HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1890-2-13, Page 1"A UNITED CANADA AND BRITISH CONNECTION.
. .
TheMolsons Bank.
• (Chartered. by Parliam.eiat, 1805.)
Paid up Capital ...... .... $2,000,000,.
Rest Fund.... _ . , ...... 1,000,000,..
Head office Montreal.
• • , . •
Tiventy Branch •olfifies in. the Dominion,
Azenojegin the Dominion, U. S. and Europe.
...._ ,_, .,.,......,
)pen every lawful day from JO a. m. to 8P'
m., Satnrdays 10 a. m. to 1 Y. ro.
, .
A. general banking business transacted
Four per cent. per annum allowed for
money on Deposit Receipts. -
Exeter, Jan 28, '88. Manager.
County, Council
cepted, the rolls to be of as good quality
as those of 1889, and all work to be
done to the satisfaction of the county
clerk. (2) that the report of J. E. Tom
Inspector of schools in West- Huron he
adopted and printed in the 'minutes and
that 150 copies of said report in pamph
let form be printed at same pie . as,
for minutes of Connell sessioes• for,
distribution by the Inspector. (8); that".
the uSiOat advertisements for County
Connell meeting, teachers' eXaMhlat"
lOris, Ote.) be inserted in ell the local
papers. ' •
D. D. Wilson, Chairman,.
The report of the special committee
was read, when the council went into,
committee of the wholdOlilr. Castles in
the chair.The report was adopted and
the warden resumed the chair, When
the reportwas, adopted by the• council.,
. . , . ,, ,
Your Committee recommend that the
. • - - • . .
Warden Warden and Clerk sign the petition re-
, • . • .
ceived from County 'Council of ,the
f B ' d ' the --
county o rant. in regard to to • , e ex -
emption of certain stock from taxation
and forward same to Hon A. M. Ross
• • , , : , .. •
for presentation. . ,
That no action be taken upon the
petition received from the Cotinty court
eil•of the county of Wel-lend in regard
• f• railroad lands .
to assessment c r. .
' That we recommend the adoption of
• . .
the resolution in favor of the appoint •
_ ._ . , ., . . , ve ,.
ment,of a railway 01-.11rn ISSIOn, ITIO d
by Mr. Kelly and seconded by . Mr, lila-
also1 c m
• .And •e o end that the
Fit .
memorial of the County Council of the
t f S''the same mat-
coun y o imcoe upon . <
tor. be signed by the, Warden an d
forwa .d same
Clerk i . . ,
'We recommend that no action be
upon the tetter • of C. , Chamber
' lain asking the cOuncil to join in petit-.
• for on act im oshitt a license-
ioniug , . p ,
on owners of non•staudard stollions do-
. . 4 ' ' .
ino• ptiblic 'service. •
That the petition received from Sen-
. , . t • d
at McCallum relatingt to trip amen -
t t ' the 'Act t -
men s o e railwayso as . o com
pel railway companies to permit of all
* •
nesessary ' drains • across their lands
beino• constructed and ' repaired, and
13, 1 ' d ' ' t
furt er to co said compomes o
i•b t towards such construction
and repairs, be signed by the . Warden
and Clerk and duly forwarded. for pres•
.. . ••
entation with the amendments noted:
That the Memorial of Dr. Ure and
, , . . .. . ,. • , ,
others in regard to 'S, house of industry;
stand overfor consideration at the June
- '
ession, as legislation may take place
. • the subject t the tsession
e a e presen
of the Legislature. ,
e, . '
In regard to the letter of the Inspect
or of Prisons and Public Charities •re-
ferrinz to one Thomas McPhail, .We
• ' • - '
recommend that the clerk ' be author
ized to make suitable arratioements
for his keep at a rate not exceeding $2
per week, and that if this cannot be
don h • b 11 d t ' f the
e e e a oWe, o remain a e
(mot • . "
'Thet in view of possible legislation
upon the matter of hawkers' and ped-
lars' . licenses no action upon the
. .. • .
motion of Mr. Dulmage, but that .in
any special case the Warden be empoW
. , ,
ered to employ the County Soheitor.to
- •
conduct proceedings' against 'parties
violatin (inflate .
• - g. , . • .
'That in the matter of the report of
o e on ax
thedelegatest the convention on '
Exemptions and • the •circular of the
, . , , .
Prenncia.1Seeretary in regard to the
same, your committee have answered
said 'question and herewith submit seal
and answers to the council,
questions • , .
Respectfully submitted, .
. A. H. 'Manning; Chairman.
