HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1885-01-14, Page 2» dWara to Partman got ■ ten dollars. ff got four dol­ ^t five, dollars,. ' /'get'a simple dollar.” liold -wks offered five latsball got two dollars. Karris got five dollars. BkHarriQ got five dollars, ■■Lot otte dollar, HP^arrio got-four tjdllars,, Mtairburp got fifteen dol- ^prh. series, and Globe stockholders were in ^^rtRiested iii, became’v|ilueress. Mi nisi ef .’Ross’ gi ve« a monopoly for a term-,of 10 years to”tlie Nelson ■ Globe and two other firms of publish- ■ iiig tho fOntario ^chool books; arid M - to make surri that the monopoly will ■ wonk lie fixes tlie price at which tlta . ■7, bookls are to be retailed for\t.dpuble ■ tkifiofmer rates in somp;and twen- H. ty and- fifty per cent higher in'other ■ cases. They, may not . be sold at B less prices iinleSB the retailer sells; ■ withobU a’.profits,-. • ./ ■ If the Proiri.nciftl,, Parliament I sanctions, the stsbeine of’. Mr. Ross, I. tho parenta/of/Ontario-Will have to I . pay $10,000 per annum more'tor* ■ school booUs, during the' existence of the- monopoly, than they would t-®---*- lmve tp do,'Were tltarriiig hot given ■j the power .to fleece the public.. It ■ . is estimated'that"the riligCwilLtakri" [ $5,do6jO0O.ever and. above h.fair- r~—’ profit on'the books unfairly-out of the pockets of the people, during the term tliaf the inonepoly has to run* ’’ . The Government; .it‘ Would seem,, uwn tbe plates from’•‘vvhicli ;the h< oka are’tdQie printed,, but to serve party purposes- and that of -, othfer friends they, grant the*sole usp^-to- ' three firms and. allow those.firms.to v charge* exlKjVbitaii't 7 prices.. ’ That . this is" no mere, assertion--' based upon hearsay' or surmise wri now , give the. publicly made offer of jjlessrs Warwick and-Son, an old established ' publishing house— “That they are quite ready to pay . the Minister for*' a set of "liis plates,• Jt whatever they fairly/cost, and to’ give .security to the amount.. 0^ fifty thousand doilars^tbat We will issue the series of New-Readers in every respect fully equal to theyire^ scribed-; standard at one-third Inver I "tKol^now^lieftri^ by the syndicate of publishers, and gi ve to the trade a .higher rat^e. of1 dis, count than the one the Minister is. said' to have fixeii.Q (20 per . “centi)” Wlrc£ such partisanship :is firm*' - pant itftbigh provincial quarters is’ * ", 'iV’hiiy Wonder that Mf. Mdwat’s followers down .even .tp school trus­ tees "are often found dabbling, in Un* righteofls speculations-in school mat-, ters? It is to be hoped .that .the Legislature at it’s forthcoming. Ses­ sion winithofougliiyThvestiga school book; monopoly and .stamp out, even-ff party;* hft8 to lie scatter^ ed to fhu wiftda, thin huge fraud, up* on a long suffering people. We are- afraid we are hoping against-hope,- and that Mr. Mowat has all his sup-- •S.s’a^e eo shackled that they dare.not by their voting disapprove of what their consciences aud asepse of tlieir duty (0 their ’ constituents cOnJenin..'' B‘iit‘"a--dayr of reckoning, id, coming-mite- next gcnerul electibhj if not sooner. I^^MPntness bad two sons, both MRrboin voted for .Hawley .but BrvQre that they got none of tbe jbjoney. ■ Thouias A.-Peters got-five-dollariL . DorVal PeterB got five dollars, William J. Thompson got two dollars. Gilbert Hillyer got five dollars. ■ Charles Hillyer got five dollars. ,Edward Sbutz “picked up ‘ some money off some lumber,” It- proyed to be ten dollars. ■ He grive three dollars to James Gray- and kept ■.seven. v . John Hill got three dollars. 'Willi a in G. Macdonald got a xloF lar and .a half. r’?- These are statements sworn to by .fcbibribed .persons themselves. They include a few of the “sheep” who were driven in past the dark4antern stranger in the darkened room,’ but. Oply a few of them. Mrs. O’Brien, the landlady of the house at which the “shriep” were.n bought, swore that the stranger ha,di a large roll of bills. How many sheep .were bought there we do not'’ yet know—per* haps we never shall know. . But tho trial is not yet over. Leaving that flock out of the question, however,' ' twenty two .persons .have s worn tliat they received* money for tlieir votes. ‘' r/".~ /' ’ ' "</ " 'EDITORIAL NOTES? . The Conservative victory in Len­ nox is more cold-watfer-down-the back of the “shivering rat,” SirEic^ hard . Cartwright,. whom 'the same ■ electors who elected Mr. Pruyh on Thursday sent adrift, in 1878 and Obliged' him3 to 'seek and find warmth and' coiirfort ih Hurop. / • Thursday was election in Lennox, fora member for the Commons in place of Allison, Grit, unseated for corrupt practices, Mr. Pruyn, the Conservative candidate was elected ■by forty-two majority. It is signifi­ cant that in his election address Mr. ' ’ 'Eruy ii. said ft—■■ ■ 7 , “In the efflCASy'ofthe Scott Act itself; I niay'he permitted’to say I'have no faith.’’ • . / . » brWtJPJWaflWFW by Tiats of legietat wn. .We qaote; the nationto be f-oberl. Pa«e an act of parliament out of' hand, and shut up the public houses, Is it to be provident ? Rubs an act of par> liament and.compcl them to make provision for themselves. Is it to be intelligent ? Pass an' act of par­ liament and harry the homes till every child is at school. Is it to consist of unselfish and devoted par. eutsl Pass a factory act and'life the hands of the pareut. so that, he, can • no longer sell • his child’s la’opr, > Nothing is required of us but to liold some ''OHt|iuiiiastio?'me>tipg8, “ Wke* some speeches, write some letters to thepaperaandscra|)eehQUghvotes tbgetbe>,'•and then all these great things aha’I be dune, . Happy world! How easily it. is to be cured of its' faults ! We may now5 siqk back con tentedly into our, armchairs for*the rest of our life;- enjoy the testimon­ ials-we. received , in the moment of • lthu'i sm, pdmire the statues that were gratefully raised to’Us, and T!6j5<OB<r^^ remains nothing else for us to do in the presence of the, regeneration in human nature that our last, batch, of regulations has effected, In view of this, modern plan of growing good in ten minutes, we disquieted ourselves very uselessly in:past days about the amount of original sin in 'human nature and the ills and in­ firmities to wbich human flesh Was l.eir. ■’ /• ' - -0 m—very-'-confidi n g - • local~cotem „ ,sayR/?