The Exeter Advocate, 1890-5-22, Page 4Meredith s I E \L -OO i"SER'YATP F MEETINGS. JOHN- G. HO+LMES, theLiberal• Coliserviatil'e eitnclidate for South Hurons will address meetings on else st,il'1•ing. questions of the campaign. st the following places:— `S3-Dixon s 71zt11, BruueftolO. ac 21.11' ,t.,) hoo1 .Louie,8.$;1 p. nt. ' 29 -Cook' sellooi,?.SJ p. ut„C-roderieh t'p. k” 2ti-Tall ex.'s sob ool, Tucker smith, after- ' td -}j* tisgrer:•n. [noon. 2$ -Town l•ittll, L'ayfeld. LL 2J uittt \ ontlan " a l,uanl(a, ( yen g). 1O 1S 111ert'., fieri , J .sltwood, 'a al CI Bentz Zane 2 -Town Hall, Elimvillo. S.:Farquhar. Except where otherwise mentioned, rail the above meetings will be opened ut 7.30 o'clock is. an. The nominee of il,3 Reform party or ether candidates cordially invited to bo :evsent and address the meetings. Other ver meetings to he addressed by genders of the party will be held between the 113tH a47t1 19th .allay, of which special rtatiee iaa11 be given by posters. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN. THE `r , gull= gthttocate. WM. SANDERS, Editor. ' 't.QRFF,'D.AY, MAY 22nd, 1890. t �as f1 iAI EPo OTJa TICKET. Tor Premier,—W, R. MEP.EDITH. Rx -South Huron.—J. G. }IOL .0 S. ' s North Illidcllesex.—V'. H. HUTCIIINS :1.110IYAT IS GOING. The following prophecy has discover. al that Mowat must go: Free M ail. R O ss Mo W at Fr A ser Bax T er • MC M ahon McLa U ghlin Ma S tes GuTluil Spra G ue O'C 0 Inns Ly 0n Bro N son Isaac, J G-ould Dr U ry Da N ce L E ys Bal F our Sm I th Da V is E ld THE BALLOT FRAUD. The number is kept on the back of Me Ontario ballot on pretence of detect• leng fraud in isolated cases, hist what about the fraud thus put upon the n- m:0camt elector? He is led to imagine that he is voting secretly, when all the time the official Eye is upon him, ready to wank intelligence of his action , the quarter where he perhaps may. dread discovery. The whole theory and utility of the ballot is that it should protect every elector from scrutiny as to his vote. In this case he gees through the form of secrecy, but it as ar here mockery. The returning officer and those about lliln have the snarans of discovery. If there is any arctive on their- part for revealing his course of action, how can he be sure that it will not be exercised? And a -motive exist where present and pros peetive dependants of the Government gre concerned. It keeps all such in star of the party lash. The aaiiinbered' Istll'ot is to be condcrnnetl because it is part of an,,elaborately contrived sys, tea of espionage and coercion, .which, like the till" of. Dionysia s, is intended b t'iirect all sounds whether good or civil char aster to the " chief listener Every, otfi%cer wlaoihas been appointed te.4er Mowat takes with his salary the emission of 'toiler and talebearer qtr this cause. 4.ndtlae rumba fed gal i[oes the same service also with 'tin ( its"rig aeettraey, It is the faithful little messenger that Dan always be railed upon,, for itis doubled checked, s`aimped and branded for the very pox - p me of lckUltific ttioll. We say it is a fraud upon the elootor, for it is meant to deceive his judgment, to betray him tar bis hurt fin particular caress, and does not fulfill the obit that the bal- lot is designed for: FACTS FOR Haw ELECTORS. Mowat and Bishop try to fasten the parentage of the campaign sheet "Facts for Irish Electors," on 11I1'. Dlsredith, At Palmerston the other day ho was again obliged to deny the charge, which he did as follows:— "One of the things said is that in 1883 the gentlemen who now lead the Opposition were responsible for the campaign sheet, "The appeal to Irish Electors," which was sent forward, Now a certain gentlemou naanscl Cap- tain Kerwin has undertaken to make a declaration in which it is asserted that trdeemp campaign1sheet called Il„ ts for Irish Electors" was prepared with my knowledge and approval, that a proof of it was submitted to me and that r approved of it. I desire, as I did in the House, last session, aid as I did prev- iously, to give my most emphatic denial to that statement, I ncvse authorized the issue of that document. I never knew of its preparation, I never saw it until long after the elections were over.'' On Monday evening the Reform speaker stated that one of those sheets `Facts for Irish .Electors," had been left It a farmer's house in Biddulph by W.E. 'Zeredith himself in 1883. Mr. Mere- dith positively denies any knowledge of this sheet, and we believe his denial. to be equally as good as the gentleman who made the statement. THE CAMPAIGN. The campaign has commenced in real earnest, and meetings at different points are being held nightly. On Fri- day evening last, Mr. J. G. Holmes, Mr. N. Clarke Wallace, M. P. and Mr. Bis- hop addressed an audience in Drew's Opera House, and if ever any Candidate got "pulled over the coals" Mr. Bishop did. On Monday evening Mr. Holmes and Mr. Collins addressed an audience in the same place, and Mr. Collins serv- ed somewhat the same fate. Mr. Col- lins is a beautiful and flowery speaker, but the arguments of Mr. Holmes more than over balanced the flowery speech of Mr. Collins. Meetings will be held every evening until the eve of the election and Will be addressed by both candidates. CANT OF THE WORST KIND. Mr. Mowat was guilty of the follow- ing at Woodstock in talking to the working men: • — "In a Christian country one cannot help remembering that the great Sav- iour of the world, when he came into the world, lived and worked with me- chanics, with humble toilers, and it was for the poor as well as the rich that He laid. down his life." Such miserable clap -trap trotted out for election purposes is enough to "sicken a horse." It is certainly un- wortlly of the "Christian politician" to cant of this kind, British Grain Trade. The Mark Lane Express, in its week- ly report of the British grain trade, says: The weather favors the growth of wheat which is strong, regular and hardy. Beans, peas and spring corn look well. Continental advices are satisfactory. It is estimated that a little above 1,000,000 quarters of Eng- lish. wheat of 1889 remain to be disposed of. This, together with the fair quality of the offerings, has hardened prices. The stales of English wheat during the week were 81,719 quarters at 32s 5d; against 64,158 at 29s 11d per quarter during the corresponding week last year. The flour trade has been dull, but prices have been fairly firm. Ii1 consequence of heavy import trade imported flour and wheat ha ve receded a point or two. Beans a nd oats have been firm. The trade has been against sellers of barley, peas and maize. The London holders of maize have been decidedly firm in spite of heavy decline in the United States. To -day weather was against sellers of wheat and spring corn. The market were inactive and the speculative inquiry slackened. I'his is regarded as temporary. Holders wore firmer. The finest English wheat was 1s dearer, while ordinary was un- ohanged. Fine Australian, the best California and good Russian were firm. Flour was in fair request and firm.Barley was slow, American oats were 3d dearer, Beans and Peas were firmer. Flat and round maize was 3d lower. Yellow was steady. m1PaliRS. iVXtlrr ri c .