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The Exeter Advocate, 1890-5-22, Page 5
,1,0 Everest's Extract of Wild Blackberry boats the world for Dysentery, 5 0, - Hiram Smith, Forest P. 0, The Canadian tug Arbutus has been seized by the United States n);i.:l;sha1 at Detroit for ,i claim of ;1;,'100 by the dry dock engine W or 14.i LAME BACK CORED, ED, "Seven years ag'o I was troubled with Jame back and could scarcely move. Several remedies failed, but elltrying 1lagyerd's Yellow* Oil 1 fennel immedi- ate relief, and two bottles effected a complete cure. Mrs. Humble, Corbett P. 0., Ont Tlie General Assembly of the Pres- byterian church in the United States met ,yesterday at Saratoga. About two thousand delegates are present, &TWICE TO MOTHERS. Are you disturbed at night and broken of you! Test by a sick child su1Tering and Drying with pain of cutting tooth i! If so, send at once and: get 1} battle of Alas. WUhBLOW'S Sour/tom SYRUP Fon .CHILDREN TEETHING. 1ts value is incalcul. ablo, ltwill rchey ethe pooriittlesage rorimme- diately. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. it mires dysentery and diar., 1 rhma, regulates the stomata and boTva]o, cures r;Incholic, softens the „nuns, roclimes inflamma• tion and gives tone and energy to the whole system. Pitts W1NeI ow's' Sooriini0 SYRUP TOR CHILDREN' 'L'EtrUINGi$ pleasant to the taste,and is the proseription of one of the oldest and best female nurses and physicians in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throat itr, 'fat ale world. Price :30 cents a bottle. 44. Iror {a��+ rs , .eta t+g? ,t iu , l '. a a' I�,�xy1:�Jh✓a" u.. rM.�.�T:"k�,+i�t' #.lLii:.i]'�i�' y{�;:- -u _ .x+'SA.nru"1 i^".' , 'm,�,�! r J;!' • q< , J .,,,. ,. rte., � ce\�,�,, for_infants and Children. "CEEt02.221 is so tell adapted to children that Cltster!a es Co11.0, Constipation, L recoinnteud it as superior to any proscription Sour Stour ch, Diarrhoea, Eructation. ,. Kills W(irh s rives elee and aoxnotec dig, known to me." •. r u. Pr P II. e.. Agelllsa, a1. n. cello t III 0 Ck Brooklyn, ai.er .. Oxford. �sookl' � n N. Y ho medication. St., N .oil v ecLctlteQ y 3� t 7627. 11. r W Tan CEmrAun CourAaY, 77 Murray street, N.'1 , 'tiril ,'�t]m'"��..''''XNii.r' EME7 PIIFE , cit Il e. It is reported that the railway con- ductors in convention atRochesterhave Voted to eliminate the provision of the •constitution prohibiting strikes. A'MARVELLOUS RECOVERY, .1 was so ill with inflammatory rheum- atism in 1882 that 1 was given up, and • hadall env earthly business put in or- der. 'One of my sons begged. me to got Burdock Blood Litters. After the third bottle I could sit up alone, and eat a good meal, and in six weeks I Was out of bed feeling better than I ever felt. flake three bottles every spring, and two every fall. Mrs M. N. D. Benard, Main St., Winnipeg, Man. Everest's Cough Syrup is -the best thing for Coughs and. Colds 1 ever used in my family.—A. Dickison, Arkona P. 0. Harrison, Parnellite, has been elect- ed to fill. the vacancy in the House of Commons for the middle • division of Tipperary. He was returned without - opposition.. Tile action of Carter's Little Liver Pills is pleasant, mild and natural. They gently stimulate the liver, and regulate the bowels, but do not purge. They are sure to please. Try them. The temperance committee of the Presbyterian synod of Toronto and Kingston, in tileirreport, strongly urge the- petilaoning of the Dominion Gov ernrnent in favor of a prohibitory law. THE IDES OF MARCH, "Last March mother caught a severe cold, terminating in a very bad cough. .Everything we could hear of was tired without avail. ' Hagyard's Pectoral