HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1890-4-3, Page 1•
The Molsons Bank.
(Chartered by Parliament, 1855.)
Piad up Capital .. , $2,000,000.
Rest Fund.... .... 1,000,000,
Head office Montreal,
Twenty Branch offices in the Dominion
gencies n the Dominion, T.I. S. and Europe.
smeacm-rae, Exeselercx-x.
Open -every lawful. day from 10 a. m. to 3 p.
fSio Saturdays 10 a.m. to 1 p.
A ge,h,eral bankin es business transacted
Foor per cent, per annum allowed for
m oney on. Deposit ateeeepts.
Exeter, Jan 28, '88. Manager.
Oxttet brocatt)
Is published every ,Thurstlay 3forning:14
at the Office,
One Dollar per annum, if paid in Advance.
01110 if not so paid.
-23.5.-srertitslzaw Mateo oat. .23.25plicla,-
No paper discontinued until all arrearages
are paid.. Advertisements without specific
directions will be published till forbid and
charged accordingly. Liberal discount made
for transcient advertisements inserted for
long periods. Every description of JOB
PRINTING turned out in the finest style,
and at moderate rates. Cheques,hioney ord-
ers, &c. for advertising, subsori_ptions, etc. to
be made payable to
William Sanders,
Church 1),IxeCtOrY.
TR/V1TT MEMORIAL Ontinon,--Rev. S. F,
Robinson, Rector. Sunday,Services, 11 a. m
and 7 p. m. Sabbath School, 2.80 p.
Clement, Pastor._ Sunday Services,10.80 a.. rn.
and 6.30 p.m. Sobbath School, 2p. m.
MAI/4 S'XREET -Rev. J. *ilson, Pastor. Sun
day Services, i.30 a.m. and. 0.30 p.m.! Sabbath
School 2.30 p in
Pastor. Sunday Services, 11 a. rid 6:30 p.
In. Sabbath School, 9.45 a.m.
PrOfeSS10119.1. Card!).
" • #'=i•NTTTST.
Office over O'Neil's Bonk; Exeter, Onta.rio,
Earns Oxide Gas for painless
- extraction.
Goes to Liman everw Friday.
tracts' teet1V without path by giving
Vegetable Vapor, or using the new
Ancesthetic on the gums. Makes Gold Filli
ings and other dental work the' best possible.
Goes to Zurich last Thursday in each month:
East side of Main street. Exeter. ,
B svaearEtasta eit. D.. 0.11., PHYSICIAN
V• and Surgeon. Office and residence -
Corner Victoria, and. Elgin streets, Goderich,
Ontario. '
Residence-CornerAndrew and. North
Streets, Exeter, Ontario:'
A. AMOS, IL D., L., C.P., EDTN.; L
1 • R. C. S , Edin.; L. F. 2. biz S.,Glasgow;
L. M., Edinburgh and Glasgow; M. C. P. & S..
Ontario; F. T. M. S., Toronto. Night bell at
office. Crediton, Ontario. Jy12-8
Exeter, upstairs,' oppogite Centre
Rotel. Side entramce on south -James street
leading to the Methodist Ohurch.
!! inary Surgeon. Graduate
Toronte. Veterinary Dentist-
ry a specialitY. Oflicc and Re-
Sidenceone block east of Rich.
Pickard's store. Opposite skating rink, Ilx.,
eter, Ontario',
. OR, Conveyancer, Notary Olio.
Office- Sam -well's Block, Exeter, Ontario.
Money to Loan.
..IJ. of Supreme Ccfart, Notary Public, Con-
veyancer, Commissioner, &c. Money to loan
Oflice-Ponson's Block,Exeter.
itors, Conveyancers, &c. Money to loan
at 6 per cent.
VRE.D. W. FIRECOMB, I'rov,incial Land
1. Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Office,
Samwell's block, up Stairs, Main street,
Exeter, Ont.
TAMES OKE, Exetr,H Ontario, Licensed
V Auctioneer for „the Counties of Burton,
Perth and. Middlesex. Sales pro nap tl,,y a tie ncl-
ea to and:sittigfaction. 'guaranteed. Sales'
arranged' at .thig office. .
TX BROWN? Winchelsett, Licensed Auct-
Ai • ioneer for the Counties of Perth and
Middlesex, also for the township of Usborne.
