HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1885-01-14, Page 4at the X’s'-L* j team’wfts an<l Then' of war. The Btr*hied, and tug- ii^min, The man could ^^^Ks^pll»4* (rom his- position. |^^Bnalting tbyee or four futile this team was removed and HH^Kpair of sorrels attached to maft ftf,'muadff did not I^^Krtbe faintest sign jff w.eakneds. I^^Vybne rtf th#employee^ of Mr. HHBier took the animals by the |||M^and they again exerted their y^lHttraineiJ uinacle, .This time . ^Rrger evcner^to which the whif- were attached ’ snapped -in like a pipft-Htem. This settled Rli.^content.. Tfee^ crowd in atten-. ^htneet weift,- • wellV satisfied that tl e l oast' of the stranger had been made* good and cheered him Jipartily. L Drinking Etiqnctte IIIIIII^KUi School,- THE HTTHOTT <30 p. n|.' SibIW851. 3.30 p.n>. Rkv J. Gray. Votor. , s HurQ!f.Record,. Clinton, Wednesday, Jan. Htli 41 .er-—- . of ill© Beard. ' IP is not onjy within the memory rtf the “oldest inhabitant/’ but of ' jiprsons of mature life, that a beard(, ^•pem th® face Was not only -yn- •f.iftbionabTe/ .but -a sign of/ mnntaE WeakiuffjR’/or.. -‘♦ftrankinofisP’ .morft noticeable a great deal than a man long i curly hair fullingX^bis-shoulders.. ^ . . j v IrL-jtlie popular .prints,, such - as. tlmae otAmerican authers—- Wash inutoD I fving, Qooper and others^ j»ic.tuf^^f“the-—Ameii:i<3an-- senate, ’ . with, portraits-of Clay,. Webater,; • and tbtir’coiitempor-’' ------- -» r i vs -r-tl i e^-rtbsen<m~of;^bftAFd3;feaTfd" • ‘mustaches,;isoquite marked; to tlie ^eyfr-of- one accustomed to tlie lrir? biite fasiiions of to day. ; ‘('’C^he'.mustftphe’ .w m especiftlljS',6b-' •nojt'ibu^j on‘ta ■dUi,gymaiir1aft abotn*’1 • iiifttion. .Nd minister could ‘JiaVe . J . tlUc^* 'obnabrteni'on his'face;* Qn-tho-faefi-’ laymaji it was considered effem- ;,fiaato‘ jaiid dendified^-the type rof' ’^ha^ are ;inow known as “dtfdes.^ 7 iTf«y,dft jBvjpr come in; to my liousft ■ groW’r up,” said a gentleman, to his nephew, ’ then beardless by nature instead of . ar,tr ‘ t Will turn, you„ out of doors.” 1. 4 But by ;tfib time tlie boy1 was able to produce .a mustache the ^divt against them had. been, annulled^and they • had become qujte common. A few ; abolitionists and spiritualists^wpre, - . -Jt,hg beardspbut the nwst allowed on Iliff face was a nefft tuffr of whiskers* , just below tile ears,’ like.'that which Vice President Kendricks still ex- Jcbibits..L L-.. ___(, A curioiis relic of those days is tip .be' found on.’ a tombstone in ’Wdr- cffjtter.countyj Mass., at the grave,of - ibmanGwIid'.dintF' in 1373,’aged 84 years. On the obverse of .hiff mpn,-’ 'ument -iftay' >,bc . read the' Words:. vPeraqcrtlfted fft'r wearing hw beard.” If tk^'tradjtiaiis. .abouV iliift life and- . ; (k’xpVrienccft ftre'. trustworthy-,*: no — -‘^martyr- ev’er.suffered mucli more for ------- fOp4„st religious beliefs than old .Tew Palmer did for His beard. > He ' was notan-jold-Jcw, nt all, but way called bp 50 years ago on account of , his Tong and venerable board.:. ..He - was looked upon as a .monster, and' >t .fiend, and'ins name was used to frighten children with. - : Bvhrybody else was shared clean;• *; noW;Whs -hooted at in the streets/ talked about in the xpuntry .store, bullied l>y j^is neiglHmrs, wrestled with by the blergytnfth, in the- yftin' hope that he would consent to fol­ low Samson’s example and be as other men by having bjs hair cut. On6e four men arrived with /'kbenrs, lai<| violent hands Ifjion him L ’far the purpose of removing the ob- f, iibxi6i$ *ajp'pen<ii^’e whether, dr no/ 1 “ite struggled hgainsi his fatpj bui ’ was n^ari^o^t^oWered, f wilpn bje . 4r c w4iin JaeJcknife- and f«ded li 1 maelf f Try sifchbiHMl tw,o at lus assailants in. ■ ’"-the -legl . ■ For r.jfumnt to pav the fine im* ' pttsed he rfiuaihbd' iif jail over^a year, but Was finally released/ Hie wearing a beard was probab’ . ly not his only, ftypri if bin chief, iiffentp. Hft'-'tvftR a violent anti* v' sia^ry man, and buli.evdd in t0fal kbatihettce, ho that his beard Wan. Bartfy a ‘pretext for In’s treatment, iiix r/’ftiknl to furnish .KquoV to bis men in the bay iield'alio made him very,unpopular. And 'a good deal of iyjht is thVowri UpOn the liqtioY * aneatloft^a^ihat.tiififl by a motber's 'r**fu-«nT on tliin account to let her boy work for bim. ‘'He ift too mean to allow a boy a little liqiior,” nhe said. The wearing of the beard itself ip Jh'Me doyu, although considered bar* » ami outlandish, waft, goner-* ntty th* nm<bi rtf a broad protest ^^ggahiftCtbe #|)0l# Wklftbliftlmd order slavery. * 1 4 i 4 1KZ aa fti-' 31 The host preparation known to scicnccfor beautifying the New-Mcpr4 pale druggists. ■ -. TAKE THE . /*: '//■;"“'/■ OF THE COUNTY 1 - ttyk M : FREEMAN’S OLILI POWDERS, ‘ r<» i>l<-aPiiritTo-t:hco. Contain their ows r. ti e. ls a wife, euro, and nffectmi. nr worzn^-iu. Children