Balsaiii Was at last recoinrnencled 'and procured: The. first dose relieved; and one bottle entirely cured her," Miss E. A Starnaman, Hespel.er, Ont. Edward Spellman, who was a witness in the Cronin murder case, has been in - di -,:ted on two counts of aiding and a- betting, illegal voting, whereby- he is accused of securing a seat in the Pe- oria, Ill., city council. Why don't you try Carter's Little Liver Pills'? They are a positive dire for sick headache, and all the ills pro- duced by disorde,d liver. Only one pill a dose. Great apprehension is felt at St. Vin - Cent de Paul on aceount of the very fee- ble health of the famous Megantic des- perado, 'Donald Morrison. The convict refuses to eat and it is presumed that he contemplates starving himself to death. WELL ADAPTED. The effective action on the glandular system and the blood, and the general angulating tonic and purifying action of 11. B. 13., especially adapt it for the or crofuloils• bilious, T1eT�0t15, costive S I'iom3toGbottles wl ill cure all blood diseases from a common pimple to the worst' scrofulous sore. The family of Clement Alder, living at Ivanhoe, Ohio, were poisoned at sup - ,per Wednesday evening. The mother and one child died; the father and the other child are not seriously sick. The poison is supposed to have been in Saus Derangernent of the liver, with con- stipati.on,inJUreS the eomplexion,induce pimples, sallow shin. Remove the cruse by'usini, Carter's,' Little Liver Pills, One a close. Try them. Yesterday Morning the steamer State. of Georgia while putting out to sea collided with the ferry boat Pacific ill the East river, New York. The ferry boat w -i Ioaded with South Brooklyn pass€mere, who. vete, all badly fright- ened but none i.n,juredi WOOLEN MANUFACTURERS RERS' COM- n.fNE, pronov.neing Nasal Balm the sover- tem re'nedt for catarrh. Mr. Horatio Collier, Woolen i'1tnuf:icturer,Canier- ortowii, Ont, states. Nasal Balm is the only positive remedy for cfttarrh that;1 ever used. Leslie MacLeod, 1 sociate editor of TVallaee's Monthly in New York,' has been discharged ,rola custody. He was charged with being; implicated with Robert L IVallaco 10 stelilinb money. and bonds from John H. Wallace: TInve was not sufficient evidence a- r adieu Dxacr.,cod. Everest's Cough Svrupis the most re- markable medicine I ever )used for 011' hs and Colds, two or. three . doses invariably ci'ft;at,ing a clue.--Wiri, Gil. lis, Forest r.0, n' made 1 the• ,astle' lt,.o2�1„beill dv l r, cart. `.i r.lra of hely Yor�l to brine, Ceram q,lc 1 z»: ,rr. Mormon �ilnnll. rantstluder th0!eon'ti'ict A' a labor law,' • g*hi. i!" li'ei' M • L m�tag Ax!!!00\1 Agent for the Noxon St6eI Frame Hoosier Drill, GUARANTEED TO BE THE BEST IN TIIE WORLD. The only drill that can be instantly regulated to run the desired depth in hard or soft soil while in motion. . Also for their light Seel Elevated Binder with new knotter. It is the only knotter having a rotary cord holder that does not cut off or drop or waste a single piece of twine, Remember, THE ONLY ONE, AND NOT A PIECE WASTED. Other binders waste from one and a half to four inches every time a bundle is :tied. Also agent for the WATERLOO HAY LOADERS, COMBINED ROOTPULPER and SLICERS, GRAIN CRUSHERS, DISC HARROWS and all farm implements. Show rooms in south half of I. HANDFORD'S carriage shop. For infornaation. address 11111UNTI E 2C, der.. ..OM,,,,SCRWO c.,R-rzIrift..,=,tarl. ..R,,............ _ ..XIMMISSZm..ISSEMII A Fresh and New Stock of rO r'iS '& Onfiectiortanj JUSTi ARRIVED AT THE Family Grocery. Also Pure EXTRACTS and S°PICES. A beautiful piece of glass- ware given away with 1 Ib of Ma yell's Baking Powder. pashw©od. Roller Flour i©1' Sale. Call and examine our goods before purchasing elsewhere. G. A. N 0 HMiFZl'i76t HOSPITAL REMEDIES. What are they? The growth of intelli gene in medical matters has given rise to a demand for a class of genuine, reliable medicine- The opportunity of the ignorant quack, who grew rich curing everything out of a single bottle has passed. To supply ncl this list of reme- dies satisfactorilythis tle.ina dies has been created They are the favor- ite prescriptions of the most famous medical practitioners of the clay, gathered from the hospitals of London, Paris, Berlin and Vien- na. Prescriptions which cost the patients of these specialists from 425 to 13100 are here offered prepared and ready for use at the nominal. price of one dollar each. Not one of them is a cure all; each one has only the reasonable power of curing a single disease, and each one keeps is contract. Sufferers from Catarrh, Diseased Lungs, Bronchitis, Asthma, Consumption, Rheumatism, Dys- pepsia, Liver and Kidney Complaints, Fever and Ague, Neuralgia, Female weakness, Lencornccua or Nervous Debility,should semi' stet -up for descriptive catalogue to.Ilospit`l Remedy Co , 803,k West Bing S1,, Toren , Canada. If your drug';istdoes notkeepth, se remedies remit :Luke and we will send direct. - ata aTim e a tw g w �lueo �tw • crcftaitt TalIor. w b. • n,n.• 11 .44 First Ola ss Horses iIwl.,Ubligs.. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMIMERCIAL MR:i.IN,. Orders left ;tit Bissett Bros.' If ard.watirc Storer will receive prompt attention, TERMS REASONABLE. A. TRIAL SOLICITED. W. G. J3ISSETT. CURES DYSPEPSIA. CURES DYSPEPSIA. CURES DYSPEPSIA. Mr.Noll McNeil, of Leith, Oti1'writes:. Su - DEAR .ts,—;;'or yogis andF av,ovr,� 3Yv l:, s i D years Lauf oroti from dyspepsia woi t foruhs, and after dansalled �• T• 'a+ trying 031Means in my power ;77r :mSs(eh.•4l by_ f len sto tryB.BB.,which I dd, an(1 after using 5 bottles I was completely cured. -f 'd1rc COMMA ?ION iCures CONS TIPA TION C 'es CONSTIPATION r nen. NOIO Lill IE 01,44i t..4.1.3 1Rapid necovory. DEAR SME,—I have tried your B.B.S. with great success or constipation and pain in my head. The 'second dose made me ever so much batter. My bowels now move freely and the pain in nty head, has left ane; aril to everybody with the saune disease'Irecommond • B. B. B. IOTI53 F. WramAms, 4.45 Moor St., Toronto. Cures B1LIOU=a3aI SS.. Ceres BILIOUSNESS, Cures BILIOUSNESS. � t �.rt Prflrff. STTY.S,—TITIIStroublo,1 TOT five years with laver Complaint. I shod a great deal of motile. no which did me no good, foul 1 stns getting, worse cal the time until 1 tried 13nrriook Blood Jitneys. rafter., takidg four bottles I ani now E,un. I crai alsarocoui uendittor tho cure of Dyspcn i't. • Maui' A. E. Dnaoov, • 1lawkstone, Ont. • v•• Cures NEADACIIE. Cw'e a Cures HE,IDA,€ IYk. Prompt Caro. Dsai,h Ls r was vary bad' with headache (1l1(t pain 1n nay bank; my hands and fear swelled 1 0I could do no work. 11y t,ster-m law advised nw Lt. try Lt. B.13. With, o to bot is 3 4 tit no nnc,t better timt, gra, nnrc.mMr rani 7,o.V iv,01 and can Ivory a4 vr611 try 6V4.C. ANNIE DITHEi S4, Tilsonbl rg, Ont. ,at r•t.,7 .il. Cw''es RAD 1t91,00D. Cures I D stool), CLP; MS BAD BLOOD, Bad; Blood May aids° +rune 'Wrong ^,anon of the o n,l.tt.olt Liver, 7 idncys and .Sowell, by regulating circ: timing t11, se 0'(:,1:11„ 1enh0V0; 4t1.16 011.111,01.111 u1131111UIwTied '11 a (' blood, 1IO1OVu1,l •• all Mora, r!) tlr e'i .t<, . YrOnt a l 11114 �J 10 seroYuiotho Sebe. Itt I it d trandering ante¢i,, Books leatncd- iS and Twirling., Testrnofnall from rile Pat s of the globe. cPrnsetetus iiostir . iaisue,cola cn Y415 i,catioih ,to Erol: A, Loalette. 