only a small, matter, we may meip lion that our ootem in its last issue says, “Mr. 0. R, Little of Toronto, has rented one of Mr, Searle’s stores,” Mr, 6, says he has not. Then another ‘not so* is the $10,000 Jal t bag racket.' fakir it altogdtlibf, our cotein will have jo pay a little a B1.WK8T Thing of the Season.-*- The Great Carnival on the Clinton Skating Rink Jany. 30. Look out for the posters. Manitoba, Hello.—Mr. Joslin of Virden, Men., writer to Mr. T. Coop­ er here and also sends an 'excellent sample of hard flinty wheat of which he raised 1730 bushels this year,and is offered 60 cents for it, Altogether Mr. 4csH > raised over 4.000 bus heln of grain this, bis second year. The people are satisfied with the Government and contented with their present and prospective properity. St, Raul’s Guild,—The regular meeting of the Ouild was held Mon­ day 19th. lu absence of .the Brea. Mr. Keefer, vice-pres., took TtlieT chair. Readings :were given by Miss TiplingJ Mrs. Hearn, Messrs Durtnell, Carslake, and Dr. Wor* thington. Song by Mrs. Keeler, Duet, Mrs. and Miss Hearn, and Mesdatnes Ransford and K< ef'er. The meetings are retaining their popularity. Unsought Honor — A well known retired farmer citizen of Clinton who attended the great Con­ servative convention ayd banquet m Toronto last month had uonom thrust upon him while there. And it must be admitted he bo e th* m ,meekly yet with becoming dignity Sitting Jh the reading rpom of the hotel, becomingly dressed, his hands resting upon the. head%f his sul* stantial walking stick, a strappii g six-footer from the ‘Saugeen D t iff came in and, his eyes catching thw, grey*bearded Clinton gentleman re ferred to; he approached him and with a heartiness/auu suavity winch only an Inverness man can assume extended his hand to our Clint n friend, with the remark: “How are you Senator . The gentlemen ad*» dresssd was for the uioment taken aback,'.but when the greeting. was repeated io this form ; • “How are you- 'Semator MacPherson?” our friend tumbled . to the racket, and- the reciprocal hand-shaking that resulted wot!Id have largely discount ed the most lusty efforts at.coaxing water from a well by the munipul.- .tion of a pump-handle iii a. dry spell. “Yes, Senator," said the six-footer, “I voted for you in. the old Sum gem 1 Division,and we fetched you through albrigiit.’’ The “Senator”, kept ut the'delusion, and the constituent departed highly pl eased-with having for the first time shaken liands'with his old time m.emner', .aiijd; proinwing that if the Senator ever ivan ed votes again iq Briiqe he could always rely upon Sandy—;-----for one nd upon his six sons for many more. Taking Exercise,—Last Thufs* ..day’^Mr. Arthur Cooke sum no null, up resolution to give an a ring to his 2:40 steed, “Indian -Queen.’ Slie required exercise and' aWay( flew horse and driver Hullet;t-ward. Tlie -tiny snowflakes, with the ther-; -m0m e tt-r affgwo, - assunred ~a~" ttrou~' ,sand ■ fantastic forms aiid as here andi there the‘ cutter grated on an occasionally gritty spot on the road, . the sparks flew.and lit up the spear formed, serrated*edged particles 'ot- cqngealea moisture with a brilliancy aiid vividness " to wliich -SUurtner .forkej--liglilnTirg^Wymlcl appear as' the very blackness of uark.nqsS... All went merry qs a marriage bell and after a' brikih of a lew miles •”MT.’'Ubt»ke turiied the beud of tlie jin’i m a 1 C| ijnlon^wai'd. ter”TIew while outward bound what shall one compare' her spebd to as with dilated'nostrils Jit up with thr rt-collectibn of her ct mfo.rtal>l<' stable /quarters,• aiid fired witluahi- liltion to be therein-“I ess than no. time,” she annihilated distance,Witl’i a stride of something less than 27 feet every time 1 We.have no com- -parison to^mnke. But'the axiom' atic ststelueiit that “pride gdeth be*’ fore a fall” now came in for an il­ lustration. ’ When nearing Clinton, •the breast *col.livr(bad;.so worked up on the. neck of “Indiaii Queen" chat sh err,respi rato ry—orga ns~fa i 1 > d-to-re-^ spdtid to the .natural demand neces-: sary to keep up locomotion. The consequence wws that thir^proud- beast caiuo .to’ earth, her . fiery nos-- Jril.s.grating ’her majesty’s highway; ’In a moment Mr.. Cooks was .out of the cutter, and the leathern bonds confining’her to the vehicle'were unloosened. Tlie beast .Uprose as .bright as a morning, floweret -with the first wafui. r»iys of life lanij>*lit -chariot’of”th'6‘"gffi<i en'fobEedcdVir ier* of a spring sun. M.r. Cooke was pleased that “Indian- Queen” .was herself again and, whiter’thinking that .affairs might have beeti'worse the animal took French leave and left him standing alone, monarch of a cutter without a liorse. Whether - Mr. Cooke .'“put himself in hei place” and pulled the cutter to town •cleponenTsaitK’TTo^KuTT.Ke walketT home ami found his,“Queen” there considerable time ahedd of. him, aind his stiffenedtremiries n;p^ct<mp|;ri:t ' ihg ihclintkr him todrfm-’beHef,’ iiit •. ;. tjjei-jgijyaa-a pRtF wfiq^ad taken exercise, the former very unwillingly. Town Parliament- Met doting the day, members qualified and took their seats, struck slandiirg- comtnittee abd adjourned. Met againyin the evening, all rpem- bers being present as follows 5-Tiib; Mayor, Reeve, dep. Reeve, Council , ,lor8 A,-^nd .-.T. - McK Cppp, Fitzsimmons, Manning, Coop er, Hay wood, .............. ~____2 Messrs John McGarva and Geo. McTaggart vvere appointed Auditois —M. McTaggart Esq. was appoint . ed High, school Trustee, Election expense account was passed," Chairman McMurOhio of Stand­ ing Uommittee reported the follow* ibg Committees, and after adjourn* tnent -ibey met and elected as chair* man the first named of each Corn, as given in this list,:Street^—T. Cooper, Wiylket, A. Mc[<onzie, J, Copp. *lFihanc6—Manning,’ Me* Murchie, Coats, G'oop« r, A. McKhi zie. - ' Fire and IFafer—Walker. Heywood, Fitzsimmons. Cemetery —Coats. A. McRenzie,’T. MtKen* zie.' C'Aarti^—McaMurchie Fitz simmons. By-Laws—-T. McKenzie, . Manning, Cooper, Walker, Copp. Prop^ty^A. MeKenzih, Copp, Heywood. Printing—McMurclne, Coats, Cooper. Officers, Saldnes eii?.,-—McMurohie; Coats, Cooper, Walker, Manning, Application from Manning.and Scott/ for 21 years lease of office in \Town Hall, now occupied l»y them, $75.00 per ann., subject to ter* mflmtion on three month’s notice frotn/either A fter discussion Me«sr\Mt<fc S. withrlyow their offer. It. was Sgtoee io strip soil from top 'of gravel pjt and charge 10 cents a load for saniv . ' The new mbpibef^ Messrs. Copp, MahShg;"Tit^mwbnF wood give T SCHOOL BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, Diaries for 1885. Canadian Almanacs" for 1885. 0 MP ft H A IM TQ W*1I ®n<1 my Htock of Pny Books Journals, Lodgers, Cash XlLljltxJ LI xTLLl 10 Books, Minute Books, Invoice Books, Blotters Ac., Ac,, the largest and best in ths county, Letter Books, 1000 pages, for I am Genoral Agent for all Newspapers and Magazines published in Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and America. You van rely on getting any paper you want from me .at lowest rates. -------------- — New stock of BERLIN WOOL and FINGERING YARN.’ Chris. Dickson,Clinton. The ” noon train from Goderich and the 2.30 going west, on account of Saturday’s bbzzard, wore blocked in the cut near Holmesville. ANMAL ORANGE ELEC­ TIONS, Primary Lodges. District of Morris—Met in Orange Hall, Manchester, Jany. 13 and elect ed L. Nethery, D. M; Rut edge, D, D. M ; A. Woodman, Chap ; W. Laid, law. Sec.; W; Magill, Fin. Sec ;Jas. Harrison", Trans; Geo. GibBon, D of C; A,’Reid, Lecturer. ’The Manchester . Hall is in every respect worthy of the flourishing condition of the br<- thern’ in this section. District of Howick—County of Huron—W M. Alexander Graham; D. M, John Dane ; Chap., Thos. Dane; R S/^Iatthew Danej ^rn.^Sec, Alex.^ R. Carson; Treasurer, John VX alters, Sen; Lecturer, Thos. ’ Watterf, L. P. M-. Thos; Danei Membership 37. Meets on the first Friday offeach month, at the Orange Hall, Gorrie. District of Howick-County of Flurpn W M., B. S. Cook, [re elect ed]; D. M, J. J. Downey; Chap., R Mahood; Rec, Sec., W. H. .Newton,’ [re-elected]’:Treas,, W. Strong, [re- elected] ; Lecr.\ W. Carter;' L. Al. P.,. R. S. Cook. Membership40 Meds ' Friday .on .or before full moon at Orange hall, Fordwicb. District of Dungannon^County oif North: Hurbn—W. MAEdward Hanes; D. M?Tfio's?Durnjn; Chap. Wm. Arm strong; Rec. Sec, John Durnm, Fin, ■Sec.,A. Fox; Treas. Samuel Thomp son; Leet.. JRobt. Buchanan; L. P. M., R.’Buchanan. •'Membership 35. In creas’e 5. Meets Wednesday on or before’ full moon at Orange hall, Donnybrook. » ’ ~ • ■' .. ; .Bayfield./ ; /• -VA-n oyster supper was gotten up in our ,village by the Varna friends of John Pollock on the 18th-inst. Mr.. PollocK is W. M. of Stanley District Orange Lodge, WmffRathwell and ..tlaniel^eiyL^W- M. .' au<l, JP. M. ol-L.: O. L. No... 1:35, V rna,occupied th? c’liair and vice chair. A hearty toy st was drunk to Bro. Mr. Joseph'Col­ well, in responding to which he re-, counted his early days m Antrim,’. Ireland; bow. lie was born )an" Grange man, and^libw ln""Wi-^3 gone by- the Iree^and - the .hra-v e weve■ persecutteds . JhE-be.ai'Lng..U),ejjiame'-’ol" J^rotes tani« Bro Harrison and a number of other b rethern| rpsp0nded: tp rh-ertnaVtr Bnth* chairs were filled 'with honor and dignity. The supperffwas gotten up. and served in a style in keeping with . the good- taste o£Mr. and Mi's. .Roff "lpdr.:" .. .At’-the regular ..meeting of L. O. L. No. .24 the following -officers were elected .; Bros;-' VV\ W-.: Connor, VV- M., George Castle, jr., D. M.,. B. Hig - ginsjn, Sec., ’/.-.fStinson; Treas;',.