or AdsU< THE ACKNOWLEDGEDIn It approaches so near a specific that/‘.Ninety. . five” per cent are permanently cuied Where the directions are strictly-'complied'with. ' Thereis rib cheipical or other .ingredients to : harm the y?ouhg or bld. , ' ; ’ : • / ■ As an EXrECTCBAKT it has no Equal. ■--It- contains no..OPlUh1 in atjy fornix- .. A Qo«rh Curod. » jgjfr £ took » rtnrore cold, which affected -“iy luiiBM. I hod n. terrible oough. ai.d jjcshU jght eJtar xdfiW wltlwut sleep, tllm doctor* cave uie.iip. A tried: Ak’tm'9 Chkukv J'ec- TpitAh, which relieved my lungs, imluoed, , r’.eep. and afforded me the rest necetwnry for the recovery of my strength. By the i-oofttinued use of the FrcTOitAi. a permit* Knout cure was effected. I am now fiy years ■hid, bale and hearty, and am satisfied your ■JlLEliBk d'BCTOJtAI. S8VCd 1IIC. M jt llOKAOE PAIHHKOTUEn.’’ ■ pCokingUftm, 'V|.l, <;qa-Iy-45> lbfr2. W Croup. — A Mother’s TrUntte* X J‘Wliilq in thp gountry last winter my little jboy. three yearsmdfwhi taken 11'1'w-ith t-roupy it seemed as if how.ould die .from otriingu.- latmii, Que if the fumily suggested the use of At hit’s klJijgiWY PM'TORAL,. u bottle of .which was always kept in lite house. Tlila was tried In small and fxeijiWiil doses, and to our Uellgnt UV lerti than half an hour the little patten^ was breathing susily. 'flic rioc- . ' tor stud tlint tho’ CitEKUv 1’itTORAi. bad saved lny darling’s Can you vender at, our gratitude V d^luoerely Aours, Mna. I'.mma Gepnev.” J6p^«|tiIg8tJiSto Now York,-May 16,1662j “I have used Avrn’a Cnynnv Fe cron ad in my family for several years, and. do not hesitate to prouom-co it tlic most effectual . remedy for coughs and colds we have ever tried. ■ ~ ; A. «L Ckane,”Lake Crystal, Minn., March 13,1662. ” I suffered for eight years from Bronchitis, and after trying many remedies with no suc­ cess, I was .cured by tnc use of Avru’a CiiER* BY I’EeTUIlAU .lOSEl-ll ALDEX.,’’ Byhalia,/Miss.,. April B, lt^2. •*I canhot w>y epmmii in nrnise of Avrn’s. Ohkkbv J/ECTOIIA)., I'cileviug ns 1 do that but for its use. I Should lougBii.cu have dieff from limg troubles. . B. Bit-tqDpii/"ralestine, i'oxas, April 22, lbb2. No ease pf an affection of the throat or Jungs exiSW^hieh cannot.bo'groatly reeved by the use ..of Ayeb’s Cherry Pectoral, •nd jt will ‘(iltcays cure when the disease W not already beyond the control of medicine, PREPARED BY Df. J. C. Ayer ACo., U»welj, Mass; , ‘ Sold by all Druggists. Thl» Ensr«vipe th’ V.-tnei tn • n.aiuij .lsto,- .......STH.ICTLT PUHE/ .' ' ’ .' J. ------ HRnKLESS TO THE IliOST DELICATE. Cases . GOLDEN CREAM, The host preparation known to science forbeautifying the COMPLEXION ONE SINGLE APPLICATION i-i •warranted to Beautify the,Pace and give to the Ended or. fallow Com-. plexion-a PerfectlyIiealthr. Natural.' and Youthful' Appearance. It Ccnceuls Wrinkles. Krccklcp,^Crow’s Feet, and the Evitlence’of Age, leaving thQ Skin Soft, Smooth, and White. ■ . • ’ ; , PRICE—50cents. Sent to any address. . Postage' stamps taken;...Address-all let'ters’td ’ • . ; CREME O’ OR, Drawer 2,678,/Toronto. P.O. .' Ask jour, druggist for it. .Wholesale by all whole- I saladruggislS^ pRoa his Bern practice of o*L ph# fc£ th® bt«^lh tl& ^Kenlled to, ■IK, app]y ......... ........ s .tfenfewifftwl lam aSS waAavith jby.'Wr*' *^Wbiofel4*ry ow*Jo jhujMP* trifiluij or _ L otteQ lint th® Iwrhnjjlqfof «Sqkntu>. Aykr’i G’nitumf fw-rwun bar wall proven its atfiauoy m fcfori® ye*rW* flfijUt throat dJMMUW, Ukuuld b* taken la *11 without d®lay. AT TWWJJ treet, C/into'n, Ont, This syaoo is reserved for P.W. $1.26 in odtMce; $2 ij not so paid. 4,,u’ IVI" r # * The proprietoraof The Goderich News, having purchased, the business and -plant of The Huron Record, will (n future oubliali the amalgamated pap^tahi Clinton, * mder the title of “The Huron News- Record." Clinton is the most prosperous town in Western Ontario, is the seat qf considerable manu^ctUTipg, and the centre of the finest igiicultural section in Ontario. - The combined, circulation, of T|R.E NEWS Record exceeds that of any paper pub- ished in the Couffty of Huron. It;is, therefore, unsurpassed, as an advertising medium. Our rates for advertising aro: 1 column 1 year, $90 i column 1 year, $30 1 “ ti mes, 60 | “ O rnes, 13 HAYWARD, who has leased the Glutton Carriage Works. Watch thencalled togefm^^hd atftsolemn conclave it was decided taadniinister on the spot the law set aside for parricides, Instead, of appealing thp magistrate^ ^wbjph in|^t»bly causes much delay, and perhaps the murderer might effect his escape in the meantime. So the patricide was boundliand" and foot, and .just without the hamlet a hole was dug, and the wretched murderer consign­ ed to its depths. Tho, mjud fwas tjirown intenthe hole and the mem­ bers of the clan stamped by turns oil : the grave until it was level with the the ground, and so without leaving a mound or ‘any mark to point out the parricide’s grave, the assembled jcrowd dispersed silently to their daily avocations, The above peenrr- ed not a week ago.