HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2005-11-24, Page 27THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2005. PAGE 27. Council votes to take eat bylaw a step closer By Bonnie Gropp Citizen editor North Huron council has made a decision to crack down on cats in the township. At the Monday night meeting, animai control officer Bob Trick explained the program as it works within another municipality that he serves. In its first year Trick picked up 30 cats. One-third of those were claimed, with the remainder being euthanized at the cost of the municipality, or taken to the humane society. The following year only 19 cats were picked up. •Cats are caught only when a complaint has been made. Trick cautioned council passing this bylaw in an election year can be bad for votes as people see it as a cash grab. However, he added, “I sympathize with the people haveing problems because cats are a problem.” Councillor Arnold Taylor agreed saying that something had to be done, “whether this year, or I come back as a citizen next year,” he joked. “They’re a nuisance and I’m pretty sure that years ago council sat around this table saying dogs were a nuisance, and should we or shouldn’t we have a bylaw.” Trick warned that the program could be costly if cats are claimed. “Is that any different than dogs?” questioned Taylor. “No different,” said Trick. Councillor Murray Nesbitt, however, said he had heard from Bly th ratepayers that cats aren’t a problem. A letter from a Bly th woman commenting on that was Steamed Cliff Snell, right, and Rob Mason helped out in the kitchen draining the big pots of vegetables served up during the Blyth United Church fall supper. (Vicky Bremner phbto) included in council’s agenda package. She said squirrels were a bigger problem. Trick noted that the plan isn’t to go out and “try to catch all the cats I can. I try to work with the cat owners too.” Following Taylor’s motion to begin setting up a bylaw, Nesbitt stated he wanted to go on record as believing there was no need for it. Taylor was equally strong in his conviction that there is. “I’m not so sure the cats here are strays. Owners have to be responsible to look after their animals. We unfortunately can’t do anything about squirrels.” o-n E-aitA, Qoodui'M to- Man tvalg, doeo e-aiot The Citizen would like to print your story in our Christmas issue about someone who has helped others in selfless ways, who has done a good deed for a stranger or extended the hand of friendship when it was needed. Write a brief paragraph explaining what happened. 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