HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1885-01-21, Page 1k JI STREET) CLINTON. o o o es 03 od <a Q_ 55 BUSINESS DIRECTORY 65 Times "i„ves the the Bey, W. F. ---- ...... WHOLE N|L 3*4 rxi *s IT, H, COOP ERt Jr WaMutaeturer of and dealer in all kinds of & Granite for Cemetery Work at Igures that defy competition > SAlX ffuxwfacturev of the Celebrated Artificial Stone tor Building pur- ■■•'i and Cemetery Work, which uiUst to be appreciated.—-All work warranted to give satisfaction, M■ ■ H R Pl 0 TERMS: $1.25 per Annum, in Advance,•'INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS, NEUTRAL IN NOTHING,WHITELY & TODD, Publishers, TT~ .PLINTH HURON COUNTY. ONT., WEDNESDAY.,JANUARY 21, 1885 Ld rQ O ee 43 O rd - 43 rQ Q> $ CD r-H & d H o H. W. BALL, A pCTJONEER fop Huron Comity. Sales at- -TO tended-to in-any part oHim^COvihty. ‘ Ad'.‘ ircss orders to UoDBaiC'ii .P. O. 1 V-17. s 55 M555^ £ <D iJ CO 111 o cc Q- o (E »*. nr g^EDWIN KEEFER, X3EJSTTZST, 1 ■ . ■■Late of. Toronto, Honor Graduate Royal College v of Dental Surgeons, , ’ Cdats^'BlocST^^^Clinton. All Work Registered. Charges Moderate. * WAS. HAMILTON, A UCTIONEER, hnid.-loan and insiiraneo’agent ' jl.- Blythr-Sales attended in town and country,' >n reasonable terms- A list Of. farms and village lots for sale. Money to loan on teal estate, ■ at .low..ratcs oLinsorest. - Insurancc effcctcd'oirallI- dlasses of property. Notes and debts collected. Goods appraised, and Sold On commission, ' Bank­ rupt stocks bought and sold. Btvth. pec. 10,1880 * - - rxR. REEVE, Office, Rattonbufy Street, im- L/ meJIatety bciitinl. llansford’s boojc store. Residence opposite ’the Tcmporance llail, Huron Street. Office hours from 8 a.in. to 6 p‘. m. Clinton, Jan. 14, 1881. ; , 1-y r . . . MANNING & SCOTT, Banbtors, Solicitors, CbuVcysinCeis, &e Oom* iriiSiionurs for,OntariO and Maiiltoba. Office—Town Halt,, Clinton. Clinton, May 17th, 1882? ........ -....../.-■■■ ...____ ___.................................. . .. ' J. E. BLAOKALL, Veterinary Surgeon, Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, To* ronto, havihg opened an office fn Clinton, is ’ prepared to treat utldlsoasos of domestic’ animals on the most modorn prin- , ciples. All operations carefully • perforined-, andtalls prompt*, ly attended to by day or . night. Fees moderate, - Office,—-1st door West of Ken* . nedy’s Hotel, Clinton, Ont. V*17. d. a. Forrester, ♦ nOWBYAXaiitl, LAND, IN SV RANCE, A (/ (JHNER'AL AGENT, &ST Moncg to Loan, Office, Beaver Block, Clinton. v22tf DAVISON & JGIINSTON, taw, Chancery,and Convoyancing. Office -Went Street, next soot to,Pot[t office, Goderich, ont, 57, i/i'.-.U, HAYS, Sdlidtdrj it-c, Offit'a.v’oYnar of £v BqffktS Kn<I West Btrcot, bvor Butler’a Boqk , Store; Goderich, Ont. 07. tar1 SMtiejr to hnJ. b^tst rates oi Inw&u ta 'CAMPION, Barrister, Attorney, Solicitor in !]/, C.hartcery, Cohvoyahcor* Ao. Office over j^rffiin’it Drft$l Store, tho rooffij fottiiorjy occu. >l#d by Jtidgo Doyle, 4^ aiaolintof nidocy to Ioan at lowMit t4ij of interest. .............., , W,v. . Ct LU CO hi Ct H O □a 3D- MONEY TO LOAN At low rates of interest and upon torms to suit borrowers. MANNINGS SCOTT,'. . Beaver Block, Clinton * Clinton, May 17th, 18821 .4? ^4- MONEY to lend, in large ot small siinifl,-on good mortgagor or pers- nal -ccurfty, at. tbo lowest current rates, II, DALE, Iluron-St. Clinton, Cl.nton, JFob. 25,1881 ‘Mlarylnnd, My * * * "I’ti'tty Wives, Lov<>y -daughters aad juoble wan,” “My fin ni lies iu a rather low »nd I iiiatl.' HitUAti/Ri, and “My wifa l” “Who?” “Wa« » very pretty bh'B'lv !” Twenty years ago, keauw “Sallow!” ?’ “Hoiiw*«y®<i?’