� Ill Exeter, on '17th inst,,the wife of Mr. S. 'Vaunters, of a sols, WaL15nn —In. Stephen, on 14th inst,, the wife of I•,cwis Walper, of a soli, HEAMAX,—fin Exeter on the ,lGth inst ,the wife of 14Xr.. 'r'hos. lleanian, - of 5. daughter. Iib7J7Crt 9itCD1.—In Exeter, ell: 20th hist,, the wife, of Mr'.Dcni is Il:nleran, of @li*.son, A BOON TO"'I ANI IND ; The quickest, surest ,alndbest relnedy for rheumatism, neuralgia, lumbago, sore throat, soreness and lameness, is IIagyard's Yellow Oil. It quickly cur- es sprains, bruises, burns, frostbites, chilblains, etc For croup, colds, quill- sy, etc., take 10 to 80 drops on sugar, and, 'apply the oil externally also, when. immediate relief Ail ill 1.05i4t. Ex -Judge Reynolds, of Bho law firm ofReynolds & Harrison, Ntiw York, was shot and fatally wounded . 'bis ofhiee ill Wall street yesterday. byIl a young man named A. J. Stophanrl;. Mr. Rey- nolds was counsel for Stephanie's ma- iler, and had advised her t attach cer- tain moneys belonging to t le estate of her e late husband which he'�. � h t oum m,ln. b. had placed in a safe deposit;1 ult, and proposed to use for his ortln benefit. Stephanie was arrested. il EVERYONE SHOULD TRY To secure good health: The great specific for all diseases arising from disordered stomach, sush as'everflow of 'wile, sick headache, loss Of appetite, nausea, palpitation; indigestion,constip- ation and all blood diseases, is Bti.rdock Blood Bitters. Iters Ilundreds of people dive their health to B. B. 13, nature's regal- lator and tonic. DEATHS'. OnnisTln.—In Hay, on the 15th inst., Ann: Christie, aged 69 wears and 5 months. KGLLalD.—In Usborne, ' on. the 21st inst., Emma, beloved wife, .of Mr. Matthew Kelland, aged 61 years and 9 months.. H "am,. L, AN d '' RETAIL. The Largest 'Wholesale Stock in the County. egg� rp q+, �.:'�. wenn 1° .!�. A. ...1'..�p, i'Bnes a rn ,�. '+I. cases, Corby, 11111 and J ilee Whiskey always in Stock. FRENCH. Y: L4ilESTIC 1N_' OF ALL KINDS; riag UP Atr 0616111E4K ROE; SEjli MOE 'ary �V li Gii!n sses Stoat t and American Ates ancL Porter", q t OCERIES,,A�� , , , >® FRESH. 11 18.11 gonsillmott of airs Soso s Tis jllt ur, Feed :.i nd 'a rovi ions always on hand. Bass-�,� t i. FI G 1 =MOS. CARTER'S ITTLE ItlER PILLS. L NASA. BALM. ,A certain and speedy cure for old; in the Head rand 'Catarrh in all its stages. oIOOTHINC, C1,.ANSIHR, HEALINp. Instant Relief, Permanent Cure, Failure Impo{sable. Many so-called diseases are simply symptoms of Catarrh, such as headache, partial deafness, losing sense of smell, foul breath, hawking and spitting, nausea, general feeling of debility, etc:° If you are troubled with any of these or kindred symptoms, you have Catarrh, and should lose no time in procuring a bottle of NASAL BALM. Ire warned rat time, neglected cold in head results in Catarrh, followed by consumption and death. Baser BAL. , is sold by all druggists, or will be sent, post paid, on receipt or price (5o cents and Sz,00) by addressing FULFOII0 & CO., Brocxviti., Osr. sess. Beware of imitationa similarin name. • When Baby was sick, we gave her Cdstoria. When she was a. Child, she cried for Clastori When she became Miss, she clung to. Castoria. ; When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. 