Sales promptly attended to and term s reason
able. Sales arranged. at Post office, Witchelsa
BOSSENBERRY,Ttens'all Ontatict,
.124 . trisect Aiictietneet, for the. Countyr., of
Huron and Perth. 'Charges moderate and
satisfaction guaranteed.
VET HOLT, Khiva, Ontario. License allot-
!! . ioneer 'for the Code tieti' of Middlesex
and Lam bton , and the townships ofStephen
and Hay Alt sales prim:1.441y attended to
ros ear. n.
. One or kite
eieeineit 1,1
41tin *arid'. Dui doll i (dried'
-.•4ki4ueliidi,aditidititt'beliluu osuo.
:`.11upiurioi,idiods.yeu vfntdoAdrintit
't.�s rze56 lit oftOlikieilitj
Oilj ttioeo *to *T1t1
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Alljou boo to do in
11 ti itiod• eur uod to
titbit *hii
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ticO,O; Tt. 1‘11o,iiiiir 61 11 1.440e0,1
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obout OA fledeih ispi otit48i0lidti lilt iiiiiiii.041114111toloto.;
giooT4,1116Wit tt•iattO ikdoi
der2'..,'W.OZI,Iiiiiiiiiiiii#0140 lidiefait
kith ilalid fiaiii,68.0$11.0 k, I idiii , 4,01ii iiiirilW
dili'lltiiiiitedd, BMW ir#Isit. 15 ideal, ii ill.iiiiiikilii'liitii2 '
Addliiii.1.1.,P1ALL1177 A €0.410•010, • rItioafeetasmaiiIa.,.
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the estate of James
Westcott, of the Township of Tis -
borne, in the County of Huron,
Yeoman, an Insolvent.
The about named. insolvent has made an as-
signmsntfor the general benefit of his crecii-
tors, pursuant to 83. SO. 1837,Clutp.121 to Thom
as Coats, of the BAIA Township of Usborne
Creditors ale hereby notified to file their
claims against the said insolvent with the
assignee or his slieitor.on or before the 15th
day of April, 1891 A meeting of the creditors
IS hereby convened for
Saturday, the 2911i day of March 1890,1
to be held at
my office, in Exeter at 8, o'clock p.m,
LEwis H. Dfcgsol!
Solicitor for assignee.
Exeter, Mar. 25th 1890.
Murray vs Murray
Auction Sale of Valuable Farm Lands
near the Village of Exeter in the
County of Huron.
Pursuant to an order of Sale dated the 8th
day of March. A.. D. 1890, and made by the
Judge of the County Court of the County of
Huron in a certain matter of pertition of
Murray vs Murray there will be offered. for
sale by public auction by James Oke, Auc-
tioneer, at the Central Hotel, in the Village
of EXoter, in the County of Huron, on
Friday, the 4t11 Day of April, A. D. 1890
the followiug valuable property viz: -
The South half of Lot number five in the
first concession of the Township of Hay in
the County of Huron containing 50 acres
more or less. This property is 'well cleared
and under cultivation ana is situated upon
the London Road within one mile of the
Village of Exeter and in the midst of the
best farming Country in Ontario and the soil
is unsurpassed for farming purposes, The
title to this,property is perfect and fTee from
all Blount bran.ces.
The purchaser will pay down a deposit of'
tell per cent. of the purchase money at
the time of sale to the Vendor's .Solicitor
anti 'Will pay Into Clourt within SO days there -
‚after the balance of the purehase money or
if he C
prefer, so to do will pay into ourt
within thirty days after the day of such sale
sufficient with s ugh deposit of ten ,per cent
as afore said to make one half of the pur-
chase money and will execute it mortgage
for the lailancethereon to the Real Repres-
entative of the County of Huron payable in
three equal annual instalments in 0110. two
and three N'ears from day of sale with inter-
est at, six per cent., payable yearly and upon
payment of such inoney or ion -payment of
ch oney and. execution o ,saicl mottgage
the purchaser will he entitle to a convey-
ance and to be let into possession. The
Real Representative reserves to himself
power to adjourn the sale if in hisjudgement
anedequate price is not bid for said lands. In
all other respects -the courlitionsof sale will
be standing donditicins of' Stile.of the, chart.
cerY'Division of the IlighCourt, of Justin of
Per; further- particulars apply to Philip
Holt, Esq,.14Orrister Goderich Messrs. Mo-
nti) ss Miilkeron, Barristers, London, Messrs'
Ross, Cameron & McAndrew, Barristers,
Toronto, and to the Vendee! Solicitor,
Exeter. '
'Dated this 2211d clay of March A. D.1890.