‘jThft»CZo6/last™’iv.6ek. disclos**' ecZ the existence of. a bribery fund of $100,000 raised in Quebec to help the 1882 election.” Wrong, again./ The Globe did not do any? such praiseworthy act; it made no: .‘disclosure^—it brought nothing .to light, it. merely , made a statement t’o the effect that M. Senecal had sub-- scribed the money’for the purpose named. The charge is made by one partisan journal, no proof is-given. Th? charge is explicitly denied by journals of the other stripe; -Qhe can’ judge, of tlie reliability of this ■ alledged bribery fund statement by; recollecting that those who circulate it are the same-who declared that- not on& ■ man who attended the Conservative Convention believed Sit* John Macdonald’s statements. » s w .mim .... ......... f WhienLeund, whom everybody knowa m th® »wewful manager of the Largest HeW Enterprises of America, aaya that while a pawancar from N.«w York on board a eblp going aronud Capa Born, h» the oar’y <l»y8 of emigration to Cui- ifoniisi. ho learned that one of the offioem of the teasel lmd oured himself, during th« wy- agj, of an obstinate disease by the mb of a • nvho haa bsen w tim if ifiH inly improving, joy,, of London, H cuesta at the driUe , Party |mIE lifeeOames Yates mrina bo the fax by the bouse lately vadat- Judgeinent Waft delivered in the Suprenm Court.MbndAy in the Do- miniOil Liqtidr .License case. Chief Justice liitcfiie . wild : Justices Strong, -FoUfiuW, (AWynne, and myself all are 6f thi? opinion that the Act \\ultr.a vires of the Parliament of the Dominion of OanAdft, except to far as \he licensing of vessels and wholesale’■ticunOe Justice Henry is of opinion thnt it is ultra vires in „_the whole. . ■ At a mooting of tho Executive >/ Cmifmittee of the Dominiop Al- liaiice it wafi/finniiihiously resolved . to issue counter paiiti^pisy’ISiSffiiig L* ^linnge’tfi&y bd itmUcin the " it -lOtB *o^ tliat.WQ^^fnjRke’i| - A .few days ago the Globe said that tile erst while Grit, Thomas Cowan, manufacturer of Galt, had but bue speech ; that however times and circumstances .mrnht change; ‘‘Toni 'Cowan’s speech never?’ Wo fancy we would, ratheir' like the, monotony- of CowBn’s. speeches it the following talk'after the yictory in Lennox, to the sucqess of Which Jiis speeches contributed very much, can be taken as a fair s&riiple “Mr, Thom&t Cowan, of Galt, Was re--' ceiycd with long continued cheering. He cpngratulaud the electors of Lennox* on belinlt of Sir John Mac Ionald, and tendered an earnest appreciation of the result. He had been abused and pilloried by the. Globe^ While,Mr/ Blake taw fit to 'usc'.langM^ironly'fidApteiltGihslipsdf -the man Who cttMS'to Lennox to defend mysterious strangers* and eulogize-the froutjis’pieceiof .the dark lahtetil brigade. (Loud Cheers.) It WAS a victory for -thp noblemen of Lennox the result of which Wonld.be heard.in every town and city oi" 'Canada—a vlO.tory for tho National, Policy even io a ratal consiliuency; a ;*jS*P-rX fcr-Pr2K?'UL.iL.*‘CW 'hat spoke' tru ppri |oitaited, that th® peopl® GODERICH/ .River open and harbor free from ice on the 12th January, 1885. v '. "" 'Mr^ Rubert Stark fetpVh'Cii ^ holiday trip to Montreal last Friday> Mr. Harry McLean is. again among the boys. ’" Mr. J’ofiff Doyle arrived in town last Friday for the winter. ;; G. Elliott of Brussels spent'a 'few days in.to.wn, lat$ week. Mr. J. C. Detlor visited Stratford last Saturday. « Reeve KellyofBly th was in town on Saturday. . - . . JWr. W. Jackson of Clinton, paid the circular town a visit .on Jlonday. Mr; Ed Dickenson’of Meyer A DiBkepson/WingbanifWas in town on b.U8irfess this week. ... ■ JUr. W. Proudfoot bf- Garrow and . Proudfoot left by the early train on , -Monday for,Berlin. ’. Mrs, Pay and daughter, of.Clinton;' •were the guests oft Mr. G.. IL Davis last week. /■ .. . Misj Lottie ^iefil,/8ffi Clinton, at- , tended the sur^ri&e- party at Mr.. Stratton’s last Friday.'. • , : • The Yourig.Peopie's QuadrilleParty last' .Wednesday was. the success of the season. :/ ‘ " ■Mr. A. Cavan, of. the Inland Rev­ enue department,...wan in town last 'week. - , '< , Mr. Crockett, the artist, arrived in town on Friday evening and will at once form classes. •Misses Hattie and Dplly .Reid, of Clinton, were the guests of the-Misses, Dark last week.. ■ - ‘ i ■. Misi? Nellie Vanderlip and Master Harry Black left on Friday on a visit to the Format City. ...... ; ' , Col. the Ildn. A. M. Ross and-fam- • ily left yesterday^for Toronto, where they will reside during the term of the next session of the Legislature. Mrs. Smeeth,wife ot JfrMjV Someth, - builder, died last SundayXafter^a. lingering illness. . .The funerab took place, yesterday, afternoon from th'e. deceased’sdate/esiderice. — 7 '7 7' A Afissionary meeting .wil(‘bejiejd., on Monday 19th inst at 8 p. tm. ip S.t. George School room at which Rev Mr. Bland of Ingersoll and Rev. Mr.. Hill of Kincardine will be present and deliver’addteBses. ft - , - Afiss ; Kate wVaCara, who had ..for many months, been, suffering from that fell disease, consumption, pass­ ed away last Friday Afternoon at-the early'age of eighteen. Th’e funeral took place op. .Monday afternoon,■ ./Messrs. F. W. Johnston, A. Hutchi­ son, E. Duncan, E. N. Lewis, T-‘.Mc­ Dermott and C. Ross being the pall bcjirers. 