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VOL. 111,
The Molsons Bank.
(-Chartered by Parliament, 1655.)
Paid up Capital, , ..... $2,000,000.
Rest Fund.... , 1,000,000,
Head office Montreal.
Twenty Branch offices in the Dominion'
gencies in the Dominion, U. S. and 'Europe.
ZZI2E1EVI'321MZ ;E3Mf-n-11-02-11,
Open every lawful day from 10 a. re. to 3 p.
Saturdaye a.m. to 1 p. m.
A. general bunking business transacted
Four per cene. per annum allowed for
money on Deposit Receipts:
Exeter, Jan 28,:88. Manager.
Ozder Abrocate,
Is published every Thursday Morning,
at the Office,
One Pdr annunvif paid in Advance.
locate if not so paid.
• oce pie
No paper diSOOR Untied In) til all arrearages
aro veld. Advertieements without specific
directions will be, published till forbid and
.charged accordingly. Liberal discountinade
for trauscient advertisements inserted for
long -periods. , Every description of MB
PRINTING turned out in the finest style,
and at moderate rates. Cheenes,money ord-
ers, &e for acfvextising, subseriptions, etc. to
be mods payable to
William Sanders,
Chureb Directory.
Robinson, Reetbr, Sunday Services, 11 a. m,
and 7' p. tn. SabbatheSchool, 2.80 p. m.
Clement, Pastor. Sunday. Services 10.30 a.m.
and 6.30 p.m. Sabbath School, 2pm.'
. MAIN STREET--ReV.J.. Tampon, Reefer. sun
day Services,10.30 in. Mid 6 30 P.M. Sabbath
School e.30 p. m.
Pastor. Sunday Services, 11 a. re. and 6,30 p.
m. Sabbath School, 9.45 .rn.
Professional 'CardS:
Office over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario,
Nitrous Oxide Gas for painless
extraction. ' —
Goes to Liman every Friday.
tracts teeth without pain by giving
Vegetable Vapor, or using the new
?en/esthetic on the gums. Makes Gold Pith
engs and other dental work the best possible.
Goes to Zurich last Thursday in each month.
East side altain street. Exeter.
. and Surgeon. Office and residence—
Corner 'Vfetotia 'and Elgin street, 'Onderieln
're .....
Residence—Cornee Andrew and Nortlfie
Btreete, Exeter, °Atom.
A grand glass ball and pigeon shoot-
ing match will take place at the One-
horse „hotel on Monday next. Both
matches will be conduzted to suit the
majority of the shooters. Meth to
commence at 2 o'clock. All are invited,
The Canadian -bred trotting stallion Am-
ber,by Clear G rit, formerly owned by Mr. P.
Fikey, of Brantford, stands at the highest
fee of any of the stalliens owned by the Ital-
ian G overnment, Which naid $3 500 for him
in Germ any last year.—Ex. Amber F., own-
ed by Mr, T, Murdock, of Monsen. is son of
Amber, and is one of the best stallions in
Canada. He will stand at Murdockei stables
during the Coming season.
Hay School Report.
The following is the February report
of S. S. No. 2. t'The names are in order
of merit: —Firm —Homer RUSSell. SEN.
FORTH.—John Campbell, Jas. CarhPbell,
Aggie Mueray. Jure Fotiatit.--Alfred
McTaggart, Ellen Shirray, Chas. Ald-
worth. TITIRD.—Jas. Loadrnan, Kate
Chapman, Aggie Slray. SEN. SECOND
LNcflie O'Brien, Alice Gould.,Annie
NOrtheOtt. JUN. SECOND.—Maud Rus-
sell, Ralph Chapman, Isaac Jackson.
SECOND Panat—Nellie Northcott,
Gould, Joseph Northcott. Emir PART.
—Sarah Northcott, Annie Todd,, Willie
Warren, and Henry Bush equal.
Mr. C. W. Smith having made ar-
rangements to run the Centralia
chew factory during the coming sea-
son wishes to notify the patrons and
others that the factory will be operated
to its fullest capacity,and all who wish
',to become patrons will be ealt with in
an honorable waY. All infOrmation de
sired will be cheerfully &van on appli
catien. Soliciting your patronage, I
am yours truly.
