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The Huron News-Record, 1885-01-14, Page 3
1 OH, BOiable KUler ofPata. DAVISJfc IXTTIROiT ron Record, HHViR'vTWk ' '<w ”* "’■**"* » Tn® ^tBntary street Methodbt *ob%rab awyrdwtl on ®unday% the attraction being the *Tubillee sing ers. The News Record office has a telephone and w© can now 'whisper* • to our neighbors-in town, and in Goderich, The Doherty Organ Company re ceived an order from one party last week tor 36 of their now world re, nowned organs. Hullett District Orange Lodge met in Clinton yesterday. Gode rich District also met at tip hall o.f 145, Ooderlph township. Orangf.-—A Royal Arch meeting wfc^held at the hall of 189, Holmes ville, on Monday evening. A .num ber were advanced to this illustrious degree. / 189 is one of the most prosperous tolges in* the coiinty, and to, we believe, destined to yet ^ Wednesday, Jam. 14th fe^L NEWS; Around the “lfub.” jfmvwWfc. Bj2£Wair*torte« we will b"e glfid tp receive- ani/.reliable iaurce, eitlier W/tteo, A<porW ineetins)^ en- !W WU Other maturegeneral infant vili'aiwagthave O'pUke'tn'aiirMamne.-^Ep ' ;11>© ’ NOT DELAY Ncw Sub-' 8<SFibers; coming in and bld . ctoels pdying up nav<nielpcd*us .v-igt- meet our enghJiements due at thto time. but we require ^ijpthigr' indebtedness to us tor be I»a|d once. Those to whom v 'wtci^naYe rendered accounts WiU make a note . 'of this and help us AT. ONCE to pay opr pressing debts. Inspector Yates was in town last *'p..C,*: jMRev. J. Kenner, will occupy the ’ pflpiiftofMbe' Presbyterian bhurcli iiere .morning,-.- ' It in rumored thatCapL Hatnbly, \ijftre of the Lord’s Army, will shortly 7tak® charge of the' Salvation Army . ^&I3Iinton.J..... ...................................— • ‘ \; A pleasant. parlor Roctal in con \nectioh With Preshy ter ian. church ■ . . -*tnat tors . Was held - at—the—resi dence of Mr. James -Fair ThuVsday; evening last. ' i' . ' “ 7 ' - i Mrs. Wm. Murphy,, of tlie 15th «on; Goderich’ township- .who some * .time was very seriously ill is able to 4 lie-about again, with a prospect of speedy and permanent recovery. ••.. The annual convention'-of, the Ontario branch , of- 4die Dominion ' Alliance will be hel<l tffTorotrtO"'pn_ the '2j)th, 2.1st.an(L22iid>Jan.4-885.- Reduc'ed railway, fares‘.to'delegates/ ....... The regular annual meeting of —e?4Iu ron 'S- S; As^icia* . Lion will be held in. Seaforth on Feb. 10 vand 11. , Bed uced rai 1 way fares ‘ip .delegates. Hoto S. ’. H. Blake, and-other prominent persons at etox- pected to be present. 7 . - r Mr.' Jolinstbff, of Wawanosli', who* had -.his. barn, contents and stock; : 15; burned By igniting sparks.from a' ®team thresher of jyTr. Wilson.’s a few * weeks, ago; has purchased the bay .. matclied general purpose'team of O. 8. Doan of this town, for the very low figure of $300 00. • „ Mu’. Joseph Young, of Nebraska,. who was injured a short, .time by a railway hccideht near London .while be was.on his .way to visit relatives in this sectioii, .is at present staying with his son in Stanley township, /iiiitid recovering" nicely from the ‘ef* •• ffenthnf W|fht;'Wq.»»a- verjf elngn jOIllL- .. The Wingham Tinies, has much improved under the management of T Mr. Ey Wardsi We, notice "that lie •• has.taken a.-Mr. Kerr into partner-, \j?li)ip me^ns the doubling, of the at- ; liatrons will bis made happy indeed. AV,tlie supper th Harry Cantelon Thursdiiv last, said one of the guests, W looking atfthe tempting spread , F- “Faith, itsAipfc six hours since that * ^*^t]^key“^af^«^kirig*-8irOund“4ris-real-- . estate, with. his hands in his pocket,' niver dijeaming What an invitation he’d have to jine uS gentleman at dinner.” \ .-l . • -, ■ 7 'jijCHQRpH . NdTKS.-r.ReK A. StF- wart will prea?.li, at, Atoia-aihxtS11111- day morjiing, at, 10.30-a missronary sermon, and on-the followingeyo-, ning tn^'mmufU .missionary ureetihg will be’ held; to be addtf'ssed by thex • Rev. John -Gray, (Baptist) Mr. ‘ Birks and others, commencing at 7 o’clock. . —- - School Trustee election.^— Last liRn'towidrty some life was. put iRto tie^election of a trustee in, St-. - Andrew*1 v/ilrd.' GeO. Sharman X ... , ywj' nominee of the Murray • ; titockand H. Foster of the Beaver. block. The contest waxed-furious •> jftear tlto close of .the poll, but the *' Miirrayites . were top dilatory in Abrtogtog’; UP their reserves; anti the JvlBeiAVers won the day by a rnaj. of 3. In St. ariies. ward P. Robb sailed '■ ■ port’with 11 to spare, over N. ' *■ *’WfttbesOh. In St. George’s ward ■J*phn Opnhtogbaln was re-elected > 'without ^Opposition, ahd Robt. -5 f’’ JLLolrheB in St. John’s ward. ft A Pjlkasant Gathering.