The Exeter Advocate, 1890-5-1, Page 1VOL. III. "A UNITED CANADA AND BRITISH CONNECTION." EXETER,„ 1 SER, ONTARIO, TI r, SD.A.Y, 'MAY 1, 1890. The Molsons Bank. (Chartered by Parliament, 1855.) Paid up Capital , $2,000,000, Rest Fund.... 1,000,000, Hlead office Montreal, F, WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Est,, GENERAL MANAGER. Twenty Branch omoes in the Dominion' Agencies in the Dominion, U. S. and Europe 2T12CE'TER 8R25.1-TPME. Open every lawful day from 10 a, m, to 3 p, m., Saturdays 13 a. m. to 1 p. m, A general banking business transacted Four per cent, per annum allowed for money on Deposit Receipts. R. H. ARCHER, Exeter, Jan 28, '88. Manager. THE z•ettr Abtto a#.e, DI published every Thursday Morning, at the Office, 11AI/41-STREET. - EXETER. Ey%he'SANDERS' PUBLISHING •COMPANY. TER.MS OF SUBSCRIPTION. V9ne Dollar per annum if paid, in Advance. 81,30 if not so paid. S.d1•sost a,hZtietioria con .S.pyall.elsa,- tiOm No paper dxetrentinued until all arrearades s Ore paid. Ativertiaomeuts without p eci no directions win be pnbiished till forbid and charged accordingly.. Liberal discount made for transcientt advertisements inserted for long periods. Every description of JOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, i nd•atmoderhete,rates, heques, nerieyord- ere, &c. for a,&.'vertising, subscriptions, etc. to be made namable to Williaxrl Samiers, Editor. Church Directory. Tnivltm M1:11O11UAL CHIInCA.--ROV. S. P Robinson, Rector. ,Sunday Serves, 11 a. m, and? p.m. Sabbath School, 2.30 p. m. METaonlsT CAIInixt--James-st., Rev. B. Clementt, Pastor. Sunday Servioes,10.30 a.m. and 6.35 p.m, Sabbath School, 2p. m. MA[ai STREET—Rex. J. Wilson, Pastor. Sun clary Sec•viees,10.80•a.an, and 6.30 p.m. Sabbath School 2.30 p.m. Pitx•.sayTxxanxT OiiRCli.—Rev W:, Martin, Pastor Sunday Services, 11 a, rn. and 6.00 p. 01. Sabbath School, 9,45 a. m..• rrofessxoraal Carvin. LLI GrS. ffrBI OfiTia.over O'Naid's Bank, Exeter, Ontario, Nitrous Oxide Gas for painless .extraction. Goes to Liman every Friday. H. JXINSMAN, DENTIST, L. D. S., ex- tracts teeth 'without pain by giving Vegetable Vapor,'or using the new An3.lsth.etie on the gums. Makes Gold FUR ings.aucl'otherdental 'work ,the, best possible. (Foes to Zurich lust Tliursday.in each month.. East side of Main street. Exeter. 'sne un.. T as, WHITELY, M. D. C.M., PHYSICIAN CO • and Surgeon. Office and residence- 0ornez Victoria and Elgin streets, Goderich, Ontario. TDR.J. A. ROLLINS. OFFICE—MAIN ST. L 1 Residence—Corner :Anryraw and North Streets, Exeter, Ontario. msA, AMOS, M.D., ' C. M. L, C.P., EDIN.; L. R. C. S;, Edin.; L. F. J'..& S., Glasgow' L. M., Edinburgh.and Glasgow.; M. C. P. be S.. Ontario; F.'T.1f,:S., Toronto. Night boll at office. Crediton, Ontario. Jy12-8 DR..00WEN• OFFICE --MAIN STREET, !✓ .Exeter, ,upstairs, opposite Centra Hotel. Side entrance on south --James street leading to the Methodist Church. WIJLLIAM SWEET, VETER- 11 u.nary Surgeon. Graduate Torond;., �T.terinary Dentfst- r7 a apeaiality. 0liice and Re- sidenceone block .east of Binh. Piakard'e store. Opposite skating rink, Ex- eter, Ontario. To R.O1feLLIN8, BARRISTER, SOLICIT - 11.4 OR, Conveyancer, ncer, Notary Public. Office—Saeuwell'e -Mock, Exeter, Ontario. Mouerrto Loan, IH. DICKSON, BAtRRISTER, SOLICITOR .I. of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con- ve?p eneer,cCemmissioner,&c. Kerley to loan Office—Fa nsoLes Block, Exeter. r"LLIOT;&,ELLIOT, B.f.RRISTERS, SOLIC- itors, Conveyancers, &o, Money to loan at 6 perx,�cent. Swain. B. V, Lra Oil'. J. ELLIOT i,'RED W. V'ARNCOMB, Troyincial Land _U Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Office, Sam