HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1890-5-15, Page 1r
VOL. 111.
The M®OS®t7 _•
(Chartered by Parliament, 1855.)
Paid up Capital. ...... , , . $2,000,000,
Rest Fund .. , . .... 1,000,000,
Head offioe Montreal.
Twenty Branch offioes in the Dominion,
Agencies in the Dominion, U, S. and Europe
ZEIC=102= 3Zir,.r1.17.015M.
Open every lawful day from 14) a• m. to 3 p,
m., Saturdays 1'U a.m. to ]i p. m.
A general banking business transacted
Four per Gent. per annum allowed for
money on Deposit :Receipts,
Exeter, Jan 28, '88. Manager,
Ozettr roratJ .
Is published every Thursday Kerning,
`t the Office,
One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance.
121*4 if not so paid,.
...a.werteel zeseseo ors .13.ppli00„-
No paper discontinued until all ex s�aTn ee
are paid. Advertisements without
directions will be
charged accordingly.Lral lsounma do
for transoden
advertisements inserted, for
long periods. Every description of JOB
PRINTING turned.
dub IOhthe
f moneyt style,
and at moderate rtes.
ers, &o. for advertising, subscriptions, etc. to
be made nava blo
Willaan Sanders,
A good working horse 9 yearn of age, would
exchange for a driver from 2 years upwards.
Apply Lot 7, Con, 2, Stephen, -
Take notice that a Court for the Revision
of the assessment roll for the village of
Exeter will be held at the Town Hall, Exeter,
on Tuesday, the 27th day of Hay, 1090, at the
hour of eleven o'clock in the forenoon, All
persons having business at the said Court
will govern themselves accordingly.
By Order,
Clerk's office, M. EACRagrT, Clerk,
Exeter, May 6th, '00..
C}iris a It Directory.
T,IVIT12 INNOnIAL Ciiuucx : -Rev. S. F
Robinson, Rector. Sunday Se rrvvioOS, 111 a. m,
and 7 p. m. Sabbath School, 2. p•
METHODIST CIIIiwto1I-4ame: st, Rev.. B.
Clement, yastor. Sunday Services;l0.80 a.m.
and 6.90 p: m. Sabbath School, 2 p. m.
MAIN ST:t1:ET—Rev• J. Wilson, Pastor. Sun
day Services,10.30 a, m. and 6.80 p. m• Sabbath
School 2.80p -.m.
PaNsnYTnntAN Osvnoa: Rev. W. Martin,
Pastor. Sunday Services, 12 a• m. and 6.30 p.
m. Sabbath School, 9.45 a.m.,
Professional Cares.
OfEce over O'Neil's Bank, Exeteri'Ontario,
Nitrous Oxide Gas for painless
Goes to Lucan every Friday.
For 6aie.
That desireablo Hotel, at Mount Carmel,
alias oriols, for sale, The premises have
been thoroughly refitted throughout, and is
one of the bektitotel stands in Canaria. No
one can make a mistake in purchasing the
same, Reason of selling, proprietor is going
West. For full particulars apply to
Mount Carmel, Ont'
April 10th—tf
For SEkle.
A desirable residence in Exeter North, new
frame house, one -fifths acre of land. The
house was erected in 1868. Good terms to
purchaser. Apply at this office. 145-t t.
rte, H. KINSMAN, DENTIST, L. D. ex-
tracts teeth without pain by giving.
trazVegetable Vapor, or using the new
Autesthetic on the gums. Makes Gold. Filli
ings and other dental work the best possible,
Goes to Zurichlast Thursday in each month.
East side of Main street. Exeter.
J• and Sargeon. Office and residence—
Corner Victoria and Elgin streets, Goderioh,
1J Residence—Corner Andrew and North
Streets, Exeter, Ontario,
T1. A. AMOS, M. D., C. Ii. L., C.P., EDIN.; L,
R. C. S., Eain.; L. F.1. & S., Glasgow'
L. M., Edinburgh and Glasgow; M. C. P. & S..
Ontario; F. T.M. S., Toronto, Night bell
el 13 t
office. Crediton, Ontario. Y
ELEAPS 1,trrl.PILTS,1 I ri NEN to sell
ohoiee Nursery Stock. Complete assort-
ment. Splendid opportunity offered for
Spring work. M• salesmen have good
success, many selling from 9100 to 9200
per week. Send for Proof and Testimon-
ials. A goodpushing man wanted stere
at once. Liberal Terms and the best
goods in the market. Write PRPn E.
YOUNG, Nurseryman, Rochester, N
tii'1e 3ffir '.'"a15t1,'.l'.i]EC221i.`w 22
Apr. 10-8t
Exeter, upstairs, opposite Centra
nSide entrance on. g to the Methodist Ch south street
Wl' inary Surgeon. Graduate
Toronto, Veterinary Dentist-
ry, a speciality, Oflioo and Ro-
sidenceone block east of Rich.
Pickard's store. Opposite skating rink, Ex-
eter, Ontario.
.S�ES }rQ
. ,,.,,,ra,�e9�.m•
t y)0-1
First Class RIGS And HORSES.
Atdcl ,tiolial. Locals.
We clipthe following from an Eng-
lishPape, The Somer.$0 Comity. Ga-
zette, -
"TRivITT,—PARr,nLL,-0et, 28, 1889, et
Exeter, by the very Rev. Canon Hob--
ob-song Edward, youngest son of the late
Thomas Trivitt, Esq,, of Langaller, in
the County of Somerset, to Cecilia
Franeis Kinglake, youngest daughter
of the late John Parnell, Esq., Solicitor,
of Exeter, late of Brampford, Spelee,.
granddaughter of Dr. Batelif e Parnell,.
and of the late William Page Kingdom,
M. D. of Exeter, and great-grandclaugh
ter of the late Lady Dilmont."
A very interesting and social event
took place on Wednesday everting'; of
last week at the residence of Mr. John
Taylor, sr., of this place, on which
occasion his slaughter Emily Was united
in the holy bonds of matrimony with
Mr.,George Thomas. At the hour. of
8.30 o'clock the ceremony was duly
solemnized2 by the Bev. B. Clement,
pastor of the James st. Methodist church.
After the ceremony was performed a
rich repast was spread before those
present, and all did their duty, after
which the happy couple repaired to
'their place of abode. We. joie- 'with
their many friends in wishing the
happy couple a lotto and prosperous
journey through life.
Te:xlo.e R�tsroaolcZe
Telephone Connection
1L. OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public.
Office—Samwell's Block, Exeter, Ontario,
Money to Loan.
1J• of Supreme Court, Notary
Oomniissioiior, &c. Money to loan
Office—Fanson's Block, Exeter.
12.4 iters, Congogansere, gc0. Money to loan
at 6 per cent.
I`RED. W. 1f,t.Y rcioAtO, Provincial I d
i Surveyor and Oivil Engineer, Oce,
Samwell's block, up stairs, stain street,
Exeter, Oat.
JAMES OYE, Exeter, Ontario, Licensed
Auctioneer for the Counties of"}luron,
Perth and Middlesex. Sales promptly attend.•
arranged at this satisfaction
guaranteed. Wiles
4E5 9
Slrilliulr;.laly Sc 0urrie,veterinary sur--
geons, can be consulted at Clark's Be-
tel; of this place, or at Staffa. A full
stook of veterinary medieines kept con-
stantly on Maud. Veterinary dentistry
and surgery a specialty. May lst,-3
Hiss Julia Regan, of Detroit, was
home for a few days.
Mr, D. Ryan, of London, visited
friends hero last week,
Messrs. J. McLeod and T. Stanley, of
Parkhill made a short visit here a few
days ago.
Mr. Waters, Reform Candidate for
North Middlesex will hold a meeting
here on Thursday, 15th.
Arbor Day was observed in our
school here on Friday, by a general
cleaning up both inside and •outside.
Mr. J. G. Troupes, the unaniinious
choice of the Conservative Convention
held at Ilensall last lveok, visited our
town on Saturday evening for the pur-
pose of ascertaining the condition of
the organization of the village. A
meeting was held that eyening and
committees were appointed for the dif-
ferent wards. Mr. Holmes defined the
work of several committees in a very
clear way and aged every one to put
his shoulder to'the wheel and let it
remain there until the hour of five o-
'clock on the 5th day of June, when the
verdict that Mowat must go would be.
sealed. , The committee have eecured
the store recently vacated:by Mr. S. C.
Mersey, which will be open daily . from
10 a. in. until 10.80 p. m.
Peeeona1 a.enteos.
The Undersigned
will pay the high -
.est Cash price for
butter and Eggs.
Don't forget the spot
A. Q. Bobi era
u t-
i heed. Sir need A c
>W w
,• s o Perth xnd
•��• t e Countie
1.1,4 fonoer�'or 1i
Saleslpromptly Atter ndetownship
d team!. turf m rbc sou
able. Sales arranged at Post office, Winchelsa'
BOSS1tNBER73.V, Hensail Ontario. Lie -
1`I. elided, Auctioneer for the Countys of
Hon and
Charges moderato and
VYHOLT,1tliiva, Ontario, Licensees auct-
. ioneer for the Counties of Middlesex
and Lam.bton rand the townships of Stephen
and }lay All sales •promptly attended to,
113tTitt C5t116 ett
TOX1111, l . ll
¢. 1 i Amit -Q��z
. c ,sae t1
oar githtitiodur, ate
dht world.
and iilt!lea !learn" ,n perk) d, n M
toper. Roods we will nrndr❑G•
to nl r. . OoIy in ouch loowrit,
n.01,0ove- On 00? in o c,,,,o t t
e nn ,n Iw aura rf
e. tare at arc t a
' i returnlityenhere.gEodaIo
rotbrn li to Ann, out Rooda Co
theme Who rail -your neighbors
end thnt0 o,ot i 1 you. The be,
Waning of 1110 •rlverl,n meat
ehnwr the enroll end of the telt-
lenge. Tha following eta glace the appee0anea of it 000ueed to
rivoyokssosir. 9t .;yl:
g.,Mit Sart of ire 51i11G. It lm n grand, double site tele-
sheet the
roti n koOr0en 9500Yta•00 %d0' willnt,n01111 you howTau
•ot melt„ cram istits eted t[ nce.'Nan korai 00 n. ohnO5b•
Nit Otp01'hnCe ISatttr W`Pitu at nue., 'Nano o rxprena lOsis O.
ftlanta..ILHALLE T&d0.,Do $B6,Corm►`:n,M�ixr:
We note what "a reader" says, The
articlesmentioned are hard to obtain.
The- story which at present appears in
the columns of the ADVOCATE is a story
of two countries, and contains the man-
ners and customs of both places. ---Ed.
tro late for last week.)
Seeding in this section of the country
is about, tonlpleted.
played a beautiful lot of presents con-
sisting of silverware, glassware, table
linen, ete., which, together with the
wedding gifts, made several hundred
dollars worth. In the wee sma' hours
all departed feeling satisfied that John
and his fair partner had fully main-
tained the reputation of the house for
Mrs. Steele, of Toronto, is at present
visiting her father, Mr. Hodgyson.
The Misses Walker left here on
Tuesday morning for Michigan. Bon
voyage girls.
Miss Bridget Mara was taken 111 very
suddenly of inflammation of the lungs,
but we are pleased to know that she is
now pronounced out of danger.
Two of aur most prominent politicians
went to Grauton Tuesday evening to
hear Mr. Waters speak. We trust that
Reformation will reign hereafter..