—Last ''^^#i»^jn[Df!iday evening there; was a.plea- ’ ^atltoring at tlto Residence of * M^.Jolm Gibbtogs. The occaflion. ; taken advantage of by the ; ' - members of the SjS. Class of Mis* jKenner to. present that young lady Wth A. MAUtitol plush covered v- ■ compain’top” and a suitable -----; ^Gibbtogir-^ thtf hdib’M^ Walker. A prtftei’iW'1 thF Itobdsoine souyXnir., h '™ a4dr^’,wii8 potichfid in tovitt|&[ I lAitouAge arid freighted with the best k,' /w^es of the'dasm Miss ttenner l*1 thfthk^ 41toto'»-tor tbd, handsome IH pr&ht;. but*,what' slio valued most ■d ' ; wWthfe kindness which prompted I tWfc iib^ality.* Tito formal pre- «ei»Mon dyer, the party engaged in iiafcmtoss. ftpswtoitoto for tlm bah 1 ' evening and hftpaifatod N witK m<ny o.xpressed hoped that ‘the HL ^nuid wfi be repealed. i pM. ..... «ltfp.. ,J[iL.iftifc!duality of proprietor- l* \j4>ip mean8 fche doubling, of the at- L^/Jtractions oftfie paper, the Z’twtes’ tort?ome4the “banner? lodge of Hu> ’ron,,../ AL arg e number of the Gode* ridl Masons journeyed to Clinton, Tuesday of last week and made use of the iiali of their brethren here for work in connection with the order, their own -hall to Goderich under* going repairs, . " f More Cost More Honor!—The Ontario Government • school book monopoly will cost the people of this* province a million and three quarters more than they would have -to pay if "the Toronto book ring had not been created by the Mowat. Government.—Spectator. ’ One Touch .of Kindness, eto,— Miss Emms Rumball, teacher in tbe Ratteubury street Meth. S. S-. inyited the merfibprs of’her cteas to luricbeon a few eyenings.ago, and was much surprised by her pupite presenting her with' a lovely silver napkin ring.——r ——v A Bad Fall—Captain Robertson of the United A’«i/>»re, .whilH engaged in Borne duty about the vessel, at Sarnia,’on Friday afternoon, slipped from the gangway and in the fall came heavily iri contact with a tim* her of the wharf, sustaining severe bruises about the head and should , ders. * We are g’ad to learn that lie is improving rapidly. \ ’ .Hullett Ag. Society raet.Jany. 8th at Kennedy’s .hotel, The bu.si« ness of the past yekr was reviewed and the following officers elected: Pres., John Mason ; vice do John . Marquis ; Sec.,' N. Robson’; .Treas., Thos. Cooper ' Directors, J. Biggins, R. Cole, J^Avery, T. Shipley, J. Govier, Jas. Cornish, J. Johnston, W. G. Broadfoot, R. Carter. • Audi tors, R..M, Racey, Win. Jackson. Trustee Warfare;—At the first r sitting of-the new board *of school trustees iri- Goderich, protests were filed against four of the members taking their seats. The’law-very . properly looks closely that a jttgs.te.lL shall not, even in an indirect m'an- ner, ..have any dealings with the board, of-the nature of a' contract.' From the Northwest.—The othqr day we had a call from Mr. C.. J. NesbittjJorinerly of Goderich tp.’, who has resided ii). the • Canadian Nortli west the last four years, near Birtle. HcT' says the so Called ‘‘Farmer’s Union” was the most de testable fraud ever attempted to be played upon an. unsuspecting • corn ■ munity by unprincipled adveh.tnrers, “•That it retarded fully one yeuir the _.b uildi ngof—branch-1 inei^ oprurlwwy * .much >• needed by "the settlers; but which rail wayfc,_now®tkat the scare has subsided, .are. about to b^Jiuilt, tenders .for.construction having bee.h called for. -'.He is out* authority for reiterating that certain -statements puitlished in the Era some time back -giving a harrowing description of the stafce. tilings in the Northwest were miserably distorted; by—the .publisher. Mr. Nesbit ha/not only personals knowledge ot‘ the lack of foundation, for the statements we •refer tQ, but lie also bad a denial from the lips. of tho alleged writer that he ever wrote such uiiveracious ?stuff as ;tbe Era tried to palm .off here , as coming from him, Mr. Nesbitt looks in.excelteht form.- Gores His Own Ox.j—The„cleyer<i gentleman who controls the destin ies of the Goderic.h ‘p-rsopal organ was mistakingly triumphant over the defeat.pf'.Mr.'W. Cooper as -de*’ ; -doj»ssty_Rs<jVe fcr^Glintuh*. *Thh^~g,“ met a Clintonian in the county toWii- one day last week and remarked : “Glad you kept that Cooper out- of- tho County Council this year.” Yes”,repl iecLtlieJClIi n tonian, “Mr. Cooper-, will be unavoidably detained in .Clinton during the meetings of •the U;*C. this year.” ’‘“I’m' positive lv elated to liear you say bo,” said the c. g. Since -Lve- experienced’ a* change pf heart, the great volume .of. lacteal fluid wliich was wotit'to circulate through, these blue, veins. ^l^toB^alid^did^wunii* my native amiability with . a superabundance of -human kindness is How soured ■ and- transformed into the vilest- curdled whey, on account of Which, beshrew me if I could look upon Jliat jolly dog,>‘Tom” Cooper with out envy, malice, hatred and all un- charitableitoss in mine heart, Ave, And he3eyen" despoiled me of that . which did not-him-enrich and made -me. very poor indeed.”