HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1890-5-1, Page 8Reed Bissett Bros, change of adver- tise'nent in this issue. Two . good second had sewing ma• opines cheap. Brompton Bros. f want tinware and at I yougoodbinder,strength,q right plica call on Will Tolland. Sign of Big Elephant. On Thursday last the Orange Bill received the royal assent, The Orange Order is now an incorporated societ Y• Ladies, do your kid crack from using the polish blacking? If so, get a box of Electric Blacking from Geo. Sanders. Job lines ea dress goods cheap at Brompton Bros. The Electric Blacking is the best in the market to keep boots and shoes soft. Tri a boa. For sale by George Sanders, If you are in need of any Lace cur- tains this spring? call and see E. J. Spackman's Big lot of them, 500 pairs from 50e a pair to $2A0, Don't wait long as they are gouig fast at Speck- mans Boot 4� Shoe Store. A grand promenade concert will be held on the evening of May 24th in the Roler Rink,under the auspices of P the Brass Band. A first class enter tainmeti airi11 be furnished. Further particulars' ,will be announced latei':-;ents Mr. and Mrs. John Ford returned home from the village one day last week, and when he got out to open the gate, the colt, he was driving turned around, upsetting the buggy on Mrs. Ford,doing her some injury, also smash- ing tpi buggy to atoms. Mr. John Leathorn takes possession of the Mansion House to -day. He will at once commence to renovate the house from top to bottom and will make it a neat Hotel. The late proprietor will occupy the residence opposite Weekes' Marble Shop. The climax of obsurdity in news- paper "fakes" has been reached by a Chicago Paper, which asks its readers to vote on the question. "'What would You do if you owned a Waterbury watch? This is about equal to the boyish absurdity."What would you rather do or go fishing? b g Men and Boys, Buy your Spring suits at Spackman's Boot and Shoe In clothing we carry the "lar- gest, est quality, Best fitting and B cheapest steel: of Ready made clothing l in town. Give us a call and see them, O ening New Lots every week. E. J. Spackman. For the benefit of those who abhor he pdnteis i 1 a ofs theirinefactor interest o we should state that Sampson—the strong party—was the first man to advertise. He tool: two solid columns to demon- strafe his strength, and several thous- and people "tumbled" to the scheme. He bion ht down the house. g Speckled trout, brood trout, river trout, shall not be caught between 15th September and the lst May. Bass and maskinonge shall not be caught be- tween 15th September and the lstMay. Bass and maskelonge shall not be caught between 15th April and I5th June. Pickerel shall not be caught be- tween April loth and May 15th. We are indebted to Mr. William Dearing, .jr., of Stephen, for a quart of excellent cream. It is just a year ago that Mr. Dearing commenced the sale of milk fn the village,and he has •given every satisfaction. He states that thedon.—Miss w business is increasing rapidly,necos- tourers being added to his large list, nearly every week. The Huron Signal understands "thattraveller.—Mrs. 9side having declared his intentions of re- signing at the close of the present term, Mr. Arch Bishop, the popular represen- tive of South Huron, may not again be a candidate for the legislature. In such an event we know of no more worthy successor than Mr. M. Y. Mc- Lean, editor of the Huron Expositor, Seaforth." A farmer brought the barrel of a shot -gun to Clinton the other day to have rusty and broken nipple removed. The owner was positive the peice was notfloaded and the blacksmith put the butt. of the barrel in the fire. In a mo- meat or two a thunderous ',bang" was heard and the contents of the barrel it discharged. It was powder and wadd- ing only and no one was hurt. This is another warning always handle fire- Warning; arms as though they were loaded. A reader of the Advocate puts the query: Is there any law for- bidding obscene and foul language on our streets? Often we pass a certain class of youth, and in passing hear that which is very unseemly. We think those guilty of such conduct should be dealt •with as breakers of the public peace. If they have no respect for: themselves, let them respect those who walk our thoroughfares, remembering at the same time, that the tongue, al- though a small member, •is capable of much mischief. To the Editor of the ADVOCATE• Sia..