HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1890-5-1, Page 471, PF. 'WM. SANDERS. Editor,. ET9SDAY, MAY 1st, 1890. CO�NSER TLFES RALLY, A meeting of the liberal conserva- tive associations, (senior and junior) this. village has been called for this. Thursday evening. Members of both associations are requested, to come as matters of importance will be discussed, election of officers, appointment of dele- gates and other very important bust - mess which cannot be here enumerated, will be tranaeted. Let the attendance 3e large. Meeting to take place in Town. Hall, at 8 o'clock. CONSER 1ATIVE+•' CONTENTION. 'The Conservative eonvention for the riding of South Hnrou, will be held in Walsall on Tuesday next, May Gth. This should be one of the largest con- ventions ever held in South Huron and every Conservative is requested to he present. The issues upon which the tetionservative candidate will stand will lf>e given. The `work for the various ;committees will be announced, and everything will be announced which will snake the light a winning one. In this riding a great deal of dissatisfaction prevails elmong the members of the Reform Ilanks. This will be the means strengthening our party to some ex- tend. Then with the platform laid clown by W. R Meredith, we can make die enemy tremble beneath the heavy and sound arguments expressed in that Platform. Let every conservative ral- ly and put his shoulder to the wheel and the riding can be redeemed from the hand of the enemy. THE ONTARIO ELECTIONS The Provincial Parliament of Ont- ario has been dissolved. The writs for ,1181 e&eetion were issued on Friday, and the minsterial papers announced that the aiotnination would take place on 11llay 29th, and the election on 5th of June. For several months past General Man- ager Preston has been collecting an celectionfatnd. A recently issued circular reads, as follows: Depicr o>;' W. T. R. PRESTON, a5AEC'Y PROVINCIAL LIBERAL Ass'N 53 Wellington street, Toronto, Ont, [Confidential.] TORONTO, April 17th, 1859. fewing to• the expenses incurred in ,connection with the impending provin- cial election campaign, I take the lib- erty of requesting you to remit, either tri the treasurer,Mr, G, M. Rose,Toronto, r myself, $36, that being the balance of amount unpaid, inclusive of 1889, which you were kind enough to sub- scribe in 1888 towards the funds of the Provincial Reform Association. We are mow en the eve of the election, and that ss my excuse for writing you on the ]abject. Yours very truly, W. T. R PRESTON. The wealthy men of the party are expected to "conte down handsomely.' BRITISIi TRADE RETURNS The British Board of Trade returns for the month of march show imports to the value of £36,140,3134, being a de- crease on the corresponding month of kat year of £125,053. The exports were X20,067,022, being a decrease of £1,392,468 compared with the corres- ponding period of Last year. The total figures for the three months ending March 31st were: Imports £105.291,616 r Nein a decrease of £1,934,885, and ex- ports £62,738,002, an increase of £2, 0181,1123, compared with the correspond- iingnlonths of last year In the imports for Marcie there was an increase of .:£0'1'4,398 under the heading of "articles of food and drink" duty free ,and of :.£380,017 in manufactured articles, but there was a decrease of £1,442,945 in raw naterals for tax ti to mean ufacturies.. The decrease in the imports of raw ma- terials for taile manufacturies during thefirst quarter of this year was LI,-- �.1�2,784,whilst the increase in the value of manufactured articles was £851,678 The exports of yarns and textile fabrics cawing- March showed a decrease of £1,- 1,596, but the decrease for the whole of the quarter has been only £1,189,2C 2. Haring the three luonhs there was all increase of £924,385 in the exports of ZANY materials, of £1,420,258 in 'metals and articles manufactured therefroiri, gala £400;091 in nlachinerf and mill DIVORCE, SII', 0, II. Dlaointooll Coltec*rvative* large ma.jortr, , Iwas elected for Ottawa on Saturday by The action of our two Houses of I}ar liament, each rejecting a divorce with- in forty