HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1890-2-20, Page 7THE ONTARIO LEGISLti,TURE
Tim following petitions wore prefiented ;
Mr. 3, M. Gibeon-eFrora the Hamilton,
Temegraphical Union, No. 129for an AO
corapelliug every muoicipelity h Ontario
to publieb orientally ite osseemient rolls,
either in newsemper tar pamphlet form., to
be submittea to the inspeotion of the
Courte of Revieion ; ale°, from, the SSIZei
praying fee the eppoietatent of inspectors
to attend to the proper enforoernent of tne
"Werke -lope' Regulation Act; ale°, from
the same, praying the Legisleture to pass
an Am to nullify the payment of erapkyees
by emPloyers in any other way titan by
wagee ;aIe, for an Act constittiting 13oarde
of Arbitration between employers and em.
Mr, W, R. Meredith-Frora the London
Typographical Union, No 133, to the Berne
Effect as above ; oleo, four petitions from
local Assembly No. 3,658, Knights of La.
bor, praying for the (tame; also, for the
Berne, from L,A. 3,305, London.
Mr. John 14eys-For the same, from
Toronto Trades and Labor Council.
Mr. W. R. Meredith -Preying or the
$600 exemption on houses from thirteen
nitizene ot London; also, from the Pro.
vinoiel Synod of the Chorale of Eugland,
for an Act to confer upon the Metropolitan
Bishop of the eoolesiestical Province of
Canade the power to confer degrees in
Mr. N. Awrey-From the County Council
of Wentworth, preying for an amendment
to the Aseessment Act to enable the real
property of railweys to be aesessed ; also,
from the Hamilton Gas Light Company,
praying for borrowing powers to the extent
of $20e,000.
Mr. Harcourt -From James Pearson and
others, for an Aot inoorporeting the Dunn-
ville tend Sraithville Junotion Railway
Mr. Gibson -From Very Rev. John
Gamt le Geddes, Dean ot Niagara, for an
Aot to authorize the sele of certain lands.
Mr. J. M. Gibson laid on the table tbe
report et the Inepector of Insurance for
1889; also a statement of the Assistant
Qineri's Printer as to the disposal of the
Revieed Statutee ot °Mario, 1887, for
the year 1889. It shows that there were
4,651 copies for distzibution at the com-
mencement of the year. Of this number
525 hate been distributed, leaving on hand
3,953 copies.
Mr. Dryden -On Vredneedey next, a bill
to amerd the Act to iropoee a tax on doge,
and for the protection of Eheep.
Mr. Whitney -Oa Wednesday next, a
bill to amerce the' Ontario Election Act.'
The following petitions were presented
Mr. Clancy-Frora the County Council
of Kent, praying for certain amendments to
the Act to prevent the epread of noxious
Mr. Miller-Frona the ratepayers of
Kaladar township, Anglesea, and Effing•
laam, respecting the killing of deer with
Mr. Kearns -From the Council of the
County of Halton, praying for amendment)
to the eseeement Act regarding real pro-
perty held by railways.
Tim A ttorney•General moved, seconded.
by Dlr. Fraser, that the following be ap.
pointed a Special Committee to strike the
Standing Committeee for the year, viz.:
Metiers. Awrey, Clarke (Wellington), H. E.
Clarke (Toronto), •Creighton, Dryden,
'Fraser. Gibson (Huron), Hardy, Mere-
dith, Monck, Ross (Huron), and Wood
The Attorney -General moved, seconded
by Mr. Fraser, That the following be ap-
pointed a Select Committee to act with Mr.
Speaker in the control and management of
the libtary : The Attorney -General, and
Mews. Clancy, Clarke (Wellington),
French, Gibson (Hamilton), Gibson
(Huron), Harcourt, Meredith, O'Connor,
Rose (Middlesex), and Wood (Hastings).
A bill was introduced by Mr. Hardy,
seconded by Mr. Fraser, entitled " An Act
to Regulate Mining Operations," end
received its first reading.
The Attorney -General aubmitted a mes-
sage from the Lieutenant•Governor, asking
for provisional estirnat El to the amount of
*300,000. The estimates were passed
throneeh the Committees on Supply and
Ways and Means in the usual way.