-J. Pollock’-, F. S.j S. Huston, Chap , M. Dupeftf.D- .Qfff -., IL Woods,' 1st- Corn. The Lodgejs in' good working order and meets, the first Monday' in each month. A cordial invitation to vis­ iting brethren, ' — • . . A number ofthe Orange brethren- from different purls of .the district assembled at Bro,. John Pollock’s on Tuesday evening, enjoying -them­ selves with an oyster supper songs- and speeches. Bro. J. Read filled the ~Miaur*wl.ricli- lie did immensely, and Bro. ■ W. /RatDwell the vice chair* which was quite, full also. JVe un-. “dei’stand the supper was as a mark of respect to Bro. J. Pollack for. the. very efficient way he managed the affairs of the district during his term ofD.W.M; ■„ ’ - The District Lodge met at Varna- on the ,18th inst., when the following officers were elected : Bros. John Pollock, -W-.D-'M,-, bv acclamation; J. Read, D. U., W’. W. Coimo'r, Chap.-, T; ”Conse f.','”R?“Sbc.; "JffrSffSn’ce/ F. Sec’.f - R. Pollock,’Treas.,*J. Bengs; Di ol C-, M.’Dompee, Lee. The district was never in better working order/ , ■ ■ ’ jporWr¥WflIT“^j Miss-Aggie Dunlop of Detroit, is Visiting friendjs in the vicinity?' ; Mias Annie Elliott’ Off Summer’s Hill, is visiting friends and relatives. ... Mr. Alex.-'^klopougall had a lively sawing bee Qne/ffay last week, on the /;4th- com- .............;....... * A-lai^riTm^^:o^^^8;apd/te.am- Johnstoff of fhe'/fst pom, on FridUy " -last, and-dre.W quite a large.quantity of wood for him to th’e Salff* Works. In the evening they ^gain gathered with the young ladies of this viclqity ’’and-tripped the light fantastic; till the morn. 'x It was rather_adively rate.at which' one of-Mr. .James Burke’s teams tra­ velled over the 1st con. one day last weekmp8etting.aH ari the road, and. .than headed for home- at a 2, 9 gait- / . (fuo, cesslul meetings ever jjieid; in' thiapart off the. country was held in. the 4th concession. on'Tupsday the 13th inst by the -L. O. L. 145 River- Blown, it being theainbu&l District meeting. Delegates, were present from all parts of the township, every dodge in the District being well I'D presented. The following officers being elected for tlie ensuing year., Bro; John. ’ 8. MeMatli- Wub again elected Districtjnaster ff John S. McMath, 1‘45, W; D. M. ’ W. Crooks; 1^9, D;M. „ ■ It.-Elliott,’ 189, Chaplain. W. M. Knight,'145,'R>, .Secretary. Can'telon, 189, F. Secretary. R. Tichborno, 1’.3, Treasurer, R. Plunkett,(182, D. Ceremonies1. • L. Elliott, I53f Lecturer; . • G. 'Calbeck, 198, Committee. T. McKee, 145, “ ■ • G. A. Cooper. 306. J. Reid, 182 ! ,P. Cole, 306. ■ ’ R. Symonds, 262,> W. M. Knight, District Secretary. ■ Mr. atid Mrs. Morgan of thjff 5th have been visiting in Colbdrne-t'he past week. . ' Colboruc One of the notable oocurrances of the holidays was the marriage of Miss Anna, daughter of Mr. James Mfthaf. fey, J. P., of the Port Albert mills, to, George, son of Air, Wm. Doughertj*, of the lake shore road, near Shep pardton. [Ab an.old friend of the family of Mr. Dougherty, and, shall we say of M. Mahaffey, we wish thb days of the happy'young couple may be long in the land and their path way, through life strewn with a pro- fusion of such btesSingb as make life worth living.—Ed.J The return of Anthony Alien as deputy reeve by the magnificent majority of 193 w»3 a scathing rebuke to a few sore heads in the township. But it is top bad that the township was put to. a great deal of expense to gratify the whim of Mr. Gledhilland a small clique of the electors. The reeve and all the councillors were eleoted by acclamation, and though. Mr; Allen is as. useful" a represen­ tative as the township ever nad he must be singled out for persection, It would be bard to give any well define^: reason for opposing Mr, Allen. The overweening ambition of' Mr Gledhill’ had to be gratified, I sup­ pose, and that at the public expense. This Beems the only reason. About 300 electors turn.ed- out to vote. Their time would on the average be . worth $1 per day.. Here we have a loss of'$300 to the people of 0 the township, besides-.the expense of printing; and ballots, and deputy returningofficeyayetc. Surely this is’ .too- much to pav to gratify .the spile or vanity of Mr /Gledhill. - When no fault could reasonably be found with , Mr. Allen, and the balance of the council were allowed to go in by ac clamation, I repeat that the expense the people were put to in. this case was an unpardonable folly, almost amounting to a crime, and could only have been prompted by .the meanes t motives, . . . THE PALACE. THOSE OVERCOATS & FUR MANTLES Men’s Fur Caps, Ladies’ Fur Caps and Capes *4li / Blankets, Rugs, Carpets, Clotting’. The Finest Selection in the County. Always busy on account of the Great Variety of Goods we show. Only One Brice. < Come see uh* ■ 5 per cent^joff for Cash. Butter and Eggs taken for Goods. Estate of the Late JOHN HODGENS ¥J. CALLANDER, Manager. 0 ssiggmMt1 Watchmaker, Jeweler and Engraver. The latest styles of Watches, .Clocks, Jewelry, Optical Goods and-Silverwaie always in stock. A good stock of VIOLIN STRINGS always on hand,. Repairing promptly attended to and Warranted. BEAVER BLOCK, CLINTON. A Qokrr Find.—Th® President of thci Protestant Homo Board of Trustees, Lon* don, related tho foil w ng Incident at a recentmeetingAmongst ft lot of old clothes brought do > n from the garret in the Home a tew days ago, was a cortain wahtcoat, one of the pockets Of which contrtlnferl $20wtft'p[>6d IB an account froftt Mt ffaunby to the late Hobctt At- kell It seems Mr Arkell was a fteoncnt ooh tribn tor to the Home, and one of his gilts of oldthln^ bad included this gar­ ment,' wMftfi nausvtrave Been" Langlh^ In iha garret for Canadian Curiosities. The nriveiling of tbs’ etatuo of Sir George Oartier . will.take place at ptta* wa on Jan 29, immediately, after the . opening of purliament, by. bis excejlei^py the Governor^General. *A militAry/dU- play will be arranged fort' and speeches wiil.be made... Lir. John. Maadonald" will . remove the veil. ' AHQTHEa;. jOLD ' S tTTLZtt GoNB.—Mr. . wiriiiitn’Lihtbiii of New Aberdeen, in the Township of Waterloo, a very old resi- 'denv.ofabe t section, died at his residence ^tOlp.udAy^0Krnjuig last.Tb£ deceased' .was a native of 8elkirk3bire, ScotHtnd" -*-4-T-a-tbtrr"sihgiilar fact connected with Mr7Linton’s life was," that he; was a twin, brother, ihe other- brother living now jn the Township of Turnberry. The two-, were very much attached from child-,, hood, being'-nrucli alike in disposition. As.young meii xliov were very mneb to-- gethtl-/ and .were 80 similar in appear­ ance that even when met by their rela-> tives/if alone, it was always a .’pujjzie,’ us to wlfich.brotbejiJl was, and frequently; it was necessary to ask. Mr. Linton was in bisi 67th year at- the time of bis ■ • death. , . ' .. ' ,' /' . ’’’rOpioal FituiT. Grown in Canada.—. The writer of this a' few days ago was presen ed with a fine ripe lemon grown, upon a tree owned by Mr. J. A Kinzie, near Galt .The tree was grown in bis bouse end'is 37 years old. It has often , .blQ^spmed°bui has never bad any fruit- ripen until this.ye r when tinee lemons matured, are large and of splendid-1 qualit-Vj ithd I presume these a’re the only .lemons ever.grown in Canada. It would '-.pay -peop 1 e who have warm houses to grow these trees, as they rre at- «y times ■of a beautiful perfume, bift pafttUffTariy' so when iu ffldqm.*—D. M KInzis.. / A FuNerav CoNi’ES'i*.—They; bad a ••crape”~atid“no erape” contest in Ayr-, .last week at the School-Trustee election. ' Jt appears tliat when tlie late Rev Mr. ■Inglis died, the pupils of the -Publie School walked in procession with craje .arotind their arms, which was provided by the Trustees, Some of the ratepay­ ers objected t6.Lhj3-eineag|^hjBff.aL?i.the^; election the “crape”-men carr ed tlie da)- /by substantial majorities—Messrs J. G“ Watson, John Cavers and W. McMillan being elected. - Struck.- Down —in ths .Pulpit —-ftev ; Kennedy Creighton w.as struck Willi pa­ ralysis while preaching on *unday even ihg in his cburch on Kiriv street east,, TorontOi He wap-in the middle of an earpest and eloquent. Sermon when the stroke came npon him, and for a- few momenta.tu8..speech,fftikd.hlm>_ JIfl.fell . forward upon the de k, but had strejgth enhughi to ask for a .glass of wator. It was found that the right Bide had been paralyzed; and the organs of speech Ui^frWijat^aflfected^r-.’''';'^;’. yquh-^nd^ra^r;' remitntically inclined maiden acting; ihn. the capacity of dining room girl at one of Orillia’B-lcadiug hotels, on Monday .-week, met with a peculiar accident. She. haviijg. hetyd tin Old saying that any girl who swallowedffa raw chicken’s heart, the. fi'kt porson she sjmok/hands ^ith4wa3 to be her hnsbvid.and believing mbrt thordugMy-ln the proverb, she at­ tempted ■ to 3wallow a raw chicken’s • heart, but it'whs no go. It got stack in her throM and would neither gd up hor down, A doctor Was (Milled in and ar­ rived only iriMime to save the deluded girl from ati. uriqmo.Jy end by choking Selling Paupers-,—At Sussex/ih the Gotrnly-of King’s, N. 3 Within tlie past week, three meh and rias woman were sold for one year by the oyerseers of tlie • poor, and the crowd is laid to’ have guthered^and acted as if at tltej sale of a bow ; but' to the credit oftbe.fe.wWt must be admitted, they protested, in-strong Iurigiiage.aagiiin8t the infamous . prpji^e^- ings. Bernard McCann was knocked, down for $90; Hannah B le3 Was private/. ly bought in for $72, and ft third, John McLaughlin, was Buld for $64,50. A foitl’, Martin Condon, was notoff.’red Ag advertised. The practice is for the over* ’ seers of the poor pay the sum named as ■ the price of sale to the persdn whos'e bid is accepted. The money is supposed ’to represent the cost of beard—the ietvibtB • of the pauner belng the bidder’s extra ' compensation, Curious OAbsit of a Fire.