On motion of Dr: Rollins, seconded
by Mr. 19looney, the council adjourned
° •b
1 10 ' 1 ' .1,f 11 ' ' t •
unti o c oc - a. m. the o owing day
• . ,
• • Fonsma DAY --FRIDAY.
The cou.net rr e pur nan .. o
T1 ' •1 1 t s ' 't tadjourn
nientOthe warden in the chair. Ail
members were present except Messrs.
. .
Proudfookand MeMurchie. The min-
utes of the .,previous day's meeting
were read and approved., ' - '
Moved by Mr. KeilY; seconde&by Mr
Loehart, that the treasurer b req est
e' - ii -
ed to procure a duplicale return from
. .
the in nce with section
registrar,. accorda
107 of the Registration Ac, • and 'that
the clerk have the same printed in the
• . . •
minutes annually. -Carried:
The application Of ' the 'reeves. of
,, , . . . . . .
Wingham for the use of the spile dnv-
' d and ',Tian • d - t • • - •
er was rea o tp, .
The aceount of F. Jordan was refer-
. d t the f ' It • ' '
le o e mance commt ee. ,.
•• The report of the gabl and court
. • . . ,
house committee was read and adopt-
eed. '
, , , ,
To the IN aidcm- and Council of the
, . . • ,
County of Huron: -
Icur Jail and.Oonrt H011Se Commit-
tee beo• to report as follews: That they
have visited the jail' and found every
thing neat and clean and the prisoners
.• ,
well satisfied with the treittnterit. -they
receivefrom the officials, • We have
tl ' •1 ' • •t ' ' t 'a
found , le .00. ers , it correc an
,, . . „
recOrnmend that. it •be'ptttited. •
We' reeorilut end that the follOwitor'
• . ,
a 1'1
rocles be stipplied 'for jall,Use: three
I ' towels,d 'I ' t ' li lf$265
c acen one ozen s ur S, One- a
doleo clierniees, one &Zen. Sheets, one
dozen pillowslips, one-half • dozen bed
ticks, one dozen pillows (ticking for),
three dresses, three Underskirts, sewing
for the above, alai four cords ' Of dty
We recommend that a porch be built
under the engineer's supervision over
the door of the dining room on the
south side of the jail, as the snow and
rsin drift in so as to flood the floor.
This eould be affected at a small cost
and weuld be agreat iinprovernent.
We visited the Re *st •y office and
, go. 1
conitider the aw addition has been
conipleibdin a satisfactory and , sub
staneial.monner, We recomniend that
the PK Shelving ‘0 ft. 8 in. , wide be
ploeSzid 'along the east side of the new
addititan'and.the balance of ,space on
. .., . . ,
thesante sole -be fitted up' ...with new
slielOingo We would recommend as a
'natter* safety that inside iron • shut-
ters.fer foertwindows be suPPlied as
soon AS possible, under the sn•Perinten-
dtlitec'-iti the elighlOOT, , . • , r.
,,,We reeommend that inside . windows
be plaCed in the effiee of the . eputy
• • - • • •
,Clerk of the,Crown, as the windows as
flit. ' o ••the ' wind to play
- "y n ware allow
.f 1 ill • 1 41 '.. - • • ,
• ree y roug i t e•room.. • .
:, • • ' ' the.' • •' ' ' '
With regard to sheriff's cenirtturn
tteattott :in reference to Mr. JusticeRose's
demand at, last assizes for better heat-
• . ' ' House, as - • • -
:nigothe Court Honse; 'Its this matter
ha's 1..ren repeatedlO referred to we re,
. . . 1
'.cOrnmend that the committee of.Connty
Clerk Adarrisqo and IteeOes Proudfoot
end Bt.
'01:,. be appointed to have the
. - - • • • • •
Court House properly supphed wah
'. 1 • ' ' lights.Al that h b '
.e ectric. so.hose e pro-
.cured. to conneet with the Water , pipes
to wash the windows, a water ser •
vice in the Judge's private room up
• - • '
stairs. • . . '
.. . • . . . ,
° - d t the heating f the
}, icgar . o ie. o
Court Reuse • And seriatary improve
t •' ''••''' •th th ' te •
men son connection wi e wa i
We recommends that Mr. Adam-
an Reeves rou oot ancoinmittee
soil ' it R P cif d ' Beck
; be anthorized tohave a competent en-
trlieer to k I ns and s eeifications
a. e P a P ..
and esti ted cost Of the work Also
' "Ma C '
. of the heatino• of the remistry ' office
h ' a " 1 a beforethe'
and, have it ready to a.„,y .
'Coulitil at the Jinni. session.
- -
' All of whieb is respectfully submit-
t .
eil- - ., ... .,
JADIS aotnisrott,
' Chairman.
supplementary report of the finance
ca• n' m'it ..o.t-. -/oototd,and adoped.
• • - . ..,- • „ -, it,, 4,
'REP°4T Or FIN,AIWE C,/.1". ''''''" ' ,
. Your committee beg leave to report
. - fop, los- We e ommend that the
aeo,.. o .- r c -
4-1.1i,J24.110......asked. by • the . prisoners'
A'idA'siecia-''tinlie-T'el 'b'u that theMoved
cu'Pt e ''o action- 10 aiding thenMr.K
, ' o " - . •
esk the Government to appoint a
counnission to, collect information in re-
ference to prison.reform. That no tic-
' the. or o.
t' be taken as to -claimsf $20- f
Jas.lon F Ell' ti fcapturing- horse
F. to or a,int
thief. as the statutes provide for such
cases. That the motion of Mr Dul
• • the ' f $3000 fstatementshowingthe
mage to raise e sum o . or
boundary line appropriations be carri-
''• b
ed cut. That the treasurer's report e
. .
adopted and printed in the • , minutes.
That no action be taken in referenceto
the circular of the Ontario -Rifle As
soeiation asking a grant of $10. In re-
ference to the letter from John Kain
requesting the council to make C Her -cause
requ ,, - . , •
.ris. of Howiek an insane, destitute boy
.7 / •
a ward of this county, accompanied by
two medicalcartificates, we recomend
that the reeve' of . Howick• • procure a
suitable place for his maintenance and
that the said reeve of Howick receive
. , , ,
$6 per month for his maintenance. That
the accounts of J. E. Tom and D. Mal-
loch, school inspectors, of $224.65 and
'$48 f high school
4.85, respectively, or , „,
examination be aid: That
entrance,. , p.
the resolut o . n „ the council
i n passed byp
payinn• the examiners $4 per day be
'" • • •
hereby repealed, and that in lieu of
. , •d 75 t f
the exam -nets e pat • c s or every
. .1 . • h. If f . •
pupr presenting lime or examtna-
tion pursuant to R. S.0,1887 chap. 226,
'40. d further that the charge of
see. . an . .Moved
50 cents fee tor entrance examination
be changed.to•75 et ns, and that in
future theinspectors be .supplied b 3'
the clerk with stationary required for
holdinexaminations. That the .road 5 •
commissioner in future add to the or
' is re ort b whom these orders
ders in h p , y . . . ..
are certified. In regard to the applo
'cittion from J. ivision Court
. . Cowan,/ ,
clerk at Wroxeter , asking what p rovi, -
sion had been made to procure books
• • • •
for Division Court clerks as per stet-
'utes of. 1889, we recommend' that the
' • ' booksCastles
clerk ask for tenders , for such
-required b clerks a (1 bailiffs,
.as are y, . , I'l
and power to accept any such tenders
1 e deam adv issble and to Sup.
as le may 5 7 •
ply the books to those who are entitled
. t • -
to receive them when required. That
the grant of $25 be 'given to the ' East
11111•011 Teachers'Amciationts. , We re-
contend the following certified accounts
be paid: -R. P. Willleinson & Co. goal
$11,29. James Jenkins, goal
r , , . ,
repairs;$9 20; G. N. Davie, goal supphee
$10.33;James Bain& Sons, books, etc.,
for sheriff s office, $25, john Btittler,
stationery, $5.70. Wingham nmes ad,
• 7 7 .
yertising $2; T. G., Rice, counter rail.
Jive, $6; Hart St,Co., stationery, $4.25
' d $9 70, F • ser ‚incl Porter, stat•oh
ail •, ,, la . r ., i •
• '
to..y $8,80; for registry of office bonks,
$34 50- 3 T. Garrow, county 'solicitor,
, , . ,
$22;D. Downing, shoes for prisoners in
If • '8' '1 'printing,theproposed'
goal, , , ; , Of Oh tga,a, ,
$12.27 r Sohn HaVs, for care of Mary'
}lay ,s An insane, indignant person,$49.,
50; Morris township ritiltetty fare of
eatherioe mid Elizabeth Miskimminos
to orili4. $30. John Brophy table for
0 t , . >
sheriftb's °thee 01.50 ;Estate of Gorge
, .
Grant, eourt house supplies, $12.24;
David Reid., teaming $28; C. G. Newton,
goal supplies, 75 cts: Brussels Post,
advertising si; John Bottler, station-
ery, $4.26. John Bates wheelbarrow
and repairs $5.25; Therm Expositor,
advertising $4.50; John Ansleyp,ostrall
commissioner teleorains and
1 r, .
87; Samuel Davis, for Maintainance of
Chas, Llngard, 828.75; Edward Jones,
repairs to bo
boundary bridge, GS cts; C,
.ProutY, rePairo to boundary ' bridges
811.20. Fraser & Porter" stationery, $1..!
.05; Seaforth Sun, stationery, $$7 56;
Alex„ Wallace, repairing clock, $1;
Saunders'•& Sons, , registry office re-
Pairs and. goal and court house supplies
$46.89; Goderich Star, printing, $12.01;
Winihani Times, Printing} 0.50 ;Kw-
on Signal, printing $1.50; F. Jordan,
goal supplies, $5.40; Reeve Cook, hav-
inasked permission toithdthe
' +"o• - • .• : vvraw ,
account with Howick township for doe-
toile eirtificates• of insane, destitute
-0 , • d that the '
pers ns, IN e recommend e same
ie, .o i o e tic-
I ' ft 't"'paid. With .W•th regard t th -
count of 'Edmund Thomas of 839; Co
the maintenance of C. Barrie, we re-
commend that the same be not paid, as,
it has been dealt with in a previous
part Of this report. That sig. be paid
, ?
to the leckUp 'keepers each of Goder.
ieh, Clinton, Eiteter, Wingham, Bay-
. ' • • • - o • •
field, Crediton, Gorne, Wroxter, Sea-
forth,B '. 1 d Bi-tir' W
, russe s an. v ,.:. • e also re-
. commend that $15 be expended for
flowers and plants around, the court
house: That $300 be trranted to the
- • b • •
branch agricultural and horticultural
societies. That•the micount of W. Bak:
• , . . ,
of $35 for the care of David Kins•
. • , • .
an insane indigent, be paid and
7 , •
that, as, a report has been made to the
that this person is improv- ,
ing, the reeve' of Grey investigate the
matter and endeavor to get cheaper
, . .
rates for his maintaenanc That the
usual grant of $25 be given to the
West Huron Teachers Association.
per mon • e pal - or e sup-
That $7 ' th b 'd f th
port of Christine McMartin, of Grey. - an
insane indigent. - .7
insane Your - committee
has examined the new loans made and
find the amount invested in mortgages
in, 1889, to be $26,316. We also find a
certificate from the -county . solicitor'
with each loan,cortfyin•g to the tit-les oflearn
the propertleabeing correct. We ha,ve
examined t'ne bonds- of the treasurer
----- •--.....- • t . , ..
and find them sattsatotoryt,
. o .
HENRY EMBER Chairitime: --,...
, ,, .. ., .„ .,,
b\- bV.Mr-Maa• Manning, secon ,d b'y
11ythat the. clerk be 1n3tructed
' ' • ' ' ' • '• '' - .
to prepare a return showing the persons
committed to the couuty.goal during
1887 '88 ' „ ..
, and 89, the cause or commit-
t th I th f • f - h* h •
men , e eng o time or w ic com•
mitted and t t tit' f
e an e cos o e county o .
each person so coinmitted,inchtding cost
of committal and maintenance; also a
e number o per-
• f '
sons now wards of the county as indig-
" • • '
ent, insane persons and ' the amount
being expended for each.; both state.
ments to show the municipality from
which such prisoners. or persons came;
return to be subinitted at the June ses•
comtnuntca ion rom r. Reilly, A t• f ' 'D
inspector of asylums in reference to an
- . .,.
insane boy now in ,goal, was read and,
referred to spacial committee.. •
Moved by 'Dr. Rollins, seconded by
Mr. Wilson,, that the committee for the
revision of rules also report in June a
proper form, accenting to statute, des-
titute person, proposed to be made
wards of the county. -Carried
The council then adjourned
At -two o'clook p. m, the cotincil.
in e chatr. .
the warden ' th '
. The report of the special committee'
as read when the council went into
w ,
committee of the whole' Mr. •Kelly in
. . , . .
the chair. , , .
bMD1 o•b
y r. u mabe, secondedy
Mr. Wilson, that the report Of the spe-
cial committee be adopted.
' • .' -
Moved by Mr. Wilson, seconded by
Mr. Mooney that the question and an-
swer as read in reference to tax ex-
emption be left over for consideration
• .. .
until June meeting. This was lost on
a division.