Mr. Gibson brought down these returns:
A report showing the names of all pub-
lishers of Public School text -books with
the looks published by them, and the
annual report ot the Canadian Institute
for 1889.
Mr. Clancy -On Thursday next ---
Enquiry of the Ministry : 1. What were
the gross amounts paid into the License
fued for the years 1888 and 1889 respec-
tively? 2. How much of the said fund the
municipalities imposed by beelaw over and
above the statutory duties? 3. The gross
amounts paid to the municipalities and the
Province respectively for the same yettre.
Also -Bill to amend the Act to prevent
the epreed of noxious weeds and of diseases
affecting fruit trees.
Mr. Smith (Frontenac)-Enquiry of the
Ministry whether it is the intention of the
Government to introduce during the present
session legislation to establish employment
agencies in the different counties or centres
of business in this Province.
Mr. Monk -On Friday next -Enquiry
of the Ministry: Has tbe working of the
Torrens ay etem in the city of Toronto for
the past year resulted in a surples or a
deficienay ? What was the amount of the
surplus or deficiency ? (1) Without taking
into coneideration the amount paid to the
guarantee fund. (2) With that amount
taken into consideration. As the defi-
ciency, if any, would come outof the city
of Toronto and the county of York, do the
Government intend petting the 'surplus, if
any, over to these municipalities ?" Do the
Government intend giving the rest of
Ontario the benefit of the Act on the same
terms as the maim was introduced in
the city of Toronto and the cotinty of
Mr. Meredith -On Monday next -Re.
turn showing (1) a copy of the case sub.
milted by the Minister of Education for
the opirdon of the judges of the Chancery
Division of the Hiele Court of Jude° as
to the true coestruotion of certain pro.
Wisione of the Public, Schools Act relating
to Separate School supporter ; (2) the
answers given by the said judges to the
questions eubmitted by the same case.
The following petitions were presented:
Mr. Cliandy--From Rev. F. H. Larkin
and others, of Chatham, preying for an
Act to enable the trustees of St. Andrende
Church, Chatham, to mortgage or sell
certain lands.
Mr. Chisholm --From the Municipal
Corporation �f Brampton, for an Act to
consolidate their debt.
Mr Stewart -From the County Council
of Dufferin, for an Act to make uniform
the width of the runners of all eleighs,
Daintily 3 feet 9 bechea.
Me. Creighton -From the County Couto
oil of Grey, for the abolition, as far as
rossible, Of all tax exemptions ; also from
the same for Iegieletion making the width
OS fileigh.rtnnefis unifoete, Viz., 3 feet 10
Mr. Creighton reeved "for an order of
•the House for • retUrn Wing the dates,
ennxiber of amp, locetiou, or other degorih•
then p etteh free grant wedge shoe the bent
clay of July, 1867t under the authority of
geotien thirteen of The Publio Lende Apt,'
with the manes Of the pereone or. oorleore-
tioes to whom mien of thine grants were
made, with the purposea for which they
were made. Alto, all cerreepoudenott
respeotirg them graletel or auy other grente
Applied for under the sant eeution." He
emit he undeestood the lYlinieter of Crown
Lamle withed for further time anci lee
would net prom the matter.
Mr. Hardy -Yon Mu go on with it if you
]dr. Creighton read ilae motion. Ile said
thee he wiebed to draw atteotion to seetiou
13, under which free grants were made for
echeols, cburches anti some otlaer proper.
ties. As far as be was aware, since Gent
federation tiaie /Imes ban received no
information as to the grants made under
that eection. He cionsidered it desirable
that the House should be informed as to
what had been done with regard to them
public properties of the Province.
Mr. Hardy asked thet the notice of mo-
tion be changed to read "1837," instead of,
" 18670, so that returne could be furnished
showing what WAS done ten years prior to
Confederation. This, he said, would neces-
sitate a change in the Public Lands Aot.
What was section thirteen under one Act is
riot thirteen now,
Mr. Creighton said he had no objection to
gaittg beets ten years as proposed. He deeply
used the rate of Confederation for conveni•
enae. If going back so far would not pro -
vent getting the retuens thin eeseion he was
quite setiefied. •
Mr. Hardy said the correspondence asked
Lor ono what (mused the delay. The returns
could easily be got.
