HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1890-3-6, Page 8tt`
A pertinent, piece of advice in the
e,olumns of a late trade journal, ran
thus:—However hard. you may have
worked during 1.889, -resolve to do a
.little better in 1390. Itis not a difti-
ew1t matter to see when better and.
snore work might have been done if
tone cares to scrutinize closely, even
though the vision be defective and pov-
erty to great to purchase a pair of
specks. We have noticed a few weak
•spotsiin-ourselves and inspired by the
above bit of advice, resolved to adopt it
".as one of our rules for 1890 and faith-
, fully observe it for at least a week,
Weare trying to put stock in best pos-
.sible shape, to fill every gap and give
every .shelf, drawer and corner the
•etleanness and neatness of a new pin.
Our Book, Stationery, Small ware and
Wrapping paper departments are in
load .shape and Fancy goods ever
ready to salpply the demands of Wed-
ding, Parking and other friendly.. gifts.
The patrons of both our Jobbing and
Retail trade will kindly accept our
!heartfelt gratitude for their past liberal
J. Grrigg, Exeter:
—fl I..1t111inas, Dentist,for the best
Artifcial teeth.
Johnny cake o ;i exhibition at G. A..
Hyudman's. Come and get a piece.
The harmonic orchestra took part
'in a concert at Sexsmi;th on Tuesday
A New Home Sewinglfachine, new,
:for sale ata reasonable rate. Apply
t'offi .
A carload of Binding Twine just re-
eeeived at J. N. Howard's. Cala . and.
,leave, your orders:
Don't forget the h date
of big
s le
Ha -PP '
Ale on Lot 20, con. 9, Hay, on Thurs
,day, .March 13th, 1890.
The ausual exuberant supply of
• tpring poetry will be soon coming in,
teoupled'with a lot of fresh egg stories.
The change iii the postal lawof from
one,cent for every 4 ounces book post
in 2 cents, is quite a serious item to
• • Many a Man .has married for beauty
only to find that he has Raid $10 for
what can be purchased at any drug
*tore for 25 cts.
'.''It's simplywounderful the number of
ttravellers that come here daily and the.
;atiieunt of goods that is disposed of
our busy 'Title town.
If men expended in doing good to
-others a fourth of what they expend in.
doing 'evil • to themselves,poverty would
s iisappear'from the world.
' Mr: James Westcott•fias disposed of.
his fifty acre farm one and . a quarter,
'miles'east of the village to Mr. George
;Fisher fora handsome figure.
Mgr. Hugh Spackriian'"lias,.been op-
-pointed District Deputy of the Sons of
England Benevolent Society . for the"
eenunties ,ot Huron and Bruce. Mr.
;,Spackman will make an efficient"officer.
,..'.,regular meeting of the , White
"Rose degree, of .the Sons of England
Benevolent Society, will be held this
athursday) evening. Every member
is requested to be present as business
of Importance will be transacted.
One evening recently an elderly
;gentleman of this place was found help-
ingidinself .to his neighbor's choice
woodpile and while in the act the own
-ler happened to spy him and took him
to -task. He pleaded to be pardoned and
Ata;ted it was the first he had taken and
begged not to be exposed. '
Rev. Father Kealy, who succeeded.
the late Father' Kelly, of. Mount Carmel,
is making preparations for a grand
,noncert and lecture to be held in the
Caftholic`Church, 'Mount Carmel, on St,
:Patrick's night. " He invites all the
sons .of Erin and lovers of the Shamrock
-to attend.
The annual • spring Meeting and
election of officers of the . Exeter base
bail club will be ' held on Wednesday
evening, March 12th, in the Town Hall:
All:those svho'have an interest in base
bali,,as well as the players, Are request.
.shto he present. By order, B. S. O'Neil,
president. ..
The Orange Bili got ;its third reading
'tn the .Dominion House on Monday.
The Motion for the third reading was"
carried by a vote of 86 to 61, but not
before amendments fora six months'
hoist and an addition to the bill were
.offered. The member for North Mid-
dlesex voted far the six months' hoist,
but withdrew when the resolution for
the third reading; was put.
Mi.. W H. Verity & Sons,of the Exet-
er Implement Works,are doing a rush-
ing business. They shipped a carload
of plows to the North West last week and
- proposes shipping from two to four cars
per woek,providing they can get the
cars, and to accomplish this they are
working over time. This speaks well
for the implements, Our Prairie friends
know whore to get a good article.
• The Grand Trunk is adopting a no-
velty, that all travellers will appreciate.