. ' .
The warden resumed the chair, and
the report was submitted to the coun-
cu and adopted.
Moved by Mr. Kelly seconded by Mr.
that the clerk procure a copy
7 , . , .
of the Domitnon Criminal Act of 1887
f • the f the ' • • l't
for e reeves o e munimpa i v.-
Carried. .
Moved by Dr. Rollins, seconded by
Mr. Manning, that in view of the prob-
able action of the Ontario Legislature
in the matter of the erection of Houses
• . . .
of Industry in various counties, a corn-
mittee of nine members be appointed
for the following purposes: -To take
such steps as it may o
obtain the sanction of the Dominion
Government to see the funds steaming
to the &edit of the license fund of the
' '
county (being the serplus of the Scott
Act fines, etc.) towards the erection of
a Hottse of Iiidustry• in the event of
. . . , , .
this county deciditt„ to elect ,
' ' • ' ' to • one, to
a ;certain the conditions of the Provin-
. , , ,
dal Goyernment proPoses to attach to
al ,
• 'd to Rouge' of Inditstry,
end make such represeetetions in • re-
gard to same as they May deem to the
interest of, the county: Such donitnit-
tett OS consist of Messrs telly, Smith,
Wileoir Milne Duitnage MoLean, Cox
. 1 . f 7
mover and seconder. Lost on a diVi.
sion by a majority of 14,
Moved by Mr. Manning, seconded lay
Mr. Beck, that the haookers' and
dierslicetise fee be $100, and that th. .
bylaw be amrneiided accordin y,
Lost by a majority of 12.
The supplementary report of the
goal an .coutt house committee watt
read' and d ottop.teo, .
- ..
.f.'ne 0 n 1 then ad jOUrn ed.
(mu e 1 •
the 7a'rtnp•imil•thfir ehea?I'..1:flcil 1e5umed-
• A su.pplementary report of the fig -
, .
ance committee was read and adopted.
A motion of Messrs Smith and Beet,
that the council grant oto to be oto„
the .'
pended under Oirection of Mr'Ad-
aroson inilowers and plants to be plat-
ea around the court house. during the ,
coming surniner was referred to the
finance cenimitte'e.
' • .
The council then took a ten minutes
. . . .
recess, after which the following...by-
law was read and ado t d B 'Li '
I) P .- y- IF
No. 1, 1890, to appoint county auditor
h 1 NI 2 1890 t ' ' • tti.
y aw I o. , , , o appoint a !pea ,
of audit. ....„-
A supplementary report of , the
ance committee was read tiid adopted-.
. -
On motion of Mr. Rate, seconded 11-.
Mr. Cook,the couneitadjourned, to meet
. '
on the first Tuesday in June next.
Continued from last week.
- The council resumed, pursuont to
adjournment, the warden in the 'chair.
l'All the councillors present except. Mos-
ere, Proudfoot and McM.urchie.• The
minutes of previous day were read and
. . .. „, , . .
</pplOveo• ,
Moved by Mr. Kelly, s( conded' by Mr.
Bissett, that the warden -and clerk pe-
tition the Dominion Government to ap•
• <-
130M3 a permanent railway commission
anti:that the Clerk telegraph the respec
tive county clerks west of Toronto the
action this council has taken. 'Tt. f r •
ed to speciatcommittee.. '
'' Moved by Mr. Mckenzie, seconded by
Mr, Bissett, that thenames of. Messrs,
Manning„Kelly and Wilson • be added
to special committee. -Carried
Moved by Mr. Milne seconded by Mr '
6iver,= - . ., McMartin,
that Christina McMartin, . of,
• '-• ' •
Grey, an in sane indigen t person, become'
a:ward of this county... 'Referred to
. . , •
finance committee •
. ,
Moved by Mr. Manning, seconded by
Dr., Rollins, thata committee of seven,
vizi Mesirs. Coolo Kelly, Rollins Eilber
. .,
Wilson, Sanders and the moVer; be eta....
pointed, to consider 'amendments to the
rules governino• this council, with. the
t, •
view of improving the same; that sad
committee be authorized to obtain the
CR1111111 , , .
rules governing the county councils of
thecounties d submit i re ort at the
an . , p
June session --Carried. . .. •
of accounts orders of
, ts and
roa,d commissioners were referred to
. ,
the finance committee.. . . .man
Moved by Mr. EiTher, seconded byclosets
Mr. Beck,that the clerk b instructed
.e e
to procure a copy of the Ontario Stet-
utes for the present year for each reeve
and deputy reeve in the council, to be
i '
come the. property . of their respective
• uniei alities --Carried. •
m p . .
