HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1890-2-6, Page 8astosivatiosiveve ,London Huron Bruce Railway Pasetcnge1 '3 iai1e '4'eelt10, K:i01 .G Noi1'ui. a0I.NG SouTn. Z1.Rl p ni, it.n1. h.m Londomdep't 8.05 1 25. S1'ingluitn 7.05 8.40 'LucianCroa'g 8.47 520. Delgravo 7.24 4.00 . Clandeboyo 8,58 5.28. Blyth 7.38 11.1E .Centralia 9,0.E 545,Londe8boro' 7.47 LA. 'EXETER 9.16 557. Clinton 8.07 4 65. $calash 0.28 6,09. BITS;field 8.96 504 Ripper).9.81 0.17. Kippen 8 54 5.1 Bruechleld 0:42 6 '0. Honsall 831 5. Clinton 10.00 6.45. Ea.l t'ER 8 54 5x83 Londosboro' 1010 703 Centralia 007 5.45 Bluth 10:25 712. C1aucleboya 9.18 5.58 algrave 10.49 7,27, Lu'an Cros'g 9 21 6.02 Sixrgham 11.00 7.45. London, arr.1015 6.45 c+ • • • • 15l • • • • TO OUR PATRONS. A"pertinent piece of advice in the columns of a late trade journal, ran thus: -However hard you may have worked during 1889, resolve to do a little better in 1890. It is not a difi cult matter to see when better and more work might have, been done i one cares to scrutinize closely, eve though the vision be defective and pov erty to great to purchase a pair o specks. We have noticed a few weal -spots in ourselves and inspired by th above bit of advice, resolved to adopt i ..as one of our rules for 1890 and faith. full* observe it for at least a week We -are trying to put stock in best pos •sible-,shape, to fill every gap and v .every shelf, drawer and corner th .cleannessand neatness of a new pia Our Book, Stationery, Small ware a Wrapping paper departments are good shape and Fancy goods eve .ready to -supply the demands of Wed ‘ding, Partin; and other friendly gifts 'Thepatrons of both our Jobbing and 'Retail trade will kindly accept ou heartfelt gratitude for their past libera :support. f Il e t e. e a. nil In r • • r Jr. Grigg, Exeter. .4OCAL JOTTINGS. 'Muddy roads. Horse buyers are very numerous . just.now. The Ontario Legislature opened on :Monday last. - H. L. Billings, Dentist, for the best :artifeial teeth. The weather took a change yester- day for the colder. Read Walt Andrew's change of ad- vertisement in this issue. - H. L. Billings, Dentist. Gold fillings a specialty. Mace over O'Neil's Bank Exeter. Where is the long and hard winter predicted by some of our Local pro- phets. The majority of our residents who hove been suffering from la grippe, are recovering. The offertory in the Trivett memor • • dal church on Sunday will be in aid of -the widows an orphans fund of the dio ,..cese of Huron. Messrs. W. H. Verity & Sons intend to commence shipping next week a -consignment of ten car loads of ploughs do North-West territory. Wait,for the Firemens' concert, on .Friday evening 21st inst. First class foreign talent has been secured. Fur- ther :particulars next week. The north mail on the London,Huron and Bruce was half an hour late last night, owing to some breakages occur- ing to the Engine at Clinton. Mr. John Crawford and Henry Seber from Ainsworth Iowa are at present at the Commercial Hotel for the purpose of purchasing. heavy Draught stallions. Mr. Samuel Sweet, leaves on Monday next, to attend the supreme Grand Lodge of Sons of England Benevolent Society, And will be absent during .the week. To complete our fyle for last month we regnire.a paper of our issue of 16th Jany. We will be much obliged if some of ouraeaders who has one will forward it. Mr. Thomas Cave and family who left here a short time ago to perman- ently reside lin Detroit, returned here on Friday, and we understand that the family will return and they will reside here in future. Mr. Brampton, of the Old Established House, left on Saturday to purchase a large stock of Goods,which will be sent here immediately. Great Bargains will be offered in the future at the old Established. We have just rceeived a large sup- ply of Envelopes, Note Heads, Letter Heads, Bill Heads &e, which we will, dispose oil all printed at greatly re- duced rates. Gbve .us a call and ex-_' amine our prices and work. Mr. John Hawkshaw sold his hand- some black trotting stallion to Messrs Crawford and Seber,of Ainoworth,Iowa, for a handsome ,sum. They also pur- chased some very fine Canadian draught horses and expect to ship them', to -day. We wereleased to notice that Mr.' W. D. Stanly, of GI•anton,Tp. Cleat: of Biddulph, was appointed one of the., county auditors of Middlesex by the newly elected Warden, at the inaugur- al meeting of the county council on: 'Tuesday last, . Mr. Stanley has ,dis- charged the duties of this office se' er- al times before: • The Exetermill grist rnn1. leas sold by 1ublic,auction on Tuesday last to 111r. W. B. Browne, of Simcoe, for the sum of 45,000.00. We understand that he mil put in all the latest improvements and make it second to alone in Western Ontario. In the