HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1890-4-3, Page 8,reffr",
Huts Fs11.4 To mg SAW/Wm
FOR ;AJ.g By ALL 04M-4,118.
pertinent pieee of advice in the
columns of a late trade journal, ran.
thus:—However hard you may have
worked during 1.889, resolve to. do
'fltClo better in 1890. It M .not
suit matter to see when better and
more work might have been done 4f
one cares to scrutinize closely, even
though the vision be defectivelind pov-
erty to great to purchase a pair of
specks. We have noticed •few weak
spots in ourselyes and inspired by the
above bit of advice, resolved to adopt it
kts one of our rules for 1890 and faith-
fully observe it for at least a week.
We are trying to put stock in best pos-
sible shape, to till every gap: and give
every shelf, drawer and corner the
cleanness and neatness of a new pin.
Our Book, Stationery, Small ware., and
Wrapping paper departments are in
good shape and Fancy. goods ever
ready to supply the demands of Wed-
ding, Parting, and other friendly gifts.
The pe,tronsof both our Jobbing and
Retail trade will kindlsts, accept our
heartfelt gratitude for theirpast liberal
J. Grigg, Exeter.
Canned corn and tomatoes, 10 cents
per can at Brumpton Bros.
IL L.Billings, Dentist, for the beat
artificial teeth.
For reliable, field and garden seeds
of all kinds go. to Richard Pickard&
The roadsat the present time of
writing' are in a miserable condition.
A New Home Sewing Machine, new,
for sale at a reasonable rate, Apply
at this oiliee.
The oldest newspaper in Great Brit-
ain is said to be the Berrows (Worcester)
Journal founded. in 1790,
Two cans Salmon, 25 cents. Brump-
ton Brq.
,Tuesday last was April 1 st, or com-
monly called all fools day. The cust-
omary 'Amber got "sold."
Richard Pickard will make a grand
display of pattern bonnets and hats on
Tuesday, April Sth'aricl following days
• , Whileenroute to Manitoba,Mr. Alex.
0okt:dan lost one, of his valuable
mares by being trampled upon. This
will be a serious loss tO Mr. Colquhoun.
Wall paper and window blinds in
full lines.at Brumpton Bros.
A large number of road and field
gates, hay racks and 'a lot of other farm
necessaries will be sold at the horse and
nattle, fair on the 15th inst.--2in..,
Building:operations are already coin
mencing to boom. We trust those con•
templating building will put up cern-
modious brick structures that. will be a
, .
credit to the town.
. .
Mr. Andrew -Campbell, who resides
on Themes road, died on Tuesday:, 'He
was much respected by all who knew.
him and his . deikise will cast a csloom
over the neig,shoilood.
. ssv
It is reported tha .,fr. John Shute, of
*Osborne, and Miss ' lute Speare, of
Hibbert, were marrid s yesterday in
Louden. If the report l true, we will
give 'NA particulars nex. week. '
The prettiest, cheapest, nd by far
the, large*. stock of dress. s goods and
trimmingft to be seen at hard Pick-
.,.00'..*,. • A . -
While , Mr. Skhey Da vis cl, and wife
were returning fikSOSe from hurch on -
Sunday evening Ia. s he a. e of the
rig which,..they drove ere. and let
them to the ground. ccupa,n ts
escaped. unhurt, and by rn, of a
borrowed rig reached home ' f
The committee appothti by
firemen to make necessar arrange-
ments for the 24th of May ,, elebration
are doing everything available to
make the affair a grand suCcess.' This
will be one of the largest 24th cele•
brations ever lield in the town.
Mr.1,Aubry the noted .American
hoitse bu1Nsils,Was in town the lat
part of last N% -lc and, the begining. of
this week pure horses. He '
• chased some tine • eals and paid god
prices. therefor. One e, team skins
In- night in by Mr. Gaviril' of tilt
London Road, but they were
as,stliey were to high priced
-sn'Id es is the greatest ,e,Arse of t'
s ,
sige—sfi , it result so in„ y of the
1st:rims o ''''o -day. Le.S.the fa sn,or keep
shis son at.4taploymeriVv.r in se t:s I un-
e',will 1 ,*eme ay est, uplaL,A
.0 ts!.7l.
1, lic is 21 45iars of and,, ..,,,„
that h
s re
•',,s truthful citizelig 13utlit, t:T e age. of .-,,
4 give him all tl4 speqdt Smoney h .
wants, a shot g aTIO per,lituAOng, a base
ball outfit cornpIcteun1 tlik$evil will
have a mortgage onln bef&O he is 19.
We carry the' largest sock of
Tweeds, Worsteds and. Trouserings in
: town and do our own tailoringsgiVe us
' a Call and we will treat you right.
Richard. Pickard,
Parents,of- school children may find
considerable "gospel" in the following.:
Before listening to complaints of your
children about the partiality and gen-
eral fiendishness of their teachers, and
getting all worked up and excited over
it, it is better to reflect a little. Remem-
ber that One or half a &seri cherubs
drive you crazy about half the tithe,
and bear with the teacher who is mak
ing intelligent men and women out of
as unpromising stuff as you were 20
or 30 years ago. Remember that, be-
sides your boy, who everybody knows
is an angel, he has to contend with
that awful boy of your neighber, and
you know what a holy terror he is.
See Th!unipton Bros. wall paper before,
plirehaSing elsewhere. ••,
To -morrow is vied Friday, and Ser-
vices will be held in all of the churehes,
—Ss.J Billings, Dentist. Old 101441ifl
**/./00100. °Mei> ov,i; 91311'1 flank
We understand that our butchers,
have eoinhined and raised the prise of
Ladies be sure and call at Richard
Pickard's on Tuesday! April Sth, and,
see all the new things in the millinery
liVe understand the Pickard mill will
be retuning this and next weekotrint:
to delay of the millwrights. They
have a limited quantity of flour and
feed M sell.
The semi-annual meeting of the
Teachers of West Huron, will be held
here on May 22nd and 23rd. It is ex-
pected that a large number of teachers
will be in attendance.
• We will be pleased to see every lady
in Exeter and vicinity at our millinery
opening on Tuesday, April 8th and
following days. Riehard Pickard,
Taal Brussels Post is agitating the
erection of a binding twine factory in
Brussels. Would it not be well for
Exeter to try and secure such an in-
dustry, We understand there is a
gentleman living in the township of
Hay, who is willing to commence such
a factory if the town would bonus him
in some small -way.
Easter Sunday, which is limited to
the dates between the 22nd of March
and. the 5th of April in any year, falls
this year on the 6th of April. It is al-
ways the first Sunday after the full
moon which happens on or next after
the 21st of March. Consequently if the
full moon happened upon Sunday,
Easter is the Sunday after.
We are sorry to learn of thesiliness
of Mr. A. Bowerman, who is s ent
in Chicago studying 'Dente, :.. He
had just passed his first exa"
When taken ill, and little hopegirwere
entertained of his recovery, but up to
the time of writing lie had slightly
improved. He was last summer
studying under Mr. H. L. Billings,
Dentist, of this place.
The present winter has been a bad
one for coal men, fishermen, fur dealers,
snow shovellers, sleigh manufacturers,
tobogans, skating rinks and ice packers
But a very goowinter for doctor's,
undertakers, builders' la °Tipp°, drug-
gists and makers ofMcGinty jokes,
vags and burglars. The former classes.
are now getting in their best licks,
The man who blows out the gas has
a rival. He recently stopped oyer night
at a Catholic hotel and the smell of
burning cloth prompted a search for
him, After rapping up several guests,
this' man, finally peered out of the
darkness of his room and confessed that
.he had, tied a towel around the electric
light, and it' had scorched it. "I tried
to blow it ont," he said, but it wouldn't
go out."
Sugar makers. are now at work.
We can remember the time when we
looked forward to sugar making with
as much interest as the sailor does for
the spring time. Sugar making is
not carried.on so extensively now as in
bygone .days, from the fact, that, our
great maple forests have been hewn
down by the sturdy hand of toil. •But
the industry is now carried forward, by
the City people, there being large maple
groves(?) in Detroit, Toronto, London,
and' other,large cities. 'Truly we are
living in a wonderful age and among
a wonderful people.•,
• On Moncist:•r ek
veningt4 r. • and 'Mrs.