Rev. Mr. Pym, of Centralia, preached
in. Freewill church on Sunday last.
Your correspondent was pleased to see
the old familiar face from Centralia.
Messrs. Spicer and Powell have start-
ed eel the contract of building a new Douse
for Mr. John Richardson, which'''• -.will
make an improvement, when finished,
to our little burg.
It is rumored that Will, while hang-
ing on the gate on Sunday night had
the misfortune of tearing a hole in his
"Sunday go to ineetnlg" coat. Bernore
careful Will.
The Canadian -bred trotting stallion Am-
ber. by Clear Grit, formerly owned by Mr. P.
,1. Pikey, of Brantford, stands at the highest
fee ofd'ny of the stallions ownedbytheltal-
ian Government, which paid ,
93 500 for him
in Germanvlasty-ear.—E o. Amber P'., own-
ed by Mr. T. Murdock, of Hensail, is son of
Amt, u
era d
is one of the
best .:stenions in
Canada. He gill stand at Mnrdoek's areolae
duringthe coming season.
Mr. and Mee. D. A Ross left here 'on
Monday, morning for -a teinporary'visit
in New Glasgow, Nova Scotia. We
wish them a safe journey and pleasant
trip.—Mr. Wilbert Manning, of Clinton,
spent Sunday in town.—Mr. Jas.. Beer
spent Sunday at the Bend::—Mr. Thos.
Seldon, of Ingersoll, is here belying a
car load of milch cows.—Mrs. Lyons,,of
Loila:on, is hero visiting friends and
relatives.—Mr. William Bawden, of
Godcrich, was he. town Tuesday and
Wednesday on business. --The Hon
Thos. Greenway, Premier of Manitoba,
is in town. He looks hale and hearty.
—Miss Ida Pincombe, of St. Thomas,
who has been visiting friends and rela-
tives ie. and around Exeter for the
past two mouths,0returlled home yes-
terday.—Mr. John Balkwill, who left
hese about two weeks ago, arrived in
California safely,—Mr. William Fanson,
who has been visiting here for some
time; and father left for the former's
home in Thornbury on Monday. last.—
Mr. Geo. Moir, of St. Mary's, is in town,
Trotting stallion, P P
4 � i
will stand for service
at his own stable, Bissett's
pf}! . G. BISSETT.
152—t, f.
'*SS Solid 6o0. wale`,.
Sold for 1911M until lately,
Dost watch la oho world;
w•r- 1hY
aCeot tirookoopar.id
Wat.d.a4iie ed Gold
I: r
Yaaa • Moth Idle.'
od rat.' Max,, witlue.
and •►sawss of aqua! vaY.1lo-
ekohegalily 060 00110 td oaoh le-
c•lity oda enema our h.e,
My^�re�r•t9a eltl. oar 10050 teed
a0ala 11.• 0f lltlosaachehl
g,a,,• epi ea. 1,o lamploe, no
wall as too w5toh, we sand
)Prno, •ud aDor yea tufo kept
thorn to Fiber fordo 1r Se tfonthe aid shown them to those
who tear tare called,'hay Income year owls proper`y'.� Those
who lvrltei at nous can ba more of rccal.inr rho Watch
nand .'4"m ,.tyleii we ay all oxpross freight, a to, Marano
e tdnttn dla'.iie.e o:h 8 R:d,11'urtimud,l4Ycnlue.
EL F°au.--In tTsborne, on the 27th ul
the wife of M. Elford, of a son.
JAr nsov.—In Hibbert,
i the 10th
it5t,, Mr. John Jamieson, aged 77
years and G months.
Everest's Itliitraet of Wild Blackberry
beats the world for Dysentery, sentery Sic.--
„ ,
1 -Bram Smith, Forest P. 0.
