HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2005-08-25, Page 14PAGE 14 THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 25. 2005 Agriculture Brussels Livestock report Fed steers, heifers sell S2 lower Tues. Total receipts lor Brussels Livestock for the week Aug. 19 were 3.148 head of cattle. 578 lambs and goats On Tuesday the fed steers and heifers sold $2 lower. Choice steers and heifers sold $90 to $96 with sales to $103. Second-cut steers and heifers sold $86 to $88. The cows sold on a steady market. On Thursday the veal sold on a strong active trade with prices steady to last week. The lambs sold actively on a steady market On Friday all weights and classes ol stockers sold on a strong active mar­ ket. There were 606 steers on offer. Stan Francis. Kirkton. consigned two lim- ousin steers averaging 1.3IO lbs. which sold to Dominion Meat Packers for $103. His overall offering ol twenty-one steers averaged 1.285 lbs. selling for an average price ol $95.52 Two black steers consigned by WBX Farms. Bluevale, averaged 1.210 lbs. selling to Norval Meal Packers for $103. Maynard Martin. Drayton, con­ signed one limousin steer weighing 1.250 lbs which sold to Dominion Meat Packers lor $103. His overall offering of seven steers averaged 1.43 I lbs. selling for an average price ol $99.17. Hugh Love. Atwood, con­ signed twelve steers averaging 1.448 lbs. which sold for an average price of $97.32 with his top two black steers averaging 1.4X5 lbs selling to Highland Packers Ltd. for $100.75 Three steers consigned by Brad McAlpine. Ailsa Craig, averaged 1.422 lbs. which sold lor an average price of $96 45 with his top two blonde steers averaging 1.375 lbs selling for $ 100 Walter Riddell. Granton, consigned one limousin steer weighing 1.465 lbs which sold lor $99.75 His over­ all offering of nine steers averaged 1.554 lbs selling for an average price ol $95.55. Eleven steers consigned by Cunningham Farms. Lucan, averaged K 1.371 lbs. selling for an average price < $95.09 with their top three limou- sm steers averaging 1.325 lbs. selling for $98.25. Samuel B. Bauman. Elmira, consigned four limousin steers averaging 1. 124 lbs. which sold to Dominion Meal Packers lor $99.25. His overall offering of eight ecn steers averaged 1.220 lbs. selling for an average price of $95.04. Ten steers consigned by Willard Martin. Drayton, averaged 1.491 lbs which sold for an average price of $94.49 with his top four charolais steers averaging 1.438 lbs. selling lor $98. Gerald Geisel. Elmira, con­ signed one limousin steer weighing 1.495 lbs. which sold for $100. His overall offering of twenty-seven steers averaged 1.491 lbs. selling for an average price of $92.87. Nature Farms, Burgessville. consigned iwen- ty-six holstein steers averaging 1.287 lbs which sold lor an average price ol $81 25 with sales to $81.50. I here were 426 heifers on olfcr. Andy VariderVcen. Blylh. consigned three blonde hcilers averaging 1.202 lbs which sold for $99 25 His over­ all offering of four heifers averaged 1.201 lbs selling for an average price ol $97 len heifers consigned by Aaron B Sherk. Wellesley, averaged 1.238 lbs which sold for an average price ol $93 69 with his top tour lim ousin heifers averaging 1.199 lbs selling for $98 35 Six charolais heifers consigned by Ken McAlpine. Ailsa Craig, averaged 1.251 lbs sell­ ing for an average price ol $93 94 w uh sales up to $94 75 George Horst. Paisley, consigned one gold heifei weighing 1.245 lbs which sold lor $93 75 Sixteen heifers consigned by Melvin W Beannger. Mount Forest, averaged 1.315 lbs which sold lor an average price of $93.34 with his top six red heifers averaging 1.307 lbs. selling for $93.75. Lloyd Weppler. Aylon. con­ signed lour red heifers averaging 1325 lbs. which sold for an average price of $92.10 with sates up to $94 Grisven Enterprises. Stralhroy. con­ signed four limousin heifers averag­ ing 1.225 lbs. which sold for $97.75 Their overall offering forty-six heifers averaged 1.228 lbs. selling for an average price of $91.85. Four HEATHER ARMSTRONG AMY BISHOP YVONNE DEWIT hcilers consigned by Lester R Martin. Mount Forest, averaged l.l I 8 lbs. which sold for an average price ol $91.27 with his top iwo charolais heifers 1.125 lbs selling to Highland Packers Ltd. for $93 75 Ron and Brian Tulloch. Mealord. consigned one limousin heifer weighing 1.445 lbs. which sold for $94.25. Their overall offering of twenty-five heifers averaged 1.403 lbs. selling for an average price of $84.60. Twenty-three hcilers consigned by Paul Buttar. Londesborough. averaged 1.159 lbs. which sold for an average price of $83.65 with bis top two limousin heifers averaging 1.125 lbs selling to Highland Packers Ltd. for $94. There were 192 cows on offer. DI and D2 cows sold $35 to $48 with sales to $63; D3. $30 to $35; D4. $15 to $25 -Seven beef cows consigned by Glen Catto. Owen Sound, averaged 1,352 lbs. selling for an average price of $44.15 with his top gold cow weighing 1.235 lbs. selling for $63. John McKinlay-Key. North Gower, consigned one red cow weighing 1.000 lbs. which sold for $58. His overall offering of twelve beef cows averaged 1.047 lbs. selling for an average price of $43.37. Five here- ford cows consigned by Bill Pearson. Ethel, averaged 1.476 lbs. which sold for an average price of $45.92 with sales to $52. There were 14 bulls on offer selling $40 to $51 with sales to $58.50. Ron Matthews. Clifford, consigned one charolais bull weighing 2.215 lbs. which sold for $58.50. One simmen- tal bull consigned by Kevin Howatt. ‘Auburn, weighed 2.035 lbs. selling for’$51. There were 173 head of veal on offer. Beef sold $105 to $115 with sales to $121.50; good holstein. $85 to $90 with sales to $98; medium hol­ stein, $70 to $80; plain holstein, sold $50 to $60; heavy holstein, $70 to $80. Mark and Paul Pennington. Mildmay. consigned one black veal steer weighing 700 lbs. which sold to Newmarket Meat Packers for $121.50. One charolais veal steer consigned by George Ducharme. Dashwood, weighed 720 lbs. which sold for $119. Jacob M. Shetler. Lucknow, consigned one red wf veal steer weighing 660 lbs. which sold for $118. Lambs, under 50 lbs. sold $ 156 to $200; 50 - 64 lbs.. $147 to $203; 65 - 79 lbs.. $147 to $172; 80 - 94 lbs. $135 to $152; 95 - 109 lbs.. $125 to $144; 110 lbs. and over. $120 to $133. Sheep sold $40 to $77.50. Goats sold $32 to $ 112 Top quality stocker steers under 400 lbs sold $120 to $167.50; 400 - 499 lbs.. $97 to $151.50; 500 - 599 lbs.. $111.50 to $139; 600 - 699 lbs., $118 to $130; 700 - 799 lbs.. $113.25 to $126.75. 800 - 899 lbs.. $105 to $115.50; 900 - 999 lbs.. $100.50 to $122.50; 1.000 lbs. and over. $92.50 to $109. Top quality stocker heifers under 300 lbs. sold $132 to $160; 300 - 399 lbs.. $141 to $159; 400 - 499 lbs.. $115 to $145; 500 - 599 lbs.. $105 to $127; 600 - 699 lbs.. $104.25 to $120; 700 - 799 lbs.. $103.50 to $116.50; 800 - 899 lbs . $96 to $118; 900 lbs. and over. $87.25 to $110.50. BRUSSELS LIVESTOCK Division of Gamble & Rogers Ltd. UPCOMING SALES TUESDAYS 9:00 a.m. Fed Cattle, Bulls & Cows THURSDAYS 8:00 a.m. Drop Calves 10:00 a.m.Veal 11:30 a.m.Pigs, Lambs, Goats & Sheep FRIDAYS 10:00 a.m. Stockers Visit our webpage at: www.bnis- selslivestock.ca » email us at: info@brusselslivestock.ca Callus 519-887-6461 ________________________ 3 vie for fair ambassador Three girls are vying for the title of this year's Brussels Fall Fair Ambassador. The contest will be held Sept. 10 at the Brussels Legion. Speeches begin at 8 p.m. Heather Armstrong is the daughter of Donald Armstrong and Joan Hart ol Morris-Turn berry. After graduating from the two- year advertising program al Georgian College in Barrie, she was hired as the advertising representa- tiv,e for The Citizen In this capacity she attends meetings ol the Brussels business group. Armstrong enjoys participating in community events. She is sponsored by The Cm en Amy Bishop is the daughtei ol David and Sandra Bishop - ol Brussels. A student al F.E.. Madill Secondary School in Wingham. Bishop hopes to attend Nipissing University next September. She is sponsored by Huronlca's Volunteer Auxiliary. Yvonne DeWit is the daughter of Dick and Elizabeth DeWit of RRI. Ethel. This September she will be entering her final year of high school at F.E. Madill. DeWil is sponsored by the Majestic Women’s Institute No Obligation Quotes & Demos Available Solid Manure Spreading fronclaussenfarms.co fine spread up to 60 feet, solid and slurry materials, loading available CLAUSSEN FARMS Custom Farming Inc. 76402 Airportline, Bruce field, ON N0M 1J0 1.519.525.7733 or 1.519.525.8329 Seed treated with Dividend XL HOMEGROWN WORLD CLASS GENETICS ■til Sept. 13/05 CAlfE O% on Advantage E CJ Varieties WINTER WHEAT SEED * A.C. MORLEY A.C. SAMPSON SUPERIOR R.C. STRATEGY Other popular varieties available by order Give Us " A Call seed Today \ -SSSK R. T. BOLTON & SON DEPENDABLE QUALITY PEDIGREED SEED Phone 519-527-0205 or 519-527-0455 Seaforth