well's block, np strias, Main ,street, Exeter, Ont. JAMES ORE, Exeter, Ontario, Licensed Auctioneer for the Conntiee of Huron, :Perth and Middlesex. Sales promptly attend- ed to, and satisfaction guaranteed, Sales arranged? At this office. HBROWN, Winehelsea. Licensed Auot- . ioneerfortheCounties of Perth and Middlesex, olso for the township of 'Cabernet. Saleti.promxptly attended to and terms reason ble.Salesarranged at Post office, Wiuchelsa BOSSBNBERRY, Hensall-Ontario. Lie - Xi. eased Auctioneer for the Conntys of tifnron and Perth. Charges moderate and r.tt•tisfaction guaranteed. " 7' HOLT, Eltiva, Ontario. Licensed suet- . ioneor'for the Counties of Middlesex AWE LS= bton, and the townships of Stop hen and flay All sates promptly attended to, Ano o?thc ��}daa 1}e eoros i n ,h, the a li, , ie Our annus. ere'. „poser geode sed a l eenderour 10octr,ct onewillhIonsne. to oat rick.,,' In t ch loon lisp, toahave, cef,'lhnake Surd or to lin it ones it yet by euro ,, the chenee, AU you have to da b, retnrti 1, td ,haW our ,fnndx to Moeda Who telt—vont naighhnrr and these are„ sill you. 'rho b.. J(Ynnnlr er ,)di adrertisameht sbow+ the emelt end of the tole, rcop..! The foltatot.Ret emit lite appears„ ee.ef It todeoelt to ethane' the (idl@1h part of amitotic it ii. 5rea,r, 4o.ble stee tee. , oM',o.I.rrni.ieteestoworry.We ,,01I Ole. ,h.w »o le,w y'eu e.n, make -Pont 1St 04 10 a day It hitt, on !hu eta,t,wilh= ,,,t o,: p rkoer nine wr,o et ides. W. pp.y 411 i.prsM el,nrroa, Ilddioe,,11,nAeerie' aV0ees* ea., ?sett ,Moloy. For Sale. MnWm, Balkwill, of London Road, has a number of small pigs for sale.. Apply at once, For Sale. That clesireablo Hotel, at Mount Carmol, assay .limerick, for sale. The premises have been thoroughly refitted throughout, and is one of the best hotel stands in Canada. No one Dan make a mistake in purchasing the same, Reason of selling, proprietor is going West. For full particulars apply to P, HALL, April 10th—tf. Mount Carmel, Ont. For Sale. A desirable residence in Exeter North, new frame house, one -fifths acre of land. The house was erected in 1888. Good terms to purchaser. Apply at this office. 145-t t. fl El LIABLE JIMUSKING lrP111 to sell choice Nursery Stock, Complete as.ort- ment. Splendid opportunity offered for Spring work. My sales en have good successmanysellin6 froze 1100 to 4200 per week. Send for Proof and Testimon- ials. A. good pushing man wanted here at once. Liberal Terms and the best goody in the market. Write Esan. a. Yoxrao, Nurseryman, Rochester, N. Y. pr.Itt fit HRISTIE3S COIEROL) L!iY) First Class RIGS And HORSES. ORDERS LEFT AT THE HAWK - SHAW HOUSE OR AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. Terms : Meotzttae••plo Telephone Connection. Butter, .iter, butter. ggs, E s. The Undersigned will pay the high- est Cash price for Butter and Eggs. Don't forget the spot Opposite TOWN HALL. A. Q. Bobier. THE CELEBRATED 4TED Trotting Stallion, will stand for service at his own stable, Bissett's Livery. W. Via BISSETT. 152—t. f. $8s Solid Gold Watch.. Perfect keen sold for S100. unto lately. Beet 3S5 watch in the world: a[.. War - FR E rennet. Heavy Solid cold Hunting Qalase, huathi ladies' and anslam, oks end .cares o nfl t al talus. Ono 1'eraon in cath lo, calsis can enure ono tree, tog ether,rith our large nndvnl- unblo lino of Ilouaehord t}' ,„ • Sltatemzed r it Snmprea. These eamplea, eo won a. the watch.'' Wd eend Yrrce, and after you have kept them ht your Boma 1'',' 0 months and shown ahem to them evl,o may hero called, they become your own propart .. Those who write at once can be sure orreceiving 11,0 `ylteh end Swamies. Wevat all express, thIghgeta, Addres■ Stlasoa ata mo., Jlsox 81,e, Portlatul, Maine. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA DROPSY INDIGESTiON, FLUTTERING JAUNDICE OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN, And wearer ap.(cie.g of disease ar Sia .fa"of1t. 'di oi'de �. rbaT, I;rvnR,.zrrD.��r SST OMACJI, BODr.W.f S OR B1L00D. T. MILBTJRN & CO, 77°r 'b oatm Hay Township, • Mr. James 'Tiol er, of ITIensall, is sow- ing ow ing his farm in flax., The wheat prospect in this township is very good eft present, Mr. Marshall, of Stanley, has moved into James Troyerls house. Mr. R. Love is making' ' ire orations for building a house the coming suns• mer, �' Mr. James Houlden isevery sick at present; he is under the care of Mr. Buchanan, Last week Mrs. Kennedy, now Mrs. Essay, spent a few days with her friends in London, Mr. John Wilson has settled down tie married life; his friends congratulated him on the success of his venture. It is a busy time with farmers now, ploughing and seeding ; if the weather continues tine this week, they will be nearly through. b very interesting time was •spent at Dick's one night last week; he gave his eldest daughter away in marriage; she is just a splendid girl and will make any man a good wife. It is a great _relief to have good roads again after the long dreary winter of bad roads that we have had; speaking of bad roads the people of Huron have little -reason • to complain of bad roads, for at Ridgetowe, on the' M. C. R., it is said that the bus did not i �' get to the tort o• for ore u 1 than six weeks, owing to the state of the roads; there was only one mud hole in the town, and that extended from the stat- ion to the. town, and from one end of the town to the other. Stafa, SCHOOL REPORT.—The following are the names of the three pupils snaking the highest marls in the classes men- tioned for the month of March:-4tI1. class, Ella Cairns, Maggie Norris, Wal. ter Rose. Senior third, Maggie Barbour, William Pepper, Einma Rose. Junior third, William Golding', Pearl Vivian, Katie Cairns. SAD DEATH.—It is avith fluigs of, intense. regret that thiintielgral6is and many friends of the late Mrs. Duncan McDougall heard of her death on the evening of Friday, 1Sth ult., from the effects of cancer-. Her death, however, was not sudden or unexpected. With matchless patience and fortitude she endured the consumings of that terrible disease for many months, and at the last passed away without a struggle, and as from death unto life rather than the reverse. She was buried at 10 o'clock. on Sunday morning and` her remains were followed to their last resting place in the Stat'fa cemetery by a large pro- cession of sorrowing friends and rela- tives, after which a sermon was preach- ed at Cromarty by the Rev. P. Scott, The bereaved husband and family have the sympathy of the neighbors in their irretrievable loss. NoTEs.—Mr. Josiah Izzard has moved from our yillage to the Cromarty line near the cheese factory, and Mr. Richard Hoskins has moved into the house lately vacated by him. Mr. Gullett is about to move into the house lately occupied by Mr. R. Hoskins. --Tire Staft'a base ball club met on Friday evening for reorganizing. Our neighborsin Crom- arty have also reorganized.—Mr. Rich- ard Hotham, who was unable to have his house properly finished before winter set in, is now putting on the finishing touches, and espccts to move into it in about six weeks —Our much respected citizens, Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Muir, moved to Detroit some time ago, and Mr. Robs. Nichol, who purchased their handsome property, has moved into, his new mansion. Mr, Wm. Rivers has moved into the house Mr. Nichol left, and Mr. George Butson has taken up his abode in the house vacated by Mr. Rivers.