Mr Creightonmaid if the oorreepondenoe
caused the delay the returns might come
down first.
Mr. Hardy replied that he had no objec-
tion to that, though going back ten years
prior to Confederation would not oeuse
much extra delay, as the correspondence
Inky to 1867 could not be recovered and
consequently not furaished.
The motion as amended was carried.
The following petitions were preeented
Mr. Leys-From the Canada Lauded
Credit Co., for an Act to amend the Act of
incorporation; also from the Toronto
Street Railway Co., to amend the aot of
incorporation eo as to allow them to tram).
port and carry passengers upon their rail-
ways by steam, electricity, cables, and
maebinery, or other motive power, in
adontion to the present power of tbe aid
Mr. Bronson -From the City Council ef
Ottawa, for power to construct and work a
street railway ; also from the same, for
power to borrow 550000 to pay for works
conecquent on the extension of the city
limits ; also from the City Council of
Ottawa, for powers to borrow $100,000 to
extend and improve the waterworks of the
Hon. Mr. Fraser submitted the report of
the Select Committee appointed to nomi-
nate the standing committees of the lifouse.
The report was adopted.
The following Bilis were introduced end
read the firet time:
Mr. French -To amend the Sarrogate
Courts Act.
Mr. Waters -To amend the Munici-
pal Act respecting the appointment of
Mr. Smith (Frontenao) asked -Is it the
the intention of the Government to intro-
duce, during the present session, legislation
to eetablish employment agencies in the
different connties or centres of busiuess in
the Province?
Mr. Mowat said that it was not the in-
tention of the Government to introduce,
during the present session, legislation for
that parpose.
Mr. Marten asked whether it is true that
the Crown timber agent of the Province at
Rat Portage had absconded? For what
amount, if any, such agent was a defaulter
to the Province? What security, if any,
the Province has for the amount of his de.
falcation, and what is likely to be realized
therefrom ?
Mr. Hardy said it was not true that the
Crown timber agent had absconded. A
bushranger named Dalmage had absconded
some time ago. He had collected some
moneys from those who had cat timber,
and was appointed by Mr. Pardee to pre-
vent trespaseers. The terrizory being in
dispute he had paid the money collected
into the treasury at Ottawa. He received
instructions to pay the moneys to the
Ontario Treasurer, without giving him
authority to collect the moneys himself.
For three years he sent in the large
sum of $5,000 each year. It
turner out that he had collected more
moneys than he had paid in, and on an.
investigation it developed that he had re-
ceived $15,000 more than he had forwarded
to the treanarer. Proceedings were imme-
diately taken, a warrant was issued, but he
managed to escape. He was not a Crown
agent, and hence gave no security.
Mr. j. M. Gibson presented a statement
of the affairs of the Toronto General Trusts
Company as required under tho provieions
of 35 Via, chap. 8t, sect. 13; also a elate.
ment of the returns made by municipalities
raider the Tile, Stone and Timber Drainage
Act, R. S. 0., 1887, chap. 39, for the year
1889; also regulations made or revised by
the Department of Education during the
year 1889 ; also ordersdn•Counoil made in
the year 1889, under the Revised Statutes
of Ontario.
The following petitions were presented :
Mr. Gibson -From the lath Battalion,
Hamilton, and the Hamilton Field Battery,
for the peyment oncertain funds lying in
the Bank of Montreal since the Fenian
raid ; oleo from the Brit:Meyers' and
Mations' 'Union of Hamilton, (1) respecting
wives (2) for Boards of Arbitration, (3)
Workshops' Regulation Aot (4) re publica-
tion of assessraent rolls ; also'from D. A.
61, K. of L. for enactments Nos. 2, 3 and 4
in above petition; also from Thomas
Miner, M. D., and 19 others of Henailton,
for an Act to prevent the killing of quail
for two seasons.
Mr. E. F. Clarke (Toronto) -.Four peti-
tions frora Geo. Stephenson Assembly 'No.
