HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1890-5-15, Page 4ei tt t' .. . .mr , LIEERAL-CONSERYATIYE 4EET1NGS. JOh N (;<, 111,01411i)14.'4,1 the Liberal Conservative candidate for $auth 'Huron, will address meetings on the stirring questions of the campaign ;at the following places;•-. Tal 1n Coxwerkies Hall, Mensal. " .; Carel o e t?.tli, Seafcrth, 'j- 19 -Opera House, Exeter. tt 2u 'Potion Halt, Crediton. 2i-Peine's lita,ll, Zurich,. 22—Varna, 23I>ixon' slie.11, llrueefield. t. ,l \i estnn's school hoi.aet 2.50 pre. z.1 -13o olt'a Soho 01,s.60p.m„UO1.e i.chVp.. �, 'i'urner'a se10001, T>.ckeramitll, i ftor- ” 27liillsgreen. [noon,, "• 28 Town H 11, hayfield, ilt at'Oil. "J Lumley, {evening) 30-Willext's llml), Dashwood, 91-Onatod Rene ;Nue 41 -Town T•tall, l limvilie, 3 -Parathar. Ijxcept where otherwise mentioned, all the above meetings will be opened :tt' 30 o'clock p, m. The nominee of the Reform party or . other candidates cordially invited to be plresent and address the meetings. Other meetings to be addressed by leaders of the part- wi 11 be held between the 13th and 19th May, of which special notice will be given by posters. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN. THE X.et r Ablio.mte. WIT. SANDERS, Editor. THURSDAY, MAY 15th, 1890. 1 TE3 NEXT PREMIER. 0 OUR TICKET. For Premier:. --W. R. 1'iMElianIxiI. For South Huron.—J. G. HoLaixls, For North Middlesex.—W. H. HuTcn ns REFORMERS NOMINATE. The Reform• Convention for South Huron was held at Hensall on Tuesday. After a great deal of bamboozling, dickering and wirepulli:ng, lir. A. Bishop was selected. Now as Mr. Bish- op is the candidate let us take a look at his political record. It was about %ourteen years ago that he was first -elected to represent the people of this riding, and during that time has done Hine very valuable and hard work (to be kept as the member) for this riding. He succeeded in getting one bill through the House, and, no doubt, the people would like to know how import- ant it is, ore here give it, as copied from the votes and proceedings of the Ontario Legislature. Here it is, gaze on it! An act to amend the aet re- specting insurance companies. "Her Majesty by and with the ad- vice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:— (1) Section 10(1, of the Ontario I,fsttr• ante act is amended by adding there- to, the following sub -section. (2) Notwithstanding anything in this section emit:tilled,,contracts of Fire Insurance by any Mutual Fire Insur- ance Company may be for any ,term not exceeding four years." What a very important bill that is, fourteen years of parlimerary life and this is the only thing that could mat- eralize in the hind of that able repre' ..sentativ e of South Huron. We ask the electors to give Mr. Holmes their hearty support, and he will make a representative that will be of some benefit to the, community. What has Mr, Bishop ever done for us, has he done anything? No, noth- ing but oth-ingbut a slave or voting machine for the Mowat government, and it is high tense that he should be replaced by some able man. Mr. J. G. Holmes fills the bill, her'm'+s,rasdrwrranl-m.+,ra,mAVisn, M t• a;aM 'WA nvNKR01 M.1% ledged by some of the leading Reform papers that Mr, llovYat'y rity wi l be greatly lessened, Now, we ask if Itr. Mor at 11)1s been stub a. pure and undefiled elan, leading a party of parity, why should those papers ac- knowledge or eoncede that it is likely Mowlit's majority will be greatly re dueed, We ask our readers, whether Grit or Tory, to read the platforms of Mr, W. R. Meredith and 110)1.. O. Mowat and Weigh the facts ? propositions carefully, and if they do so they cannot help casting their ballots for W. R. Meredith ed1t11 and his aulipo... 