The Exeter Advocate, 1890-5-8, Page 8r
A pertinent, piece. of advice to the
columns of a late trede journal, ran
thus:—However hard you may have
worked during 1889, resolve to 40 s
little better in 1890. It is not a dif-
cult matter to see when better tied
more. work might have been donee if
one taxes to serttt!.uiee closely, even
though the vision be defective and pov-
erty to great to purchase a pair of
specitee We have uotieod a few week
spots in ourselves and inspired by the
above bit of advice, resolved to adopt it
as one of our rules for 1890 and faith-
fully observe it for at least a week.
We are trying to put stock in best 'pos-
sible shape, to fill every ;ap and give
every shelf, drawer and corner the
cleanness and neatness of a new pin.
Our Book, Stationery, Small ware and
Wrapping paper departments are in
good shape and Fancy goods ever
ready to supply the detnande of Wed-
ding, Parting and other friendly gifts.
The patrons of both our Jobbing and
Retailtrade will kindly accept our
heartfelt gratitude for their past liberal
support. .
a. Grigg, Exeter.
—H. L.Billings, Dentist, Par the best
nrtUte al te eth.
Many of the farmers are about done
with•their seeding.
if you want Coal Oil, and want it
• good, call ou Will Folland.
Electric blaoking, 10 cts. per box at
George'Sanders. Get a box and try it.
—H.KA. lit fain 'ZS, Dentist, Gold fillings
iu specialty. Office over O'Neil's Bank
Farmers will do well by calling on
Will Polland before they sell their Irides
and Sheep skins.
Something new! What? Electric
Blacking to preserve the shoes! For
sale by Geo. Sanders.
Electric Bineking. The best article
in the world for boots and shoes. For
sale by George Sanders.
If you want good tinware and at
right price call on Will Rolland.
Sign of Big Elephant.
The Rev. Geo. Cobledtck was called
home from Guelph on 'Tuesday last on
account of the illness of his mother.
The time is near whet= the average
person has an attack of laziness and
feelingly refers to it as spring fever.
The Electric Blacking is the best in
the market to keep boots and shoes
soft. Try a box. For sale by George
The adjourned vestry meeting of the
Trivitt Meniorial church, will be held
tomorrow evening. A full .attendance
requested. -
At a meeting of the Board of Trade
last evening, it was resolved to post•
pond the annual meetiu , and election
4f officers, until Wednesday, the 14th
Are your boots or shoes hard with be-
ing wet. If so,secure a box of Electric
blacl:ing,s, It will soften them immedi-
ately.' Price 10 ets. For sale by Geo.
On Tuesday Messrs. Weeks Bros.
marble dealers, of this place shipped a
Memorial to Snowflake, Manitoba, to be
erected over the remains of the late
Albert F. Manning.
The Cash Market for butter and
eggs and other small produce, brill be
opened on Saturday May 10th, at 7 a.
in. to 1.p. m. Further particulars next
week. By order of Committee.
.A. rifiewoman's club has been formed
in Bermuda, and the wife of the gov-
ernor of the island is president of it.
In this country they shoot better with
a broomstick.
If you are in need of any Lace cur-
tains this spring? call and see E. J.
Spackman's Big lot of them, 600 pairs
from 50c a pair to $2.00. Don't wait
long as they are going fast at Speck -
man's Boot & Shoe Store.
A grand promenade concert will be
held on the evening of May 24th in
the Rorer• Rink, under the auspices of
the Brass Band: A first class enter-
teinment wilt be furnished. Further
A 'particulars will he announced later..
Here is a notice to burglars given
by an exchange —" All burglars are
kereby notified not to pay us any noc-
turnal visits with the expectation of
getting money. If they want our
money they must call on our delin-
quent subscribers.
700 pairs of childrens and Misses
Prunella (Foxed) shoes from 25c to 40c:
.fir pair. Cheaper than any Bankrupt
Stock can be bought at. In boots and
shoes, we are bound tint to be under
Bold by any one. Largest stock in the
Bounty to pick from, Spaceman's Boot
and Shoe Store.