‘L " ’’ “Withered and aged !” ' Be®»e her tiniCi. from “ImfeijaJ vapors, though she made part^far complaint, not being »f idnt giuiMipy kind, yet eausihg. me great unwr inets. --■'“A short time,ago I piuchssed your remedy for one of Bie- ehildren, who lmd • very seveze lUtftck of Wlioiwuefef, and it occurred to me that the remedy wight help my wife, as I found that our tittle girl, ypon iecnvary had J “Lost!" ’ “ • “Her sallowness, and looked as fresh as a new blown daisy. Well, the story U soon told. My wife, to-dity, bee geinel her old-timed beauty with eojn| ound in-; terest, mid is now as handsome n niatron (if I do say ic myself) as can he found iff this county, which is noted for pretty women. And 1’have only Hop Bitters t« thank for it. .. . ‘ . ■] “The dear creature just looked overwy shoulder, Rind says 4 can flat tor equal to the days; of our eonrtsbip,' and that re­ minds ine there might- bo ‘Wio/« prgtty 7m’m’if my brother farmers would do as 1, luive done,” Hoping you may long-bo-spareii to- d<*' good, I thankfully romaiu. ' • ' - , C. L. James.- -■ Beltsville, Prince-George Co.,< Md., ) May 26tb, 1883, ) gemiiue without a bunch of green Hops on the white label. Slum ail ; the vile, poisonous-stuff with “Hop” -op “Heps” in their name. 320-4t. he was 99 yeais cLYi aiuta veteran-of the Mex.Veatj-'war. His idea was to speure witnesses, and . thus’ get a pension. The -riiarshtil does not know what to do qfjth the old miser, and has tried to find some relatives.; He -cannot .send Irirn adrift, because-fie .will be followed and fobbed. • He cannot be held iu "prison on any* charge' of vagrancy, ; ..Im. I>a$ “vUsihleJneanfiqCsupjiort.” Investigation has shown thst the old man has some married children in sob the-rn Ohio. He‘has alwaya lived apart from them hin'ce. the dpath of his wife Several years ago. It is’said that'he was swindled in a tr.fhsaction years ago, and from„U.i <t time began liis miserly life. ■ ' PmO • rH 43 M 111 N CQ r4 LLI O w I* M Sh «2 Ph O O <j ■■ - A deficit has been incurred4n the accounts of the treasurer of the Jarvis street Baptist church Sunday school, Toronto, Charlai/R^Baghe., The- amount missing js placed at. about $400 and is said to have been used by Mr. Bache in'his grocery business off~ Yonge street. His father has transferred to the com­ mittee a superior court judgement against his son ; it is expected that this will secure the committee. Instructions have been sent to the inspectors of weights and measures not to enforce the law wbieh was to have gone into operation on the first, inst., making it eqmpulso'ry. that all packages of canned goods be marked with the weight of contents, It is the intention of the minister of In­ land revenue to make certain amend­ ments to the Act during the coming season; Until this is done the act will remain inoperative. The postmaster-general states that the reduction ot postage) to a-two- cent rate' Would cause a heavy lo a of revenue, and if that were done postage .on newspapers wouid Jiave to he charged. It has been0 brought: to his notice tjiat large quantities of correspondence are beinc sent over by express to the United States to be posted at the two cent rate, which throws into the United States treas ury that which properly belongs- to Canada. He says there is no reme­ dy. ' •'■ ... .ILlJon, R. Laflamme, of Montreal, has entered an action of libel against the Toronto Mail for $10,000. Tiie offending article was a leader pub­ lished on 8th ,ult. and was entitled “Improved Methods" The objec­ tionable paragraph'refers to methods of fleeting a *candidate, and speaks of Till improved ballotbox^. invented by the lion, gentleman, wbieh was designated for “standard elevating." The article also alludes to similar affairs' adopted foff receiving ballots, as ‘ 4eHthetic*-con„trivances.” ./ Mr. F. H-. Ennis, Secretary, of^the Public Works Department, died- suddenly*'at Ottawa, Jariy '13', He left his office at the usual hour, four o%lot‘k’"but’sbbif"after leaving home was attacked with apoplexy and died about ten o'clook. Tli'e.depeas- ed gentleman was of Irish des-ient, but was honi in some of the exclus­ ively French, parishes in Ldwer' Ca*- n’ada, so that all Ids assdeia ions were those of a French - Canad and. he. was usvalTy classed as- such. Mr. Eiinis was .foriy.-seyen years- of ug.e? Ah a public ollh.ial lie Was ■ efficient and popular. - Hon. Edward Blake addressed “*the“ m.earbers-of~tjre^orffhVO’^mjiTg; ’ '..Men’R.; Liberal ‘Club Jany.. 13th in .Shaftesbury. Hall, The hall was cfowdejd;- If was expected he would say something on tlreT;: qfiesjipu “of iiMept-.ndence, but he did nbt touch upon- it,_ JItt._ad.ydcatedp- amoiigst- other things; an elective Senate^ the power to~iffffl?K^OTTF^Ti treaties,, and the power to alter .our own con­ stitution, without reference to the, Imperial Parliament. He vigor­ ously attacked the protdctTve“policy of tiie present .Government and its results, charging that it had been a failure, and that it discriminated in ■favor of the rich as against the .pt or. /..He saiil it. had • taken away from the banks and the general. business of the country a ..large amount of capital, whiehjiad led'in a great-measure to tho present shrink age.. '-•'*’; ’ AMERICAN. ...-Atra-’wedrllng-party in New Jer­ sey a quarrel arose between George and J oh n Zane, brothers, over. the. serving out of beer to the guests, nearly all of -whom were iutoxicat=- ;ed; J ohn_ fatally shot George in the neck. ' Reports have been received from - tlrer cities of Iowa as to the working of the prohibition' laws.- Fifteen pro­ nounce,. it a,failure and three regard it -doubtful; . greatly increased'. . .Surprising news conies? from Cleveland, Duncan G. Ross, the champion wrestler, has seen the error of hia ways, has given .up his' saloon/renounced athletics, and has decided to elfter the ministry. Like Tom .King, may he prove arffre'dh to'' the cloth-.. ' .. • '? , Ex-Vide President Schuyler Coh"^luf,’a9t^ foTfon' depot in Mankato, Minn., Jany,-13. He.arrived.on the Milwaukee & St. Paul road, and walked over- to-the Omaha depot. He.took off his coat, sat down, and fell .dead in a. few .iniuutesr-Thedoctor-SaysJie-.died_. froinJieaT^ disease, Mary McKee, .of Clinton, Mo., has sued’.whn Flynn, for $25,000 damages, for breach of- promise of marriage. . Flynn advertised for a- wife, and Miss McKee’sent hiuua photograph of a plump female. An engagement followed, when Eivnn xWnnt to Clinton and fotiiid that Mis» McKee was a .bed ridden, consunip tiveSaml refused to keep his promise. A cyclone passed Over' Macon couuty, Goqrgik, Jany 12, sweeping everything ih3ts track. Large,oaks were twisted'like straws. A’nmn- ber of houses weVe^ destroyed/ and corn and fodder: blhwii away. The cyclone also-passed ovfer: to Baldwin county, destroying everything ill its way. DiVellings^gin houses, barns, feiices, horses, and mules .were bjowri away, Several persons were injur, ed, but there were no lives ioslx The roar of tli^ cyclone was heard eightYnilesaway, In Macon county three men were killed. An exciting contest between the autnofities of Plymouth, Pa.,, ami tlU Salvation Army occurred on Sqhday. th defiance of municipal ord^r foibidding the playing of, mtffiio on Sunday^ Captain S»p‘th, the loader of the Sulvationisis, ap * poarod in the aftdrnooff with tam­ bourine^. The Officer^arrested her, 1 and a riot ensued, the populace aid ing with the Salvation Army. The • officers drew their reyolvnra, and ? when it wrb•’decided to let matters■* rest for that day, but to enforce the order in futmo. Dio-Lewis declares that a journey through Iowa has convinced him of the failure of the prohibitory liquor law in that state. He found no dif­ ficulty in getting into bar rootn-f, and there seemed to be ijo less drunk­ enness than in other parts of the