The Exeter Advocate, 1890-5-8, Page 10 "A UNITED CANADA AND BRITISH CONNECTION." VOL, III. The Molsons Ea (Chartered by Parliament, x655,) Paid up Capital, $2,000,00 Rest Fund.... 1,000,00 Head office Montreal, P. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Esq., Gleeten at, MANAGER,. Twenty Branch offices in, the Dominic Agencies in the Dominion, U. S, and Furore' F:1X0ETmR BRs3NC23. Open every lawful day fro m 10 a. n1, to 8 p. in., Saturdays 114.14. m.. to 1 e. re. Jl general banking "business transacted vows ;per cent. per annum allowed for money on Deposit Receipts. it . R. H. ARCHER, Exeter, Jan 28, '88. Manager. THE Oaztier too -orate ) Is published g'rory Thursday Morning, at the Office, MAIN -STREET - EXETER. By the SANDERS! PUBLISHING OOMCANIY. TER f OP SUBSCR12T1o,Y. One Dellarpar 'aumm'I" raid. ia Advanoe S t.SO if not So paid, F clir `-tSa? � Ze,e ten ora Sipyalioa- No paper disoontinuee until all arrearagee are paid. Advertisements without specific directions will be published till forbid and ehhrged aceordin"ly. Liberal discount made for transcient advertisements inserted for long periods. Every tl.escription of TOB PRINTING- Larne,' o at, in •hie ftxiest style, and at modem Cheques,rnoneyord- er+• &e. for adverb .. ag, enbseriptione, ete. to be made pave bre :'o '�6Ti11a�1U111 Sand ()vs, Bei t' • C ,..r, ;p- Trty1TT litaMOEIAL-Clttrnca.; -Rev. S F Ro • .aeon, Rector. Sonday;$ervlces, 11 a.m., a,,d 7 p. m, Sabbatb. Sob ool, 2.30 p. m. METne]]1sT' Ctn3xen--,Te.mes-st, Rer 1' Clement, Pastor. Suntan y Servi ees,10.30 a.°:: , and 6.30 p.m. Sabbath Sclt o o 1, 21:i. m.. MAix STREET -Rev. T. Wilson, p'usto r. Sum flay Services, t0.30 a.m, add 6.30 p.m. $abbat., School 2.30 p. m. PEF.SEYTER I AY CuunoH.-Rev, W. Martin., Pastor. Sunday Servieoa, II a. in, and. DSO p. n,. Sabbath School, 9.15 a, m. Proressionat Cards. Mr L. BILLINGS. • • germ--TZsT. f;iee over O' Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario, Nitrous Oxide Gas for painless extraction. 00a3 to Eiden everyFriday. �._ Fi. KINSMAN, DENTIST, L. D. S., ex- tracts teeth without gain by giving Vegetable Vapor, or using the now Anaesthetic on the gums. 'Makes ci•old Fi11i Ings and other dental work aide best possible. Goes to Zurieh'1astTburadayin each month. East side of Main street, Exeter. JB WHITELY, M. D., C. M., PFIYSICIAN • and Surgeon. Otilee and re, idence- Corner Victoria and Elgin etreets, Goderioh, Ontario. D 11. J. A. ROLLINS. OFFICE -MAIN ST. 1J Residence -Corner Andrew and N ort'li Streets, Exeter, Ontario. TA. AMOS, M. D„ 0. M. L., 0.P., EDIN.; L. • R. C. S.,Edin.; L. F. Y. & S., Glasgow' L' . M., Edinburgh and Glasgow; M. C. P. & S.. Ontario; F. T. M. S., Toronto. Night bell at office. Crediton, Ontario. Jy12-8 DR. COWEN. OFFICE --MAIN STREET, Exeter, upstairs, opposite Centra Hotel. Side entrance on south --James street leading to the Methodist Church. r. ViTILLIAM S W ERT, VETER- VV1V ine.ry Surgeon. Graduate Toronto. Veterinary Dentist - 1 a speciality. Office and Re- sidenoeone block east of Rich. Pickard's store: Opposite skating rink, Ex- eter, Ontario. R H. COLLINS, BARRISTER, SOLICIT- • OR,, Conveyancer, Notary Public. Oflice-Samwell's Block, Exeter, Ontario, Money to Loan. L H.DICKSON,BARRISTER,SOLICITOR of Supreme Court, 'Notary Public, Con- veyancer, l ommissioner, &c. Money to loan Office-1'anaon'e Block, Exeter. 