The Exeter Advocate, 1890-5-22, Page 8EADv ViAKEWS
HEVE$ FAILa Ta Pig SATI$FAtinait
Sky Rockets,
Flower Pots,
Zorn= Candles,
Electric Spreaders.
nod Mize,
Mao L ights,
Pink. Sticks.
Stationer and Fancy Goods Dealer.
An Exchange makes the suggestion
by way of reminder to its subscribers,
that for those who want to remit small
sums post -office orders for amounts up
to 9K may be obtained for tu'o cents;
and 1vhen such au order is obtained
registration of letters, which costs the
absurd sum of five cents, is unneces-
sary. It is well to bear in mind and
save three cents when you can If any
subscriber wishes tosend us four dol-
lars he can do so for two cents.
Not all new thing come from the
effete East, The Banned; and Crow
Indians and other tribes in the northern
Rockies are laboring with an extraordi-
nary delusion that Christ has come to
earth and is now in the Big Horn
Mountains, somewhere between Fort
Custer and Fort Washakie, Wyoming
Territory. General James S. Brisbin,
U. S. A., commanding in Montana, has
in the New Yor1c Ledger of May 17, an
interesting Utter concerning the hallu-
cination and giving full and interesting
details about it.
— 41E. lu.1.trainatrs, : entii t, for the best
artificial teeth.
If you want Coal oil, and want it
Brood, call ou Will Folland.
Electric blacking, 10 ets. per box at
George Sanders. Get a box and try it
- Billings, 1) enti,t.Goldin/111gs
*.specialty. office over O'Neil's Bank-,
Job lines in carpets, cheap, at Brum-
pton Bros.
Farmers will do well by calling on
Will Folland before they sail their Hides
and Sheep skins.
Schools bags at Brumpton. Bros. 5 cts
Something new! What? Electric
Blacking to preserve the shoos! For
sale by Geo. Sanders.
If you want good tinware and at
right price call on Will Folland.
Sign of Big Elephant.
Br'iunpton Bros. still give 2 cans
salmon for 25 cts.
Mr. Ed. Christie purchased i fine
driver from Mr. Jos. Senior, which he
will add to his livery stock of drivers,
paying therefor a handsome sum.
Are your boots or shoes bard. with be-
ing wet. If so,secure a box of Electric
blacking. It will soften them immedi-
ately. Price 10 Its. For sale by Geo.
Read the change of advertisements
of Messrs. Bissett Bros. and Robt. N.
Rowe in this issue. They are offering
great bargains in their respective
Mr. J. N. Howard has secured the
services of a first-class tinsmith and is
now prepared to fulfill the wants of his
many customers in that line. Give
him a call.
On Saturday last, Mr. I. Handford
delivered six new buggies, which were
ordered from him a short time since.
Thev were artistic in design and beau-
tiful in finish,
The Chancellor of Huron, V. Croilyn
Esq. declares Messrs, E. S. O'Neil and
R. H. Collins delegates to the Synod of
Huron from the Trivitt Memorial
Church, Exeter. "
Messrs. James Miller and Son; of
Moorville disposed. of 3 registered mares
to a "lir. Parcill, of Michigan,foi a hand
some price He intends shipping them
to Baker City, Oregon.
The book committee of the Mechanic's
Institute consists of the President Rev.
S• F• Robinson, Rev. Win. Martin and
Messrs. R. H. Collins, R. H Archer, Dr.
Lutz, and A. G. Dyer elected at the
Directors' meeting last night.
We call the attention of the town
authority to the fact that the by law in
regard to shooting inside the corpora-
tion is being violated on Saturday last
a. gentleman shot no less than three
snipes in front of Hawkshaw's hotel.
The semi-Annnal Institutemeeting
of the teachers of West Huron, will be
held in the Public School, here, to -day
and to -morrow, May 22nd and 23rd,
1890, beginning to -day at 10 o'clock
a. m., when the general routine of busi-
riess will be transacted.
Yes, reporter of local newspapers
Should always be furnished with tickets
Of admission to concerts, entertainments,
etc,, unless the managers of the same
do not desire publicity. It is a Well,
established city custom, but does not
prevail to an alarming extent in rural
Ere long we will be ushered into the
tormoil and heat of the election for a
member of the. Local House for this lin-
..,,,portant riding, when the how -do you -
do, shaking of hands, -inquiries after
the health of the babies, mothers etc,,
and ;all, sorts of smiling complirnents,
will be the topics of the day until the
5th, of June.
TheMisscs Me'Mannis took a leading
part in a, concert last evening in our
church. They gave good satisfaction.
The whistling of Miss Laura was well
reeelveed,siie being twice recalled. Miss
Alice renders elfective seevite as her
sister's accompanist, besides eontriintt-
ing piano solos with very good taste
and acceptability. They are :datrghtors
of a deceasedidethotlist Minister, and
inoclest and 1'nclylikc in dcpa',rtntent,and
well deserving. in every way of the pat
ronage of any desiring their help lir
Church Enter+taintneeta.
J.l4.tan celey,
Pastel 1,ey Richmond MethCrticlr,
An excellent line o€ parasols t0 ets.
at l;runelatoe Bros.
The Electric is 13laek
the market to keep
soft. Try a box, F'
Roth May,
The 24th May promises to be a
grand success. The coinnl-ittee have.
nearly comla'.eted all!arangemoets and
everything has been done to ensure a
day of genuine amusement; ]Baseball
matches, Farmers' .Race for one of Ver-
ity and Son's celebrated „wane,plows,
Everybody prepare for a day ofamuse-
ng is the ij,st in
boots and shoes
Ir sale by tleorge
The Misses McManis gave a Concert
in Shelborne St. Church during a week
before Christmas. Their contributions
were very greatly enjoyed by all pres-
ent. As a whistler Miss Laura McMan-
is is certainly without a • peer among
all artists in that line who have visit.
ed Toronto.
E. A. Stafford,
Pastor Sherbourne St, Church.
They appear in Drews Opera Ilouse,
Exeter, on Saturday evening May 24th
under the auspices of the Exeter Brass
Band. Don't fail to hear them.
The Germantown Republican thus
describes the hard lot of the country
editor: "He riseth in the morning and
knoweth not what a day may bring
forth. If he telleth all the news he
runneth a great risk of haying a tin
ear put on him, and if he telleth not
the news the people say he is n. g.,
and there is no joy in it. The crafty
man ca,joleth him into giving him a 50
cent puff for a 5 cent cigar, and fond
mothers frown on hint if he fails to flat-
ter their freckled -faced broods. And
all his ways are ways of woe, and his
days aro full of sorrow. The life in-
surance man settetlr snares for him,and
on the whole he has a deuce of a time."
Once upon a time a certain man got
mad with the editor and stopped' his
paper. The next week he sold his corn
at four cents below the market price.
Then his property was sold for taxes
because he didn't read the sheriff's sale.
He was -arrested and fined eight dollars
for hunting on Sunday simply because
he did not know it was Sunday, and he
paid three dollars for a lot of forged
notes that had been advertised for two
weeks; and the public cautioned not to
negotiate them. He then paid a big
Irishman, with a foot like a forge -ham-
mer, to kick him all the way to the
newspaper office, where he paid four
years subscription in advance and had
the editor sign an agreement to knock
him down and rob him if he ever or-
dered his paper stopped again.
I have much pleasure in certifying
to the pleasure given at the concert
last night in our church, by the whis-
tling of Miss McManis of Indianapolis,
the accompaniments being played by
her sister. It was like the warbliugs
of a song -bird. The Large audience
present were both amazed captivated.
In addition to the cultured whistling
power of Miss McManis, her manner on
the platform is also greatly in her fav-
or. Our Concert was a success in every
way,and I have no hesitation in recom-
mending the Misses McMauis to any
Church Committee who may wish to
offer to the public a unique and pleas-
ing. entertainment,
Isaac Tovell,
Pastor St. Paul St Meth. Church
St. Catharines, Ont.
They appear in Drews Opera House
under the auspices of the Exeter Brass
Band on Saturday evening, May 24th
Everybody take it in.
Never too late to mend. 5000 pairs of
boots and shoes that need repairing to
be left at the leading boot and shoe
store next door to the post office. G.
Cricket ]tgeetinit.