The best way to promote the business
interests of our village is for all the
people residing in the village and coun-
try tributary to it to patronize, so fat'
as possible, our business 'nen: Don't
buy on credit at home and when you
have the cash go abroad, It may be
fun for you but it's death to your ton•tt,
--Although the spring is not yet far
advanced, our hardens aro already be-
ginning to wear a cltfferent nspeet, in
many cases one vteiwng with another,
for the best, prettiest, and neatest ear -
dens. Spring .time especially reminds
one of that premise, that while the earth
rem meth, summer and winter, tiny
:end night% seed time rind harvest' shail
never cease.
Something new. Peerled wheat meal
Ask to see it, Brumpton Bros.
Our village was visited by a sae?'
ling musician on Monday last.
Ladies, do your kid shoes crack from
using the polish bucking? II eo, get
a box of Electric Blacking 'rein Geo.
20 per cent reduction in lace curtains
dud carpets at Brumpton Bros, Coate
and see them they must be sold.
Wall paper must go we will give
you a cash reduction of 10 per cent on
and after Saturday May 10th.
Brumpton Bros,
The Exeter baseball club halt enter
ed into an agreement to play the club
of Parkhill a game of ball on Thursday
May 22nd at Parkhill for a purse of
e25, Success to you boys.
.A full line of summer millinery just
arrived at Brumpton Bros, white straw
hats in all styles come and see them,
Best stock and best vaine in town.
Town Ticket office, Grand. Trunk
Railway. Ocean, Lake, River & Rall
tickets issued to all parts in Canada,
United States and Europe at lowest
rates. Prepaid Certificates.
Capt. Geo. Kemp, Exeter Ont.
This is the time when the average
house -wife is in her glory and her bet-
ter half in the stove pipe. Both live ou
hard tack and sleep on boards. Neither.
suffer for the want of exercise, and it
is useless for him to try to sneak off to
'see a friend.' Ile has to whack the
Men and Boys; Buy your Spring
suits at Spackman's Boot and Shoe
Store." In•clothing we carry the lar-
gest, Best quality, • Best fitting and
cheapest stock of Ready made clothing
in town. Give us a call and see them,
Opening New Lots eyery week. E. J:
An exchange says that when you
hear a man sneering at his local paper
you may know at once that he does
not spend much time or money in
making it better. A men who cannot
see any benefit arising to his town
from the influence of his local paper is
about as much value in the progress of
the place as would be an Egyptian
We have to hand a copy entitled
°Tho Dominion Agriculturalist and
Canadian Stockman," a monthly paper
published in Toronto by Maxwell Gregg,
Toronto, It is a 82 paged -edition with
beautiful suited cover and is -tilled with;
choice and valuable leading matter:
pertaining to stock raising. and gener-
al farming purposes. It is a journal
we can strongly recommend. to the
farming community, and a journal
that no farmer should be without. •
The spring tramp is on the war -path
as usual; Two seedyT'ooking Italian
musicians struck town last week and
warbled a few tunes on instruments
that had a ghost of a resemblance to
bagpipes, which had, to all appearances,
been used in ancient times to rally the
armies of the Israelites against the
Philistines, and' in eater, years as tog
horns on some of the upper.lakes. Their
rendering of "Home Sweet Home" was
enough to cause the cold lizards of des creep down your back.
It is with deep regret and lement
that we are called upon to chronicle the
death of another of Our town residents,
in the person of Mrs. Samuel Cobble -
dick, whose demise occurred yesterday,
7th inst., after a lingering illness. She
had reached the ripe age of 66 years
and 6 months, and was much respected
by all who knew her. Her remains
will be interred in the Exeter Cemetery
on Friday the 9th inst. The breaved
husband, and relatives have aur deep-
est sympathy in their irretrievable loss,
The Misses MeManis gave a Concert
in Shelborne St. Church during a week
before Christmas. Their contributions
were very greatly enjoyed by all pres-
ent. As- a whistler Miss Laura MeMan-
is is certainly without a peer among.
all artists he that line who have visit-
ed Toronto.
E. A. Stafford,
Pastor Sherbourne St, Church.
They appear in Drews Opera Hoose,
Exeter, on Saturday evening May 24th
under the auspices of the Exeter Brass
Band. Don't fail to hear them.