country. The Earl of Aylesford died at Rig Springs, Texas, on January 13th, of iuflamuiation of the'•bowels, The remains will be sent to England, He was a large property owner in Texas. He was also one of Britain’s noblemen of whom she has had very little reason to be prond. Unless he Was grevionsly maligned, he was always faithful to the motto of his family—Aperlo vivere vota—to live with will unfettered, for his free living was a matter of notoriety. He was married and had figured in the Divorce Court, R,nd also had ap^ $ peared many times befofemagistrates charged with breaches of the peace. , Steps are.being taken in Cincin­ nati to institute a fund for the pay­ ment of Irish members' of parlia­ ment by tho - proposed organization of an ~ American-Irish Parliament Club, -by which 20,000 persons in the United Stales -will agree to p iy c$5 „per annum each towards the. support o£ Irish ,iui“mbers of parlia­ ment, so long as constitutional '• methods are conducted by'Mr. Par­ nell are main turned. The move is calculated to lift the Irish question to a higher pla,pe and place it be­ yond pergonal or political use in this cuuntr^. The. movement is in- augerated by Irishmen who h.ave* withdrawn from the Irish National ' League because that body is con-» trolled by’a secret oa»hbound organ- . ization. wIt is said Eugene Kelly, banker, of New Yrbrk, will have the custody of tiie.funds. Everything of illicit character will I e condemn­ ed', and fii'-Telity to Aiivrican citizen-’ . ship and tlief’moral law is advocated-. It is believed a few yeais of parlia­ mentary struggle will giytLaulfsgo-KK rernmeut to Ireland. , There was a spirited debate in the senate at ,Washington, last week, over.Hawley.’s resolution asking for* a statement’ co’nce,rniiig the policy of -the couf^drracy, filed at' the. war de­ partment by Gon. Sherman, Slier? man, after reciting the circumstances of the controversy? said he did not desire tu -'wound-the feelings of an ■old man,'-btit ’“great God," said he-n “will it ever be disputed .in this, ediintry of o.urs at any time within ~a—tdi ousa ii el’-y*ears^ t h a t~i ii-^tdi e~wa rr . and before the .warNJefferson- Payis .was'a conspirator anti traitor to his country.? Nejjer, 1 trust.” Lamar characterized Sherman’s -statement of the'.controversy las marked .by Jlagnaiit-anaccu-racies as to thenssues between Jefferson’.Davis and Gen. .Sherman. The south, Lamar; said, had surrendered- upon'all questions ■ dividing, the .sections, and had given up the right of the.people. 16 secede from the''unibn,'and had given up the right of each state to judge for itself of Infraction's of the constitu­ tion ail'd the .mode of redress. It had fought for it-^. owjk view and it had lost, but no man should in fiik ■ presenc^ call Jefferson Davis' a traitor without his responding with stern; and emphatic denial, A Bad Man. The resignation of tha Rev. W, F. Campbell, mission recretary of Tor­ onto dioc*se of the Anglican churcl t was accepted by the board last week. The resignation was received by the bishop on Thursday Inst, the en­ velope boaring th© postmark of (lie .New, York and Washington mail train. Campbell, who was a fluent speaker, was appointed, in the-face of strong oppositipnr in October,, 1883, and attempts have been m ide since tlien to'oust him from the pos­ ition, lie has leaf suddenly, and under a cloud. It appears that uv December last he was .introduced In Detroit to \V. D, -Robinson, a mer­ chant there, and got that, gentleman to endorse two drafts for $430 on> his (Campbell's) son-, a young man 'in a lawyer's office in Toronto. The draflst were dishonored, tljere- being lio funds, but. Campbell rc,, promised to make them g >od. In­ stead of doing so, however, lie sold • off his fur.nitqre and skipped to the States/ leaving numerous creditors behind. Much