A meeting of the cricket club will he
held this evening (Thursday) at the
band room at 8 o'clock for the purpose
of choosing a match committee,etc.,and
arranging for the match with Clinton
on. Thursday next, the 29th, May. All
members please attend. Fred Elliot,
Rotice to Members of S. O. E,
All the members of Lodge Plymouth
No. 68, S. 0• E. B. S. wishing to attend
deyine service in Clinton are hereby
requested to be at the lodge rooms next
Sunday, May 25th, not later than'6,45
��rrl. Sivi nx, a F . V7.lirrny,
President. Secretary
Court Rariuony 1[eetiag.
A regular meeting of;Cour t Harmony
No, 61, was hold onMopday, Miy 12th,
when the following ofe ers wee instal
led, by Bro Wm. Hard ng, P. D. D. 4.
P. C. R:—T. H. McCal�um, C. II.. F.
Witwer, V. C. R,; D. diRoss; It.S,,
Dignan, F. S.; A. Dave, Chap.; J. W.
Taylor, Treas , Geo. Hill, S. W.; Andrew
Hicks, ,T.' W., H. Spackman, 8. .; Jas.
Creech, J, B. I
On Thursday last, '11 r, Sainitel West -
away met with an laccident, which
Wight have cost him 1iiis life.' He was
engagedin placing machinery in the
Exeter grist mill, andwas'jacking up
a large *heel which,, weighed about
twenty hundred lbs,, when the • jacks
slipped, the wheel striking Mr. West-
on the head and laid flim almost life-
less. We are glad to learn he is re-
Messrs. Verity and: Sons shipped one
car of their celebrated plows to Winni-
peg Saturday.—Mr.Jno. Switzer ships
to -day one car of tow to Baden.—Mr. J.
Woods shipped two cars of cattle to
Montreal this week. -H. Levett shipped
five cars wheat to St. Catheriries \ton
day, also three cars barley to Quebec
this week.—Mr. Jas. Oke shipped two
cars cattle to Montreal Saturday. 'Mr.
J. Coughlin also shipped two cars to
same point Saturday for export.
The Sans of England Attend Church.
OnSunday morning last, the mem-
bers of Plymouth Lodge, No 63, Sons of
England. Benevolent Society, met in
their hall at 9.30 and afterward attend-
ed divine Servicelin the James street
Methodist Churehj when Rev. Bro. Al-
len, of London, pileached a very able
and instructive s rmon to the brethren.
After the service; the brethren repaired
to the hall and passed votes of thanks
which were tendered to the Rev. Bro.
A number from Hensall Lodge were in
attendance. I
The Mutter and:Egg Market.
Saturday last::was really the inaug-
uration of the batter and egg market,
although Saturday 10th inst., was an-
nounced as the day of the opening, but
on account of the very disagreeable
weather, neither sellers or buy ers were
present. There was a large quantity
of produce brought there for sale and
the prices realized were in =try cases
�'ti p. •fid
a great cleat ugher than'ha.s�'b�e
heretofore, We hope to see a great
many more of the farmers take advan-
tage of the market, and secure the cash
for their produce, and higher prices
than paid in small country towns. One
trial will convince.
To Wlnonn it may Concern.
I have much pleasure in commend
ing Miss Laura McMannis, the Whis-
tling Soloist, to any association provid-
ing popular entertainments. Two mini
hers were given by her at a Concert
held in my church on the 20th of Feb-
ruary under the auspices of Y; P. L. S.
in the rendering of which she greatly
delighted the large audience present,
by which she was heartily encor d on
both numbers. Her part in th pro-
gram was really one of the very best
entertainments yet given in thu part
of the city.
8.•G. Stone,
Pastor Park dale Meth. Chur+
Council Proceedings.
The Council met at the Town Hall,
Exeter, 17th, May, 1890. All present
except Mr. Ross. Minutes of the pre-
vious meeting were read and confirmed.
Moved by H. Spackman seconded by
W. G. Bissett that orders be granted for
the following sums,viz:—James Creech
$2 charity to Mrs. Piper, do` FI. Melntosh
82.00.—Carried. Moved by IL Spack-
man, secondee, by J. Oke that the Clerk
order from the Hamilton and 'Toronto
Sewer Pipe Co, 1800 feet of 12 inch
sewer pipe; 40 twelve inch pipe with 0
inch junctions and 8 twelve :filth,
double junetion,---Carried. ''Moved .by
W. G. Bissett seconded br' IL Spa.elc-
inan`that a reward of $5,00 be granted
bythis Council for the apprehension
andconviction of any person found
breaking street lamps, windows,or'any
public or private property in this•il-
Ta„ro.-Carried, The Ceitneil adjourn-
ed until the-2rth inst., immediately af•
ter the Court of Revision at 11 o'clock
a, ivT. E,LCIL11TTy Clerk.
Poultry, Butter, Butter, Eggs,
except grain, wool and dressed hogs,
will be opened on the
Town Hall Grounds,
Saturday, iaJ0,
and continued every Satully.
Market hours.. 7 at. f>l a., to 1
• P. ./✓ff
This Hancox is estab-
lishec. by Village By-law•
By Order of
The Board of Trade,
Personal 1Yenntion,
Mr. Simon Stahl,editor and proprietor
of Unionville Echo, gave us a friendly
call on Saturday last, after which he
visited his parents in Crediton for a few
days. --Mr. Malcolm Mclimes, who has
for some time engaged on the Alvin-
stop Free Press, returned hone on
'Saturday evening last.—Mr.. D. Tait
returned from St. Marys on Saturday
evening last. -Mrs. Jas. Scott (nee Nel-
lie Smale) and her brother William, of
London, visited friends in and around
Exeter for a few days this week.—Mr.
JL N. Hooper visited Exeter this week.
Mr. H. Samwell is at Ingersol purchas
ing Durharri cattle which he will ship
here.—Mr. Mathew Thompson lefts for
Glasgow on Tuesday.—Mr. W. J. Clarke
who has been visiting• his brother, Mr.
J. P. Clarke, returned to Toronto on
Tuesday, Mr. John 'Taylor spent Tues-
d:iyin Denfield,—Ml Ed. Hunt, of Sea -
forth, visited here yesterday.—Mr. Wil-
liam Mutart, of Mich., is spending a few
days with friends here. ---Mr. R. H. Ver-
ity left on Monday for San Francisco,
Cal. Taking in British Columbia en
route.—Mr. Fred McDonnell spent yes-
terday in Hensall attending• the races.
Wait 'for them, In Drew's Dpera
House, on. Saturday. evening.
It is with feelings of deep regret we
chronicle the sudden death of Mr$. Ene-
ma, beloved wife of Mathew Keil rnd,of
Devon,wlrich sad and melancholy* event
took place at the early hour of 5 a. m.
yesterday morning (Wednesday She
has been ailing for seine time past of
slight attacks of heart disease 011 a t
last she succumbed to its fatal enacts.
She, on the morning of her death,woke
tip with a sort of a cough and gargling
in the throat, after which she uttered
not sound but passed' away in a
peaceful slumber to that beautifnl'shore
beyond. Deceased was 61 years and
9 months old. Th'e fundal will take
place from, the husband's residence on
friday, May 23rd, at 2 o'clock p. m.
and proceed to the Exeter ceirletery
for interment• We extend to the be-
reeved our heartfelt sympathy* in'. this
their sad affliction.
The 24tk Nay Celebration.
OnrruAlts.—Once more we are caul-
ed upon to chronicle the death of an
steemed pioneer, in the person of Mrs.
hristie, wife of the late John Christie
(vho died previous to her removal to
is country), of Hay township, whieh
s and melancholy event took place
al the residence of. Mr. Wm. McEwen,
ou Thursday, May 15th, after a short
illness of four days, of congestion on
the lungs, at the ripe age of 69 years
and 6 months. The deceased was a
native of Perthshire, Scotland, from
which place she and five children came
to Canada, in the year 1859. The sur-
viving children are: E. Christie, Exeter;
John Christie, Killarney ; and Mrs. Wm
McEwen, Hay; the other two having
died some time ago, which were Wit -
Earn 'and Catherine. Deceased was a
consistent member of the Presbyterian
church. The funeral took place, on
'" In at
o'clock p. i
May 1(t
The cortege to the 'grave at Rodger-
vilie cemetery was very large, testify-
ing the esteem in whieh deceased was
held by her many friends and neigh-
bors. The bereaved have our heart-
felt sympathy in their irretreveable
Posters have been issued announcing
the celebration of IIer Majesty's Birth-
day in Exeter, It will be celebrated
by a grand baseball tournment, races
arid various other sports. The Cele-
brated baseball clubs of Brussels,; and
St. Marys will be here, also other first
class clubs: Huron's Champions foe`
1889, Exeter, will also he on the 'dia-
mond during the day. The cgmmittee'`
are doing everythiiig; in their power to
make this a grand •sitet',efs. In the
evening a grated; concert will ':'take
place in L)rcw's Opera House Under the
auspices of the 'Exeter Brass B3and,
This will he the a''hit'' of the,season, as
the Misses McManis and three other
stars hire been secured It Will be
rnonibered that thiscompany pli;ved
several nights in Toronto; land the per,
each • as eteellent;, es •
forrnanec, of c Pee•
tally the whistling, of Miss Mcli1a't il
Shellingla,w ��a Currie,veterinar;y sur-
geons,`can be consulted at Clark's Ho
tel, of this place, or at Stafrt. A full
stock of veterinary medic^aes kept con-
stantly on hand. Veterinary dentistry
incl surgery a specialty. May lst.-3
inos. •
The Council of tho corporation of the
County of:Finron will meet in the Court
House. in the town of Goder•cli, on Tuesday
the Srcl day of ,Tune next.
• t'EThig1.
May 19:11,0M , .,c.o. Cleric.
Absolutely Pure.'`
c 0 X4 P F '1' I ' 0
an get ahead of Carling Bros. by cutting, out this picture but
can get ahead of Calling Pros, in any other way.
That's a good motto to: clang up at home, especially for
married ied women, and children.
Brass is good Ileal of a , li.tter you know. No reflection intended on the
glittering promises being made by others.
Because noise has an influence with some, and people will believe that Carling
Bros. are silent beeau'so they have nothing to say to the blatant boast-
ing of those who claim all quality and cheapness as their own.
We come to bury competition, not with blow and bluster, but with deeds.
Quality for Quality, and Value for Value, Ylo will meet and boat any prices made
by those who count the cheapness of their goods.
hiot with a few articles only.
o ; t
r ,
The question is who bought that bankrupt stock? Several.
have advertised as selling cheap. I want it distinctly under-
stood ! ®ID NOT GE's' IT nor do not want it. I manufacture
all my own tinware and handle no bankrupt stock, and am
in a position at all tinges to offer good,
ellmanade Ti ware
at a lower price than any other house can sell their two -ye a,r-
and-a-half shop-worn goods. I ask you to come and inspect my
stock and you will be convinced that I am speaking the truth.
My stock is all made up of
THE, ,BEsrr rr IN --
-that can be had iya the market, and.
ata selling away down.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
J O. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 G 0 0 0 n 0
STAND, one door north of Dr. Lutz's Drug Store, Main Street;
Exeter. Sign of Big
Thu powder neves voles, A nrtarvol of
' rtrity. strongth Mat rvlr@loeomeneaa, ,More
econontical than .•,t110 ordinary lcizitl�t, ancl..
cannot bo sold hi contpetitcr;n with than
m nllitude of low t+sst, r,hort woityht ultnb or
nt,ho rphato powrdoni, ' Solrl frn1v at} alax.q
Itovxr.Bknitro Potvn,ntt Co,,1os'�''w11 St, lfY
lir''a.°`ce''.ti;{,w's'..w2a7:'.z6"C. r`1
We have one of the largest collections of
111 town and Will sell them out at cost for the next two weeks
3 ,y dvLrare
Ve carry a full stock of Nails. Locks, Hinges, Bar Iron, Horse
Shoe Nails, Iron: Piping, 'Valves, Furnaces, Stoves, Wanzer
Cookers, Glass and Oils, in fact everythin„• usually found in
a first-class Hardware Stone.
In Greceries
our stock is new and complete.
We ask you to
u.n m� "arxr, 1"n^i,'tw stlr a
e:tln.�� tr4J �';f';:��iL�b:uJ... G.r3er� � i7 C.YJ��1:7...aixl�uti®ns•
VI33a ..�Hi: r "- tff R.11:x..
A•, it +
Nana er.