HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2005-10-13, Page 14PAGE 14 THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2005 Agriculture Brussels Livestock report 3,848 head of cattle on offer at sale loial receipts lor the Brussels I iveslock Im the week ending Oct 7 were 1.848 lie.nl ol cattle. 478 lambs and goals On I'uesdax the led steers and heifers sold on a strong active trade Choice steers and heders sold $90 to $9(, with sales to $108.50. Second cut steers and heders sold $87 to $90. I he cow s sold at prices $ I to $2 higher On I hurxd.tv the veal sold on a good active trade with prices stead) to last week The lambs sold on an active trade with prices $2 to $5 lower. On Frida) all weights and classes of stockers sold on a stead) market There were 556 steers on offer. Art Bos. Blvlh. consigned two pied moniese steers averaging 1.303 lbs. which sold for an average price of $106.60 with sales to $108.50. One limousin steer consigned by Gerald Cieisel. Elmira, weighed 1.175 lbs. which sold for $105.75 His overall offering of forty-three steers aver­ aged 1.453 lbs. selling for an aver­ age price of $92.72. Murray Rcnnick. Monkion. consigned four limousin steers averaging 1.255 lbs which sold lor an average price ol $96.84 with Ins top two steers aver­ aging 1.153 lbs. selling to Dominion Meat Packers for $99. Five steers consigned by Matthew Edgar. Wroxeter. averaged 1.183 lbs. which sold lor an average price ol $95.51 with his top four charolais steers averaging 1,233 lbs. selling to Dominion Meat Packers for $97. Eloyd Frey. Harriston, consigned one grey steer weighing 1.385 lbs. which sold for $96.75. His overall offering ol twenty-five steers aver­ aged 1.386 lbs. selling for an aver­ age price of $95.26 Cunningham f arms. Eucan. consigned two charo­ lais steers averaging 1.495 lbs. which sold to Highland Packers Etd. lor $98.75 Their overall offering of thirty-nine steers averaged 1,477 lbs. selling lor an average price ol $93.79. Thirty-seven steers consigned by Oran R. Martin. Mount Forest, aver­ aged 1.410 lbs which sold for an average price cl $91 I1) with his top six black steers averaging i ill lbs selling Ini $96 Aaron I Martin Newton. consigned six limousin steers averaging I 162 lbs which sold loi $99 .Is His overall ottering ol Iwentv-two stems aveiaged 1.492 lbs selling loi an average price ol $92 88 Fort) stecis consigned h\ I arl Foster. Si Marvs. averaged 1.521 lbs which sold lor an average price ot $89.66 with his top red steci weighing 1.475 lbs. se-liing loi $96 25 Ronjac Farms. Grand Valiev consigned four red steers aveiaging 1.453 lbs. which sold loi $96.2s Their overall offering ol twenty-tom steers averaged 1.487 lbs selling loi an average price of $88 There were 243 heifers on oiler. Melvin Bearinger. Mount Forest, consigned seven charolais heifers averaging 1.282 lbs. which sold lor $96.10. His overall offering ot nine­ teen heifers averaged 1.269 lbs. sell­ ing for an average price of $94.63. Eight)-three heders consigned b) Ron Dougall. Exeter. averaged 1.375 lbs. which sold for an average price ol $94.08 with his top eleven charo­ lais heifers averaging 1.287 lbs. sell­ ing for $95.85. David W. Hoover. Ripley, consigned nine charolais heifers averaging 1.313 lbs. which sold lor $92.75. One limousin heifer consigned by Ray Waechter. Walkerton, weighed 1.380 lbs. selling for $91 25. Southlore Farms Inc.. Palmerston, consigned two black heifers averag­ ing 1.225 lbs. which sold for $90.50. Eylc and Dave Noble. Glencairn. consigned six heifers averaging 1.288 lbs which sold for an average price of $89.19 with their lop limou­ sin heifer weighing 1.340 lbs. selling to Highland Packers Ltd for $90. Clarence W. Martin. Mount Forest, consigned two black heifers averag­ ing 1.135 lbs. which sold for $88.75. Sixteen heifers consigned b) Kevin Stewardson. Wyoming, averaged 1,214 lbs which sold lor an average price of $84.37 with his top red heifer weighing I. I 85 lbs. selling for $89 I here weie 209 cows on ol ler DI and 1)2 cows sold $.3S io $40 with sales to $49. 