Vendor's Solicitor, Real Representative
Exeter. County of Huron.
' • —OF—
rum a 111111g1 Propty
er of Sale contained in A certain In-
denture of Mortgage, made by James Pick-
ard and wife, (default having been made in
the payment thereof,) there will be , sold by
Publitt Auction, at the Central Hotel, in
"nage of Exeter
THURSDAY, the 22nd day of APRIL, 1890
At 3 o'clock p. in., , Mr. John Gill,
Auctibneer, subject to such conditions' as
shall then, be produced,
' All anct singular that certain parcel or
tract bf land and. premises, being coin posed,
ofpart of tbe EAST HALF of LGT 17, in the
FIRST CONCESSION' of township of tis-
P,011isrE. containing 50 acres, more or MSS,
Ana ore particularly described, in said.
m ortgage, ,
There are 2 good barns, one having a stone
founda ion, Root hells°, etc., on the premis-
es, and abOnt 18 acres of fall ploughing clone
on this land.
Also at, the some time and place, under the
power ofsaletfontained in another Mortgage
made by the said „lam es Pic,lca rd a oct wile,
.(default having been made in payment there
of,) there will ,be sold, all and singular that
certain parcel or tract of land, ciente ining
byacImeasurernent 22 acres, more or less,
being composed of BAST HALF of the EAST
BALE' of said LOT 17. Thisis nearly allibish
land. ,
Theabove lands are in an excellent salmi --
len and suitobto for farm purposes:, or to out
up into Village and Park lots.
Immediate possession, cagy terms. For
furthnr particulars, apply to
Vendor's Solicitors,
ated 2nd April, '00. Eteter, On t.
Notice is hereby ei,v611 that. t110 partnership
tenets -taro exiSting between Joseph. Fiiclt and.
.,Tontte Hartleib ns millers, doing' bminiess in
the Village of Dashwood, Township of Hay,
under the name and firm of Edit& frartleib
Will be distcoisted OIL the 5th day of April, 1149t);
by mated &fluent. The bintinegtt Will be
contented by lieSSrs. Edit & Wainer. All
seeoitets duo the late hrin must be Settled,
on or before the lst day Of May, 1896, with
either -Of the'latit firth,
• slang ,ToSt1,11 ,ED/T)
JoNAS 1fAW11.1:111
iRSDY, APRIL 3,1890.'
IST(:). 148.
Tho Canadian -bred trotting stallion Am-
ber, by Clear Grit, formerly owned by Mr. P.
.1. Pi key, of Brantford, stand ti At the highest
fee ofany of the stallions owned by the Ital.,
bin overnment, whieh paid S3.500 for him
in Germany last year. -Ex. Airiber F., own-
ed by Mr. T. Afordock-,''of Hansen. is Bon of
Am bar, and is one of the best stallions in
Canada. He will stand at Murdoek's stables
duringthe ccoming season.
Ailsa Craig.
The following papers are on sale
every Saturday afternoon at the Craig
Printing Offiee. J. W, Ray, Agent: -
The Buffalo Express 5C. The Satur-
day Utica Globe, 5e, The Sunday
Sun; 5c. The Albany & Elmira, Tele-
gram, two for 5e.
• Zurich.
Look out for another big auction sale
at Villa Lane farm. It will take place
during the month of May. This will,
be one of the largest sales in Huron.
county, as Mr. Happle, is bound to dis-
pose of everything.
Grand Bend.
Glad to see Mr. G. B. Glanville, a-
round again after having a severe at-
tack of la grippe.
Miss Bell Patterson is going te Port
Huron this waels. Bell will be'' pissed
around the Bend, '
Mr. Ben Stuck, of Port Huron, is vis-
iting friends in torn. Some attraction
around Grand 13end?
Mr.: MeLeeu, of Wallaaeburge was ia
town hu4reek buying up timber for
stave:belts. Mr..MeLeau purposes ship-
ping them by water. CO Wallaceburg.
Mr. John Shute, of Usborne, Was the
guest of Miss Speare of Cromarty last
Miss Minnie'McLaren,of the 12 cen..
returned to Seaforth to commence the
millinery again.
Mr. John Polland and wife, of Far-
quhar, spent last last.Sueday 'visiting
friends in Staffa.