—Celestial Em pire, November 19. \ , ■ \ ,( 1. j Vt f *'*A (, Coat hej WeightllM Goll. Airs, Jef us Castro,AMMft*i- •'dan lady, now» reading at American Flag, in.the Santa Catalina moun­ tains, is perhaps the .only woman who, literally speaking, ew cost her husband her weight in gold. It is said that in the early gold-digging days of California she was a rpsidj* ent of Senora, in which state slio was born and grew to womanhood. When about the age of.lT’ft pftter-' nal uncle, but a few years her sen­ ior, returned With Ida -conipanions, gold laden, from the BJlidgrado pr tlje west,, and became desperately enamored of- her; Hp .sought her haiid inmarriage and was accepted, but the chftrch, refused, becauso of the near'relationship' Existing be* twrten fthem,,tp.;Bo'emfttae the mar­ riage. , Persuasion being in’ vatii, be tried the, power of gold to win his way, and succeeded only* by.Hie payment p| her weight in jgol<T, She at that tiinp weighed 117 pcjpnds and against, her iii the .scales the glittering dust was shoveled* Her affianced husband still had sufficient of this World’s goods to provide a comfortable home; and they were married. The above is a fact .and not fiction, aft Hying Witnesses cftiv prove? „ ' A Th^jftufftom ofr touching' glasses ^prior to drinking healths is very corn* ‘mon|>n(England and other countries, 'especially in Germany, it’is curious to trace how this custom lias prevailed find still exists, even among '- a-ivage tribes. To drink'out oh the same cup and to eat off the same plakff/j^js^pne of. the ways in which the ancients 'ceiebrated a marriage, and the wedding feast continues to be not 'the least important of the marriage ceremonies- to the present days The Indiana of Brazil retaiu a custom of drinking together a little brandy,'aB. a sign’ that* the’ marriage is concluded. * In China similar cus- toms are met with.’* Jh the medieval banquets of.Germany::.it.was the cus- to hahd, but this;gradually necessity ated that the- cup should be of enormous size, and thus sra^ljcrjcups qr glasses Were adopted, and. the old custom- was Conformed 'to. by ..the d rinkers’touch ingtheirglassesbefore -drinfcing.^»The .ceremony attending the passing anti drinking out-of-the. ffldy.ing-'c‘upj” as. prahtiped , fit our* great city-festivals and'at somq’.of put.’ college..balls, Is ftaid^ to. bftve TariBenjfromtheassas’ainationjofKing; ■EdW^fd. It Was then the cur tom of ;the Anglo-Saxons to pass * round a. . large, cup, from which esch^uest drank, lift who thus,drank stood, 'ftp, Aftd; aft he lifted up< the cup With ' botii hands, his body- was-exposed without liny defeftce^to a blow, and ‘ occasion i wfts.^j(ten ^seized by an- ’ enemy to muirder. liini, ...To ^prevent tbistlift fol Jowl ngplan, yva?; adop t ed: . When onp of the( company stood up to.dfink lie required Jhe bompanioh w^o satftext to liim’tQ be his.pledge -—that i«j io be .responsible (for pro­ tecting him, against, .anybody 7who should attempt to take advantage, of his defenseless poslTibm This companJ ’ ion -stood * up also,, and raised,, his drawn sword in his hand-, to defend the drinker while drinking. This practice, in a’.somewhftt altered form, continued lpftg after the /conditions ’of society artcF-ceased to, require it, , .was the origin ofthe modern practice of pledgihg by drinking.. In drinking 1r6m*thJ57H6ving cuppas’now prac-; ticerl, each person rises and takesj;he cup in his hand to drink and, at jhe : sam'ft time/the-pbrsop seated next to bim rises also, and when the latter takes the cup in his' turn, the indi- dual next to him does tlie same. - Foftlliig A Farmer."’ - - '■ A;. iWpatchr-from Rocliester, N.; V., ( sayki 'Edward Timmons, a' well , to do; farmer of Northport, Canada, lias just departed (from this city aftof a vain search for a fair female. Who; had’fooled him.- owns a fine farm a few miles ea^t of? ' ’ Nortljport He’is a widower with four children, He is 40 years old. After tiie • lastliar vest he ‘visiteththe ■ Thousand^ Islands, where he made' tbe acquaintance of Jennie C.