—Will you kindly allow the andparticular Exeter branch of the British For- eign Bible Society to express through your columns their thankfulness to the ,: members of the various choirs of the g �'Stranger village for assistin in Our b » makingELITE late annual meeting such a marked success; and will you also allow us to express our pleasure in noting, that however widely our churches may differ in tenets of faith and church there is one aim around which PG they are pill to tall n,nd that iwilling Y s, far the modest circulation of the Word of God. ltespectfullyy by ecretarq, J GitiC . 'UCStlayy Aprtl'29th, 30, Mr. Edward"Christie has his iitery stable 'nearly coin )letasd, Ile'i agent for the celel,ratedlA.'Hai'iis &�'i'gs, , y SonCo.,f Brantford for the sale of those excellent Binders, &c. The'Brantford Binder speaks for itself: Amongst the' marry leading features, has chain drive, sure knetter, iron capped roller steel PP t apparatus, extra reling springs, adjust- c alar eutti�zig, ease of elevatin li ►ht nese of draught, durability, ease of no raking• no 'breaking, f o chock- g ' ' in no ea art needed, `'Handles short gr P grain, handles long gram, handles tangled grain and handles, down grain. It has many more features;+ but we have enumerated sufficient... Mr. Tim othy Laughlin, M. P. in writing to this company expresses feat satisfaction P y' i)• g with the Brantford Binder. Anyfarm er contemplating purchasing any kind their t calrm l on i Chris to no botGer Since the firemen failed to get up a demonstration for the Queen's Birthday this year and the Band declined the arduous task. The citizens by the aid of the Baseball Club, have taken upon themselves to steer the ship and with an old Band at the helm have far succeeded in keeping a direct course to the port, success. They have collected a good sum and are going to a hold a grand baseball,tournarent and some athletic sports: Their old oppon- the Brussels club and also St. •Mary's have •already signified their in- tention of being present and • day's sport is anticipated. wanted. Never too late to mend. 6000 pairs of boots and shoes that need repairing to be left at the leading boot and shoe store next door to the post. office. G. Manson. Notice Mr. Thomas Dearing wishes to an- nounce that next week he will be on his usual rounds with a' large and well selected stock of goods which he will sell cheaper than the cheapest. Get Your butter and eggs ready by the time he calls around with his wagon. • Old Ouse• The following receipt is` copied out of an almanac, dated 1600; • A. cure for Bl' elft in Potatoes. Cut otatoos in a P two, put them in strong salt and water, add some Bluestone to the water, •let them lie in it over night; then lay them to dry two or three days before you plant them. Conservatives pally. A meeting of the Liberal Conserve Live associations senior and union of this village will Be held in the Town Hall on Thursday, May 1st, comment- ing at the hour of 8 o'clock. The meet • ing •hs called for the purpose of select- • in; delegates to attend the convention at Hensall,election of officers and other important business. Members of both associations are requested to be rase it q P t — • , . - — Black Knot. The growth of this disease so de- structive to fruit trees is so rapid that all trees in town should be at once care- fully examined and every trace cut out and burned. If it were carefully kept down all over it would soon be con- quered. The statute is very stringent on this point and it is only just to those gardeners who are careful that it be rigidly enforced. Scalded. Miss Maggie Spicer, 'daughter of Mr. David Spicer, met with a painful and Severe scalding on Tuesday. It ap- pears she was removing a boiler of hot water from the stove and' was about to step over a dog which was lying on the floor, when it suddenly raised, trip- ed and caused her to fall, spilling the contents over herself, and scalding one of her face, breast and arta sever- ly, Sowinp:. The farmers in this section are feel -i Ina good. The land has dried nicely and is in readiness for the drill and gang plows, which are now rattling merrily to and fro through the fields, in every direction. In many cases the seed is finding its way,into its summer especially