Thomas Sffapton, of Stephi
ei -were • re -
when thesnet a farmer well un r the
turning 14„. me aleng the 2nd o cession
influencess - 'liquor shouting 1id-
. ,
ly and. driVskiss furiously, when but4a
•short 'distasse, rem him, Mr. Shapt
yelled to him,ssso at the same tim,
turned partly o road. • The "fulh
Inner took no heeis• ut kept drivin
in passing, his 1 ss •1 caught in
Mr. n's rig and ups!' • t11170Wq, the occup . Mrs. Sha 'is.• sk p-
parel caught in s.,1. n, ,-,• - ss '4, and
she was dragged a considerable dis-
tance. Luckily no dama,ge'lvas done,
except the • smashing of the vehicle
o • . ',It is to be hoped that this
man will be •si Careful in future. "
An exchange st
can read the proof of • sti
tile three or four times
cly pass over the Same er
einse it. All newspaper in
;644.t so. , Blit just as soon es
• • s
the fact that your
ewspaper a-
d repeated -
r without
Will tell
e press
.ted, and the paper is 'prOted in
ntelete shape,there stands t e er-
'iSk of you so big that yo can't
g else. It's a rang,e
ably the rettken why
newspaper'after it
ter„' Yes and
:an editor
see an,
fact, and.
it is so easy to
IS printed—Delhi
when such an error s
the face, is there enythi
gtae ' so calett
iT11 W.S1 nin-
ed to nutke hi Ile 11
1 he wanted to try Job's patience
ha. n t. him to run a newspaper in -
sten hoiling him?—Siincoe Reform -
500 pairs lace curtains at Speck -
man's Boot and Shoe store to be sold
cheap. Call and see them.
E. J. Spackman.
Don't forget to see the display of
millinery at Mrs. Spicer's, All the
leading shands and styles. Give her a
call. Iioom one door north of l'imed
Mevere Igtormi
Opt?, of the severest storms that we
have "had, for some time, struck this
Section on Thursday night last. The
wind raged at a high rate, accompani-
ed by rain, hail and snow. At tinea
it was hlinding. and pedestrians ceuld,
aearcely sec, The Storm did not abate,
for two days.
The 1/Ateliers of our village have
retiedho priees of their choice (nag of
beef, The cause they give is the scare -
/by and high, price of cattle. Some
talk of opposition scion,
Allem too late to Mend. 5000 pairs of
boots and shoes that need repairing to
be left 00 the loading boot and shoe
stare'next door to the post office. G.
X911tkly Stock pair.
'he second series of amonthly Stock
Fair will be held in. Exeter,on Tuesday,
April 15th,1890. Any farmers wishing
to dispose of stock can do iso bettor than
to bring it alona• • ,„
Now that house cleaning time is
nigh and you will need something nice
in lace curtains and carpets call and
see what E. J. Spackman is doing in
that line. 500 pairs Mee curtains to be
sold less than cost. E. J. Spackrnan.
Horses 'Wanted.
Mr. V, E. Bailey,the noted horse buy-
er from Buffalo, will be at thesCommer-
cial House, Exeter, on Tuesday, April
8th, (Spring Show day) for the purpose
of purchasing all classes of Horses.that
are sound and in good condition. Bring
in your horses.
Spring Show.
The Spring Show undli-ige auspices
of the Stephen & Usborne Agricultural
Society will be held on Tuesday next,
8th inst. It is expected that this will
be one of the best spring shows in the
county. All who have stock to show
should not fail to be in attendance.
Everything has been done to make it
a grand success.
Property Changes.
On Tuesday, •Mr. Charles •Eacrett
disposed of his residence, which is sit-
uated in the rear of Eacrett's Block,
• together with the store occupied by
Mr. R. Hicks, to Mr. Thomas Gregory,
for the sum of 03,200. He' also dispos-
ed of the other store to its present oc•
cupant for the sum of 82,400. All are
excellent buildings, the stores having
been erected but a few years.
Cheeheri lintels.
A checker match was played in •the
Town Hall on Wednesday evening last
The following is the scOre.---s
F. W. Collins, 5; A. Walters 1s
Thos. Oke, 2; J. H.Hyndman 8;
H. Mills, 2; R. Terry, • 2;
R. S. Lang, 3; W. Levett 1;
W. Bissett, 2; D. Jaques 3;
G. Eacrett, 1; M. Eacrett, 5;
15. 15.
The matrimonialcraze is in, vogue
again. Yesterday, Mr. James Hodgson
and Miss Levine, Johns were united in
the holy bonds of wedlock. The happy
event took place at • the • residence of
Mr. George Fisher, Usborne, and was
witnessed by a large number of friends
of the contracting par i.P.g
ents were numerous and• -costly. We.
wish the young, couple every success,
and hope that , their journey through
fife may be a pleasant and joyous one.
