HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1890-2-13, Page 3Where the Hand o' God le Seen.
PO I like the oitY, stranger? Viso% likely that
I would ;
Wisn't likely that a ranger from the border evsr
o Add
Get accustomed to the flurry and the loud, un-
very body n a hurry, mon and wimmin, gala
and boy 4,
£i a-ruabin' iko tbe pation 'mid tbe rumble and
the jar.
-a-efe au if their souls' salvation huag upon their
gittita• thar.
Like it ? No, I love to wander
'Mid the vales and mountains green
In thebordee heed Out yonder,
Whar the hand o' God is seen.
Bothin' 'gar but brick elid mortar, towerinover
head so high t
That you never aee a quarter e', the overhangin
Net a tree or gray medder, not a elltlnile' brook
in sight, • • ,, • _
Nothia' but the bnildins' shedder maldn' glooni
e heaven's 11gbt, •
11 en the bids ar' all imported from as acmes
the sea —
elPsees meet me ell distorted with the hand o'
Like it? , No. I love to wander
'Mid the vales an' mounteans.green,
In tbe border land out yonder,
Whar' the hand o' God is seen.
Boartn• 'railroad trains above yon e streets by
workmen all defaced, • ,
Mverybodytryila to shove you in the gutter in
in their haste.
•Cars, an' earls an' wag'ons rumblin' through the
streets with deatenin' rear,
Drivets sweexine grumblize, jee' like
imps from eheol's shore;
Factories j'inin' in the chorue, helpin' of the din
to eweli ;
sAuctiontiere in tope sonorous lyin"bout the
goods they sell.
Like it? No: I love to wander
'Mid the vales an' mountains green,
In the border land out yonder,
ee bar' the hand o' God is seem
'Yes, I love the western border; pine trees wavin'
in the air;
Mocks piled•up in rough disorder birds a-eingin'
Ileer a-plityin' in their gladness; elk a-feedin' in
the glen;
ISTot a trace o' pain or sadness cainpin' on the
trail ,,' men,
Brooke o' crystal clearness flowin' o'er the rocks,
an' lovely flowers
131 their tinted beauty growin' in the mountain
dells ,' bowers.
Fairer pictue the Creator ,
Never threw, on earthly screen
Than this lovely home o' nataa
Whoa' the hand o' God is seen.'
—Capt. Jack Crawford in Outing.
areaantee's Got to Go.
'McGinty has been to a considerable extent
oupereeded by a new oandidete for favor,
3/1r. Casey, concerning whom the politioiane
fare singing, and abont whom we are likely
to hear more. This ie the way the song
'begins •
A crowd of politicians, by promise of high posi-
Mnticed me in to dine with them, expenses
they'd defray;
Ob. I nearly lout my bead, when I Ent beheld
the spread,
Ithought from life that I had passed away.
e3n the table there was sherry, and e. boWl of
Tom and Jerry,
All the dolioacies in their seasons, and others
tbat were out;
ISIcGilligan had the call, and a -rolling sent the
.13e introduced me to them, and they all began
to shout : •
Are you with us. Casey, are you with us?
Axe you with us, are you ready for the fray?
If you're withus w call trust you, .
If againat us we 'ill bust you,
If you're with US we are sure to win the day!"
—New York Sun.
The Villain ef the Play.
the villain of the p'ay,behold and tremble!
'virtue I have not a ray, black deeds as-
'bowline, scowling monster I, a scoundrel of
the deepest dye;
plot and plan and scheme and lie; watch me
'Men Virtue scorns mo I stand thus; behold the
And utter a: most ,awful cuss, the usual platie
Then rumple up my raven locks, my tones are
just like earthquake shocks, .
And shudders cern° from pit to box, applii.use,
my gratitude.
Only a Substitute.
Mrs. Gofrequent (cashing a oall)—ef quite
envy you your little boy, Odra. Flyabont.
Be looked so manly Bitting beside you yes-
terday, when you were out driving,
Mrs Flyabont (with a sigh)—Yes, I had
to take Johnny yesterday. Dear little
Yid° was sick.
Must Draw the Line Somewhere.
"Sensational journaffsm " has so defied
prib!irt sentiment that a strong reaction is
settingagainst it, and individuals are
beginning to declare that they have rights
which even newspapers are bound to re-
epeot.—Bulleilo Commerical.
Why They Do Not Speak.
Miss Hantenr—I am going to the De
Trow's ball to. morrow night.
Bliss Pert (who has not received an in.
•clitation) — Indeed? Whom do you
"John, thieves are in the house."
"No," returned John, wearily ; "there
nosy be thieves in the Senate, but none in
the House."
Briefly Stated.
Irate Dnde—See here, tailor, you've made
these trousers big enough for & cow 1
Polite Tailor—Oh, no; just large enough
for two calves!
Anxione to Go.
Little Dot—Ma, may I go skating?
nla—Tbe ice isn't thick enough. It's a
mere scum on the surface?
Little Diok—Ma, may I go in swimming?
Game Seems.
Eastern Sportsman (in frontier ciamp)—
Any game here?
Resident (eadly)—Nawthun but poker.
One -Sided.
Superintendent—Johnnie, do you love
your seacher ?
JOhIRDie—Yoe, sir,; bot, she ain't stuck
on me much.
Hon: Senator Macdonald's, condition is
—A glove with a pooteet in it is the latest
invention for ladies. But it is necessary
for the sex to lose something, and there.
fore they will carry a pocket book without
a pocket in it.
Mr. E. G. Conklin heti been appointed
Clerk of the Local Legislature in place of
Mfr. C. Sadleir, who resigned some time
The Traction Company has discharged
die union meta at Pittebnrg and reduced
wages from $2 50 for a ten-hour day to $2.25
for eleven and one-half hours.
Rogers' clothing store, of New York, took
all its employees to the theatre, gave them
A banquet, and annotinced a dividend of
,S per cont. on eaoh employee's pay for the
year. '
• An order -in -council has been received
from Ottawa by the Lieutenent-Governor
of Quebec, feona the Federal flovernmetit,
an relation to the lend slide sufferers' claim,
In which it is stated that the Government
aieolaims all responeibility to the damages
tensed by the rock. lid in Champlain
street, became the elide Was the result of
matured *Welt
The Preebyterian °hurdle in the "(Jolted
States is in a etate of great agitation at
present over the proposed revision of the
Westminster Confeeezoo of Faith. Of the
two hundred and eleven Presbyteries there
forty.seven had laet week taken action on
the overture of the General Assembly on the
eubjeot. Of these forty.five have voted
la favor of revision and twelve against it.
The ooneervative element manifeete itself
principeIty in the Eastern States, while
most of the Presbyteries in the West favor
the reviaion. There are five points or
doctrines' an the Confeseion which it is
deeireld to revise or expurgate the two
principal of which are reprobation and
intent damnation. Those in favor of re-
vieion declare that the Church nowadays
does not believe in these doctrines and that
coneequently they should be dispensed
with. The Confession lays down the doc-
trine as to infant damnation as follows:
Elect infante dying'in infancy aro regenerated
said saved by Christ through the Spirit, who
worketh when and where and how He pleaseth.
So ale° are all other &eta persona who ,re in-
oapable of bting outwardly called by the rainia-
try of the Word. Others not elect, althougla
they may be called by the ministry of the Word,
and may have some COMIDOLI operations of the
Spirit, yet they never have truly come to Christ,
and therefore cannot be saved.
The doctrine of reprobation is further
taught in the following clause :
By the decree of God for the manifestation of
His gloi y a me men and angels are predes-
tined unto everlasting life and others fore-
ordained to everlasting death.
During the past week the New York
Presbytery hes had daily sittings for the
dieoussion of the stabjeot. Rev. John
Hall, who is opposed to revision, takes the
ground that salvation is not a queetion of
justice between God and man, but one of
mercy. That man having fallen and
sinned God is not bound to doanythingfor
him more than He may be, moved by His
good pleasure to do.
Rev. Walter D. Buchanan, speaking be-
fore the Presbytery in opposition to revie.
ion, said :
I believe that these doctrines, which have
been called obnexious, are all to be found in the
Bible. Is it fair that Calvinism in the home of
its friends should receive the treata ent it has
bad here? Is it true that it teachei that infants
shall be damned? As I study 'my Bible and
pray over it I cannot get over my respostiblity
in Adam's eine I cannot go to the coffin of a
dead babe and assure its parents that it is in
heaven; all loan say is that I hope and believe
it is with Jesus. We cannot dogmatize about
it.. It seems to me we are following too much
the public cry. Men hey° argued about tbe
Bible here as if it was merely a work of human
bands. Is not our faith atrong enough to take
any contradictions of the Bible?
