HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1890-4-24, Page 1botatt "A UNITED CANADA AND *BRITISH CONNECTION " vot. ITT. EXETER, ONTARIO, TIITURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1890. Molsons Bank. The nk.. Parliament, (Chartered by 1855.) Paid up Capital , .. , $2,000,000, 'Rest Fund ...... . ....... 1,000,000, Head office Montreal. F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Esq., GENERAL MANAGER. Twenty Branch offices in the Dominion' Agencies in the Dominion, U. S. and Europe' = = 1Tm,e, 8 1iN C 3. Open every la*ful day from IO a. m. to 3 p. m., Saturdays 10 a. rn, to 1 p. m. -A general banking business transacted Four per con. per annum allowed for money on Deposit Receipts. R. II. ARCHER, Exeter, Jan 28, '88. Manager. THE Q tet Abu -orate is published every Thursday Morning, at the Office, ' MALN-STREET. — EXETER. $y theSANDERS' PU 1.3LISHING COMPANY. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Dollar per : an umf i sif paid i a n Advance. pai .31.dzrextlaisa.rr Rion oa gplalicoa- No paper discontinued until all arrearages .are paid. Advertisements without specific directiexfs will be published till forbid and charged accordin ly. Liberal discount made for gtramscient advertisements inserted for PRINTING turned out in nthcrie tion fi est otstyOle, B and a,± moderate rates. Cheques,meney ord- ers, &c.£or advertising, subscriptions, etc. to be made payable to William Sanders, Editor. Church Directory. TRIIT ITT MEMORIAL CHURCH. --Rev. S. F, Robinson, Rector. Sunday Services, 11. a. m ' andrl p. m. Sabbath School, 2.30 p. m. METHODIST CHURCH--Tames-st., Rev. B. 'Clement, Pastor. Sunday Services, 0.30 a.m. ,and'3:30 p. m. Sabbath School, 2 p. m. MAIN STREET—Rev. J. Wilson, Pastor. Sun day Services,10.30 a.m. and 6.30 ;ani. Sabbath School 3.30 p. m. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH.—Rev. W. Martin, Rastor. Sunday Services, 11 a. m. and 6.90 p. m. Sabbath School, 9.15 1.e ofesSsonal Cardia. tJ L. BILLINGS. �ENT2�T. Office •over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario, Nitrous Oxide Gas for painless extraction. Goes to Lucan every Friday. H. KINSMAN, DENTIST, L.D..S., ex- tracts teeth without pain by giving Vegetable Vapor, or using the new .Ansesthetic on the gums. Makes Gold F•i11i ings and other dental work the best possible. Goes to Zurich last Thursday in oachm,onth. East side of Main street. Exeter. B WHITELY, M. D., C. M., PHYSICIAN t�. .and Surgeon. Office ,and residence— Corner Victoria and Elgin streets, Gisederich, Ontario. DRResidencce -Corner Andrew annd Nor h Streets, Exeter, Ontario. T A. AMOS, M. D., C. M. L. C. P., EDIN.; L. Pg R. C. S., Edin,; L. F. P. Be S., Glasgow' L. M., Edinburgh and Glasgow; M. C. P. & S.. Ontario;:Y. T. M. S., Toronto. Night -belie t t office. Crediton, Ontario. Jy DR. COWEN. OFFICE --MAIN STREET, Exeter, upstairs, opposite Contra .Ho tel. Side entrance on h leading to the Methodist Churnla. es street WILLIAM SWEET,, VETER- inary Surgeon.,Gradnate Toronto. Veterinary Dentist- cy a speciality. Officeand R,e- denceone block oast of Haan Sickard's stage. Opposite skating rink, Es- eter, Ontario. 1, 11. COLLINS, BARRISTER., SOLICIT- OR, OR, .f'wnveyancer, Notary Public. .Office— $am'ateu'r Block, iixeter, Ontario. ,Stoner to Loan. L H. DICKiO?I, BARRISTER, SO,LICITUR . of Supreme Court, N otary Public, Con- veyancer, Commissioner, &c. limier to loan Ofhee—Fanson'x:Block, Exeter. VILLIOT dt ELLQ:OT, BARRISTERS,SOLIC-1 ,1:1 iitocs, Conveyancers, &e. Money to loan pht 6,per .cent. IB. V.i0LL.to T. J. ELLIOI, I'RED. Vr. FARNCOMB, Provincial Land • Sunvetor and Civil Itneineer. Mese, t5amwe1l's block, re stairs, Main street, Exoter,..Onit,. TIMES ON.E, Bxeter, Ontario, Licensed A,uetioneer for tke Counties of Eamon, Pert/rand Middlesex. Sales prom ptly attend- ed to ,and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales ..►reanged.at this oilree. BROWN,Winchelsea. Licensed Aueb b foneerl'or the Counties of Perth and Slddiesex, also for the township of Usborne. adea prain,ptly attended toand terms reason able. Sales arranged at Posta fflce, Winchelea T BOSSENBE.RRY,HensallOntario. Lie - N.1 ► ensod Auctioneer for the Countys of Huron. and Perth. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. YBOLT, Khiva, Ontario. Licensed acct- e ioneer (Or the Counties of Middlesex and Lanibtui,and the tov'nships of Stephen and Hay Ali Isles promptly attended to. Owe of the unser bro. er+erpes it EE the were... Our elheieseet m,etp,.Iril, IAA H in irndp one to 0 rior geode ern *Ill .rndrrt., to Obs rbhn6,4 lu gnu, lnc.lrh, , RM46bvl. Only tboee who write to O. al ones cnn make rune of the eb..ee. All yon hove to dole rri„rn In to nhol our foods to dello/Who v.11—fold n.irtbro tad tboin nrruud pie. the he. AYErn,ntdt of +hie nelvrr,tt.mri,l .bohee the Weill sell of the tile- tope. ilatope. The following cut rivet ,hn nppiaru,ee .f 1r Ndaeed 1. ut the dpinth i..c, of id bdlk.,.11 Ye a gree,C.e.abla Nie tele. .hn ehevr' al1h.Wy Wt h•o,Ir.a a r,. , i;11y ta,,'01e.rrr. 7 el lent, y ant ,auk.heeiyeti "iIINladna. Wilier allied liohiehith. ant eep.r11.Ih LihIlT` Willer !'V,. 1f . EM0. r: