HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1890-5-8, Page 4ree......e...a.,...,,,,,,,,,,,,e,,,,,,,,,,,eaverasevamenweseeeloYeerwasetveS777.Wrooimeov000alreveseierems.rwarve, aneenseveoveeeenswaserveveaemoarevenenwoevene.e..e. momiammr.." THE envter Aboorixt. Editor, 11111URSDAY) 16&Y 8t1i.) 1890. (A% • 4'7'; ;.% 1:''t\T ,.9 A1'4•5 0 SOUTH _HURON' LIBERAL COW - SE RV ATI VE CONVENTION. MR. J. G. HOLMES THE NOMINEE. -"EQUAL EIGHTS TO ALL," THE MOTTO.- MOWAT'S HOUR LIAS COME. One of the largosand most enthusi- astic Conservative Conventions that ever met in Sonth Huron was held in the village of Hensall on Tuesday after. noon. Over one hundred delegates representing every palling- sub -division in the riding, were present. Shortly after two o'clock, the president of the Conservative Association, Mr. John Torrence, Reeve of Stanley, took the chair ancl in a neat speech refined to the present political crises in the prov- ince and called on Mr. Robert Birming- ham,of Toronto,to address the meeting. Mr. Birmingham in a rattling speech, impressed upon the delegates present the importance of selecting a worthy standard bearer, one who would redeem the riding from the rule of the present representive, who had been for the last fifteen or sixteen years but the pliant 'tool of Oliver Mowat. In all that time he (Mr. Bishop) had not given a single independent in the Legislature. Mr. Birmingham was followed by Mr. Moir, pf St. Mary's, who in a short address re- ferred to, and fully exposed the hypo. critical cries of the Mowat government with reference to the self assumed ep- ithets of the "Government of Truth and Righteousness," "Reform" and "Econo- in ..71The president then called for nomin- tion, when thhe following names were duly proposed. and seconded: - J. G. Holmes, Thos. Carling, J. G. Cress- well, H. Eilber, John Torrence, Dr. Rol- lins, Geo. Jackson, J. Beacon, R. Wil- son. After pointed addresses by all the nominees present the convention with an unanimous standing vote declined, Mr. J. 0. Holmes, the choice of the con- vention. Three rousing cheers were given for the candidate, Mr. Meredith, Sir John and tilt Queen, after which the meeting adjourned. Mr. Holmes is an old Huron boy, and his Parents still live in the county and were among the earliest pioneers of the Huron tract. Mr. Holmes is a young man whose career, thus far, has been a most brilliant one. At the public school Collegiate Institutes, and law school he always took a foremost part and to -day he stands, the result of his indomitable pluck and perseverance in the front rank of the criminal lawyers of On- tario. When the Equal Rights move- ment origin a ted in Toronto a little over a year ago, Mr. Holmes was one of the most brilliant leaders. It will be re- membered at the celebrated meeting in the Pavillion, Toronto last summer, Mr. Holmes was on the same platform with Rev. Dr. Caven, Mr, J. L. Hughes and other well known gentlemen andsup- perted a resolution in a speech which was by all present admitted to be. one Of the blest delivered on the occasion. Mr. Holmes will make his mark in the Ontario Legislature and will be a re- presentative of whom, not only South Huron but the whole province of On- tario will have just cause to fell proud. Let the electors of this Riding see to it that they do their duty, The bali is now`at their foot. Let them Seize the opportunity to turn out a man who through