'LLIOT & ELLIOT, BARRISTERS,SOLIC- itors, u'onveyaneers, $to. Money to loan est S per cent. My, J. E•LLIOT 'RED. W. FARNOOMII, Provincial. Land. Surveybr and Civil Engineer. Office, samwell'e blook, up stairs, Main street, Exeter, Out. JAMES OKE, Exeter, Ontario, Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of fiurori, Perth and Middlesex. Sales promptlyattend- �ed to snd satisfaction guarantee,, Sales arranged at this office, TT BROWN, Winchelsea, Lieeneed Atet- 1 . ioneer for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township of Llsborne. Sales promptly attended to and terms reason able. Sales arranged. at Post office, Winehelsa BOSSENPERRY, TTensall Oatr.tio. ▪ • eased. Auctioneer i'or the Countys of Huron and Pertli. Charges moderato and satisfaction gpare aiteed. `t'f't HOLT,1thiva, Ontario. Liceneed muct- VV . ioaeer.orvie•Couuties of YddIesex and Lairibtbn,end 31e townshirs ofStlerhen and Hay A 11 sales prom p;.ly a.,tencied. to, WIWAT 16 OOMi Oil tog 11A,t. tl1efl S Olt TO TNIe AYt one esffthe Iril,t$T Tel - en e. ek aa i t+C er • .cin 1',t 'world. lA r tro • cae t ,Iuoe are u superior o oma to introduce our to halt rt;onds we III enndaiy as ab o rtn Only h, each locality,Writ' tae), above, Only more a ti Write to at at encs can felt, Sire of. the ehenee All you Toon toile le' rehire to to show our goods to LIMO who salt -your nei,rtl,ors bed davit canard you. 1• he hd- ethothg of this advertisement ahorie this seal, end 0t the tile- hope. The tohewing cut ltirea the appearance of it redn,ed to r ss ,sIe,r is. kw lt.. h,eet tl,o Stiteth pare of He hulk..i1. tri e6r.i•d, dont te alto ttit_ innpor of front N is seeyloMti• 4 Ne trill alio vat et• of Ig OW rho roe math fro.e' N7S 4816 t ray it Wag, tr•. ti. ti gharhf.- eut.splt(etite. lf.fter wrif+7 at on0e. 7t'e rill aeprHeeharr... Jultreiir H. 11x14xTT he:„ 11•s sass, A5tI.oI , 11.,rrL FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. A geed working horse 9 years ofage,.would exehange for a driver from 2 years upwards. Apply Lot 7, Con. 2, Stephen. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. Take notice that a Court for the Revision of the assessment roll' for the village of Exeter will be held at the Town Hall, Exeter, on Tuesday, the 27th day of May, 1900, at the hoar of eleven o'clock in the forenoon. AU persons having business at the said Court will govern themselves a000rdingly, By Order., Clerk's office, M. EMMETT, Clerk. Exeter, May 5th,'90. Ira. Sale. Mr. 'Wm. Balkwill, of London Road, has a number of small pigs for sale. Apply at once. For Sale. That desireablo Hotel, at Mount Carmel, alta, Limerick, .for sale. The premises have been tlhoroughly refitted throughout, and is one of the best hotel stands in Canasta. No one can make cr mistake in purehasipg the same. Reason of selling, proprietor is going West. For full pardon ars apply to P HALL, April 10th-tf. Mount Carmel, Ont - For Sales A desirable residence in Exeter North, new frame house, one -fifths acre of land. The house was erected in 1898. Gopd terms to pnrahasor, Apply at this office. 145-t 1, IELIA➢&LE 11'17S !MING Mf:' to sell choice Nursery Stook. ` Complete assort- ment. Splendid opportunity offered far Spring work. My salesmen have good success, many sellingfrom $100.to , $r�Qu A, per week. Send for oof anTestim'on- t vs. A good pushing man wanted hero it vas. at once. Liberal .,Terms and the best;` goods in the market. Write Pilon. E. ovxr„ Nurseryman, Rochester, N. Y. I>i»:sta ifsalliu4na erl'T"✓'nR•',Rrgusal Apr. 1u -St 1HRXSTXES9? -....,,ems-rte..1.11;71) ,O �, U@kL.