J; 0., Or P: -The seventy-first 'anniver-
sary of our'Orderis past and was cele-
ttrated by attending divine service in
the Odd Fellows on Monday even-
ing; May 5th, and notwithstanding the
heavy rain storm, a large' number of
the Brethren were present, and listened
to an eloquent address by our Grand
Chaplain, Rev. J. N. Sirnpson,of Bruce -
field, and Rev. S. Henderson, of Hensall
Lodge, which were greatly appreciated
by the Brethern of the. Order. Several
Exeter Odd Fellows were also present,
and were well pleased,
NO. 154.
it, no matter bow thirsty they may be. ' -
Deep down below the surface of the
lake may be seen what appears to be
the charred and blackened trunks of
large trees, They stand upright hi the
water, but have neither root nor b •aneb.
and never rise to the surface or sink to
the bottom. The lake has no outlets
and the volume of water is the salve all
the time.
Astrong fatality attaches to this lake,
Once it was the favorite resort of the
boys of the neighborhood for bathing
and swimming, but now they never ge
near it. Fifteen boys have been drown-
ed in its waters in twice asmany years.
A few of the bodies were recoyered,but
those who were drowned any distance.
from the banks sunk to the bottom and
were never brought to the, surface.
The depth of the lake has never been
ascertained. Soundings to the depthof
70 feet found no bottom, and the peo•
ple in the vicinity say the lake has
none• The Indian legend of the origin
of the lake is that before the white Mian
came to this country two tribes became
involved in a war, and after a number
of bloody battles the'srnaller tribe was
almost exterminated. Then e,tho old
man and chief of the week tribe sued
for .peace and arranged a sounds.
While the pipe was being passed a-
round, a signal was given and the
chiefs of the strong tribe suddenly
sprang up with drawn tomahawks and.
murdered every one of the chiefs of
the smaller tribe.
Then the war was renewed and, car-
ried on until the week tribe was exter-
minated. A few moons after the mass-
acre of the chiefs, a fire broke out in
the pine forest where the massacre oc-
curred, • Tho fire burned in this spot for
eight moons, and the ground sunk
down out of sight; the fire disappeared,
and in its stead appeared a lake. The
Indians gave the lake a name which.
means "lIke of death."
Miss I+anson, of Exeter, is visiting
friends in Zurich and vicinity.
The boys play football every evening.
We think they ought to organize a
A number of our villagers attended.
the Reform Convention in Hensel]. on
Tuesday last.
Mr. Harry Weber of the firm of Appel
Zeller met with a very painful acci-
dent on Tuesday.
A new fence is being put up around
the'Luthern cemetery. This is quite
an ' improvement.
rxncliaeiiees' Institute meeting.
The annual meeting of the members
of Exeter Mechanics' Institutes was
held in the Library Room on Monday
evening,May 5th. The report for the
year ci.ding April `10th, was very sat-
isfaetory, Showing' an iuerease in the
membership, as also in the number and
style of books issued. The receipts
from all sources were $302 81, being
made up as follows:—Members fee $94;
Provincial Grant, $158; 1lfunicipal
grant, $125; and balance from 1880,$25.
06. This money- was expended as fol-
lows:—For Hooks, $142.28; magazines.
and papers, 803 44: Salary, 55.00; book-
binding, $12.10; miscellaneous ex,pens
es, $15.78; leaving a. balance of $14.47.
The officers for the present year are
President, Rev. S. F. Robinson; Vice
President,W. Sweet, V. S.; Treasurer,D.
Johns; Secretary, F. W. Collins; Direc-
tors.—Rev. Wm. Martin, D. Johne R. H.
Archer, S. G. Dyer, C. Lutz, M. D,, G.
A. 1r. McLeod, John Taylor, R. W. Col-
lins, R. Muir. Mr. Geo. Kemp, who has
so efficiently discharged the duties of
intan in-
ras reappointed with
LLibrarian,`s ppo
creased salary.