—Mr. Chubb is erecting a black- smith shop on a lot near the corner, purchased from Mr. Hotham, and is about to erect a brick house this sum- mer.—The council is putting a new ditch from the corner northwards and have let the job of putting 1050 yards of gravel on the Centre Road, which probably never before came through the winter in such a rough condition.—Mr. Joseph Hanbly has rented the Pellow farm• --Mr. George Carmichael has rent- ed part of the farm of Mr. E. McCormick.', --Mr. Wm. Capbell, our excellent wagon maker and carriage builder, thinks of engaging an assistant as his work' is too much c for r one.— Our worth h v physic- ian, c p ian, Dr. Naismith, is on the road every day, which indicates a .gooddeal of sickness to attend to.—Our hotel stable is being moved and rebuilt. Truly there are wonderful improvement's and changes in Staff:le—Mt', Wm. 'Jeffery intends to raise his barb, and put to i ati addition of 24 feet a id put' p a foun- , tr 4 rt lollandR ' O` , . ,,,.t h 1) 1 under tli�er i tall. Mn Mark Drake has probably by this time et the contract of bttildng his'' new rick house.—Mr. henry Yeo irltende o erect a monster ' new barn this shin mer with foundation and stabling` tgidee it all d b t Pectoral c a Balsam curesrr ' coughs, colds, hoarseness.,asthma 't m< bronchitis and all , throat and Mina troubles NO. 152. ,$ensall,: Thetlax;ariial,.bredtro tin stallion ber''by Clear,, ti at, formerly vnefl by Mr. P. J. £iko5, p1'1`,irslrtford, stands at the highest Iso tafeny n . tie stallions owned by the Itul- ianOoYr,rO h'.lilt, which'', Ofd $31500 for him in xer:r:.(l, ' lt,yt, t sr.—Ex, m o Q her own- r- ye I. ed ley VP ¢•., Jll(zrtlgek, of Mensal!, is ,on of Amber; toi is ono of the best stallions in Canada, .1 , will stand at Murdock's stables during40,4o,Siin g season. r. it AiIsa ,Craig, Tete' 1, luing papers are on sale every Holt' day afternoon at the Craig Printing, cc. J. W:Hey, Agent: The .The.04 Express 5c. The Satur- day 1,Ttoett lobe, 5c, The New Y'orlc Sundaes.. n, 5c. The Albany d El- inird, i" own, two for Sc. els Kippen. Tire p4 Users of this " vicinity, are nearlYed 1't rough seeding. Mx;at Ut er intends giving up the Hotel -b, ess,having rented his house. MMir;n, i, McNevin of Luc know, is visiting i5 brother A .._r.. � John 4c of a this Ilii',' `e` Reviv l Services ale still being car- ried mei: ; the Methodist . dfur h 'and ails consideriele Brood is being done, a ,Bayfield. One sax nd boom of the lost Goderich fishin t, t' Parisian was found on the shore � o .Hiles south of here on Sun- day ir1 ii g by Mr, R. Doak. h, Sr lyation army will soon have all ttt' 4geeit un,w.i hed in, but they could a Wt o'c1oG and thin al is ge home Saturday night with lila •, demonstration about 11 We have no night police here 'Anthers of the peace have every pretty much their own way. Fiddutph, O'Dewije has purchased a Clydes stallion from Nr. Fox, Lucan. 1l r. M. Shoults; of`llooreville, has pusrhesed from 1J'r..Janies ?Hiller, Mc- Gillivray, a tine imported stallion, also one fr,�.Xri i�� ..T Kos die Mr. we sho Shaer . }vm of Boali.ville. neiitii)+orted'Chdiesdalestallion r, tuned by,Mr. Anthony O'Dewire, on Friday last from inflammation. 