� First Class RIGS And HORSES. ORDERS LEFT AT THE RAWL • SHAW HOUSE CR AT THE STABLE WILL LE PROMPT LY ATTENDED T0. Trues : meeessese.a-ele Telephone Connection. Butter, Butter, utt' r0 The Undersigned will pay the high- est est Cash price for butter and Eggs. Don't forget the spot Opposite TOWN HALL. A. Q. Bobier. THE CELEBRATED Trotting Stallion, "v g 7 will stand for service at his own stable, Bissett's Livery. W0 G11BISSE6T. 152-t. ft gels solhI Gold Water. Sold for 1,11.04P. until iatily. ace! 3 watch In theworld, redact timekeeper, War- ranted, Hearn WI dl s' andgnt'site Aatb9 ladles' and itenle'.i2es,,rilh r,orha and cones or equal vitlim one jt ereoh iu each 10- 601117 can elcaro 0110 free, together with our largo and val- uable lino of lloupebol4 Statitplei. T1,ee aampiee, es Well as the watch, ate Send iPs'ee and eller you l,ovo hept them in your ham far 2 deonrhA ur own ph 11orn to thato who may t,60 called, they bdoomo your own t 000007 rho*o who worn at once can he euro of raeeheigh Mu h'at:cdk 1.4 Srariiplcn. Re. pey. all espying, hchrhf,et.: A,tdColS Inhaled. o a Co., nos: t312,1P'ortiand, iliniolo. Halsall The Canadian -bred trotting stallion Am- ber by 01oar Grit, forinorly owned by Mr. P. .1.Pikey,ofBrantford, stends' attho hi lhest fee ofany of the stallions owned be the Ital. ian Government, which; .aid ;$3.600' for him itt Gormanylast;.ear,-3 X. Ambei F, own• ed byItis, 1 S.,bt. irr�ot, It o Mansell. r f Hon.tull. fs •soil of Anibal', And is one of the host stallions in Canada, Ile will stand at Mri tdock's stables dnritigtlte edming season, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, Additional Locals, tear to li! Meet Felheing is recommended as the ,best means to roach girls how to:stand,walk, and move with greets. No exereiso can give such freedom, for every part of the body, is, continuell,y in action, and the idle practice of standing about on one; leg, 89 universal withyouhag girls, and which is 'known to have often eaus- ecl irreparable misehief to, the figure, is prevented by leasing to fence. The. game of croquet, in which there was so much testing oh one leg, was found` injurious. In feticing the legs are so placed that the body rests equally on both foot, which must be placed firmly ou the ground, and the beautiful way in which the left arm se'r'ves as a bat - mace makes the fencer reeoverherposi- tion with facility and quickness. The',. 34th 17liny coloration. , • Posters have been issued announcing; the celebration of Her Majesty's Birth- day in Exeter. It wirl be celebrated by a grand baseball tournment, races and. various otic' sports.. The .Cele orated lhaSeba,llclubs of Brussels' and. St. Marys will be here, also.other first- class clubs. Huron's Champions for 1889; Exeter; will also be on the dia- monnl durinar the 111,. The committee are doing'everyt'htng in their power to make this a grand "success. In the evening a grand concert will take place in Ure,w''s Opera. House uuder the iluspieeo of the elxcter'• BrilSs Band. This will be the "hit" of the season; As the Misses McManis and three hither stars h:tVC: been scouted. It will` here, membered that this company played several nights ur.Tororlto, and the per- formance of each was excellent, espec- ially the whistling of Miss Mel'ITa,nis: I nave ]]inch pleasure in certif •i Lig to the pleasure given 1 c 1 r iglu �, e at tie cor cert last eight in our clhurch, b,y the ,wltis tlin' of Miss MM of Indianapolis, the accompaniments brier played by her sister. It was Iilo the, w;•arbihigs of a songebird The large audience present cterebhth airiaccd ,captivated. In additiceeto tho •.eultured'.;,`whistling 'ixni'er. of. Miss Me.Tauis her manner MI the platform is also greatly in her fev- er. Chir Concert•lras a success -in every wa.,t,-,alld 1 have n0 Hesitation ir1 rocoin= Mending the Misses MrMauls to any Church Committee who ,m'ty ;t.\ 1511, t4 .offer to the public a unique and,.pleas- ing entertainment. . (signed) Isaac Tovell, Pastor St. Paul St Meth. Church St. Catharines, Ont. They appear in Drews Opera House under the auspices of the Exeter Brass Band on Saturday evening, May . 