A meeting of the Mechanics Institute
was held in the Iibrary room on Mon-
day evening, the 5th inst. The librar-
ian's report showed an increase in the
number of members and also in the
improvement in the quality of books
during the year. There are now near-
ly 1900 volumes in the library. The
following officers were elected for the
current year:—President, Rev. S. F.
Robinson; Vice -Pres., Wm. Sweet, V. 5.;
See, F. W. Collins; Treas., D. Johns;
Librarian ,Geo. Kemp;; Directors, Messrs.
Rev. W, ]Martin, R. Spicer, D. Johns, R,
11. Archer, John Muir, A. G. Dyer, John
Taylor and Dr. Lutz. The sum of $5,00
'•was added to the salary of the librarian,
The Misses MeMannis took a leading
part in a concert last evening in our
church. They gave good satisfaction.
The whistling of Miss Laura was well
received,she being twice recalled. Miss
Alice renders effective service as her
sister's accompanist, besides contribut-
ing piano solos with very good taste
and acceptability. They are daughters
of a deceased Methodist Minister, and
modest and ladylike in depn.rtment,and
well deserving in every -way of the plat
corsage of any desiring their help in
Church Entertainments,
f si tied
Pastor New Richmond Meth. Church.
Never too litre to menti. 6000 mire tlf
hoots and shoes that- need repairin to
be left at the leading boot and shoe
Store next door to the post oMce.,t G.
Manson, -
Brumpton Bros, keep goodhoets end
shoes and sell theta cheap, '
Mr, J nes Oke .shipped a carload of
flee cattle to Montreal on Saturday last,
--Mr. B. Coughlin ships, today, two
fine carloads of cattle, to Montreal, ---
Mr. A. Q. Bobier shipped one carload of
eggs to Montreal, on Saturday last..
To those who took part in the Program
' At a regular meeting of Plymouth
Lodge, No. 63, S. 0, E, B. S., held on
Monday, May 5th, the following reso-
lution was unanimously passed; That
the hearty thanks.of this Lodge be and
is .hereby tendered to all who so- ably
assisted in carrying out the program
at the conversazione on the, evening of
St. George's Day, April 23rd.
Wm. Sweet, C. G. Varity,
President. Secretary.
Eerie V1oeing,
A petition was signed by the leading
business men of this pease for the clos-
ing of their respective places of business
on and after the 5th of May, 1890, at
the hour of 7 o'clock p.m. Saturday ex-
clusive. The followiug are the names:
Carling Bros., Richard Pickard, Brump-
ton. Bros.,J, N. Howard,J. W.Browuing,
Will Foliated, Ed, Roberts, Bissett Bros.,
J. A. Stewart, H. Spackman, J. Grigg
(to lst Oct.), E, J. Spackman, Farmer
Bros., Wm. Sonthcott, Geo. Manson, W.
Trott, J. P. Ciarke, John Treble.
Again we are called upon to chron-
icletlhe death of the late Mrs: Abraham
Dearing, of the 4th • con. of Stephen,
which melancholy event took place on
Saturday, May 3rd. She has been
ailing for some time from the e'l'ects of
a large cancer and at last succumbed
to its fatal effects... She was interred in
the .Exeter cemetery on Monday, May
5th, aud.her remains wore followed to
fee grave by a large concourse of sor-
rowing 'friends and ><el itives. The
bereaved husband has the 'sy fupathy
of the entire neighborhood.
mow to Tell a Counterfeit Ilan.
Take -a United States bill of any de-
nomination and hold it to the light and
you will see two lines running entirely
aeross it lengthwise. Upon examine-
nation you will find .these two consist
of silk threads, a. red one and a blue
one. • Every genuine bill has this mark
of genuineness, • Without these marks
a bill may be put down as counterfeit,
no matter how gbee the engraving on
it. No paper niiil.1are to make thee,
sort of paper, and: this is. the Govern-
ment's only protection on its currency.
Last evening' 'our .'front street was
the scene of a lively runaway it•beiug
a horse belonging ,to Mr. Solomon
Jacques, of the S. E. boundary, Usborne.