Rev A. W, Sprawo, another opponent of
revision, said:
The confeseion is a ,raonumeet to the piety,
scholarship, wisdom and purity of a noble band
of men, , It is as clear a statement of Bible
teaching as can be made. I have heard the
truths of Calvinism held up to ridicule, but
never so bitterly as by those on this platform.
Its worst eeemies are those in the Church. I
'have yet to learn that Presbyterians worship
the Westminster Confession or make it a fetich.
If the heathen are not lost why sand the, Gospel
to' them ?
Judging from the New York newspaper
reports there is a strong element in the
Presbytery in favor of revision. We give
below a few extracts from several of the
epeeches made during the sittings.
Rev. Dr. Henry VanDyke in the course
of hie speech eaid
First, they wanted to get rid'ef the doctrine of
reprobation because it was superfluous. It was
not essential to Christianity. nor to 'Pa ,testant-
ism The majority of Christians bad not ac-
cepted it. It was not eesential even to Calvin-
ism, because it was not contained in any of the
early Calvinistic creeds. The Irish artiaes of
1615 had it, butthey were in innocuous desuetude
in 1635. For tbat doctrine, thank God! no mon
h d been willing to die. Reprobation was not a
scriptural doctrene. It was in alliance to -day
with the anti-Christian forms' of modern
reformation:. It is a horrible. doctrine. That
adjective (horrible) is not mine. -it i. John Cal-
vin's. He used it in the controversy with Gro-
tius. •
No man could possibly say that all who died in
infancy were elect. I save my tears for the
mothers whose hearts have bled under that
d etrine, for the poor souls who have had their
death -beds shadowed and made norrible by this
doctrine. Tbis debate will ne t leave the Church
where it is. I intend to teach that there are no
iufttuts in bell and that there is no limit to God's
love, and that no man is punished save for his
own sin. I intend to teach that God loves all
mankind, and with a love we cannot fathom or
understand. Is that Calvinism? Before God, I
do not know, and I do not core. It is Christianity.
Rev. George J. Mina* declared in his
address that the Confession ot Faith had
made him an in" fidel. He said :
•• I have heard this book," laying his hand 011
copy of the Confession, "spoken of here as if it
was the Work of inspired bands instead of a few
fallible men. This book has been worshipped
by my nation and by my family for two hundred
years. 1 was brought up under it, and I say to
you that this conteeeien of faith made me an
iefidel for teb years I w as brought up under it:
I pras ed over it •, my father and mother insisted
t at I should believe everything it said. I laid
that be, k and my God down together and for ten
'dark years I was among the shadows. Thirty-
two, years ago a good divine in Philadelphia
brought me back, but it was On the New Testa-
ment. For thirty-two years that has been my
confession, ray 13,5dy of divinity. I fissure you
that there len controversy between that Confes-
sion and my Bible I can't find reprobation in
the Bible. I don't believe that God hates any-
body. I cannot believe that He, with haughty
knee, passes ey the veriest wretch on earth to
exalt his own sovereignty.
Rev. Dr. Vincent said:
If God had created me a Hincloo or a Mamas -
madam or a Chinese [would have nothing to seg.
but I am not content that I should be con -
thinned to hell. The Confession does not give
.the heathen the ghost of a chance. Why perpe-
tual e the name of Calvin or of any other fallible
man when the salvation of millions of souls is at
stake? Was Calvin crucified for us? Was it
unto Calvin that we were baptized? No; the
may system we have to consider is the system of
Jesus Christ. So far as Calvin follows Him
follow, but not one step further.
of the Presbyteriee will vote in favor of
revision ond the General Assembly well be
forced to deal with the queetion. A shorter
and simpler Confession of Faith will
likely be the result.
Row They Po It.
Municipal Dignitary (to poriee official)
--Order th e force to have everything
in readineee for a descent on the gambling
houses tcanight. .
Police Official (to subordinate officer)—
Tell the men to get ready for a raid on the
gambling places to -night.
Subordinate Officer (to equal of police)
—Boys, be around here at 11 o'clock- We
are ordered to melee a haul of the gambling
hones. '
Policeman (to gambler)—Jerry, we're
goin' to raid ye about naidnight. Tell the
by es,
Rather Reasonable.,
Mr. Illuepill-1 atm in favor of any
movement that will shorten the hours
of labor. I think no man should he com-
pelled to work more than eighteen hours a
Labor Agitator—You mean eight hours?
"No. I mean eighteen. I am a drug
Rev. Dr. MoIlvaine believed
That tide Confession of Faith as it now stends
does not honestly and I airly represent the faith
of the Presbyterian It may represent a part of
the Church, but ,ot the whole Church. It is
tbor ughly, radically. rigidly Calvinistic, while
the Presbyterian Church to -day is mildly, gently,
unobtrusively Calvinistic The offer of salvation
is made 10 peed teeth to all men, There is not a
single word in that Confession .of Faith, from
bopping t end, of God's love /1 the President
of Princeton College does not knew what Presby-
teritteism is, who does? 1 Them is 001 000 word
In that boa about the heavenly " Father." It is
an unjust and untrue representation of God,
because it repreeente only ono side of Ni, charac-
ter and not both. We do not want the dark,
mysterious. diepnted doctrines. I say here
solenwily that if God IS as Ho is hero mpresenied
then 3 will teem my refuge in ra.terislisur, and
there 16 110 other help for me.
Elder Charles H. Woodbury, of the Madi-
son Square Charela, need some pretty strong
languege. He said among other thitigs
I do not believethat God createe some men
for the purpose of damning them, I never
attended any other church but tbe Preebyterian
Church, I declare iiolemnly that until the
nicotine of this Peesbytere in November last I
never know or heard of a single person who was
not diegunted with Oki chapter of the decrees
or who saicl he believed these decrees as they
read were anything but fatitlietic. Hoke only
have I heard any one sa,y they could be con-
strued in a different sense. 1 have followed for
twenty-five years a profession that requires the
interpretation and construction of languttge,
and after the declaretions that bave been
si mod here of these thihge nave arrived at ex.
actly the same conclusion. Ie may be asked if I
dol believe them to be so why did I jein the
Peesby feriae church? Because the church does
not require that its conatnunicants shall hfilleve
in this confession. If my views are incorrect
then the Presbyterian Church is no place for me.
If it is suggekted to me in any Way then I will re-
sign my eldership and the congregation can fill
place. I sill never worship a Being who
creatett a man for the purpose of damning him.
God 11 love. TO say He bee over created any
pOrson to separate 11,m from Did love is to affirm
at, utter impossibiliv—somothIng that cannot
The New Yotk Presbytery has not yet
Voted on the question, but however it may
deficit) there little doubt that the majority
Catharine Corbett, of Odessa, Ontario,
aged 106 yews, died Thursday night.
Mrs. John J. Coppinger, the eldest
daughter of Secretary Blaine, is seriously
Wellington County Council is petition-
ing the Dominion Government for national
bank bills.
Further returns would go to show that
the P. E. I. Government has been sue-
tained by a majority of two.
Judge Manistee of the Englieh High
Court of Jaetioe, Queen's Bench Division,
died yesterday in bis 82nd year.
A despatoh from Winnipeg denies that
the Indians are dying from disease and lack
of medicine supplies at St. Peter's.
A brakeman on the 'G.T.R. named Gan -
ter had hie hand crushed to pulp at St.
Catharines yesterday while coupling oars.
Five warships for the Tarkish navy were
launched at Conetantmople yesterday, one
being a corvette, three gunboats and a tor-
pedo boat.
Vancouver, B.C., is grumbling e,t the
Dominion Government's delay in not pro.
ceeding with the erection of the Govern-
ment building.
J. W. Parker, a Burlington, Kansas,
forger, who let in the farmers of that vici-
nity to the amount of $15,000, was cap-
tured at London yesterday.
The man Robert Blanchard having died
from, his 'injuries, Daniel McColl, of the
Franklin -• House, Parkhill, has been
arrested, charged with manslaughter.
A Roman Catholic Episcopal conference
is in session at Peterborough, with Arch.
bishops Walsh and Cleary and Bishop
Dowling and O'Connor in attendance.
It is reported that the Duke of Cambridge
will resign his position as Cot:amender-in-
Chief of the British Army in October, and
will be succeed by the Duke of Connaught.
It it reported that more dynamite Out-
rages in London are in contemplation by
American extremists of the Irish Home Rule
The shoe dealers of Montreal are going to
send it deputation to Ottawa after a 10 per
cent. increase in the duty on manufactured
Miss Mertha Brownbridge, North
Augusta, wants 5,000 damages from W. J.
Le,wrenote, Spencerville, for his failure to
keep his weeding engagement.
A farmer named Robert Blanchard was
ejected from a hotel at Parkhill, and was
afterwards found with his skull fraotured,
in a dying condition.
The ship Buteschire, from Norfolk, Va.,
for the Mediterranean, has foundered on the
Atlantia. She bad a crew of eixteen and all
are supposed to be lost.
The II. S. Senate Inter -State Commerce
Committee find themselves unable to make
She Canadian railromde amenable to the
Inter. State Commerce Law.
The Liberals of South Perth have again
ohosen Mr. James Trow, M. P., and Mr.
Thomas Ballantyne, M. P. P., to represent
them in the coming eleotione.
11ra. Boggs, of Waverly, Ohio, while re-
turning home through it field on Tuesday
evening was attacked by a vicious sow and
horribly and fatally mangled.
In the new Coventry magazine, The Three
Spires, a clergyman states that in it chat at
the time of the debate on the Local Gov-
ernment Bill, Mr. Gladstone said he was
confident the conscience of the people would
not allow publicans to be deprived of a
livelihood without compensation. He sug-
gested that surviving Homes be heavily
trotted, and favored the Swedish system of
selling liquors at east price, so that publi-
cans wonld have no interest in the sale.
In the case of the Great North-Western
Telegraph Conepany against the Montreal
Telegraph Company, for it reduction in
their annual payment of interest, on the
ground that the defendants had granted
telegraphic privileges to the Canadian
Pad& Railway Company to the detriment
of the interests of the plaintiffs, judgment
was rendered yesterday in Montreal by
Judge Wurtele, in favor of the Montreal
Telegraph Company.
The special Committee of the Oxford
County Council on the purchase of the
toll roads reported yesterday afternoon.
The report gives a schedule showing the
cost of all the toll roads in the county,
their annual earnings and expenditures.
The committee estimate that it would case
$60,000 or lees to purchase all the toll
roads in the county, the interest on this
sum would be about $3,000, whereas the
people of the ' county pay now $12,000 to
$13,000 annually in tolls. The oomnaittee
reoommend that the roads be purchased by
the county.
The Ontario County Connoil now in
semion at Whitby, is distraught with the
matter of the County Treasurership. Mr.
J. B. Laing, late treasurer, was found by
the auditors last week to be short in hie
accounts some $5,000, and the woods are
full' of applioants for the position, and
members of the County Connell' are leading
dogs' lives dodging them. There is more
lobbying going on than over it railway
charter at Ottawa.
A most deliberate attempt at nearder
took place at Ignacio Thursday, when Jack,
the Italian, ahot John Murray, it French-
man, Two elicits were fired, one taking
effect in Murray's head, ploughing a deep
furrow along the Anil for about four
inohee. The assailant then pounded She
Frenchman with the' revolver on the head
in it most brutal manner. The dispute
arose about it dog the Itelien had, which
Murray claimed belonged to him. The
Frenchinein gave the Italian no provoca.
tion, but merely asked for his dog. The
would-be murderer has escaped to the
bush, to it camp about 45 miles frOM there.
The Chief of Mice from Rot Portage has
been there, and has returned for aesietanoe
to capture him. The wounded Men iii in it
critical oondition.
WELEGRAPHIC-1 31:7111111A -AY -
The II:baleen Gevernment has formelly
moognized the R °public of Brazil -
It is reported thet Seeps Pinto will come
te America for the benefit of his health.
Middlesex County Council favors the
abolition of exemptions from taxation,
East Midcliee ex Farmers' Inetitute hoe
voted that thg duty on open ehould be
streek off the het.
Dr. Edward McGlynn has had to cancel
his lecture engagements owing to ewer()
bronchial affection.
Warden Praha, Prince Edward County,.
is 77 poem of age, probably the oldest
warden in Ordario. ,
4 deputation will visit the Legislature to
secure the anaalgatnetion of London South
with the Forest City.
Mrs. Coppinser, daughter of Seoretary
Blaine, died m Washington at an early
hour yesterday morning.
The Russian Governneent has deoided to
establish a new naval station at Liban at
it coat of 13,000,000 roubles.
The Boys' Home at Grand Ligne, Quee
was destroyed by fire On Friday morning.
None of the pupils were hurt.
There was a collision on the railway ot
Halle, Germany, Saturday, in which three
persons were killed and eight injured.
John Flannigan, Clerk of the Township
of Bidaulph and of the Division Court in
Liman, ham disappeared with his books. .
11 18 stated that IL S. Minister Lincoln's
son Abraham is dying, being unable to bear
the drastio treatment of his French
physicians. ,
Daily incidents strengthen the impres-
sion that there is a serious divergence of
views between Prince Bieenarok and Em.
peror William.
Harry W. Cole, of lelorristown,N.I, was
arrested on Saturday, charged with mur-
dering his wife by beating her while in-
toxicated on Friday. e
The total debt of the 'United States, less
cash in the treasury Feb. lat, 1890, is
$1,040,707,016 14. The decrease last month
was $12,245,895.19.
ele News is received of the poisoning of a
family of eight pereons nemed Hargrave
near Point Pleasant, Va., by it negro
woman. Four of the family are reported
The Portuguese are making it big grab
of territories on the Zambesi, to be ready
for the expected delimitation of the bound.
The M. C. R. will ahortly commence the
construction ot a double -track iron bridge
aorose the Grand River at Cayuga, to re-
place the present broken structure.
Mr. Eugene F. Dwyer, Reeve of Port
Dalhousie, was nominated on Friday by
the Conservative Association of Lincoln to
contest that constituency in the Local
The New York Tribune's Sienday cable
letter say s that Mr. Chamberlain will prob-
ably act for Lord Hartington as leaderof the
.Liberal -Unionists during the latter's ab-
sence on the continent.
At a meeting of the basinees men of Sing
Sing on Friday it was voted that the de.
velopment of the village and its future
business interests demanded that the New
York State -prison be removed.
The engineer of the St. Clair Branch ex-
press, which arrived at St. Thomas at noon
n Saturday, discovered an unknown men
Iyin dead in the ditch, face downwards,
between Alvineton and Walker's Station.
It is reported in official circles in St.
Petcreburg thit Emperor William of Ger-
many, the Sulian of Turkey and the Keng
of Sweden will attend the rnilitary manoeu-
vres at Krasnoe Selo during the present
The new Reichstag is convoked for the
middle of March. It is likely to preeent it
formidable phalanx of Socialists, who, com-
bining with the Centre party and German
Liberals,' will easily outvote the Govern-
ment groups.
Sir Charles Dilke's new book, "The
Problems of Greater Britain," is said to be
meeting with a large sale in England. He
assert e that Imperial Federation must
come sooner or later, and the sooner he
The auditing committee engaged on the
accounts of Dr. Rielly, Treasurer of the
Irieh League, have reported that they
found a model system of keeping the books,
and that everything was properly vouched
The Rome Riforma says Ennio has made
no reservation in reference to the Delo-
Abyssinian treaty. The Italian troops have
left Adowa and recrossed the Mareb into
Italian territory.
At a drone performance in Lisbon last
night a pantomime called "Portugal in
Africa" led to & tow, the result of which
was that the circus was completely wrecked
by the large audience.
There have been lately in various parts
of Crete many murders of both Turks and
Christians. The Christians, fearing the
effects of Turkish revenge, are taking
refuge in the hills.
Messrs. Joshua Calloway and Alex. Mo -
Molten, two Winnipeg Aldermen, were
unseetei yesterday on the ground of lack of
sufficient property qualifications. Both are
old residents of the city.
On Wednesday, at the Perth oar shops,
it belt flying off etrnok Wililam Playfair on
the ear, cutting it off as if a knife had done
the work. The member was sewed on and,
it is thonglat, will be sayed.
The coroner's jury which investigated
the death of Robert Gibbon, the witness
for the defence in the Cronin case who was
shot by Police Captain Sohnettler in a
Chicago saloon rove, rendered it verdict last
night that &bottler exited in self-defence.
Sohuttler was immediately released from
Ttmeral of Se‘lastOr Redier, which
took place yesterday in Montreal, was very
largely attended. The Sweater Was reputed
to be worth $2,000,000 at the time of his
death, which he leaves to his widow, unen.
cumbered by any charitable bequest.
The debate on the Separate Sohool ques-
tion is likely to amine nip at the opening of
the Manitobe Legialatare on Monday even-
ing. It has leaked out that at the Govern-
ment mucus the other evening 24 members
were preeent, and all agreed on the policy
already annotineed by the Cabinet.
John 'Kunz°, the Cronin suspect, now out
on 45,000 bail, walked into Judge Clifford's
court at Chicago yeeterday with his attor-
ney and demanded a now trial 111 accord.
anon with Judge MoConnell's deoision. The
State Attorhey was not ready to go on with
the trial, and the mum was continued tit the
next term.
Prince Marmara yesterday resigned as
Minister of Commerce. It is believed that
he was prompted to that atop because �t hie
strained relations with Emperor William
biros the incident a their misunderstand.
ing over certain language lased in the speech
tirade the throne on the diaeolntion ot the
Reitihestag, arid which the Emperor refused
to modify at Drina, Biamarelen request in
advanee of its delivery.
‘see.ot sleseeeee'eaeee-neeeeeesaeo,e ea, • e eeaaeaa
Oeee aNeneaeeeNe' eeeN eeiOaene. oneeeeee-st ;ea'
for Infants and Children.
"Baatorla tio. Welt adapted to childmathat Caster's. ctiree Mite. ConatiPatioe,
[recommend it aa fillaciier to any Pre,sc.r,iptioa Sour
geStem:ch, Diarrhoea, Eructation,
111WW12 to Inc."
• Orroard4.8tRuRra'. VIM. DN. Y. LilsWithoWl;t9inirmsnd' gOniliiveShl:d7efitiOn•P. and Pr°I"Daill
THE CENTAUR COMPANY, 77 Murray Street,??. Y.
'le e es; ale:fares.-
The Most Successful Remedy ever disable
ered, as it is certain in its effects and does
not blister. Read proof below.
Dn. 0.3. Kirsnirs. Co.
Dear Sirs: I have always purchased your Ken.
dell's Spavin Cure by the half dozen -bottles, I
would like prices in larger quantity. I think it Is
one of the best liniments on earth. 3 have used It
on my stables for three years.
,Yeurs truly, Casa. A. SNIDER.
BROOKLYN, N.Y., November 3, 18133,
Dear Sirs :3 desire to give youtestimonial of my
good opinion of your KendalPsSpavIn Cure. I have
used it for Lameness, Stiff Joints and
Spavine, and 1 have found it a sure cure, I cordi-
ally recommend It to all horsemen.
Yours truly, A. H. GILBERT,
Manager Troy Laundry Stables.
DR, 0.3. KENDALL Co.
Gents: I feel it rny duty to say what I have done
with your Kendall's Spavin Cure. I have cured
twentydve horses that had Spavins, ten of
Bing Bone, nine afflicted with Big Head and
seven of IligJavr. Since I.have bad one of. your
books and followed the directions, I have never
lost a case of any kind.
Yours truly, ANDREW Tmurun.
Horse Doctor.,
Price $1 per bottle, or slx bottles for $5. All Drug-
gists havelt or can get it for you, or it will be sent
any address on receipt of price by the prop.
tors. De. B. 3. lemmata Co„ L'Uosburgh Palls, Yt.
Have you tried Bic Celebrated
If not don't fail to do so at once.
It is not a polish but a wonderful
leather preservative IL will make the
finest or coarsest shoe as soft and
pliable as kid and very easy to the foot.
It will make them absolutely water-
proof, and if occa.sionally dressed with
this dressing will last more than twice
as long as otherwise.
We Mean What We Say.
It is the very life of leather. Roan
be applied at any time. No trouble—
Shoe can be polished immediately
10 & /5 Cents per Box.
Sold by all first-clas.s stores. Sam-
ples mailed—Stamps taken.
Try it and be convinced of its wonderful curative
properties. Price 25 cents.
Sick Ffeadache and relieve all the troubles inci-
dent to a bilious state of the system, such as
Dizziness, Nausea. Drowsiness, Distress after
eating, Pain in the Side, 84:c. While their most
remarkable success has been shown in curing
are equally valuable in Constipation, curing
and preventing this annoying complaint, while
they also correct all disorders ofthe stomach,
stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels.
Even if they only cured
Ache they would be almost priceless to those
who suffer from this distressing complaint;
but fortunately their goodness does not end
here, and those who once try them will find
these little pills valuable in so many ways that
they will not be willing to do without them.
But after all sick head
is the bane of so many lives that here is wbero
eve make our great boast. Our pills cure it
while others do not.
and very easy to take. One or two pills make
O dose. They are strictly vegetable and do
not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action
please alt who use them. In vials at 25 cents;
live for $1. Sold everywhere, or sent by maiL
hal rill, Small D050. :ma11 Pro
THE nit IV
Unlocks all the clogged avenues of the
Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carrying
off gradually without weakening the sys-
tem, all the impurities and foul, humors
of the secretions; at tho same time Cor-
recting Acidity of the Stomach,
curing Biliousness, Dyspepsia.
Headaches, Dizziness, Heattburn,
Constipation, Dryness of the Skin,
Dropsy; Dimness of Vision, Jaun-
dice, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Scro-
fula, Fluttering' of the Heart, Ner-
vousness, and General Debility •4 all
these and many other similar Complaints
yield to the happy inatence of BURDOCK
For Salo by ail Dealers.
T.1111,13tiRld & C0,1 Proprietors, Toronto,
"Ire pleasant to ate. Contrast their MSS
negative. .Ts safe, sUre and eptheat
deStrayer ofworrect sr: Chartres* er.eleiula,
Try Everest's Liver Regulator
For Discard, rt. ilia Liver Kidneys, ffe., and Purity -
in; of t iil >mi. Price $1. Six bottles for g5.
For halo uy ALL DRUGGISTS.
Manufactured °My by
GIO DI. E iSRLST, Ceesuse, k'oee.e,e
I- A Di ES'
clues 0 —28 UNION SQUARE,Nee, DALLAS.
torlis mo. ATLANTA G8 -an r RAnci-fgZA
WEAK MEN .4TakiTociirgittg:
selves of VlfautinS,
Vitality, Lost Manhood, from yeuthfoil
errors, etc.'quietly at home. Book on all
private diseatiesi sent free (sealed). Perfectly
reliable. Over 30 years' experience. Address—
(arm= PILL CO., TO3e0oTTO„. Canada.
or Pennyroyal rills. Insures regularity.
Bond for particulars, Addros
Gum= TILL CO., TORONTO, Canada..
BEARDS FORCED on smoothest faces, hair
on boldest heads, in bu to Su days, Dangle. Latest rind.
greatest nehlavomont of modern science I Mont won-
derful discovery of tho lige. Like no other preparation t
Magical, sure, almost instantaneous in notion t BNB with
whiskers! Ilald hoods °hotrod r Curious spectacles, but
DiEltime truths. Only genuine ardele In marlot, and certain
to give absolute satisfaction, ,Gunrantocd. 31 08 SI a botga,
02 three bottles for $8. Esahhottlo lasts ono Month.. Addresa
SUPERFLUOUS tallerfklorts hall. Without fujur
t peprrnion,waroaltol.i,vn rcnloVD
o the akin. arraurect.
horn 10 to BO dere Warranted, Prico for BO dayo. trea imont,
Violet it a patter Of solicitado, *Mother necansO nneani...•
fortobla or rtrifashinnablo—FAT FOLICS rsaig "
CORPULENCE PILLS" losO,15 MS, 4 Mouth, They (*nos,
no 'Mai:inns; Contain no 'Dolman, and nerer intl. Price tor anti
tiornleti treatthont, 00; or throe Months modichte, $5,
Meath the skid, 4ilafaton tho form. alnixoleak. Parninnonfi•
ln Mart Wriffnfit&L Price $15 box, or sit bOXSO for $5,
Steri altatet Wait Taroatck. Cal&,