1r�n� p aur V1t �r C5 Sri a :A3itvi , :1 cutcltly Pure thetas• ° selcas oY.vittsthn,g� i:itallty, Lost Mamboed, frolnlv,outhftO Orors, etc., quiet7.Sr' ad horns, Look ou all rprivate diseases sent free (sealed). Perfectly reliable, Over 80 years' experience. Address— @s;LlDffib iPIL2, CO., TQH014TO, Canada, L BEs. our "relics ar Woman" is nolo and niwaya reliable ; better lhau Insur.Oz61o. Tahsy or Ponnvroynl P01,. Insures regularity. Send for P,wticalnrs. Addrtss GILDED ;ALTA ;Ce;a„, r,'r_r ci v✓'e, Canada, 0.9 CmAt bRuldDe3heradoicsEo 1doanysmortlnLtanatccne,t hanidr greatest achievement of modern reinac 1 dost .oa• dertai discovery othe ago. lother Ireuarot0 Magical,sum almost instantaneous in Ilino ash whiskers! Bald heads ",mired!” Curious ssp^crease, but poritrve truths. Only genuine arttalo in market,and nest's -In to give absolute satisfaction. Guaranteed.. Pince 11 y. bottlo, or Lhree bottles for w2. Each bottle lasts one month. Address A. DIxO , Box 305, TO1L,I,T0, 0A.NADa. MADAME CIS9IDAIII'S PEE?kRATISAS. 76PE FLUOAR 13Ayl preparation that will e ermaneu i) remove .a erfinouo Bair without injury to rho stain We. -ante 1. Prieeoo�E►91. i��idll6"��e3 P'ti•8�' Gl�• �1��'r��s�"1=''�iFPet:�ranently Y s ,1. l',t.Aa. rrlr„ :• 4',l from le to Su days. warranted.. n ricotar ae dayelreatrtantz,d731. ,FATE G,4 LH L!,PI tjS ior:tihosn pcoPlu point ise matter of soliaitudo; 'whether basins it is R:acm• fortaPIs' or unfashionable,—o't1 t, ,inI• CORPULENCE PILLS" lona fe lbs.. inOnth. They canes no sickness ; certain aopninon, ,2nd never snit Price tarand monsla'O treatment,. 52; or throe mouths Iinctiicicc, ;35. Warranted. COM LEey dA WAFERS GT i MOTS: S esch the shin,: develop the form. harmless, Permanent in effect. Warranted- Price Sl a box, or sir:Mo; es for O5. £deiress r 3Y1,8.raui ty �1F sET"r Sisl, 286 .?M4ns' F•trcat''Mar,. !,ora to; Ont. • '.! gag.flf `' .ifttst azat{mL11f!'z,t"•ifl " 'ra::1?iirl. Have you tried tate Celebrated 11, x. 'fix AEL $ SHOE D(R S.SI i f If not don't fail- to do so 'at' once. It is not a polish bot a wondeeful leather preservative it will Make the finest or coarsest shoe as, soft and pliable as Id d and very easy to the foot. It will make therm absolutely water- proof, and isoccasionally dressed with` this dressing will lust more than twice. as long as otlt..rwie. WO 'Mears ‘11/11 at' We Say. It is the very life sof leather•:. It can be applied. at afty time. No trouble--- Shoe can be polished immediately aft e ,cards; 1PItT.OZ, if,s.111 Cou,tsPat 13oz. Sal(1 by all first•class storet. ' Sam- ples moiled—Stamps talceri. O14[Vs rl C.AE.8,NA jr. sot, t: MAIItiF ,cT0.ilirlar, BtiF f AL -O, 14 V. _,.,r xtn4MytlI'�ti.r1�'4''rr.4�t'•�-x'+Z6t1�111.'k 1. gr. Ston 8oisu mold, watch, hold for 5&1 iO to td Iii 1y. best $ ` 1;r Atth ,n the rod hi. 1� :r,,x•,� 1'erfcot timekeeper.,. 11.1 3,1 �t rauttd. h&c' tfonu' aold • '''y)''� �� --- (1t11tiingCq o! iiolb ]adtes' (� end(er(48r'er,wilnieVelbr � tt nl eOvNd ^Ni equal .'value, 11 Or,G li0eI MolLiu eACb lo. rA'� Y1,SCCC a 1AY nn1Y '000 ono. frdo, , °,✓ (r .lotgO551nol. �. n 40' AoV• Ykitdf ft+��,,ylky r ttttoaa ri o df., ortgcholil � t i; , ., r . Ti0tb ctYndlor, er Qtifa ,IaCT nap ivoil t n2citn ,t � w8, r,oed b.a".a"�.C`.,a a..t • and ofOPryod baveatept 0""any eitt td tllatld woo iia year itamt iotl f nioinl'a mat t(tntv,po i5•bonlnyht,Va odtled,theblro'nre ogodttotvi 22112,;x!+ 9`(C1, who wrru nt once ami tta alta at rocflrbr,,i� mo•''6bf/otlrn,s npd oY:raWirrtaM, 'W7j,�tynll'craSNa�fiv rryt(p•fF,ald' ,X<rltnrtr fOtiatout a55 Co:, li*.t" G111d'9�aytdlollelitaijlailarVcrtrvv Sick Headache and reeve all the troubles Inc!