all the years has ,proved liirn- n,If to be nothing but a'"AttriPhig jack'': for the Mowat Administration and put in Mill who bag' .and yth will to think for hmo1 tt ati. tiMes. and on alloceasions. ' ! years and 6 months. e 1 Pain from. imilgestion,,dyspepsia,and too batty eatiiiTrelleVed once by taking, one of (144)01 LittleLiver liUs immediately after dinner. Don't for- get OILS. THE PURLIQ WARNED: Many people aro deceived LAO Ile' gecting bad blood, dyapesia, constipa- tiop,ete.,anti thus allow these and other diseases to become established, Aet promptly by using nature's blood pita, fying tonie'Burdock Blood Biters, which regulates the entire system, cur- ing all diseases of the stomach, Ryer, kidneys and bowels. Everest's Cough Syrup, and Liver Regulator give universal satisfaction, in this vicanity.-R. 'White, Orediton P. 0, It is reported that the Wells Fargo express messenger on a Southern Pacif- ic train was robbed Thursday night of 05,000 at Eagleville, 'Tex. A SEASONABLE HINT. During the breaking up of winter, damp, chilly weather prevails, and rheumatism, neuralgia, lumbago, sore throat, croup, quinsy and other painful effects of sadden cold are common. Hagyards Yellow Oil is a truely valu- able household remedy for all such (=- plaints. Will positively cure sick headache and prevent its returns. Carters Little Pills. This is not talk but truth. One pill a dose. See advertisment Small pills. Small dose, Small price. Disasterous Fire. Elizabethl, N. J., May 6th. -The Sin- ger sewing machine factory was dis- covered on fire at 11. o'clock to -night. The entire fire department responded to the alarm, hut the water from the six steam engines had but little effect. Within thirty minutes after the fire was discovered the immense building was a mass of flames, and the different factories and founderies seemed doom- ed. The blaze was first seen by a watchman, but he lost his psesence of mind. An alarm was not sent out for some time. The works employ 3,500 people, and pays out $40,000 weekly in wages. 2 a. m. -The fire is still raging. All the engines in the city are working, including five tugs, The main build- ing is all burned down and the fire is spreading rapidly. It is likely the en- tire factory will be destroyed. The loss will amount to several million dollars. Usborne Council. The council met on the 3rd inst ; all the members present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. A communication from V. Ratz Esq., reeve of Stephen, with reference to ordering a car -load of large tile was read, and on motion of J. Shier, seconded be W. Kydd, it was decided to take no action as a supply of cedar had been ordered for the present year. On motion of T. Cameron, seconded by W. Kydd, the following pathmasters were, appointed for the current year: - S. W. Ward, G. .Atkinson, W. Balk - will, S. Skinner, jr., R. Kerslake, T. Hodgson, W. Brownlee, L. Hunter, W. Woods, H. Perkins, J. Pym, S. Skinner, sr., T. Heywood. E. Williams, J. Ogden. N. W. Ward, T. Harton, W. White, H. Doan, A. Gibson, W. J. Oke, C. Harvey, Jas. Wood, John Wood, A. McDonald, G. Etherington, M. Clarke, S. Passmore, J. Anderson, Jas. Glenn, S. Horton, W. Mitchell, S. E. Ward, P. Hem, S. R, Horn, G. Hogg, G. Heywood, H. Brown, H. Squires, W. Walker, J. Allen, J.Fletcher, W. Moore, A. Dawson, W. Hazlewood, G. Harrah, J. O'Mara. N. E. Ward, Philip Madge, Andrew Hodgert, H. Borland, S. Campbell, Alf. Hunk