Hibbert. •
Mrs. Andrew Bruce of Grey spent
last week with friends in Hibbert.
lir. l±Vm. Chubb of StaS'a was the
guest of Mr. WITI. Spearo last Sunday,
'err. W. F. Johnston of cromarty who
has been very ill with Lumbago is now
Mr. D. Me, Kaig of the .12 con, raised
his barn on Wednesday last and in-
tends building a stone foundation under
it; and making the bard. larger.
Mr. John Young is on the road again
buying eggs for Mr. Bobier.
A number of Reformers attended the
convention in Hansen. on Tuesday.
Mr. Seibert has moved into the resi-
dence formerly oetupied by Mr Reider,
Miss Hannah Lewis succeeds Mr. G.
Zwiker as organist it the Methodist
Master Geo, Zwiker left for Lucall
last week to learn the jewellery busi-
ness with Mr. W. Mathenson.
Mr, Elcred Williams' youngest dlibug•h-
t. er, Lena who has been veryill we
1 , l
are glace to learn, is recovering.
On Sunday night, 4th inst., some ill
disposed person or persons malicionaly
removed a -wheel from a buggy belong-
ing to Mr. Geo. Sillery,.who had spent
the day with lir. Hugh Norris, of the
Cromarty Line, and when about to re-
turn home went to the spot where he
had left his buggy and found the wheel
had been removed. After a long and
fruitless search he came to the con-
clusion that it had been. takeu from the
premises, and that he would have' to
resort to the means of borrowing an-
other wheel, with which to get home.
.After a relapse of about a week the
wheel was found on the verandah of
Mr. Robt. Livingstone. Geo, make
your rig more secure next time.
'Mr. Marry Janson, of Detroit, is visit-
ing his cousin, tor. Chas. Greb, of the
Huron Hotel, for a few weeks. •
Zurich is noted for its ilnpvoven ents.
A drain is being put in from E. Hardy's
harness shop to C. Elber's Baker shop:
"Mr. John Prang, of the Bronson line,
has fall,' wheat averaging. 20 inches
b a
high:. John says that is pretty •good,
and s0 do We.
We will have the fishermen nearer
Zurich now' as they have started a
fishery at Taylor's Grove, Sauble line.
The buildings are all up.
Mr..Wm. Cleghorn, formerly partner
in the firm of Happel & Cleghorn, left
Zurich with his family on Wednesday
-last for Wellsley, where he intends
carrying on a business,
Mr. J. C. Cole of the Subscription de-
partment of the Free Press paid Zurich
au official visit on Monday. He suc-
ceeded in adding' a few new names to
his list of subscribers here.
The Zurich public school scholars
were very industrious on Arbor Day
planting trees, cleaning the yard and
fixing up that: flower beds. It makes
the school and yard look pleasant.
Rev, Mr. Staebler attendees the furl'
eral of his uncle, Mr. Magner, at New
Hamburg, who' was killed by being
thrown out of a vehicle last Saturday. organ,- On another table were dis-
Mr. Fred Rummel while . attending a
sick cow, hacl the misfortune to break
his leg last week, while he was help-
ing a cow to get up, his leg went
through the planks in the floor and
the cow fell back against it, breaking
it in two places,
HOUSE-V'PARMING•--The festivities in
connection with the re -opening of the
residence lately occupied by Thomas
Shute, Esq., of Exeter, under the aus-
Mr. John Shute, too
piCCs of his s011,
place on Thursday evening, the 8th
inst. John has lately taken to himself
a wife and has settled down on the old
homestead. Invitations were issued to
a large number of the most intimate
friends of the young couple to which
most of those invited responded and
partook of the hospitality of the young
host and; hostess. The large table in
the dining room, whichgdhd noble ser-
vice in clays gone by, was literally
loaded down with all the delicacies of
the season gotten up in the most
tempting manner, It is needless to
ray that the guests did ample J
to this part of the program. After the
had .been sat
cravings of nature
and the house formally declared re
opened all settled down for a good
1nUsie was
night's atuusLtnei t, C
discoursed during the evening by a
splendid orchestra composed of Messrs.'