• dent to a bilious state of the system, such as Dizziness, Nausea. Drowsiness, Distress after eating Pail; in the Side, etc. While their most remarkable success has been shown in curing Headache, yet CARTER'S LITTLs LIVER PILLS are equally valuable in Constipation, during and preventing this annoying complaint, while they also correct all disorders of the stomach, stimulate the 'liver and regulate the bowels. Even if they only cured Ache they would be almost priceless to those who *niter from this distressing complaint; but fortunately their goodness does not end here, and those who once try them will find these little pills valuable in so manyways that they will not be willing to do witout them. But after all sick head x"4.'9 is the bang of so many lives that here is where we make our great boast. Our pills cure it while others do not. CARTER'S LITTLE Lrvrn Pmts are very small and very easy to take. One or two pills make a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action please all who use them. In vials at 25 cents; dve for $1. Sold everywhere, or sent by mail. CARTER E0l0IN. CO., Now For..,: X11 Pill. Small Dom Snail eros, -"IKE LIZ HT RUN HMG } `F' rr-rtC F it•�i9�i r•e,Ci 0: 11 �' '--.�ar�r �` ,sem• 1890, SUMMER ARRANGEMENT 1890. LIVERPOOL AND QUEBEC SERVICE L1 FROM LIVERPOOL STEAMER Fuosr MONTREAL. Fnonr QUEBEC. 17 April ., 24 „ 1 May . , . 15 ... , 22 " 29 " 5 June...... 19 " 26 " .... 3 July ......... , 10 " .... , ... 24 ...... 31 " . , , 7 August 14 " . , .. SARDINIAN, ... POLYNESIAN .. PARISIAN CIRCASSIAN SARDINIAN.. POLYNESIAN PARISIAN CIRCASSIAN SARDINIAN........ POLYNESIAN PARISIAN CIRCASSIAN SARDINIAN POLYNESIAN PAP.ISIAN 7 May 14 " 21 rr : 4 June ........ 11 " .........12 18 " ......... 25 " 9 July ... 16 " ... , . 23 " 30 " ....... 13 August 20 " 27 " .... 3 September 8 May 15 " • . 22 tt ... 5 June ........ ", 19 " .. . 26 " .. .... -. 10 July.... ,... . 1 t " . . 24 ft • .... , ... . 31 ° ... . 14 August 21 " . 28 " ... . 4 September..:. RATES OF PASSAGE • Montreal or Quebec to Liverpool. CabiInform neclate,, 52600. Steer70.00 andage, $20.00orReturing nTickets, I °dation. Servants in Cabin, $110.0, $ 30.00, 515 00, 'Cabin, $55.00. 'Steerage, 510,00 • Passengers wishing to embark at Montreal will leave Toronto by Tuesday morning's Express and go on board any time after eight o'clock the same evening. For further information apply to JOHN SPACKMAN5 The only authorized agent for Exeter, Ont. FARMERS AND THRESHERS CYLINDER, BOLT HARNESS CUTTING, peon' nos., LARDINE WOOL OILS. PURGERS. SEE THAT THE BARRELS ARE BRANDED IS E TT BROS., Exeter, Ontario. AXLE GREASE, PARAF IN E, BOILER THE Oii U9 e"tEVINkl N2ddtrTnce ,', p TI1X11' GIN/ S _ �,*,rm-•t, 'Ir'&j�s'i4T. r9 f'.7 w rr 6, , ''� , fir. a e, ry,:;c'f'•r ' r2uF4,i ttizk. �� a..fdx� ,50,ge .' , NEI[HOMES NG MrRCIiIP1E GM.kGIr MPSSI piiicLA5u -20 litileN SeUARE,N:( ost-isASrI iiii ia A11 r,r,TA fit- rg A. To Louis tt/o. 5 ,r "tr i l,i s,ar,• RP•i.(nsro.cAl,. , Juh.. L, CITY FICYFEL LONDON, ONTARIO. per d.o J. & J. MoMARTIN, Proprietors. 1114 litsend r4v'' FH©FF;V AN'S HARMLESS HEADACHE PO4ili1 RS 0TO asst 1roY�ant zuodioine for which', only honest, straightforward a to to - meats omeats eratn,ade, Seo tits you loottlobtdenuino Hoff. manta, Insist on having them, They Our ALL Headaches. ,They aro not a Cathartic. SALES Warriatee,. • C•cCid Salarvand spences,Oa' Coinmission. paid trl'rherigfht rrwn, f want nen 26 to 50 wweird of age to sell a lith .line of first-class Nnrsory Stout, All static guarhiltood. A'11>1;Y at once, stating ago and referertoos. 0. Th BBCl`.1,111Y,Roches ter, 11.' ;• May 1 =1st, 1 It will be to your interest to call us before buying your building hardware and shelf hardware. Barbed, Buckthorn, Oiled, Annealed and Galvanized wires, always in stock. First-class tinware, no two -and -a years shop-worn goods t offer. ARTISTS' PAI,IITS and BRT.781-18, Es veProuP[.in 30C18