7 Mr. S. Laird, of Buffalo, Mr, Bray­ ley, of Toronto, and’Mr. Murdock, of Montreal, Wer.e among the guests at -the young^people’a quadrille party last Wednesday. . ’ • - Were our 'street, lamps a-little- more brilliant, it would be a great advantage to the public. The trouble seems, to be in consequence of Im­ perfect cleaning and bad triinming. The elections lest week was as follows:— St. David’s Ward—-Mr. Crabb; over Mr. Clticas by 100 to 62; St. Andrew’s Ward—Mr/ Swanson over Mr. James Addison- by1 108 to 87; St. George’s •Ward—-J. C. Detlor was elected with­ out opposition, and Mri Alorton jin St. Patrick's. " ' ’ ’ On Friday evening a large numbfir of otir youthful inhabitants surprised Mr. and Mrs. Sttaiton by taking pos­ session of their residence. The gen­ ial couple seeing at a glance that the attack was a “fantastic” One, Boon had the visitors enjoying the mazy dance With a slight, cessation for re- .freshments, the amusement contin ued till an early hour when all start­ ed forborne to the rattlb of the femi­ nine chorus, “what a pleasant time.” A man giving the name Of Johp Smith, .placed in. the lock-up On ThutadH^, hi^ht,' Was' brought before ;h!s Worship the Mayor’-On Friday morning, Charged with ’vagtanCy. ; After hearing the evidence the Mayor discharged the prisoner with the remark that if he Jifought before him again he tvbliid commit liirn. The prisdlier. 'premising,1b;’ leave, received a dmu‘t;op Jr.qm .Dis.. Worship, with.which hb dieptatc^’fbf!: pastures- he/, ■; /• A - ’’ ‘ // /The school bqard met for orgjcizo-,. tioih on- jMOn'day, eybnjqg/tho <eCFig/ in the chair., a| the opening of the/, meeting JWr*’.Ball entered protests' against Jfessrt' CrabtMnd- A/cGilli- buddy taking tlieir seats, and Mt„ JMcGillicliddy protested . Ag^nBt -Messrs Bali and Butler. <A)1 the ’pro- violations' ’of the striel ana too «■ rumor prove tN Thespis and the J to be delighted,' ' The young people’s-entertainment ip the. North . Street. Meth, school room last Friday was not so largely patronized as it^ merits deserved.: Mr. 8. P, Halls occupied-the chair gnd performed the duties of the of fice to the satisfactionjOf_all present The opening chorus/’ “The little black cat,” was nicely, rendered by five of Rev. T.M, Campbell's children/ This was followed by a reading by ,Mr. SkR, Halls, a.solp-by.Mr. iT’liomaff recitation by Miss Kathleen' Ball, and a dpetby Misses WiHrinsoqjind, Ryan, At thia stage Rev- Mr. damp/- ;beHdelivered hi* -veryjentertaining IecVur'6 bn’,“matriiraQn.v?,*’afit'dr which MrJA-B Henderson gave.a solpijjMiss.. Rusk a- reMtatioh, 'Mr. Geoi Tlibnias a Bolo and Rev, Mr, Carson a reading. - GodBavetluejQueenbytheautlience closed .a 'very-- pleasanL en-tertaim ment. We have-been handed a copy’of the Canada Educational Monthly for December, which we have no hesita: tion in saying ,is -.up’to the usual standard of'merit. 'The articles in thp, last issue are so, diverse and numerous that for waiit: of space wd are .unable to mention them.,.-We ■nwgirtrsayphowever, thatrtlie/maga­ zine . is owned . and controlled’ by teachers and ex teachers, an J'...is independent, alike’T of publishing houses and the Education Depart­ ment. ■ Beginning with the January number the price will be reduced and the contents adapted more , to meet the wants of public school teachers, Among those whp will lend their assistance- to this work is our High School Head Muster, who- .wijl contribute to each issue a page or two "of' exercises , and drill work .ip: English composition and Grammar, suitable for pupils in the fourth and higher forms. To members of tbe West. Huron Teachers’ Association! the price is only fifty cents, to others -eighty-five cents-if paid-through tljo -Secretary of-the-Associationt-' • -^ ’/•— “The God erich Game and Fiah Pro­ tection JSociety was organized’yester­ day week with the following officers': President, Geo. Grant;. Vice-Rres., C, Seager, jr.; Secy.-Treas.; E. Watson'; ' Executive Committee, Messrs,; G. ’ Pretty, R. P. ^Williams', .Angus and, Capt. Chambers.' After,the election- of officers the Toronto^Gun- Club’s- by-laws were read and Accepted with amendments.Article/ 2 ot the con­ stitution was anrendfed by adding “arid vfish”, after they word “game?’’ ■ Article,^ by omittinfg the -word “au­ ditors’.’ and adding, “an Inspector, shall be appointed whose duty it-, shall be to repqft all, infringementa’ of the game a fish laws brought to hianotice.’’--In-article4-insteadof <Hlast Thursday” reads “first Tuesday .in year urid first Tuesday in month.'’ The by-laws were adopted’with slight amendmen tsThe, BhOotiri g ■_rules, were amended as followsL-^That in -.. ,8tead~"of “birds,” clay' pigeons arid glass balls bo used for -trap shooting.,, Tire-Secretary, was instructed;to wri tje the Toronto'Club regarding- the ad mission of members. • On Monday week Mr: J. R. Miller L P,S. presented ahd read his annual report to ths school Loardj and sup "• ple.mented-it-with-.a speacn of. great, length and bitterness. ' At the- con­ clusion of. .tlie- .Inspector’s - address certain members of the board wan ted to discuss the report with a view to its immediate adoption, and only for Mr.- Swanson advocating fair pT«y ftfiopfed it would have been. Through this intervention the board, after uti. animo'usly . reque&tjpjs; the principal to reply, adjourned till Wednesday. On Wednesday the board again met arid went Into a committee of the wholeto discuss’thelnspector’s re pOFt/clausV by 0tause?’.Mr,T)TilTer again read his report, after which he read it-'flT by. IF. After the adoption., .of--the' first- clause Mr.. Buchanan; drew attention to the fact' that Mr. Embury’s answer-had not- been read. Mr. Embury then read his communi- cation. Aftei^itsreadinfrMrrMcGiH llcuddy, seconded by Mr. Crabb, moved “that on a account of its abusive nature Mr. Embury’s answer be not received.” .A long'discussion arose on this point, some contending- that aS'the |board bad requested a reply : the., board .coulil only .refer, back to amend... The majority how ­ ever refused to receive, it. On this point there is great miBapprehensoh, it being rumored , that those who voted against.its reject ion agree with- it in its entirety, wh'ile the .truth is they only asked that it should be dis-, cussed like Mr. Miller's, clause by’ clause, and,aS in his crso, objection^ able words or sentences expunged or amended. /During the„ discussion On-Mr. Embury’s replv two notable scenes '• occured which we think worthy of , publication, W.hile a' member wub mentioning Mr. .Em- bu'ry’B words “leF by-gones be’by­ gones,” and Mr/Millei’S answer; ^jMo, I have tiiiiO what I want aitd dont darej' Mr, Miller interrpting’ the, Speaker, qaifi: “I Dever said so.” The speaker continuing said that Ohly' tWp nights previously when this very point Was uridpr discussion Mr. Miller acknowledged that he.skid. —“JVoj; I have, got what I want now indypu cant help yoursdf.