eight hours, is variously com- mented upon. In the Walker ease, a marriage of minors ]without the con- sent of the onsentofthe parents, and never consum- mated by cohabitation, the action of the Commons in refusing relief is one of great hardship on the petitioner, The circumstances are such, and the possibility of a like case soon oscura g so reingte, that it is thought theLower House might have exercised some com- passion, and follow the example of the Senate in passing the bill. In the Pro- vinof Quebec, it is said by the leader of the Senate, marriages celebrated under similar circumstances are frequently declared void by the law courts of that province. It would seem reasonable that if relief is obtainable in one part of Canada, that the inhabitants of other portions of the country should be on an equal footing, and that whore pro- vincil laws are insufficient the Domin- ion Parliament should not hesitate to accord it, The Senate rejected another bill on Tuesday, irrespective of the production of what was thought evidence of a con elusive character of the respondent's guilt. The resulos In both cases, many think, show the necessity for a transfer from Parliament to a judicial tribunal of all applications to dissolve marriage. Statesmen must necessarily differ in appreciation of facts and little value can be placed upon legal opinion ad- vanced on the spur of the moment in the heat of debate. This might be cured by a delegation of this class of cases to a court and judge, where evi- dence can be calmly reflected on and the law properly weighed and consider- ed before being announced to the world. British (]rain Trade. The Mark Lane Express, in its week ly review of the British grain trade says -English wheat is a trifle dearer. The sales of English wheat during the past week were 88,796 quarters at 30s 4d, against 47,889 quarters at 29s 7d during the corresponding week last year. Flour is improving, and is now quoted at is better than before Easter; foreign wheats are very firm. There have been heavy sales of old Russian and new Indian. The appreciation in the price of silver adds to the buoyancy of eastern products. Corn is stronger under a large demand from the conti- nent, and prices have risen Gd. Rice beans and peas are neglected. Barley's are firm. Linseed is 6d dearer. At to day's market the supplies of English wheat were small. Tine dry was 6d dearer. Foreign white wheats were held for 6d advance. Red wheat has risen 1s. Good American flour was in request, at 6d per sack advance. Corn was steady. Oats were 3d dearer, You hardly realize that it is medicine, when taking Carter's Little Liver Pills: they are very small: no bad effects; all troubles from torpid liver are relieved by their use. EII[ MIITS SSOMTIQH A Convention of the friends of tie above Association will be held in the TOWN HALL, CLINTON, ON . TUESDAY, MAY 13, AT 10.30 A. M., For the purpose of completing local organization and the formation of a County branch. A representativve member of the Provincial Association will be present and address the Con- vention. A public meeting will be held in the evening in the Town Hall at 8 p. m., when addresses will be delivered on the questions agitated by the Association. A representation of 15 or 20 from each municipality is desired. By authority of the Ex. -Com. of Pnov. Assoc. Clinton, April, 1890. SALESMEN Wanted. GoorlSalary and Txpenees,or Commission, paid to the right Hien. I want neon 25 to 50 years ofa a to sell a full line of first-class Nursery Sock. All stock guaranteed. Apply at once, stating age and references. C. L. BOOTJIBY, Rochester, N. Y. May 1.-12t. 142.101.1122.1.f. ,0/241/61.21i1OCIONIORN/WM•Mie••• County of Huron Teachers' Exam- inations 1890. Primary (flrd) and Junior leaving and Pass Matriculation (2nd( Examinations at the Collegiate Institutes and High Schools in the Counly,on Tuesday lath July,8o10 a, in. ;Senior leaving and Honor Matriculation Examina. tion 1st ( , 0.), Tuesday, July 15th, 8:•10 It. m. Candidates who wish to write at either Clin- ton or Seaforth must 11otlfy D. M, Malloch,. F;sq.,I.P,Soh ools,Clinton P.0. notlater than the 22nd. of' Mtty,•stating which] of the two schools they intend to write at; and those who wish to write at Gotierich must notify J. E Tom, Laq. I, P. Soh ools, God crich 1'� 0 , at the same date. The notice must be ac• companied by a fed of 95.00. No name will be forwarded to the Department unless the fee is paid. Ifeadmastera of the Coliogiat institutes and High Schools will please send the kpplieations of their candidates to the inspectorof the division in which the Col. le rate Institutes or High Schools are situat- tas. Perms Of application may be bad from he Inspeetors err e)•,nretal '0 PETER ADAMSON Seetetary B, ixae iners. (Jbderieli, April 2Oth,1800• 2 fn, EASILY A.SCERTAINEi), It is easy to find otic from all,ypne who has used it, the virtues of Hag - yards Yellow Oil for all painful and in- flammatory troubleslilacumatism,neur- ,algia, lumbago, frost bites, burns,bruis- es, sprains, contracted cords, stiff joints, aches, pains and, soleness of any kind,it has no'superior, Nelson P. 'Stratton, oneof the pio- neers of American 'watchmaking, is dead at Philadelpha, aged 71. THE BEST AND THE CHEAPEST. 100 doses for 100 cents Burdock Blood Bitters, Does your Head ache? Take Bur- dock Blood Bitters, Is your blood impuee? Take Bur- dock. Blood Bitters. Blood Are youBitters. costive? Take ;Burdock Are you billions? Take Burdock Blood Bitters. Are you dyspeptic? Take Burdock Blood Bitters. I cent a dose, I cent a dose, Burdock Blood Bitters. Mind wandering oared, Books learned In one Penning. Testimonials from all ports of the globe. Pdoapeotus POST ERIE, sent on appyliostion to Prof. A.. Loisetto, 937 rah Ars. New Tock. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria, When she wast Child, she cried for Castor! When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. Wheel she had Children, she gave them Castoria, B. B. B. Burdock Blood Bitters Is a purely vegetable compotnd,possessing perfect regulating powersovel all the organs of the system, and controlling their secre- tions. It so purifies the blood that it CURES All blood humors and diseasesfrom a com- mon pimple to the worst scrofuleis sore, and this combined with its unrivallecregulating, cleansing and purifying influeice on the secretion. of the liver, kidneys, bowels and skin, render it unequalled as a lure for all diseases of the SKIN From one to two bottles will &lire boils, pimples, blotches, nettle rash, scarf, tetter, and all the simple forms of skin disease. From two to four bottles will cure sttrhenm or eczema, shingles, eryr.ipelas, u err, ab- scesses, running sores,ani,eal ski, r' �tione. It is noticeable that sufferers from n' DISEASE Are nearly always aggravated by intolerable itching, but this quickly subsides on the removal of the disease by B.B.B. Passing on to graver yet prevalent disease:, suoh as scrofulous swellings, humors and SCROFULA We have undoubted proof that iron three to six bottles used internally and byoltward application (diluted if the skin is broken) to the affected parts, will effect a cure. The great mission of B. B. B. is to regulate the liver, kidneys, bowels and blood, to correct acidity and wrong action of the stonaeh, and to open the sluice -ways of the system to carry off all clogged and impure acre - tions, allowing nature thus to aid recovery and remove without fail BAD BLOOD Liver complaint, biliousness, dyspepsia,;iok headache, dropsy, rheumatism, and eery species of disease arising from disordered liver, kidneys, stomach, bowels and blvd. We guarantee every bottle of B. B. B. Should any person be dissatisfied after usng the first bottle, we will refund the moneyon application personally or by letter. We Sriil also be glad to send testimonials and in- formation proving the effects of B. B. B. in the above named diseases, on application to T. MILBURN & CO., Toronto, Ont, OUR s F. 1T 5:ir - 00141 Watch 1l hof_y, .Worth Yn leo wo,k. henry,] -� 1 watch In the .world. Perp;, 0�1 thnekeeper "Warranted hear, 001.10 001,0 hunting calci, Doth ladies' and gents' birch with works and ca eee of eemal value. ON tEksoxh each locality cart secure one iJ is M free, together with our large f and valuable lneofl51ovseheld ItRRANTE. . ' Solubles. These samples, as well a the watch, ere free. All the work yob need do is to show what we send you to theme who call-yow. friends end neighbors and those about yon -that elwaye melte !n valuable trade Porus Which holds for years When once started,. end taus we arc repaid. We pay e11 express. freight etc. After you know ell, if you would like to go to work for us. you can seam from 8520 to 85045 per week and upwards. Addrbu, Stinson AU Co.. ale= wiz. Z ortlanel, Maine. A SURE CURE Fop BILIOUSNESS, CONSTIPATION INDIGESTION, DIZZINESS, SICK HEADACHE, AMD DISEASES OF THS sTOWIACH, LIVER AND BOWELS. THEY ARE MILD,THOROUGH AND PROMFr FORM`A VALUABLE AID N IN ACTION AND TO BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS IN THE TREATMENT AND CURE Or CHRONIC AND OBSTINATE. DISEASES. fliolnlMg!o W 0iSitty 101 iser tteiceeA13d1xoeep ()Alneaneo pies es,58nrp Lg CMS to,8 +/isfd Op !eom,r 'bneloi06e11. fq poeropc,aottt1p000 0 00.1 t00 OIemre 00 pn}n1ad 55 9110010 i5. ,p Sue$o nibble Dir111091100ay poi nnlvnt) 'b elgnoM0005lodlln 000 t SniraD.ne.91op'i pun 5900,0{ 1lnihioo9 icy. 10001101 gdy5' 'ONnttalkaa, 41111SO. 3O 310830x10 S.3SF1O •A91v1Q BIOVE The ;gest Successful Remedy ever (Meow arca, as ot blister. Leandproof below, does KENDALL'S SPAWN CURE �� OFFICE OF »ica r A. HDYDCR, DatlaDAS Or RD BAY AND TROTTING BRED WORMS. ELxwOOD, ILt,; Nov. 90,1888. Da B, 3. KETDALn, CO. Dour sirs; i have always purchased your on. dell's flavin Cure by the half doyen bottles, would like prices in larger quantity. I think Itis one of the best liniments en earth. I have used 1t en m'stables for three years. Years truly, Cees, L SNIDER. KENDALL'S SPAIN CURE. Bn000u.r,, N. T„ November 5, 1888. DR. B. T KENDALL Co. Dear gas : 1 desire to give you testimonial of my good bpInion of your Kendall sspavin Cure. I have used it for Lameness, Still' JOtnts and Spaying, and I have found it a sure Duro, I cord,• ally recommend It to all horseluen. Yours truly, A, R. Cunneen, Manager Troy Laundry Stables. KENDALL'S SPANN CURE. SAltr, werros enure, Sino, Dee. 19, 1885. Dn. $. 3, IKENDA1.L Co. Gents : I feel It my duty to spy what I have done with your Kendall's Spann Cure. 1 have cured twentydlve horses that herd fipavtne, ten 01 ]Ling Done, vino afflicted with 531¢ 'lead and seven of Biu Jatw, Since I have had one of your hooka and roltowed the directions, 1 have never lost a case of any kind. Tours truly, Asanrw Thiisag, Horse Doctor. KENORLL'S SPAWN CURE. Pliee et nor bottle, or els bottles for IS. All Drug. 'Oats have it or can get it for you, or 1t will be vont to any address on receipt of pprice by the proprte• tors. Dn. 13. s. KENDALr. Co., Enosburgh Falls, Vt. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. THE LIGHT RUNNING'* • ti• ,� IP,T; ,77,1 y .. 1890. SU1ER ARRANGEMENT 1890. LIVERPOOL AND QUEBEC SERVICE FROM LIVERPOOL STEAMER Fltoa MONTREAL. FnoM QUEBEC. 17 April , , , SARDINIAN... , 7 May........ 8 May ...... . 24 " ,.... .. POLYNESIAN . 14 " ' , , , . 15 " ... , .. . 1 May .. PARISIAN . , , , . 21 t' . • 22 " .... , . , .. . 15 " . , ........ 22 " .. e ., . CIRCA.SSIAN ... SARDINIAN.. 4 June . ... 11 " .. 5 June , ... , 12 " . . 29 " . , r... POLYNESIAN .. 18 't e , , e . - .. 19 " 5 June • ... PARISIAN 25 " ....... 26 " .... 19 " . CIRCASSIAN ... 9 July 10 July . , ... , .. . 26 " ..... SARDINIAN.. . 16 " 17 " ......... . 3 July ... , ... POLYNESIAN .. 23 " .... , 24 " , . 10 1' . , .. , PARISIAN 30 " . , ... 31 " .... 24 " .. , . , ... , .. CIRCASSIAN ... 13 August 14 August 31 t t SARDINIAN... 20 " ..........21 " , , ... - .. . 7 August . POLYNESIAN .. 27 " .. ,... 28 ,.. 14 '/.. • . PARISIAN 3 September.... 4 September RATES OF PASSAGE. Montreal or Quebec to Liverpool. Cabin, $60,00, 70.00 and $80.00, according to accommodation. Servants in Cabin, $50' Intermediate, $85,00. Steerage, $20,00 Return Tickets, Cabin, $110,00, $150.00, $150.00. Inter- mediate, $55.00. Steerage, Mit wishing to embark at Montreal will leave Toronto by Tuesday morning's Express and go on board any time after eight o'oloek the same evening. For further information apply to JOHN SPACKMAN, The only authorized agent for Exeter, Ont. SERIF MACHINE Fl AS. NO &UAL: TH1! LADIES' THE ONLY SEWING MACHINE �� THAT GIVES !fit/ SF IgG MACHINE C�13RMIi,F MASS., cntcnco -2i1 IIPIiO'N SQUAREE,NY. Bs, S.' 131,011(8 MO. 4T.fANTA GA•gANFRAliCISCEO.CAy� WEAK BIEH tad ®> Zt gillokiy oairo them- m - selves of TairastIng Vitality, Lost Manhood, from youthful $fors, etc., quietly at home. Book on all private diseases sunt free (sealed). Perfectly tellable. Over 30 years' experience. Address- $sLDED PILL CO., TOEt0Ir"d'O, Canada. LADIES our "Relief for Women" is safe and always reliable ; batter than Ergot, Oxide, Taney or Pennyroyal Pills. Ineuree regularity. Bend for particulars. Address GILDED PILL CO.,'i'01OPii ro, Canada. EARPS ]neat heads, 00ED addaya Magic. Latest and greatest achievement of modern science I Most won. doriel dieoovery of tho ago. Like no other preparation! Magical, sure, almost instantane0ne in action! Boys with whiskers! Bald heads "haired 1" Curious spectacles, but positive truths. Only genuine article in market, and certain to give absolute satisfaction. Guaranteed. Price $1 a bottle, or three bottles for e2. Eachbottle leets 0010 month. Addreet A. DISON, Box 305, TOI1UNTO, CANADA• MUNE 610@Af UAU1'S PIEPAliATIUUS. SUPERFLUOUS IIAIR A preparation that will permanaotiny Per 1000 suportioons hair without fnjury to the dein. `Var:aurod, PIMPLES AND CLACKIIEACSp=r=vedtin from io toSDdays. Warranted. Price for, 80 days treatment, S1. ANTI•CORPIJLERGE PILLS Por tbasopeopts whose 0000[0 point ilia matter of solicitude, whether becauseit ie unoom. fortabie or unfashionable -FAT FOLKS using ' ANLL CORPULENCE PILLS" lose le lbs. re Meath. TLey care no sickness; contain 110 poison, and never ia& Price far one mo0rh'e treatment, $2; or three mumbo medicine, 50. Warranted. °Z COMPLEXION WAFERS04HYAN1L-' AA8PenmAi Bleach the akin, develop ice form. Hormieee. es for 5 . In effect. Warranted. Price Si a box, or sec boxes for ;i6. £ddrees MADarVES GECDVPid.IW /ITA I, 296 ,Sing Street west Toronto, Ont, 11r• v1 '_>itl 5ePl' , 4?w+ n•. "<,t,1'Y,Bkko"l,.. I't;. Have you tried the Celebrated I SHOE DRESSING ? If not don't fail to do so at once. It is not a polish but a wonderful leather preservative it will make the finest or coarsest shoe as soft and pliable as kid and very easy to the foot. It will make them absolutely water- proof, andy with if occasional] dressed this dressinn; will last more than twice as long as otherwise. We Mean What Wo Say. It is the very life of leather. It can be applied at any time: No trouble- Shoe can be polished immediately afterwards, P''Cl2;E, a 100k 15 Cents per mut. Sold by all first-class stores. Sam- ples mailed -Stamps taken. OLIVER CABANA Jr., SOLE 1NANUFAOTURE, BtJFI ALO, N S. igl ==1•72Z-2- T®sT=s, Agent for the Noxon Steel Frame Hoosier Drill GUARANTEED TO BE THE BEST IN THE WORLD. The only drill that can be instantly regulated to run the desired depth in hard or soft soil while in motion. Also for their light Steel Elevated B i nd.er with new knotter. It is the only knotter having a rotary cord holder that does not cut off or drop or waste a single piece of twine, Remember, THE ONLY ONE, AND NOT A PIECE WASTED. Other binders waste from one and a half to four inches every time a bundle is tied. Also agent for the WATERLOO HAY LOADERS, COMBINED ROOT PULPER and SLICERS, GRAIN CRUSHERS, DISC HARROWS and all farm implements. Show rooms in south half of I. HANDFORD'S carriage shop. For information address IIEN T JONES, Exeter. NOW IN STOCK II ir 01 IllflhilIJM llllOIflE a� 1_10==e717.1 S. Barbed, Buckthorn, Oiled, Annealed and Galvanized wires, a full line. ard�i cA� 1 4 �-� ie1�,: Seeds. Baby Carriages, Boys' Wagons, ..1\T= �=ZZ0=IES. Eve-Troi ,ghang 8 Sts. a foot. AGENTS FOR THE RAYMOND °SEWING MACHINE. 1 Enos.1.11300111.11, T FARMERS AND THRESHERS -sfxovx:n vee CYLINDER, J11oJIi BOLT CUTIN ! I HARNESS ---A:ND- LARNE WL WOOL OILS. AXLE GREASE, PARAF I N E, -AND- BOILER AND-BOILER PURGERS, SEE THAT THE BARRELS ARE BRANDED Lardine, Toronto. r McColl Bros., ® O FOR;; SALE BY B1SSETT BROS., Exeter, Ontario.