oats and spring wheat. On Saturday last many sowed some of the latter. Those who know tell us that there will, in all probability, be a good fruit crop this year, and those who do not know say the same thing: it is to be hoped that they are both right. C•nservative Ctravealsn- The South Huron Conservative as- sociation will hold a convention in the village of ilensall on Tuesday, Maycarved , y, 6th. It Is expected that every polling subdivision will be represented,as mat - tars of importance will be discussed and in all probabilities acandidatewill be placed iii•the fieid'to contest the tom- ing Ontario elections. Let every con- servative association call a meeting and elect delegates to attent this con- yention. It also expected that Lir. D. Crei •bion Robert Birmingham or E. & g F. Clarke Mayor of Toronto,will be Y . present and deliver an address. Sew to Hurt 'Pour "Wpm ' rovement. Mistrus its Oppose imp t errs. Go to somewhere else. st other town to trade. Do not invest a cent in it; lay your money out some. Be to discredit the motives of public spirited men. Refuse to see the merit i n airy sckeme that does note directly benefit You. Lengthen your face when a a repeaks of local- ing: If a man, wants to buy property„ charge him two prices, for it. If he6 wants anybody else's, interfere and dis- courage him.' Kick,''against any im• provemcnts because they are not at your own doer, for fear yogi taxes will arettvl�pc, ]o Mrs Malcolm lvic(3inty; who was until recently connected . with the Exeter tiirdtty Night, gain editor, Manager, Sa - R g typo and devil,leaves this Morningg foe yp,,This."powder Alvinston he having secured a Situ,t- , . ,... ;.. y tion with the Editor of hili rasion 1+ver What position "Mita;" wilt take , •. • , ... we dont know, but whatever er it inay he, he knows how to fill it. The time being so short, ho was not banquet"ed, as he only knew of his situation the a pain before. It is expected that the v g Pe• first time he returns the boys will ban- oyal style. Alvin - sten will find in "kl;'ac"many good feat - ures. All the boys in Town wh"Mac'i every p with his situation. . he will be Council Proceeding.. The Council met at the Town hall, Exeier,'Apr l 26th, 1890. All present. Minutes of previous meeting rad and confirmed. Moved by Jas. Oke, second- ed by D, A. Ross, that a drain be put . in on William street in accordance with petition and that the Clerk order • 1500 n . 8 -in. tile immediately.—Cirri- ed. Orders were granted for the fol- lowing sums,, viz.—Jas. Creech, $81, part salary; J. Parkinson, $2.90, nails; Wm. Smale $8 gates for cattle yard- SHandford, $1.50laborsnow plough ing;J. Creech $2 'charity'to Mrs• Pi er• d 3 to H. 1 . McIntosh;A. Bissett $6,75 labor Wes. Bissett $15.25 do. ' ' �' John Parsons $6,57 do. Thos.Hartno1 $2.19, do.; Walter Westeott,, $3.07; do.; S, Handford; $1;50, do.; T. Born, $3.75, do.; R. D. Williams, $1.50, do.; John Moreshead, 56 cts., do. ;,;"Win. Webster, 50 cts., do.; S. Priskator, $3.13, do.; T. Welsh, 63 cts., do.; John Popplestone, 60 cts., do,; Wm. Horne, 50 cts., do.; T. J. Bawden, G3 cts., do.; R. Stanlake, 50 pts,, do.; Geo. Hodgins, $2.82. J. N.and Howar,l's tender for nails $2.85 per keg was excepted. A. Bissett's tender for street watering, $3 per day, was accepted. A By-law to establish a Market on the Town Hall grounds to be submitted at next meeting.Thd Board of Trade was permitted to build a market house on the Town Hall grounds. The Reeve, Deputy -Reeve. and Mr. Oke to locate the same in the1:Z.3r event of discontinuance of market, the building to be removed by the Board of Trade. The council adjourned un- til Wednesday. the 30th, at 7.30 p. m. Personal Ken tion. Mr, Fred Moore, of Ripley, was in town on Monday. 1 red will return here on Monde nest, and remain for Y couple of moritlrsstudying for the min - istr with Rev. S. F. Robinson, rector istry Trivia Memorial Church.—Mrs. Jas. Beer and family left on Saturday for Y Y t:ie lake shore, where they will spend a month for the benefit of her health..-- Mr. H. Elliot, Mail Clerk, G. T. R. spent Sunday and Monday here.—Mr. A. Stan lake visited Windsor on Tuesday.—Mrs. Rich. Terry, who has been visiting •friends in Mich. for some time, return- ed last week. --Miss Malcom of Norwich, Miss Draper, of Listowell.and Miss Bar- le of Mitchell were the guests of Mr. Y+ e R. C. Brum ton on Sunda elessrs. J. P Y' Brompton, of Sparta, and Mr. W: J. Brompton, of Lucknow, were in town this week. -Mrs. William Southeott, is visiting friends in Blyth, at present.