^ This Statement being well authenticated, Mr. Miller admit­ ted it and then without a tittle of evidence accused the speaker of hav­ ing convoyed his tMr. M’s/remarks to Mr.^Ehibury. We think we have Only to- draw attention to .the two.; state.mdrits to refuteMr, Miller’a. haphazard assertion,. The same mem- b'r, to show the-hnithus displayed ’towards’ Mr. Embury*; made the fol­ lowing statemen I: “what Would you think of a gentleman who is sitting round this board oommencingf the New Year by asking a' young girl 'in1 Mr. Embury's Class if ’ahd had ever seen her teacher (Mr. X) drunk wliilc teAching.” Herb Mr. McGillicuddy arose and Said .“thAt’,applies to me, I did if/and explained as his reasons for.so doing that hearing, the charge in circulation ho had made enquiries to ascertain its truth ov otherwise. “DTirtWi^ Who first circulated -the-report^and was it circulated With the/idea that, some of its foulness' woilld.stick ? also What reason tbere wns td bririg a yer$- young lady initY.a'coh’t/oVetayvcrifiiA; kind; %wh^ri« there werC /five adiiit* ; teacher#^andCiMeti ket At the; ^erf-!, - tral schoefi who ffimfiV win^iii/jewO, Any*’ hibin^htt The examinations Which Mr-Mil|er?tries to use to the; predjudi<|b of the Principal reqtffr# Some explaiiatimu The midsummer examinations' showed n very large, promorion list?rind as thieWbsiriiii/ ^comparison against the Xmas pro- to mention ls of lause * t or debt, taifib* be I the short term and wlion liojt «t jnidsum- t .„/^ejyhumjejouj 'discredit on Mr. Embury, ipare those made on the by tho Principal,with those ne oral examination dfthe. k In the fiye cl sses m the |.2t$ oq. the roll, 25.95 per Rromoledi. In.Abe senior. „ no ward schools of JW on Per Ver)t were promoted central. In the • junior de- HBHments of the.ward'scbools where- tne Inspector aloiiesetthe questions and' g’uvo-the marks,ot'226 on the roll 6,19 pel' (sent were promoted’ to the senior rooras.’ (The number on roll and pro mot 3d as mentioned above may be found in both $igtfai find Star of,tl)9: ^5th ultimo.) Ay.e: leave these figures with our readers merely ‘ asking that before arriving at a eon elusion.;tjjoy WUI give them an impar­ tial consideration, In St. Andrews Junior dept there were ope hundred on fhe;/oll at .the examination, and four 'billy being., promo ted to the 8en^or/depf,, th'ere are still 95 little ones In thn’. roorn under a young/teacher; while';it)-the other -j^ppm .qtider an, expefta^cd teacher ,‘tne| number ,isJ'41. Regarding the M ocje); Schools 'clause Df ‘Mr,' Miller’ll repoj-t rill we can do tlite“$&A;ir48 id’ -joall! attention to thdTaift/'Htat'^r teachers froi^'Glintoh school and 22 fiom*Gridericb'8bliobl obtained ceri- ficatOB^hat cffiiltJ ttdlliave obtained thegi'H^the stabi daril of previous years ‘had fri&n adhered." The only infer ence-fiNiin such a statement.:is- that 43'ojulfifoclieW that’passed are not capabT^t teaqhers. Should such be the ca8& w^uld-' it not be wall for the Education Department and the Coun­ ty BomT to take 'the case in harid. ?’ ,' , _____ -• - ’■ ■■•- . ■ — ‘ .. -------------/; --------7—’ , iinpor.iaiit to Farmers. We bpgyto call the attention of our fajftiier friends to the Farmer’s -Institqta meriting to .be holclen in .Clinto^ at.the dates named below. Q^r .fmrmXrs/wili -have to stjidy economy' in production as well as bther??,tnciu'8trjul classes. ■ Thia is .iuipei’ritivov in. view of the fierce Coinlpe^jtion' they will have to conn, tend.'Sgai^t from this as\ well as qth^pji^udntinents. By attending tliesognieetings ideas may be learned 3that (wil/’jgYb^tlyraid them in pro- 'ducingMtU’mfnimumcost 'andthus be nfraWd to ke.ll at . the lowest pricriVv&itfrtlFe’greatest-profit. . , , . ^-^-^^ers/Tnsrifrnte-wili-be -held- in the To’wTi.ilall, Clinton,on Tues­ day and Wednesday 20th and-2lst Jaiiuary/^vhen Prof. Mills, M. A., ,’Pn sitlftnif -of the0 Ontario Agricul­ tural CoHegf, Will; deliver addresses oft various subjects connected with the theory find practice of itnprbved husl aij^ry.' ‘ j.IIayes Pantqn',■ M.A., Professor of-Geology and Natural' History, will -be prepared to .give paperiffot/any of the folio wing.sub* jects/^fz: /-■ •-’ • . •, / 1; /The soil, its origin; formation .aiid'olhjisification/ 2; ^’Science in cattle feeding. 3./rt-MunurestaP,d«-their™Yaluation.-- .. A/M ^TSfrjittleworth- Esq., assist- ab.t/j|yperinteBdarit of the experi- mental departuieijt pn . . 1. gfeA^riujn.turai chemistry ap- 'pijeiliOH thb-farrirT~ 2; ^‘Benefits, to be gained, by a farui^r^ sou. from attendance ab an Agriifnljural College. . 3-,.^elections iii breeding. ■ Tlieyp will be a> number of short, 4'pithyi„ practical papers from-? local uieik bii cognate subjects which will .be of much iritei esc and profit ‘ the ftkTimflg^cO^uminiity, ./, ■- ' '. ' .jiCf-; ■ ■ . 7 ■ < ’ • a'V ’ 2is: Naltford,., ’.Atih^ir meriting on tlie othinst., La-D- ,-mv No. 252 elected the follow­ ing officers :/-■,'. ’ ‘ / • Br: >,/1kSymonds, W. M. ' -“7^ Gibbs; D. AL \ .■ . • ■“ ; pfsEvans, Chaplain, n “ i J.ri’mes .McLean; Secretary. ■ ^‘sephijgflders, Fifi’anciaESecyi^ “ M'in. lVlcCabe, Treasurer, “ Jfg McLean, D. of 0. ?./ - “ - James McLean, P. M. ■ i J/McCabe, 1st Committeeman. *' “*.'A*,McTain,2,nd..“ . Wm. Lashatn, -3rd _ -..Jfpljn peJi( 4t|j The lodge is in .a prosperous condi­ tion, anti meeta regularly ’ the third ■.Wedriesdri^ rif every month. ..Visit­ ing bretlnrin invited. . to /,v • RelKrave.