C. W. Smith.
rf'‘ A. AMOS, M. D., C.11. L. C. P., L
• R. C. S, Ethel r L. F. P. .ee S., Glasgow;
L. M., Edinburgh and Glasgoev; M. C. P. &
Ontario; F. T. M. S., Toronto. Nigh t bell at
office. Crediton, Ontario. .1y12-8
Exeter, upstairs, opposite Centre
Hotel. Side entrance oh scruth--J Lance eltreet
leading to the Methodist Church.. .
inary Surgeon. Graduate
onto. Veterinary Dentist -
y" le speciality. Office and Re-
sidenceoae block ea. et of Rith.
Pickard's atom Opposite skating xink, Ex-
eter, Ontario.
1.t.e. OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public.
Office— Samwell's Block, Exeter, Ontario.
Money to Loam
L• of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con -
•veyancer, Commissioner, etc. Money to loan
Office—Faneon's Block, Exeter.
y itors, Conveyanceis; &e. Money to loan
1st 6 per cent.
B. V. ELtior. J. ELLIOT'
USED. W. FAi'N0E11MB, PrGvinoisl Lana
Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Office,
fiarnwell's blotk, up etairs, Main Street,
Xxoter, Ont. ,
• •
y AMES OKE, Exeter, Ontario, Licensed
el Auctioneer foe the County of Huron.
Sales promptly attended to and eatisfaetion
guaranteed. Sales arranged at this office.
I' BROWN Wineholsea. Licensed Auet-
• kaiser for the Counties of Perth and
Middlesex„ also for the township of Usborne.
Saaes peoruptly attended: to and terms reason
able. Sales arranged at Pest office, Winchelea
EBOSSENBERRY, Henson Ontario. Lice
• ensed Auctioned'. for the .Couritys of
Huron and Perth. Charges, moderate and
satisfaction guaranteed.
AV HOLT, 11hiva, Ontario. Licensed tenet-
• ioneer for the Cortntioe of lVfidcilemex
and Leenbton, and the townships of Stephen
and. Hay All sales promptly attended to.
PellaOne of the
VON BEST or,e1-
MILES eierepea I re
op, the world. ur abilltiesare
ii, ,,,, *point YnaeOrr irk each locality,
, 'avarice geode We will eendikati
unequaled, rad to Introduce ant
TO as Abbrs. Only Mote ivhd mita
to us at 0411001i mate sure bf
7J115the chance. All you hive to do In
l' Y th....IN to show Our geode to
oee who call—your neighbors
arid those areuad yOtl. Tho bs-
An slatt Sr 0 tI.ia11Vi III
saber' the sniall end of tha tele -
gone. This fel dieing alla 10111 the appiaranee of a reduced ts
„ , . ,
about the fiftieth plit dt nib**, tifiltirend, doable ablatele.,
sa'opO, Olirgo niiiiejtoOitrrY. We *Illalitisito*Yrua her yds
eonmake from $IM toliVO a day et trait, .frorik theater* telth.
eanerieriCe. Better Witte it Onefi. We 00111 asp -tint ea'arkei.
Ideas, U,11/11,LNIT a CO,, 31.44 e$er, "rottitilf P411006
,CRYSTAL WEDDING.—A very enjoy-
able evening -was spent at the reeidence
of Mr. Frank Ricks last Tuesday night
when about forty of their rnost intimate
friendstand. acreintintaneeS. eiaMettibled.
Dinner...Wei-Served at 7 o'clock to Which
all did ample justice. The host , and
hostess looked as youthful and happy
AS they did some fifteen years ago, and
Mirth aid jollity reigned supreme.
The presents were many and useful
showing th esteem in which Mr. and
Mrs. Hicks ;are held by their many
friends. Songs were sung, tales told
andjokes, etc., were the evening's
amusements, and when the sma' hand,
pointed to the wee short hour a'yont
the twal, all repaired to their homes
wishing Mr. and Mrs. Hicks many years
of congenial life and happiness.
Mr. John Morkin has sold, .pre,ssed
and shipped 20 ton of straw this winter.