in, M. Thompson, Jos. Vance, W. Stewart, W. Turnbull, D. McNicoi, D. Duncan, R. Pringle, John Gilfillan, Warren McGill. It was decided on motion of J. Shier, seconded by J. Halls, to expend the following sums on the boundaries, south boundary, $50; east boundary, $25; providing the other municipalities in- terested expend an equivalent. The Reeve was also empowered to make reasonable expenditure on other boun- daries providing other municipalities expend an equivalent. . John Cornish and six others, having petitioned the council to unite statute labor beats No. 11 and 12, S. W. Ward, the, request was granted and a by-law ordered to be prepared accordingly. On motion of J. Shier, seconded by T. Cameron, the Court ofR,evision was set for Saturday, May 31st, at 10 o'clock a, m,, and the Clerk authorized to advertise the same. By-laws No. 4 and 5, 1890', were read a third time and on motion of J. Halls, seconded by W. Kydd, were passed. Moved by J. Shier, seconded .by J, Halls, and resolved that $175 be ex- pended in each .ward in grading and gravelling. It was also- agreed to expend $60 on the London Road south of Exeter and W. Balkwill was appoint- ed to expeed the same, . The following orders were granted, 3. Hewitt, $5; R Keckly, $3; W. Chowen: $6.50; N Shier, $2; M. Satnwell, $13; Veal, 25 els. Council adjourned to Meet as a Court Of Revision and for general brisinesa on Saturday, May 31st, at 10 a, rn. G. W. Hor.ditioi; Clerk.' ,Driaariars. DtAurxo.--In Stephen, on the ard.in8t., Farah, beloved wife o f -Abraham Dearing, aged 51 years' and 2 months. Connumnicit.-In Exeter, on. the 7th Jane Allan, beloved Wife of Mr. Samuel Cobbledielt aged 65 Mind wandering cured. Books loomed itt One reading. Teztinionia afrom all P5, fl the alolOo. Prospectus pos'r Petail, sent on application to Prof. •Aa Lolootto. 837 Fifth Ave. Now York. When Baby was sick, ere gave her Castoria. Win/nab° was a chna, she cried for Castori Virben ehe became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When ehe had Children, she gave them Castoria, ...............................F•mmomemomossasmamownom• gOLD FREE guaz,N4F Gnarl 'Watch ` Werth55100.tit0 g , mit ,Watch in the world. Perfect timekeeper, Warranted heavy, :::... Both ladiee' Dud gent's eitoe. SOLID GOLD hIllItilif COM/. with works and nalee or '',: V. sA,.. equal value. OrtgICU PS014 in each locality can secure ono i..- ii'•7tree, together with our largo and valueble lino orliottsehold 41111Sture sannelea. Thou samples, as vrell sli the 'watch, aro free. Ail the work you need do is to show what we send you to those who call -you friend* and neighbors and those nbout you -i always results invaluable trade (onoIrhich holda foryears when once started, d m and we are repild. We prty all eeprese, freight, etc. After yeti know all, if' you weuld like to go to. work for us. you can .2.), from Sena to $eto per wink and upwards. Addrees, Stinson do Co., Box el 12, Portland, Mia,. rvolD OP1U 51/4.11, to children if yon wislifor their future welfare.. Morse's City. cerole of Celery Com- pound, Enact formula on every label, is a safe rem. edy for teething infante and nervous adults. En- dorsed by physlolans. Send two cent stamp for descriptive circular to EUta Mora, Susi*, N. Y. Siaccel.raitzGrrtarturm •HorriviAN'S - Ake r,?; HARMLESS H EAuAGHE poly MIS fqAD - AcH E Th-0.i are not aavera Used to cure every- aing,but simply head- aches. 2'ry them, it will cost but 4,5 cents PI' a box (ma they arc nor Jules& The are not a Cathartic. STAR GOCERY, Wholesale & Retail. LARGEST WHOLESALE STOCK IN THE COUNTY. Hennessy Brandy in wood and cases, also J. R. Brony, and other brands. MI Wolof & Jubilog WHISKEY always in stock. 101118n Whin of all kinds; also the celehTted Golden- Seal Champagne, lass Ales, Gumessen's Stout and American Ales and Porters. Marin A large consignment of this season's teas just in. Flour, Feed and Provisisions always on hand. Farmer Bros. County of Huron Teachers' Exam- inations, 1890. Primary (3rd) and Junior leaving and Pass Matriculation (2rid( Examinations at the Collegiate institutes and High Schools in the County,on Tuesday,8th ,July,8:40 a. m.;Senior leavingand Hon or Matriculation Examine - tion (1st C.), Tuesday, July 15th, 8:10 a. m. Candidates who wish to write at either Clin- ton or Seaforth must notify D. M. Malloch, Esq.,I. P. Soh ools ,Clinton P. 0.01ot la ter than the and of May, stating which of the two schools they intencl to write at; and those who wish to write at Goderich must notify J. E. Tom, Esq., 1.2. Schools, Goderich P. 0., at the same date. Tho 110 tice must be ac- companied by a fee of 85.00. No name will be forwarded to the Department unless the fee is paid. Headmasters of the Collegiate Institutes and High Schools will please send the applications of their candidates to the Inspeetor of the division in whicli the Col- legiate Institutes orHigio Schools aro Situat- ed.. Forms of application. may be had from the Inspectors or Secretary. , PETER ADAMSON, Secretary B. Examiners. Goderich, April 26th, 1890. 2 in. E01111101111fISSOCIfillp A Convention,of tliefriends of the above • ASsociation Wili ,be. held in the TOWN HALL, CLINTON, TIT.e§15AY;, 'IVIA:"Y 13, AT 10.30 A. M., For the purpose of completing local organization and the formation of a County branch. A representative member of the Provincial Association will be present and address the Con- • vention, A public meeting will be held in the evening in the Town Hall at 8 p, when addresses will be delivered on the questions agitated by the. Association, A representation of 15 or 20 from each ° municipality is desired. 13y authority of 'the Ex. -Cott. or PROV. Assoc, Clinton, April, 1890. SALE$MEN 111T61240d. ta ea'Salaty and EXpOneOS,Or COM miosion paitt to the right Mail. I Want pion 8 to 60 ettre tit to sail,a, full line of first -Claes t1rsdrY Stock. Ail stock guaranteed. Apply ait Once, stating, ado and ;referenteS. r4" C. L. 1300.aft.13Y, Itoelaester, N. Y. MaY1.-19t. RENDALES SPAVIN CURE Tho non. $uccessfa I Remedy ever dinar area, a:, it is Curtain in its effects and does not blister. Bead proof below. KENDALL'S SPAWN CURE. 057101C 07 ClITAltria0 .4. GNYDUlt, aBlMirt Blt07 _ elemvsnaan Day 5.11D Tao71;111G Barn Roans. ELMWOOD, 114, Nov. 20, 1888. Da.11. Extienetr. Co. Dear Sirs: I have always purchased your Ken- clalPs spavin Cure by the half dozen bottles, would like prices in larger quantity. I think 81 10 ono of the best lints imenon earth. I have used It on my stables for three years. Yours truly, ORAL A. ENTDER• KE*NRIMIA'S SPAUIN CURE. Bitoosurs, N. Y., November 8, 1880. DR. D. J. KENDAL,. CO. Dear Sirs: desire to give you testimonial of my good °pinto:la your Kendall's Spoxin Cure, have used it fur Lameneas, sem Janata laud saavi no, and 1 have found It a sure eure, I orig., ally reconmend It to all horsemen. urs truly, A. )1. Manager Troy Laundry Stables, KERDIEL'S $PAWN CURE. CANT, WIll707, Ilioug17, Oslo, Dec. 19, 1888, Da. 18. 