This is a station indicator. In one end
of the car is a box filled with carols
containing the name of each station on
the route. When a train starts out a
cord attached to a lever on the box is
pulled, and a card drops into view
shewing the name of the next station,
s Thus every passenger who is alit blind
Ina• know the station the train is a
-preaching without making any effort
of -inspiration to interpret the enigmat-
deal'ealls of the train men
L, Iiflllugs, Dentist. Gold fillings
*specialty,Orrice over O'Neil's e
Colonist trains to Manitoba and the
North West every Tuesday, Apply to
Capt. Geo, Kemp, town ticket agent G.
T. R.
It has been current around the vil-
lage that Mr. John Bell, of Hamilton,
who formerly resided here, was dead.
The report is entirely without founda-
A discussion, on the evils of intem-
perance and tobacco will take place in
the school house on 2nd con., Hay, to •
morrow (Friday) evening.. A number
of speakers are expected.
•Ball programmes, • wedding cards,
bill heads, statements, business cards,
envelopes, calling cards,circulars, Bog-
er, posters, or any other hind of print-
ing you may want, neat and cheap at
the ADVOCATE office.
A meeting of the Agricultural Soci-
ety was on Saturday evening to make
arrangements for the Spring h'air,to be
held on the agricultural grounds, Ex-
on Tuesday, April 8th, 1890.
Full particulars later.
Prof. Loisette's Memory System is
,creating groater interest than ever in
all parts of the country, and persons
wishing to improve their memory
should send for his prospectus free as
advertised in another column. Feb.13
Bob Burdette was a philosopher, a
Christian and a friend of the down trod-
den whenhe said:—"God wasted mud
when he made' a man so mean as to
tell the post -master to return his paper
marked "refused" when he owes two
or three years subseription."
In our. issue of two weeks ago, there
appeared. therein a slate pencil quest-,.
ion,,and. up to the present we have , re-
ceived only one reply. The answer re-
ceived•is that theboy got 3 of the 4c.
pencils,. 15 of the 2• for, a cent pencils
and 2 of the 4 for a cent pencils.
The Mitchell Advocate last week en-
tend upon its 31st year of publication.
We congratulate our eotem on so long
landthrifty a life as that of .the aidvn-
cafe and hope it may continue so. The
iswell edited and printed
o to a
paper and is worthy of a large patron-
age ..
It is said that the Louisiana Lottery
Company are going to secure the .re-
newal of their charter in Louisaina
when it expires two years from now by
paying the state debts of about $12,-
100,000 and thus obtaining' favorable
legislative action. The company are
making $200,000 a month.
The proprieter of the Exeter Grist
Mill wishes to announce to the custom
ars and patrons, that the mill be kept
running until further notice:Chopping
and pasting, will be attended to as us-
uhl. All orders left at the mill for
flour or feed will be promptly attended.
to. •
Mr.:Fred'W. Farncomb, Provincial
Land'Surveyor, formerly with Messrs
Peters,Jones &McBride,Architects,Sur-
veyors & civil Engineers, London, has
located here, and can be found in Sam-
well's Block, upstairs. Those inneed
of the `service of a land surveyor will
make no mistake in calling And secur.-
ing,his service. •
There is a young lady in this village
who has a, beau, end itis said they are
mutually found of each other.. One
evening recently, while the latter was
on one of his weekly visits, the young
lady gotof the following-
' "Turn lower, yet lower
The light with a vim.
Or someone may'see you
. Akissing me Jim:
We shall be glad to receive short
pointed items of news, from all the 'ad-
jacent towns. We want to aecuro re-
liable information concerning every
thing of real interest in your neighbor-
hood, but we do not care for a -'commu-
nication which hasnot in it some -fact
or incident which will; ;be of :interestto
the majority of readers. A wedding, a
birth, a funeral, a crime, an arrest, a
new public building, an interesting
gathering of any sort, a remarkable
growth, animal or vegetable, a new
discovery and matters of this sort, are
what we, want and in as few words as
Never to late to mend. 5000 pairs' of
boots and shoes' that needs repairing to
be left; at, the„leading boot, and shoe
store next door to the post office' G.
ill:.atis;y Horse. Fair. '
The tirst of the series of the monthly
horse fairs, will be held on Tuesday,
March, llth,.1890. Farmers and others
having horses to dispose of, will con-
fer a favor by bringing them to the sale
on that day. No charge will be made
- On Tuesday last Mr. Elijah Jory, of
the 2nd concession of ^ Stephen, met.
with a' somewhat, painful accident
while opening a barn door on his prem-
ises. It appears he had the door open
and Was reaching out his hand to 'pre -
pure a short stick with which to prop it
when a -sudden gust'of wind came in
contact with the door and Overwhelm-
ed him, throwing him a distance of sev-
eral feet and bruising one of his shoul
ders badly.