^lien- ner, a waitress at one of the hotels. She,wae 22 years of age. . Before the week had'elapsed he proposed marriage and was accepted; upon conditions that she lilted the appeMance of liift housei’ MIlc return­ ed home alone and at the end of a mouth spilt - bis lady-love $20, and •he yLited hi»b» expressing-herself pleased at What she saw ftt her prospective home. She, howeyer, 'positively declined to marry before Christmas, giving as ft reason that her mothers death had 'occurred Heeemb&Y last;and she would not marry utjtil after a year from the time of her death. ' At his solicitat­ ion she agreed not to seek employ. Rieht, but would spend the interval ./ ft.t Hik hj&tnrt of an aunt at Clayton. Bbtorft her departure he gave her $100 to defray her expensed while out of employment. Oft Nftv,10 he sent her $160. (Dee. 10 she wrote him that on the ________ __o n„..., ____ L urgenJ;_ 8olicitation. of . an aui>tJiero si* Werg 40 be gumless.. AecordiHgtjr the marriage would be at tier house. ‘--s-'-i --vuuz--------» The name of the aunt was given as Mrs. Samantha Jftne iSwicken, And the street And dwelling very definate? ly located. Mr. Timmons came to lUchester and found that theie was no such Itreet or number ip the city aft had b*ftrt written hini,“ not was there any Mrs. 8, J. 55wickeff. Al! ^■j^l^^QHmbetrothedpftisd proved London Brewer’s Guardian, Goose Courtship iu Canada. (From, tho ijiwboo (,‘hronicle.) -■ It. is extremely fttjiufting to witness -tile courtship of the Canada .goose “in altits stages, and-let- nie assure you^reader, iliat although a.gander does not' strut- befoirrt his. beloved with;.tlje.ppmbpsity^of^ai turkey pr the ---grace of a *dqve his wayg arp as agreeable to' the female of his qhojce., <I cart imagine before* me -One whs'has just accompli sb fed the defeat of another' male after;a strug­ gle of'half an hour or more. He jtdyanceft_gallantly towards the ob- ^ect=^f==.hisjatten£idnfrlii&ihead,scar.ce.-.. fy. raised an inch from the.’ground, his b.ill apen to the full stretch? his * flesh'y^toHgue-I-elftvatedc^hie^-eyes Marting .fiery glances, and t as he 'moves he, hisses loudly, while the emotidh which lie experiences, ca.uses his.qiiiHs to’shake, and his feathers ■ to rustle. Now, he is close to her who, in hia eyes, is all loveliness, his •neck-bending gracefully iri all-direc­ tions,. passes all around her and oc-. casiofiajly ’ touches her, ^ody; aud as she congratulates biin'oii his victory, and acknowledges his affection,, they move their nrtcks’in a hundred cur­ ious ways. Ab /his moment fierce- j-ialoujsly urges/the defeated gandeF Yo “rJne^Eift effort Jove; he ad-va/nces apace, • his . eyes glowing with the fire of rage he' shakes his( broad, wiiigs, ruffles up liis whole plumage,- and as he rushes-on the foe" hisses with tlie in­ tensity of anger. The wliole-flock seems to stand amazed, and opening . up a space' tlie- birds gather ftround to view thefcoinbat.* /‘Tim bold bird •who. has been caressing his j,nate scarcely deigns to ta'lte notice of Ins toe, but 'seems to send ji scornful‘ g'ance toiva^ds him.- He of. the mortified feelings, however, raises his body, half opens his sinewy wings and with’’■‘"S’p'owerful blow' sends forth his defiance.. The. afs front cannot'be borne in’ the-pres­ ence of sp„, large ^-Company, nor ,in­ deed is there much dispositionr tp .bear it'.in the - circumstances ; the blow is returned with’ vigor, and the aggressor reels for a moment,- blit he soo„n recoyers, and now the combat rages.' Were the weapons more deadly, feits of chivalry would now be performed; as it is, thrust and blow succeed'each other like tlje'strokesaol hammers driven by sfUFily forgers. But now, tlie mated /gander has caught hold of his apta- ..gonist’s Jjead, AvitlL liis/billT. no’bull­ dog could cling faster to., his victim ; he squeezes with all the energy of rage, Jas lies hiift .with .his powerful wings and at lepgth (drives him.away> spreads out his pinions, runs with ..joy to his1 mate and .fills, the air with cries of exultation. Ciiin vs- No Gnm. ■ The question of whether or no the che.wing.of gum in schools and cpl-: leges affects the pupil as to his studies has Been a mooteJ one since gum chewing became so popu­ lar. It was left for ft Macon (Ga.) school teacher to put the -mattei’tto a true test and determine the ques­ tion. Quite recently, the Macon Telegraph reports,as a’certain school was being dismissed^ .the teacher gave out that the Class in arithmetic, composed Of twelve bright pupils of both sexes, would be divided. Six of the pupils were to provide them­ selves with a moderate allowance of first-class chewing gtim ; the other there wql*ft six brightsclfolars armed tq‘ tire teeth With chewing; gum, Their jaws were working like so many steain trip-hammer^ and they were eager for tnft fray. From the arithmetic the teacher (soiectej twentyMiine problems, and then the class burtkied. down to business, FiuftOy tlm twenty-nine probhmis Were given and on* counting ftp” the score it was found Jhiit the chewers B^MMjBjiMijL^fclgCttV a II-worn; I The Preacher und the Heap. ’ The Baptist ministers attending the weekly;conference at 6 Murray street were entertained yesterday Ly Rev. J. E, Raymond with .amusing reminiscences of the Southern negro iirthe oldjiuies before the war. Qf the preachers he. sei J that^ though their sermons were faiiur^ft, from a . literary and oratorical standpoint, they were marvelous in their power of reaching the