HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2005-10-20, Page 27THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2005. PAGE 27. Women strike a pose to fight breast cancer Calendar girls Linda Bird, left, and Linda Meier show the calendar that a group of friends have created as a fundraiser for breast cancer research. (Bonnie Gropp photo) By Bonnie Gropp Citizen editor “When someone you know is diagnosed with cancer, you feel helpless. There is not a lot you can do to help.” Linda Bird and Linda Meier have been friends for 30 years. Meier’s first date with her husband Fred was at Bird’s wedding. Fred and Bird’s husband Ken have played broomball and baseball for many years and the two women also played on a ball team. When Meier was struck with breast cancer in June of 2003, Bird said it was a terrible blow. Meier underwent six months of chemotherapy followed by radiation treatment. “This is not supposed to happen to friends. Linda handled her illness so well and was such an inspiration and help to others. I wanted to do something for her, but didn't know what.” That changed in January when Bird purchased a London firefighters calendar and an idea was born. She approached the members of the Sth Liners ball team and their wives about doing calendar to raise funds for breast cancer research. “They were a little iffy, but I kind of told them they were going to do this," smiles Bird. Though the finished result is somewhat more modest than Bird's original intention she compliments her friends on being such good sports. 'I knew if I asked for their help and support it would be there. They soon warmed to the idea.” “We are by no means like the original calendar girls,” said Meier, “just a group of best friends who wanted to help fight this ever- growing disease.” Getting it all together. Bird said she wasn't surprised to find Meier was her number one assistant. “I knew she would be.” While the cause was clear, the project also provided an opportunity for the kind of nurturing support that only friendship provides. “We went to the Wawanosh Nature Centre and helped each other with hair and makeup. It was a great day together" The photographer was a girl whose father was a member of the team. “She did a great job putting up with our insecurities," said Bird. When it came time for the men’s pictures to be taken Bird said they were good sports and “just did what was asked of them.” In addition to the photos, each month bears an inspirational adage. While the calendars were ready in time for the men's playoff tournament in September, the push to promote them is increasing with October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The women say that their first printing of 250 have been sold and a good number of the second printing have been spoken for. “We would like all women to remember that yearly checkups, mammograms, personal awareness and healthy living are the major steps to fighting breast cancer,” said Meier. Calendars retail for $20 and are available from any Sth Liner, at Luann's Country Flowers in Blyth, Brussels Variety, Wingham Golf and Curling Club and the Belgrave Co­ op: “This was an adventure that will not only raise much-needed money for cancer research, but has brought some of us even closer. 1 can hardly wait to see what the next project will be,” said Bird. “These calendars are^ a reminder that friendship is priceless,” added Meier. Ethel euchre There were 11 tables of euchre at Ethel on Monday, Oct. 10. Winners were: share-the-wealth, Keith Turnbull, Adrian Verstoep; high, Aileen Mann, Frank McKenzie; lone hands, Iola Subject, John Subject, Dorothy Martin; low, Leona McDonald, Verna Crawford, Joan Jacobs; lucky tally, Eleanor Stevenson, Viola Adams, Allan Edgar, Edna McLellan, Gail Smith. Bea Noble, Jim Smith, Hazel McKenzie, Ross Stephenson, Shirley Verstoep, Richard Elliott, Leota Thompson. The next euchre will be held on Monday, Oct. 24 at 8 p.m. Network Classifieds:“Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country!” For more information contact Your local newspaper FOR SALE COIN SHOW. 43RD ANNUAL STRAT­ FORD COIN CLUB. Festival Inn, 1144 Ontario, Stratford. Sunday, October 23, 10:00 - 4:00 Admission $2.00 Penny Draw, Numerous Dealers. Buy, Sell, Trade. TORONTO CHRISTMAS TRAIN SHOW, October 29 - 10AM - 5PM, October 30 - 10AM - 4PM, International Centre, 6900 Airport Rd, Mississauga. Operating Layouts, Model/Toy, Lego Trains, Clinics, Clubs, Vendors, Thomas Activity Centre. 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