Rev Jasper Wilson, of Exeter,...will
preach the "Educational Sermon" at
Prospect appointment next Sunday.
A spelling -match in connection with
Cromarty Literary Society eveS held in
the hall last Wednesday evening. A
Terr enjoyable time was spent. The
meeitiegs wilt be brought to a close as
seen as the spring work commences.
• .An itennaeared in the Cromarty
news last week, which was not quite
correct, in reference to the debate.
The decision was in fever of the nega-
tive instead of the affirmative. This
was merely a slight mistake of the re-
Mount Carmel.
,Mr. and Mrs B. Quarry, of Centralia,
were in town on Sunday. _
Mies Mary McLeod, Of West William,
is visiting -her sister, Mrs. P. Hall.
Mine host, of the Ontario House, has
had the interior of his house repainted,
which. adds greatly to its , appearance.
There was quite a lot of snow fell
here on Sunday =riling, but it diSap•
peered so Tafel:1y that very few had
time:to take advantage of it.
The following is the report of Mount.
Carmel Separate school for the month
of March. The pames of three in each
class who obtained the highest number
of marks with the percentage obtained
are given:- s ,
Preen Ceess:-Michael Doyle ,73:
DenifaQuaary, 72; Lucy Laughlin 18..
' Foeate CeesaiaeBeaseeet.Carey, 67;
Jelin Rowhind,.55;.Derane Mahoney,42
Sena: Tarnp:-Patrick McDonough,
76; Frank Coughlin 69; Phoebe Doyle,
60. • .
JuA. TrunneLdeliehael -Ryan,78 ; Kat-
ie MeDopough,74.; Angele Quaky, 67,
Sea,. Sitensue•e-Heesseh layttin,67;,Maia,
Ryan' 61, Maggie Roberts, 40, ,
JUN. SECOND:---Ano.elft Roberts, 67;
Annie Ryan 64; Miel7ael- Neville, 57,'
Sava Ii'teses-May Neville, 72; Eddie
Hall, 70; Julia Mehony, 49. ,
Netasre Timm; Teacher.
General Booth (save his • experience
at the army on Sunday. He's the boy to
do it.
Captain Dawson, of Seaforth was in
town on Saturday, 116 lool:e hale and
hearty. , „ •
It is reported the Albion is rented for
a term of years to ae gentlemen frerri
Dr'. Wright is wo,rititig up a large
practice, although only, in town a few
weeks., ,
Mr. Charley Parker iasvOrking night
and day at the 661'4)111g; 'Give hint a
call. 'Week guaranteed,
Tho many friends of Jonathan ,Ho.
garth will be sorry to hear 'of his de-
parture from kniong hs, lIt sterted on
Monday for letiagara where he has pro -
oared a situatidn. there AO a 61o:diner,
• ...J...
Dr. Niea.hol and Dr. Wright are board
ing et thealf4bio11. The ululates ought
to be kart healthy there.
Our counisil is evidently bound to
have Kallefleleh with his ntill here yet.
N°W84/11;eilltlititi!trsiosmteheoiurtinsiodtetPh:lateher run
80here?We have to seed away: ')fors
our meat, Now, is the time comealOngr
Mr. G. HeHewson, is Axing up,' the
store belonging to E. R. Rutledge. "Ile
sisfirotileya: the grand and will mn
move i
The salvation army is doiug grand
work here. They have added quite a
sinnersc,0 their list this past two
Mr.0"\e-stSks purchased from the
Rev. Mr-Ilailgins, his 'fine brood mare.
kaoew, st o.
aogoOd beast and likes to
It is reported that Miss Elliot is go-
ing to open 11.0 a dry goods store in the
building formerly occupied by G. H.
Hewson, druggist. '
Rieherd P:alley has been going the
rounds for porne days, with the object
in viees`Of ha ving'a third license grant-
ed in thesvillage. The boys will sign
the Petition to, as they like to see Dick
SE3 em up,
John Herd and Jane Eagleson were
joined fir -the holy bands of matrimony
the other evening, by the Rev. E. H.
Hill. Tbe weddine dinner was served
up at the Bride's father, Mr. William
Eaglesoasesind, about forty couple sat
down to a table that would have been
a credit eu „the best hotel in town.
After alMetirdTme justice to the table
the balaece of the night was spent in
tripping the light fantastic toe.
Hay Council.