257 7 3111thAve, IOW Yertfr Boois Ufl1 l I HAVING •BOOGHT THE ENTIRE - STOCK OF— From the James Pickard Estate, At a nameless figure, I will knock the bottom clean out of I a:1r :1„Ct.. EXETER - ONTARIO Has now in stock Sjirig & Suitt 01 IN THE FOLLOWING LINES : West of England Suitings and Trous. cringe, Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trousc- ings. French and English Worsted Cloths All made up i33 tlie. Latest Style, at best Rates. t . >t ii ELL. REA'IEMBER THE— at Sale. IS NOW ON, FULL STOCK IN ALL LINES. LOOK FOR THE SIGN, SPA. oCKIWAN 6, SOOT a FANSON'S BLOCK, EXETER. E. J. SP.ACKMAN. ..yam THE. BEAUTIFUL AND CLEAR CUT --TYPE:— from which this paper is printed was supplied by the "RATC TY PL Ffu______4jtrog? Dealers in Type, Presses, and Printers' Supplies. J. T. JOHNSTON, 80 Si 82 Wellington St. west TORONTO, ONT. "7HE.DEST ARAM? AGAINST DISEASE IS GOOD. DIGESTION." It is.a hard, uncontrovertible fact that more disease is directly attributable to disorders of the Stomach than to all the other organs combined ; this is not hard for even the unprofessional to understand when we take considerationinto the mass of food ,.flits made the receptacle'.of for a time,there to be churned, di- gested and so assimilated MALTORIZPS'i N (an artificial gastric juice-fornuila on every label) will aid the weak stomach and so care indigestion, D opep- 'Isla etc. In fact, it is a goodaid to digest a hearty dinner, nd can do no harm, as itis only adding an extra amounrof gastric juice, does not s , m. lato,.twd so there isnore rtion. rEndorsed byphysicians. Send 2Cis. 10 postage for valuable book to Ii IGEN 'MORSE, INTERNATIONAL BRIDGE, ONTARIO, EVER,HIT GOGH 811111,P • CANNOT BE EXCELLED. Try it And bo, convine4d of its wonderful curat;'w f properties. Price 25 cents. H1 4.. It: `agl; Uld,•�t Ali U �•i iIOID LI1I/iptt OPItlfit ') 74 to• children if yeti;. wish, for their future •welfare: .ili'cirse,st ply.. oorole of' Celery Cont., poutitty exacf formula on evory'labeI, is a safe rem- edy 'for teething infants and nervous adults. 1Cn- dotted y phybioiltnb.. o�contstabl te Eland 4V stable .r deserlptive cirenter Mae 41.'' r'1A;f'Itttf'a3l,,11.• 1' er- a D • �.i ✓ (TRADE 'VAR K.) Try Everest's Lver Regulator 'rot U, t 17 ilts Liver kidneys, Vo:, ibirltY• 1144 of 13a d1iad. Price 51 Sit battles fur 55, loot Sale by ALL DR1U4 1hlr only idfEn,tineturede y b y (WA 41.' Yiin1lS C, Cil4Mtrr, t'0llL1l , deo 6tlt EEW s:'d V"r}AA�m ✓r r8la n4lYlia2�k'H 4sr.1t1 water, , �y lvol tlr ";:iA (ran.nrld ngat ss3 5 tlrnehworld. i'atroat timekeeper Warrenton homy, sotto 101111 hunting cases• Both lank ' nun gents then t'vith W.ONku-pall canoe of eachal ei uty 0111 Ir)r1)oto each 110 n11te. adn Sweat' one .e, fogllil�at' iyith ntrrIm fCo fru, �i17� i Ii lnablothloos8oy c ,eittslel 1111 �I a .. theta as ti ;nti4 1v .. mplen nu wall 6 r , RRANtru :an the Witten, nee fi ¢tt!a'r \i1 tlta vaadck you well a ie to 41310 wlmtWO Solid p.m to nine. „ho calf -roar elen1naudaai 1,h4reandUlnaea40111yteu-'01ntahvnyMh'Bptdt, n r °'+cnr4 tt, t na•nt darted, r 4n�Tn. , toe a 1 �rnt% rt v a 9, f iu. lYl ,al , • and Ehos fru , i 5 011 00 1114 7414' all 0 1000 fru 111 l 0.)..11041 1111•kao1vn 1, lf,aoa i.'0O (ha fn gn to w"ork fou n$,..'Ra vna corn au "!(1.'p tn' .fib.