He was on. his -way home- from the
village and when on the outskirts the
horse took fright at a baby carriage
and started to run Mr. . Jacques
tryed to hold it but onebfthe linesbroke
which caused the horse to spring iuto
the ditch upsetting the • occupant and:
buggy and at once started to run com-
ing up Maitest. at a lively Kate.-; . No
damage was done with the except ou
'of the harness being broken and,a few
slight bruises that Mr. Jacques received.
To 'Whom It euty Concern.
I have much pleasure in commend
ing Miss Laura, McMannis, the Whis-
tling Soloist, to any.association provid-
ing popular entertainments. 'Two num
bers were given by her at a Concert
held in my church on the 20th of Feb-
ruary underr the auspices of Y. P. L. 8.
in the rendering of which she greatly
delighted the large audience present,
by which she was heartily encored on
both numbers. Her part in • the pro.
gram was really one of the very . best
entertainments yet given in the -part
of the city,
S. G. Stone.
Pastor Parlydale Meth. Church,
Toronto. "
Wait for them, In Drew's Opera,
House, on Saturday evening.
Register your Births.
Police Magistrate Dennison'
of Tor-
onto, recently fined Staff of
Archibold, of that city, for neglecting
to register the birth of a child. The
inspector pointed out that he had regis-
tered the birth twenty days before the
information against him- was laid, and
claimed that by the provisions of the
act respecting births, marriages and
deaths, there must he a refusal or wil-
ful neglect to register proven before a
charge can be sustained. Mr. Aschi-
bold held that the fact of his hewing
registered when he did, showed that
there was in his case neither refusal
her wilful neglect. A fine of one: dol-
lar and costswas imposed. Upon ap
peal to the Attorney -General, the fine.
was cancelled.
Connell Proceeding;
The council met at the Town Hall
Exeter 30th April, Ite90. All .present.
The minutes of prevou meeting were
read and confirmed. Orders were
granted for the following sums, viz:—
Jas. Creech, N charity to Mrs, Pilfer, do
$2 to x,' IMclntosh.—Carried, A rate of
6 cents per foot froutage for watering
a portion of Main street was agreed to.
By Law No. 10 for street watering was
duly •read and passed. Moved by 2i:
Spackman seconded by D. A, ROSS that
By law No. 11, 1889, to establish a Mar•
ket on the Town Hall grounds be read
a second and third time and finally pas-
sed. Moved in amendment by W. C.
Bissett seconded by J. Oke that a, pro-
visional chance be.added to disestablish
the said marketin case the same. lee
main unused as a market ford months.
The motion was declared carried, lay
Law No, 1.1.) was then duly Bead, anti
passed. Moyer by eV. G. Bissett second:
ed by 11. Spackman that a court for the
revision of the assessment roll for 1800
be held et the Town Miall oil Tuesday,
the 27th of May at 11 o'clock in the
forenoon.—Cir ietl.' fThe, council ad
journed until Seturd ythe 10tb May at
7.30p, m, lit. EAcirn'rr, LIP*:
Poultry, Butter, Eggs
except grain,wool and dressed hogs,
will be opened on the
Town Hall Grounds,
Saturday, May 10,
and continued every, Saturday.
Market hours, 7 a. m., to 1
P. m.
This Market is estab-
lished by Village By-laW-
By Order of
The Board of Trade,
A Runt to Courts:
At Philadelphia the other day a
young woman in court neglected to
kiss the Bible in taking the oath.
When part of her evidenee had been
given counsel on the other side object-
edthe ground o to g
t u td of his
t omission.
Judge Arnold cut the matter short by
ordering the witness to be sworn by the
uplifted hand. "I am not surprised,"
said the judge, "that this witness did
not kiss the book. I would not do it
Personal Rllention.
Mr. George Mace, of Toronto, was
here this week.—Mrs. R. Scldon, of In-
gersoll, is spending a few days here vis-
iting friends.—Mr. E. Grigg is here
spending his holidays with his parents.
—Mr. James Parkinson and Armon
Davidson left on Tuesday morning for
Trout Creek where they will reside in
future. ---Mr. E. J. Specimen Ieft for
'reroute on Tuesday morning, --Messrs.