hearts of the people. "He’gaWLuinoiig other illustrations, a simile used by a preacher in intro-: ducing a brother preacher from the North: // ' “Sometimes," lie( said, “yo goes to de swamp to shoot dese yer bars, en yo’takeS’Oiie bb7de ole gons along wat makes a big hole In de.'side of debar, lie.jes, stuff sonfo. grass ifi the place an’ yilks offj.laffin at >yer. Den one ob deqe yer'e Oornectiout men comes^along, en he has one 6b Jem ~ neuTJanglM^^^ right off—/a reg^ar touch en-go retch-’ em gun—/ffn wen de bat-L.bit de hole goes clean, froo, en 'taiu'b no mo use to stulTde gress in, so he lays' down en dies. Now, I’m One. Of de ole- guns,zen sometimes I hits yo in de side, but :yo,gOps right off and stops it tip wid de sins of de wort’ Dan ftlat . newjapglffd gun, , de great preacli«r f^ouu.de Norf, comes down en shoots b hole clean froo yo, No use. tryinL ito stop dat up wi<i grass en'you si^s on de debblej.es fays” down oil dijes.” . . ... - -... ./OiTRifGiiTEovs pljja.' Nd plea surely can be more rijtbt. eous than tlLaLJ>J.J-lie.ib.rewe diliefs interestcd~in7theJiquor trade for the requirementbf a fair propor- • tionftl majority, as a proof that, the opinion of the con^nunity is rrally and deliberately in favor of a sump­ tuary law. Thoke who dedline to vote for tjie Scott Act must be (fount- ed against’ it, since they show by their abstention, that in tjieir opin­ ion a .case has not' been made out , for “this extraordinary legislation ; and" reckoning thus, it .will be fourid' that the 2kct has almost every where been carried'by a minority of the con­ stituency. The result ofeourse is-that when Carried ithas no’force of -public, sentiment to sustain it, ami the only grant-of the measure is-the contfer- , sion of the liquor trade froin.ft lidenf Tsed’anilYegulatedLVQJrfpss into un­ regulated contrabandism. Fresh evidence Appears,, and jn the colynjns of ;a journal which supports .the ^pott A6t, that In' Maine ybu can have as much' liquor as.'you please,- Jjnly of vile quality, and in ah illicit way ; jvhile an English’-Writer in the- Pall Mall Gazette i e po r ts' th at li«/ has been looking iir/Maine, for the .good effect of Prohibition on the character and'Condition Of the peo­ ple,, but no such effect is to be seen. The alcohol panic will id tjme sub­ side i, perhaps, it- Mil be succeeded by an opium panic, a to.baeco panic, or a tea panic ; people will'get tired; of decorating themsfeLves^with the Blue B.ibbOh 'of Superior' Virtuey; the political ad venturers who are, in. tltat lino of business will haye gatlis ered in their harvest; and tjic Spott- /&ct Wijl. either be repealed or fall into desuetude. We shall then find ourselves in face of an Unlicensed liquor trade*- while by the ftupprffs sion of beer and cider the. people have become Used to- drink nothing but ardent spirits,’ and the* moral agencies which are now successfully combating drunkenness willbavefall- en into al/eyance. These adoptions of thftScottAot aro ostensibly measures of local self-government.; in reality they scarcely deserve that name, LocaFopinion is not left to act spon­ taneously and’ with freedom. The movement is in fact carried on by a centralized organization, which brings its machinery to bear on one county after another, and some of the chief wire-pullers and stump ora­ tors of which are now Americans, who of course have no compunction in ruining a Canadian trade. The menaced trade has not a fair chance because it may be attacked at any nionient, and it cannol be“aTways in; a posture of defence of^carrying on ft ertufiter agitation. It is time (liat Parliament should do i s duty.-This abandSnmrtrtt of legislation to agita* tors, local or general, is mere polt­ roonery. If it is necessary that a re­ striction should-be imposed on the habits of the people, let thft national Legwlature impose it apd see that it is carried into eft >ct.—Prof, win Smith in the Bystander, often cause serionft illness/ Wni’in Syrup« “ 3 mos, 30 4 gmoa 12 ,<r 1 year, 50 | 11 1 year,. J8 ” 6 mos, 30 I ‘ 6 mos'/ 12 “ 8 mos, 18 j “ 3 mos, 8 Advertisements, without iastnwtipns as to space and time,, will he left to the judg­ ment of the compositor in the display, in* sorted until forbidden, measured by a calo of solid nonparoil (12 lines to, the neli), and: charged 10 cents a lipo for first usertiou and 3 cents a line for each sub; equent insertion? Orders to • discontinue advertisements must be in writing. tar Notices set as .READING MATTER, (Nonpareil measurement, 12. lines-tu the •'neb) IQ cents por line hint insertion ; 3 rents per line eacluubseuuent insortion. CTOZTTT TjZESSTjTZE! Wishes to' inform his old customers and the public generally tUftt heba.ft again opened out, in the Carriage and Waggon Business, On, the Comer of Huron aud Orange, Streets, Clinton, In the Brick Building known as the “Mountcastle