HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2005-10-13, Page 2PAGE 2. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2005. .1 new face Little ones lined up for face-painting, just one of a number of ways to be entertained at the Brussels Public School council's community event, Family Fun in the Fall, which was held Oct. 6 at the arena (Bonnie Gropp photo) Fall fun event a success ['he first Brussels Family Fun in the Fall has been deemed a huge success by organizers. The event, hosted by the Brussels school council was held on I hursday evening at the arena, beginning with supper at 5 p.m. put on by the Cardiff and Schimanski families. At the Branch 11 1/2 tables at euchre By Jo-Ann McDonald Cadets are meeting Tuesday evenings at 6:30 p.m. at the Brussels l egion. Any young people, 12-19 years of age can still come out. I'hcrc is a group ol over 25 attending at this lime and more are welcome. 1 he Friday night supper of roast pork was enjoyed by all. This week is ham and scalloped potatoes. I he Saturday euchre had 11 1/2 i.iblcs at play. The first-place team was Lloyd and Lillian Appleby with ”6 points Close behind in second place with 75 points were M. Smith and Eleanor Dane. A tie lor third Council representative Pauleen Kerkhot said the silent auction raised $2.000 towards the playground fund. The total profit from the dinner, attended by approximately 250 community people was not yet determined. Children's activities and a winter wear swap were also held place was between Charlie and Millie Johnston and Tom and Eileen Sloan. The lone-hand prizes went to Ed Stewart and Marie Stewart. Jean Wilbce and Clara Sivan won the low prize with 37 points. Euchre is every second Saturday. I he cribbage sports sheet is up. Anyone wishing to compete Oci 22 needs to sign up this week Membership dues are still al the reduced early bird rate, so get in and get paid and your name goes in the draw. Keep Nov. 5 open from 9-11 a.m. The Branch needs drivers and A NOTE FROM BETTY By Betty Graber Watson Call 887-6236 887-923 I (live (hanks lor (his Thanksgiving week I ols ol families and friends gathered on (he weekend lo celebrate Because ot work commitments and not wanting to miss the gathering of loves ones the lurkev has been put on hold in some homes until next weekend. Just like we have 12 days ol Christmas to celebrate tn, we can stretch any holiday as far as you like. At our home hungry bodies all ready to feast is a scene that always makes me smile. In very short order (he turkey and trimmings are gone and it s time to savour the sweeties. So I'm thankful tor a healthy family which knows how to eat. Last Thursday the school council throughout the evening, with the entertainment culminating in a clown performance. Upon arrival each child and parent were asked to till out a 'leaf' stating what they are thankful for. These were then placed on a tree which will be hang in the school Cover. chaperones for the poppy drive with the Cadets. The door-to-door canvass begins at 9 a.m. It helps to have Legion members lo drive Cadets to the f urthest ends of town. If you can help, please call Allyson Cardiff poppy chairman. Comrades will receive a newsletter shortly. Please fill in the required return form as soon as possible, so we can plan for the upcoming awards evening. let out the stops lo invite others to share in (he education in our community children As their major fundraiser of (he year there was lots to do and people to sec. Jeff and Cathy Cardiff and the Schimanski family led us very well leaving lots of lime io peruse the offerings of the silent auction tables It’s always fun to watch the bidding as die time draws to an end And it's a pretty nice way lo get some Christmas shopping done. I hanks lor a fun and painless way to support the children of Brussels Public School. One of the NHL loyalists is away to heaven. Doris McDonald tucked in her f avourite hockey blanket and said goodbye to her family. A long-time resident of Brussels with lots of stories to tell, Doris left her mark and memories for us to enjoy. Do you suppose there’s a superior level of hockey in heaven for Doris to watch? Save part of Oct. 21 and 22 for the United Church silent and live auction. Il always amazes me the items that folks donate. So come prepared lo do your Christmas shopping. But before we get too far ahead, once again go over the many things you have to be thankful for. Just watching the news should make for a very full start. Now on to the turkey carcass and see what unfolds. Bye now, Betty G.W. Persons interested in other forms of fitness contact Jim at 887-8013 > NOTICE NEWS FROM BRUSSELS WELCOME BACK TO YEAR 6 OF YOUR AEROBIC WORKOUT 72 Sports Drive (Above Big Suds Laundromat) BRUSSELS Men & Women welcome All previously purchased tickets welcome Tuesday 6:30 a.m. & Thursday 7:30 p.m. Haunted House in town Oct. 27-30 You don’t have to wait until Halloween to get scared. From Thursday, Oct. 27 until Sunday, Oct. 30 there will be lots of Hulls and thrills at the Brussels Haunted House. Admission to the event, which will be held at the arena, is a loonie with profits going Classified advertisements published in The Citizen are now available on our website at www.northhuron.on.ca Mait-Side Orchard (Ipplu Lots of varieties Firsts and seconds • Fresh pressed cider • Apple butter • Honey • Pears Open 7 days a week k West end of Brussels / V887-6883X The Municipality of Huron East has received many complaints regarding unauthorized fires. Please note that the Municipality has a by-law to regulate setting of open air fires in urban areas of Huron East. to Brussels Minor Hockey flic rec board has donated the facility and Charles Corbett will >nce again design the ‘house’ .Hours on Thursday and Friday \ill be lrom'7 10 pm Saturday the House will be open from 2-4 pm. ,md 7 9 p m ( ■ nbctl also plans io do his best to are the wits' out of the grow nups ii ihe Halloween karaoke to be held iic that evening \ kids party is planned loi Siindav afternoon from 2 5 pm Ahi ( oiheii said children are invited to ■ me in costume I here will be i,ill music, dancing, games ami .nil iiics m addition to the haunted ■ .o, loi then entertainment I I ai nivlil the haunted house will .< > >peii 11om 7-9 p.m ~ NOTICE ~ I______________ _________________ HYDRANT FLUSHING will take place during the daytime in Brussels the week of October 17th, 2005 Thank you American Water Services Phone: (519) 527-1004 1. No person shall burn, light, ignite or start a fire of any kind whatsoever in the open air: a) in or on any of the streets, parks, or public property within the limits of the urban areas of the Municipality of Huron East, or b) on any private property, except in an out-of-door fireplace or barbecue used for the sole purpose of cooking food, and so located and constructed that no building or structure or flammable matter may become ignited. 2. For the purpose of this by-law,“fire” means a bonfire, campfire, pit fire, barrel fire, or any other fire in a yard, field or open space used for the burning of leaves, rubbish or other combustible material, but does not include a barbecue or fireplace containing a small,confined fire which is used to cook food and is supervised at all times by a competent person. Contraventions of this By-Law is an offence and upon conviction shall be liable to a fine in accordance with the Provincial Offences Act. Thank you for your Cooperation.