Cold air in its most rigid form was
freely distributed in this vicinity on
Tuesday. • •
Mr. Jas. Brooks and wife are spend-
ing a week among friends in the vicin-
ity of Forest. •
First-class hay is being purchased
here by the pressers at $4.50 and $5 a
ton and good second class at $3.50 per
-een. Why not feed it ?,
Notwithstanding the exceedingly low
prices at which horses are selling at the
present time, Mr. Albert Gunning dis-
posed of a four-year-old colt for the
paltry sum of $173, and Mr. Cicero
Wallis, of the 10th, a two year-old for
$150. ,
Mr. W. White, of Seaforth, is visiting
at Mr. Thos. May's.
Mr. William Mills of Biddulph, spent
Sunday with Mr. William Cou.ltice.
We learn that Mr. Thos. Shute will
remove to Exeter about the first of
Master Enoch Routley and William
Brimacombe spent Sunday with Mr. W.
Mr. A. J. Snell, of Exeter, spent Mon-
day in the township of Usborne fox
Miss Nellie HOdgison, of Whalen, was
the guest of Miss Maggie Andrews on
Mr. George W. Holman and wife
were the guests of Mr. Thos. Shute on
Mr. Thomas Bowman spent Saturday
with his old friend Mr. Win. Stephens,
'of Woodham.
Mr, Adolph Evans, who has been
visiting friends in the country, return-
ed home on Monday. •
We understand that Mr. James West-
cott has disposed of his fifty acre farm,
known as the Heaton farm, to Mr. Geo.
'Fisher for a good round figure.
Mr. John Davidson spent a couple of
days in the southern townships, con-
tractieg for buildings. John le eeer
on the alert and keeps a keea eye to
Misses Betsey Coates and OlaraMad
have just completed their rounde'
colleetors for missionaries. They
worked faithfully and collected a
sum for which they ought to be con:
Mr. William Cocrunne, wife and
family, of se. Mays, and Mr. John Pin-
combe, of Usborne, were the gueets of
Mr. William Sloe, oaExeter, on Monday
last. Mr. Cocruline and family arenow
spenclipg a few days with friends in
.A. little snow fell here .ea TuesdaY.
Busines has been somewhat briskof
late. ,
The concert sea.eop will soon open up
again. et
A large number of commercial tra
Yellers visit our burg daily. -
We understand that an assembly
will take place in the near future.
Mr. T. W. Hawkshaw and John Snell,
of Exeter, were in Biddulph township
on Monday.
St. Patrick's day will be achihrated
here this year by a grand Sawing mat-
ch, free to all comers, to be held at Me-
Coll's (Royal) hotel. Two very Vella
able gold "rne0,:s, besides a number of
other good prizes will be competed for
and awarded to the,suecessful compet-
itors. This will be well woreh witness-
ing:, and a large crowd is expected to
be in attendance. Let all come.
Stephen Council.
Council met on March 3rd, 1890; all
the members present. Minutes of last
meeting were read and signed. A dep-
utation from Hay council was present
to compare expenditures on Lake road
for past year and being so near equal
ecconute were jumped, Hay having
expended 2S369,$Stephen's expendi-
ture being $257.54, increased , by
amount over paid by Stephen the pre-
vious year sufficient to about equal the
sum paid by Hay. Resolved that Step-
hen council meet 'MeGillivrayetouncil
at Limerick, on Monday 17th inst., at
1 p. m. After passing the -ThIlewing
ordeaSithe council edienattedato meat
agaip the first Monday an April when
pathmasters will he appointed:—W.
LeSvis, conveying- W. Mitchell to. W.
'Rowtclitie's, $1, charity, $16 t G. Brown,
iipcollecta:ble dog tax and late statute'
'labor return, 04; T. Kestle,Voak, S. R.,
$2; G. Pollock, ditch and stone, 42; R.
Hodgins, briage, 42; A. McGregor,
3rd S. R, f2.-0. PriourY, Clerk.
kr. Geo W. Shipley spent a few days
in Toronto this week.
Mr. J. Bowman jr. spent a couple of
days in London last week.
Mr. J. Hough, of Guelph,is the guest
of John H. McKay this week.
Mrs Winnie Cameron is attending
the Millinery openings in Toronto this
The Mimes Waugh, Box and Franks,
of Locate, were visiting friends in towe
on Friday lat. •
Mr. Shepherd. of Wardsville, and Mr.