property," where he will carry on the trade In all Its branches. An experience of over 20 years in huslncssiln Clinton will enable him to rn«efi the requirements of the public tn Ids line. All material of the very best quality affd the workmanship unsurpassed. Call and examine before purchasing, All the latest Improved rlgsmanufactured and kept constantly on IftUid. t ’ ... ALL WORK WARRANTED. - - PRICES REASONABLE. ffS'Repairing and Repainting Promptly Attended to. Sacramental Wine. ' In reply to, th0 remarks .in the Weekly Witness, as to the intoxicat ing qualities of sacramental wine a correspondent writes: “-I have carefully studied my Bible, and find ‘that., wins is-whatr Christ ‘used at the Last. Supper,and what he/ com­ manded to be received, - but there is •nothing said, or even intimated,• about the intoxicating or non-intoxi­ cating quality" as you seeri) to infer.' .Ijtind in aliqpst every part of Scrip­ ture 'where, wine is referred.. to it-isjoitlier in itq/exhilaratii)g or. Xm , toxicating quality ; at th^.time when the Last Siippet took place it was at the Passover, which/luust have been at the end of March or the. begin­ ning' of “April, Wa^penpcn^ilig* year in Palestine when fresh grapes could not be had, ana no otlier than fermented, wine coftld be obtained. That our Lord p'sed .wiue his pre< sence at the. marriage*feast at Odna is- quite. a> sufficient ■ proof, and that he.sanctioned its lawful use the miracle he did»theie is enough to show. ♦ - . There is, ho benefit,-iif Christian men endeavoring to be wise above what is written, and perverting the ordinance or.Chrjst by a substitution ; of someth in g’else than- lie.had com­ manded and sanctioned the use of, lie has declared,’“My g»ace is suffi cient, for4 'tiff e,” and so will evei’y. repentant sihiier-fjnd. who (rusts vi’n Him, and obeys his ordinance as H<?( ^Cftmmamfiftl^^hd-iloeisLnrtbiprofano-- v • JOB WORK. •Wo have one Of the best appointed job,'. Otlices west1 of Toronto. Our facilities iff this department enable us to dp all kjitds of work—from a eallin c.p-d to a mammoth .poster, ip the best §tyio known/to the craft, and at the lowest possible rates. Orders by mail promptly attended to, Address, / The New^Record, Clinton. Oiit : . December,. 1882. / . ' ’ (. THE LATEST! nARKY FISHER, thp Unowned Tpn- snrial Artist, has obtained the assistance of a first-elans Bather. ffeff' Aff tho latest styles of ladies’and gentlemen’s hair-cutting. Ono door east of the L’ammorclal Hotel; * ■WATTS <Su OO. .—CLINTON, ONT., DEALERS IN— I3x*tx@;s <fc Medicines Physicians’ Prescriptions Carefully and Accurately Compounded, and Orders Answered with Care and Despatch. The Public.. will find our Stock of. Medicines Complete, Warranted and of the Best Quality ’ « - - . . Toilet Soaps, Perfumery, Shoulder Braces, Trusses, Sponges, and all kinds of Druggists’ Sundries usually keptin a First-Class Drug '-Storo, ■ 11 ..... ' - ■ i.n . ...................11,111^ .1 iif wapaper S WALL PAPER. . The time for House-Cleaning is near. All wanting Hall, Parlor, Dining-Room, o'r Bed- RoomJPapers, , . 'will find th® * *. Best and Latest Patterns FRIEZES, ORNICES AND PANELS, FILLERS, «C. kg- TKe Bazaar Fashion Books for 1883 are out and ean be had for nothing Oall and see the papers and get ar Book BUTLERS. GODERICH. E3" Ho Sells Cheaper than any enebn lop of the Earth. _ WILL. CURE OR REUtVK . BILIOUSNESS, DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, JAUNDICE. ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, And every specie* disordered LIVER., nunuio, « BOWEL* OR BLOOD, T. HILBURH & B(L, ’^SgJ&HTa DIZZINESS, DROPSY, FLUTTERtNO “ OFTHE HEAtf, ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, DRYNE88 OF THE SKIN, of drtMM arialns fr*«* KIDNEYS, •TOMAOH. NEW BOOT & 8H0J STORE IN’ PERRIH’S BLOCK. " IlainLrimdo work, sewed and pegged, prices to* suit every pin se, ’ Tl.e urai. »?vr», lowest prices, and satisfaction guaranteed. ployed, entire satisfaction is a. certainty. prices'to* suit every pin se,' The best work, lowest prices, and satlsthctien guaranteed. As. I. have first-class city workmen ent- Give mo a call. Him, and obeys his ordinance as Lit?’ that which- is ' holy by some human substitute or invention. The Christ­ ian's duty is, femjjerance ’ in- all (things, which ilnp Ls the use of a'l- good; tilings^ which God hath given, to man, wl'.icli' if received with thanksgiving- and prayer, will never prove' h u r t'fu UfaFsou I or'tiotIy. There, is■ no one who would ” go further than myself in u.