HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1890-3-6, Page 5its to he 36. g.e 24. ISN 11: 25 pre :al :115 Id, nd in- lln lid aS 1u- in, 011, m, rd, ,rd, etc 11c-. On,. de, 'a) a} i, in) la,., . n 11 1 in - ler, nd, .er, nd, shit ot lea rd, sn. ton be, es - let, xlt, on,. Ise, ne, fi1- th- n t). ,re - 9,, 90,. an rs.= Is., on. as. pp• fix tie h n re- ed le, ny nt, 1b- ry atI nil nt. S. of led nd t�. ce D )m rig est ad, or alf mit is sy, ete 1ty for rm of fho of mo 0 '2 11 t. HAWING BOUGI;Irr THE ENTIRE STOCK OF- BUOiS �JD SOES From the James Pickard Estate, At anameloss figure, I will knock the. bottom cleanout o£ -REMEMBER THE - Great .Sale IS NOW ON, FULL STOCK IN ALL LINES.' LOOK FOR THE SIGN, SPACKMAN'S • BOOT. � SHO Z Sion9 FANSON'S BLOCK, EXETER. E.J. SPACKIVIAN. A Train Burned, • Massillon, Ohio, • March 3.-A wreck occured on the Fort Wayne Road at Lakeview this morning. When the. third section of a freight train going east reached that point an oil tank on the train exploded and set fire to the cars. The fourth section ran into the third. killing John Cowen, engineer; Harvey Gatehouse, flreman,and Miller, the front brakeman, all on the fourth section. Eighteen loaded cars were burped, The heat was so intense that it melted the bell on the engine of the fourth section, and it ran down in mol- ten form over the boiler. The ties. were burned for a distance of 1,500 ft, and the track wai3 bent and drawn in- to all kinds of shapes:.. Cowen and Mil• ler lived at.Allianee,and have families. Galebouse is a single man. • DOWN BY THElkS0ITNI)ING:. SEA. I). S. McDonald, Maim, C. B writes: -Nasal Balm has helped my Catarrh very much. It is the best remedy 1 ever used. A Nashville despatch, says fifteen hundred persons living on the lowlands along the Cumberland river have been driven from their homes by the floods. GORED DBS. A COW .A. fine colt belonging to Mr. Peter Lindsay, of Nixon,Ont,was badly hook- ed by a cow. Two bottles of Hagyard's T 1 1114 Yellow Oil cured it. This 111 va ua remedy should be in every house. It euros Outs, sprains, bruises, burns and all pains and aches in man or beast.. The loss of the 'steamship Quetta witli 2QQ lives is reported. She was on herway from Australia to London, and is, said to have strlich a rock in Torre§ straits, Those unhappy persons who . suffer from nervousness.' and dyspepsia should use Carter's Little Nerve Pills, which are made expressly for sleepless, ner- vous, dyspeptic sufferers, Price 25 cts, George F. Slosson boat Jacob Schaef- er in the Mew ' York billiard tourna- ment on Saturday night and took first biro. Daly, Ivos and Catton divided third and fourth prizes, I ca n also recommendommend Everest'ss Liv - er-Re„u1ator and Blood Purifier,it hav- . iug proved' very effective on a friend of mine. --Eliza Sproul, Lieut S A. Army Antrim P. 0, Mr. Richard Tooley, M. P. P., has again been nominated in the Conservative interest for East Middlesex. FORCIBLE FACTS. The testimony as to the tnerits of Burdock Blood Bitters is overwhelming and admits of no dispute. It is the best blood purifier extant. Its, action on the stomach,liver, Kidneys and bow- els is perfect. It cures dyspepsia, con- stipation, bad blood, biliousness, sick headache, and all skin diseases. The smelting organizations of the United States are said to have formed a trust with a capital of $25,000,000. Women with ale colorless faces, t p who feel weak and discouraged,will receive both mental and bodily vigor 1hy us- ing Carter's hon Pills, which aft made for the blood, nerves and complexion. Emperor William has appointed Navy Chaplain Wagemann the first Protes- tant clergyman in Zanzibar This is to certify that I have used Everest's Liver •Reluletor• and Blood Purifier and I find it does, all it guar - A. Cold in the e hea d:m a y be aptly termed a danger