-.-7"' ■ / A meeting will bo herd‘’lwrwthe’ 22nd infit to consider whether it would, be.mos’fr' advisable to organize * corn- piuiy fdr the erection of a creamery or cheese factory. ■ " /*■' • f-F’ - >’’>.......•' . ' A narrow-escape from destruction by fire-swas tlie'barker Shop of T Nick­ son. last Saturday.': -The wind was . blowing a gale at the time, but by the the almost superhuman efforts of the citzens* repetition of- the- sad ca'su* 41.Itios?: q£„a. Uhicago Jrig... blaze, was. averted^ • Mr/s^m. •’‘Johnston who lost his horsfeBiby a fire in November has pur- chasedoa team from a gentleman in .Glintcmi ? -?A ypning man from B Jgrave who htis been partial to the society,of the young'isdies in a brick house on tlie 9th Bit AV. has become rather fasti-■ dioustbfdute and prefers architectur­ aldesigfis in (Stone now*. ■ , . R*v. Jlr^jJfwskbam, of Benmillsr, orieuptad pulpit of the AZethodbt Church on Sabbath last. Wta, Jarvis haa bought .th®, ogham on the r» Whitting- Northwest, 34rii visited Supper WM givsn tcTAkfr. James^Yn t can at Knox’s hotel, by the R.R.D.S., of which, he, wps preaident. About forty of hie irjapda partook, of the sumptuous repast, after which they presented him with an address and a m<M«3h*um pipe, for which Mr. Dunean thanked them in a very kind manner, After the presenta­ tion the following toasts were pro- ippsed and - responded to:-—“Tho, Queen,” “The Goy. Genera],” “Army and Nftvy,” “Canada our Home,” were responded to by W, Wakefield and S.Forria, Geo.. Sturdy and James Dtincap, James Connolly and Wm. Wakefloldt X>« Lfivis* W. ^MoLeod and J.- ^fairs. “Agrioulttire,” by G. W, Sturdy, J.‘ Connolly. “Eduoation” ‘by 8, Ferris ayd D. Lavis, “The Press” by R, Holmes and ,G. A. Cal- biok, “The Ladies ’ by S. Ferris and J.* .Hairs,, Songs by Janms Yuill, G. C, Sturdy and 8. Ferris. Reading by J. Whitrily, Recitations by J, Con- ,nolly and A.r. Knox.‘ “The Guest -Of the evening,n “The Chair” aud “God save the Queen”, brought to a close one of the-, most -brotherly -social gatherings your - correspondent has ever attended. Foflowirig ■ is the ad­ dress : ‘ ’ * '■ Mr. Jaiiies Duncan, Dear Sir,—We, .the members of thh JRiiilroad 'Hall Debating Society, knowing tljat you will shortly remove frbm our midst;- cannot,allow- you to depart without in some way express- ing the higli regard and esteem which we have always entertained for you, As President of our Society you were unremitting in your ettoyts to further its interests, and to your tact in quelling at the outset, by some-.w^ll; timed remarks, anything that was. iff any way likely to lead to a dispute, we largely ascribe the good- feeling that always' prevailed among the membersj' and cqnsequently tjie sue1- cess which' attended the Society for so many years- We desire to ex'pfess- ‘our thanks you for tlie services’ which you’re dered the. Society and the deep’interest which you took in the welfare of its members; and for the seeming, interest which you mani­ fested,' and" the' help -which you always gave tlie. younger members in all of their entertainments. Not only as President of our Club shall we miss you, but the absence of a sympathising friend, an obliging "neighbor—one who peyer forgot to greet his friends with a genial smile and hearty graBp of tlie-hand, and who was ever willing to ’lend them a /helping7 hand in any emergency— shall also he remembered with re-" gret. We ask * you to accept tliis small gift as a memento of the .years which you spent in our midst and -as a token of our respect for you. We also wish to assure you that if at any time any.„other feeling;than that of- friendship, was ever entertained by any of us towards you, tliat it is at tliis time entirely fqrgotten, -and we( all heartily join in wishing you. pros*, perity and happiness in your new’ home, and trust tliat amidst- new associations and new friends that you will pot altogether-forget us‘, but re­ tain* in your remembrance. a kindly feeling for - those friends with whom you. have so long miugled^-and who now so deeply regret your departure. Signed in' behalf of tfie members of the Club. . ■ . Samuel A. FebiIiS'. Morris « 'r— T,he. council met Deer. 31 st. f, Mem­ bers all present, the Reeve ’in tliri chair. Minutes of last meeting, read and passed, the following accounts were ordere<l to be paid? namely . - Thos. Anderson, ditching $4 (KM-8. Eaket, repairing Ruttan's bridge $6.50 John Wilson, remission of dog tax $1.00: J MclUwen, ditch $3.50; Jas. McGeb, repairing approach to bridge »3'.(M) ; J. Geddes’, gravel, $1.70; J\’ T. jGarrow,.legal- advice. $2.00; Ik’- T, G*. Holmes, attendance on. Mary Howley $8.(01 Joseph McElroy, re-’ pairing, culvert ;$l,50; W«ri, Scott; drain across road $2.50; ?J. Nesbit, repairing culvert, $2.0^; Allan Lind­ say,, repairing crossway,’$3,00 ;' W. II. McCracken; goods to Halliday, fi33.r0; Misses Exforii, charity, filQ.OO Wm Barrie,’cutting hill, $34.50; Jno. Cloakey, gravel. $2.50,;' Geo. Procter, overcharge in assessment $5.52; P.' Jackribu, gravel $6.95 : D McDonald ',plank-$fis7fi. j- J«. Livermore, igravol $4.90 ; .Vidette office, p’rintihgHr4v00;" Reading & Duff, plank $3.32: A. Sldan, gravel $9.75 ;--Advocate office, printing, $2.'75 ; Wm.- Martin, gravel. f3.00 ; Wm. Clark, gravel, $5.10 ; L Rogersoh, lumberi etc. Ibr'R, Mur- pliey’s_shanty,rJ$12.86^; >L Drewe, hardware $3'25; A? Hri’slam,’repair-• ing Bodmin’s bridtfe $5.66 ; E. Bos­ man, councillor’s fees and letting jobs, $30.00 ; H. Mooney, do. $35,00; C» A-Howe, do. $44.70; Geo. Forsvtb, t«5<. 50; Wm. Wray, do $40.00; Wm. Clark, salary 'and other expenaes. $139.50; Robert-Miller,- taking care of hall $8.00; S. Love, o building cul­ vert $5.00;- Jno. Watson,, postage' and repairing tin case $2.00. Moved by H. Mooney, seconded’by Wm., • Wray, that this .council’do not here­ after recognize any claim for ditching or other work npt authorized before ■being dope—Carried.