4, Electors, consider well before you e ell:c up your mind how you'll vete, Do not get prejudiced against any i::ual.jdate but weigh well what, platform they support. J. G. Holmes has taken and accepted the pure and wholesome platform of Mr, Meredith, and South ,:on will be redeemed from the hams of those supporters of Mowat who Imre practie ed corruption in all Its forms for a number of years. tionwareurahmaamemulamewaestamr TIT CATHOLIC VOTE. In the present political canvass it is being freely said among the Itefornlers thatthere is no room 014 Mr. Meredith's platform for Roman Catholics. This is a fallacy of the worst kind, We can point out many Roman Catholics that are in favor of Mr. Meredith's platform and are opposed to the Church ruling the State. Mr. Clancy, of Kent, a good and, we believe, a conscientious Roman Catholic, supported Meredith's platform. all through the Legielatnre during the last session, and he is again the Con- servative candido#efor Ms old constit- uency. Many of his co -religionists' are working hand in haud ith the honor- ed Chief of the Opposition in all parts of the Province, There is no "Ceussde against the Catholic Church," but equal rights are demanded for all classes and sects of people. This is the bearing of the Meredith platform, and all classes should bear thi's fact in mind and when the fifth of June conies around, should deposit their ballots for the candidate who supports such a platform. ORGAlNIZ E. We appeal to all the friends of the Liberal -Conservative party of ,South Huron to at once complete their -organ- izations. Let the organisation be thorough and complete.in every school section, and no matter what the sup- porters of class legislation may say, victory will perch on our b uuer, The Conservative candicate, lair. J. G. Holmes, will do his duty in every way but every elector should feel that on his own personal efforts rests the result of the election. Call the supporters to- gether and organize and commence the canyass. NORTH :MIDDLESEX. It is now conceded: by Reformers and Conservatives that Mr. W. H. Hutchins, of Parkhill; will represent North Middle- sex in the next Ontario Legislature. Mr, Hutchins is one of the most honor- able and upright men living in Western Ontario, and one who is thoroughly known throughout the riding. There is not the least doubt existing in our minds but that Mr. Hutchins will carry the banner through to victory. Further comment is unnecessary. McGillivray tiicil. Council met pursuant to adjournment at Town Hall McGillivray, 5th May. Present W. H, Taylor, Peeve, W. L. Corbett and P. P. Harding, Deputy Reeves, W. Ritchie and J. D. Drum- mond Councillors, Minutes of last meeting approved of and signed. Moved by W. D Corbett seconded by J. D. Drummond. 7 h t the Clerk is hereby instructed to let tile, cutting of hill on Lintott's side road. The road to be made the same grade as on adjacent hill on the Sth concession, providing the owners of lands adjourning agree that they will not claim damages for any sliding from thecuttlll -, ;:r oaict hill now or hereafter.—Carried ed by P. P. Harding seconded by J. D. Drummond, that this Council grant the stun of $30 to be expended on town line between London and this tow iaihip provided London township council grant a sim- ilar amount for the malt: purpose,— Carried. Moved by 1\ 1". Corbett sec ondcd by P P. Hard in;, t the several gravel contracts as yet io ;ll be accept- ed and commissioners appointed to oversee the laying on of gravel. Div- ision 1, 1st to 2nd *Concession, James McItann contractor, 10 cords ® $1,85 per cord, James Doyle c„olrl. Div, 2, 2nd to 3rd Con., J, McRann con., 20 cords (;,J p1.45 per cord, Thomas Cas- tling com, Div. 3, Oth to 10th eon,, J. Robinson con., 20 cords e $1:20 par cord, ;John Lewis con). Div, 4, 11th to 12th con. John Robinson con. 20 cords 01 $.1.25 per cold, Robert TTrirdy cora. 13th to 14th exak,, J. M(Ttann eon,, 30 cords Ca? $1.95 per cora, William Antos eorn, Div: (3,140 to lith con, J'. Mellllnn e,on,,25'eol'tis f i' ;r2.15 per cord, were read SOUTH Mr. J. G. Holmes, who has accepted the nomination of the Liberal -Conserv- ative Association of South Huron, is in our midst, and actual work is being indulged in. Mr. Holmes is one of the right steel: and seeks your sufferages on behalf of Mr. W. R. Meredith, whose platform is very broad and one that 8onservatives, Reformers and Equal 'Righters cannot disagree upon, 11 being. one to meet the wants of the people of Ontario. It is conceded and acknow 18th con., JannokColo, 20 cords el $1.25 per cord, Daniel 16rni1iilt: colt. Div, 8, 19111 to `cast coli,, J.0110 Robinson. con,, 20 ,cords 6 $0,95 per cord, 11`illianl, Bonn coin, Div. 9, 21.st eon, to' mill, J. aMcllaun con.,25 cords L7;i per eord, John ,Soft cont. Div, 10, moray to7111 eon., J iimeS IIICRanll eon., 15 L•ei'dS (S1 $2.05 per cord, John Neale colied Div. 11, 7th con. to boundaoy, Jolni Robin - tem con, 45 cords �1 $2,t;0 per cord, B. Pile colt. Div. 12, 12th to 7th eon., J. McMann eon, 20 cords $1,65 per cord, Isaac Jones coni. Div, 18, Blackbridge to boundary, Hugh l3owinau 0011,, 20 cords @ 75 chs, per eord,J(1u es McEwen Conn. ---Carried. Moved. by .P, P. Harding, seconded by W. L, Corbett, that this Council grant that sum of $50, to be expected on East William's town line provided East Wil - ham's Council meet it with a similar grant. —Carried. Mored by W. L. Cor- bett seconded by W. Ritchie, that the following named persous be paid the several anlouuts as set forth, viz:— D, Morrison, 2 sheep killed and 4 wounded by doge, $12,00; A. McIntyre, 2 sheep killed and 3. wounded by dons, 11.133; II. Bowman repairing Morton's gully near the hlaekbridge, 10.00; M. Reeder ditching on 19th con. per engineers award, (3.00; Durr brothers balance gravel account, 8.00; W. Sholdire burying a dead horse, 1.1:'0. —Carries:. Moved by W. Ritchie,seconded by J. D. Drummond, that the tender of R, H. Paterson for the building of abutment atBice's bridge 2nd concession accord ing to plans and specification for the tun of $1413 be accepted. --Carried. Moved by P. P. Harding seconded by J. D. Drummond, that the following grants is hereby made to be expeuded las get idbrth and commissioners appoint ed to expend the same. Carter's side road, $10, W. Carter conn.; Noathgravee glide lead, $25, W. North - grave cont.; Dons,ldson's side road, $40, J. Derweldeon Jr. eon.; Windsor's side road, 15, D. Windsor cern.; 44;icon.410, That. Ranting.; Sind con., $20, W. Ma- guire.; 7th con., E. C. R. 415, J. Hotson; 12th eon., $15, Wis. Lewis.; 14th con., $30, J. McDonald.; 14th coo., >s`20, R. Twaddle.. 11th con.,120,Jtmee Gibson; a1}ifon'. side road gravel, 610, J. .r►11i- san.; lliaon's side road on hill, $15, R. 11. Paterson.; Glendenuing's side read, $20, J. Reeder.; Robinsons `side road, $25, R. Neil.; 22nd con. $60, Judson Corbett.; 22nd con., 'J15, Wm. Nichol.; 24th con., $40, J. McGregor; 27th con. 615, Win, Hutchiine; Hedge's side road, 635, Win Hedges; 8th colt, W. C. R., 120, T. Nark. 7th con., W. C. R., $20, E. Fairless; Hardy's side road, $15, J. Har- dy.—Caried. Moved by J. D. Drummoud seconded by P. P. Harding, that By -Law No.1 of 1890, appointing Pathmasters for the severalroad divisions as read ah first and second time be now read a third time and passed.—Carried. Moved by P. P. Harding seconded by J. D. Drummoud, that the Court of Re- vision be held in the Town Hall on the first Monday in June at 2 o'clock p. m. —Carried. Movitd by J. D. Drummond seconded by P. P. Harding, that this Council ad- journ to meet in the Town Hall the first Monday in Juno at ten o'clock a. m.