The Citizen, 2005-11-03, Page 10PAGE 10 THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2005.
Full house at Duff’s
Early Years
make a face
The Ontario Early Years group
met on Wednesday morning and
enjoyed singing time when they
sang about a pumpkin with no eyes,
no nose, no mouth and no teeth
I hey made a jack-o-lantcrn with a
big happy lace. They sang and drew'
the laces with lots of energy.
toys they enjoyed playing with
were the giant lurry spider and the
wiggling, vibrating, baby spider.
There were only a few who got
scared when “oooo" went the wind
and out went the lights and five little
pumpkins rolled out of sight at the
end ol the lime together.
Congratulations to Bryan and
Heather Kelso on the birth of Ella
Ruth. Big brothers and sister
Hayden. Jessica and Jared are
pleased to have a new baby at last.
Grandparents Neil and Marie
McGavm report everyone is fine and
at home and happy.
Oops1 Did you see any hunters
around this week. I hope not. I guess
hunting season is the first full week
ol November. I haven't even seen
any deer running around but we all
know they're out there, so drive
The Walton Hall’ hosted its first
roast beef dinner since summer on
the weekend and had a great crowd.
Monies raised will go towards
completing the renovations as well
as some additional things.
The new furnace worked well and
was so quiet running, we had to keep
checking it.
Another dinner will be held in two
weeks so mark it on your calendar.
Sorry, our mistake!
The person in the photograph
accompanying the story “Panel
debates farm organizations' future'
m last week's issue of The Citizen
was incorrectly identified. The
sister. Darlene, watching
godparents. Big brother
with the other children al
Il was a lull house at Walton s
Dutts United Church tor the
sacrament of baptism. Worshippers
were greeted by Keith Wilbce.
Rev. Joan I'uchlinsky called the
children to the front lor the time for
the Young al Heart. She explained to
the 14 children that baptism is a
symbol that God loves them.
Clerk of session. Teresa Baan.
invited the parents and children to
the front lor the sacrament ol
baptism. The son of Charles and
Terri Gulut/en, Erick Alexander,
was baptized with Charles's brother.
Bill, and
over as
Jacob sat
the trout.
John and Lisa Huethcr had son
Kaden John baptized w-ith big sister
Kennedy looking on. Teresa Baan
presented the baptismal certificates
to the parents.
Following the baptism the
children went down to Sunday
school and a solo was sung by
special guest and friend of John and
Lisa Huether. Kelly Marks, who
sang May You Always.
The scripture was read by Karen
Rev. Joan's reflection dealt with
the call of the church to stand with
those in need. Il began with the story
of Rosa Parks, whose refusal in 1955
to give up her bus seat was the
beginning of change.
Martin Luther King Jr. called a
meeting and from that a boycott of
Four members of the Walton
Women’s Institute attended the
Guelph Area Institute Convention in
Atwood last week. It was an all-day
affair on Tuesday, Oct. 25 and the
Atwood Community Centre was
the new
draws and
an everting
Fondatwi i tanttdieniie
de Tone
full. There were
meetings, reviewing
handbook, penny sale,
door prizes as well as
Nearly 200 were in
including Walton ladies Marjory
Humphries, Ruth Axtmann. Brenda
Perrie and Leona McDonald.
It's with sadness as I write that 1
have learned of the passing of Jim
Smith. He had surgery last week
which at the great age of 96 was
quite an undertaking.
There will be very few people who
can say (hey didn't know Jim. A
regular attendee al the coffee shop in
Brussels, friendly and always ready
to visit at Huronlea. he was a person
with a fantastic memory and mind
for his age. He was quite a Jim as
many would say.
Our condolences to his family
Ron, Gerald and Donna and their
Birthday babies last week
included Shannon McGavin. Anne
Halley. Mackenzie McGavm. Judy
Lee, Marvin Bachert. Peggy
Humphries. Ashley Halley, John
Gaunt. Garret Mader. Allison Black.
Bruce Blake and Helen Bovcn.
photo was of Paul Mistele. vice-
president ol the Ontario Federation
ol Agriculture.
We apologize lor the error.
city buses that lasted 3X1 days,
brought change in December 1956
that made segregation ol riding
buses, illegal. King's message was
to meet hate with love, which
Christians should carry on.
I'he senior choir sang the anthem
I rain Up a Child during the offering,
which was collected by Jim
McDonald and Graeme Craig.
Refreshments of muffins, coffee
and juice were served after church
lor a social time together.
Rev. Joan is on continuing
education this week and the United
Church minister in Atwood will
cover urgent pastoral care.
On Sunday. Nov. 6 the guest
speaker is Trish MacGregor.
I'he Food Bank is in need of
donations, so please remember those
in need as you shop. Leave
donations at the grocery store or in
the blue container al church.
Nov. 13 at 3 p.m. is an old-
fashioned sing-a-long and musical
entertainment al the church.
Printer cartridges of all sizes and
brands can be left m the kitchen for
Three million Canadians have a hearing loss.
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Dinner is served
Bethany and Laura Black dish out the dinner at the Walton
Hall roast beef supper on Sunday, Oct. 30. Both girls are
high school students working towards their 40 hours of
community service. Pictured in back is Jo-Ann McDonald.
(Heather Crawford photo)
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For Dinner Planning, Attendance Must be Confirmed in Advance
Please Register By Contacting Your Branch or by
calling Shelley Merner (519) 482 3409 ext. 231
by Wednesday. Nov, 16, 2005
Will Be Held At The Royal Canadian Legion Clinton, Ontario
on Wednesday, November 23rd, 2005
Complimentary Dinner: 6 pm; Meeting Start Time: 7 pm
For the purpose of receiving reports and financial statements for the year ending
September 30, 2005; electing directors and Credit Committee members; appointing audi
tors; and the transacting of all other business of an Annual Meeting, as outlined on the
agenda for the meeting.
There will be special business considered at this meeting:
1. To consider and, if thought advisable, to pass, pursuant to section 309 of the Credit
Unions and Caisses Populaires Act, 1994 (the “Act”), a special resolution approving the
Heartland Community Credit Union Limited (“Heartland") proposed amalgamation with
Woodslee Credit Union Limited (“Woodslee”), and the carrying on of business thereafter
with Woodslee as one amalgamated credit union pursuant to the terms and conditions of
an amalgamation agreement between Heartland and Woodslee dated as of the 26th day
of September, 2005.
2. To consider and. if thought appropriate, to confirm amendments to various sections of
Heartland's by-laws to replace its Credit Committee with a Loans Officer, and to clarify the
date on which nominations for election to the Board of Directors must be received by
The proposed special resolutions are available in all branches of Heartland and at
Pursuant to section 7.07 of Heartland’s by-laws, no other business may be considered at
this meeting.
Special Door Prizes!
Transportation Available
Buses will be leaving from the Exeter and Listowel branch office parking lots at
5:00 p.m. Please call Kim Perrier at Exeter Branch 235-0640 or Mike Shepski at Listowel
Branch 291-6189 by Friday, Nov. 18, 2005, to arrange.
Confirm your attendance today. Hope to see you there!
October 24th, 2005
Corporate Secretary - Peter McFalls
1. The special business to be considered at this meeting requires the approval of at least
two-thirds of the members of Heartland present at the Special Meeting in person, or, as
permitted by the Act and by Heartland's by-laws, represented at the Special Meeting by
proxy, and voting.
2. Only members of Heartland, according to its records as of Oct. 23rd, 2005 (the 'Record
Date" according to Heartland's by-laws), shall be entitled to notice of the meeting.