signal warning you that if negl e c ted that dan oro1sanddsagroeabledisease,Catarr,issuretofollow, perhaps leading to o consumption and the Bravo,At no sel4son of the Year }sCold in the Hsad moreprovident than duringthe Spring mo oaths, and at no other season do the people of this Country snffrmore go ll MomCatarrh,wit allits dtb a .sab1eandarno zng�o e ts. E0 n0t for au instant nlentoither of those troubles, butsupply NASAL BALM, the only ru- ialsfong3tds'posesinersiesstisgets.timon- ipnonhousanrelief ur possession bears its sterling Alex. Burns, Sudbezy, Ont,, says: I may state that I have boon affeet ,d with Catarrh seven.oreight years, and it was attended by consequent symptoms such as foul breath, constant dropping g into he throat , hawk in g and spitting, partial deafness, ringing in the oars, and sickening pain in the head directly over either eye. 1 have used powdersand douches but all to no effect, the only result arising from the use of such was teinporary relief, followed by the usualsymptoms in a more aggravating form. The result arising frOM the flee of NASAL BALM,Sweet breath, stoppage of the droppings into the throat, (oonsoquontlyless hawking and spitting), clearness of hearing,and not enee since I be- gan its use; have I had pain in my head. In fact, ft is my opinion that a careful and pre- sistant use of the Balm will effect a, cure izr the worst case of catarrh. g �* tnitdfit'bkenot onE Fraser ge(alumetEf> TtET=iitreit v hematite iaoalcni- The Kreux Zeztuzzg, of �erlln, de - gest sal'siiffia is' optical ri me- 'res univer ea t lesusere m cls 'twillrelietrethe oozli t sdisbl .. epend upol pita mothers' there le noc p yy mot;strosit and should be abolished.���., mi7itaCoabout it. It cures dysentery and y9 glees regulates the stomach and bowels, cures SCOTLAND YET. windediie, softens the gums.: reduces inflamma-I lion, and gives tone :and anergytothe whole I' can highly recommend Hagyard s STRnr? POR • S aspic tem: Mrs. ixerow o0 tv P v Cured(laugh- Hasa, t Fal Balsam. t cu �sya Pectoral I m (( Cr�sErxzi,T6ispleasaattothetaste.6nd. , T it the u scription of, one dobe:: tandbelt. ter• of a cough she had been .troubled• female nurses and physicians Mae United, with: ever since she was little. She is states, and is for sale by all druggists tar: nigh., +entihe world. Price 23 cents abottke. . now 12.years old. Mrs M. Fairfield, •a 1re'youdisturbedatnigh Y antees,to,; D. A. , Pt. Huron, test by a sick child suffering and crying with Michigan, , U. S. A. �fainof cutup teeth P . if. so.sond.at once and asal Haim Instantly Relieves gold in Head t n Ont., , says; Manor M llor ow A. , a W. y , , Mallory, Mydaughter suffered for ears with a most disressing and annoying Catarrh. Her ease was under the treatment of eminent'phy- siciansCanada. in the United States and C Two months use of NASAL BALM has had more beneficial effects than all former treat- ments combined. L. D. Dion, Dept: Railways and Canals, Ottawa, says: Tam very glad to giveyou'to- day the testimony' that Nasal Balm has com. pletely cared my catarrh, from which I suf., fered for nearly three years. T. D. D. Loyd, s Clarence street, Toronto, says: T wish here to. testify to the unequaled C fl 1 1have healing powers of your Nasal Balm. 1 been bre ubled for three' years with what the ]1 i and have tri- ed ctar o pest nasal catarrh a< h r e. a P i a. Y.. P th u incity be ob- tained, �in the shape of catarrh cures, and found no permanent relief from any of them, till a friend oue dayadvised me to try your Nasal palm, and I findthateven pie bottle has done maniere good than all the medicines put together that I persecuted my self' with before I was much troubled with spitting and hawking, espioially in the morning, so much so that my throat was continually fn a raw oonditzon hr,.t am now beginning to know what itis;