1)3. $10 to $35; 1)4. $1 8 to $25 Geo I Eec. Ailsa Craig, consigned one black cow weighing 1.540 tbs which sold lor $49. One red wl cow consigned bv Charlie Culbcrt. Goderich, weighed 1.075 lbs selling- loi $48. Ron Harkness. Ciillord. consigned one limousin cow weighing 1.455 lbs. which sold lot $4 7 There were 31 bulls on oiler sell mg $30 to $54.50 with sales to $85 Scottslea Farms Etd . Blyth. con­ signed one sirnmcntal hull weighing 1.645 lbs. which sold tor $76.50 Dave Millen. 'Iceswatcr. consigned one limousin bull weighing 2.020 lbs which sold to Eevinoff Meal Products lor $53. There were 159 head ol veal on offer. Beef sold $105 to $115 with sales to $122; good holstein. $ 100 to $114 with sales to $116. medium holstein. $80 to $90. heavy holstein $84 to $90 with sales to $96. plain holstein. $70 to $80. Mike Kikkert. Zurich, consigned one black veal steer weighing 695 lbs. selling for $122. One brown veal steer con­ signed by Gordon Verstecg, Wingham, weighed 660 lbs. which sold for $117.50. Eric Nonkes, Auburn, consigned one red veal steer weighing 690 lbs. which sold for $1 17. Eambs. under 50 lbs. sold $155 to $175; 50 - 64 lbs.. $140 to $222; 65 - 79 lbs.. $148 to $190; 80 - 94 lbs.. $139 t6 $154; 95 - 109 lbs.. $144 to $148; 110 lbs. and over. $131 to $140. Sheep sold $62 to $75. Goats sold $20 to $93. Top quality stocker steers under 400 lbs. sold $ 103 to $ 160; 400 - 499 lbs.. $105 to $151; 500 - 599 lbs., $117.50 to $148; 600 - 699 lbs.. $115.25 to $139.25; 700 - 799 lbs., $108 to $128.75; 800 - 899 lbs., $111.50 to $126.75; 900 - 999 lbs.. $102.50 to $119.50; 1,000 lbs. and over. $96.50 to $ 1 15. Top quality stocker heifers under 300 lbs., sold $115 to $142; 300 - 399 lbs.. $108 to $139; 400 - 499 lbs.. $99 to $137; 500 - 599 lbs., $103 to $132.50; 600 - 699 lbs.. $86.25 to $122; 700 - 799 lbs., $101 to $116.50; 800 - 899 lbs., $97.50 to $116; 900 lbs. and over, $91 to $116. Reserve CJtainp Andy Toll presents his prize winning calf at the Brussels Livestock 4-H competition on Saturday. Oct 8 Toll won Reserve Champion 1 Heath?' Crawtord photo) FARM SAFETY FACT Did you know? ((NC) - Cows cause 33 per cent of animal-related injuries and 16 per cent of animal-related fatali­ ties on Canadian farms. The calv­ ing season of January to June is the primary times of incident occurrence. Canadian Agricultural Injury Surveillance Program. - News Canada The champ Emily Gibson was the Grand Champion award winner at the 4-H show and sale held Saturday at Brussels Livestock. With her are, guest judge Ron Stevenson, left and Len Gamble, owner of Brussels Livestock. (Heather Crawford photo) BRUSSELS LIVESTOCK Division of Gamble & Rogers Ltd. UPCOMING SALES TUESDAYS THURSDAYS FRIDAYS 9:00 a.m. Fed Cattle, Bulls & Cows 8:00 a.m. Drop Calves, 10:00 a.m. Veal 11:30 a.m. Pigs, Lambs, Goats & Sheep 10:00 a.m. Stockers Special Fall Sales Friday, Oct. 14 - Limo Influence Calf Sale Monday, Oct. 17, Nov. 7 & Nov. 21 -10:00 a.m. • Vaccinated Calves & Yearlings Saturday, Nov. 5 -11 a.m. - Bred Cow Sale Monday, Nov. 14*10 a.m. - Angus & Hereford Sale Thurs., Dec. 8,15 & 22 -12:00 noon - Christmas Lamb & Goat Sale Visit our webpage at: www.brusselslivestock.ca email us at: info@brusselslivestock.ca Callus 519-887-6461 T-Bone Grand Champion Brad Gilchrist of Lucknow, shown with buyers Bill Boyd and Bob Thompson representing Brussels Livestock T-Bone Show & Sale Results T-Bone Grand Champion Buyer: Brussels Livestock T-Bone Reserve Champion Buyer: Thompson Feed T-Bone Reserve Champion Dave Crossan of Denfield pictured with buyers Todd and Rob Thompson of Thompson Feed and Supply. A big thank you to everyone who participated and helped make our first time a success.