HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2005-10-13, Page 14PAGE 14 THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2005
Brussels Livestock report
3,848 head of cattle on offer at sale
loial receipts lor the Brussels
I iveslock Im the week ending Oct 7
were 1.848 lie.nl ol cattle. 478 lambs
and goals
On I'uesdax the led steers and
heifers sold on a strong active trade
Choice steers and heders sold $90 to
$9(, with sales to $108.50. Second
cut steers and heders sold $87 to
$90. I he cow s sold at prices $ I to $2
higher On I hurxd.tv the veal sold on
a good active trade with prices
stead) to last week The lambs sold
on an active trade with prices $2 to
$5 lower. On Frida) all weights and
classes of stockers sold on a stead)
There were 556 steers on offer. Art
Bos. Blvlh. consigned two pied
moniese steers averaging 1.303 lbs.
which sold for an average price of
$106.60 with sales to $108.50. One
limousin steer consigned by Gerald
Cieisel. Elmira, weighed 1.175 lbs.
which sold for $105.75 His overall
offering of forty-three steers aver
aged 1.453 lbs. selling for an aver
age price of $92.72. Murray
Rcnnick. Monkion. consigned four
limousin steers averaging 1.255 lbs
which sold lor an average price ol
$96.84 with Ins top two steers aver
aging 1.153 lbs. selling to Dominion
Meat Packers for $99.
Five steers consigned by Matthew
Edgar. Wroxeter. averaged 1.183 lbs.
which sold lor an average price ol
$95.51 with his top four charolais
steers averaging 1,233 lbs. selling to
Dominion Meat Packers for $97.
Eloyd Frey. Harriston, consigned
one grey steer weighing 1.385 lbs.
which sold for $96.75. His overall
offering ol twenty-five steers aver
aged 1.386 lbs. selling for an aver
age price of $95.26 Cunningham
f arms. Eucan. consigned two charo
lais steers averaging 1.495 lbs.
which sold to Highland Packers Etd.
lor $98.75 Their overall offering of
thirty-nine steers averaged 1,477 lbs.
selling lor an average price ol
Thirty-seven steers consigned by
Oran R. Martin. Mount Forest, aver
aged 1.410 lbs which sold for an
average price cl $91 I1) with his top
six black steers averaging i ill lbs
selling Ini $96 Aaron I Martin
Newton. consigned six limousin
steers averaging I 162 lbs which
sold loi $99 .Is His overall ottering
ol Iwentv-two stems aveiaged 1.492
lbs selling loi an average price ol
$92 88
Fort) stecis consigned h\ I arl
Foster. Si Marvs. averaged 1.521
lbs which sold lor an average price
ot $89.66 with his top red steci
weighing 1.475 lbs. se-liing loi
$96 25 Ronjac Farms. Grand Valiev
consigned four red steers aveiaging
1.453 lbs. which sold loi $96.2s
Their overall offering ol twenty-tom
steers averaged 1.487 lbs selling loi
an average price of $88
There were 243 heifers on oiler.
Melvin Bearinger. Mount Forest,
consigned seven charolais heifers
averaging 1.282 lbs. which sold lor
$96.10. His overall offering ot nine
teen heifers averaged 1.269 lbs. sell
ing for an average price of $94.63.
Eight)-three heders consigned b)
Ron Dougall. Exeter. averaged 1.375
lbs. which sold for an average price
ol $94.08 with his top eleven charo
lais heifers averaging 1.287 lbs. sell
ing for $95.85. David W. Hoover.
Ripley, consigned nine charolais
heifers averaging 1.313 lbs. which
sold lor $92.75.
One limousin heifer consigned by
Ray Waechter. Walkerton, weighed
1.380 lbs. selling for $91 25.
Southlore Farms Inc.. Palmerston,
consigned two black heifers averag
ing 1.225 lbs. which sold for $90.50.
Eylc and Dave Noble. Glencairn.
consigned six heifers averaging
1.288 lbs which sold for an average
price of $89.19 with their lop limou
sin heifer weighing 1.340 lbs. selling
to Highland Packers Ltd for $90.
Clarence W. Martin. Mount Forest,
consigned two black heifers averag
ing 1.135 lbs. which sold for $88.75.
Sixteen heifers consigned b) Kevin
Stewardson. Wyoming, averaged
1,214 lbs which sold lor an average
price of $84.37 with his top red
heifer weighing I. I 85 lbs. selling for
I here weie 209 cows on ol ler DI
and 1)2 cows sold $.3S io $40 with
sales to $49. 1)3. $10 to $35; 1)4.