New Tin Shop. •
• We are pleased to announce to our
leaders that;another of our young men
is about taking, up the lite of busi-
ness man, itleing Mr. Will Folland,
who will in a few days open out • in a'
full line of Stoves acid tinware, in the
stand lately occurdekby Mr. Charles.
Eacrett, opposite Central Hotel. Will
is a good mechanic, and, no doubt, will
command a trade that 'will well repay
him fel. his enterprise.We wish •him
every success iu his venture.
Borne Purthased.'
Mr. John Willis of Exeter North, pur
chased -from Fotheringham Bros., of
Woodharn, that ,fine , shire .stallion
"Succese (6452),. paying therefore a.
handsome.figure. This is one of the
besthorses to be found itt the county.,
Mr. Willis shouldbe complimented s on
his success in 'securing this valuable.
animal. This horse will be travelled
during the season on. the same route
that "The Turk" travelled, last year,
and "The Turk" will travel on the'
route that was followed by "Charming'
Services • .
There, will be services in the Trivitt
Memorial Church each evening this
week at 8 o'eloek. On Good Friday
there will be two services, one at 11 a.
m., and the other at 7 p. m, , At both
services the choir will sing the "Story
of the Orrkss." The offertories upon
Good Friday- willbe in aid of the Lon-
don Soeiety, for the conversion of ,the
Jews in aecordance with the pastorial
of the Bishop of Huron, read on Sun-
day last, Upon Easter Sunday
there will be the full service of
the day, with special offertories in aid
of expense of the musical serviee
for. the financial year whichcloses at
Easter. Annual Vestry meeting on
Preterit al feed,
On Monday evening a number of the
Brethren of Britannia Lodge, Seaforth,
A. F. & A. M, accompanied by W. Bro.
W. G. DWI,. D. to G. M., paid a fraternal
visit to Lebanon Forest Lodge:', No.
133, Exeter. After exemplification of
the work in the ard or Sublime, Degree,
by W Bros. Duff, D. ' D. G. M, and
li Spaeknian W. M. the' brethern
paired to the Commercial Hotel, ,where
they were right royally entertained by
Bros. Hawkshaw. After•deing, ;justice
to the good things spread' bbfore theM
littleiiine wit S spent in 'aphech and
song andw as taken Dart in' by
Duff, Spackman, Fear,,Dutton, Eadtett
and a number Of 'others. The affair
broke up at an early hour, Ana: each
departed for their several homes, well
and porfeetly satisfied. that . they had
spent stn hour of pleaSure together,
Wor.. Bro. Duff left nett Morning for
,Parkhill ftid Will ViSit 136'7
kr returningto Se-ifortir
We learn there is a young lady living
near the SW mill Who, will soon play
an important part in one of these hap-
p,y events,' The other party lives up
north somewhere,
Messrs. Cook and Wintzel, of Dash-
wood, shipped 1 carload of tow to Pat-
terson, N. J. on l'Uesday last. ---Mr. 11.
Levett, shipped, this week, 2- cars of
wheat to Ooderich also 2 cars to Wood-
stock.—Mr. JOhniffillis received a car-
load of stock from. Strathroy yesterday,
--Mr. W:H.•Verity and Sons purposes
shipping two carloads of ploughs to
North West Territory, this week.
Millinery Opening.
The millinery opening of Brumpton
Bros, commenced yesterday. Our re-
porter was Shown through the millin-
ery department, and while examining
the many different kinds of ladies' head
Tar the tssights°were nearly sufficient
to make his mind wander and dream
that he was in Wonderland or some
other Pataclise of flowers It is a beaut-
iful sight to pass around and see the
many styles and shapes so elegantly
and profusely decorated trimmed, a-
mong them the following—Moreland,
Favorite, Braganze, Kathleen, Amazon,
Monte Carlo, Cosette, Mt Morris, Chase,
h,Tantasy, Byron, Condalier, Grandview,
and Aurlius. The trimmings are most-
ly imported from Paris and. England
and are of the most delicate shadeand
colors. ,This department is under the
charge of Miss Inman, and reflects
great credit for the artistic inanner itt
which the work is done. Every lady
should call and examine for themselves,
Draught Horse Breeders.
The regular quarterly meeting of
the directors of the Dominion Draught
Horse Breeders' Society was held at
Clinton, on Friday • last. A large
amount of routine business was trans
acted. Three cases of false pedigrees
which had been presented for registry
were discussed and the Secretary in-
structed to prosecute the parties under
sec. 85 cap.11, 46 Vic. The executive
Committee was instructed. to proceed
with the printing,of the second volume
of the stud book as soon as the entries
now could be revised and prepared for
publication. • It was decided to attach
an office record number to all unregis-
tered dams having progeny in, either
the first or second volumes, so that
these dams might be more easiy traced.