- ‘-‘I do not quite understand you,” replied the Clibtqnian. “The defeated Cooper , ujas a Eliott Act man even like unto yourself \sinee your ijeW birth,”' “Avaunt thou torturing fiend,” came in kepulchrartones from tho c. g.,* d tell me not that ex*deputy*Reeve Cooper is a Scott Act man 1” “It ,te oven so though,” skid the Clinton ian, “that.the Cqopdr tliajj was de* feated for deputy-Reeve is a very pronounced Scott Act man—Wl Cooper, Dot T. Cooper.” “Great beavihgs 1” said the c; g4 ‘‘and my souL has been filled with joy almost unutterable in*, the settled belief that mine enemy had been" defeated, when all tho time I -had been “goring my'own ox.” ; “But” queried the Oliptonian, “wjiat did Mr. T. Cooper deprive you of that did hot en* jricji him?” “Know yenpt? .Mhy, when be was a member he committed an Unpardonable sin by depriving mo of a place in a photographic group of members of tho County -Council that was about to be taken by an artist. ’ His lynx eyes detect ed fiiy stealthily getting within 7rangd ptlfie camera and he would have none df it. Not only so, - but lie further* wounded mv Vanity by stating to lite fellow members that I .was too much pf the traitorous, lean and Cato iiice kind : that toy sides wete like ladders, well boot- mark’d withat; that my.eyes were a-squint, my head like a mall; that my voice clicked like ratchpt—a look like a.rat; possessed the brains of a goose, the stealth of a eat.” ‘Well/’said tho Clintohiab, “I shall ask Mr. T. Cooper to explain and tor the present say good bye,” J. CALLANDER, Manager S CHOOL BOOKS OFALLN Diariesfbr Canadian Almanacs for 1005 I' ’• ■ New volunteer subsmbers to Tm News*Rkgord are coming in eyew day. Keep on rolling it up, gentJe- men. St. Paul’s Church.—The- An nual Missionary meeting will be held at the oh u rob on Tuesday the 90th iiiBt at 8 p. m. Addressee,will be given by Revs W. Hill, B. A., and G. B. Taylor. When you want sonietbing plain, fancy or ornamental in job printing, call at The News Record and see samples and .prices. We have the material and experience to compete xjg^i gity qjlooe. Satisfaction guar- antofed. Y. M-C.° O,—The Young Men’s Conservative Club haye secured the Foresters Hall, opposite the mar ket, for meeting purposes. The first meeting will be held on Mon day evening next. Old and young are alike invited,, and a full atten dance is particularly requested. Wn have^in our possession a Seal and Ritual of “Huron True Blue,- O, Y, B., Oliuton.” The lodge fa now defunct, but-tbesa article^ were left seme lime ago at the Royal Hotel, and Mr, Kennedy had for gotten all about4 the circumstances nf the case; The proper owner can have the same on application at this office. - ‘ ■■ i ■ ■j.ntxi ■■.■■■■—.■ii.iiu.i i — A GOOD SEMD OFF. Farewell Supper to SIr. Harry Cantelon. Mr. Harry Cantelon, who has been doing business in Clinton for about 20 years; leased his fcarpage works, etc.,’to Mr. P.W, Hay ward, of Woodstock, , Ou. the eve of Mr. Cantelon*8 departure to accept a position as travelling-salesman for a carriage goods manufacturing firm of Guelph, his friendA’ here (tendered him a farewell supper last Thursday' evening, at Spopner’a,hotel. The leading branches of trade arid agri>. culture were represented. About fifty guests were present, and every one had a good word to Bay fo’r “Harry." His indomitable perse* verance and pluck which knew no surrender under the mpst. trying circuni«tahces are7WQi*tby of special mention. Everything he at one time possessed was destroyed by fire, but he started again’, worked bard, built up-.his business afresh'and paid eyery’maii 100 cents on thfetdollar, while he’had been urged to seek a "combromise ‘ - • „ ■ About 8.30 the guests had assem bled, a splendid spread-—oysters, fowl, ham, etc".,- etc., temptingly dis played, ll. M. Racey arid Thos. Coop er, Esqra., occupied the Chair and vice chair. '• “The Queen” and* “Gov-Gerieral” were, the first toasts, which were rightheartilydruirk. --kT.? The Chairman briefly and point-, edly. explained the object of the meeting. Those . assembled .were present to* do honor to an-honorable; and upright ■ man. Occasions', of . this kind created a kind of a panor< ama-like. feeling, which rose-up ,|ike an evergreen'in memory of those' who had gone* before. He* had known ‘.the guestotoi^liis apprentice ship arid knew* him to then bean, honest and tr.uthful young man who .commanded .the ’respect of. those with wl|Ol^~—hA^canie-iiL—contact > Tlie-same trait of-character ’ marked tois luxsiness career',-this'combined with his increased business'., made Mr. Cantelon a benefit both' to the* town and'country—not only in this imtriediate yicihfty, but also in tlto Northwest. -He had also attracted business from other towns, building up bis own business as well as that of the townr'AVhen^tttl vyrditj^bail overtaken “ifiwr'h'6“Tit66d up like a map. J. The. speaker debated flattery, but. he fulf^ustifiilU "in stating* that the guest of the evening was a.man of unsullied and untarnished charact er; hiscareer such that hfachildren, or ftny young math need not be asbain* etl to . copy. There* was a big field in the North west and*Mr. Cantelon . had taken advantage of die diarket there. ..Clinton -was noted; every- where fpFbeihg a live manufacture’ ing, town—and we were bringing the Americans to us. No, one could i regrefi more deeply the departure of ■Mr. panteiou tliari' the /CiiaFrman. > Their business transactions had been large for many successive yekrs and they had yet to Have their first dis pute, and'he wished him Go<l-speed in bis neW sphere, > - ~ . The Chairman than gave the toast—.“The Guest,” the party mng< liig, “For he’s a jolly* good fellow.” * Mr. .Cantelon said he was very- thankful for the honor conferred up\ on him. It wrs. more than he ex pected and in fact more than he really* ’rthp’uglit“7irAJ‘‘desef^^ had .always endeavored to be.up* right Rnd.honest, and as a result of his endeavor he. did. not know that lie had an enerny. He bad worked; hard to work up a business and he- was thankful 'to - bis -frtends'gnd. those who supported/ him for his success. He started in business when 22 years of age—leaving him 20 years in. business—and had built his business; frbm^2,00G up to $10,1 000.* Ha had the mtsfdrtuoe to be burnt out ohee, losing everything— books end all—but before the ashes were cold he had another building' in course of erection. ,,After the fire he worked harder than ever and got a fresh start, and now he could look back “with pleasure to ali bis' business- 7. transactions. He /was sorry to leave his many friends, but bis to^tne was still in Clinton, and he did not knqw but that at some future day he would again launch, but hi business her?;* •• A.’ A.-Bennett, song, “Good*bye chqm, don’t strip long.” “The.mor* cantile Interests of Clinton,” R. M< Racey, F. W. Watts, P- Cantelon, E. Floody, T. Cooper. Songs—S .Caritelon, Harry Fisbpr, “Muni” icipal Institution^John Beacom, Deputy Reeve, Goderich township ; Goun.T. McKenzie, and David Cook, Harry Fislmr, “Muldoon,” “The manufacturing interests of Clintob/’ —D, Cluff, E. Corbett, -)P. McKrin* zie. Song*—A. A. Bennett, “I will stand by toy friend,” “Our Affrieub tiiral Interests?’—T, Carbert, Henry Beacom,7S J Andrew8, “Tho*r.ws” -*A. M. Todd, K ^toody. “The butcher and drover business,”—A. Criueh. Song,—11. Fisher, “Chair* man, and vibriAChairman,” R. M, Racey and T, Cooper. “The Ladins,” Cantelon, John Beacom, A Cantelon, D. Cook, and a song by Samuel Canjteton, and Hostess”—Mr. <fe Mrs, Spooner, The proceedings closed by sing ing 'the National Anthem, tbite ending one of the most pleasarit gatherings wo have had tori pleasure of mingling with tor a long time. . 7’.7^ A KITQI will find my. ‘Stock of Day Books. Journals,1 Lodgiu?, Cash JjlJjlLVU All. 1*0 Booka. Mrnute Books, Invoice Books, Blotters.Jte.r’Ac.,, the largest and bent to toecqunt^ jitter Booka^.lOOQ pages, forAl-ljA I am General Agent fof aU Newspapers published Africa, AnstraKa itief Americh; You <teh &V oh getting imy wper y •'*** ktloWettrtte8..7,” /'*’ '* ' Nom? stock of BERLIN W(>0.L and FINGERING YARN Chris. Dickson^* Clinto^ •,,, *•;. Holmes 53, Amalia Marlaad SO, Hsrbsrt Muir 60, Nellie‘Patleraoa 49, Ida,Mc Lennan 49 Elsie Kinsman 48, .Edith Carr 45, Matilda GauLjr 45. AU the •enior class wap promoted fcom ths Jupjpr room- ? Hi S. Entrance Exa^lniitieB^. ’ CLINTON. - Marks. Nettie Allexander, Blyth, ^37 Katie Brown. Blyth, r^33A Martha Cloaky,No. ‘5, Morris,,.'4,38 Harriet Holmes, Clinton, M- S>,\323 Carrie -Johns, No. 4, Tuckersmith, .313 Lucy Johnston, Summerhill, , 348 , ;' 365 -It Mftry;MoLeanx$lythr- ,> ,Al4 Minnie McQuarrie, Winghatn, ;ji A19 Maggie Morriaqn^AVihgbkub' ,cfh4Q9 Emily Proctor, Hoimesviller - .;k345 Esther Proctor, Rplgi^svilfo Ida Jy -Thompson, Summerhill, ;400 Edith Young,Blyth,. . <^,318. Robert Agnew,No. 8 E, Wawanosh, 368 John Cornyn, Winghamj {439 D. Fisher,*Np. 12. W,. Wawanosb, 321 John R. Gauley, Clinton, M, S., 327 Fred Graham, Wingham, 387 Tiios. Gray, Clinton, M. 8., , „404 Thos. II. Hardy, Summerhill, • ‘368 Thos*. Jffenry, No.8E. Wawanothp407 Thos. J, Holdsworth, Holmesville, 358 James E. Hovey, Clinton, M. S., --3fi3. Arthur Jackson,.Cltotjqn, M. .S., ,,4Ql Ira Johns,- J^q. 4,'Tuckersmith, . $1.9 Jphp Lowery, Summe.rhill, 4§7 Wm. J. McCullough, Wingham‘.d 334 Dan. F’ McGregor, No, 1, Stanley, B17 Robert McQuarrie, Witigliam, $36 Wm. McQua'rry,..Wingham;; -,51. 336' Alex. Me ravish, No. 1, Stanleys vB§>8; Henry.J. Miller, Whitecbur^l^,^.- $89 ‘Ansoft'M. Robinson, Wingfiaiq,..'.4'45 Johh Ros^, No; 10, E. Waw.anobnf ’372 'Harry Shepherd, Clinton,M: S..- 310“ - Alf. Switzer, Clinton M. S.j-Jh* :Jl329 Algernon Williams, Clintpn,M^.;l42'> r1*' Rfecorifniended by?Bbarxkirof iEx« aminers-Mary. S, Marti,n, Mdriel Redmond, Wm.. H’ .Beacopj, Hav^y. Holdsworth, John ^Lindsay." 6^ can didates wrote;’41 candidates pkl's^d, andoi-ecommended, -'---:-'-'----; GODERICH. At Goderich 86 candidates wfbtefof these 27 passed and were provisionally admitted, The following is a lisK/of those who-passed, and-the- numh.^f,.mf marks taken, by each. ■ ’ ‘ ■ Thomas McKay, ~ ‘ - - -’- * ; AlbertH. Mur tin, iTharJotte Johnston, John Mo-an, Albert Tiffin, , Wesley Wilson,/ Lucy J. Vanstone; Edith V Vanstone, Marion Watson, Francis Boyd,, ■ Wm.McCruiky}' T» Cooper & Son will be* in*their new premiaea'abt ut the lirat of IjW runry, . - ■ , Epizootic,—Mr. S, Wei wood,' of Wawaiioah, lost six horses recently from cerebto spinal uietHngitis? The veterinary surgeons say it seems to attack all clat^es of horses but evi dently prefers those that are of the superior ot der and well kept. Well or ill drained and ventilated stables apparently have no effect upon it, therefore they say it ia dud to a specific poison which, existing(ift the air,, becomes absorbed in the*system and according to the amount so ab sorbed or the susceptibility of the subject are the. symptoms more ojn^ less developed. ' Il presents itself'Jn, q variety of Ways. ? There- may br r premonitary symptpms '-which wi|L consist of dullness, succeeded—by feverishness, quickly giving way tp; prostration which increaseg rapidly until the horse fails .entirely, or mpre frequently pariially disabled.: It may come on suddenly whilg the animal is standing in tlie stable after exercise and apparently healthy; or th.e symptoms may approach gradu* ally $ and is far the less dangei-ous form. The horse will'at first he no*. ticed to he dull and have-a ^tagg<-r- ing-gait t arid paralysis of the hind extremeties. In the second stage the horse becomes, comatq.se in which state it remains for Rome time, then ist becomes frantic, when finally death puts an end to the sufferer! .uuuy .UMiiuaiuti. cun Mary R. Keys, Stanley, Anna Knox, No. .6, Hullett,'. Minnie Leslie, Clinton, M.S.,', Maggie Bly th, Mary.MoLean^iyth^- ,< llaggie ROE. *W. OOATS, (Successor to S. FOWLER ft SON.) ' Watchmaker, Jeweler and Engraver. The latest styles of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, -Optical Goods and Silverware always -ih' stock. - A good stock of VIOLIN STRINGS always on hand. . • U®* Repairing promptly attended to and Warranted. BEAVES BLOQK. NTON. STOVEd Just Arrived ’ Clinton Public School . , Promotions. . FROM-II DIVISION, MR.. LINKLATER'S- , Senior. Section, total 560. — James Stanljury,. 2.89, John Merinel, 339,. George, Barge,'SlSjrAlfred Rainc^ -3’65, Lila Powell, 212/ Maggie Muirj 336, JChti'- Kennedy, 324, Chas. Co per,. 2 7 2, ffm Bowers 300, Wm Dinsley, 252,- Mary- Tipliug. 279, Ha’rry- Read, 361, Wm. C. ~Colej^319r'"Lucy“Keane;2J70p'Neliie “■■Keane, 231, Bertie. D ivis, 275, •‘Hardy. Evans; ;3L4, Eliza Martin, -220' Annie Moore, 299, Peter Mulloy,...279,* Evd. Sparling, 271, Bessie Patterson, 268, Nellie. W»lher, 325, Clara Switzer, 207. Junior Section, total .4'10.—Malcom Mc- : Taggart, sick, beat .pupil" in class, J. P. Doherty, 318^Corai Vantassel, 325, Sadie Greig, 306, Aggie Jucksoni*310, Richard ^Hanlon, 328, Anna-Irwin, 350 \ -^’FlfdM'jUSS o’nrI^ . fenioi Section,dotal 500. John Dunlop,. 440, Agnes Scott, 436, Mary Junior,-422, Ada Archer, 412-. Albert Xqfcre.j 4h'8,;Mink hie Copper,'406, Herb Sharman,4R6, Willie Jarvia. 403, Elora Jacksdnf-.402/’Hnttie Dodd,402,AliC3 Kwiny,40‘ ,M’ary Paisley, ‘'400, Arihur Ornig, 400, Hugh Scott, 398, ,Willie .Tedford, 392, Harold Whitt, 3U4. ..Huldah Whitely, 382 Harvey Daris, 379, Joseph Jarv.si 374, Sarah-Thornton, .368,, Jpbn. Jarvis, 364 ,Sydney,-Jackson,,. 362, Inky -Cantelon, 353; ' Jonior. Sec tion, total 50Q..—Millie Andrews, .•4j0»,. Mlnnie.Hetmanj 404, Calvena MeDonald, 390, Bessie Robb, 395. Willie Robertson, ' 384, Weslev Moore, 330, Eddie Wa’erson 3 4 Herbert SwUzer, 368 Lizzle Carter, -•3p 7r Wil tie You ng, 366, Matti i S hi i >ley, 3tilj Amy HqWSon, 360, Fred Diehl, 357 FROM MISS ^.lEXp's ROOM, i • Senior Section, total 435.-r Carrie Cooper, 390, Minnie Rumball. 382, Hen rietta Hillati'y, 38 ), Nettie, Combe, 379, Eva Ohidley, 378, Empja Webb/.:378, Nellie Jnrvig 376, Hattie Rumball; 37'4, Jennie Green*, 357', Etta Specht, 352, Dolle Fair; 347, Charlotte Barge, 3.41,’ M trv Marlin. 34 >, ALce. Cottle 330. Lilly McKewen, 335, Hattie* Paljtersoiif 334, Minnie Thompson, 334, Minnie Joy, 329, Libbie Cruicksiidnk,, 328, "Katie Taylor,. 324, -Amafe^Hilleifr*322f Allctr Stepiretp? son, .32), Libbie Gibbings,- 311,.-.Eva, Lindsay, 309, Amy Cantelon/ 2Q9; Mary Farlin, 319, Fred Peckitt,. 36'1, Charlie, Young, 362, Amas Castle; 353, - .Willie* - JnCkeopy 348; Eddie;oSSpEdv-. TWitchell, 330, WelleBljy Whjtely, 323; ‘Fred BroWh, *321.. Adrian Miller;' 31-5, Willie Bezzo, 311, Frank Theobald, 304, Walter Swinbahk, 298, Hugh Moore, 291, John Hunt, 290, Dave. Matheson, 290, ■Sidney ErWin,349. / ' -' /•’ FROM MISS FOXTON’S ROOM. ■ * Senior Section^ total ‘ 37)8 — Gertie M*nJ1i?^hepKe.t;d, Mfo-Lo.ujgX Wqrlmngtoh, 305, ’Percy Holmes, 305, Theo Specht, 299 Robert Do.W»s, 294, Ada Jones, 292, Hatlie Irwih,’283, Dolly “ Fai , 281/ Aggie Hunt, ' 280, Maggie Keane, 277j Sarah Ward, 275. Harvey Read, 273, Ernest* Herman, 270, Grace. rBa8.tianv269yEva-He89iat{r268j-GeO;».McT .Orai, 267, May Bigg&rt, *266, ; Bessie* Hale,. 266, Hattie Jordeh, 259, 'Mar/ Jorden,255, Geo Hddgons, 248, Hannah McKenzie,' 246, * Maggie Trough,,'229, Maud Green, 209, Willie Archer, 206,' Minnie Young,j 206, . Robert' Gard iner, 189.' Junior Section, total 335 — Sadie Reeve, 302,‘Maud Pliimsteel, 293,' Orpha Miller; ‘287*, “Jtrnnps Hamner, 261; Phpmia Cree, 259, A nine Irving, 258, Lochart Oree, 258, -Ffora. Raysoil, 258, Tdmmy Diehl, 252./ . . — from iiisoiiVEj^s Rooii." '• . Senior Seciidn,- total,2S0.—Edith Robb, 2Q6, EmmaJSmith, 199, Carrie Walktr, .199, Ann|d Warner, 191. EmmAnTiulihg. *191 Emme Thompson,' 196, Susy Cook, 187, Nettie Friendship, 184,Frid Sparling 183f JessleJGOrdon, 183,Theis.Greensidek 181, Ernest Cooper, 179 James Wilson, 4'78, Addle BaylOy, 178, Ernie Jarvis, 178, Dolly Spooner. 177, Hugh Archer, 17?, Mary Patterson, 176 * Louisa Brown; 176, Harvey Jackson, 1.76, Ada Jottep, !7’4,Susie ■ Ginn 171/Jessie McDonald, 1*71, Ernest Black r, 171, Hattie Tedford,170, Horace Jackson, 168, Harry Fiizsinaon§,167, Al. Young, 164, Rich Downs, 164, Richard Warner, 163, Florence Pattison, 162, “Rosy Curtnlnghame,. 160, Eddie MUiif, 159,. Alfred Haywood, 159, John Moffet, ,159;Jas Hanlon, 157, Eunice-Paterson, 156, David Stewart,, 151, Grant Camp bell, .149,-John Mobre; 14'9, Albert Col lier, 136.. Junior Section, total 245^ Lily Johnson,- 209, Nellie Henderson, 209, Hattie Davis., 201, Robe. Tayior, 201, James Dunlop, 197, James Gray,. 196, Amiie Crhickshank, 194, Rich.. Stan bury, 192rMary Matheson, 192, Lpura, Thdmpdott, 192, JaS. Fortune, 190, John 0after, 188, Dan Williams, 187, Peter McDonald, 184, Edith Troupe, 184, Atthle Alexander, 182, Edith Giffin, 180, Birdie Haywood, 178, Amelia Fiisimons, J78, Nettle McRa£, 178. Willie Rutnball, 176, Sophia tzell, 176; Robt. Kenny, 175, Willie Coats, 146, John Joy, 143, Robt; Twhchell, 14L * Third Section, total 125.—Annie Finch, 66> Arthur Beifett, 49/ Alex AngudSO. Mary Bastian, 58, Annis Bead, 56 Will; Smith, 56, Rufus And cwp, 54 Bertha Aitkin, 64, Fted Rots. 62, WlHIs the* qbald, 60, Marion Harland, 60, Thomas Gliiidef 60, 4rthut Brown 50, AUt 81o#man 48, Attala Ollyar 48, fieri Cook 48 Nellie Glitter 46, sa lt>a Eten* ry 46i Bef ha Driscoll^ 43, Oswald Hunt,. 40, Ida Carter 88, Earnest weal 85, Ed* gar i heobald 85, Aggie Jordaih 30, Susie Jnniof'‘28, Libby Green 29 Herbert1, Calite 20. Second Section; idtel, JI5>- Alice Pratt 56, Charlotte Everett 57, Oberlip Williams fiS. Mabe) Doherty 56, Emma Jtmee 55i Grace Webb 53, Ida JOHN CUNNINGHAME, GROCER, . CLINTON. V Choice Groceries, Fruits, Oonfeotiouery, Etc. Fresh Currants, Layer Raisins, Black Basket Raisins, Valencias,'layers; Valencias,, loose; Citron, Orange, & Lemon Peels/ Nuts— Almonds,.Filberts, Peacan, &c. f‘ . . • • . Green and Dried Fruits of all kinds. About twenty different kinds of Confectionery, BISCUITS—Wine; Abernethy, Lemon, Fruit, Soda* and Crown Biscuits. Marmalade in jars. CANNED GOODS—Peaches, Pears, Tomatoes, Salmon,-. Mackeral, Lobsters, Sardines, etc. Haddie and 0Y3TERS constantly on hand. . * „ feHtNA&^HITE-GRANITE 'Gent's Cupsand Saucers, Glass Bread Plates,-/IYujt;Dishes, Jugs, Nappies, etc.—all new goods and of the very latest styles. See’thein .early. •-Essences of every kind. Reliable Yeast Cakes, Toilet Soaps, made by all the leading manufacturers. Washing. Soaps—all the leading lines. 