— Mr.•J. Clack, of London, is in town for a few days this week.—Mr. Malcolm McInnes leaves today for Alvinston, where he has secured:a situation on the Free Press.—Mr. Geo. E. Jackson, of EgmondviIle, was in town yesterday.— Mr. D. Johns left here this morning for Belgraye he will indulge in fish- ing and shooting.—Miss Carrie Sanders, of Mitchell, who has been spending a few weeks with friends at Devon, re turned home on Saturday.—The Rev. S. F. Robinson spent Tuesday in Lon - Amelia Southeott i visiting her brother, Mr. Wm. Southcott.—Mr. S. C. Hersey has, we are glad to say, secured a situation as commercial r Wade of Sarnia, who has been visitingMrs. S. Gidleyfor the past week, returned home on Mon- day. If we is only penC@• A /•� 77 AR, are t@11111 • t in weretalking +f1 �+ READ'MAKER S 0 "Sr :A"g° NEVES FAILS TO GIVE SATISFACTION L Y ALL DsALERB, FOR SALE B TO OUR PATROLS1 Have you tried us on a trade? If not' why not? i We make certain elailin5 of advantages in offered in dealinE, .g with us. fj wELyiNG g the truth then you are out of pocket . b ignoring us. • A pertinent race of advice in the PP e,olunens of a late trade journal ran I Must—However hard you may have worked during 1889, resolve to do a tittle better in 1890. It is not a diffi- ault matter to see when better and more work might have been done if one cares to scrutinize closely, oven though the vision be defective and pov- arty to great to purchase a pair of specks. We have noticed a few weak spots in ourselves and inspired by the above bit of advice, resolved to adopt it as one of our rules for 1890 and faith- fully observe it for at least a week. We are trying to put stock in best pos. sible shape, to fill every gap and give every shelf, drawer and corner gibe cleanness and neatness of a new in. P Our Book, Stationery, Small ware and Wrapping paper departments are in good shape and Fancy goods ever ready to supply the demands of Wed.. ding, Parting and other friendly gifts. The patrons of both our Jobbing and Retail trade will kindly= accept our heartfelt gratitude for their past liberal support. J. Grigg, Exeter. "`t'' another name for prejudice, when prejudice keeps the ,. e 2 you prejudiced • ice is penny wise, pound foolish Prejudice cares money iyl a bag with holes.; e7 • • gii gyE YOU 111011111. . LOCikL JOTTINGS Dried apples 5 its 25ets. Brumpton Bros. Read, W. Folland's change of "ad"iia this issue.. —0. L.3i111n;;s,Dentist, for the best artificial teeth. If you want Coal Oil, and want it good, calf on Will Folland• Electric blacking, 10 cls. per box at George Sanders. Get a box and try it. LSandBilliers. Dentist., Gold fillings a specialty. Office over -0 Neil's Banl. 'Exeter. Do you want window curtains call on Brompton Bros Big drive in prices. Ask to see them. Farmers will do well by calling on Will Folland before they sell their Hides and Sheep skins. ' Something nein. ��liat. Electric Blacking to preserve the shoes! For sale by Geo. Sanders. Don't forget the meeting of the Lib- pial Conservative Associations in the Town Hail to night. The measles aro prevalent in town. P Mr. Robert Pickard's twins are at pros- ant laid up with them. The Brussels B. B. Club are holding out inducements to 141r. F. Anderson to catth for them this season. Electric Blacking. The best article in the world for boots and shoes. For sale by George Sanders. Read J. N. Howard's advertisement in this issue. He is selling Hardware and groceries at prices that will aston- ish you. Miss Amelia Cudmore, who we refer- red to in last week's issue as being very ill, we are glad to say is on the mend. Two Its soda at Brompton Bros, 5cts. Farmers should not fail to read the tdvertisment of Mr, A. Q. Bobier in an other column. He is paying cash for butter and eggs. Stand opposite Town Hall• Are your boots or shoes hard with be- ing wet. If so,secure a box of Electric blacking. It will soften them immedi- ately. Price 10 pts. For sale by Geo. Sanders. Nimrods can be daily seen along the Sauble, fishing. A number of were al- so engaged in that pastime on Sunday last. Be careful hos of "$20 or three Y months," Delightful spring weather, and soon the gay mosquite, as of your, into hu- manity will bore; and each fisherman will fish and lie, has he has done in years gone by. The Cash Market for butter and eggs and other small produce, will be opened on Saturday May 10th, at 7 a. m. m. to 1 m. Further particulars next P By o f week. order of Committee. We are:sacrificing our carpets. They must be sold. Brumpton Bros The bills announcing the 24th May eelebration, under the auspices of the eitizens committee, will be issued from this office in a few days. The attract- ions for the day are very numerous. Further particulars nest week. Preserve your shoes by using Elect. ria Blacking. For sale. by Geo. Sanders On Saturday, Sunday and Monday the Salvation Arm held a Banquet Y q and "Hurricane." The affair roved to be a financial success. Officers from London, Lucan, Clinton, Seaforth, Mit- Shell St. Mary's, Bayfield and Parkhill ware in attendance. On Monday last, Alfred, the young son of Mr, Nelson met with Peterson, what might have proved a fatal tied- dint, It appears he on a passing it gotP `»' ri • on Huron streetind by some menus fell out, one wheel passing over his head awl inflicting several bruises and. otherwise shaking" him up. He will recover all tight. »obey 700 'pairs of clrildrens and Misses 1 runclla-(Foxed) shoa,s from 25c to 40e' per Lir. Cheapercents. than� I' P pany P ati Bankrupt Stock can be boughtIn hoots and shoes, we are bound not to be itruier'` :old by ane, One,. Largest Steele in the ,county to pick :from. Spackman's Boot fend Shoe Store. -: _., r ... ,y. Pall raps in ar . els, f;lbvesy masa d p0 shirts and underwear "ust arrived . a.,, tit Erurnpton Broe. 1E3 110 9 CARLINC �s ®a7 ■ Somebody The question have advertised St00d DID all my own in a position Well—made at a lower and -a -half stock and My fr that can $, �" st ` FA Ft IEATE t is who bought that bankrupt stock? Several `, as selling cheap. I want it distinctly under - NOT GET IT 1101 do not Want it. I inanufactllre tinware and handle no bankrupt stock, and am at all times to offer good, • m re price than any other house can sell their two -year - shop-worn goods. I ask you to come and inspect my you will be convinced that I am speaking the truth • stock is all made up of I I 1-i, B S T 'PI N •where be had in the marketand e ate, selling away down. 0 0 0 0 0 o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 �AI� 4I ALWAYS ON HAND. o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O 0 0 WILL �+®I L L F O L .L A D 9 STAND, one door north. of Dr. Lutz's DrugStore, Main Street Exeter. Sign of Big Elephant. ant " TowLn.-In Centralia, Mrs. H. Towle, DARTJ S. on the 24th ult., of a daughter. PI in town and We carry Shoe Nails, Cookers Glass > stock our stock and •�� •� Y �t `�0 At ...�,.%�� �/% u.. I r •■•OH�/VR � ' SEEDS,EllIIS. We have one of the largest collections of LD AND �l ARDE'+` SEEDS GARDEN • will sell them out at cost for the next two weeks -� ;�; Hardware T a full stock of Hails, Locks, Hinges, liar Iron, HOrSE Iron Piping, Valves, Furnaces, Stoves, Wanzel and Oils, in fact everything usually found it a • first-class Hardware Store. • � � �� '` 1s new and complete. askyon. to G Jsl h. Y w e _ -, uarant ifA c tion. pea S r�,c Coonweee.—In Johannah William Cockwill, � DEANS.SEED Stephen, on 28th inst., Cockwill, wife of Mr. aged 76 years. President Carnot arrived at Digne- in the Department of Basses Alps ion e- Saturda �p and was enthusiastically 're- y' ` o• by a lar„e crowd. AUTUMN ANXIETIES. I had it very bad cold this fall, but Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam cured me completely. E. Robinson ; �V:tsliago. l RI/VAL.oti6'l° `" 1° r,� ,aLt weteHr "5p ELY PO "� ��.�,.�-°" I� ,pii ;; ;!''� �, ' Abs 0114.1 p y etrougth oCdtlOmlCtilt titan hllntiot be sold mouitudoof low }ihdtf]1ha%ts.;ltoW40rH,. ROVAL ►trtiRtiite!'eett . d ti , �' • 'l Ps q� pf' �:. N POV� F::,,, 4 n' LL' ®�__� �^ �: `" R - tel Put nevyer viti•ied. 'Xr trrvel of tin, wholesome c•. , Arora yyy ;the ord.tntlit kinder And in competition with tfto t,Kt,shortwCigiitalaim or �olri tfrSly , In .rAriir, Co., law w»il ts�. N'1y •�� T��•/�p� �p•��••�7 .Y.a.dtl.L�tIr.L'�® .dllwl. • �•p•� y•�• ^rye• .["`CL RICES ®Vika. ��� y 11��11 F`CL LV.L'Jlla �,, ••yyam�•• the Old Estab fished .L7.ous1 ... '�•� .�'1t� a' _HOWARD') JAS. N. HO ■ ■ARD F Manager, Proprietot