9,005, K. of L., same as second petition of
Mr. Gibson; aleo from Arthur W. Holmes
and nineteen others, for the 5600 exemp-
tion. •
Mr. Monk made the following inquiry of
the Government: Has the working of the
Torrens system in the city of Toronto for
the peat year resulted in a surplosi or a de.
ficiency ?
Mr. Mowat replied as follows The
working of the Torrens syetem or Land
Titles Act in Toronto and York for the past
year has resulted in a eneplus of fees over
the expellees of the (Alpe, such eurplus
amounting to $2,903.93. This has nothing
to do with the guarantee fund, no part of
vvhich goes to pay expeteset). The eipensee
of the working of the Act in Toronto and
the Countehof York were at first peid out
of the Previnoitel Treestary, the Act hexing
been applied to the city and county as arl
experiment for the benefit of the whole
Province, and, without having been re-
quested by these munkipalities. An office
has also been provided in Osgoode "dell pro
teen The excese of the receipts Meet ex.
wises lad midi* is lees than the same paid
out of the Provincial Treestery At the
eatablishment of tile Act and in its early
operatione, end the Government does not
uttend payipg over to Ouse peunicipelities
r111naaieLreturn the:Ming
the number of Public. 80401 tettehere who
hare aocepted the terms impcieed regarding
the ecinerannliatien fur, and leave witi.
drewo orie.half of the amount paid io; the
number whip )30.'Ve not aceepteo the terms ;
and ehoeving to what purposes the MIMS
fikerAifY Withdrawn were devoted; number
ot tettehers who Wye been placed on the
eumeraormation list, 857 ; Mit° still sub-
stribirig tO the fuod, 301; ditto having
withdrawn the portion allowed hr law,
0354 ; ditto immune to their eredit, but
have ceased subscribing 'withont apple ion
for te refund, 4,035; total noruleer o con-
tributore, to the fund slime its oonamence•
ment, 11,747.
All nioneye not withdrawn are included
with other ProvinCial funds in the consoli-
dated revenue, subaoriptions being remitted
to the treasury when received.
Mr. Gibson brought down the report of
the birthe, marriages and deathe in On.
tario for the year ending 31st Deoenaber,
1888, It is shown that the births number
46,953, the marriages 14,551 and the deaths
23,734; an increase of e,049 births, of 01
marriages and of 20 deaths over 1887
Beek:toting the population of the Province
to be 2,148,971, the ratio per 1,000 living
would bo: for births, 21.08 per 1,00Q; for
marriagen 6.7 per 1,000, and for deaths,
11.0 per 1,000. Tire births in the °idea
membered 8,800, an increase of 1,049 over
the number registered in 1887. In the
principal towns they numbered 2,617? an
increaeo of 240, and a proportion of
23.4 per 1,000. In the rural districts
the number registered was 35;456, a
proportion of 20.7 per 1,000 living.
r.rhere were 24,354 rattle and 22,599 femele
births in 1888, a proportion if 107.6 males
to 100 females, not quite so groat as in
1887. The marriagee registered in 1888
numbered 15,551, an increase of 91 over
1887, giving a rate of 13 4 persons Married
to 1,000 living. Nine girls were married at
the age of 14, and twenty•five at the age
of 15. There was an instance in Norfolk
county of e bridegroom at 17 and the bride
at 14 years of age. Thitty.one persoris
were married at 70 years and over. One old
man of 84 married a girl of 17 years of age.
The following petitione were presented:
Mr. Tooley--Frorn the Council of Mid-
dlesex, for the establishment of a Boys'
Reformatory in filet county.
Mr. Roes (Middlesex). -From the corpora-
tion of Middlesex, to consolidate debt and
renew end extend the time for the payment
of debentures.
Mr. Ferguson -From the Chatham
Waterworks Co., for powers to borrow
Mr. Meredith moved for an order of the
House for a return showing a copy of the
case submitted by the Minister of Edema.
tion for the opinion of the Judges of the
Chancery Division of the High Court of
Justice as to the true construction of certain
provisions of the Public School Aot relating
to Separate School supporters. Also, the
runtimes given by the Judges to the clues -
tions submitted by the case.
Mr. Meredith said he did not propose
now to enter into a discussion of the matter,
as he hoped there would be ample time for
such discussion later on, and he trusted that
the Government would so arrange that the
matter might be dealt with as early as
The motion was carried.