24th Everybody take it in. LLoeoanotiae's`Ash.S3arrel. • Persons who have observed the new eonstrution of engines have'repeatedly asked the question: "What is the ob- iect of the long; projecting fronts?" Those sante projecting fronts are what has changed railroad travel from a thing of misery, to one of joy, by doing away with dust and cinders from the stack. By a device constructedbe- tween the fire box and the smoke -stack all the dust and cinders are forced into a long projecting' front, instead of through the mouth of the stack, to be blown back into the car windows. The big front is in reality the engine ash barrel, and it has to be emptied at reg- ular intervals. An engine which makes a through run, say 175 miles per day has her spark arrester cleaned out at the conlusion of a round- trip, when close o13 to a barrel of dirt and cinders is removed. All engines of recent build are equipped with the big fronts, and those which were since their advent are being remodeled by all first class roads. Too high an estimate cannot be placed on the device, and.yet there are scores of persons who are daily enjoying its benifits who do not really know where the time-honored sparks and cinders have disappeared. School Baitrti ifinptee. Board met in the Town Hall on May 5th, 1890, at 7.30. s ,4bsent W. Treble. Items passed, Minutes of previous meeting -Principal's report for March and April showing an over -crowding of No. 6 department, to be relieved by judicious proliaotions.---A regulation based on the eschool aet to prevent truancies and irregularities of attend- ance, to wit that in a ease of absence for three consecutive days the parent shall be duly informed per general report by the teacher, said report to be returned heaving sufficient reasons for such absence, also that no pupil shall be allowed to leave school during the session save for sickness or upon Writ - ton request of parent or guardian. Recommended by Principiil moved by 11. Thurston, seconded by A. G. Dyer.- An order closing the school grounds to all patties after to $ of s ssi rt du e notice to be given by signs conspicu- ously placed, Mover W. Hoskin, sec ender 1I. Heeston.-'W. Ilarvey's a/c Of $14.54 for desacs, etc., and J. Popple - stone's a,/isof $4,50 'for cutting wood, mover 1I. Iltieston, seconder W. Hoskin, '-Suggeetions from W.Hosl:itirc things ling of woodshed; from the Principal re SODAS for school grounds; and by a lady resident re toilette and sitting room for teachers' use, referred to special e On- initteee-The Board to be a special comrnittee to iriBit'5eheel wounds on MAY 8, 1890. NO. 153, first Wednesday at 9,30 a, m. to inspect school and take action re aforesaid suggestion, 1never H. Thurston, second- tall. econderA. G. Dyer.: -.Adjournment. J. G1.IGr, Secretary. r.rediton, Shillingla n- .0 Currie,veterinary sur- geons, can be consulted at Clarks Ho. tel, of this place, or at Stairs. A full stock of veteri nary medicines kept con- stantly on hand, Veterinary dentistry and surgery a specialty. May lst,-3 mos. Parguhar, Mr. Andre Stewart, sr., is suffering from a stroke Of paralysis: On Thursdayc:last Miss. Elizabeth Py- bus ybus was the guest of Mrs. A. Campbell. Rev. B. Clement of Exeter occupied the Thames road 'Presbyterian Pulpit on. Sunday ever1111 last.. Mr, J. G. S3nalli egsniae, merchant tailor. of Exetenpaid our village a fly ing visit en dtondnv, of last week. e: Mrs. C. Cameron and daughter of Exeter North were .the guests of Mr. S. Campbell on Thursday of last week. Us borne School Report. The result of the monthly examina- tion in S., S. Np, 5, Usbor ie, for, May is reported as Idlers. Names are given in order of Merit. 