Darling, of Riclgetown, were in town
one day last week.
Mies. Minnie Bowman returned on
Thursday evening last from a visit to
friends in Chatham and London.
Don't fail to attend the Concert On
Friday evening by the Congroate fam-
ily, of St. Marys. Admission 15cts.
The concert in the Town .Hall last
Monday evening was a grand .success.
Prof. Burks and the London . 'Vocal
Quartette Club furnished one. of their
grand entertainments. Miss Bella Gor-
don captured the house with e —4olin
Usborne School Report.
The following are the names of the
pupils who obtained 50 per cent or
over on written examination work
during the months of January *and
February S. S. No. 6:—
Fun! CLASS.—F. 13rimacombe 89; C.
Andrew, 89; S. Halls, 88; E. Delbridge,
84; J. Delbridge, 82; C. Johns, 81; D.
Cathcart, 77; G. Powell, 75; , H. pel.
bri.lge, 72; J. Haywood, 62.
FOURTH CLASS:—C. Delbridge, 79;
0. Miners, 77; L. Andrew, 76; ETohui
73;'N. Hinds, 72; H. Spicer, 68; E.
Turnbull,6'7; E. Johns,58; G. Delbridge,
53; W. Johns, 59,
THIRD CLASS Senior:—M. Clement,
64; A. Smith, 62; A. Francis, 61; L.
Halls, 57; L. Coward, 56; E. Smith, 66;
L. Brimacornhe 54.
TIIIRD CLASS Junior:—A. Hunter,
78; F. Miners, 73; S. Johns. 72; E An
drews 68; 0. Pewell, 67; F. Biewn, 66;
E Powell, 64; R. Coward, 63; A. Miller,
62; L. Krause, 62; II. Kyle, 58; L Up -
shall, 58e
SECOND Ceess: —E. Clienefits, 97;
8 Clements 96; N. Fletcher,89; A. Striale
80; M. Miners, 79; P. Rowelifi; 79; G,
Spider, 75; 0. Francis, 73; S. Smith, 73;
E Delbridge, GO; T. Fletcher, 67; W.
Hockl, 57.
oerich Township., ,
MPs Cartampard, of the Nikais
rela 0,in the taaveahiP.
Ilapeard "and Mrs. J. G.
Steep re ,e several days with relatives
at the , • .
Calj • iald, William Elliot, a son
of daniee .`,Ct,;'soslaitl,SOme of the McDou-
gal fa, "ale al a great many others at
the Hui Ile este:Pen suffering, from la
grippe. Ilest of them, if not all are
gettieg ' r
Ail tr-al ..112or crept into the men-
tion of the geeperty Mr. Henry Young
offergfot oa.e. Lot 31, con, 10 was all
rih;15tter Auld have stated it was
the prop, t
ford stun
reverted t
in Luean.
Miss Reit;
ich he sold, te .1Vir. Mug,.
ago and ,Which has
1 again.—:Netes Record
insoa is visitinc/ftiends
visiting Miss
Neil hao,.
We are W.en to -relate tht,piirs. John
McFalla sr, ,tis ee.the recovery.
Miss Jeri JentAe...1;;SIvis has returned honie
from, Visitieg eriende in Landon. '
. Mts. T. RellieSis mriouely ilh , 'We
hope to eoo `u.............(4,attleetatefl her recovery.
... , ,
Me' wean Beyle Visited London on
Sunday. L. tlire attraction there Bil-
Mr- E. retail, . imened with an accid-
ent one day les'. .., elte'by cutting; hie
knee with a era:, elteife. ,
' A Very tiejoYable time was spent at
the residentilliam Lewis' on
Wedoesilting Iast. 'tripping the
liglit, fituktialice end other harmless
games. e ee
We are erlittl t.e. relate that Professor
Elston's hatiaeafe better. and that he
was able to ?Valid to his duties on Sun-
day. We -4iiirs that the Professor is
very ebbe:lag ent wood on Monday
for what41Nw..1 ble farmer demolished
on Sunday.
ce"lat,lieraMih, .
lt,e'r. kir:We/term on th,e 2nd pop.
,,aaa atta veitbarti
at a ye e ese ;Vete-arta . -61.1V-Me.
CartneS. df Pell:Rued has iented his
farm to Mr. We Beery, at a rental of
$225. •
Mr. Tom Gibbing's left here Monday
last for 'Manitoba. He has takenup
land there Ind intends to, settle down
and growUpasailith ,the. country. He
leaves here wit the good wishes of his
,nianY friends—Messrs Fred and Will
Cooper intends going to Manitoba with
the annual spring excursion.
Mr Wili Towesend, ' who has re-
turned from Manitoba, intends leav-
ing for Algoma Out. in about a week.
He has taken up land -and intends set-
tling there as he considers it a super-
ior country to any part of the North-
West. •
A social will be held at Mr. James
Dallas' on Thursday .evening March
1.2th, under the auspices of the Royal
Tem piers Of Temperance. Prof. Oakes,
of Clinton,. will be present with
one of his superior organs to render
some choice musical selections. Au ex-
cellent program. has been prepared
consisting of musk"; recitations die,-
legues etc. A good. time is expected.
Admission 15c, News Record.
Mr., John Klump is able to be around again
after his recent illness. •
The funeral of Frederick Gebeaur,"which
took place on Sunday, was largely attended.
' Rev. Mr. Howie delivered his first lecture
on the Holy Land on Tuesday evening to a
large audience wti(3...liatelled eVith delight to
his descriptioh of the cedars of Lebanon,
farming pursuits, and his school days. The
remaining lectures promise to be fully ,,as
interesting arid instruttive as the first has
ein investiption lard the alleged miscon-
duct of the clOrk of the Division Court Was
held on Wednesday, Feb,. a6th. by Inspector
Dickie, which, if we are to judge by the evi
dence taken, proved to be a fizzle, as bone
Of the charges were proved orsustained, in
any way. The prime movers in the affair,
whoever they are, have added nothing to
their reputation nor increased the public's
esteem for them.
• Dashwood,
Mr. John Hall has moved into his
new brick house.
Dr. 'Outten has moved into his house
formerly occupied by Mr. John Hall
Mr. G. Nadinger has uttered into his
house and will live retired. : We wish
him it long and ple:tsant ,
Mr. 'Wiggins, our cobbler, left for
Varna rather sudddenly. He left a
few creditors to mourn his loss.
Our mill yard looks rather empty
for this time of the year. Sleighing is
being pa iently waited for. There is
lots of lumber left yet.
Mr. Fred Noll, our butcher le moving
to Milvorton, :titer being a reeklefeet of
this place for Over five yeata. We
wish him every stiecess and pioeperity,
Dt Cutten came very near having a
bad aceident on Tueeday, It appeare
NO. 144.
bis horse took fright, ran away ana
splashed the cutter to atoms, Miss
McCollum was in the cutter at the time)
and escaped with a few bruses on the
head and back.
PUBLIC Senoor, Rarona:—The fol -
loving is the report of the metals in the
Sr,, Division of S. S. No. 8, Hay, for the
month of February.—
Fouarit Craiss.—J. Hoffman, 475; M.
Cook, 397; J. England, 354; A. Geiger,
860;'J, Ehlers, 320; I. Cook, 268; Louis
Kleinstiver, 260; II. Huffman, 246; G.
Snider, 245; H. CaSfits, 238; F. Geiger,
570; 0, Beaver, 201.
Timm, CLASS Sr. --Lucinda Klein-
stiver, 356;E.. Rader, 309; L. Rader,
299; W.. Bean, 294; L. Schroeder, 388.
S Schroeder, 240; J. Bender, 323; D.
Beaver; 1.61; F. Livergood, 128.
Tamp 4eass Jr.—D, Weber, 324; A
Ehlers, 280; D. Heartleila 262; M. A.
Miller, 168; D. Betchen, 113: L. Linden-
feld, 60; D. Snell, 59; Ed ?diner'54.
SECOND CLASS.—E Thon, 383; W.
Ekstelu, 338; M. Hendee, 831; N. Miller,
303; A. Kraft, 254; H. Reetemayer, 245;
E. Reetemager, 238; J. Grossman, 337;
H. Steinhager, 227; M. Walper, 196;
T. Miller, 175; L. Walper, 171 ; M. Rader
159; A. Eidt, 42.