1. KENDALL Co. Gaeta: I feel It my duty to say what / have done with your liendell's Spavin Cure, I hare cured twenty -live horses that had Spavins, ten of Max Rene nine afflicted with dittr /lend and seven of £o Jaw. Since I havo had oue of your books and followed the directions, I have never lett 10 case 00 any kind. Yours truly, 4.11Plitlrm Tutor% Horse Doctor, KEEMLLS SPAM CURE. Prior 91 per bottle, or Fax bottles for $5. MI Drug' stets linen it or eau get 10100 you, or it will be sent to may address on receipt of price by the propria tors. Dn. D. J. lintioni.t. Co., Enosburgh Falls, Vt. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. 1.112•1=Tairtarnauccs, THE LIGHT RIMITIMG 1890. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT 1890. LIVERPOOL AND QUEBEC SERVICE Cp411.311.1.240r,....AVV=21212•11.1111=11111MUGN.T101.13.11ML93.1.0010211IIIIIMIOLUInmail..111. •011.111S. Film LIVERPOOL .-- .._ .... STEAMER Plum MONTREAL. FROM QUEBEC. 17 April.- , - - - . SARDINIAN— 7 May , , 8 May .... 24 ..: . _ .... .POLYNESIAN - 14 ". .. . .. .. 15 1 May: ... , .. .... PARISIAN 21 " „ 22 " .... 1.5 " CIRC'ASSIAN 4 June . :. . .. 5 June .. 22 " • . SARDINIAN. .. ' 11 " ..... .... 12 00 29 " POLYNESIAN .. 18 " ..... 19 " .... ..... . 5 June.... PARISIAN .... '25 " 26 11 19 " . . CIRCASSIAN ... ..... .... 9 July ... 10July .... ...... 26 '. . . SARDINIAN.... 16 " ... . . .... 17 " .... ...... 3 July POLYNESIAN _ 23 " ..... ..... 24 " .... ...... 10 " .... , .. . PARISIAN 30 " , 31 " .... ...... 24 " CIRCASSIAN 13 August 14 August 31 " SARDINIAN.' .. 20 " .... .. , .. 21 11- ... .... 7 August . POLYNESIAN .. 27 "... 28 " 14 " .... PARISIAN 3 Septernber, .... 4 September RATES OF PASSAGE. Montreal or Quebec to Liverpool. Cabin, 500.00, 870.00 and $80.00, according to ()watts' odation. Servants in Cabin, Iiotomediato $25.00, staerage,*20;00 Return Tickets, Cabin, $110.00, 5180.00, $150.00. Int mediate, $55.00. Steerage, $10.00. Passengers wishing to embark at Montreal will leave Toronto by Tuesday morning's Express and go on board. any time after eight o'clock the same evening. For further information apply to JOHN SPACKMAN. The only authorized agent for Exeter, Ont. MiLLIG.Irissiassep SAC HJ ,.-_,' ,..,4; ,,.-1,..:•,, c,..:irHEo .,,,,f:Y,..LTy,,IHori..S,kETViin,r!lsl;rHdAC__ j'ililiVi.,, -, door ..rtriv t ; ,:v /7 iEW HOMEMii'i2 MACITINE o:okTiva:E. MASS';: .11,.2. _20 S'QUARE,N): DiitS, 'ATLANTA GA. TEN . 1.011117.M._,T,Tree,y,hrur Wier? VICO:100.CA .....s....monomtrtsasidommtfiszacmosemscoar so. EA K '4"EN and Tr/CE/LIIIN eau quickly ours them- uelves of Wasting Vitality, boat llgauhood, from youthful ?Aron, etc., quietly at home. Book on all Qiivato diseases sent free (sealed). Perftiotly reliable. Over 80 years' experience. .Addross- tormain PILL CO., TORONTO, Canada. LAD1Es,z..,.)11taelitelf3Oftror f'ITT14Oto,fg)V,n717;fg; or Pennyroyal Pills, insures regularity. Bend for particulars. Address GILDED 1.1.L CO., TOFF cemada.. EAR D$ FORCED on smoothest faces, MA' on baldest heads, in tiu tu 9U days. Magic. Latest and greatest achievement of modern science ! Most wen. derail diecovery of the age. Like no other preparation! Magical, sure, almost instantaneous in action! Boys with whiskers! Bald heads "blared Y' Curium spectacles, bat positive truths. Only genuine artiste in market, and certain te give absolute satisfaction. Guarimiced. Price 71 a buttis, or three bottles for 52. Bach bottle lasts one month. Address A. DIXON, Box KZ, TORUNTO, Cal\TADA. MIRK 0111111NANI'S PREPHATIOIS. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR preparation thnt wp.1 superfluous heir without injury to the eig."Zarrgtegi: Price 01. PIMPLES ANS BLACKHEADS fromioto130 days. Warranted. Frieder 20 days treatment, 01. rer point tea matter of selicitnde, whether ammo it is lament. Portable or unfashionable-ZAT POLIO using "5578. OORPULIMME.PILL13" lose 15 lbs. o month. -They OR,U00 no sickness ; contain no poison, and never fail.Price for one inonth's treatment, 02; or three menthe medicine, V. Warranted. CONIPLEXION WAFERS 'Altiagrat ninon the skin, develop the form. Harmleo. Permanent In effect. Warranted. Price $1 abox, or boxes for 00. Add:vett rii,ADAVIE GIOVANNAN; 206 :Slag Street Wast Toronto, One, "A STITCH IN TIME SAVES NINE," SO WILL A DOLLAR INVESTED IN MALTOPEPSYN fan artificial gastric juice -formula on every label] SAVE 99 DOLLARS to any person suffering from stomach troubles, eS- peeially. if taken at the first symptom of Indigestion, which is usually weight at the stomach, sometimes attended by slight pain, and may follow either a wholesoine or a heavy meal. At first, this feeling soon passes away, and is only remembered as a lined unfileasant, which, when repeated, gradually be. comes there pronounced, To the average person is now suggested the rathdrac ii1I, bitters, or other liquid purgatives, that will dear oat the bowels' Stich treatmentthan IS worse an uSeless 1 it is positivelylutnn- Cul. The trouble le in the Stomach, the DONV05 arc het resaotisible, and relief wilt oily dome through an intelligent treatment of the disorcler within the atonmeh. MALTOPITSVrit is the remedy ,fpr all steacaeh trottbioa, tridetted by the heat physicians of England 5,14 Canada, Send 6 eta, le postage for wagahlo parnishlet'Jo 11AZE00 1VtO1tSA Twrzerriatom, Diana, ONTAM(5. , 0-01NT=S, Agent for the Noxon Steel Frame Hoosier Drill . . GUARANTEED TO BE THE BEST IN THE WORLD: The only drill that can be instantly regulated to run the desired depth in hard or soft soil while in motion. Also for their light Elteel Elevated Binder with new knotter. It is the only knotter having a rotary cord holder that does not cut off or drop or waste a single piece of twine, Remember, THE ONLY ONE, AND NOT A PIECE.. WASTED. Other binders waste from one and a half to four idches every time a bundle is tied. Also agent for the WATERLOO HAY LOADERS, COMBINED ROOT PULPER and SLICERS, GRAIN CRUSHERS, DISC HARROWS and all farm implements. Show rooms in south half of I. HANDFORD'S carriage shop. For information address ZIENEN JONES, Ezetor. .1.3132=61=10.1..... NOW IN STOCK il Largo lissortut. of NEDIA 1411101FIEF ot 1..d0==ST =BZ:e=S. Barbed, Buckthsrn, Oiled, Annealed and Galvanized wires, a full line. s. Baby Carriages, Boys' Wagons, 7..4.2s.:=2-1NT M\ZCDIXTIT,S. Eve -Troughing 8 ells. a foot. AGENTS FOR THE RAYMOND SEWING MACHINE, nteniSMITICIMaine==.2 71. ,ii V V Nol A TT ^ ; leo r^44•;• 0S0 FARIIERS AND TIIRESIIERS CYLINDER, BOLT CUTTING, HARNESS —AND --- WOOL OILS, jack nos. LARDINE OIL AXLE GREASE PARrAF I X E, BOILER PURGERS, SEE THAT THE 1BARRELS ARE BRANDED McColl B.,k)s., Lardine, Toronto. ---FOR SALE BY - tai SETT fe *S.0 Exeter, Ontario.