1V. -Edith vi' estcott, Ila Westcott. Sit. ITL-illiichc.. Westcott, W tcott Violet S olet Russell, . ;Jit.. II.. -Lair McCord, Ellie Richard- son, Jennie McDonald, Lily McDonald II. -Willie Frnye°, Garnet Frayne, Lily M. Westco t, Nelson proud, Si., II Pr. -Violet WillissEnilly Wood Norman iYlcDonald- JR. II PT -Maggie. . Russell, jestia. Riehard, Vincent Wood. I Pr. -Benjamin Bruce, John Rich- ard,George 'Westcott, David McCord, Edith McCord. 3. 1V.110GAJTIT, Teacher. Mount Carmel. The followilig is the school report for the montl`.ot.,ie, ril.; NTaines elven In order of uierit:.- Fre rn CL A.ss.-Michael Doyle, Donis Quarry.., • Sn. FouRTII,-Bridget Carey, John Rowland. JR. FouRTn.-Patrick McDonough, Frank Coughlin. , - e SitTxiRm.--Phoebe Doyle, Joseph Doyle, Cornelius Regan. . Jim. Timm -Katie McDonough,. G eo. Cullen, Angela, Quarry.. Sn., Second.- 'John' Carey, Mary Ryan Thomas Ryan Jir. Sneeen: A.ngelia Roberts, Annie Ryan, Patrick Flanagan. SR. FIRST, -Eddie Hall, Wm. Mahony Mollie Cotter. Roxoit Rom -Michael Doyle, Denis Quarry, Michael Ryan, Annie Ryan, Mary Ryan, Patrick McDonough. Nellie Tighe, Teacher. Hay School. Report. The following is the report of S. S. No. 2, Hay, for April. The names are in order of merit: - FIFTH: -Renter Russell. SIt. Fouirir:-Jno. Campbell, James Campbell, Aggie Murray. JR. FOURTH: -Alfred McTaggart, Ellen Shirray, David Smith. Tula]]: -Kate Chapman, Aggie Shir- ray, Rachel Atkinson, SR. SECONn:-Nellie O'Brien, Ralph Chapman, Maud Russell and Alice Gould equal. JR. SBoorm:-Nellie Northcott, Nellie Gould, Joseph Northcott. Sit. SECOND PART: -Louis Smith, Beckie Northcott, Ellen Corbett. JR. SnaoND PART: -Willie Warren, Henry Busch, Sarah Northcott. FIRST PART: -Carrie Gould, Flora Northcott, Melvin Gould. W. 1I. JOHNSTON, Teacher. Zurich. Miss Hill is visiting in Detroit: Mrs. Hill is absent from the village visiting her daughter. The foot ball team are negotiating for amatch an 241h. Mr. Cleghorn leaves to -day, (Wednes- day'), for Wellesley, where he will re- sume his business. Mr. Prang has returned from his vis- it to Berlin. He reports business as be- ing brisk in that town. The first quarter for the singing class has passed around, and there is some talk of reorgenizing. This we would like to see as Mr. Gabel is an excellent teache', This seholars having made splendid progress during this quarter. The teachers and pupils of the Public Seined Were busy on Friday last it be - in; Arbor Day. The school -yard ' was thoroughly cleaned, and a number of trees. panted. The scholars worked With .t i ea,t zeal and eneng'y, thus salon'. ing, that they take a deep interest En their Celled' Bruoefielde Mr, Thos. Pollock, of this place, 'leaves for Helena Mont this week. Mr. Geo, Forest, jr., has gorse to Lon- don where he takes a position with the Canadian Express Co. The creamery will soon be in first class running order under the able management of R. McCartney, jr. Mr. Wm, Scott and Miss Agnes Beat- te returued home from Bacl Axe, Mich, where they have been visiting friends, Mi. John Jamieson has returned home from Granton where he has been operating for some time. 11e purposes going to Dakota shortly. A special meeting of the young men is ,to be held on Friday evening for the purpose of forming a football team or smile other recreation for the summer. Whalen. Mr. IL L. Billings, of Exeter, visited Whalen one day last week. The farmers in this section of the country are about through seeding. 