S. M. Mulch,
. Zurich,
Mrs. Louis Weler is ill.
Mr. Hauch (Rev.) has returned from
his isit to, Cleveland.
It is altogether probable that a new
Townhall will be built in the township
of Hay, and that a splendid brick one
will be built in Zurich on the site of
the old one.
We are pleased to again report an
ether of those happy events, of which
all are very much interested. We re-
fer to the marriage of Mise Lehman, of
the Bronsen Line, to Mr. Charles Bos-
seribeery of this .village.
Seneca., ReeouraaThe following Is a
correct report of the pupils oftlee senior
division of the Zurich public school for
month of February. The report is
'based .on good •conduct and general
proficiency during the miatithe—
Fearri '.C-LASS.—Rosa Haigh; 475;
leditir-Seeinbactre465ei — '1- •
FOURTH SENIOR.-1.i.ydia atrempfer,
489- Wm. Johnson 467- Laura Williams,
459; Wm. Hess, 436; John Gies, 367;
Emma Johnson, 364; John Kibler, 278.
FOURTH JUNIOR.—Roraee Hardy,
437: Alfred Moritz, 392; Annie Lip-
phardt, 336.
,SeNIOR THIRD.—Nettie Well, 600;
Ida Brill, 481; Emelia Hess, 475; A.Ilie
Johnson, 459; Eliza Becker, 436; David
Cooper, 427; Tillie Well, 426; Edmund
Sippel, 420; Enianuel Faust, 392; Tillie
Johnsote 384; Maggie Riimrnel, 370:
Wm. Derstein, 368: Wm. Geiger, 303;
Levine, Prang, 274; Wm. Demuth, 261;
Milton Bubhanan, 237; Minnie Doan,
236; Reuben Becker,232 ;Wesley Schee-
Ilig; 218; Clara Smith; 45.
Rama THIRD.—Martha Streinpfer,
483; Mary Randall, 892; Eddie 1Vurne
388; Sara. Holtzman,367; Theo.. Moppet,
353; Alb. Hideman, 249; Noah Sarnras,
299; Annie Hess, 282e •
teacher-a—Pater 11—Hilda Strempfer,
395; Mabel Hardy, 331; Viet. Johnson,
328; Dan Koehler, 313; Helma Koehler,
291; Alf. Pfaff, 280; Maggie Zimmer
mann, 231; Alf. Reichert, 198; Arthur
Kibler, 195; Nettie Sarnras, 112; Nettie
Demuth, 105; R. Cleghorn, 98.
next week. The average attendance
for the month was a fraction over 143.
Sam. J. Latta; Principal.
atiquep.)—This village can boast of
having two good hotels—both good
orderly Houses. The Commercial, Mr.
H. L. Peine, proprietor, and. the Huron,
Mr. Chas: Greb, Proprietor. The form-
er stands in the, northern part of the
village. It is a good frames building,
built expressly for the accommodation
of boarders and . travelling public.
There is a splendid frame hall in con-
nection,fitted up with a nice little stage
and every convenience, suitable For
public meetings, concerts, etc., etc. Mr.
Peine, the obliging and painstaking
proprietor, does not spare labor or
money in making everything comfor-
table for those who may call Upon him.
There is also a good warm stable and
shed in connection with the Hotel for
the accommodation of farmers. The
Huron Hotel is an imposing- brick edi-
fice stantaing on the corner of the two
principal streets.. Although Mr. Greb
has not.been very long in thisetand he.
has speceeded in keeping up the reput-
ation of the house. There is also good
stabling' and shed room in c,ounection.
This house, this summer, was consider-
able remodeled and improved, a, now
roof was put on the Whole building and
a large addition built. The now- part
has been fitted up With sample rooms
below and a splendid Society hell in
Ilia upper night. The hall is now oc,-
ettpied by Court Bismarck of the As O.
F. A great deal deal of herd work and
moneybhas letely been spent on this
building and it is now one of the most
convenient and well conducted public,
houses itt the county oilluren. Another
point of much importance might be
Mentioned here, We refer to the board
provided in these hotels, No other
town in Western Ontario can boast of
having a better reputation for giving
good board than Zurich. Ask a travel-
ler what he thinks of the village and
he will tell you that there is one thing
about it worthy of praise, :i,nd that is
you get the best of the best to eat and.
plenty of it.