The standard for the third volume re-
quires the registry of all dams before
their progeny can be entered for reg-
istry. The society is in a most flourish
hiss condition, having a balance to its
credit in bank, of over $2,000. and • a
membership of between 200 and 300
'The new stud book will , probably be
issued by the end of July.
Personal Relation
Mr. Ted Collins, of Lucan, was in
town on Monday. -s -Mr. George Manson,
who has been visiting friends in Port
Hope for souse time,rettirned of Friday
••ening.—Miss Sophie Sweet left for
London on Thursday evening last,
where she will remain for some time.—
Mr. James Hatton, of Kerwood, brother
of Messrs. Thomas and George Harton,
who liVe'a short distance north of the
village, gave us a friendly call on Pit
day last :—About forty„yeare ago Mr:
John Balkwill left this place for Cali-
fornia and has resided there ,ever since.
He returned here -last week. s. He is a
brother to Mrs. James • Pickard, • Mrs.
William Rollins and Mks. James • 'Snell.
He looks ' hale. and ,. hearty 'and as
thonginthe California climate quite
agreed with, him, --Mss, George Sanders,
who has been in Detroit for some mon-
.seturn ed home on Friday evening.
—Miss Kirby; of. Von, Ont., • who has
beets visiting Mrs Geo., Fisher's and
Mr. John Hunter'S, jr.; Usborne,for the
past few weeks, ieturned home.—Mr.
J. Parkinson left on Monday forToron.
to.—Mrs. Thomas. • Dearing. arrived
home from Manseellona,•Mieh., on Sat-
urday, much'improYed in 'health and
w ell satisfied with trip, Fletch,
er, Thanies Road, was in 'reroute last
weeks --Mr. John,Vasey will leave for
Western States shortly.—Mr. John El-
liot, barrister, was in Goderich on Mon-
day.—Mr. • George Cottle, of White-
church, is visiting friends in toWn.—•
Mrs. Rich. Davis and son Joe went to
Wingham yesterday,mori.ing to attend
the funeral of the late Thomas Powell.
—Mr Ed. Bissett visited the Forest City
yesterday.—Miss,Jeckel, of Osborne,
leaves for London to day. —Mr. Clarka
returned to St. Theinas, after, a brief
visit here with his son, Mr. J. P. Clarke.
John. Speakman, was in Clinton
on Tuesday. --s
Absolutely Pure
This pavkleir YitlVei, varies, A MarVol of
peautitiiityot. tbr,setzta4tahaainlid.More
economical than the ortlinary and
6iJ-16*',teetykhort,weight eldin 6r
ghosl) late lkOwderS, Sold. OnIV. In . saes:
tillextso kOWDEZZ co 10a WellSt
All about the line of
The line of March we refer to is
which comprises a great variety of varieties in
and all the fashionable fads and fancies of the se*sim.
:when you are figuring on your SPRING .WEAR Tor we at
• prepared to' please you either in
Qualitu or Pries'
No China Door -knob about this.
We Invite Comparison
of our goods and prices with those of competing rums.
We have just received a full stock of MILLINERY oaf the
latest styles and are bound not to be under -sold by
anyone in the trade.
DON'T F 0 Gr'
Our opening days,
Thursday and Saturday, April 3rd &Stk.
A first-class Milliner of long experience has 'Charge,
of this department, and we can guarantee
perfect satisfaction to will favor
, us with. their orders.
We Lead the Trade
in nobby suits and Spring Overcoats.
A full line of Prints, Shirtings,
Cottonacles, Dress -goods, .Summer
Underwear, etc.
All kinds of choice FIELD & GARDE Seeds.
Eggs, 12, cts.; Butter, 15 cts.
Is the only safe and sure 'oil for all kinds of Farm and Mill
Machinery ;generally.
• Try McColl Bi'o's Celebrated Cylinder 01
Manufactured by McColl Bros.•Toronto-andiold by
J. L
• A Fresh and New Stock of
groceries &CoMotiopm
Family :: rocey,
A beautifulpiece of 2:lass-
Ware' given away with 1 of
Mayell's Baking Pqi0ler,
ZiatttitrOddi noilor ft=
Por Salto
.c.ia11 and examine our goodx
before purchasing elsewhere.