'There died at her father's residence, on Thursday May lst Miss :Mitchell, eldestdaughter • of Patrick Mitchell, Cedar Swamp Line. Her remains were interred in the Ii. C. cemetery, • Mr. Geo. Millson is erecting a new residence whieh will add to the appear- ance of the place. George must be thinking of getting' his better half. Mi. John Duffield has the contract. At anieetingheld hi Farewell Church oa Monday last 11 was resolved that a garden party be held on the 28th lust., and that a'quilt be got up for disposal on same day Wh ch ehe'I'arewell Iadies will all take part i11 getting it up. Proceeds aide toige for a :,new Library which is testep inl'lie right direction as itis badly needed All should take an rictive part ;nd make it to success; • Khiva The following is the correct report of the standing of pupils in S. S. No. 6 Ste- phen for the, month of April ; being based on written and `oral work, regularity and good conduct. IV'Class:-lst,GatherineLippert, 2nd, Emma Krause, 3rd, Annie Barry, 4th, -Ale aucletNeebe. III. Sr. -1st, Elizabeth Ratz, 2m1, Caroline Finkbeiner 3rd,Wm. Mawhin- ney, 4th, Marsden Portiee. III. Jr.-lst, Adeline Ratz, 2nd Cath- erine Barry, 3rd, Christena Me.Isaac, 4111, Thomas Dinney, 5th, Annie ide- Isaac. IL-lst, Rebecca Ritter, 2nd, John Paton, 3rd, Plhilisky Holt, 4tli Jacob Razz, 5th Wm. Ratz. II. Part.-lst Angus. Me.Isaae, 2nd, John Querin, 3rd, Sarah Mc.Isaae, 4th, Emma Krein, 5th, Elizabeth Pilton. I.-lst,Angus Ford, 2nd, Jacob Ratz, 3rd, John Finkbeiner, 4th, Ezra Krein, 5111, Elizabeth Lippert. Mass DRAWING. 1st, Enima Krause, 2nd, Elizabeth Ratz. • JAS. Ixeeese, Teacher. Elimvillee Mr. T. Veal boasts of a row of potatoes up ready for hoeing. Next? Mr. Thompson is able to be around again after a severe attack of la grippe. The council dined with the Clerk on Saturday no hotel keeper being on hand. Mr. G. W. Holman was going around on. Saturday with his left eyelet a sling; cause, a fight with a stick. Our little town is almost deserted. Mr. Hodgins and family have left the hotel and gone back to the farm in Biddulph that makes a loss to the town of five,and no one has, as yet, taken the hotel. Mr. Smith and family, making six and a half souls, left for Manitoba dur- ing the past week; the other half soul is there already awaiting the arrival of the better half. We wish them hap. piness and prosperity in their new home. Robert Hind also accompanied Mr. Smith to the great lone land. It is rumored that Robert had designs on tho life of Edith but Ile will find when he gets there that hie name is not Wesley, Centralia. Mr. James Snell, of Devon, was the ,guestlast. of Mr. Will Colwell on Sunday Mr. R. Rundle and Miss Maud Danes soy, of Eden, spent Sunday at the Oke Grove. Mrs, J. Quince, of London is visitims her parents, s Mr. and Mrs.Richardlhand- 1 Rand - ford. at present. Miss Sadie Kennedy an Miss McRae , of Ildcrton are the guests of Mrs. 11. Coblcigh of this place. Several of the eports bought a boat and went to the sewer xv • fishh r e e1 to the other evening but met with ver:poor S-.... a y uc, cost!. Mr. Charles Smith our cheese -maker has engaged Ike Medford for 1 02 the S, b en - ening season and intends s to opentali on the 13th inst. Tho other e' oniug while two young men from the • country WO re paying',' their respects to a couple of young lad - 'QS in the villa1e, they left their horse standing too long iu one of the sheds, when the poor stunned became tired and lay down to rest, smashing the shafts of the buggy into atoms. The law to prevent cruelty to animals should be more enforced. ARBOR DAY. -The pupils celebrated Arbor Day, last Friday,by a general cleaning up. School w'as called at the usual. hour when a short address was ; given by the Teacher, suitable for the occasion, when all went to work with a will and soon had a bon fire to which all the useless matei•ia1 was consigned.'' ' Seven flower beds were made. Climb -- hug vines were planted. When all re- paired to their homes, satisfied that the school yard and surrounding had a thorough over hauling. The Trustees, nobly responded by