'Dew.ire's loss is heavy as Rover sgold metal or first prize wherever ^n this spring. • Mount Carmel, Another of our bachelors has joined the line of Benedicts. We are sorry to learn that Mrs. Hur- ley is at present very ill, Rev. Father Kealy spent a few days atPetrolea last week, assisting with a mission given there. Our farmers here have taken advant- age of the early spring and have al- readysown a goop part of their grain. ,On Tuesday last Mr. and Mrs. T. Row- land returned from their wedding tour. We wish the young couple a long,hap- py and prosperous life. Stephen, The angel of death visited the home of Mr. Thos. Kestle of,the 2nd coil. on Sunday morning and summoned away his eldest son Wesley. Deceased had been a great sufferer, having been an invalid for the greater part of a year. Mr. Kestle has the sympathy of the community in his loss. -On returning from the funeral of Master Wesley Trestle on Mon- day, Mr, S. Sanders and wife met with, what might have been a serious acci- dent. On turning the corner at Mr. Wil- liam Dearing's, the horse was going a little too fast and the occupants of the buggy were thrown out. Mrs.Sanders fortunately esunhurt ped u ort but Mr. Sanders received a severe cut on the face. • Centralia, Mr. Frank Johnson, met with a very serious accident, the other day while hewing timber with Messrs Neil and Davis, the axe glanced and cut a ter- rible gash in his right foot, which will take several days to heal up, The other evening several of the young folks spent a very pleasant time at theresidence of Mr.Wes Snell of S Devon, in honor of Messrs James Snell and Al, Down, who has just returned from Belleville, where they have been studying" for the ministry. When the amusements were drawing to close Jim. sang the old favorite song "Get your hair cut ;just like mine after Which AL sang a solo entitled _-:.'iWlren' Teachers and Preachers , together guests defeeling acted lgree,J and the ., nests p , g assured that the two boys had riot miss ed their galling. U School Report. S p The following are the natt'ses of the Pts' iia hi 8, No. 6, Who obttsfned 50 , i nisi; rout. or aver 11r writen work; dtti- ii the ib m months of March and A rilR i . n 0 1.11111 CL.i ss, --E. 13r1macombe 86, e L. Halle 05, C. Andrew 80, G, Powell 74, J. Delbrid,•e 80, P. Delbridge 74, J, Turnbull 72, H. Delbridge 69, A, Au - drew G7, C. Johns 64, I Robinson 78. Forrztrir,—L, Andrew 77, P, Brown 77, It, Johns 73, E. Rowcliffe 72, E. Johns 68, 0, Deibridgc 67, H. Spicer 85, E. Turnbull 60, G. Miners 57, N. Hind 56. Dunn SnNIOIi--A. Francis 68, E. Fletcher 57, E. Smith 57, A. Earl 54, M, Clements 53, M. Brimmacombe 63, THIRD Jlrsioi,-. A, Bunter 77, F. Brown 65, S. Johns 64, E Andrews 63, F. Miners 62, E. Powell 61, 0. Powell 58, R. Coward 56, L. Krause 50.1 SECOND, -N. Fletcher 83, S. Clement 82, S. Smith 75, J. Turnbul 75, P. Row- cliffe.75, T. Fletcher 69, M, Miners 69, H. Johns 62, F. Delbridge 61, 0. Fran- cis 57, E. Clements 54. PART II,;—F. Coward 90, B. Rowcliffe 80, G. Godbolt 70, J. Herdman, 64, FIRST No. 3,—E. Delbridge 82, E. Cooper 74, N, Fletcher 71. No. 2-M. Johns 79, L. Miners 78, M. Woods 73, E. Berryhill 78, L. Robinson 69, J. Berryhill 69, J. Coward 62, C. Roweliffe 60, W. Hunter, 56. No.1—E.'Camm 70, E, Fletcher 70.. G. W. Horneet, Teacher. Crediton. Mr. B. Eilber has gone to Detroit on a' short visit:, Miss Rachael and Mary Sweet re- turned from London last Saturday. Miss Clara. Ginter, of St. Catharines, is the guest of her uncle, Mr. Charles Eilber, Mr. Reider and family,'left this week for Sebringville, where he will reside in future, Mr. C. Staebler returned from Con- ference,and has been., stationed here for another year. Mr. Reider occupied the pulpit of the Methodist Church on Sunday evening in a very acceptable manner. Mr. Samuel Brown is erecting an addition to his house. Mr. C. Trick has also bnilt an addition to Iiis ,,shop. Mr. S. G. Lamport, ourgeniazbrber, hall leased ud H. Eilber's house ander art of the oiifce. Wonder if Sam ieureeeft to get a better half? We regret to announce the death `W of Mrs. Coekwill, which sad event took place on Monday, after a lingering ill- ness of over two months. The deceas- ed was 76 years of age, and had been a resident of this township for many years. Shillingla w & Currie,veterinary sur- geons, can be consulted at Clarks Ho- tel, of this place, or at Staffa. A full stock of veterinary medicines kept con- stantly on hand. Veterinary dentistry and surgery a specialty. May lst.