At a m'eeting of the council held on
March, -lath, it was moved and carried
that fheaseavlication of the trustees of
S. S. No. 5 for altering- and enlarging
the boundaries of their section be de-
ferred for further consideration.
On motion the plans and specifications
of the now town hall were accepted,
and the time for receiving
tenders foe
building the'saine was extended to the
16th of April next.
The rip. sPtialt1 of the Canada Co. to
excliange eeds for a new road allow-
ede- •ete s. and 11, con. 16,
was accepted, and the clerk instructed
to notify the Company's commissioners
to that,eflect. •
• Pa thmas tees, poundkeepers and fence
viewers Were, with few exceptions,
appointed the sante as last year. Road
commissioners will be appointed at a
future meeting, The resiguation of S.
Poster as clerk was Accepted.
• Moved by Mr. Schnell, secopded by
Mr. Voelker, that ethe appointment of
a clerk be postponed till next meetinee
and that R. R. Johnston be appointed
pro tem.
A few accounts were passed, when
the council adjourned to meet on the
16th April next.
. Mr, Nat. Ryan hada' great sawing
bee ,Mondee. His neighbers tuned out
in levee numbers and helped him' cut
his wood.. .
• We are *sorry to hear we are going to
loose one of 'our neighbors. Mk, John
Kenny iS 'going to move away :from
here this spring,:
. Mr. Jaseliawker had the misfortune
to be thrown out his buggyone day
lastid. Was very badly hurt not
being, able, aseret to eet around alone.
Mr. E. Rothaermel is the father of a
baby boy,
Mr, G. Nagniger is the engineer at
the erist mill.
Our bos,s say they would not mind
having a, few more cheap drinks„
Mr. George Kellerman has disposed
of his two priaate residences in the
villa,ge for handsome figures
Mrs. Lauth, a widow, was married
to Mr. Moyer, a gentleman who hails
from the old cOuntry. We wish them
eery prosperity.
Mr. Jones Hartleib has sold his in-
terest iu the grist mill to Mr. Christian
walpee for the sum a $3,700. This is
one of the best mills in Huron county.
Mr. Pfaff, our butcher, was married
last, week to Miss Swaim. We wish
them every prosperity and hope that
all their undertakings will be crowned
meth golden success.
A very interesting tune was spent
the other evening caused by Mr. J. S.
Wintzel and F. Baker exchanging
roosters. It was an even dash, but
Fred had to do the delivering.
We regret to record the death of Mee.
Kellar,' of 16th coecession. /t is gut-
poeedthe died from old age, having
been well up in years. She leaves two
sons to mourn her loss. The funeral
took place yesterday arid was largely
)sin Janice Cronyn, Of Grand Bead,
sold to Mr, R. Cook,flast and saw miller,
of this plitee,a, very fine heavy draught
colt ising font, years old for the hand.
Strut of $1,72, Mr, Cook also purthased
one from Mr. R. Rulapaying something
in the neighborhood of the same price.
This team of colts tipped the beam et
8210 lbs the,same day they were dale
ered They make an excellent team
and are well matched, and Mr, Cook's
prospests of haTving the strongeste and
hest looking team in the county of
„Huron are good. Mr. Cook lately sold
,a very fine brood mare for a large fig-
Sanoor, linnona.-The following are
the names of the pupils who were pro-
moted on April 1st, 1890: -From jr.
IV to sr. IV, Milton Cook, Louis Klein-
stiver. From jr. III to sr, III, Annie
Elhers, Daniel Ilartleib, Daniel Weber.
From sr. II to jr. III, Melinda Wolper.
From jr, II to sr. II, Wm, Kleinstever,
Les ada Hartleib, Minnie Hartung,
Adeline Miller, Sarah Gossman, Ella
Weide, Samue113eaver, John Li ve n good.
Front sr. II No. 1 to jr. II No. 2, Caroline
Genttner, Clara Thou, Emma Hartung,
Adeline Eckstein, Laura Weber, Wm.
Lintlenfeld, Jacob Kraft. From sr. pt.
II to jr. II, Wm. Baker, Fred Gossman,
Daniel Eckstein, Bertha Miller, Charles
Eidt. From jr. part II to sr. part
Ed Waiver, Sophia Genttner, Katie
Rothermal, Susan Rader, Susan Schrced
er, H. Miller. From Sr. pt. I to jr. pt.