meantime the patrons will be accomu;dated by Mi.r i i Bova ,who has leen in. t change, for some sears. This will be a v4lnabie' acquisitiofa to our town, and will prove a boon to the muni farming community g' m ty at large. The other property that was offered kr sale was not sold, as the creditors thinking it WAS to much of a s. erifiaa' at the priGe.s bug. Local Ninzrods say that the noiseless and smokeless powder which has re- Contly been :discovered will be a great advantage to hunters over the powder at present in use, that with the aid of the new powder an entire flock of ducks or other game may be decimated, one at a time,without disturbing others in the sante vicinity. It is with feelings of regret that we announce the death of Miss Mary: Ann Vale. She has been ailing for over a year past with consumption. She WI1S well respected and beloved by all who knew her. The funeral ta'ces place to- day (Thursday) from the residence of her father, Mr. Joh, Vale,Exeter North, at two o'clock p. m. The man who says it does no good to advertise would be convinced to the contrary by seeing his goods published as a lot of fourth-class shoddy. How such a man would rush to the printer's office with blood in his eye and two revolvers to shoot the editor for libel. Yet the man who fails to advertise gen• orally finds plenty of time to fight the dies which continually torment him as he has nothing to do. We will consider it a favor if our correspondents will send news budgets each week, and as often as practicable. It not only assists us in making Tnn ADVOCATE a welcome weekly visitor to each home, but it places the respective localities in an advantageous light before the public. We would like to hear from every locality in the county, and shall be pleased to furnish all nec- essary stationary, envelopes, etc, On Tuesday evening last several of the young citizens of this village, re. - paired to the residence of Mr. John Prowse, of Hay Towaislhip,as a surprise party and report of having spent a a very enjoyable time in dancing and other harmless amusements. Judging from the appearance of some of those present that they not only looked worn. out but as if they needed their eyes propped open. The other day we were shown a pho- tograph by Mr -Jas. Westcott, which was taken in California, showing a combined Reaper and thrashing Ma- chine in operation. The machine is drawn by twenty-six horses and driven by Mr. Jessie Westcott son of Mr. Jas. Westcott, of Usborne, The machine cuts and thrashes about forty acres of of grain. The width of the cut is eight een feet. Mr. Westcott informs us that the crops in the Sacremento valley are excellent, in fact the best they have had for some years. Edison, it is said, has a new novelty on which he is working -a clock to talk the time. Instead of a blank sound it will say "one," "two," etc., at the proper hours. For an alarm it will say, in so many words, "Get upl" in a stentorian and commanding voice. If the person thus ordered does not get up -what then? If the clock can say "Get up," it ought to be able to say much stronger language. If that fails to rouse the sleeper, a combined claw and Bogardus - kicker attachment ought to be perfect- ed that could be depended on to "turn the rascals out" in short order. -Mr. Thos. Ramsay, of Litchfield Minn., is visiting his parents and re- latives in Exeter, -EXETER ADVOCATE. -If Tom had run across to Paynes- ville previous to his trip home he would have had a'"pleasant surprise in finding no less than five old Exeterites including ourself, who have not for- gotten :their birthplace, and who oftim- es have a five minutes gossip by pair- ing up all the old bachelors and old maids, in what we consider the most thriving town (Exeter) in the famous county of Huron. Call on your way back Tom. Paynesville (Minn.) News. Dan, it is time that you and the other four Exeter Bachelors out there should return and marry up some of our old maids, if we have so many. Shipments. Mr. Jas. Oke shipped one carload of cattle to Montreal this week. -Messrs: Wood Bros. shipped one carload of cat- tle to Montreal. Religious Services Religious services will be conducted by Mr. George Henley, of London, on Sunday next, afternoon and evening, commencing at the hours of 2.30 and 6.30 p, in. in Drew's . Hall. Everybody is invited to attend. A collection will be taken up at both services. Bring along your bibles. Advocate Callers. Among the callers at the Advocate office on Tuesday, were John Forrence, Reeve of Stanley; Oscar Wade, Grand Bend; James Clarke,Hensall;John Neil, Centralia; F. Davis, sr. and F. Davis jr., Centralia; William Gamble and Will Wade, Grand Bend; E. Floody Clinton; M. Dupee, Bayfield; Joseph Foster, Var- na- James Wells, Saltford; and many: others: The Public Health. It is doubtful if ever before in the town's history has so much sickness prevailed as at the present time. It is astonishing the large number of per sons, old and young, that are affected more or less seriously. Although the cause of this deplorable state ofthe public health may be assigned to a large extent to the prevailing influen- za epidemic, there is not . the slightest doubt that a great deal of it has been brought on by the sudden and severe changes' in the temperature. Slight colds are contracted and neglected and before the person is aware it asumesa' more serious nature. Nearly every house in town has contributed its vie - time, and it would be difficult to aprox- imate the number under the weather. The number of ebildren afflicted may be inin.gined from the fact that fully twenty per cent of the pupils in attend- ance at the Public School were absent. Fortunately the majority of the eases ate of a mild type and are generally got rid of in a few day. Cousel,l Proceedings' The council met in .the Town Hall on Saturday evening at i3 o'clock -1), m. Reeve Rollins, Deputy ;peeve Bissett, councillors Spackman, Oke and Ross were present, . The minutes of last. meeting were road and adopted. Ten- ders for town printing were opened from AnvocATis and „Tfnies offices. It was moved by W, G. Bissett and second- ed by H. Spaeklnan,tlhat• the ADVOCATE tender lie` accepted, -Carried. By • Law No. 1 1890, re -auditors; was ammended by striking' out the names cif L. Hardy and John Taylor, andsubstituting therefor the names of,J. P. Ross and L. H. Dickson, on motion of W. G. Bissett, seconded by H. Spacknikfieliiefollowing orders were passed on motion of H. Spackman, seconded by James Oke: - James Creech, $2 charity to J. Piper, $2.50 charity to John Veil, $2 charity to S. Fanson, 50 ets Mrs.• Wilcox; $3.45 W wood for Mrs McIntosh; Walter'escot, 25 cts., labor; J. White & Son, printing and advertising $11.25. The clerk was instructed to'correspond with some of the different Tile manufacturers in Canada and Unital. States and ascertain prices for 6 in and 12 inch tile. The Reeve was instructed to Telephone to D. Campbell, Chatham, re grist The counciladjourned until Saturday next, 8th inst, at 7.30Jr;. n., on motion of H. Spackman, "seconded by D. A. Ross. That Dog and Trap Case. It was amusing to seR;,.the ; interest displayed by many of the citizens of Exeter over petty police court :squab- bles. Our worthy J. P., Mr. Snell, was greeted with a large and fashionable audience on Monday last,' Ac•hen he placed upon the .boards,a. novel little legal drama in whicl figured as com- plainant Mr. Joseph Gill, of,Hay Town- ship, and Charles Holtzman of the same place, defendant. Mr: ,Gill, by Mr. Dickson, his counsel, charged the de- fendant, Holtzman, with „the grave criminality of nhalieiolisly injuring two wildcat traps, the property of com piainant, the value of which was no less than $3, and prayed that his wor- ship should find the charge true, and reimburse him for the damage done the traps, and if the wounded and offended law demanded it to mulct Mr. Holtz- man in a fine and costs, Holtzman Holtzman on the contrary, by Mr. Collins his counsel, denied the charge of malice and pleaded to justify the damage on the ground that it was cera n'itted to re- lease a dog which he represented had become entraped in both traps. After hearing both sides and all that could be said all day long His worship decided that Mr. Gill should be: ,paid for his traps, and that the law should be vin- dicated by Mr. Holtzman,having a fine and costs to the amount of $10.60, Personal Mention. Mr John Knox,formerly sta ant at Centralia, who is a:, pres t• rar at Pilot Mo1in• , Maixitobi , vi ins friends in town at present. -Mr. H. E. Moffatt late Real Estate agent and auctioneer,Woodstock. was in. this place on Tuesday last on business, .Harry's many friends where pleased to see his smiling countenance again. He is at present General agent for. John Elliot and sons, implement manufacturers, London, Ont. -Mr. Geo,.Samwells spent Tuesday in London. -Mrs: A. Q. Bobier paid London a visit,, Tuesday. -Mr. Josiah Pedlar and wife, yho have been visiting friends in Stephen, returned home to Oil Springs on,Fri'day.-Mr. A. Stanlake, who has been in Windsor for some time is amongst us again for a short time. -Miss , Lily Dickson, who has been visiting her brbther, Mr. Lew- is H. Dickson, returned,to Oshawa on Thursday Last to resumie her studies at the Demill College in that plaice. -Mr. Samuel Foster. Clerk of,hiay.Township, left this station for New: York yesterday (Wednesday) morning, where - he will visit friends and relativifs.