07,00000 (;liven Away,
The a iresidc Weekly, ekly, hasinaugurat-
ed a novel gift enterprise in order to
double their circulation: ,,They are giv-'
ing away 'to'° oyery subscriber Who
sends in a new subscriber for One year
pair of handsomely chased, heavy Silver
Individual Pepper and Salt, retailing
at $1.00. Anyone not a subscriber
can receive the gift by sending in
ow ,n
n stn
a friend ath
time, Price $2 per ,year, $1 for Rik
months. Send for sample copy t�
No. 9 Adelaide St. West Toroi• to.
A Large Audience.
advertising promotes
trade for even the dullest time, advert-
ising secures by far. the larger share of
what is being done. While the advert-
iser eats and sleeps, printing presses
are working for him; hundreds of
towns and thousands of readers are all
dancing with more or .less- interect..
No preacher ever spoke to' se largo an
audience, or with so little effort, pr so
eloquently as you, reader, may do,with
the newspaper assistance.
On Friday evening last Mr. Thomas
Briniacombe was engaged at pitching
down hay from the loft of the Mansion
House Stab;es and white thus engaged,
by some means, fell down through the
hole which they use in the stable for
the purpose of pitching down hay. Ile
fell a distanee of twenty feet and iu jur-
cd himself severely by the fail. Ile was
unconsious for about two hours- after
the accident.
We Head the List.
Readers of the AnvOCAT,ri,, will find
it pays them to read the ' an-
nouncements' made by our business
men every week in these' columns• Out
business men have established °"u re-
putation for square dealing,con-
sidering that they'offer good's •at rea-
sonableprices, and as the brain marl;.
et here stands foremost in the ranks,
farmers will further their interests by
doing their trading here,Rea ,Rea the
advertisments every week o;ud be sure
you miss nothing:'
Our Ronthly Fair.
It' is to be hoped that every person
who wishes to see this new department,
that is, a monthly fair for Eeter,made
a grand success, will put th shpuid-
ers to the wheel on- Tuesdik "rncxt,
March 11th, the first of'the series, and
help by their efforts to make it a Sues
cesf• both in interest and from a finan
cial stand point. We see no good rea-
son why Exeter Shouldlnot be., able to
support, and support nobly, t such
an institution: It will be a benefit; to
every farmer in the community. There
they will meet buyers `from• ,all _over
the country, and will be always able
have a mar
to market for n Stock they
y, c, t ey
may wish to dispose of. The fair will
be a• permanent institution. occurring,
month after month, and thus buyers
and "sellers will be brought'1ntt\person-
al'intercourse frequently: We say the
fair is bound to be a `success, and so
sayy we all.Hurrah!
Free to our Lady Friends.
the Canadian Queen is' now Navin g
its Annual:Pree Distribution of Choice
Imported Flower Seeds, a large ',pack-
age containing an immense number
of rarest varieties, together with the.
The Queen on trial for three months
will be sent free to each of our readers,
forwarding her address and only 13
2c. stamps, to cover actual expense. Five
trialfive Da v
mail;. or express, (frf!e or e. o
subscriptons and
same address in. Canade or tr. ,, for
only $1.00. -TheQueen°-is -one of the
finest Illustrated"Ladies° magazines on
this continent, itis devoted to Fashion,.
Art, Literature; Flowers.• the toilet.,
Household Matters, and ,contains the
Latest; Important Desi is for ' F,aney-
Work' andHoine Decoration The ;Seed
Distribution for 1890 continues for this
month only, , o, lover of flowersY.` can
afford to miss:it" ~Address Tin OAPA.DA
Council proeeediegs,' - '
The -Council -met at ',:the 3o�onth all
Exeter, March Ist,,1890. All ;themern-
hers-present: , The minutes ,of the pre-,
vious meeting were read and .approv-
ed. Moved guy H: `'.Spackman, second-
ed by J. Oke,'that'orders. be granted
for the following sums viz:=J.' N.
Howard, $5.83 for Coal Oii; ;S: ,Ghlley,
110. funeral of the ;late John Piper; Jas.
Creech,'90ets. meals; for. tramps; G. A.
