HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2005-10-13, Page 10PAGE 10. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2005.
Huron East council briefs
Arena parking lot to get streetlight
It was recommended by public
works co-ordinator John Forrest at
the Oct. 4 Huron East council
meeting that a streetlight be installed
in the parking lot in front of the
Brussels arena, with the cost to be
covered by the Brussels street light
The estimated cost of the
installation and the new light was
$2,700. Council accepted the
Huron East fire chief Marty
Bedard said Fire Prevention Week is
Oct. 9-I5. The theme this year is
Use Candles With Care.
School fire drills, school
presentations, newspaper ads and
fire hall open houses will be taking
Bedard said all schools in Ontario
are planning on co-ordinating a fire
drill simultaneously in order to set
the Guiness Book of World Records
for largest school fire drill during
fire prevention week. Local area
schools are planning on
There was a new firetruck
(pumper tanker chassis) ordered for
Brussels that should be arriving at
the Metalfab Plant in November.
Delivery to Brussels is scheduled for
gets nasty
suprise at
By Keith Roulson
Citizen publisher
Huron County roads department
got a nasty surprise when it
undertook seemingly minor repairs
at the bridge on County Rd. 4 south
of Wingham.
Since the,' bridge was supposed
to have been brought up to
standard before it was down
loaded by the province,
the highways department expected
only minor concrete repairs,
going down a few inches, when
it removed the surface of the
Instead workers had to go
down as much as two feet to find
concrete that hadn’t been
Don Pletch, county engineer said
the unexpected expense will amount
to $200,000 and some other projects
have had to be postponed to allow
these essential repairs.
He said he had contacted Ministry
of Transportation officials who were
“sympathetic” but said it was the
county's bridge and their
Paul Klopp, councillor for
Bluewater urged council not to take
this for an answer. “We should take
this further,” he said.
He urged council to raise the issue
of a bridge that was supposed to be
in good shape when it was
downloaded actually being in
bad repair with the minister
of transportation, Harindar Tuk-
Council passed a motion to
contact the ministry about the
March 2006.
Huron East treasurer Brad Knight,
reported that preliminary assessment
notices, were mailed out province
wide on Oct. 3.
The assessment percentage shown
for residential properties compares
to the average increase across the
municipality. Property owners can
file a “request for reconsideration,”
anytime before December 2I, 2006.
Assessment trends in Huron East
were as follows; an increase of 4.39
per cent in commercial property,
13.31 per cent in farm land, 6.17 per
cent in industrial use, and 12.10 per
cent for residential property.
Ads for open houses are expected
to be in community newspapers Oct.
*** <
Knight also attended a meeting on
Proposed Boundary Adjustment
for the Municipality of Morris-Turnberry
and the Township of North Huron located in the
County of Huron
Proposed Boundary Adjustment
for the Municipality of Morris-Turnberry
and the Township of North Huron located in the
County of HuronRespecting approximately 110 acres of land at Part of Lots 5 and 6
Concession 1, located in the geographic Township of Turnberry
Municipal Meeting
TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality
of Morris-Turnberry will hold a public meeting for the purpose of
obtaining public input on:
Monday, October 17, 2005 at 8:00 p.m.
at the Council Chambers for the Municipality of Morris-Turnberry,
located at 41342 Morris Road, respecting a proposed boundary
adjustment agreement under consideration of the two municipalities,
pursuant to Section 173 (3) of the Municipal Act 2001, S.O. 2001, as
County of Huron Meeting
and TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the County
of Huron will hold a public meeting for the same purpose on:
Thursday, November 3, 2005 at 9:00 a.m.
at the Huron County Council Chambers, Court House, Goderich, ON.
The lands affected by the proposed boundary adjustment agreement
comprise an area of approximately 110 acres and are shown on the
Key Map below.
Details of the proposed boundary adjustment agreement are
available for inspection during normal office hours in the office of:
Nancy Michie-Clerk-Treasurer
Municipality of Morris-Turnberry
41342 Morris Road, R.R. 4,
Telephone: 519-887-6137
Barb Leaman, Clerk
County of Huron
For information call:
Department of Planning
and Development
Telephone: 519-524-2188
Any person may attend the public meeting and/or make written or
verbal representation regarding the proposed boundary adjustment.
Dated at the Municipality of
September, 2005.
Respecting approximately 110 acres of land at Part of Lots 5 and 6
Concession 1, located in the geographic Township of Turnberry
Municipal Meeting
TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of
North Huron will hold a public meeting for the purpose of obtaining
public input on:
Monday, October 17, 2005 at 7:00 p.m.
at the Council Chambers for the Township of North Huron, located at
274 Josephine Street, Wingham, Ontario, respecting a proposed
boundary adjustment agreement under consideration of the two
municipalities, pursuant to Section 173 (3) of the Municipal Act 2001,
S.O. 2001, as amended.
County of Huron Meeting
and TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the County
of Huron will hold a public meeting for the same purpose on:
Thursday, November 3, 2005 at 9:00 a.m.
at the Huron County Council Chambers, Court House, Goderich, ON
The lands affected by the proposed boundary adjustment agreement
comprise an area of approximately 110 acres and are shown on the
Key Map below.
Details of the proposed boundary adjustment agreement are
available for inspection during normal office hours in the office of:
John Stewart, Clerk-Administrator
Township of North Huron
274 Josephine Street,
Telephone: 519-357-3550
Barb Leaman, Clerk
County of Huron
For information call:
Department of Planning
and Development
Telephone: 519-524-2188
Any person may attend the public meeting and/or make written or
verbal representation regarding the proposed boundary adjustment.
Dated at the Township of North Huron this 5th day of October, 2005.
Morris-Turnberry this 27th day of
s Lands proposed to be added to North Huron
S3 Lands proposed to remain in Moms-Tumberry
S3 lands proposed to be added to North Huron
Lands proposed to remain in Mome-Turnberry
Sept. 28 concerning the specifics of
the drainage program. He reported
the changes that were made.
In order for residents with land
used for agricultural purposes to
qualify for the one-third grant with
the drainage program, 85 per cent of
the property must qualify for the
farmland or managed forest property
tax rebate.
No grants will be paid for drains
that drain through or from
“significant wetlands,” as defined in
the Provincial Policy Statement
unless it can be demonstrate that
there are no negative impacts.
Grants will be paid for the closing
of a drain if the drain results in a tile
drain of 12 inches or less and the
cost to enclose a drain on a property
is no more than 15,000.***
Council approved accounts
payable in the amount of
John Forrest recommended that
council accept the quotation of M
and S Environmental to mini shock
the sludge lagoon in Seaforth to
reduce the sludge level around the
inlet of the lagoon and increase the
weekly rate from 20 litres a week to
30 litres. The total estimated cost
would be $4,922. Council moved to
accept the recommendation***
Council carried a motion to install
a new heating system in the Seaforth
Community Centre. The estimated
cost for the system is $48,092.00
plus GST which was tendered.
Council accepted the tender of
Montgomery’s Comfort Centre Ltd.
Other companies tendered were
Graham Heating and Cooling, Dave
Davies Heating and Brad Baker
Plumbing, Heating and Electrical.
Montgomery’s was the only
company to provide a complete cost.
It was recommended by council to
determine a completion date of the
project and look into creating a
charge for each day of work that
goes beyond the completion date.***
A motion was carried that council
proceed with the Municipality of
Bluewater and the Municipality of
Central Huron for bylaw
enforcement services.
The municipality had budgeted in
2005 for bylaw enforcement
services. At this time the present
company is not providing any
assistance to the municipality, it was
reported. It is expected that services
can be contracted with cost sof
approximately $20,000 per year.