II, Bertha Baker, Henry Rhode, Ler-
inda VValper, Rieke Fisher, Susan
Restema,yer, Henry Kraft, C. Gossman,
Jacob Brenner. From jr. pt. Ito sr. pt.
I, Ed Willert, :John Shoemaker, Emma
Walper, Sant Witzel.
• San. M. IIAUCTI, Principal.
Miss Martha Eilber left • for Detroit
on Tuesday.
Miss ,Carrie Either returned from
London on Saturday.
Mr. Wm. Anderson left for Calgary
N. W. T., on Monday.
• Mr. B, Eilber, Miss A. Either and Mrs
Link left for Detroit on Tuesday.
• Mrs. Longmate, of Detroit,is visiting
her brother, Mr, Geo. Hertzeethis week
Miss Brown is not able to attend to
her duties owing to an attack of meas-
:The Rev. Mr. Nethercott, of Parkhill,
exchanged pulpits with the Rev. Red:
Mend last Sunday.
Mrsand Mrs„: Robert Essery- enten
tained a number of friends last Wed-
nesday evening. A very enjoyable
time was spent by all present.'
A young lady, so called, has been en-
deavouring to create the impression
that she is smart. She, in a very un
ladylike manner, encouraged a young
gent to accempany her for a walk, for
the purpose of - jilting him 'before a
crowd. 'The scheme worked much to
the young man's discomfiture. Leek
of mutual development can be truth-
fully ascribed as the cause of such con -
dace We hope that in the future she
will have More respect fuller sex and
not act so unladylike.
On Monday afternoon Mr. Justice
Street opened the sprites Assize Court
and addressed the Graelli Jury at some
length•on the criminal cases, murder
and forgery, that wanid ,be presented
for their consideration. The interest
Seems to be centered in the Goderich tp.
poisoningthe Court being closely filled
during His Lordship's Charge. The fol-
lowing. gentlemen of the Grand jury
answered their names, 'and ' having
elected Mr. Gabriel ,Elliot as foreman".
were sworn in. Gabriel Elliot, W.
Lamprey, H. Elford, Wm, McLean, R.
Richardson,Wm. Gernmill,W: L. Henry,
Wm. Blaine, Thos. Codas E. Bryans, J.
B. AtcheSon, Jno. Higginbottem, T.
Russell, Jno. Jackson, ,r;•McDougall,
Jas. McNair, Jae Spence, Samuel Cald.-
well, Jno Northcott, , Wm. Bulien, M.
Madigan. The criminal cases are the
Godorich Township poisoningeand three
rhargesof forgery against J. E Arm-
strong. • The (evil listis ma,de up of
twdl ve defended. Oises',Nrith jury and
three without jui.y., The first Case on
the list, ;.Cameron vs. Aldsworth, an
action for slander, was taken up after
the Grand Jury had. retired. • Messrs.
Garrow Q. C., and Holt apeearine for
plaintiff; and igr. worsoll for tit -'e de -
fen den a After :a 1c,rge.number of wit
passes had been heard the jury retieed,
and 'after it short absence , returned a
verdict in favor of plaintiff for $100;
The court- after partly bearing a new
jury case adjourned to 9 a. ni on Time-
Pickthallig Return to WOodstoek.
Woodstock, Ont., April 1. -Neville
H:Pickthall arrived in town early this
morning by the Grand Trunk limited
express from ,the west, When Staked
if he desired to make an explarietien
he replied, "Certainly I do; here is My
story :--,I left Woodstock on, Monday,
Feb. 10th- Our train stopped for live
intifintes'at Niagara Falls and I get off,
On the' station platform Lamy Me. Van-
ingen, of WOodStoek. I teriaernber gets
theg off' at Niagara Fella for there I
chaaged some Cattedian morteY
American. I Went through to Bliffitio
that night, aed, I. acmained in %Wale
until Wtdnesday rifternbont the 1.28h
When I took the train for New York,
arriving some time next morning. On
one occasion in New York I thought
reetegtlized Mrs. Burchell in- the Metro-
politan Hotel, but was not sure abolla
it. Since, however, she is said to have
seen me there I feel confident that 1
saw her. I did not see Buechel'. In-
deed I would uot have known him as
Buechel', and although I looked on the
register, not finding Somerset there
had tio idea that he, really was there.
