HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2005-11-24, Page 24PAGE 24. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2005. Classified Advertisements - RATES - 20 words or less only $5.00. Additional words 200 each. 500 will be deducted if ad is paid in advance DEADLINE 2 p.m. Monday in Brussels 4 p.m. Monday in Blyth Phone 523-4792 or 887-9114 Accommodation for rent THREE-BEDROOM BUNGALOW in a good location, close to school, arena, etc. Available Dec. 1. References required. Phone 523- 9435. 46-1 AFFORDABLE ONE-BEDROOM apartment in Blyth available immediately. Great location, hardwood floors and newer kitchen. Also includes fridge and stove. $340 plus utilities. Call 523- 4448 for more information. 39-tfn CLINTON - 161 JAMES ST., newer building, two bedrooms, 4 appliances, laundry facilities available. $500 plus utilities. 519- 685-2264. 38-tfn Ar tides for sale LAWN MOWER BOUGHT AT Home Depot 42" cut 17.5 hp. used only six times, 2005 model. Asking $1,200. Call 887-8064. 46-lp NEW BAR FRIDGE, HARDLY used. Asking $100. Camper, folds down, older make, needs some work but in good condition. Call 887-8064 to view. Amount negotiable. 46-lp CHRISTMAS TREES - PREMIUM fraser fir, white pine, scotch pine, spruce, balsam, noble fir, 5 to 12 feet, also Christmas tree stands, wreaths aad garlands. Niel and Cathy Edgar, 357-2122, Hwy. 86, 4 miles west of Wingham. Delivery available. 46-4 PIANOVATIONS MUSIC CENTRE Restoration & Refinishing Experts Dealers of New and Quality Used Pianos. Keyboards Guitars, Music Books........ Visit & Tour Our Workshop! Wed. - Sat. 10-6 287 Main Street Londesborough, 519-523-4535 www.pianovations.com present this coupon for... f\\ 1 ' By P«k 36 West St Goderich 519 524-5669 FREE Cleaning, Buffing & Checking Claws Forever Expires: Dec. 31/05 Auction sales IAUCTION CALENDAR Clinton 482-7898 SATURDAY, DEC. 3 AT 10:00 AM: | John Deere riding lawnmower . with hydra static drive (good A one), antiques, furniture, ' glassware, etc. to be held at^ Seaforth Building Bayfield Fairgrounds Agri-Plex for Burt Dunn of plus contents < I Hensail Apt. (note we are < accepting additions for this 4 auction). Call 482-7898 or ' 955-0163. www.lobbauction.on.ca A Articles for sale 1 PC PENTIUM 1 computer, monitor and keyboard and a colour bubblejet printer. Best offer, 529- 7682. 46-lp TWO LAB PUPS, ONE IS BLACK (female) 2 yrs., the other is golden (male) 8 months, have first shots. Call 887-8064. 46-lp LEXMARK X75 PRINTER. Memorex keyboard, 1 yr. old. 1990 Ford Taurus, $500. Phone 887- 9615. 46-lp HOT CHOCOLATE, NUT- cracker, bayberry, cedar and pumpkin spice. Enjoy these new scents from Kountry Essence Candles. Available at Seven Sisters, 181 Dinsley St., Blyth. 44&46 MATHER’S CHRISTMAS TREES Cut your own tree $25. Friday - Saturday - Sundays 9 - 5. Pine; spruce, fir, Dec. 2 - Dec. 18 on Stone School Rd., 4 kms. south of Wingham. 46-4 CHRISTMAS TREES - PINE, spruce and fraser fir, pre-cut or cut your own. 1 1/4 miles south of Wingham, 1 1/4 miles east on Golf Club Rd., 357-1498, Glen Casemore. Open 7 days/week. 46-4p HENKE PTO ROLLER MILL and blower with hopper and auger, Model B-45, excellent condition, $5,500,887-6162. 45-2 FIREWOOD, ALL HARDWOOD, all body wood. Delivery available, $65/cord„ Phone 523-4891. 45-4 BOOKS! BOOKS! BOOKS! Come in and browse through our selection of books mostly on rural themes. The Citizen, 404 Queen St., Blyth, 523-4792 or 541 Tumberry St., Brussels, 887-9114. Babysitting BABYSITTER IN THE LONDES- borough area has spaces available. Stay-at-home mom offers a positive environment for children of all ages. Access to Hullett Central Public School buses, reasonable , rates, references available. Call Tammy 523-4232. 46-2 Births ALBERS. Pete and Leisa are thrilled to announce the birth of their daughter, Alyssa Frances Helena. Alyssa was born on October 31, 2005 at the Stratford General Hospital weighing 7 lbs. 8 oz. Proud first-time grandparents are Ross and Fran McCall and proud Opa and Oma are Pete and Lanie Albers. 46-lp Cards of thanks CLOAKEY. Thank you to family, friends and neighbours for all your support and help on October 18 and the days following too. You don’t know how good it feels to have help without even asking. A special thanks to the Blyth Fire Department for their quick response, training and equipmei t. We also want to thank Howson and Howson for their help, and to Monoway Farms for looking after the bam during Doug’s recovery. - Doug, Joan, Janisa and Carter. 46-lp ELLIOTT. Helen Elliott’s family wishes to express our heartfelt thanks to the many friends and neighbours who offered their sympathy and support following' Mom’s recent passing. To Rev. Cathrine Campbell for a warm personal tribute and a moving, dignified service for Mom. To Janna Dodds for lending her beautiful singing voice to the occasion. To Frank and Jennie Schimanski for their kindness and quiet efficiency in managing the funeral arrangements. To the ladies of Melville Presbyterian Church for a delicious reception lunch, including a faithful re-creation of Mom’s famous “funeral squares”. To Barb and Paul Mutter for opening their beautiful home to us. To Joan and Dave Black of Lucknow for a delicious meal. To everyone who attended the visitations and service, for your kind words of condolence and sharing your memories of our Mom. To everyone who sent floral tributes, wrote personal messages and made donations in her name. Mom loved this community where she and Dad George lived and raised their family. Your generosity has lifted our spirits at a difficult time and reminds us of the value of your friendship. - Barb, John, Joan, Doug and families. 