having;;the school scrubbed and nicely whitewashed and tinted with green. This is as it should,. be. Com. o• Ailsa Wonder*hat's wrong with the screed lamps these nights. Miss. Baird of Parkhill is the guest of Miss Emma Stoneborne. Mra. W. 0 Hay, of Forest, is the guest of Miss Harrisou at present. Dr. Stevenson of Falkirk occupied the pulpit In the Methodist church dn' Sunday evening' last. Mr. I44 W. Althouse, of London, was out for a night's spearing on the rivet on Friday evening last. Quite a dumber from Here attended the tea -meeting te, Si. Andrew's church on Monday evening last. Mr. John I;r,wla,.hats the honor of having the first`fo•tl'h ^ '.tti.J, Eynon Wilke's trottirlgstallion 1Wovdrock.'. Mi \Vill'rm Co'&tea -oho has been '- over ili'li ichig ti for rho past 2 or'. months is hor.ie on a;visit to his mother. Mr. W. M i•111ip1: t-, (formerly of the firm of W. E. Slip-toy=c�: Co-) but now of Buffalo, N. Y.; is home on a visit to This parch tsf- Mr.'Thos, Hey recently sold his road- ster oadster mare, iliamie C., by Magician, to. Dr. Tanguar, of 3 ale, ik ch,, for a hand, 'some figure: Mr. Ed. Hutchinson drove around in a nobby rig furnished by the Singer Sewing Machine Co., for whom he is agent now,. The following papers are on sale every Saturday afternoon at the Craig Printing Office. J. W. Hey, Agent: - The Buffalo _Express 5c. The Satur- dayUtica Globe, 5c, The Net, York: Sunday Sun, 5e. The Albany d El- mira, Telegram, two for 5c. At the Liberal-Corseryativeconven- tion held here en Tuesday Mr. W. R Hutchins, of Parlhill, received the un- animous nomination. Mr. H. Macklin, of this city, was the candidate selected at the convention held on April 15th but that gentleman, hearing that cer- tain local jealousies height weaken the cause, suggested a reconsideration of the matter with the result above stated. Eighty-two delegates were present, and the utmost harmony prevailed, Mr. Macklin, the retired candidate, warmly wished Mr. Hutchins success in the con- test. Mr. J.Fox, president of the associa- tion, presided. Stephen Council, Council met in Town. Hall, Creditors, on the 5th inst. All members present. Minutes of last meeting read and sign- ed. Petition of W. Rhode and others ordered to be filed. A Bylaw to be passed empowering the whole ofthe village of Crediton to commute their statute labor. Crediton P. M. is re- quested to post up in post office a ,de- tailed statement of receipts and ex- penditures in their division. Move by H. Eilber, seconded by J. Sherritt, that the Reeve take the necessary steps waters have r 'L outlet t n i l ,t for the w � eters op- posite Lot 28, RD., under the Ditch and Water Course Act of 1883 as amended by subsequent acts. The Court of Revision will be held on the 26tH May, and general business will be taken up at the same time. There will be no meeting in June. The following persons are appointed commissionersf- Crediton Road --J. Beaman; div, 1 and 2-M. Winer, J. I+inkbiner, C. Eilber, August McCormiel: ; div. 8 and 'l -T. Keyes, D, Buchanan, J. B. Hodgins, J. Tetreau; Cohtralia--W. Nairn; 1st S. R. -D. French, W. Balser, jr. •r. and J. Edwards; Exeter Side -Road ---T. Shap- ton, S. G. Wine; divs. 2 and 3-N. Kes- tle, The following order's were grant- ed, viz.: -Court Expenses, $64,10; Wit- nesses, $3$5; J. G. Quarry, nails $as Mrs. e N wcohnbe~?t10;Wooc1 Bros., gravel $5.40; G Ford, 30 cents; S. Stanlake; and others, $2; J. Trevethick, repairing bridge $1; W. Thompson, ditch, $2 F. McKeever rep. 14 con.,• _. p $ 2; , G. I'ahner, b'ur'ying horse, $1. Parties who have appealed would de well to attend the Co tl1 of Revision .. . to satisfy some member of council that their complaint is well founded. p o C. Pl100TY, Clerk, ju