Mr. Alexander Brown is erecting a
new barn on his premises,
Mr. John Widdon and Thos. Cameron
were in Clinton on Monday in the in-
terest of the Foresters,
Our aSsessor, Mr. Ben Higgins bat ,
been laid up with infiamation of the .
lungs,but is now getting around again,
Charles Parker has started his steam,
chopper going again, He is it pusher
and does good work. Gire hien a cal , • ,
Mrs. Charles Stalker had a young son
the other day. Charles sa,ys no girle
for him as they cost to much for coal
Queen Isabell is studying law near-
ly all the time. If she would study the
bible nedre, it might be better for her
in the end.
Jieu the cohler says if Jessie walks as
far for coffee as he. 'did whehle was in
Varna, he will doall the workn when
Jessie is away.
The carnival on Friday the 28th Fele
was a grand success, considering . the. t„
weather. The syndicate is fortunate,
to have such an able manager as Mr.
Mr. Ed. Lewis visits our town. every
Saturday and puts'up at the Albion.
He does a good busiems and so be
ought to for Ed. ,is a good fellow and
well up in his business.
Our correspondent for the Expositor
told us the week before last that Alfie
Erwin was at John Bacone's,, Goderich
tp, cutting straw, but has not told us
whether he is coming back or not.
The lecture of Bush on horse train-
ing drew quite a crowd last Saturday.
A number of the boys have taken les-
sons in the art and we expect before
long to see the town full 'of professional
horse train,ers.
Miss 'Whim , Moorehouse had the
missfortunre break -thattie,"--titettee
while crossing the ' river. Of course
she went "to the bottom of the sea" but
I was soon fished out again and is none
' the worse of her advepture. •
We understand that the anti -bylaw
are going OD with the law suit and
that the Reeve has been summoned to
appear in Toronto. There will, no
doubt, be a great deal of expense in -
cured, before the affair is settled.
The remains of Titus, aged 17, 'soh
of Mr. Win..Townsend, Goderich town-
shipavere interred in the cemeterybere
lest Saturday afternoon. Deceased.
was much beloved by the people of this
vicinity and we unite with them in ex-
pressing our regret at the removal of
one so ,young'
The "Acme" skating,rink was open-
ed under the most favorable circum-
stances on Friday night. It was open-
ed on Saturday afternoon and evening.
The ice was in splendid condition and
the crowd large but the latent hopes ot
the managers were reanimated for
with the new week came the enemy of
skating rinks. This has occurred so
often that they have almost dispaired of
even clearing expenses.
Keilbfleisch and Bonus is the iewr-- •
here now and there is a law suit pen&
ing. The council procured a team to,
take the affidavits to Goderich,one day
last week. Beaty's stage could not
have possibly carried them all at once.
One of the draw backs took his affid-
avit the other day in Mr. ThompsolAs
behalf, and signed himself millrighathe -
trade must be getting Into a precarious • '
state when such men as this can claim'
the name, however, we think it is the,
cheek of the man, as he could net 'set'
up a coffee mill and run it.succes.sfuelee
He is Jack of all trades and master ef
none but laziness.
The annual meeting of tho Bay,fieTat
Breech of the Upper Canada Bible So-
ciety, was held in the Methodist church
on Monday evening. After the min-
utes of the last meeting were reed by
Mr. F. Edwards and approved,Mr. Man-
ley, agent for the society, gave a very
spirited and interesting address on
"Nineveh and Isreal." Dr. Stanbuty
was elected president, the vaeaney be-
ing caused by the death of Rev. Gm.
J:tinison, who filled the position so 1,e-
ceptably during the past year. Mr,
Edwards resigned the office of key—
treaseit was Intuded over to Mr, Charles!
Wallice. Mr. James Gardner was re,
appointed depositor. The people turn-
ed out very well considering the'hate
of the weather.
Moneisoze— On Feb. 22nd inst 1890.,
Stephen. son of Mr. Angus Morri-'
SOD, 21st con., Stephen, nged 22
years and 2 months. .•
a he carpenters erriployed in nine of ,
the ship yards on the Thames have
struck for an advence of 6d per day its
their wages.