46-1 ON $4.00 THURSDAYS Drop into either of our offices any Thursday with your word classified (maximum 20 words) and pay only $4.00 + GST (paid in advance). That’s $1.00 off regular rates. The Citizen Cards of thanks O’HAGAN. On Sept. 28/05 my beautiful daughter Sarah was taken from me. As my heart broke and our tears flowed - this wonderful community wrapped their love, tears, hugs and compassion around my family. My daughter, Sarah, was a challenge to raise but also a great joy. Now as she has no more pain - she is in the care of her Heavenly Father. Thanks to the police officers who came to my house and also to the ladies from Victim Services of Huron County to offer support at this very difficult time. Thank you to McBurney Funeral Home, Jackie, Doug and Aimee for leading me quietly through this difficult time. Thank you to my family at Wingham and District Hospital for their support in cards, food, visits at my home, calls of comfort and donations to Natasha’s education fund. Thank you also to my friends and neighbours from Tumberry Estates for their support and kindness shown to my family. To my Wingham Pentecostal Church family there are no words to express the continuous outpouring of love I and Natasha are surrounded by. Thank you to Pastor Tim and Renee for being there for me. Thank you Pastor Tim, Liz and Baron Rackow and all who gave my daughter Sarah a truly beautiful service. A special thanks to Phyllis Barfoot who spoke about Sarah as though she was still living with us. Phyllis was a true friend to Sarah and for this I will always be thankful. Thank you to Women’s Ministries (UPC) for the great lunch after the funeral: Also thanks to everyone (too many to name separately) who came to help us at my home with everything we needed. The food, flowers, cards, hugs, prayers, phone calls, and words of compassion and hope were overwhelming. I thank God for all of you. Finally a big thank you to my other kids - Tracy and Steve Templeman, Dale Johnston, Mike Bradley, Kevin Bridge and Laura, Robin and Jake. Thanks to Gary Templeman for his help. Thank you to Dr. Greg Antoniadis, Drs. Bonnie and Shawn Marshal for words of comfort and support. Thank you to all who donated money towards Natasha’s education fund. This would mean great comfort to Sarah. I realize that now as I go forward to caring for my granddaughter, Natasha, I will need even more support from everyone and I know you will all be there. Thank you to everyone who helped Mary Beth and Laura during this time. - Forever grateful, Susan O’Hagan, Natasha, Laura and Mary Beth and grandchildren Jack and Marilyn Clark. 46-1 ROETCISOENDER. 1 would like to thank the doctors and nurses at Stratford Hospital for their care and the nurses who came to my home after my surgery. Thank you to everyone who sent flowers, cards, called and came to visit. Also a big thank you to family, friends and neighbours for the meals and baking they brought .over. It was greatly appreciated. - Teresa Roetcisoender. 46-lp Please Recycle This Newspaper Cards of thanks SOUCH. We would like to thank everyone who came to help us celebrate our 45th. Thanks for the cards, gifts and donations. Special thanks to our children and to those who helped in any way. We shall always remember that lovely evening. - Bill and Deloris. 46-1 TERPSTRA. On behalf of Hennie Terpstra and her family we would like to express our sincere gratitude to everyone who offered their support during this most difficult time of our lives. Ben would have been speechless to realize how many lives he touched, young and old. All the memories conveyed during the past few days have given each of us courage to proceed without our husband, father, opa, son, brother, uncle and friend. Special thanks to the Atwood Fire Department, Emergency Response Team, Dr. Edmonds, Judy Danbrook and the staff at Listowel Memorial Hospital, Jim and Judy Brenneman at Peebles Funeral Home, Fr. Paul Nicholson for his prayers and support, David Murtha and Mozart Gelinas for their gift of song, the C.W.L. of St. Joseph’s Parish of Listowel' for their delicious lunch. Thank you for the overwhelming generosity shown through flowers, donations to the Heart and Stroke Foundation and many other charities. The phone calls, sympathy cards and food we received from friends and neighbours were greatly appreciated. We are all truly grateful. 46-1 Coming events IMPROVE YOUR COMMUNI- cation skills by joining the Clinton Communicators Toastmaster Club every second and fourth Tuesday of the month. Information call 529- 7670. 45-2 A WALTON COUNTRY CHRIST- mas being held at Walton Hall on Friday, December 2. Featuring local talent. Donations to Walton Hall Renovation Fund. 45-2b FARM TOY, SPORTS, CARD, TEDDY BEAR, DOLL, GIFT and CRAFT SALE - Nov. 26 and 27 - 19th annual show sponsored by Seaforth Agricultural Society in Seaforth at the Agriplex, Public School and Arena, 10 - 4:30. Admission $4. New vendors and New Attraction: 45 ft. working toy train display. Info: 519-527-1790. www.c4thagsociet,y.on.ca 45-2 ST. AMBROSE ANNUAL Christmas Bazaar will be held on Saturday, November 26 from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. in the church hall. Free admission. Bake table, crafts, loonie auction, raffle draw and more. Lunch available. Everyone is welcome. 45-2 CRAFT SHOW, DECEMBER 3, 2005 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Huronlea, Brussels. Crafts, baking, penny auction tables. Lunch available. 46-2p COME HELP PLAN FOR GREY Township’s 150 anniversary celebration on Tuesday, Nov. 29 at 7:30 p.m. at the Public Works garage. 46-lp