—Carried. Wm. Fraser, Clerk. Wbea Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she WAS a Child, she cried for Castori When she became hiss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria, 'Wanted. Goo Salary and Expert cos,or 'Commission paid: to the right men. C want men 25 to 50 years of ace to sell a full line of first-class blurseryStock. Alt steel: guaranteed. Apply at once, stating age and references.. C. T. B0 lTFL13Y, Rochester, N. Y. May 1.-12t, l auu �SCSZwaCa,i clot! +� 1 1 ' quickly cur, o them- nL ` L ' solves of W satin talirr, Lost Efyar.,ltocti, from outhf ytrors, et, C J'"1'i'1',r At home. 13ook on all lOovato d0,c eso sant free (scaled). I'orteotly reliable. Oyer 30 years' experience. Address— IVZ0123i O 1Prit ,0 OO, TORONTO, Canada,. ADI our "Relief for Women; in safe and always �,,tl g� b" �a salol 1e ; bettor than Ergot, o of In,Tan,y or Ponnvroyal PDtn. insures regularity. Send few portionlo,c, Address G+Er,l'bESD l XE,?I,' CO., TORONTO, canedn. nt1 FORGE 1D on haat Nom abotdest e(0,ie drys. Mashed Latest sod greatst achievement of modern science I Most wn• discovery of the agoLike no ether I ttl Magical, , instantaneous in action Iloys with w1,ekaruBald heads liaired"Curious eptetncloar but positive troths. Only genuine ordain In market, and Certain to give abselnto 0arOfnotl ln. Gnormrtood. Price 91 n battle, or throe bottles Mr $1. Eaob bottle lata one month, dddrens, A. DIXON', 33or' 305, !00J vNTO, CANADA. I MADAME GIlVkC (R��r}il,lp'�Sy �fl,PAfiATI! 1 S, SUPERFLUOUS sesaq.1. A pr n.. enbn that wv0 SUPERFLUOUS P' )27,11.:' q permanontln rwlovd anperfluoua hair without injury to the skin. Warranted. 8(919a�05g891.- ,�ee AND qq @�AAttpp��yT,+afll{{t�-� PIMPLES AN D :BLAO,iiii €iOS sermnnontly Ya,forerl in from ie to Malaya, warranted Priaefor Redeye treatment. Sl, Ali.■y �¢�p �ypp����yuHr�r,t �g�pp /py�, Q'� .oe tlt6sepsnplr 6.mOlter"41J1la,I17to,wlPILLSr,rhino embon• point ie h matter of Sorin) ode, whether because It to Unicorn; fortable 6r unfmIhiona l rr FOLIO wanr A NTI• i00IPU Gt1CTPILL$"lose tlbs. e month. They oasts no sibknosrc' contain no poleon, and never iafi, Price for ane monlh'e treatment, $3; or three menthe .'medicine, $1. Warranted - COMPLEXION 'WAFERS' OiovatiAa+ -. Bleach the Akin, 1ovelep the form Harmless. Permanent in acct. Warranted. Prior; $1 a box, or six hetes for 13t, Address M'tgAn.arree GF:toeseareWAlex, 196 .73;im11 Street %Wast °r.'o1°0Ata, Oat, OUR R N hd 1; 'iNBF.faiolGsG{ ilDlPl!��r!??ii{1FF�kkllnnplt$n„n lnlU Watch 1Vnrth . lflo ' 0. nc.tgfyi wntclyin r \Vnn«st I•srftict timekeeper Warranted henry, elLlo ni hunting cotes, Seth Indies'' arid gents slams,., y with works and Waal es of. canal value. ON I; r1:a1oa In dill each ;locality nen secure one G'r+a'e, together with our largo ) �.1nml vnlonble Ire orli(onAeholti , + Wayttalales,These eampiesras,wali flliAfJtro�a 1e tvall:b, pro free: AU the work yea Hind do 10 t0 show whoa: n mini yeti to Ulnae Who rah•—yol'tr friends 00(01 nbh cigorsre i now,, about yelp-thatalivayf reonlff •o «al anblo trade Sarno, which holds for pie a When oner otertsd, end bias, we aro Monica. We nay ell express, frhight, etc, After yea lava n11, if you' vroul l lite to ate to roods for us. mper you can earn from $21) to S, dire , er ,well and upwards. Address JohJohn1.r T. Amos com, Div. 7, - Nth to solleoe cif, ..Bei[ rx:A(.J Portland, Mttine. LES.A.LE A RTAIL. LargestThe Wholeoalethe County. Hennessyralso J. R brandy8rw'; �1���� �� wood and �����, Corby,Walker �o�u � Whiskey � � n Stook. FRENCH AND DOMESTIC WINES OF ALL KINDS; filso 14 Crt Bil BEi CII$JIIPIItE. Bass Ales Guinesses Stout all American Ales and Port e QR l 94 TES � ti 'l'°�'$ ��_', CE w 1* ;, D F_ A STEL COM Of MIS SOUR'S ICH 1111. Flour, Feed a 1 Pmol :, s always on hand. CARTERS ` TTLE, IVER P LLS, Sick Headache and re1•eve all the troubles incl. dent to e. bilious state of the system, such as Diaeinecs, Nausea. Drowsiness, Distress after eating Pain in the Side, &c. While'theirmost remarkable success has been shown in curing • . +�,dtif $sadache, yet. CARTES'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS are equally valuable in Constipation, curing and preventin gthis annoying complaint, while they also Correct all disorders of the stomach, stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels. Even if they only cured Ache they would be almost pr celess to those who steer from this distressing complaint; but fortunately their goodness does not enfi bere, and those who once try them will find these little pills valuable in so many ways that they will not be willing to do without thein. But after 011 sick head le the bane of so many lives that here is where we mate our great boast. Our pills cure it while otiers do not. CARTER'S LITTLE Lrvsa PILLS are very small slid very easy to take. One or two pills make a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not please all whor o usse'them. ut by their vials at125 cents; live for $1. Sold everywhere, or. sentby'n1aiL 6.AETEE MEDICINE 00„ New Fork, kulPill IND. :Ell Ppicc! THE: LU.U'T1111E111111G3 THE PAVOF.,.. THE SEWING' MCNitid. °r i -i i T c. v si �— VIEW NOTE Sof 1IG IOW fs iNE C:6RA o MASS, OIIlcaso - 28 UNION SQUA3EIN,Y. 0�+_ AS. (aC LpUIB Mo.:. • l3ts���y�.-jaey_SANFeiAkEl6Co.CA4 CITY ■'� � LONDON, ONTARIO. si per clay. J. & J. IiIdIAR,TIN, Proprietors. jORSE'S GLYCEROLS OF CELERY COMPOUND. A SATE remedy for teething Infants and adults suffering from nil nerv0011 troubles. Guaranteed Id contain would= or any drugs :I' rcopt tko ed printed on rsed a ltl on Crory bottle. Endorsed by physlminns, r•nrone, 60 0axra. ]ior 00lahy drugg Send two centstatnp for descriptive circular to Nates , llN.Yc MOFMofaeF'IVkAuifalo;h!'gg HARMLESS HEADACHE P0511 i o Fts ALL HEADACHE. whey are _t of a veto• tfsrd to clue every - til ing,Lut s turpty boar''. aches'. Try them, it tui6l coat but G cents for a box m14 01,62/ aro harm te.93. They ere not a Catiertic. 1890. SUMER ARRANGEMENT 1890,, LI VERPOOL AND QUEBEC SERVICE. FROM LIVERPOOL 17 April 24 " 1 May 15 " ,.., 22 " 29 11 5 June.... 19 ” 26 " 3 July .. , 10 t1 ...., 24 " 31 " 7 August - 14 " , STEAMER SARDINIAN.. -. POLYNESIAN .. PARISIAN CIRCASSIAN SARDINIAN POLYNESIAN PARISIAN CIRCASSIAN SARDINIAN ... POLYNESIAN PARISIAN CIRCASSIAN S1RDINIAN ... POLYNESIAN PARISIAN 3244.136.15. .. Fltoar MONTREAL. Fnom QUEBEC. 7 May , ...... , . 14 " .... 21 " 4 June ......... 11 " -, . . 18 " . -..... 25 " ,. 9 Ju1y 16 " ...,, ..... 28 " .,....... 30 " , ..., 18 August 20 a • 8 September. S May 15 " 5June ..... .,.. 12 " 19 " .,,,... 26 " 10 July ......... _ 17 " ....,,.,.. 14 August. 21 28 " 4 September_ _ RATES OF PASSAGE. Montreal or Quebec to Liverpool. Cabin, $60.00, $70.00 and $80.00, according to accommodation. Servants in Cabin, M. Intermediate, $2500, Steerage, $2000 Return Tickets, Cabin, $110.00, 5130.00, $150.00. In r- ut ediate, $55.00. Steerage, 840,00. Passengers wishing to embark at Montreal will leave Toronto by Tnesday morning's Express and go on board any time after eight o'clock the same e'rening. For further information apply to JOHN SPA CKMAN, The only authorized agent for Exeter, Ont. FARMERS AND THREHERS ISe.a- ZT'® `: SSM CYLINDER, AXLE GREASE, BOLT CUTTING, V Bros-A�DARAF I11 E, HARNESS —AND— ��� BOILER LAME WOOL OILS, PURGERS. SEE THAT THE BARRELS ARE BRANDED McColl Bros09 'Jardine, Torch` o5, FOR SALE BY B ITT -` a9 Exeter, n tate. NOW I.W STOCK II Largo fissortut of ERR 3 Barbed, Buckthorn, Oiled, Anneacd and Galvanized wires, a full l�.neo Gari' •, a � ,. i , ,lel ', . ,�. ,... ,., fid Se Baby Carriages, Boys'Wagons, Eve -Troughing z its. a foot AGENTS FOR Tia..., RAYMOND SEWING• MACHIN E, r, 0