B. V. Elliot and William Gundy left for
London on Tuesday to attend court.—
Mr. William Smale, of London, was the
guest of his brother, Robt. on Sunday
and Monday last.—Messrs. le II. Collins,
John. Elliot' and Geo. Saiwell left for
London on Monday moriling to attend
court at that place.—Mr. John E. Tom,
I. P. S., of Goderich, was in town on
Tuesday last,—Miss Millie Baker left.
for 'Watford where she will remain for
a few days after which she will spend
a few days in Petrolia and Oil Springs.
—Mr. John Balkwil, who has been
visiting friends in town fore the past
few weeks, returned - to California on
Friday last.
Honor Roll.
The following is the honor roll for
three divisions of Exeter public school
for the month of April, the names oe-
currtng in order of merit; Miss Vesper's
room is omtnitted on account- of her
illness. Principal's Room,—Sixth class,
Clinton McCallum, Rennie Iei.nsman,
Affa Essery. Fifth class,—Melville
Martin, William Browning, Charles
Currelly, Katie McFaut. Senior fourth
class,—Lida,Trevethick, Annie. Lovett,
Elsie McCallum, Willie Brooks. Junior
fourth class, --Cecil Hersey, Lottie
Hicks, Janet Brown, Nettie Martin:
Miss Gregory's Room, Senior,—May
Sanders, Hett ie Handford,Harry Brown-
ing, Ida Ferguson. Junior class,—
Graee `Wilson, Russell, Hicks, Lizzie
Wilson,Isaac Bissett. Miss Gill's room,
Senior etass,—Via White, Rosie Halton,
Wilbur Oudmore, Louisa Taylor. Jun -
ter class, --Luther Howard, Laura
Sutton, John Spacleman,Ettie Matheson.
either—a dirty book like that. This
custom is a rglic of idolatry, and the.
sooner it is abolished the better it will
be. I don't think this witness objects
to kissing the book becauseshe intends
to lie, but :because it is a dirty book. I
respect her regard for her person and
her health."
A chimney sweep struck our burg
last week, who signs his name J. H. B.
chimney sweep W. S. M. and before
leaving for Clinton, a large number of
chimneys were cleaned. by him and,
conveyed the smoke much better, to
the satisfaction of the owners, than be-
fore hand The .people of Clinton
wishing work done of the above kind
can do no better/than employ him. -
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never vurbV, 4 marvel of
purity.3trc.nlgth And wise ilorrienoss, Moro
economical thorn the ori#Airy kinds, And
cannot be sold in coMpitltis,n with the
multitude of low tot, gh fE ikeight alum or
1pbo:iihate powder's'. sob slily in ea 11
ROr',At.131K tiro i'ownm eo.,•tb6 Wall St. NY
Y4511 were talking to
Have you tried us on a trade
If not; why not?
We make certain claims of advantages
offered in dealing with us.
If we are telling the truth -then you are out of pocket by
ignoring' us. w^^
is only another name for prejudice, when prejudice keeps the
rell ,�,. a ud
Prejudice is penny wise,
and pound foolish. Prejudice carries
money in a bag with holes.
The question is who bought that bankrupt stock? Several
have advertised as selling cheap. I want it distinctly under-
stood DID Num nor do not want it. I manufacture
all my own tinware and handle no bankrupt stock, and axle
in a position at all times to offer good,
ellmm de Tinware
at a lower price than 'any other house can sell their two -year -
and -a -half shop-worn goods. I ask you to come and inspect my
stock and you will be convinced that I am speaking' the truth,
My stock is all made up of
J-4.1.-",\ BEST. I
that can he had in the market, and
am selling away down.
_tee0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
STAND, one door north of Dr. Lutz's Drug Store, Main Street,
Exeter. Sign of Big Elephant.
EBIS, 1 • i
�r�r �i SEEDS.
_ l ,
We have one of the largest collections of
in town and will sell them out at cost for the next two weeks.
$� ;1 6
vifY tLVre
We carry a full stock of Nails, Lccks, Hinges,13ar Iron, Horse
Shoe Nails, Iron Piping, Valves, Furnaces, Stoves, Wanzex '"
Cookers, Glass and Oils, in fact everything usually found in
a first-class Hardware Store.
..�tl• ,.
our stock is new and complete.
We ask you. to
and weguarantee satisfaction.
At the Old Established House.
. N.
Manager. Proprietor