The account of C. Prouty was referred
to the finance committee.
,Moved by Mr. Wilson, seconded by •
Mr. Kelly, that the road and lAidge
t as to committee be to repor
. . . . .
the advisability of • retaining the ser-
ices of a • county engineer otCarried.
The council then adjourned. ,cont
At four c'elock the council resumed
- • , •
the warden in the.chaar. . ,
The report of the road .and bridge
committee was read and adopted. .
.. . ,
Itp' ' AND BRIDGE COMMIT peotatostitOAD , , E.
recormended (1) that the engineer act
with the engineer of Perth in having a
..._ . . . ,
bridge over Maitland on boundary of
Grey and Elmo, , 4th ,,con. (2) that the
Council send no deputation to 'Toronto
re widening sleighs; (3), that Grey
6Buckley's bridge be rebuilt
Bridge and.
as recommended, and the north span of
Clinton bridge be.rebuilt. (4) that the.
„, . . . ,
engineer's report be printed .in the
minutes and the repairs recommended
. ,
carried out. (4) that the council retain
. • .
a county engineer. ,
Thomas Gregory, chairman.
. • .
The application Of Mr.Wilson,for. the
use of the s ile driver was read and
. P ,
granted.• -,
I was re .
The account of Andrew Sprou -
ferred to the finance committee. ,
4. tele °Tam from the -warden of Bruce
, ,,„ , . .1
re, two sessions of council per annum
was • • •• •
. ded by
Moved by Mr. Wilson, seconded
Mr. Sanders, that in reply to the tele-,
gram sent by the warden of Bruce
k' 'whetherthe adoptionf
as mg e o only
two sessions per annum is workingtions
satisfa,ctonly we state that there is a.
division of •opionion in this council,A. but
that the majority is favorable to two
' •
sessions. -Carried. - --
Moved by Mr. Dulmitge, seconded by
Mr. Graham, that the special committee
• ference to
make a representation in re ,
the difficulty of obtaining a conviction
under the•Hawkers' and Pedlars'b - law
from e oca mag
in ease of an appeal f the I
istrates' decision, and that their find.
intr be submitted to the Provincial
_ is . _ . f . .
I eg-
Legislature, praying or amended.
islation to make the Act workable.
Referred to the special committee. ,
Moved by Dr. Rollins, seconded by
' and clerk
Mr. Ratz, that the warden . .
memorialize the Ontario ' Government
asking that legislation be provided
whereby tiie cost of the Ontario' school
systemb •• 11reduced,• .
may e matena y as
this council is of opinion that our school
systein has beeothe burdens,ome from
.. .
to %mid licit of calls on public funds
R., p y ,. , p .
for its mai ntance, and that copies of
....1..s. .
i i tat' b t t h f.th
t , M. ton e sen o eac o e, mem-
bers of, the county of Huron in the,
- • • • . .
Ontario•Assembly.-Cained. ,
.., „s , , . ,,.
ve... by Jur. .1s.eny, peconuea ity aar.
' Mo a
McLean, that fit the opinion of this,
. the
council the amount realizedby
. , . . . ,.
• 0 t
rats in large counties in 11 ano
is OXce.ssive, and that some legislation
n Id b t a t , cb the fees f •
s ou e enac e w Ica y • ot
•etristration'should be lesseneA or • a
i o ,
larger percentage s . • .
hould be paid int0
the county treaSury 1 • that a copy of this
MOti01). be sent to the.Attorney-General
. Ont • . ... ... ,,, ., ., . 7.1 Itx P P
, of ar10 W . it DIOreal,,a, -. .. ... ,
., ,
anG ri„lso to each of the inc,•mbers repre-
senang- 1 ,
t th's county in the local As
' • the, School end printing
The report of
committee was read and adopted,
recoinmended (1.) that the tender of F.
G Neer for the county printing be a '••
. in e ,, i e
• .
+ d., '
(Outer giLbilicrra....,„,
Is published every Thursday •Morning,
• at the Office,. ,
- -
One Dollar per annum If paid in Advance.
8E30 if not so paid. ..
ntttos "tt• -13-1nplIca''
_ •
No paper discontinued until all arrearages
are paid. Advertisements. withont specific
directions vrill be publish.ed tikl forbid and
charged afieordingly, Liberal discount made
for triinficient advertisements inserted forsett.we
long:periods. Every .clesoription of .T0111
PRINTING turned. out in the finest style,number
and at moderate rates., oheeuesononey.ord-
ers, &a. for advertising, subscriptions, etc. to
be rnade pavable to ,,duly
William. Sanders,
' • Editor:taken
. Wimehelsea,
Ori r, o o t• • reset
0 Saturdaylast.M G db 1 d
to Mr: James Jones' store to purchase
some goods. While in the ,act of ' put.
ting the
ting the goods and some papers in tfitr
back of the buggy, the horse toot
fright and ran away, completely dek
tuolishing the vehicle. go other sex--
. .
ions 'damage was done.
• .
Chuich Director/.
' TniVITT &columnar. council...Rey. S'' P'
Robinson, Rector. Sunday ServiceS, •11. a.m.,
Sabbath School, 2.30 p. m.
aternoinsr Cuuncrt--J'ana es- st., Rev. B.
Clement, Pastor. Sunday Services, 10.30 a.m.
anas.so p.m. Sabbath School, 2p. m.
MAIN §TIIEET-Rev. T. 'Wilson, Pastor. Sim
day Servites,10.30 a.m. and 6.30 p.ni. Sabbath
scia0012.sot.ni. . •
,Poosorrettniti Ontrecn..-nav. w. Marbin
Pastor. Sunday Services, 11 a. m. and 6.30 p.
1:11. Sabbath School, 9.46 a.m.
Grand Bend.
Nearly enough snow fell to make
= • •
good sleighing around here.
Mr: C. Mack is busy haniinto wood to
Dashwood and Mr. 0. Wade. to Grand.
.Mr William Gamble, we are sorry 'st7e
, is at present very'ill. We h00
tO soon' hear of his speedy reco 'e - '
- - • • - • •
Mr. H. Hawker Of the 19th•di
• , con.
,Stephen is around in this neighborhood.
• is, • 0.•
pnre74ipa.?., cattle to ship to Englargii
. o .,-, ---.-
'Professional Cards..
. .
Tir.••L. BILLINGS. .
-CLI. • ==sr,wszw.
Office over O'NeiPs Bank, Exeter, Ontario,
Nitrous Oxide Gas for painless
Goes to Luoan every Friday.
- _ °-•,-i-f,- .-,--•,, -- '•
' A,0ry pleasant and . happly o.ffair
kplace at ' • .
too , at the residence of Mr.
geit, •McGrea•or, it being the --
. . oo, i as maruf
age of his daughter Vine; to,Mr. Char •
. • , . .
les Mason. The happy couple have
. . . . -
the best wishes of all their friends.
„-- ' R. KINSMAN,
DENTIST, L. D. S.) ex-
teeth 'without replay givin,"
Vapor, or lasing then.
the gums. Makes Gold . i
dental work the besth. possit.
last Thursdayan eacm on ,
of Maiia street.Eketer.
' .
• • Stair&
Anfesthetic on
ings and other
Goes to Zurich
East side
' The Good Templa.rs of this 'Ace
. - . .
gave a ire entertainment on Wednes-
day evening,5th February,t •
' • t. ' d. o an...ap-
precie ive, a a ienee. It would be well
if more of our young men took
an interest in the society not only
the object of the society is good,„
but it afford opportunites of self kat
t 1'
povemen s ifproper y conducted '
OBITUARV-We have this week 'tia
chronicle the death of Mr. Jno. Draloso
one of the pioneers of this townshilk,
Deceased had been ailing for some
. ,
d h •
time an his death was not unexpeeto
ed. He died Friday evening and h.le
remains were interred in the 'Stifle
cemetery on Monday: During .his life
he had accumulated considerable
ble , pr-,
eit He leaves a wi- ow and sir.'
Y ..1
. '
children to morn his loss.
T B wrirrErre, M. Pu C. M., PHYSICIAN
el . and Surgema. Ofiice and residence -
Corner Victoria and Elgin streets, Goderioh,
Ontario. •
.1.5 Residence -Corner Andrew arid North
Streets, Exeter, Ontario. -
T. A. 'AMOS, M. it., O. M. L0. P., DIN.; L
so s EGI err
.S., Edm.; L..1 a _ ,
L.11,, Edinburgh. and'Glasgow; M. C. P.0 Si
Ontario; F. T.M. S., Toronto. Night be a
office. Creditor., Ontario. • jy12-8
DR. `7.1. eNr; upstairs, opposite Centre
Rotel. Side entrance on south -James street
leading to the Methodist Church. '
-.. .i v inary_Surgeon. Graduate
1, 0 •t or n . _ . _.sumo!,
''''-' T a to. Veterinary Dentis -
ry a specialitY• Om" an d Re-
.... , sidenceone block east of Rich.
Pickard's store. Opposite skating rink, Ex-
eter, Ontario.
• Dashwood. '
1.11,• ' OR, Conveyancer,' Notary Publp.
Office-- Samwell's Block, Exeter, Ontario.-
Money to Loan. .
Mr. A. Holbert and wife have left fbk,
. Mr. Jacob •Kellerman is happyO
Cause. -A bouncing baby girt. • t• ,o
The revival meetings have been Weil
for the past t k '
Mr. John Freid Was home on Sunday -
He is travelling for a firm in LOride11=
Our merchants aro cloth°. .consider-
• -
. . live stock
able trading in, hve stock and wel#1.
this. winter.
There was a lot of the Zurich itoye'
, .
here one night recently. Theitt"beo.'
heavour was not very becominoto, ';..'"
. to
Mr. 'William Ball has purchased the
' ' ••
hearse and all effects m connecttint
therewith. We wish Mr Bell esiqto
. .
success in Ms undertaking. ' .
• .,, ..
We are all g•lad to notice that 'Mr
John Hall, is able to be around again
after beino• Confined to his house', for
two weeks, with an at of la grip.*
„• .
11 • ' t.th d • . '
. Our mt els repot ey are tang „so,
h' b ' - I f .
rus mg , umness, ant rom the .nunt-
bei of farmers wagcnis that stop there
, ., ,
th* I- ti f ' '
omit , we in . , my are not ar astra,p
LW was In air way o progr, 4
Alsuit'• f ' f '.4
one day lately between Mt John „Bnat-.
roister and Mr Cerman II 'dc. "t
, . , .• , • • a, t, ,,ti .
not een for our good riatured , taitgrao
- t'
t t 1 la " h ' • '
•a, 0 110 t Ott t °et Wettld have"( •IAbell
1- /
s rr has i` t r ' t d 'tl. ' 1 V110
Soii, , t e mina e wi i on tO, h ,
costs to ea • ".'
. ...-tY. . oo ., ),•,,,,
1 ,. T. am ta .
Miss Eliza Kroft and M INT ' NI.
wanger, Were united in the holy bbM1,s
of matrimony on Tuesday 4th
which took place at the residericetifthr
bride's father, OWe wish ,thc 'Olin*
couple eittry success in their inadev:,
takings. .., „)
Jut of ,Suprein e,Court, Notary Public, coo-
veyitncer,Counnissioner,,&c. Money to loan
Oflice-Fanson's Mock, Exeter. •
.11, itors, Conveyancers, &c.• Money to loan
' ' • I 'consed
TAMES ORE, Exeter, Ontario, a
V . Auctioneer for the , County of Iluron.
Sales promptly attended Viand satisfaction
guaranteed. Sales arranged at this office.
TT BRDWINTIWinchelgea. Licensed Auct,
ix, ioneer tor the Counties of Perth and,
Middlesex, also for the township of Usborne<
Sales promptly, attended to and terms rea 90/1
able. Sales arranged at Post office, Winchelsa
E AI Hensall Ontario: Lic-
El BOSS NBE AY, . . _ t f
1.2.4 . citified • Auctioneer for the Conn ys o,..,,
Huron and Perth. Charges 'moderate tind
ottisfaction' guaranteed.
- • ,
Iv HOLT, Khiara, Ontario. Licensed ;trot-
. ioneer for the Counties of' Middlesex
Ind Lam bton and the tOvinsliips of Stephen
EI,nd Hay Alf sales prtim pay attended. to.
warts MOM F...
mow 0
AVE 1 ••
Itot).. a Innowlne
One of tbe F
- xrpovrei. •
'scopes I n ."
tbe world. Our dined are
unaqualetl, and to In ti4dliti'61"
= ourarlot goon wa 011IanitOnil
to Onn PliniON In epth loCalitYr
at elod. Only those it'll* Vane
to la at once tan mild noi,o of
theahand. All pad hovel° clo In
hind Im to show Ina Woo& to
_,.., - attetwh:":17;171! ner'..
' ' - .""" "' ' 6 4.
titha" a thie """i"amt
*bona the imill enel of iho ten.
eni Blvini..ihn *Ophidian orlt reitieel to
"6 -e
oklunit MI Ninth poi din billyi liggtht;iltign inn.
nut edporielion, beidiewitilat end. IT•tny all entaini Onion.
Addpm,u, naiserr acoo, e***8% -roaruaa, kluaa