1 \ zl GREAT VAtUE IN TEAS, GOFFEES AND SPICES., . No. 8, AsiiGeicL 3.*I2 ■ 8, . •• :- 351 1, 9, “* 388 3’1 391 '341 362 856 9, “ 9» • 1, Col borne, 3'28 ‘I, ' 3; 3, ... 6, Godprichj.380 E. J. Naftel ■ "g, . ‘'348 (Mary McLaughlin,„15.W, yjfawanofib, 350 Nellie McCormick, .Cb*iveat.school .365 Nellie^Iroirch;- ----------- - . - . -n, Emma Campbell, - Mabel -Campbell, Alice Dickson,7‘' Mary Johnston, . Marion Parsons,--' ..Helen Polley, Grace Polley, (Miarley Munroe, Win' F. Robertson, . George Thorpe, Percy Waiton, - ' ■; : EXETER. ', Al Exeter, 22 candidates wrote; an4of these is were* successful, as followjj . Carrie. Fittoni * Adelaide, Higgins, Mary E. Porter, . Mary Saunders,. • m. A.BrockR, -Edwin Brftund, . J W.Bell, John Wanless, • Agnes Moir, - ;1, Maggie J. Allison, 2,* iPeterGard i nerl;,2._ Maud Dempsey, ' 4, / ,jjW.0.1)iam Dempsey., 4, - Robeft Hicks*, 4, Win. Lattimer," 4, Mines, Foil is, 7,8, T jRhoda Gamble, 12; THoary J. Willettf 1T? "“■“'7 “ SEAFORTH. : . * A t Seaforth jX candidates* j^rite^ajj<L 730 passed, as follows, » - 1 * Lizzie Atkjilson, No.9, Tuckersmitli, 317 Isabella Ballnntyne, Seaforth, . , ?3l0, ‘Jessie Bethune,.Seaforth, 363 Be I la/Case, Seafor th, . ^7-346* Julia Ann CaseyKNo 4, Hibbert, 319 MaryJ-.. Devereaux,Nol,McKillop,350 /Martha Jane Kelley; No. 9, MorriSj,. 349 Della'Liyehs, Seaforth, 411 Isabella McKenzie. 'No 4,_McKiffop, 310 Isebella' McKibbon, No. 7, McKillop, 435 Maggie Mitchell, No. 6, .Stanley. 860 Maggie Morrison, Np, 7,'McKillop, 322 Maggie Murray, Na,9,-TiickersnJith; 454 Graefe E. Pollard, No. 7, McKillop, 33.7 Annie Rose, Seaforth, 3.6?- Annie Jane Ross, Nq.,10, Stanley,, '319 Alice Swallow, No, 7 , McKillop, 3j42 Alice Anderson, No.6, Stanley,; ■ .375** Malcolm Armstrong, Non -6, Stable#, #81- Jos. A Oalwell. No 6; f ‘ 3>t5‘ Peter Dill;. Seaforth,j.40S' Geo. Dobson, No. ij;Grey, 44A Thos'. Forsyth, No, 3, Hay, 340 John;Larner,'-N’67’4 Hibberd/ Wm McLeod, Not* 3, Tuckeremitlf, (’424 Wm. McLeod, No* 4, McKillop, & 7’450! Geo. McDermid, No. I, Hultett, #82 Leslie M PleweSjNo. 2, Tuckersmith, 342 Alex. W.‘Robertson; Vp/1 ,IGreflr/ ■ 360- Win. J. Shortreed, No. 9; Morris, 412 J J II IMJ, Cotti Stoves.' ysHMMWraMi PARLOR & BOX STOVE^I OF teVER Y D^CRIRE^ .■ —AT-^;”.-- ' 5r‘ DAVIS g Tiii Sliop,; NEW SEASONS"TEAS TRY A POUND OF T. COOPER & SON’S ’ 50 of 60c. Block, Greott or-Japan Teai warranted to give satisfaction. - New Raisins, Gut-rants and Peels for X-MAS Trade. A full-line oi Chase .& Sanborn’s « , CELEBRATED ROASTED COFFEES^i^THE BEST IN THE WORLD* I TZR-ST A,. ZPotrJNTD A-ZTE) E3S S-A-TTSiFIEITD- • Magnifioent Assortment of Fancy Cups and Saucers/Mugs,,'etc. : i> 1 * •» Ill ’ ■’ <c »■ • u « ■< ' *•. Lalla Berry,-Goderich Model School, 436 ”-------r'— ’ “'*' i’ 343. ;t 3I4; 376 353 '■*314 '•329 38 7 342 * 421. ••' 316 ,V. 333 • <v‘( <c ■ << C<- ' a •n « , H U ' 3- >U* .*•. .<«■ ’ :u * «- <? u <«* •< ■ «. Exeter, if.., ■•<■./■ 11 .- << M Bj JJllUUUj llul .. . . ‘ --ETC., AT- Victoria Block, J ' * •1 • Clinton, Ontario. . SUf-F-ALO & GOATROBESrfor^aleGiieap. - •’ —ILtvl ng received .my—•’*.. •' r FALL and WINTER Stock ’ v Of BOOTS, SHQE^, etc., I would calf the attention of the puttie .to the same, ■; USB" Women’s Kid Boots only $1.75.......... ' , ■*'' * . _ O’ Men’s, Boy’s and.-Dhlldreqte', cheap,.accordingly, 1 . K3“ Trunks and Valises very cheap. t Team and Carriage Harness' cheaper ihun^^VcK^Silver ^MountCd^'SiDgli^*” Harness only $14, - V .'. , AS* Baby CaiTlages^a<large variety,'at almost half.price. . XSL 15,000 Bunches* High L-ind Pl he and Cedar Shi ngles for Sate, cheap. CANTELON bros., fiefferq/^Grgoers^^ .RACEY’S OLD STAHO, ALBERT STREET, CUHTON. Choice, Fresh Family Groceries CONSTANTLY.IN S’/OCK. ' , . TEAS—EXTRA VALUE. V . Farm Produce taken at Highest Price. _T OAZESrasXipJST BROS. u, -U / A-" Butter and' Jtygs taken as cash, for Bogts and Shoes. -S IKQOMS TO LET OVER SHOP. Subscribe for the News-Record, $1.25 per Year./’- UsbarneAl '•':*-3'f'2 i ________. ,___- - -___IADVERTISEIN THE NEWS-RECORD, The Only Double - Pirculating ? \-Paper* in the County. ' i " " |T...... in'‘ii in ......ii in'll i...... i i ' ■■■<■■11 ■■■■mvii—iiiiiiruMi nr rr i. •h ; L <d->-’i<jii!A ,«. -ixjiiuu ; 1A328 •/ , r” iphon; h373 / « I -i-326 Lt; ■ ^bargain —IN TEA , —0—0— KH CENTS KAY V A POU ND. w v ■ r^rO—*•()“ r The Rest «ver offered in this vicinity for the money; Also, General GROCERIES, equally eheap. ’\x «• - ' j ";Sl6ur AND EEED always -on hand. „ • THOS. STANBURY. id ? _■ I BUILDINGS & LOTS . FOR SAlML ISAAC RATTENBURY- having purchased too whole of the oid ‘-‘Lane” property oh .Vic toria. Street', wants to sell