-iitig every . lwvi.f u L m eans ...,to... s.u p,p re .j. lie... bo tr.. fible and'destructi ve yice of di.unkv- eiuiess. Use every exertion in that direction, but- do .not endeiVor to make God's Holy Word speak that Which it can by pa legitimate, means • be,uiade to,say. . The use of wine;, and Wino that undoubtedly intQx'ctting, ift permitted .by the authority of Scrip­ ture, -Tbeirt is no use attempting to deny it.. No cause, howei er good, -can be advanced by doubtful gut ho: rity, the seal' without knowledge of many of its advocates'is in many ^caseft an injury. . _Hireil.,te,]oqp£rftftq§r lecturers are not infallible, and some­ times' to.round • Off a period : make statements that are not tenable, the dUjecl berhg"T6* pfotince an effect oif jtho minds of their hearers, of which .1 can give_pr6of if’necessary; ' . Good the YiJar Round.—National Pills are a good blood purifier, liver regulator aud mild purgative for-all seasons. , z. . 321 4t , — A premium of $30,000 has been of- iered by the Mexican government to any one who will establish. in that country a paper mill at a cost of J[ltO,O.ffr 7 • ’ No sufferer from any scrofulous. disease, .who will fairly -try Ayer’s fearsaparillajlneed despair o.f a pure. It;will purge the. blobd of all impuri­ ties, thereby destroying the germs from which scrofula is developed,and Will infuse iiew life and vigor through­ out the whole physcial organization, Kiss her gently, but be sly j Kiss hpr when there’s no one by; , Steal your kiss, for then ’tis meetest, Stolen kisses aro the sweetest. ■/. Shiloh’s Consumption Cure. This is beyond question the most sue ecssful Cough Medicine we have over sold, a fe'W drops invariably cures the worst eases of Cough, CiOijp. aiffl Bronchitis, While it's wonderful success in the cure Of Consumption is without a parallel in. the history of medicine. Since it's first dis* covcry it has been sold on a guarantee, a test .which no other medicine can stand, If you have a Cough wo earnestly ask you to try it.4piErica.10c.ts. GOc.ts. and $1.00. If your Lungs aro. sore, Chest, or Back, Lame, trso Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Price •25cts. Bold by J, II. Coinbe,. 282-ly , The - Signs of* WORMs are well* kqown, but the remedy is not always ■‘sn~w^rdeTermTne(fr^^Torprif6wTei’B“ will destroy them. ’ (321 4t There is something passing strange about human'nature. If.a man had to support his .family by playing billi* ards at ten shillings a day he’d oom­ plain hrt'had to work awfully bard lor a living. Tun great ■permanency of Murray ft Lanman’s Forida Water gives it a wonderful advantage over nearly ail other praftttfios 5 days and weeks after bs application the handkerohief or garment oxhtilcs a soft, rich fra*’ agreeable, refreshing, and •Trade Mark. ' BOLD. BY .ALL ('DRUGGISTS, ■ DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO ,, (LIJiiTED.). • SOLE AGENT’S, 3WEO3NT‘T'REJKiJ. For alf disease of the blood, Jiver, kidneys and bowels take Burdock Blood Bitters. It is purely- vegetable; can do no harm, and is always bene-- ficial. !’”WlLrtle*gifL^bjeftteJ tft .being'tt un angel because she then would have io give up all; her pretty play- things|and fine.dresses to vfear featbj ei-s nke Galien?* ’ — '( ; J': —' • ~ No Harm in it '- . ;No ’.harm can. come from using llagyard’s Pectoral Balsam ;3 as a ■ remedy for throat,bronchial and lffffg .complaints it is always reliable apd positively safe. . ” . » Sidney. Morgan , was playing the or- ’ gan, ; ■ While behind the vestry door Horace Twiss wns'.snatching a kiss ,. —l^m the lifts oLHannah” ^ • The Forces Strengtliettcd. The vital forces are strengthened and the entire system renovated and built up by Burd.ock Blood Bitters. ’It acts On ‘the bowels, liver, Kidfieys .and blood. — When one cftn’t|feay anything in particular in prliise of Aman you can always fall'back on: ’ “A/feW years ago he was mentioned as A candidate for county office;” This rounds him' off in good shape’. ■; —' V;r_ ■■■■■■ * , The Best Yet. The beat blood cleanser known to medicai' science is Burdock Blood Bitters. It purifies ther blood Of all foul humors,and gives strength; to the week. ’ l'lte son Of the iniin'who wanted io Bdntl his bootfl by telegraph has turn* ed up in Tacoma, W. ,T. He got mad and fired two shots at tfi© telegraph operator because he saw his dispatch lying on the table after being told “thlvibhad been sent. West of England, Scotch ahdPdreigm Suitings -Sfrouseringsfnglish & French Worsteds. SMITH, THE CLOTHIER, ■ wonvricir, utvA~a spkufilil’y- ifkrzirtei! new Spring'”nd Summer ftpridg. Ordered artel Ri-ady-m.-ide Shits at the’ lowest prices ever heard’of— none blit the best of trimmings used, ih'kI perfect fits guaranteed.’ A full-line of "GENTS’ .FURNISHINGS always.ill slock. Clill and See, it will pay you. ABRAHAM SMITH, The Square. GODERICH; OJSTT, , Biicklcn’s Arnica SalVC. T'ib Bksv Salve In the world' for -Cuts,. ;Bruisds, Sores, Ulcers, Salt (Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Iltlnds,. Chilblains, Corns, and.all Skin Erup­ tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay .required, MtM-guiiranteeil to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box, F<»ii-sftK by vVatts. & Co. $500 REWARD! WR will pay the above reward fdr any case of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, In­ digestion, Cbiistipation Or Costiveness we cannot jedre With West’s Vegetable Liver Pillsj when'.the .Xlirections are strictly complied with, Thoy arc purely Vegetable;-(iiid never fall to give satisfac­ tion, Sugar Coated.' Large boxes, containing 30. Pills; 25 Cents. For salo.'bv all Druggists; Bp- ware of counterfeits aird' imitations,' -The genu-, inc niamifactured only by JOHN C. WEST&Co., '“The pill Makers,” 81 and S3,King-sk, E., Torch-', to, Ont'.- Free trial packages sent by mail pro- 'paid on mcetpt of A 3 cent stamp." J, H. Combe, agent..Clinton 314-ly • ' '. HEALTH IS WEALTH : INTERESTING I . ■ ■. ■ t ‘ , Canadian, Trtft AT MEN!?* ®l,000 FORFEIT I Having tlio utmost confidence in its Superiority over all others, ilnd after thousands Of tests of tho nipst comjfiieat.ed andj.mLereS6a.cjjse.8 ,we ' cOUlL find, wo feel Justified in offering to forfeit One Thousand Dollars for any case of.Cough's, colds, sore throat, influenza, hoarseness, bronchitis, con­ sumption. in its early stages, whooping cotfgh. and.all dlsoases of the throat and lungs, except Asthma, for which Ave Only claim relief,' that we ain't cure with West’s Cough.Syrup, when taken, according to directions, ’famplq,nettles 25 and • 50 copts; large bottle? Ono uollar, “Genuine wrap­ pers only in blue. Sold by all druggists, Or sent by express on receipt of price. JOHN C. WEST .kpQ,-, S0jc proprietors, M.and.ftSJCing-Btreat-E., Toronto’ Ont. J, H. Combe, agent, Clinton. 314 Latest IN THE COUNTY, THE VERY A LARGE ST A FF OF YOUNG menlread this. Thtt-Vultatu ' B Err Co./ of Armiirt] 1; tMicli., offer to send tlmir celebrated Uliio* TjHfhVoM'Aiq .Belt anil other Eleotiho Ai’pltanchm oh trial tor thirty ^lays, tfi- men (young orfflcl) nlliieted with nervous debility, lose or vitality and manhoed, and all kiiidio l troubles. Alsd for rheum'fi- tiHirt, neuralgia,-paralysis, and niany hthor diseases,. .Omnploto restoration to (health, •vigor and manhood guaranteed. INo risk is incurred as thirty days', trial ift allowed. Write them at once for illuatralted pamph*. lot free. • . 318-y ’ A cent of 1797 lifts been BOht within a year for ft 1J; Debtors in this vidin* ity appear ta be holding bn to their ifirtpey*tn the hoped rbfthiitta a pro* jmitmi on it; Lmcell Cilium A Golden Opinion. Mrs. Wm. Allan, of Acton, declares that Hagyard’s Yeljow Oil is the’beftt- household remedy" in the ‘world for cdlds, croup, Sore throat,burns,sdalds and other painful complaints. Iler Opinion is well-founded. . A Nebraska-court has given Goorge Foxen a verdict of 6 cents damages- for being tarred’,and feathered.’ He used, over one dollar's Worth of soap to get the stuff offhand can't see .Whore ho haO made any money., t ' * Tlie (Mcitpcs^ Oh account of its purity and coft.' Ciontrated strength and greatjiower over disease, Burdock Blood Bitters lathe cheiipest.and-best blood cleans-' ing tonic known fdr all disordered, conditions of blood,- liver andiddheys {,I must shako off this Wd habits said ft tramp, as he gazod-at his tat* tferedcOat, ...' j';" ,.........;■ ; We have a speedy and' positive enfft, tor Catarrh, Dlptherlft, Canker mouth and Head’ A elm, inrftnil.Ons OAT* ARRH REMEDY. A nasal Injector free With,each bottle. Use It If you deal re health and sweet breath. Prior Wets. Sold by j II. Cotnbc., ’, Wdv ' f Dr; 0. West’s Nerve and Brain .TREATiftE'NTja gtitrtdntcpd Specific for Hys­ teria, Dizziness, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous •Neuralgia, Hffiidache, Norvotis Prostration CftUiscd by/tne tiso 'of-alcohoi or tnbiicco, Wakefulness, Mental Depression, Soften­ ing 6f the Btain. resulting in insanity ancl - leading to misery, docay and death, Prd- niatui'o Old'Ago, Barrenness, Loss of power-. in either sox, Involuntary Losses and Spo’r* matorrhcea caused by over-exortion Of tho brain/solbabngo or ovor-influlgOtico. Kach hox.contains ono month's treatment". $1.00 ft host, ortaix boxes for $5.00, sOht by mail. , prepay on receipt pf price, ^-^^We^Guaranfee-Six-;Boxes *—**• • To ctlrc ftnyA^Ric. With each order re­ ceived by us for sIjg boxes; accompanied , with &kpo, Wc jviH wnitf th«purcliiiw our , wjittefr 'guarantee torofund the money if the itreatmeut doos not offeet a. euro, Guarantees issued only by John 0, West and S3 RinfpsLB., Toronto, Ont, J H. Combs, hgont, Clinton. Sl-i-ly SkSmsS .fll* It the office of IXIRD ft THOftAS, Me* Oormick Block, OhloakO, ’ ■ ■■ ■'■ 1 FATHERED FROM RELIABLE. j SOURCES. ... . ■■ ____ ■: ■ :' if •: THE MARKETS Are corrected every Tuesday afternoon, just before . : going io ^rjepft/ . . f?ubscHbe*‘for The Kew Record—$1,25 per afimmi; t <1 Y I THE* JU rq I I T IS A I Production WHITELY & TO , WBMS1IERS. '