HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2005-10-13, Page 23THE CITIZEN. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 13, 2005. PAGE 23
Entertainment^ Leisure
Clowning around
Robert Morgan brought his one-man show, Morgan's Journey to Blyth Memorial Hall
Wednesday, Oct. 5 for students from Clinton, Listowel and Brussels Audience members from
Brussels Public School sit with Morgan and puppet Herberter after the show 'Heather Crawfora
Scott St. John, Jamie Parker
make Blyth stop on tour
Music presenters and educators in
Aurora. Blyth. Shanty Bay and
Hallburton, and the Piano Six
Foundation announce the
presentation of violinist Scott St.
John and pianist Jamie Parker on
lour from Sunday. Oct. 30 through
Saturday. Nov. 5. performing a
program that combines familiar
classics such as Mozart and
Beethoven with 20th-century music
bv Schmidt and Hofmeyr. and the
pyrotechnics oi Prokofiev.
Tickets for the concert at Blyth
Memorial Community Hall on Nov.
2 are on sale now at the Blyth
Festival Box Office - $ 16/adults and
$7/youth (I6 and under). Call 523-
9300 or I-877-862-5984 toll free.
Scott St John's current season
includes returns to Philadelphia,
Vancouver and Winnipeg for recitals
in repertoire that spans three
centuries, features both violin and
viola, and includes a world premiere.
This season includes Lincoln
Center's What Makes It Great Series
m New York, the Edmonton
Symphony under the baton ol Fran/
Paul Decker lor performances ol the
Barber Concerto, and a Musicians
Irom Marlboro lour of France
St. John currently holds a
presi igious performance/! acu It}
position at the University ol Toronto
and frequently serves as a faculty
member al lhe Encore School for
Parker has performed with every
major Canadian orchestra, and has
given recitals across North America
Command performances for
dignitaries and diplomats have taken
him to (he Canada House in London,
the Canadian Embassy in
Washington. D C., and lhe Canadian
Consulate in Chicago.
As a member ol the (iryphon I no.
he has toured internationally since
l he (irv phon I rio is now
recognized as one ol North
America's premier chamber
rhe (iryphon I no regularly louis
throughout Canada and the United
States, and has also performed in
Mexico. Germany. France. Belgium.
Russia. Poland. Greece and Egypt.
Parker was appointed to the music
faculty ol Wilfrid Lauriei Univcrsitv
in 1997
The Piano Six program was the
brainchild of Montreal-born concert
pianist Janina Fialkowska. who
recruited five ol her colleagues; Jon
Kimura Parkei. Angela Cheng.
Marc-Andre Hamelin. Angela
Hewitt and Andre Laplante. Piano
Six started 1993 with a l()-year
mandate to bring Canada's
renowned concert pianisis to regions
that otherwise would not have an
opportunity to host such events
Piano Plus is the expanded
successoi Io Piano Six Piano Plus,
committed to taking an expanded list
ol pianists, as well as string and
vocal soloists to smaller towns
across( anada.
Students take journey
with Morgan at Blyth
By Heather ( raw f ord
( tit.ch \h:/l
Students Irom Brussels I’uhlu
School. St. Joseph s ( alholk Sc ho> >l
in Clinton and St Marx’s Calholn
School m Listowel hail then
switches set to giggle Wednesday
Oct S while watching Moi^an\
h>iinii\ al Memorial Hall in Blyth
lhe play, starring Robert Morgan,
an actoi and musician from Toronto,
is a one man show about how
gelling more doesn’t necessarily
mean gelling heller
On stage Morgan finds a friend in
a sock puppet named Herberter.
logether they learn many things, the
most important of which is how to
define the "happy" m "happy
There were squeals of |oy. as the
Teams set
for United
Iwcnty-five (earns have signed
I'm United Way s amazing race to
be held Saturday. Oct. 22
I hese (cams have completed lhe
first task, which was to pledge $500
toward ( mted Way before
qualifying lor lhe race Teams from
all points of the county and beyond
have gathered support and are ready
loi whatever tasks and challenges
we thiow at them on race day." says
Kim Payne, executive director.
Huron United Way.
Armed with just a few supplies, a
couple of dollars and meagre
rations, they will head out at 7 a.in.
(from a place yet to be revealed) in
competition that mimics CBS’s
popular Ama'ini’ Race. They will
pu//le their way from one
destination to the next, completing
tasks that rely on brain or brawn,
and receiving clues to carry onward.
Along the way. stragglers will be
eliminated. The top team will
receive a $1,500 prize.
The Huron United Way is still
looking for people to volunteer a
lew hours al any one of a number of
top secret destinations in lhe
To volunteer or lor more
information, phone 519-524-7900.
children watched Morgan tumble
and trip into being
lhe hour-long show included a
harmonica and guitar (with enough
ick k to get the audience wiggling in
tlicii scats) and a colourful set Idled
with paintings, presents and secret
Mori>an \ Journey has travelled
across Canada and America
including to remote areas of Alaska,
bringing Us laughter and lessons to
school children
Happy 85th
Marie Toll
on October 13
Love from your family
A. ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼•▼ >
£ BX93
► Dance Party
October 15
Seaforth AgriPlex
Blyth Bandits
Broomball Team^
Age of majority
Tickets at
Howson's Elevators
Brussels Variety
Seaforth UPI
Total Image
Mitchell Credit Union
(Stratford & Mitchell
Happy 16th
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Love. Your Family and
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