- Moved by'C- A. Hoj^e, - seconded by E. Bosman,’ that this, council taker no action on the—claim presented by-Mr. Arm strong atTjast ipeeting for . loss of horse—-Carried. By-law Np.*10, 1’884’ was duly read ,ahd passed. Thp council then adjourned to meet again according to statute on the 19th Jan. 1885; . . - a ««rqg> ■«•> sis ter Emma 1 mended Hr UXV. -caw.awliMi are to effect a jtenw y*w ase °°® ef Mr, Reiayp’s farm laborers brpised bli Teg. Owing {o llie bad state of his Mood, an “a1!’ lerofulou* iWeUIMg or lump appeared on the injurod limb. Hor­ rible itching of the akin, with burning *nd darting pains through the lump, made life almost Intolerable.’ The leg became enor­ mously enlarged, ami running ulcers formed, discharging great quantities of extremely Otfsnslre matter.. No treatment was of any avail Until the man, by Nr. Lkland’8 direc­ tion, was supplied with Ayer’s SaRBAPA* >iLLA, which allayed the pain mid'irritation,“ 1 healed, th^. sores, removed the swelling, and completely restored the limb to use., Mr. IdtULHO has personally used Ayer’s. Sarsaparilla for Rheumatism, with entire success 1 and, after careful observation,’’declares tluit, in Lis belief, thoro Is no medicine in the world equal’to it for the cure of Diver Di Borders, Gout, tho 'effects of high living, Suit Rheum, Sores, Eruptions, and all the Various forms of blood diseases. ' We have Nr, Leland’s permission to invite ,all who may desire further evidence in regard to the: extraordinary curative powers of Ayer's. Sarsaparilla to see him person­ ally either at his mammoth Ocean Hotel, Long Branch, or at the popular Leland Hute1, Broadway, 27th anti28th Streets, New Yofk. Mr. Lelanp’s’ Extensive knowledge Of .the .good done Ly this unequallederadlcatpr of blood poisona enables him to give inquirera much valuable information, ’ . PBEPABED BY Dr^ J.C.AyerLowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggilts; SI. six bottles for 85/ II u 1 left. ’ ; The following officers were elected -atL/0.£L..Nio. 526, 2nd coiLj at thCir last regular: meeting: Wr^Bro. Wm. McMullen; D.M., t. Bro. W. Riley; Secy., Bro. T. Noble; Tr.eaS.j Rrq. II. Hughes; Chaplain, Bro. IT; .Ffeetnah; Committeemen, Bros; JiShU Henry, Robt. Otterson, A. Aikens and H/Glazier; Tyler, Bro. GeO. Rriiliy.- ’ ' . ...- Elec! fop returns are for “keeve, .Ifc.Willan 3t5, Jl/ason ; 312, For 1 cdunciHohi,’’Brigham'303; Afcdonald , ,8^Av Liftfiam 416, Churchill 422, thri la$t thfCoReihff elected, 'Jiff. Church • .ill beaded the poll, receiving in his' PWn wita^SOOut Of a pOBcible 81. ■j, NaUgK^y.boys.chariYBried Ed. Falcpn- i Dr,, Wh<fitaatt«nded'-*-t8c ttn*eihigvof ths Mt DgiAt & flittna5The- Dirifp4y-S«fh«ri W4MtVeyy;g0rtd Attend- wnriKAnd some very interesting papers- fbVM'iW®Awdi protas* {sjrigitllf’ijK RlTntford'’ btai W*ekj *n<f tWme'mW^pbltot'Votiih. Ot Stratford 'tfijc&tig£,/.• ’ r\... 'ife’Mcltzhi-nn,, iiAs.Aon^WcV^^'ft'yiul'ieB’.and^bldB faifi W.*w .tbe -’Ail. AW” KJ*’ * . ' '■ ’ sifiAorgaTthuuc.wAs elected- Prorident- ai^.WmftC^niend.'Vlce., of-tlje Stanley Society, at"'(lie an-' jji’gRL • Wlngliain* .., .Wingham young men and boys in latge numbers Indulge in outside skating on Sunday and the Mvance, While optically winking at the dese­ cration of. the Sabbath, gives a disap proving nod of its. sage head at the . same time. Mr."Edwards,: of the Wingham Tmies has taken in as a partner, Mr. 'John Kerr, and Mr. 8. Galbraith, ab old Times editor, has gone with Mr Mitchell of the Fidrite; Such is life. The printing business in Wing*, ham must be increasing when it . can support five families.' Who-comes next? Lota of room gentlemen: .bring on your.cash; this is a good place to dispose.of jt.—Mvflnce. . ' Mr. W,. E. Groves, Principal of the Wingham Central School, will have to play Second fiddle after this. He has gone and taken a hotter hAlf, formerly Miss Harper of bforval, -.. Antiiony Allen’s majority in the deputy-iteeveship in .Cdlborne was iM-z^gloriouBViotory-dorA-i At-r' bccotelngyw;populAr LiijL A He. itaiB ’ c iHed. ptafes* .^jtaMorfi.’ bi^i week, iind' * " The Board of.Rirootm'sof tbeiHow- ick'.Mutua I Insurance Co. has ordered ,t$eloBs Of John Ringler, of Howick, for bath and contents consumed by fire on. the oycuing.of Deoembe’t I5th lest., amounting to’$1,1120,16 fee paid, also $820 tq Johnston of, Morris, for burn cotilrihta destroyed by fire on ;'the qnight Of life fifteenth of Novemb­ er last;, ,"/'*'■ iftev,' M, MctennaiR of Kenyon, iCjengafy, lyho was tendered w cnll .from Ifte.Ashfield congregation ba* ‘declined,owning th the extreme reluc­ tance ofjiiis o.w.n xihnrdrniid pyesby- . leFy to/part with him/ ■ • CC 4trtft>V»"VA*i iABM IMPLEMENTS. LARGE ASSORTMENT OB’ have also decided tliat the CHEAPEST AID BEST TO BUY THEIR GROCERIES AND STAHONERY IB AT THE , New Gooi low. OUR UC^Subscriptions THE BEEHIVE STORE,” arriving every day and marked away down " “ “ £AS.are best value in town. 100,000 PRESENTS iverylwdjr wkt wnii m directed geti • Present werth fren 2tceit« te |5W. • Tl>. proprietor of THS POCLTBT KKEPKK, Uin» dMlrou, of h.viM tM Wtll known »na populu-Voultry pwr mor. widely circulated and lutroduced into hou.M where it h rpt (Irwilx kn*W, •>“ WV** tht. yejr.andiaeddltionw.nportbnot hl. cpltel f>rthi eol. Mrpoe. aTfamwin* kb elrcul»«o» |o W0^M-w>ie»,| Aftwdocldingto advwiiw «uor..xtpi>*iv«ly thaSWH twfor., th. tbUowlor pl*n kMbein adopted by tu. • JF’OK CEESTQ'TS dSuTy’.e’nd'I nhBlwreZ hawSf *’i?wwMnft Mipti they will lw .ent for fl, and tlieir aubecription will ba entered up for twoyeare > I ClrauABqnure I (Iraad Cabinet Organ . l'Hire»*f*t IlMkaway. 1 Sll,«r Dinner Senter, J BnjirlM................. SO V. b. Creexbaeta bt*50 earh 1000 Astograpk Abluaa>,*2 aaah. | VllWs* Carte......... . Porter’s Hill.. ; Mr. AiexanderClark of Wawanosh formerly of Goderich township, has been-visiting friends in this, vicinity for the past week. Miss McPhail of the Cut li.ne atid Miss Mary Stirling .of the 4th, con. are visiting friends.hqi/McKillop. • . Mr. Birks, son of Rev. Mr. Birks ot Holmesville,, occupied the p'tflpit at Bethel- church in the place:.of .Mr. Gee who held a similar position at Holmesville. A Magic Lantern was. held at Beth­ el church on'Wednesday evening the 7th inst. under the.managenient of.the Rev. Mt. Cook formerly of this cir- cuiE. It was very Well attended. H . A lively time in. the woods of. Mr?’ John.Elliott of the 3nd con? on Tues­ day the Sthj.s^wa and. axes doing ter? rible execution 'Under the manage-’ ment'of Mr. James Stirling of the 4th can'. Tt-iiias a lively hive; */Mrran d'Mrs.lrrmTO berry, returned to their 'home last week. They had been visiting friends and relatives iri this vicinity. ■ What The People Say. That tjje mail delivered at Porter’s Hill, realeheB here sooner, since the. -new contractor has it, than, hereto­ fore. . . . ■* ■ That we ■’Should not. make our elec tion too sure, whatever may. be our calling. ’ . ’ ' / • . ' '. NORTH HURON NOTOR- / ' »■ f .lows. ; .. , There lias' just been, unearthed at Brussels, county of Hhron, a very ingenious scheme of forgery. Dur­ ing last summer a young American nameA. Wallace made his appearance and announced that lie was willing and ready-to purchase a good farm. A fifty-acre place adjoing the village and on which was erected a cheese, factory, was offered him. He pur­ chased it, but on tlie understanding., that the first payment was not' to be­ come due’until 1st Januafy, 188o? •That lie had some cash , was well- known; but liis scheme were large,; aud he .needed a partner. Residing on the- adjoiniug two-hundred acre farm was William Armstrong, a well- to-do aiid' Highly respected, farmer. Wallace made, advances to his. son and induced him to' go into a deal in cattie. Old man Armstrong, who cannot read,: indorsed a note for them. They made some money ou the speculation, and Wallace’s stock went up so high in the market that thereafter when he wished a backer at,any time ^.11,Jie’ had_t<S; dhwies. tp caii on/old maa Armstrong.. Wallace managed to make up his notes by forging the names of prominent farm ers when-he wished the old ones re- ■newed; This-was kept .until little over-two months ago, when he called at Armstrodg’s just before.dusk 'one evening, when the old gentleman was confined to bed by illness. Hu.in-' duced Mr. Armstrong to sign a note, iWiich he represented,’ called for $1,500.- A few days after Wallace received Word that business matters in the States required lookih^after,- and accordingly hej^nt .off to give his personal attention *to the matter. Judge of Mr, Armstrong’s surprise when he was notified a short while since that one of the banks held a note of his, on which slick Mr. Wal­ lace had drawn $8,000. On receipt of the news he immediatelo went to Wingham. and foolishly, as .the se­ quel will show, paid $‘2,OO0 ftyfoali and !gavp a note 'for tlie balance to. the bank authorities.- He has discov­ ered that the names of the other in- . dorsers were forged,’ and that lie. need not have paid one ccnt,Thut, be- ing anj;honorable man, is now mak­ ing a hard struggle to pay of his- in-, debtness. .Of course Wallace’s ^where-; abouts is not known. MARRIAGES- DURST.—PATTON.—On Dec. 31st, by the Rev.’ H. D. SceuJfy Mi?. John K? Durst,- pf Sebriiigville, to So­ phia Anm daughter of James Pat­ ton, Esq , clerk of Goderich town* ship. b POTTER.—COCKERLINE.—At the residence of the bride’s father, in the township of Morris, on Deo. 31 by the Rev. J. F»Rarke of Blyth, John, third son of Jas. Potter, Esq.jE, Wawanosh, to Miss Emily Cockerline. ■ WELSH.—COX.-On the 31 st Deo., at the residence of the bride’s father, by the Rev. Mi’. Grie, Mr. Thos. Welsh, to Miss Eliza Cox, • all ot Goderich township. COLWEL.—McDonald; — At the tp, Of Stahley t London Road) on tho 7th irist., at thp residence Of the bride's mother, by the Rev» A* Stewart, M, A. oftClinton, William Henry ColWol to Catherine only daughter of the late Donald Mc­ Donald, all of the tp". of Stan ley, • Copf Huron. _ '.......,______ __ The Anchor Grist Mills, owned by J, A« Sparling, at Kirkton, wore btirned.-by incendiaries recently With 8,000 weight of flour, a quantity of wheat arid chop stuff. Loss about $9,000; insurance, $4,500. lie&il Lore- _ 1 - The Queen’S -bench divieionnl Court has auetaitied the judgment giving Kin-* VCh of Whitby, damages against the Phcenix lodge of Oddfellows' for injuries sustained while going through inc initifi* . txary corernonica. The judges held that ("ili'S lodge was clearly Hable for Kluver^s fojRks. ' ’ ■ ? > Si|Wr .*• jubtfwbm i.s?' , ,................,..■■■ l.4B0Cold, WrrTlM, lotYeteTFMwartCMiu. aidM.tal other ptHent*. vriuedfrom M«pt« tv *1, mater'* W»g»lU« < 100,000 preaenta, th'ui auarantoeing a prawat U eaev aad arery »ew auhaerlber whoaeada us tO eentK1- • Al! of the above preaaaU prill ba awarded in a fair and impartial manner. I’reronfa wig. be aent to ear part of the United Statea or Canada. JCo pottage will bo juked from any aubacriber to forward-pjwnta. U-'JtaUH BO .<~»TCi-na->r»l which , on tend pale the regular price for a year a aubwnutlon and tliereroro.ye charge noth ia« fur the proaent.- Ol'R FROHT will be in yoor future Mtronage and tho lncreaaed rate w« »** W®uf, apace, f OUR SUBSCRIPTION HIEK. Get five of your Monde to join you by cutting thia ort eacfite'WMyk to them. ,So«d uarital.BO and we will tend you THE POULTRY KEETM foe one year, end one numbered repMpb.for coda ef year eubecriben, and one extra for your trouble. . , - BEND TEN SUBSCRIBERS WITH <13.00 and we will Bond you 3Lfl aubecriptione find XWLjtoeiP**- . . 4 A n ■ v a f Thia olfor will hold good until Febreerr M oply, m wo ahall HpHt the number of new mtoerlp-4U UAiaCJnLT • tipnato 100,009, so we would advlae *11 of our Menda to forward ^bicriptieaa el an early date, ea tn no case will tlwy be received later thin February W. . .... __■ , , ■me nnill.TDV WEEDED la the beat and ableat edibjd Poultry Taper in the <x>untry *nd W»»d/ "« .Reire«' TME rUUkJnl KEtrtn latlun or eoooowpie«>.»nd requiree only <0,000 moretubarettodaoirednumber. It contilna aijteen pngea, beautifully illuatratM. Toll* how to make poultry pay. .-X 500 STEM-WINDING WATCHES FREE. I In order that wo may .positively get tho 41,000 morr swUcribera required by the ±2d of February, tlie puMiiher hria bought I DOO Sttiin-winJing TVatcl'ea, and those 600 Watchaa will be Riven away to .the flrat 600 people,yrho enawcrtMIead-' I ve.-ilwment. If you send us 60 cents you Will-bp entitled to one of these old, well known and relieble watsliu and eaoreoelpt I rood for one present. The.o Watchoa are warranted to bo good time-keeper*. - ___...o-knnI TVe will print in full in tho February Imuo of THE POULTRY KEEPER the nnmw »nd address* of tMvrinnerarftho WO , Stem-windinK Waterbury Watches. This offer is bona fldp and will ba carried out to the letter.. Send new, aon t wainI THE nmil TDV VEEDED I" "•ell established, having already (W’00 aubserlhers. anil is tacked-J>y ample capital, *. I THE rUuLllll Kttrtll that every one of our lulwcrlta.ia may be auro of getting what we promise. Indeed, we I could not afford otherwise. Undmthted! aomo who read tide new dr.parture^will think nn offer to jive *way»3a,0001n I presents is moat unreasonable and unprofitable; hut lei us any to all such persons thatIt costa anywhere nrorn »25,WUto 1150,- 3 ODO to secure a largo circulation to a paper. We know of a publisher that appnt ♦50l6<W in one week ip *‘.3?^I and advertising his papors, and the money was well spent, tor it secured for him an established circulation that paid good I interest on the investmonL, Puldlshln-r nowadays must either ta done on an extensive scale nr not at fill. It costa JtjrtA I much for matter, and just as much for illustrations, electrotypes, editorial services, rent, and for >_«t.tu>t. upthe type tea I paper of 100 circulation as it does for a paper with ano-,000- circulation. On small editions each one oftlieabove Itemvewella I the ctatof a single paper alarminglyrbut-on large coitions the expanse is spread over so many papers that ft ta aimoM eaUroly I lost. Tims you SM that largo profits can be made only by doing a large business. This isI with THE POULTRY KEEPER. Wo will send a Printed List of the Awards free, and all presents will bo teywarded to holdeni I of receipts as they may direct. OUR OLD PATRONS AND SUBBCRipERS, wltom we nwnbet hy thousands, ehoul* (0 to wort I at ones and help us to mcre.-un our list, by thia grand and generous offer.___ ■ ^7_____7I ANI VGA secures THE POULTRY KEEPER one year and one receipt goodfoF one present. I WfiMLa I OO KzEs.FI I O Ono nurnbor of tho paper is worth double tho subscription'price, fie .to^tow- I rrfinWtOy. iM refo-Mo»c icAo do wot bnom «s to any Tlonl: o>-Af»>-C«nti'e u<»«ncy. -7- iSL'A- — - ' I |i>E.lIEdIBER those are Presents to our SubucHbem siren to them nMoMtely Free. I Mow inhuman? fitoS lew may E» seta in *n/dlnary letter at our risk: Itager sums ’bould ta sent by Registered Letter I or ftstai Note, andaddmaedto THH POULTRY K1EPBR, 08 Rctndolph St., Chicago, III. i.MW M. FISpHER I smith’s block, . Clinton; ont. The cdrrBet'plsxce forperfect-flttihg g'armeWts at closest quotations. , . Fit, Workmanship, Style Assured ■ ’>• E &g ■ g> □ c £ •g g £®H ■ 5 • A rt. ei a ta tenH •' K <?- n ■ Incorporated by Act,ot Parlianwnt, 1855. CAPITAL/ S $2,000,000 . - , REpP, ;- , $50,000 Head Office/ - MONTREA.ii. THOMAS WORKMAN, President. J. II. R. MOLSON, Vice-President. F. WOLVERSTAN THOMAS, General Manager. -.Notos discounted. Collectjonsmado,. Drafts issued, Sterling and American'' ex- .. change bought and sold at low- - ,'esT; current rates. INTEREST ALLOWED ON -.DEPOSIT®; - Money advanced to farmers on tlieirown hotcr with one or more endorsers. No mortiraKe in­ quired as security. • , H,C. BREWfcR, . , - Manager,..-February.-1884. TO MERCHANTS: Howto Sell Goods -^•TALK TO^.*— CLUjQA§ THE PAINTER. G-OiOZHmiCEC. INTERNATIONAL AND 00L- ' . 0NIAL EXHIBITIONS. . ' Antwerpinl8 85--London. inl88 6 IT is tho intention to havo a Canadian repre­ sentation st tho International Exiiisition at Antwerp, commencing in May, 1885, and also-at the Colonial and Indian ExunvTiox in London ill 1886. ' ' Tho Government will dotray tho .cost of freight in convoying Canadian Exhibits to Antwerp, and • from Antwerp to London, and also Of returning' them to Canada in tho event of thoir not being sold,. . .. ■ , , All Exhibits for Antwerp should bo .ready for shipment not later thah the first week in March next. / ' ■ . ->• theso ExliiCitions, it is believed, Will- afford favorable opportunity for. inakihg known the ’natural capabilities, 'and manufacturing and iudufttrial progress of tho Dominion. Circulars and forms containing more particu­ lar information may bo obtained, by letter (post free) addressed tp the Department of Agricul­ ture, Ottawa. ' ■ By order, - JOHN LOWE, ’ . Secy,, Dept, of Agric. Department Of Agriculture, ) • Ottawa, December lfitii, 1884. j - 820-6t IT//Y£J R90T& STRAW CUTTINCBOXfS, CORN SHELLER^ And all IHiplomonts used bn & farm as Good aS the Be8t,andh8 Cheap . as the Cheapest, At J. B. WEIR’S implement wakeeooms, ..... CMNTON. . iOATAKIO The subscriber begs to return his sincere thanks tq . his customers 'and. the public goftorally, for tho liberal patronago extend­ ed to him. in the past* and by furnishing the ■ ' -. Best Article! -~AT THE— .. - LOWEST Remunerative Price, * he hopes to merit a- continuanco of the same. • ■ . • . ^Ilo Would specially recommend a trial of higDm'itcr Importation/of thoWY- .W. B«/NDS of jBRANDIES, PORT WINES and HOIXaND OlM#*itabk for medicinal piirpdios and fahiily hSo. . ' BA$s* Mt anti ^iriNNBW. pipRiER, (ih r .’’’, bottles—pints or quarts, Canadian Alls and Porter, CAttfiiMkfc BaW Xagf.r constantly on hand.. ' Just received,. in prime condition, Mbit treal Ginger Alb, Omamfagne . Plain Soda. .. . j . • H^^olc Agent for (vOcfericl JZ& v N. ROBSON ALBERT STREET CLINTON v»22-lw. f' .’J jl 1 ■