a portion of it. Two- lots, one quarter acre each; will be sold either with or .without buildings. Buildings will bp sold separately if desired. Will be sold dheap.it applied Snce." ApplyJ» ■'*• ISAAC RATTENlJURY, 319tf • ------' Clihton. STORE TO RENT. A BRfCK .STORE, Suitable for Orst'class Dry. XX Gdbds, Hardware, or goneral business, now occupied by PtuMSTKBi, & Co. • Possession given 1st of January. Rent moderate. Appjj to , ■ /jH7 ■' ’ :»-* IRVtIN S“Now is Your Time to Biiy*! Z9£FSHARMAN'S iStock ■'/ ., 1 „ A Assorted; , • ‘ of\ROBES AND BLANKETS If you wish to — ' .. . - ■ / ■ ’■ Every thing in the HARN ESS Itoeddwn to suit the Umes. ’ *. GEO. A, SHARMAN. - r ■I ;• v ../ . » - 1 o T. •(La to of Stratford), has opened out.in ROWELL’S OLD’ SHOP, neai-ly'opposite tho ‘ ‘ • Commercial Hotel, ' . , ‘ ' / * HURON STREET, CLINTON, Where lie is now propared to db all Goiiqral Blacksmith Work. , ’’ > ‘ , Horse-Shoeing a Specialty. HURON STR Where .he is now propared to d'b all Goilqi-al Blacksmith Work. , ‘ ‘ AIL Work Guaranteed, East Wawanosfi. . Mrs. Hugh Ross, of Puslincb, is visiting her paternal relatives in E. ■ Wawanosb. She woats a matronly smilo. The pupils of S. S. having purchas ed a football, aro now getting in good practico. * .. ' A Short time ago, Mrs, William Boue presented her liege lord with a bouncing infant-daughter. . At tho recent Entrance- Examina- iionholdiffCrinW.t^ pupils-r Robt. Agnew and Thos. pElenry—of & S. No, 8, wore successful. • * At the late . school meeting, Mr. Hugh McBurney was elected trustee in place of Mr, John McCollum, who retired. '* ’ ’ >Mr. -Duncan^ 'the Wdla^bia^’ eriiith Of* E. WAwanosh; has ioM'Mis propcrty toMr^ Samuel Yodttg,’ahd intends-going-fa Miohigan*M.iA»W» , D, was ^gOQ^itorltman, and ft ^kiad noighbor. his departure .will* teJird-. 'gtoftod* • *, /■ ; Mh W, MhKay,* Who stiboo&ftif.* !y y^’ght tof A Pumbor ofJycart to S". . w.th tiM Toronto, tO/pursue a ooUrse of study1 to that;Mty; ■ Hip BUccessbfJ''Mtek! punbaiyfentered upon her dnW 'ftf the cotoinenoenjent 6f the *nd betoghighly recommended, wft, tool oonffdent thero will not bo matffi' tortn^tfoil to the work, which te Wto** tiuicB the eave resulUmLiMiUta ’ ■ iNOTICE. ' '• The council Of the corporation of the COUNTY of HURON will meet in th4 Coutu Room, in the town of GoskriciI, on Tuzs- Dat, the 27th. Inst. AU accounts against the* county mutt be prosenterl before tho first session Of second day Of meeting. ■ PETER ADAMSON, . . , * * . .a. County Clerk. Coderich, Jany. 8th,, 18So, 321 2f HpuSErORRENT. A ONE AND A-HALF STORY DWELLING* XX HOUSE containing b)x rooms and kitchen; good Water and and about a-quurtcr of an a<?re of land and some fruit trocn, in the village of Holmesville'..* The howls how and hasTatcl.v. been occupied by the teacher. Thore is A good opon'ng fora shoemaker in the village and the promises are welHocatcd for that business. Will bo lot by the month or year. Apply to JOSEPH PROCTOR, | ................ Sec-Treas., 8chool Board, •317*j|n>. Holmesville P; O. STRAYRAM, CAME Into the enclosure of the subscriber^ Lot 77, Maitland concession, Gedorleh town ship, about tlm,,10th Docomber, an aged ram* The owner .cati havo the iamb by proving property and fmylng charges, - . a- " ALEX BADOLR. Dec, 20th 188-1. 818., A 7\ * ft K ■ I’ Mb W* IfriKay,* ^vfio. ridbcri^ttof* r toe * ‘hiimbor of!y0*to'fti $. y bvritrid torn ' SHILOH’S CATARRH REMEDY, A marvelous cut'O. for Catarrh, Diptberia, Canker month, and Hoad AOhe, With each bottle thorejs an.ingoniqus nasal In- WtW foHnb more successful treatment of these complaints without extra charge, Prico 50cts, Sold by S, H, Combe, 262-ly MARKET REPORTS. 3 CLINTON, - ; |■ Mr; fiWl«,.eft1i6.BUiidard Elevator, reports , .faltly good suppllcs of graln.coming to market. . No-glut, Hr any great quantity from Shy paftL oulaf section. But farmers come in from N6tth, the South, the E.vst Shif the west, and in MieSggrogattAheir loads sum upequal totheaver. ; agMUpply attaiWMom. . ' '' ‘ ‘ • 14 00 id 4 to Fall '■’ ‘ * * 0 7« to 0 78 surftig Wheat, . . ..^ 0 78 10 0 78 'Barley » • . > ...00 to 065 , OAM,/' . 098 “to 10 to peM,. a n,,. « Oto to O to A ppi e», (wit) tor). m bbi.—- - 2 oo. m «i;.oq. 'Powtow; *’ • ' «* • 0 90 to 0 30Butter * • * 0 to to q ji Fir.. - • ......■■ o« - JUST IN, STRAY 0OW. STRAYED FROM THE! PREMISES of Robt. MCCullagh, HurOti Road. Goderich township, a red and write (spotted cow, 3 years old past, and is giving wilk> Any nowon giving informa tion to tlio undortigncd that will lead to her re covery will be rewarded; , • . ROBT. McCULEAGH. Godcrioh tp., Denn., 1884 817. LONDON LOAN <Y, JN LJ Jp-J JL;* . , $106,6’60 * TO SELECT FROM. ?'