K.-McLeod,'14.25 repairing 'and/glean-
ing Market House; •Jas, Creech, 19.00
eharityio J. Pi r','(2 weeks); do, 44.00
S. Fanson; do, $3.00 John Veal :do,.11.00
'Mrs. Wilcox -Carried. •~rtavedl)A.1148,
secended,b,y H. Spackman, 't'hat','l rs.
John'Piper'be paid $2.014 for one eek.
—Carried. Moved by H. "Spackiiian,'
seconded by;Jas. Oke, that the' allow-
ance to John Veal` be discontinued.—
Carried. - Moved by W. G. Bissett, se-
conded by 11 A. Ross, that S. Eamon
be granted $1.50 for one week w Carri-
ed. Moved W. G. Bissett, seconded by
D. A.,Ross,that the Treasurer be •in-
structed to deposit -11000 in ;the, Mol -
sons Bank for 3 months,—Carried, The
Clerk to order cedar .plank,and square
timber. Moved -by D. A. Rosa, second-
ed by W. G. Bissett;that )fr. Verity!e
offer of cinders be accepted ani”' the
roadcommissioner instructed to put
the cinders on, the aide - walk mimed-=
iately.=Carried, Moved by W. Or: his
sett; seconded liy H. Spackman,that
this Council' adjourn until Wednesday
the 5th inst. at 8 o'clock p
M. Eacrett, Clerk.
Personal )Iention
' Mr. Wm. i Latchford left on ' Thurs-
day for Vancouver, British `Columbia.
--Mr. W. H. Verity & Sons received .a
carload'of Iroti from London, on. Fri
da"y'last.—Mr. A. Stanlake left here for
Windsor on Saturday morning last
and will resume his -position as bridge
builder in that vicinity. -Mrs. James
Hill, of Crediton,who lias'been visiting
relatives and friend,here the past two -
weeks returned hoe on Friday laSt.--,
Mr. M. eremiteaii, of Elginfield, was in
town on Thursday.—Mr. J. McRoberts
spent, Sunday :Load on.=lfessts"J
_Kni ht, and William Sanders spent
'l'litirsday night in the Forest City.
Mr. William' 'Baker left on Monday
morning for Trowbridge, where he has
secured a permanent ' situation. -•-Rev.
B. Clement, of:James Street Methodist
church, preached Educational sermons
itt the Methodist choreal, Parkhill, oil
Sundays !list �--•I`. W.'l:i,wkslin:w spent
Monday in Lucan,—Mr. Fred \fcDoncll,
who has been in -Blyth lately running
the planing mill in that place, spent
Sunday, and Monday in town.—Mr.
"r. eft forBrantford Bissett, l , 1 B ..rant£ rd on
Tuesday inorning,—Ono of the Mr,
Brumpton's left for Toronto, and the
other for Moorfield on Monday. --Mr, J.
A. Stewart left for Toronto yesterday,—
Mr. Geo. Hunter, of Ridgetown, is at
present visiting friends and relatives
in and, ,around this place.—Mian Ida
Carling, who has' been in Toronto i•isit
ing friends for some time, returned
home on. Monday evening.—Mrs. Me-,
Mannus and son are visiting at the
Commercial House. -Mrs. John Evans,
is visiting friends in Biddulph at pres-
ent. -Mr. Folland, is spending a few days
with friends at Platsville.—Lawyer
Collins, was in the county,; town last
week.—Mrs J. A. Graham>•has return-.
ed to her home in London, and was ac-
companied by Miss Hilda Hersey, who
will remain there for a . few weeks.—
Miss Jennie Long, of `London tp., is
visiting friends in town. -Miss .Piper,
of Leamington, is the guest of Miss
Annie. Mill:—Mr. S. C. Hersey is spend-
ing ' a ,, few days in London—Miss
Maggie Spicer,:who has been visiting
friends in Blyth, "returned home last
week,—Mr. Chas. B. Cryer, of Detroit,
is spending a few days in town with
friends.—Mr. John Bowden, who -pur-
chased the farm of Mr. Isaac Handford
in the township of Stephen, will move
there on .Thursday next.
Eden School Report.
The following is a correct report of
the standing of the pupils of S. S. No. 4,
Usborne, for the month of February, as
based on regular attendance and week-
ly written examination:-
V CLASS --=Total; 700—Edith Buswell;
SR. IV CLAss—Total, '800—Laura
Hicks, 571; Alice Kerslake, 419; Minnie
Cave, 309.
Ja. IV CLAss—,Total, 750—Alfred
Hunter, 541; Thos. Heamen, 450; John
Heamen, 385.