$1 8 to $25 Geo I Eec. Ailsa Craig,
consigned one black cow weighing
1.540 tbs which sold lor $49. One
red wl cow consigned bv Charlie
Culbcrt. Goderich, weighed 1.075
lbs selling- loi $48. Ron Harkness.
Ciillord. consigned one limousin
cow weighing 1.455 lbs. which sold
lot $4 7
There were 31 bulls on oiler sell
mg $30 to $54.50 with sales to $85
Scottslea Farms Etd . Blyth. con
signed one sirnmcntal hull weighing
1.645 lbs. which sold tor $76.50
Dave Millen. 'Iceswatcr. consigned
one limousin bull weighing 2.020
lbs which sold to Eevinoff Meal
Products lor $53.
There were 159 head ol veal on
offer. Beef sold $105 to $115 with
sales to $122; good holstein. $ 100 to
$114 with sales to $116. medium
holstein. $80 to $90. heavy holstein
$84 to $90 with sales to $96. plain
holstein. $70 to $80. Mike Kikkert.
Zurich, consigned one black veal
steer weighing 695 lbs. selling for
$122. One brown veal steer con
signed by Gordon Verstecg,
Wingham, weighed 660 lbs. which
sold for $117.50. Eric Nonkes,
Auburn, consigned one red veal
steer weighing 690 lbs. which sold
for $1 17.
Eambs. under 50 lbs. sold $155 to
$175; 50 - 64 lbs.. $140 to $222; 65
- 79 lbs.. $148 to $190; 80 - 94 lbs..
$139 t6 $154; 95 - 109 lbs.. $144 to
$148; 110 lbs. and over. $131 to
Sheep sold $62 to $75.
Goats sold $20 to $93.
Top quality stocker steers under
400 lbs. sold $ 103 to $ 160; 400 - 499
lbs.. $105 to $151; 500 - 599 lbs.,
$117.50 to $148; 600 - 699 lbs..
$115.25 to $139.25; 700 - 799 lbs.,
$108 to $128.75; 800 - 899 lbs.,
$111.50 to $126.75; 900 - 999 lbs..
$102.50 to $119.50; 1,000 lbs. and
over. $96.50 to $ 1 15.
Top quality stocker heifers under
300 lbs., sold $115 to $142; 300 -
399 lbs.. $108 to $139; 400 - 499
lbs.. $99 to $137; 500 - 599 lbs.,
$103 to $132.50; 600 - 699 lbs..
$86.25 to $122; 700 - 799 lbs., $101
to $116.50; 800 - 899 lbs., $97.50 to
$116; 900 lbs. and over, $91 to $116.
Reserve CJtainp
Andy Toll presents his prize winning calf at the Brussels
Livestock 4-H competition on Saturday. Oct 8 Toll won
Reserve Champion 1 Heath?' Crawtord photo)
Did you know?
((NC) - Cows cause 33 per cent
of animal-related injuries and 16
per cent of animal-related fatali
ties on Canadian farms. The calv
ing season of January to June is
the primary times of incident
Canadian Agricultural Injury
Surveillance Program.
- News Canada
The champ
Emily Gibson was the Grand Champion award winner at
the 4-H show and sale held Saturday at Brussels Livestock.
With her are, guest judge Ron Stevenson, left and Len
Gamble, owner of Brussels Livestock. (Heather Crawford photo)
Division of Gamble & Rogers Ltd.
9:00 a.m. Fed Cattle,
Bulls & Cows
8:00 a.m. Drop Calves,
10:00 a.m. Veal
11:30 a.m. Pigs, Lambs, Goats
& Sheep
10:00 a.m. Stockers
Special Fall Sales
Friday, Oct. 14 - Limo Influence Calf Sale
Monday, Oct. 17, Nov. 7 & Nov. 21 -10:00 a.m. • Vaccinated Calves & Yearlings
Saturday, Nov. 5 -11 a.m. - Bred Cow Sale
Monday, Nov. 14*10 a.m. - Angus & Hereford Sale
Thurs., Dec. 8,15 & 22 -12:00 noon - Christmas Lamb & Goat Sale
Visit our webpage at: www.brusselslivestock.ca
email us at: info@brusselslivestock.ca
Callus 519-887-6461
T-Bone Grand Champion Brad
Gilchrist of Lucknow, shown with
buyers Bill Boyd and Bob
Thompson representing Brussels
T-Bone Show &
Sale Results
T-Bone Grand Champion
Buyer: Brussels Livestock
T-Bone Reserve Champion
Buyer: Thompson Feed
T-Bone Reserve Champion Dave
Crossan of Denfield pictured with
buyers Todd and Rob Thompson
of Thompson Feed and Supply.
A big thank you to everyone
who participated and helped
make our first time a success.