(>por,00ek mhn ny,vnuis, .t,lrus�, bili11)4d4D.41, 00 At =1;1r, lu' oS'Ldsik,a1, /imam", LEY THE LEADING ndertaker AND �O Furniture Healer OF THE T .r• .4'4 4 f erneber oicfswand „�,• �� � 4,3/4:190111.4.9 m tr 0 n�9 Near the POST' OFFICE. If you want an easy shave and neat hair -curt just call at SHAVING SALOON, `Where he does all his work in a neat style. Ladies' and Children's hair -tatting in the latest style. AGENT FOR THE PARISIAN STEAM L.4NDURY.' } I have an immense Stock of Furniture and Undertaking Goods now on hand, which I will sell at right. prices. URDRTAKIHG A SPECIALTY. IN ORDER TO MAKE SPACE —FOR SPRINC GOOD4&, We will clear out the balance of our Winter Stock AT CtST FOR-- as OR— a i• x Including a splendid assortment of , OVERCOATS & SUITS FOR MEN AND BOYS• LADIES AND GENTS FURS. LADIES FUR CAPS, MUFFS ANI) I-IATS. LADIES NETT, VEST AND WOOL r SIIATi1 LS. A NICE STOCK OF FUR TRIMMIN'S , GENTS IIEAVY WOOL LINED KID MITS & GLOVES at 75c worth $1. We cant be undersold in Teas and: Sugars for SPOT 'CASH. JOHN MATHESON. Exeter North. An examination of our Stock Solicited.. Smti —TIIE— CENTRAL SHAVNO -PARLO EXETER, Ontario. A. HA1TIH'GS5 PROPRIETOR. Every Attention paid- to Ladies' and Children's Hair Cutting. A. 11atilt gs. u .�- Cat tap .. i�ag uyd ' d For I g At right prizes go to R. Ne a r 9 the leadhng'r r3•osld-a , ��1 cl, nij r N i i �t f11711' MilEilifill S add one door north of MOLSONS NS BANK•.. Main-st., Exeter: `OBT. N. ROE. ,. mmve d.x.r mur..,nersew¢,nx rwwano... rr21 ameec ui:e.ee.nan LondonHuron, Bruce Railway Passat eat �'ozaon 'P 7,IsAc: 6-0/Ea NoE,'Cit. am • hnr. Iln,d0P'88:275 3,0003 oCros'-g; t 5 44 A. Claoclaboye 352 428. ConLraliri 1105 5.i4 EX , r1':T 0.11 137 11(tusall 9.28 6.09 Riepen ) 34 0,17, rsrtla°rola 54d 0.24. Minton 10.00 5.10 Lai deabore' 1010 7,53 B4lyth 10'28 7.1 2, if�.ri e n..1t• 7,27 am. t 0 7.411. 7110g1T i , 1 .11 Ctoi.NG r'wouan. is m. p.m.. "Win' li1tm 7,06 9.40, 13,ip•ravt. 'telt 4,00. lllytit. 798 413, Tam ti.U4boro' 747 4.23. 'Olin ton eel 445, 13 r tt , •' i r ltl • 6,251 S..01 1 tell 1lill9(l1 88.4 513. hrom.o,11 4.41 3.10, 'EXETER 856 553. ('41141) 11)14 0.97 5.15. Olandolu,yO 9,1:4 5.55. tine an Cr es'g t) 21 1.02: Landon, art. 1016 45 tIIIP1461'111 Having leased the premises latety occupied by Mr. John Brawn, I would inform the public that I carry animmen- se stock of FURNITURE of my own Manufacture,which i will sell at EXTRAORDINARY PRICES ES Inepect my stock oefore,buv- ing elsewhere axle nave from 10 to 20. per. cent. I am bound to sell,and guaratee my goods to be superior to factory work. Undertaking in all its branches at lowest possible prices. Special attention will be given to this branch of the business. Give me a share of the patronage. Remember the stand, two doors north of the Town Hall, Exeter. W.A.T. ANDREWS. 1, VILNA.111•11.1Milli STANLEY has accomplish- ed more than any other clis- coverer before him and has made for himself imself a name that will go rolling clown through the coming ages. People will read of his achievements with wonder and amazement and on all sides decorations and honors will overwhelm him. During his late expedition much labor and inconvenience would have been obviated by /va liberalr�vfuse of COTTAM'S 3 l AMIS Waging Compound, by the means of which all dirt and infections of disease can be removed and utterly destroyed. It is the safest, most effectual and economical washing com- pound that has ever been dis covered, and the people of Canada use and appreciate it more every clay. Be sure and ask your grocer for C W. C. ailcl, let no amoinit of plausible excuses induce you to take a substitute. .�� E ETER Mt fl TS Wheat per bushel. $0.50 to 85 Barley 4.0.to 45 Oats 26 to 80 Peas,`52 to 55 Eggs snTS . er z 9 to 9 +. Clo . . , Butteri 110119... - . ]:0 to, 15 Butter, Crocks , , 10 to 13' Potatoes 50 '' I 5:0'to O` •o: per us 1. o Duet es b 1 , ray per ton ...... . , .: 1.00 to 7,00 Clover Seed, . 8,50 to 3.50 Timothy Seed , f. G.. 1,50 to 2.00