Sit. III ,CLAss—Total, 600—James
Heamen, 524; Nora Heamen, 502;
Edgar Buswell, , 477; Lottie Handford,
467 ; Nellie Dempsey, 450; Lilla Hunter,
891; Lizzie Coates, 351; Maggie Luxton,'
Jn: III CLAss—Total, 600—Jerry
Heamen, 528; Nelson McGee, 497; Geo.
Walker, 472; Edward Walker, 447;
Alma Dempsey, 381; Percy Luxton,
369; Harry Taylor, 335; Annie Quance,
-271; Bernice Rook, 226; Malcolm Demp-
sey, 175; Minnie Luxton, 107.
II CLASS—Total, 500 --Ida Cave, 402;
Nellie Quance, 392; Samuel Chance,
358; Frank Hunter, 339; Edward Lux-
ton, 282; Myrtle Walker, 216; Lizzie
Jones, 191.
SR. PART II. CLASS—Total, 450 --
Richard Hunter, 405; Rhoda Kerslake,
345; Polly Fisher, 284; Annie Handford,
283 ;,Jessie. Luton; 278; Maggie Hand-
ford, 240; .Blanche ` Rook, 224; Frank
Short, 218. Y : -
Jx. Part ,Ih CLASS—Total, 400—'
Almena Kerslake, 300; Alfred Coates,
278;' Homeri'Buswell; 261; 'Lottie' Hun
ter, 264; Olive; Down, 221; Annie Jones,
Rana. I CSASS-Eliza Ann Jones
-aura -Dempsey; Clara Luxton; Lida
Quariae; Earnest Buswell:
J. A. DEairsnY, Teacher.
Mr S. E. Foster,, who was mentioned
in 'this,paper a few weeks ago having
sold his farm, hasgivens hp phis' in'-
teri.tion`of going to' Michigan and
tends: purchasing a'farm near' Herisalb.
We are,pleased To state that Mr. Foster
i rtentTh to remain in the township as he
has filled the position of Clerk ' of the
township for a number of 'years.
• On the evening of tate '4th inst., a
-very successful entertainment was held
in 3exstnith; church. The Harhohic
Band from Exeter under the leadeidllip.
of,li4'r:Luther Gill assisted by Misses
Hicks,Gilt;and Eacrett of Exeter toget-
her with some local talent provided the
.music and other entertainment. The.
pregrantme was a good one and faith-
fully carried out. Where all did so
well it is almost useless to make spec-
ial mention of any, still we must take
theliberty of saying that Miss Eunice;
Eacrett did remarkably well in her vio-
lin solos,Master Vessey. Eacrett brought
dotivn the house in his piccolo. solo arid
Miss Alice O'Brien. of Sex smith, gave
two excellent instrumental selections.
After singing the National 'Anthem alt
dispersed well pleased with the even-
ing's entertainment.
Absolutely Pure,
his powder never varieb,' A marvel of
purity.3 ran�th rind wlioloso "eh e
s, llbro
obo,omical tan
the ordinary kinds, and
cannot he dold in competition with the
multitude of low test, short weight alum or
phosphate powdora, Sold only_ in cans.
ltotA.1 J3Altixa POWhtiu Co„ 186 WalkSt. NY
May be excused for making
, an awfully
racket over y big
mighty ht, � little
g Y egg, but when she
caekels for an hour over
it is ovale
To T
RQlz,Z- maleTC2c
at her. There is also some excuse
for a merchant cackling a
good deal over
'61110 Pair - altt
But when the so-called bargain turns out
. , to be a
It is time somebody' th •
o* ..
a brick or a "shoo" . at the nos
thing There is an awfl O
' going on, but we will bet they are all r
any .
price, show ow
s bet-
quality for the inoney and
better by you • than any firin
in Exeter. No door -knob about
We would be satisfied to
13. -"S
on our goods that some merchants throw ,off and then
make money. We solicit a'call and will
convince you that we do all wesa-y. .
C4L aEnos., a
r � ,
the balance of bur ~Pinter stock
consisting of
Cook � andParlor
to e
,o s
e7a d.. C r
ors cut haw
Rope an eba <l
a, r e
PRICE$ ThatDefy OIretitiO
P. B. We must ask all overdue 1, ,.
counts to e settle e ce b. cash or
Is the Only safe and sure oil for all .kinds of Farm and 10 11
Machinery gereraily.
Try McColl Bro's Celebrated Cylinder 0i1,
Manufactured. by Ma - oll
�C rod. $orouto and sold by
o .