I stayed in New "York from Wednesday
till the following. Monday 'When 1 bought
a transcontinental tieket to California
and took the train. I arrived at Albu-
cionAtakewuitveli arel (nigtheli tec°wIpasa: 11 and. du 811atP11:asumhcil,i. I. -al el' out :flail (111 dtSt°sAahhue:ti loSNeP- Colorado
emol Lrfiaattuerhdgi deol
N. M., I missed my. train. I WaAdril.*-
illg then, and must have pulled out a
large bill, which someone around must
have seen for before I knew- what was
going on I was perfe•etly stup d 1 was
drugged. It was there and then that
I lost my monele I was fleeeed. I had
just enough left t.) take me to Tuesan,
Arizona, and there I' went. When I
left Woodstock it was with the intention
of changing my mode of living. I had
no delinite plans; I had no positive in-
tention of remaining away for good,
neither had 1 any intention of settling
down on my farm again and returning.
to my old life. I had ,grownslissatislied
with my faxm life; I did not like it as
well as I.might have. I was not mak-
ing as much money as I thought 1,
should I am naturally impulsive, and
under the influence of liquor I become
extraordivarily so. I had, as I said
before, become dissatistied with my
life, and when I got some liquor in me
the impulse came suddenly on me to
seek for a change -to make a home
some place else. I decided to raise
$1,000 on my farm. I asked. it for the
short time of two weeks, because I
thought I would get it more readily.
The story about my wanting tesre-
alize on some investment in Nonelch,
mid the one about my r wanting ,. to
buy some Cattle in Zorra, were made
for the purpose 01 furnishing a .reason-
able explanation. After I had got a-
way front Woodstock I gradually grew
ashamed Of myself,and decided I would
not come back. but would seek a new
home in the far West,a,nd having made
it bring my ,wife there. I • admit the -
circumstances were suspicious -looking, •,
and it,was to allay the easpicion that I
came home. I have been furnished by
my friends in Woodstock with clippings
from the newspapersin Which my name
was freely used in connection with the
Benwell tragedy, and it was •this that
a.ecided me to come back. I 'might
have gone on to California,made anew -
home, and have got my wife to ,follevi
me, but that course would net have re-
moved her and my friends „frem the
cloud of suspicion that hung over them.
I felt that by clearing myself I cleared
thein, and so I came. In short, I •left
here through a sudden impulse, aggea-
vated by liquor, with the intentien of .
begining life again, andl carne back
to clear myeelf of the suspicions that
very naturallywere attached. to me."
Council Proceedings.
The council met pursuant to ad-
journment at the town hall, Exeter, on
March 29th, 1850. Members all pres-
ent. The minutes of the previons
meeting were read and confirmed.
Moved. by H. Spackman, seconded by
J. Oke, that orders be eranted for the
following sum, viz Pollack, $1.56,
charity to Merk Clark; Jas. Balsden,
$1.50, labor; as. Creech, $4, charity to
Mrs. Piper; and the clerk, $25, part
salary. -Carried. Moved by W. Gr.
Bissett, seconded by H. Spackinan, that
Mrs. McIntosh be ,granted $2 per month
until further erdersa-Carried. Mr.
Billings asked the council to grant the
band $60 on condition that the band
play in public at least once a week,
The request to be considered at some
future meeting. The Board of Trade
waited. on the council and again press-
ed the necessity` of passing a by law to
establish a market for the sale of butter
and ego's. 'Moved by J. Oke, seconded
by H. Spackman, that this council take
steps to got the voice of the ratepayers
whether they (the concil) 'shall, or
shall not, establish a market for the
sale of butter and eggs and other small
farm produce, executing such artieles
as are specified in by-law No. 9, 1887,,
on the town hall property -Carried.
By-law No, 9, to provide polling, places
to take the e-oice of the people, Was
duly read and passed, on motion of D.
A. Ross, seconded by H. Spackman
Moved by W. 0. Bissett, seconded by
J. ,01 e, that the deputy -returning offi-
core be paid $2 per day for takingthe
the vote and the retuning officer $4
for all services in connectioti with the
Steme,-Carried, Moved by' W. G.
Bissett, seconded by S. Otto, that this
council uljourn uatil Saturday, the
April 561.3, at 8 o'clock se In -Carried,
M. *BAnletree
EVerest's Cough Syrup 18 the hest in
the country -Duncan Pursell, Forest
P. O.
Tin fields Which are said to promise
vast returns have. been opened at Gipps-
land, in the colony of Attetralia,end an
English company has been formed to
work them.