-3 mos.;' Greenway. The quarterly meeting and sacra- mental seryices of the Grand Bend cir- cuit will be held at Shipka next Sab bath. Mr. T, J. Ulens and men started'fish- ing on Monday, and succeeded in cat. ching a number of fine white fish weighing over 9 its each. Mr. Rufus L. Wilson, late of Albert College, Belleville, will preach in the Boston Methodist church next Sabbath evening at 7.30. A cordial invitation is extended to all. It is with feeling of deepest sorrow that we have to record the death of Miss Angeline Baker, wbo died very suddenly at the residence of her father, Mr, John Baker, on Sabbath morning at 6 o'clock at the early age of 24 years. Her remains were laid in the Parkhill cemetery. The friends have the syhpathy of all in their hours of trial and affliction. Last Saturday evening a stranger giving his name as Charles Prover, Goderich, called upon our J. P. and asked to be placed in the lockup over night. When offered money to go to the hotel, he said he was afraid to tra- vel at night as there were two men fol- lowing him. He was accordingly lock- ed vp by our J. P. who gave him sup- per and breakfast, and sent him on his way rejoicing. South Huron Liquor License. At a meeting of the License Com- missioners held at Brucefield on Mon- day of last week, the following hotel and shop license were granted SnArol.Tir,—Stephellte & Son, John Carroll, Wm. Hawkshaw, Rich. Roach, II- P. Kennedy. Joseph Bell and'.Pink- ney, left over for further consideration, Shops,—Ed. Dawson and John Killoran. ExnlxuR.—T, W Ha wkshaw W. T. Aeheeon, Simon Waiper, Sarah A.. Page W. E. 13rim*teombe. Shops, Farmer Bros., and Geo. A. 11faee. BAYPIELD. --J, E. Swartz, Geo. Cas• tie, Richard Bailey, six months, Shops, —Ed. Elliott, Golsnittdn TOWNSHIn.---E. E. Swartz, m'Yiwl1ilsv.,-ilsonClok,Varna;Geo Grant, 3rtee�e 1Hy HenryShafer, Kip. pen; E. Brisson, Drysdale, IIAY.—Wm, Nicholson, Blake; Chas. Greb and T3. L. Peiny. Zurich; A Mt - dock & Co., E. Bossonberry end ,Jana Coxworth,1Ieusall, • Sneennn.—Henry Willett, Dashwapd Joseph Bronner, Grand Bend; Ed. Per tire, Corbett; Patrick Hall, Mount mei; Wm, Cunningham, Shipke; WAIL Bolt, Khiva; Walter Clarke and ;t ust Hill, Crediton; W. J, Moffatt arldi Thos. Hodgins, Centralia. USBORNn.--Matthew Kelland, Devon Joseph Armstrong, Farquhar,- W Brown, Woodham, when his housepat- ses inspection. TU0$raRSMITII.—Wm. Dickson, Brice- field;; Wm. Kyle, and George Eaugiky, Egihoudville, Farquhar, (To late for last week) On Tuesday the 17th as Mr. F. Ha* kin was returning from the 'spring show, at Kirkton,his horse, "Columbia'` became frightened at some object ha Mn W. McGill's field, when he, became unruly and kicked the bottoms ea at the cart iu which. Fred was riding and breaking boththe shafts, otherwiseaace damage g was done. On Tuesday night of last week. tic. Campbell, of this place met with a.. heavy loss, it being a heavy broil. mare. It appears the animal was try- ing to rub her neck with her hind foot and being tied with a rope the shoat caught in the loop and in her strrigg to free herself had broke iciest ireteR the manger and in the morning was found dead, Mr W. J. Powell, of Wincheiesa,. cvia8 the guest of Miss J. Duncan, an Sala - day evening last. A Spelling match was held in thio village on Friday last, with Messrs, L. E. Ilodgert and W. Monteith as emp- tains, which resulted in a victogy felt the former. On Friday evening last Mr. George Bell, on returning from hie work gas. 