sympathy is felt for the son who is a popular young Jfel- fellow. —It is-reported in Toronto' that the Rcy. Campbell, has procu^ ed an insurance agency in New York. lie was at one time a mer­ chant in-’‘Western Ontario, then turned a. Methodist preacher, and afterwards., joined the A,ng)ican-» ■ ichiyclu.. It is unnecessary to say that Jiis disgraceful conduct is deep’ ly felt by the bishop, clergy and laity in Toronto, He was also general secretary of the Church of England missionary sooiety-for this province? It is believed that he Jias not ab- scondt?H wit.li any of the funds of ” "' " --'tt, • ••«• United States Divorce valid in Canada. An important case, involving the question of whether a diyorce. ob­ tained in the United States can lim recognized in-thy Canadian eourtacM law, was decided' by the- sUpreir^H eourA-latit-weekv— The~case”was .th^H of Stevens v. Fisk, an appeal frou^H decision <?f the Quebec* court Queen's bench. ’.. Virginia Gertru^B Stevens and. Henry J.ulius. were'mai'ried in'New York in .187^1 . Miss Stevens was pn.ss.ssed of a foW| tune amounting to $2.20,7.75, inhib­ ited from 'her father. . ■ -/' . -“Ali-ss Stevens’ fortune consisted of rcash j bonds, arid * lot her inoveidild effect.’ After marriage, Mrs. F,,>k reerryed ■ her property from .her ; trustees, and placed UjJLthsi. him Is of .-jKei*. h u.s!.aml . ^y b p ad m i n -fl J i n n^ ti-1^87'6.' Tjn’ respondent; Fisk .re­ mained in New /York for about eiiriiteen rnon'ths after his marriage, when .lie left fui1 Montreal and com­ menced bus'-nysH as a merchant lie still resides tln're, His'wife follow­ ed him’ and lived in Montreal for" l-'ORAN ALLEGED GOOD CAUSE _ she left him, and Jias since resided alternately in Paris and New Y> rk. She instituted proceedings for a di? . vorce,- anti in .1880 obtained ft decrea absolutedissolving'lier'mArringe with ,• the respondent on'the ground of adult­ ery,;’’ and in 'lt581 commenced aft action in the Supreme court at^Moii- trea! to.recover her property. Fisk Hied a.dthnurrer to This action claim­ ing that.ihPre never had been airy dissolution the marriage according ’to the laws of Canada. 'Thisdemurrer was dismissed by Justice. Rainville; who held that, even if the’ parties were still .husband and wife, tho woman would still be entitl< d to sue furan account of her private fortune. He also Ireld that the di vorce was val^l; And maintained the action, bn^ the court of Queen’s bench, reverse/' this judgment on tiie ground that decree of• divorce, .granted by tl courts of New Y,ork,*hwil--ho force ■ *1QHebeC”proyiiicje^and-’thatrt’li’(‘?efoni the wife could not iustitute proteHd ings™ wiKhouT'^authorization..' l’ln case was then carried: to the supreme court, which ' , .REVERSED THE JUDG.1IENT • ■ of t‘he court of Queen’s bench, and ■ .upheld- tlic'decisioii of Judge R.'/m- vflle, j . ■ '■ - ■* ' . She., Bent Het*; Finger. • . , ♦ -A •At a recent wedding-in Newark says the N.ew York Sun, the brhle made her promise to love and obey fnm’“mnirWsW7lr^ ■’’vowed'in tile formal.Hng,uage of th’0 prayer book to “cherish ’'and. protect heiy anartlffiu :R-ev. Mr.’Dupuy, an .Episcopal olergyiiHUi of this city, directed the groom to place the ring upon tiie bridps fipger. It slipped on easily,.,at first, but the bride Q bending hpr. finger made it impos­ sible for the gropm to press it. past the second joint. - He gfideavpvbd to push the ring on all the way, and as she resisted tln're. Was a painful pause in the ceremony. Mr. Dupuy supposed the ring was too small and proceeded with tho service. At tQo rvceplicm- which followed the bride •was asked by a frionil wliat'caused the delay when th't, ring was pro­ duced. Sim frankly explained that tlm xvife-’-'of a Broadway jewelejr told . het that , if slm- allowed tlm grootn to slip the-ring oven th<j second joint -oHy^Kffiugt'HHr'wouhl rule lw r through life, whereas if pissed over only the first joint sho would- always havu him tinder Wf control. Sim added tlhit. she resolA- ■ed to resort to this dovLe to effect her suprofnacy, becubse she wm» only 18 years, while thfvgroom v>a» .40, had MTtirii miirrmd once, and • owing tq his experience in matrm inonhtl life, would 'probably hav<# things too much his own, way un­ less she enlisted tl'm fates on Imp Aide at tlm outset, Ruv, Mi., Dupuy who baptizoduhe-young Jady-ift he r chihllu od and had km/wtiehw^tn . mfttely since that t.im»», reprm *-*.1 her for desiring tprulehi'f husbam^ . ivnd feminded her that though tin* ring Imd no-t passed the’ second joint, of her finger, slm had nevertl;eles either society; ’ The St, Thomas, following sketch of ___ ..... . _ . “Campbell1,--, wiio ik• alleged Ao'have defaulted to "a considerable extent : •'Twelve. or fifteen years ago one of the the leading nierchants in St. Thomas was a man named W? F. Campbell/ He .first’ conducted a grocery store-a few doors west of the Slickleboiipughi block, .pubgequenvly removing, to . the .block bf-’buildj.hgs in -Which ■MeLacl.iliii’n bookstore is;, iiow. situated, He-, was a- fluent talker and- was’ elected’a representa­ tive tb the -council for old St'. Andrew’s'wArd. "ly has never been ' 'the custonT^ oFtlte^.Ciifistiim cTiiin h for eighteen centuries to; allow its religious'Reachers 'to engage in se­ cular pursiitf^'. Some of them', ‘ho,w • . ever, go into book-selling, insurance/ : manufacturing, \and-> what hot. Uam pbcll Hija vTng^'b’eeff ~or Jam ed" tb the .ministry, he set.hut. to di-prove :--t he-aei4ptari"a*l^ss<mtTnii'’;tiia't,‘"'ll'"'m'li'n" couldn’t, serve God ami/Mammon. The text applied only.Jp the'Roman,- the Judean, the Macedonian, not to W.; ‘F.. CaiTipbpll,. When it Was written the latter worthy had not been developed. He served both God and Mannnon, but, aritbme- • tically expressed, the .Lord got only about one-seventh of one per cent.'of his services. He continued to trade on week d’ays-tahd preach on Sun', days, posing as a’ muscula.r Christian ■ who believed in hoiiness and sanded- sugar, and al ways preached scripture and pocketed his dollar whenever he could law hands on it,' His motto seemed to be make money—honestly "if yoU caii^b.ut R$^e‘mbney.YJ“But. there, came-sm. tiaiG- when dds- duM effprts to serve God and -Mammon got him injto trouble.'* Some of'his’ creditors pressed their claims and tradesmen fiom di.vers cities levied on his-sStock,. And he -wrej forced to lie resumed business in the crockery line'en the opposite side of the st reet in the Victoria buildings and"pro­ ceeded tp fly kites, in order to raise the- wind which would en-sure him "Hafe sailing. He' invited all his friends—including bank.. clerksU-to, dinners at bis house, and repented these spreads so often that some of his enemies wero emboldened'•’to • quote Rt 'him the text of seriptuie where figure the. chaps whose God is. their belly and w.hose end is des­ truction, But' the object-for which the diilnera were given—Jjie feeeur- iiig of the ’ good will of the ’ banlj ' clerkswatL-.-accomplinlmd, ■ and CumpVvlVs line°of credit was of an elastic nature. One' Saturday the- merchant visited hisjriends? borrow- ed all tho money he could, and ‘on. the following Monday put up his shutters, tmtking ah assignment to Mr; S, Price. This w”>m the. last of his'.,niercantile, efforts He leftothe Methodist folil,-MnI indentified him­ self with the Anglican chprch, and wiis orilaiffiyf to the . IMfnistrv. '-After that; St. Thomas knew him no more/fo.rtjver. )AzTrami> Worth $300,000 /^PUND NEARLY FROZEN TO DbATII A BARN W4TH $2,138 IN Ills POCKET. BIT LT.l S H’-^FQREIGN; The Duko of Marlborough, who w.as divorced ftont,his •wife, .Lady Frances An.neJH-am'ilton, some years ago, is seeking -rpmaarFfage with her." Tho divorce proscsaings-whiylr-were conducted privately created an im­ mense sensation at the /time.- The lady who is about thirty-five7 years of age, and very handsome, will not accept, the Duke’s proposals. whose unite?! ages amounted to about 450,000 years, met at Leicester on December 23rd and each received ^■Drunke/iness;'-ffii’as;"frpnr“l\lr. Cqpper, of the Framework Knitter's Companies, London and Evirigton- Hall, "Leicester, a Christ­ mas gift of half a crowyi of this year’s coinage. There were about 200 over 80 years of age, one acenten* . ariah, and one. 99 years and ten. months 0 d, who described herself as '■‘‘a^game old giij yet.’’ "Mr. Biggar, iM. I3,, met with an J"! ^derfiy/*lffi"4iT6i1"day. ”7A<ldrefisipg~a meeting.of nationalists, Mr; Biggar described Earl Speneer; Lord Lieu- 'tenant of Ireland, atu&xn)Ujaderjar,' and declared that he was answerable for the death of Myles Joyce. The meeting.adopted-resolutions'express- i h g CO n f i d eh c/Ti/Mr/Fi/fn elT/aifd.a resolve to agitate for the establish­ ment of a native parliament. Mr, Redmond, M.P., addressed a large gathering of Irishmen,- in E l* iijmrgh, He declared that the Par- nellites had no sympathy with the. perpetrators' of the dynamite out­ rages and had no' influence over them, but he said It is ifot tlm duty of Irishmen to act ns detectives. Dynamite outrages will continue as long,as ni'en like Earl Spencer goveriy Irelaffid by coercion. Irishmen must ■ continue to regard Mr. Bannerman, the new Secretary for Irohmd, ns a tyrant while he rules without their' consent. . ■ / . ' <« .--in.!* Ayers Snrsaparillazis the most po­ tent blobd purifiey^-ahd n fountain of health and strength* «Be wish iir time. • Ail baneful infections are promptly remdveffby this unequalled ..alterative. . r . Mftny a strong framo has been to* tally 'Wrecked by rheumatlsen. D. MoCritntftqn, of Lancaster, was cured Of ohronio/glB’umatism bv Burdock Blood Bitters. , It cures all blood im-.? purities, V ' 322 2t A gentleman looking at his waleh after midnight oried/11!^ to-tnovrow hiornibg; I miist bid you good night.” Ayer’s .Hair Vigor improved the beauty of the hair and promotes W growth. It imparts an attractive appenraboe, a delightful Mnd lasting; perfume, While it stimulates tlm . roots, cleanses tho scalp, and adds IN look <1 W»s«ttk HEW SEWING MACHINE EOR / ■ SALE,? • - . jfWSTON Wire,; No. 84, A. F. & A M., V Friday, on or after the full moon,. Visiting brethren cordlnlly Invited. X YOUNG, w. M. A, WORTHINGTON, Bite. CUhtdri, Jan. 14, 18,81, ' . • Ly.. wx esftU torpoAtago M PKI < r* twelve tree,‘AI'Oatlybox ■"I I II Mjj of goods which will bfilp all, of either wxfto worts hioncy right away than any thfnwoitfe Iti tbi* world. Fortnnon await th* 4X.B;]S '"''CLiiNTO'iNj ■ ”7 Meets SKcoi’D MONDAY ot every -Yimbntii. Hull upstairs, opposite jr ' the Town Hall. Visiting brethren "5o*alwaJ's made welcome. . ’ - , ~ I ■ ~ ' P. CANTELON. W.M. A. Al.'TODD, Secy,' C. TWEEDY, D. M. lasn| , ' ; FOR SALE. X- IN THE village"of BELGRAVE, the;dw JL house and -Store occupied by ma. The t one of tho most dasiriiblo in.the villugo for busi .ness^rhere^is-ajyoOd-'stablc'^outhouscH.-ima'iHi excellent.eoit. Water cistern Oli the premises. The ' lot comprises i o' an acre, The btiildings ’are In gold repair. Will bo sold cheap, as the pro­ prietor is giving,up business. Tormseasy. - • . ' Apply to - ' . WM. DUNCAN fj-ll-ifj ' ' • ‘ • ■ Belgrave, Ont;. ‘ COMMERCIAL HOTEL . This Hotel is furhisliod throughout with” great carcto piaet the Wants of tho travelling public. •Ceminodiotls sample rooms. ' The best of liquors and cigars are .always kept at the bar. Good tftWfe, Best situated’Hotel In Clinton, Givens, a call. * ♦ ■" < . -** - J AS, MOORE, Proprietor. - Cljnton, .)una7tii, 1882, Q