—The de­ struction of MP’ McArthur’s large'bar , with valuable coh tents, .in Blenhein, was caused in a rather singular manner; Mr. McArthur went out beforo- daylight in the morning »o Iris stable to . attend tp his stock. While doing , bo, having oc­ casion tri get some oats for bis horaes, he put his coal'oil ffnterri otf the lorir. When he wen t to the gram bin a, tat ran out, passing near the lantern’. Ail it ran off, Mr. McArthur’s dog saw It, an<l, making a-jump to catchit, struck the lantern and knocked jt into a pile rif straw, the oil igifltlng^nd pausing such a blaze that it was itnmjeaible fb put Ut oiit, tbo most that, could be done being? the saying of mh' stock ar could'be got ■ At. The.fine birilding was totally qo.V, stroyed, AB.well as a considerable bor* tion of last'year's crop, 29 sheep and one fat cow; Thi sheep were got Ont OncOr butlhey obatinstcly Mused to itcy out; nltiihft'ely running baok into tho-buming •"uiattdtfi'r’Abt ■ JOHN CUNNINGHAME, GROCER, - ClalKTTOIff. .Choice Groceries, Mts, -Confefttioiieiy, Etc. 'Fresh Currants, Layer Raisins, Black Basket Raisins, Valencias, layers; Valencias, loose; Citron, Orange, . & Lemon'Reels. Nuts—Almonds, Filberts, Rcacan, &c. <♦ ’ •Green and Dried Fruits of all kinds. About twenty different .kinds of Confectionery. BISCUITS—Wine, Abernethy, Lemon, Fruit, Soda5* and Crown Biscuits, Marmalade in jars.- CANNED GOODS—Peaches/ Pears,. Tomatoes, Salmon, Mackeral, Lobsters, Sardines, etc. ifctr Haddie and-. OYSTERS constantly on hand. • CHINA & WHITE GRANITE GLASSWARE’, Ladies’ & Gent's Cups and Saucers, Glass Bread Plates, Fruit Dishes, Jugs, Nappies, otc.—alL new goods and of the very latest'styles. See them early,. • Essences of every kind,. Reliable Yeast Cakes. - Toilet Soaps, made by all the leading manufacturers. Washing Soaps—all the leading lines. / “ ’. /CREAT VALUE IN TEAS, COFFEES AND SPICES/ JU, 11U1HU —ETC., AT— TWlTeHELt’S. - Victoria Block, " ' .. . ’ Clinton, Ontario. BUFFALO,^ forSal^Ghetip. • - —-Having received my.-:—* . - FALL and WINTER Stock ./• Of BOOTS, SHOES etc.,."I would call tlie attention of the publiii to tlje same. 1 w IWj O’'Women’s Kid Boots .only $1.75., ‘ .-.... ' Men’s, Boy’s and Children’s,"cheap, accordingly'. . ' tsr Trunks and Vallses very cheap. - ; : '• . ‘ . Team and Carriage Harness cheaper than ever.' Sliver Mounted Single , J Harness only $14, ’ ’ , „■ ■ \ tar Baby Carriages, u large, variety, at almost half price.’ . .- ijgL 15,000 Bunches. High L md Pine-.ftnd'ffethir shingfe?- for sale, cheap/ -1 1 111 ‘ ...............J1"" ............ .................................. I....... HI I ........................'I'. Butter and Eggs taken, as cash for. Boots and, Shoes. :rooms to let over shop., . ■■ *’ ,1 ”s*■■ \ A ci m r . t «j i.Ag| y p • -Tine’- iHlLuniNU ! -: M. FISOiER; ..........SMl’l’Il’S BLQCK, *’ ^LINTON, ONT', The correct place forperfcct’flttiiig garments . atclosest quotations, ; - Fit, Wortananship, Style Assured- • «UK, ofc A BARGAIN rp w a■L JCal MHB " —O—O— ’ • KA GENTS RA Jv A POUND. O\J ;•■/., — o—o— fhe Beat ever offered, in thia viinnity for the mopey. Also, General GRbOERtES/ equally cheap. ' ‘ \ FLOUR AND FEED always on Jiand. - ■ ' >4 THO$. STANBURY. BUILDINGS & LOTS . JFOJLt SA/L.EJ. ' TSAAC R.VFTOlMflM A wlicile. of the ool "Lahe” property, on Vic­ toria Street, wants to sell a portion of it. Two ’ lots, one quarter acre each, will be sold either with or without buildings. Buildings will 'be Sold.soparately if desired, Will be sold cheap if applied for at once. Apply to . . - ,. ISAAC MATTENDURY, 819tf ■ ‘ 'Clinton. . STORE TO RENT. AijRICK STORE, SuitnFrffi'oFfl'ret^iass Dry Goods, Hardware, .or general business, now One.tlpiOd by PluMstbki. It Co. Possession given let of January.’ Rent- moderate. Apply tp ’ 317 R. IRWIN NOTICE. ■hiue council of tiir corporation of Jt Tip COUNTY OF HUROX, will raoet ih the Cocat [Room, in tbo town of Gonr.nicu, on Tues­ day, tpe 27th inst. All account? against tlie county must bo presented before tb^IirstsOiRlon of second day of m co ting. \ PET5R ADAMSON, ’ . County Clerk. Goderich, Jany. 8th., 1885, , 321 2t HOUSE FOR RENT. A ONE ANd'a-HALF STORY. DWELLING jtA. HOUSE contaifiing six rooms and kitchen; good water and and abouta-qliurter of ai) aqro-of laud and some fruit trees, in the village of Holmesville. The house Is now and has lately been occupied..by the.teacher. There is a-good Opening fora Shoemaker in the, village and the promises are well located for that business. Wil) be let by th« month or year. Apply to JOSEPH PROCTOR, ’ Scc-Troas., School Board,’ . ’ 317-lm ' Holmesville P, O. .’ TO MERCHANTS: How to Sell Goods . ^-TATiK To— Ct'U CAS STHaYRAMi. CfflME into the’ enclosuro of tho subscriber, Lot 17, Maitland concession, Goderich’ town­ ship; about the 10th December, an aged rairt. Tho owner cap have tho same by proving property ana payihg charges. ALEX RADOURv 1 Dy./gOtli 1S8L .818. J; STRAY COW. I Strayed from the - premises of 'row; McCiiilagh, Huton Road, Goderich township, a red and tvH|tK spotted edwjrS years old past, ana isglvihgihijk. Any nereoikglvlng infornia- lion'to’tho undeftignbd that will jead to her re.- eovery will be rewarded. ° X ROUT. McOttLLAGlr. Goderich tp,, Dear., I88i '317. 't^E JPALSTER.. ’. , , go^liibiok LONDON LOAN GO Y, ±.oisrxDoisr,ozsr,xL ^100 QfiO btttW AT LOtVEWN^mL STOVES. STOVES. s i—;o;— Just Arrived, a Splendid Lot C'oal Stoves, Cook Stoves, PARLOR & BOX STOVES, OF EVERY’DESCRIPTION, S. DAVIS’ Mammoth Stove Warehouse, Hardware and- Tin Shop, olijsttotst, - onsrT. T. COOPER SON’S 50 or 60c. Black, Green or Japan T«ft,. warranted-to give satisfaction, -Nciv Raisins/ Currants and Peels for X-MAS Trade. A full line ot Chase & Sanborn's- CELEBRATED BOASTED COFFEES^i^THE BEST IN THE WORLD. Magnificent Assortment of Fancy Cups and . Sauoers/Mugs, etc. CANTELONBROS., General: Grocers and Produce : Merchants, RACErSliiD STAND, ALBERT STRJEt, CLINTON, Choice, Fresh: FamilyGrdfcWies •- Constantly-in stock. .- < • . '■ TEAS--EXTRA VALUE. Farm Produce taken at Highest Price. CA_±T*T,ElijO3Sr -jBBOS.: (-•/! r ft^-N ow is Your Time to Buy I SEE SHARMAN’S Large . ■ of ROBES AND BLANKETS If you -wishjp2_-—— Everything in the HARNESS line down to suit'the times, ; ' ? GEO. A. SHARMAN. I’d |w” v, G 41 -----------— —■— (Late of Stratford), has opened out in ROWELL’S OLD SHOP, nearly, opposite t h« . . -• Conitriereial Hotel, ■ ' ■ HURON STREET, CLINTON; Where he is now prcpdred..tQ do all-General Blacksmith Work. Horse-Shoeing’a Specialty. Td .All Work Guaranteed, 4 , : ■ < Subscribe for the NTews-Record, - $1,25 per Year. ADVERTISE IN THE NEWS-RECORD, The Only Double - Circulating Paper in the County. p T3 J