'the evening was presented by his wifee a handsome baby girl, much to the sTe• ' dight of the happy father, Who weals' a broad grin and goes about whistling that good old tune called "baby a ase da- ] .Qn,o 1 ass..: week as Arthur �+'ii tug'soil of Mr: H. = Passmore, was watching a' span of horses, `which was attached to a land roller, and the lines which were thrown outs• the back paid became wound around the .rdllen, by the horses backing up and the boy in trying to free them was caught algae the roller passed over him and bruserli him somewhat. We are glad to say he escaped without any serious injuries. Cleanliness. The advent of spring brings ext duty on the part of the housebolderan& health officers in the way of cleaning up back -yards and otherwise attending to a proper sanitary condition of the household outside and in, During -ow long winters in every back yard there are large accumulations of ore anic matter in the shape of vegetablerefnse and other garbage. Whilst the tem- perature remains low and the weather is cold this mass is harmless, but mea the rays of the sun gets stronger and. warm weather sets in these heaps com- mence to ferment and putrify and erns sous gases are generated which pre - duce most dire results in the health: of people. The most deadly malaria aris- es from the fermentation of vege:ible, substances and not altogether from the putrefaction of animal matter. That is, the fermentation arising fronta heap of vegetable matter, although not so offensive to the sense of smell, is more dangerous than from the worst carrion, and hence some half decayed vegetables in a cellar and a few rotten. boards and a heap of garbage at Ilse back door and in the back yard Le a silent disease generator, nursed sight around peoples homes and fed and de- veloped each year through a lack: ca3 the commonest practice of sanitarybiwrr. The spring is a most important time for the health of every family. To de- velop the conditions of a malarial at- mosphere around the house we there' only the moisture which is brought by spring rains and the temperature which s sure to come as the sun gets 'too powerful and a few good size.o 1ieapserri back yard rubbish for these factors , ta, work on, and there is a first-class chem.. ctrl laboratory. that will turn out a much poison as is contained in a drug tore. Every door, yard and privy hould 7 �e carefully 1 c fit 1 r att ended to, all tke ubbish burned or carted away, .every ellar should be emptied of any dleca — ng vegetables and thoroughly dirt a ected with chloride of Bine, commas r carbolie acid. Not only should rr- ividuals themselves attend to the mai er, but the health officers should sa's hat the sanitary provisions of the stat- tes are fully carried out. Aceorditsg o predictions we are threatened wf tht n invation of cholera the coming -same - ler, and lye should protect otteselves y the best sanitary condition;s;possibl'e;, nd this is only to be acquired her horottgh cleanliness. It is very delis t. fur if Asiatic cholera carries off ti mat ietime in a year thatt''does typhoid $eve r di ihtl , l ,. s+5ria and outer kindred disetlsisw whleh are caused by solver a, the gas, ffiuyia arising from filthy back yank tid unhealthy surroundings,. i f 3 s r 0 f 0 d t t iu a i b a e tl a