The following petitions were preeented :
Mr. Awrey-From the Hamilton & Dun-
dee Street Railway Company, for amend..
ment to the At of Incorporation.
Mr. Gibson (Hamilton) - From the New
York Life Assurance Company, for power
to acquire real estate in the city of Tor-
onto; also from Robert Hopkins and 22
others, of Hamilton, for the $600 exemp-
Master-Four petitions from Iron
,Moolders' Union No. 102, Galt.
Mr. Stratton -From 209 of the citizens
of Peterboro, for the $600 exemption.
Mr. Harcourt -From the Toronto, Ham-
ilton ele Buffalo Railway, for power to issue
bonds to the extent of $40,000 per mile of
road constricted, and authority to extend
their line from a point at or near the city
of Hamilton to a point in or near the city
of Brantford.
Mr. Gibeon presented the first report of
tbe Standing Committee on Private Bills,
recommending that the time for the recep-
tion of petitions be extended until Tuesday,
the 18th
The following Bills were introduced and
read the first time:
Mr. Awrey-Respeoting the Hamilton
Gas 86 Light Company.
Mr. Gibson presented a report respecting
schools in which the French and German
languages prevail; also, the publie amounts
of the Province of Ontario for 1889.
Mr. Clancy moved for an order of the
House for a return as to the dates on whieh
the Legislative Assembly was convened or
prorogued between the years 1884 and 1889
respectively. In moving for this return
the hon. member directed his remarks
principally to the limited time in which
the House has to consider the public ac-
counts, which were to -day presented by
the Provincial Secretary.
To Wouldn't Look Nice.
" Zeb Vanes was bolding forth in one
of the cloak -rooms of the Senate the ether
d ay on the evils of intemperance, writes a
Washington correepondent of the New
York Tribune. I do not know whether he
intended to "point it moral and adorn a
tale," or whether he expected tbat the seed,
in the company in which he was in, should
fall on fruitful ground. Whatever his
Motive in telling the following little story,
I omit, for obvious reasons of delicacy, all
mention of names. Said the genial Sena-
tor from North Carolina "There
was it camp -meeting held last yeer in the
immediate neighborhood of my home in
Charlotte. Among the many colored
people present waa Annt Nina,' who was
noted for the length and breadth of her
,prayers, in which she never failed to make
mention of her old master, who eves much
given to drink. On this partiouler coca.
don, after having disposed of all the rest of
creation, she became more than nenally
fervent in her appeal in his behalf, re-
questing as a 'special favor that he be
Bayed from a drunkard's grave, at least,'
and accompanied the request with this
irresistible appeal : Oh Lord, how would
it look 1 him in hell, with his bald head,
and drunk at that 1'"
Her opinion.
"Do yon believe in the later theories
concerning Socialism ?" asked a young
man of Mrs. MoGndley.
"0! oeurse I do. Societe is teeny all
that bas held our chorale together for the
last six months."
7derdie Ceiri'dt d States cdtton returns show
About nintatenths of the orop in sight. The
Proportion of the crop that has len the
plantations i 90.4 per cent.
Rev. E. Stewart Jones, formerly of Port
Itoveen and letter of Niageira, Ont., died ef
pnentrionie fit LOWlat0I10 24.Y.0 yesterday.
The Montreal Water Platiterers' And.
dation and the journeymen plasterers are
in battle arrayed. About 200 ixtrin are out
on strike.
nndg trlitelLeettre reaCUPAPt
Said .titto or Things ?here—Net a ramilin
Ha leseaped,
For hovered weenie pset a violent
obolem epidemic has regeci in and %round
Bagded, Herr Sornelth, heed master of
the eobool of the Israelite Allience in that
ightletilAtnceeof, tthhinnogo:
"As mon as it beoarne known thet the
Urinate digeate was • the &bolero, every.
body tied to eseape ft= the itfection as
quiekly se pOBSiblO, 'the pattio eves inde•
eoribeble, Within two days two,tbires
of the rewit had left the etty, fleeing at
modem enr settling in the first village
they could find. The Cheatham did the
Panto, and the Mehonaetene, despite their
well•heown fatalism, could not etetape the
general panic, and gouglit safety in flight.
The city presents a disooneolete 1191)00t
the streets are empty; ore dares not yen -
tore out; the only thing to be nen is the
endless row of hearse, which the paid
drivers accompany to the cemetery. One
sees neither tears nor other signs of grief.
Cruel, inexorable death has quenched the
Eource of tears; the people have keit almost
all feeling. Oar fellow -believers have suf-
fered proportionately more than the rent of
the populetion. Death her pursued them
everywhere, and has raged terribly among
them. There itt not a fenaily that has not
to lament the death cf one of its members.
The rich, as well as the poor, 'neve been
terribly tried, and many ot the dead had to
lie for (leen unburied in the fields because
there was nobody to bury them." -The
111%7 A LION'S DJ.
A Mad Performance Nearly Pods in a
A. BEES Sterling nearly lost ber life tbe
other day at Heelers, in France during a
performance of a eomewbat novel hind in a
lion's cage, in commotion with Redenbecles
menegcrie. Mies Sterling was in the habit
of entering a cage containing several lions,
together with the tamer Redenbach and
Donee, a professor of hypnotism. It was
on the programme that she sbould be put
into a state of hypnotio eke!) by Dornay in
the midst of the hone. On Friday evening
Mies Sterling went to sleep in her accus-
tomed posture on the floor of the cameand
Redenbaoh proceeded to melte the none go
through the entice which are expected
from them on such occaeions. Ari excep-
tionally sevage animal was more rebellions
than usuel that night, and it sprang upon
the hypnotized subject and fixed its claws
in her legs. Redenbach boldly attacked
the infuriated brute, and succeeded in
diverting its attention from Miss Sterling,
who made her escape, together with
Dornay. As may be supposed this scene
caused the wildest excitement among the
spectators. Miss Steeling's limbs were badly
for Infants and Children.
castor:a is so well adapted to clalldren that Oratorio cures Cone, Constipation,
I receMniend it as superior to any prescription neur Stontaeh, platehoeie nructation, .
knowienci teem oo AucErEit„4.1.D,, Kills Werms, mvee sleep, aud promoteo dee
11180. Oxford ne, Brooklyn, N. Y. ' Velt.ggeturious medication.
Tap 0s1PrATIR CoidPA.E`r, 77 efurray Street, N. Ye
AikalAiti.iAi4A0461.104,16U,' i.34,11ci..44491.14Q1d5".4fa' d'bit'4.2i4r,;; t"
A Decrease in the English Army.
England probably is tbe only great
Power widoh can point to a decrease in the
total strength of its military establishmeut
during the past twelve months. The
British army is less numerous by about
a thontand men than it was a year ago.
The strength of the infantry has de.
creased by half as much again, but there
has been a slight increase itt the artillery,
engineers and army service corps, while the
cavalry has remeined stationary. The
toil diminution, however, hi not serioue,
and it is somethiug to know that the Brit.
ish array is etronger than it was four years ,
ago* 10,000 men. The number of troops
quarttred in the British 'sleet show an in.
crease of 4,000 over the strength recorded
in December, 1883; the British army in
India has been reduced by 2,500 men owing
to the cessation of bostilities in Burmah ;
there are still about 28,000 men in Ireland
and the strength of the Egyptian garrison
remaine steady at about 4200,,including
the force at Suakim. These figures do not
include the Indian armies or the colonial
militia ; and if they were included the
British army on paper would not look
quite se ineignificant.
lip and About with a I3roken Neck.
Tbe physicians of the Pennsylvania Hos-
pital are interested in what they coneider
the most remarkable case, in many yarn
culare, tiara has ever come under their con-
sideration. In August laet Mrs. Mary
Donahue fell from a tree at ber residence
in Haddington. She was not apparently
injured by the shock, and when she
recovered comity:mese went about her
work. Oacasionaily her head would drop
forward, and soon she suffered intense
pain. After six weeks she was removed to
the hospital, where it was found that her
neck was broken. The spinal column held
escaped injury, but the physicians have
been unable to reset the broken bones and
the woman will be obliged' to wear an iron
frame all her life to bold her head in an
upright position.
The Politician.
I pray that in one year more I may find
mine way of escaping from this noblest
custom honse, for it is it very grievous
thraldom. I do detest all cfficee-all, at
least, that are held on a political tenure,
and I went nothing to do with politicians,
Their hearts wither eway and die out of
their bodieg. Their 'consciences aro turned
to india rubber, or to some 'substance as
black as that and which will stretch as
much. One thing, if no name, I have gained
by my custom hone experience -to know a
politician. It is a knowledge which no
previous thought or power of sympathy
could have taught me, because the animal,
or the machine, rather, is not in nett:ire:-
With full dress the double•breasted white
vest is in great demand. The material
may be plain or waiered silk or white
American clams are to be planted at
various points on the English omen in the
hope that they may be propagated for the
Tmee brakemen oarry their lives in their
hands is demonstrated every day, but it is
only on reading the &mane] revere of the
IntenState Commerce Commission that
the magnitude of their slaughter is properly
understood. From that report it is learned
that out of a total of 100,000 brakemen
employed on the various railways of tbe
col:tote), the lives of over 2,000 of them
were enerificed while in the discharge of
their duty during tbe year, and npvvarde
of 20,000 of them injured. A better ides,
perhape, natty be gained of the hazard of
the oconpation by the record of the
Brotherhood of Railroad Brakemen. It
shows *et one in 83 of the 10,052 tnembere
is killed yearly, and one in 60 injured. A
brekeraen has only one chance in 47 of
being allowed *0 die a natural deeth. The
greet majority of the accidents occur to
brakemen on freight trains, 'Kb° would
not be a brakeman I
-Wilson Barrett refused $1,000 to give it
performance en it Chioago theatre last Sun-
day night.
--There are note 200 evernen studying
medicine itt the vatiOns universities and
Medioel colleges of India.
.Tho Moat Succcanfal Remedy ever diseovi
ored, as it Is certain in its effects and deli
not blister. Read proof below,
Pautriern oa
ELMWOOD, ILL, NOV. 20, 1588.
Da. 33.3. ItnirnALL Co.
Dear Sirs: 1 havo always purchased your Ken.
dall's Spavin Curo by the half dozen 'bottles, 1
would like prices in larg,er quantity. I think. it is
one of the best ltutmenta on earth. I have 0000 11
en my/gables for three years.
Yours truly, CZXAS. 71. SNYDER,
N. Y., November 5, MS.
Dn. 13.3. InurnaLt Co.
Dear Sirs t I desire to give yontestimontal of my
met opinion of your KendalFs kipqvin Cure. I havo
used, tt for Lameness, Sufi Joint° and
pani an, 01101 have found it a sure cure, 0 cord!.
aLy r,tcorain end it to allhorsernen.
Youra truly, A. '11. GILBERT,
tennger Troy Laundry Stables.
13.tryr, WINTON' COUNTY, OHIO, Dec. 19, 1588.
Da. D. J. IliatnALL Co.
Dents: I feel it my duty to say what I have done
mon your Kendall's Spavin Cure. I have aured
twenty-iive horses that had Spaying, tea of
P!..iiitz Bone nine afflicted with BR
ig ead and
sown of Ritt,,:
aw. since have had one of your
bookd fs anollowed the directions, I have never
lostot case of any kind.
Yours truly, nerniew mtatern.
Horse Doctor.
Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5. All Drag.
gists bevel t or can get it for you, or it will be sent
to any address 071 receipt of price by the prolate -
tors. Da. B. J. KENDALL Co., Enosburgh FaMil, vs.
ttka.167 '43160kii
Have you tried the Deiebrnted
If not don't fail to do so at once.
/t in not a polish but a wonderful
leather preservative it will make the
finest or coarsest shoe as soft and
pliable nskid and very easy to the foot.
It will make them absolutely water-
proof, and if occasionally dressed -with
this dressing will last more than twice
as long as otherwise.
We Mean What We Say.
It is the very life of leather. Itcan
be applied at any time. No trouble -
Shoe can be polishe& immediately
PBICE, - 10 & 15 Cents per fox.
Sold by all first-class stores. Sam-
ples mailed --Stamps taken.
' ttl-rAt itgot D
Try it and be convinced of its wonderful curative
properties. Price 25 cents.
Sick Headache and relieve all the troubles incl.
dent to a bilious state of the system, such as
Dizziness, NauSca. Drowsiness, Distress after
eating, Pain in the Side, 8cc. While their most
remarkable success has been shown in curing
are equally valuable in Constipation, curing
and preventing this annoying complaint, while
they also correct all disorders of the stomach,
stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels.
Even if they only cured
Ache they would be almost priceless to those
who suffer from this distressing complaint;
but forttmately their goodness does not end
here, and those who once try them will find
these little pills valuable in so many ways that
they will not be willing to do without them.
But after all sick head
Is the bane of so many Imes that here is where
we make our great boast. Our pills cure it
while others do not.
and very easy to take. One or two pills malce
a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do
not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action
please all who use them. In vials at 25 cents;
five for 51. Sold everywhere, or sent by maiL
CARTER IdeD16111E 10., New Yore.
Imall Et Small Dose. Small Lilco
Unlocks all tho clogged avenues of the
Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carrying
off gradually without weakening the sys-
tem, all the impurities and foul humore
of the secretions; at the same thin Cor-
recting Acidity of tho Stomach,
curing Biliousness, Dyspepsia,
Headaches, DiZZIHES8, HOnnthunn,
Constipation, Dryness of' the Skin,
Dropsy, Dimness of V1310n, Jaun-
dice, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Scro-
fula, Fluttering of the Heart, Ner-
vousness, arid General Debility- ; all
those and many other similar Complaints
yield to the happy influence ot EURbOCC
For Bate by cat .Deaicrs.
T.11111NRN & CO., Proi»Non, Toreto,
Are nlemant to take. Contain their, ow*
Purgative. Zs a raft, sure am t epasseil
Affray& 0.11aamst in Children or.14.44.
Try Evetest's Liver Regulator
For Diseases i Vie Liver Ridneys, and Purify-
ing of tee dbod. Price 81. Six bottles for 415.
Manufactured only by
GRO. M. EVEREST, C121001171T; 'Fog08., own
NO _
11- 28 1ON AUAREi0tit-
5514 A, ToLvANZA....21
wEAK iciN and 1E0E1= can
quickly mg* there-
'll. 11. selves of 'Wasting
Vitality, Lost Manhood, from youthful
errors, etc., quietly at home, Book on all
private diseeses sent tree (sealed). Perfectly
relianie, over se years' experience. Address --
LADIES .7.,',1,11,fgwf=';r1s,,,T,l8g,,Tauar
pannyroxarrin. Income residual«
Sand for cortienlate. Address
GILDED PILL co., TOEOPIT'0, Cattadt.
NCED 00 soes
otht f000n. hOIV'
- on baldest Made, in au to to dovo. Nagle. West and
d mer
- greetesolilevonsant of modern 8010000 1 Moat won.-
dorfal discovery oi tho ano ge. Like othp
er reparation"
radgicol, sem almoeou
st instantans in nction 13o0 wins
whiskers 1 11Old hth
ands 'eired ,0117i0t114 Spoatrolort, bait
!positive tretini. Only genuine ordels In instket, nod certain.
t8 give absolutesatisfaction. Ogeranteed. Pries 51 a tingle,
es titres bottles for 92. Each bottle loge oho itooth. Addrosit
SUPE, RFLUOUS HAIR A ttPie'jtPt thAtinvgl
000:inane intir without Dual to ciao sidn, tiVatrantod..
mob itt
ANTI.CORPDLENCE PILLS "trvittla c'ePt:igit
Nat nuttiet nt soliCitildS,,Viliethetbelnuse it In eatiete.
Salable or hainShlotiableFAT VOLREI adapt
connection morn" lose 16 ibii. a Month. They cantle
m sidings ; Contain cO iind bang fail. Piffle for eh*
troattiebt, $9;; ar three motel* tickled's'', *14
Asiteh'tticiki#, itOste100 fietti..".itorieltko. Porte
the*e. Ott bilit 66 vavlieliti (Ir 5.
.04, Haim* Striet Ire* ..ihrtilit%