EAGER It MORTON, ‘BavrlAlcrs, .fee., <fe , God* Oarlch and Wlnghatn. C.Seagitt, Jt.f Uodorldh. J, A. Mortoii Wingh&tn, a 1-Iy, •- TO THE PUBLIC >r ov t«i. get, Goderich Marble Works ,03 Clinton. Life Size Portraits a Soecialty. PRINCE OF WALES! HOTEL. Tho above hotjl lies lately been leased by the undersigned. The promises have been refitted, and the best possible aeeommodatloh for farmers and tlio general travelling1 puhiie is afforded. Large stables In connection. The bar Is wipptiod with the best llquorsand cigars, Yoqrpatronage solicited, Voterlnary Surgeon |n connection, GEO, THEOBALD, Proprietor’s Clintoff,MAy 3rd, 1884. S85—ly. WAVERLYHOUSE. THIS HOTEL IS NEW and has all tho require, menu of a first-class house. Large and airy rooms,elegant,parlors, heated with hotair. Ill the Immediate vicinity of the G, T. II. Depot. The bar Is well stocked with the choicest brands of liquors and clears. The travelling’ public may rest assured of being well cared for at this house. f ' _ ' • • ■ SAMUEL -PIKE, . - Clinton, May 15,1884. 287-y Proprietor,. T M^TtOIlKRT GORDON, as 1 Gifficral Agent th* GqdotUIi Marbl* Warki for the County of Htirow, JOSEPH VANSTONE, GffdSFrcti, Feb, 8,1SS3, ’ KTEW WttttAMB SINGER SEWING JIA- XN CHINE, with drop leaf; ban never boon vnrtd;forif(tht or heavy work; will V«told for W than it cost, Apply 4>f ftddtrst THE HURON NEWK-RliCOfth, 4i».u 11IE WEEK’S DOINGS., ...CANADIAN.’ n Wm. - pel(courty-’^Lged . 29, of '^Kingstoiv,."bucaine demented as ft’ re wl | , love disappointment; and' nit tb the asylum* v-' ' \ . hitewashed; de­ feated do nkpir a tor, Dr. Dowling, has J i adhi serral'ia.course-.endorsed-’by,-. his party frienm\and has been again' nominated to contest the Riding. The Scott Act petition for Wpnt- wortli county has - bben filej at Ottawa, and those for wfftidlesex county as well as Lincoln Ayill be received in a few'days and jipme- diately deposited.- ' | -' ;V At Bothweil after tho drill liacP reached, a depth of over 1,400’feot withput bringing to light aiiv vein/ salt was struck, -ami for 25 feet t>h<.re was found to bean underly­ ing statum of salt, which went still deepen*. ' - . ‘ The Tot on to .Pi*eosbytery last- week again wrestled with the ques­ tion of marriage With a ■’•deceased wife’s sister. Tho opponents of the proposed change in discipline held the floor till htitne” was paHed and the question blad to be again left till tlie next meeting, ■ . ' . Hen'ry Sandfiehl* Macdonald, of Cornwall, counsellor for the hotel mon of Dundas, Stormont and Glengar'y, is about to test the con*- stifutionality of the Scott Act before the supremo-court, and he bases his case on the very grounds which have I been succassful against the consti­ tutionality of tho McCarthy Act. -• A man named King nssanltod another with a" slung shot, aboard* timhark Pacific Slopey^t-Victoriaj! ■B, C. Wilson has tUj/gered in tho hospital and hi« dying despositibb taken. Ho says the pause 0# the assault was the discovery that King was eoncorm»d in the Phoenix .park murders Marshall Mjller, of Delaware, Ohio, has a perplexing prisonot who was arrested as a common vagra.nl, but developed into a rich property holder, Ho was found .by a farmer, sleeping in his cow shod, in rags, and grimy Ivith "dirt/, The farmer decided that •no* mail should freeze to death in his cow shed, and ‘he' led the tramp to the city prison. Ho was 'Searched, and $2,138.68 was tdliendrrom him in money, amj. tax receipts for several 'farms in ErankKu and FfdrfiqH counties dis* Closed his identity. His hamo is John Swim., ami he is worth $300,- 0,00* For several years he has been known as a beggar and tramp, going about to farm houses asking for food and the privilege of sleeping in barns, II o was in danger of frevz* frig When* found. The money was taken frou^hiin and put in a bank,