S. Gidlev iolin; Thee, 01:e, cornet; A.
'f , Hawkins,
J. Snell tlbmllone; Prof. .P
British Grain' Trade.
The Mark Lane Express, in'its week .
ly review of the British grain trade,
says: -Good reports have been receiv-
concerning r10 1 g wheat through-
irong -out Great Britain, Russia,
Europe and I ranee. English wheats,
were firstly held a4 a slight advance.
The sales of English wheat during .the
past week' were 85,974 quarters at'31s.
7d, agaiust`133,567'quarters at 29s lad
during the eorrespoxiding week' .cart'
year. Foreignwheats fluctuated un-
der the changes iu the New York mar-
ket, but the leading tendency of the
market here was upward. Flour wale:
.steady, not sharing in the speculative
movements. Barley was firm. 'Foreign
oats advanced Gd. Corn dropped. 3d.
At to -day's m•trkct business was slow.
English and foreign wheats maintain-
ed their v'alllee. American flour was
well held. The price of barley was
against buyers, and there was a de-
creased demand. Oats, beans, corn and.
peas were steady.
Mr. Allan McDonell, of Exeter, has
purchased several fine driving horses
in this vicinity lately.
Mr. James Otte, the popular cattle
buyer of Exeter, purchased some fine
steers in this vicinity recently.
Mr. Molts, formerly a tailor in Park-
hill, has started business here. No
doubt he will command a good trade,
as he is a first-class tailor
A very interesting game of foot -ball
The Sons of England sleet for the
despatch of general'business on Mon-
day, and as some matters of importance
will be discussed every member should
be present.'
The postmasters throughout the.
Dominion have been informed that in
future they are to impress upon pea so',
sending letters to the. United Kin" dere •,
and Postal Union countries, to Ire: • Ft .e -
or ten cent postage stamps r,,,;r.ided
for the purpose. and not use ftt;;mps df
a lower denomination. The,,eople will
kindly remember this facet.
Some iii disposed. P drsfetrt •or persons
placed a rope aerens the rifle -walla ilr
front of Mr. Is ,#c llandford's black-
smith shop f..1r the purpose of tripping
people, or. Sunday night last, rend had.
it not 'aeon discovered, no doubt, soa�oe:
elle,, would have fell a victim to ^the•'
will be played between the Dashwood fgnominus' intentions. This kind. of
"Rangers" and the "Clippers,' to -day
(Thursday). All favorites ei this sport
should be in attendance, Admission
10 cents.
Mr, Jonas Hattleib, formerly a part-
ner in the flour mills here,. has pur-
chased Mr. Cook's interest in the flax
business. We ` wish him every suc-
cess and hope that his undertaking
will prove profitable.
r hased
has c
Mr. Cool: of this place, purchased
a lumbering business in Parry Sound.
He will dispose of all his property in
this section and remove there shortly.
We are sorry to loose such a good citi-
zen as Mr. Cook. What is our loss is
Parry Sound's gain.- We wish him
every success. -
One of Nature's Curiosities,
thing is very dangerous and the guil-
ty- part or parties should be punisht3,
to the fullest extent of the law.
"Devil's Lake," in Calhoun county,
Ala, seventy miles east of Birming-
ham is one of the most remarkable
'I sities tobe Towed in Amer-
cul o o
natal L
The lake is oval in shape, incl
covers about four acres of ground. No
vegetationy b
of an kind grows on its
banks acid nothing lives in its waters.
and terrapins slthe
Even snakes < d ti sun
waters of Devil's 1-d o, and fish placed
in it die in a few hours. Tho water is
clear limestone, with a peculiar taste,
which makes it unpalatable to man or
beast. Iiorses and cows will not drink
On Saturday, May l.Gth, Household.
Effects, etc. Thomas Dearing, prop,
James Oke, auct.
- OF
Drew's !J
0-per0-pera House,
rrig 1601,1,
(OXaeaicing at S OlC1ock: