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The Exeter Advocate, 1890-2-20, Page 5
.UK/CU TO 16II6!"IA371;' ;ttR. ".Are. you disturbed at night and broken of y01-12 Test, by K SW1 child sullorina; and crying with pain of eutt1n4^ teeth ? if ,so, send at once end gotabottleof ales.1y1Nskow'SSOOTI11x4SY$UP FOIL CHILDn1"N TELT111NG. its value isincalcul. able. Xtwiltlelit,vothe poor little sulTererilnine• Iliatelyye 1){Iponit upon it, mothers, there ie no nlistltkq.about it. It euros dysentery senter and (liar. those,regulates the stoznnoll land bowels. cures g tvindcolro,softens thouma rodueosilffiamma* g ,. tion, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. Al as. WleieLow's SOOTHING Srnur hroa CWWB NTEtT11iNGisplea■ant to the taste,and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best Almelo nurnos and physicians in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists through, outtha lvoi4d,_Prico 25 gent bottle. Have no equal as a prompt snd pos icive cure for sick hetdache,biliousness, tonstipation, pain in the side and all viler troubles. Carter's Little Liver r Pills. Try them. A suggestion that the best answer to Russia's plottinge in Bulgaria would be the recognition of Prince Ferdinand by all the powers. DIZZINESS CAUSED BY DYSPEPSIA. Dizziness is a symptom tom of dyspepsia. P ys o sia.' Y P "I have used Burdock Blood Bitters for dizziness,which came over mein spells, So that I had. towork for a while. The B. B. B. entirely cured me." James Wright, Chesterfield, Ont. At Butte, Mont., yesterday, Thomas Bryant. aged 16, shot and killed his mother and tried to make his escape with $220, but was captured. ACROSS THE CONTINENT. In thousands of households all over Canada the merits of Yellow Oil,, the great familmedicine,ine, are well knownn It is esteemed as one of the best cures for rheumatism, lumbago; neuralgia, sore throat,crouu,quinsy,spains,bruises, burns and all pains. Used externally or internally.. Consumption Cured. An old phy sican, retired from pract- ice, having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula, of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Con- sumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh,` Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, al- so a positive and rhileal cure for Ner- vous Debility and all Nervous Com plaints, after having tested its wonder ful curative powers in thousands of cas- es,has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering. I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe,' in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent b3• mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. A. Noyes, 820 Powers' Block, Rochester, N. Y.,Feby. 6 —90. HOSPITAL REMEDIES. What are they? ,The growth of intelli genre in medical matters has given rise to a demand for a class of genuine, reliable of ignorant The - opportunity t he quack, who•,grew rich curing everything out of a single bottle has passed. To supply Satisfactorily this demand this list of reme- dies has been created They are the favor- ite prescriptions of the most famous medical practitioners of the day, gathered from the hospitals of London, Paris, Berlin Vien- na. Prescriptions which cost the patients of thesespecialists from Sf26 to 0100 are here offered prepared and ready for use at the nominal price of one dollar each. Not one of them is a cure all; each one has only the reasonable power of curing a single disease, and each one keeps is contract. Sufferers from Catarrh, Diseased Lungs, Bronchitis, ©sthrna, Consumption,. Rheumatism, D • 3s- pepsia, Liver and Kidney Complaints, Fever and Ague, Neuralgia, Female Weakness, Lencorncoea or Nervous Debility,should send stamp for descriptive catalogue to Hospital Remedy Co., 303:1 West Sing St., Toronto, Canada. If your drugeietdoes notkeepthese remedies remit Driee and we will send direct. 4•31111041/1 trIJI This space belongs to I. SPENCER CASE, Hamilton, A SURE CURE Fon BILIOUSNESS, CONSTIPATION, INDIGESTION, DIZZINESS, SICK HEADACHE, ,ANO DISEASES OF THE STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS. THEY ARE MILD,THOROU6H AND PROMPT IN ACTION, AND roam A VALUABLE AID TO BURDOCK BLOOD BITTECt$ tN THE TREATMENT AND cone or CHRONIC` AND OBSTINATE DISEASES. .� 11 It A - E A 1 >✓ CURE R, Il � LL CIJR FOR AN UL CER. 8I1i wo gems ago I had an ulcer on my anitle Icnowiug' Burdock Blood 13itte1.5' to be a good blood purifier, urifier I � l at o bottle and a box of Burdock using leal- Ln�UIhenta �tnl after us. ethree bottles and three boxes I was complete- ly cured, and 'reemniend 13. B. I3, every- where. Nt•s. W.V1 Boy d,Brantford,Ol t. The repot of the Parnell commission was lad on the table of the Heves of commons yesterday. Tho report is rather adverse to the Parllellites, A LIVE RECORD. "I had qeen troubled for 35 years with biliousness and liver complaint, and after using about threw bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters I fell entirely re- lieved, and have not had an attack for two years." J. Gamey, Maxwell, Ont, The junction of the Chinees telegraph with those of France in Tonquin, and with the Russian lines at Kiathka,is ex- pected in a few months. TRUST AN OLD FRIEND Old friends are best, and if ever sue ferer, had a friend, Hagyard's Yellow Oil can justly claim the distinction. Pain, neverstays where it is usod,while for croup it is a specific. Parenis should keep it in the house as a safe- guard against accidents, frost bites, chilblains, sprains, bruises, burns,ets, Documents published at Lisbon show that a Scotch-missionories opposed a settlement of the Portuguese difficulty that satisfied Lord Salisbury. Mrs. Charles Smith, of Jimes, Ohio, writes: l have used every remedy' for sick headache I could hear of for the past fifteen years, but Carter's Little Liver Pills did: me more good than all the rest. At Chicago yesterday Robt. Hender- son, a member of the Rev. D: L. Moody's conregation, shot Miss Hattie Hind, a member of the choir, in the face and then committed suicide. Henderson had deserted his family and Miss Hind was reproving him. CLIMATE CHANGING. IS OUR NG. Tho past two seasons have been so peculiar that thousands are .attacked by coughs, colds, hoarseness, influenza, asthma, bronchitis, etc. TO these we recommend Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam as the safest, surest and best remedy yet produced for all throat and lung troubles. J.B. Farewell & Co.'s big dry good store in Chicago was destroyed by fire - yesterday. Loss $475,000. Several fire man was injured. For four years I was not able to sleep in bed, being' troubled with Ca- tarrh, and T tried almost everything without obtaining permanent relief until I tried Mustard's Catarrh Specific four bottles effected a cure—Geo. Web- ber, Forest P. 0. The troops of Km„ Menelak of Abys- sinia'have had a severe battle with the force of Gen: Ras Alottle. Ras Aloula wao dangerously wounded and his ar- my defeated: Do not suffer from sick headache a moment longer. It is not necessary. Carter's Little Liver Pills will cute you. Dose, one little pill. Small price. Small dose. Small pill. John Show, batchelor, aged 40, was found by his father at Thamesville, Ont.. yesterday setting in his barnyard, dead, bis head almost severed from his body, evidently the result of his falling, while intaxicated, on the wheel of his wagon. It is stated that Andrew Carnegie, having secured absolute control of the Pittsburg and Western railway, has turned it over to the Baltimore and Ohio company. I find Everest's Cough Syrup an ex- cellent remedy and can heartily recom- mend it.— P. B. Rossenberry, L. D. S., Aslcona. The students at the Indian school in Carlisle, Pa., have contributed $550 of their savings toward the relief of the starving Indians at Devil's; lake, Da- kota. a-l:ota. One 25e. bottle of Everest's Liver Regulator has done mea great deal of good, and you will please send me a dollar bottle—Mrs. Rosa Wilson, Sea- forth. The congressional committee on for= elfin affairs has appointed a Represen- tatives Hitt (Illinois); Dunnell (Minne- sota) and Chapman (Michigan) a sub- committee on trade relation between Canada and the United States. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castori When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castorla. THE GREAT NORTHWEST. joins the other parts of the Dominion in in.its praises of the wonderful virtues of Nasal Balm. Mr. W. H. Sharp, Tre bene, Man., says -I am delighted to be in a position to say that Nasal Beim is helping me wonderfully, although I have been using it but a very short time. It speedily cleared out the head and stopped the disagreeable droppings into the throat. For some time I have suffered severely from catarrhal head ache, Nasal Balm has removed every trace of it. I have every confidence in its completely curing me. It is deserve ing of all you claitn for it: "A posit- ive cure for catarrh. Easy and peas- ant to use..',' I hope it will soon bo for sale in every town and village in Man. EMORY Mind wandoriee cured. Books learned in ono reading. Tsstimoniele from all eartn of the globs. Prost ectusl'4s'r Nn'E, tint on application to 1'rof. A, Lt4totte, 237 Fifth Aro. New York. "La, Grippe" or Li htning Catarrh. Mil;. EDl1on.—"La grippe,"" or Russ. ian, influenza, is it is ternled,ls 171 real- ity an epidemic catarrh, and is called by some physicians "lightninghtning cat- arrh," from at.arrh,"from the rapidity with which it sweeps over the country. Allow u$ to draw the attention of your readers to the fact that Nasal Balm, as well as being a thorough cure for all cases of the cola in the tread and catarrh will give prompt relief in the severe eases of "la grippe" or Russian influenza" as it will effectually clear the nasal pass- ages, allay irritation and relieve the dull,oppressive headache accompanying the disease. No family should be with- out a bottle of Nasal Balm in the house as cold in the head and catarrh are pe- culiarly liable to attack people at this season of the year and Nasal Balm is the only prompt and speedy euro for these troubles ever offered the public. Easy to use and agreeable. If you can not get it at your dealers it will be sent post free on receipt of price (50 cents and $1 per bottle) by addressing FUL'FOnD & CO.' Brockville, Ont Catarrh., Catarrhal Deafness Hay Fever. A NEW HOME TREATMENT. Sufferers are not generally aware. that these diseases are contagious, or that they are due to the presence ' of living parasites in the lining mem- brane of the nose and eustachian tubes Microscopic research,however, has prov- ed this to be a fact, and the result is that a simple remedy has been formu- lated whereby catarrh, catarrhal deaf- ness and hay fever aro permanently cured in from one to time simple ap- plications made at home by the patient once in two weeks. N. B. -For Catar- rhal peculiar discharges ecu lar to females males (whites) this remedy is a specific. A pamphlet explaining this new treat memt is sent on. receipt of ten cents by A. H. Dixon & Son. 303 West Bing - St., Toronto, :Canada.—Scientific Ameri- can. Sufferers from' catarrhal troubles should carefully read the above. (10.22'88) NOTIC A Fresh and New Stock of 0 iroidllgs & aijteotiear The Great Credit Salo CLO . . IMPORTED T `' •, IkI0I20'UGIIBI?�Ll P410.31R.D.EGIS. Francis Coleman has instructed Dir. Jas Oke to sell by Public Auction on his moraines !Lot 4, 'Concession 7, Stanley, JUST ARRIVED AT THE Family 'r: Crecerya Also Pure EXTRACTS and SPICES. A beautiful piece of glass- ware given away with 1b of Mayell's Baking Powder. Dashwood Roller Flour For Sale. Call and examine our goods before purchasing elsewhere. G. A. RYRCIANo HENRY WELLS, BM Of ng aistor GODERICH, ONTARIO. 0 0 MANUFACTURER OF Gel rthI file ang PORTER. • o—o XXX Porter a Specialty. EXETER MARKETS. 3% miles west of iiip� on station, on the London ,Huronand Bruce 1lailway, and 1mlj e?rortlr o£ 1•I ITZeen, on Tuesday, March 4t11, '90 The folio wing valuable animals, viz: Net 1—DE3;PFR, "Vol 3, page 81, eleven 33 r��_s- old,.with foal to "'The Turk," vol, 10, No. 6351,Clyd05th5 o Stud Book. This mare' won the Diploma at the Western lair, London, Etna has won several other prizes. No. 2—PRINCESS, Shiro mare, No. 28, 's;o1. 5, page (20: )fated 1880, age'1 years old, with foal. to Prince Victor, imp. No, 63 in Toronto Shire Horse Stud Book. This mare took first prize et the Western Fair at London, and several other prizes, She is a, lucky mare, and a good stock mare, she has h.ad: 7.colts in yrs. Noea. s—LADY JANENo. 15, Juno 4, foaled 1883, dark bay. Sire Var7rrer•'s Glory, imp. 3082. Dam Princess, vol. 5, page 232, tok first prize at Zurich. Second at Western. Fair, London, As a foal, 1st at Eketer and 1st at Zurich as a 2 yoar old filly. . The following aro the progen, of these mares which are eligible for entry in the Shiro Horse Stud Book. No. 4-111.,.TCtILDSS, foaled Ittay 1881, color blank, sire Prince Pieter, imp. 68. Dam Prin- cess, vol. 5 page 282. She took- 1st prize at Zurich and Exeter, also at the Western Fair n asfirstat London, a foal, as a two year old London, Exeter and Zurich; as a two year old, est at London and Exeter, end at the is fillies Provinc al F�1uol 1 gain c ass.of14 She is with foal Guelph, tCharm ng Charlie 4917 Clydesdale Stud Book. This mare also took first prize ie. Toronto 1889, first' in Clinton and Exeter. No. 5—YOUNG PRINCE VICTOR 2ucl foal - ea Aprile9th, 188e, oaledAprile9th,188e, color black, sire Prince Victor 63. Dam Princess 28. This, horse has also took several prizes first at Exeter, Zur- ich and Western Fair London, first at Rev - seal Braoofielil at the spring show in '87, No. 6 -LUCKY LAD; foaled DLarch 6, ,1886, . color dark chestnut sire Prima) Victor rm 64. Dam Princess, imp. 28. imp: 28. est prize at the Provincial fair in Guelph and second prizes in Exeter and London. No. 7—TRIMMER, a mare 3: years old, sire Prince -Victor First,imp.63, dam Depper imp. 27. This mare has took several prizes. She took second raze at the Pri incaal Guelpht t n. first in and EShe is in foal to Galla R t safer. , Prince, No. 6767. vol. ll. 0. S. B. No. 8—A m are risin~ 2 years old, sire Prince Victor imp.63, dam Princes imp. 28. No. 0—A horse colt rising 1 year old, foaled April 2nd. He took seeond.prsze in Toronto, and gra prize in London. Sire Farmer's Glory Nor. 3082, vol, 6, dam Depper, imp. 57. No.10-1 horse colt rising 1 year' olcll sire Prince "Victor First imp, (63) dam Princess imp. (28). No, 11—One mare colt rising one year old foaled May 24th,1589, sire Charming Charlie No.4017 dam Matchless, got by Prince Victor First imp. 63 dam Princess No. 38, imp. vol 5, page 262. No.12: A canadian filly rising 2 years old with two crosses from imp. stallions. No. 13-A Canadian Filly risin"2 years old e.itla three crosses from imp. stallions. No 14—One mare 6 •pcans. ."-tuppoeed:to be in foal to prince Victor 63. No, 15 -One working horse three years old No.16-One mare seven years old supposed to be.in foal to Prince Victor lot No. 63. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, sharp. TERMS.—First half of thee urchase mone v to be paid Maxeh4th,1891, without interest, or if all ee"pitiel at that time no interest will be charged. 6 per cent per annum will be charged on the unpaid half from the 4th Maroh,3891, until paid. .All notes must be satisfactory to the proprietor. Conveyances to carry passengers to and from the sale will meet the morning and evening trt13ins at the Kip en Station. Lun- ch ' will be served all round before the sale commences. James (lee, Allot. FhANCI9. COLEMAN Prop' Wheat per bushel $0.75 to 82 Barley 35 to 40 Oats 25 to 26 Peas.... 53 to 54 Eggs per dol 14 to 15 Butter, Rolls . 17 to 17 Butter, Crocks............ 16 to 17 Geese per it, . , 6 to 6 Potatoes per bush ... 60 to 65 Hay per ton .. 7.00 to 8.00 CITY HOTEL LONDON, ONTARIO. $1 per day°. J, & J, IIW ARTIN, Propr[eto st Furni�ur� � Uninialting A. w+...., u..,�w.rtmT.+.r.��+,.pwVw,..nw+„r.+w+.w..ar*ww.•++M..+yww•ur. • 14. ierinary Dentistry ""--ga Tho undersigned having purchased a. eon). plate stat ofDental Ins try-taw:its, its and. having • thonecessery experien00n that 'wishes to inform the zee le offhis section that he- , fhxl1YPre prepared taexecute all SNELL, T a . ..r.st.. EXETER ONTARIO Has now in stock r4LL. 91111 W1NT:B GO®Is, IN THE FOLLOWING LINES : West of England Suitings and Trous erings, Scotch Tweed Suitings, and: Trouser- inge. French and English Worsted Cloths All made up in the Latest Style, at best Rates. A. J. SNELL. Having leased the premises. latety occupied by Mr. John Brawn, I would inform the public that I carry an immen- se stock of FURNITURE of my own Manufacture,which I will sell at EXTRAORDINARY PRICES Tnepect my stock before buy- ing elsewhere and save from 10 to 20 per cent. I am bound to sell,ancl guaratee my goods to be superior to factory work. Undertaking in all its branches at lowest possible Prices. Special attention will be given to this branch of the business. Give me a share of the patronage. Remember the stand, two doors north of the Town Hall, Exeter. WALT. ANDREWS. I1HAMNON FOOD THE BEST 1.11.1 SIOCIt F00[1 IN THE WORLD 127 %Ili by N UOa Horses can now be kept in better condition ; cows give more and richer milk, and all kinds of Live Stock is restor- ed to health, 'fattened ancl im- proved at a much less expense by the use of CHAMPION FOOD. db 1' JAMES PARKINSON, (axarlcral Storekeeper, Agent for iaxiitof; S. GITILEYJ THE LEADING J rulertakeze AND Furniture eCaler OF THE'. TOWN? I have an immense Stock of Furniture and Undertaking G-oods now on hand; which I will sell at right prices: UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. An examination of our Stock Solicited. S. GIDLEY. —THE— Centra Shaving 1: ..l h. vin Pallor, • EXETER, Ontario. .L�.� aBti .ge, 'PROPRIETOR. Every Attention paid to Ladies' and Children's Hair Cutting. AGENT FOR TALE TROY LAUNDRY £ Hastings. W. SOUTHOTT,, Cor. Main and John St. Exeter, Ontario. Has just opened out a full line of FASHIONABLE • Vin fi n 8.11.1 1 Y . 4 I T Y Fali \VIIIIRi1 TWEEDS, • Together with a full line, of GENT' FURNISHINGS intrusted to hint on the shortest notice.. Charges moderate. A Trial Solicited, Wm, Sweet, V. S.', DOWN GO THE PRICES Such as Unlaundred Sh,hits, White dressed, Regatta and Flannel Shirts; Underwear, Collars and Cutis, Ties, Scarfs, Caps, Suspenders, Gloves and Half Hose. ' Our prices are close and liberal terms All our Tweeds cut free of charge. W. SOUTIICOTT, MERCHANT TAILOR. London Huron & Brace Railway Passenger T i,sc T terlc. GOING 'NORTII. --- 0oipci- SoUTir. in order to make room for our fall purchas- os which are now arriving, we of- fer reduced prices in Summer =rens. Goods, Musiihs,Prints , Laces, Dmbroideries, &o. also balance of Summer Millinery at cost. SUOA SI We have a quantity of Sugar on hand which was purchasedbefore the Heavy Ad- vance which we are offering at less than pre- sent wholesale cost, Our values in Teas and Ooffees.are A-1 and are not excelled in the County. A call solibited nl a c an' insuection invited PS'All kinds of produce taken. in exchange. Buster .14 cents ; Eggs, 14 cents. Happel & Cleghornl ZURICH Watch for this Space Next. Week. E. H. FISH, 1111.111101. amIlIONEOMINIL HR1T13S COMMERCIAL) Firat.Olass RIGS And HORSES.. ORDERS LEFT AT THE HAWK - SHAW HOUSE OR AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. `farms.:: �®a;�ozaa'bl®•�, Telephone Connection. IN ORDER TO 'MARE SPACE —F01— SRItI4 0 • a p.m. a tn. p.m. London ,rlep t 8.05 4.°3 Wtn; dant 7.00 340. Luca n Crow g s.47 5 "0 llelggrave 7.2E 1.60. Clandeboye 8.52 524. Myth 7.38 4.15. Centralia 095 545,ljondesboro' 747 435, EX.73T.ER 916 557, Clinton 8.07 445. liensaall 0.29 6.00, 73ruee'field 8,26 604, Kippon 0 31 6.17. Rippen 8 31 512. i . 1 nsa 8.11 C> 0 ISruocf 1 942 6.96 Te U to d Clinton 10,00 6.45.EXETER 8 56 583. iOttlosboro' 10.10 7.63 Centralia 907 5 45. 731y% 1028 7.13, Clancdchoya 9.18 5.56. liolgravc 10.42 727. Lye hltcrew g024 6.02. VPingh'uu 11.00 7.15, T. 910.9e1,,.rt'.11315 1445; 3. We will clear out the balance,>of our Winter Stock AT COST —FOR : ^+� era t rill 3� . i< LY Including a splendid' assortment of "OVERCOATS & SUITS FOR ;.1AEN AND, BOYS. LADIES AND GENTS;IUR$. LADIES FUR CAPS, MUFFS AND. HATS. LADIES NETT, VEST ANP WOOL: SHAWLS. A NICE STOCK OF FUR:TRIMMIN'S.. GENTS HEAVY WOOL LINED BID MITS & GLOVES at ' 5c worth $1. We cant be undersold! in Teas and} Sugars for SPO'll CASH. JOHN MATHESON, Exeter North,. Ce 5���6RCaP�BE, (orcltartl TaIlOI. Up stairs, over H. Spackman's Hardware Store. He has in stock some of the fittest Winter goods to be found on the market. A CALL J. SOLICITED. CSM LLAC MB E. ROYAL HOTEL, l7CAN ONTARIO, NT t11:I0, I• HODGINS PROP. The 13tbr itt)tpltliea. will, 'best brands Of Licettoee and Cigars.