-`Mr. R. S. Lang left for Toronto, yesterday morn- ing on business. -Mr. Ilegnander, who has beenemployed in the blolsons Bank here for some time.past,,1eaves to day for West Toronto . Junction. ' We are pleased to note this promotion and hope that every prosperity may attend him inhis new field of labor. -Mr. A. Lam- mie, of Detroit, Mich., formerly of this place, is at present visiting friends in town. -Mr. W. B. Browne, , who purch- ased Pickard's grist mill, returned to his home in Simcoe last evening. -Mr. William Ballentyne, License Inspector of South Huron,gave.us a friendly call last evening,; Public School 1Reprel Ytlgntcs, Jan. 30th: -Signing declaration of office byW. Treble. -Passing minutes of previous meeting, ' Regulations passed. -The report of desk coin., to tte accept- ed and members discharged, mover Fitton, seconder W. Treble: -After time' tenders for janitorship tobe ad- mated. -Mover T. Fitton, seconder. W. Hoskins, E. Follick to be janitor at a Ndlary of $150, mover W. Hoskins, se- t tnider T.Fitton, the following accounts t6 he paid, Davidson Bros. lumber and work $6,37, J W. Browning, Black board brush 35 cts., W, If., Verity .door castings $16.T. Fitton. to procure suitable handbills .for principal' use. Non resident fees to. 'be 60 cts. per month with further charges of 25 Cts. for each additional pupil from same' family, mover T. Fitton, seconder A. G. Dyer. Non: resident fees to be charged Pupils resident with ratepayers, mover T. Fitton seconder`,A: G. Dyer. Geier - al and special reports AS •advised by Principal to he adopted for the current year, mover T. Fitton, seconder W, Tri- ble: Reports tohe printed under super- intendence otA. 0. Dye1 and W. Tiible,, mover T. Fitton, seeouder H. Hoskins. The Chairman and IL H1iNton. to be a com, with power to effect renewal of, Insnranee' on school and furniture: mover T.'t'itton, seconder A. G. Dyer. Adjournment to call of the ehair,mover A. G. Dyer, seconder W. _Treble. J. Grigg, gec, EAT CLEAR AT RICHARll PICKARIYS. 7r'Ai!! . ,dr ip ,4,,Itis IMMENSE BARE ITS IN Black' and Colored Dress -Goods. Black and Colored Silks and ers. Ladies lllantl gs Ulst rs. Dolmans & Ja c:kis a Fur Coats,long Muffs & Boas. s. Mens Fur Coats, Caps jJ doves. Felt & Leather Boots & Overshoes. Wool Shirts and Drawers. &. Boys ready-made suits & overcoats LG In fact everything will be sold at prices that will ensure a speedy clearance. RICHARD PICKARD. County Orange Lodge Meeting. The County Orange Lodge of South Huron met in the Oddfellows Hall here on Tuesday. Representatives from Stanley, Biddulph,Goderich and Bullet were present, in fact nearly every Lodge in the County being represented. The chair was occupied by Worshipful County Master, Ed. Floody, of Clinton, and the Deputy chair by Wm. Miners, D. C. M. Elimville. The reports of the County Master E: Floody and' County Secretary. Wm. Sanders showed that the order was progressing very favorably and that the membership during the year past had increased very fast. The reports of the District Masters showed that great interest was being taken in the order throughout the sev- eral districts. The coming 12th of July will be celebrated at Clinton by a Monster Celebration, and from the re- ports of the. members of the Clinton Lodge, it will be one of the largest de- monstrations ever held in Western Ont- ario, as North Huron and Bruce Lod- ges, intend Celebrating at Clinton. A number of new attractions will be the order of the day and all may look for something good at the hands of the Clinton Orangemen. The next annual meeting will he held in Exeter in 1891. .9,fter „otos of thanks were tendered to the retiring County Master and County Secretary, the following Brethren were appointed the officers for the current year: -V. C. M.,Bro. A. M. Todd,Clinton; D. C, M.,Bro. William 'Miners,Elimville;' Co -Chap. Bro. George Hanley sr.Clinton;' Co-Rec-Sec, Bro. James Wells, Saltford; Co -Fin -Sec, Bro. M. Dupee, Bayfield; Co - D. of C., Bro. William Crooks, Holmes- ville; Lecturer,Bro. F. Davis,jr. Central- ia; Deputy Lecturers, Bro W. H. Murn- ey,Goderich and Joseph Foster, Varna. The Lodge was closed in due form to meet again on the first Tuesday- in Feb., 1891, at Exeter. SALE REGISTER. On the 20th day of February, at Stephen's Hotel, Kirkton, Farm Prop- erty. For further particulars apply to W. J. Pearson, Proprietor, Kirkton, H, Brown, Auctioneer, Winchelsea, or to Lewis H. Dickson, Barrister, Exeter. BIRTHHS. • DExovAN.-At 36 Law Street West Toronto the wife of A. A. C. Deno - van, of the Molsons Bank, of a son. DEATHS. BAIRD-On Friday, Jan. 24th,at Grand Bend, Humphrey Baird, father of Wm. Baird,of Parkhill,aged 85 yrs and 10 months. VALE. -In Exeter North, on 4th ins`, Mary Ann Vale, aged 22 years, 3 months and 10 days. Funeral to- day at 2 o'clock ,p. m. JONES. -In Biddulph. on 1st inst, El- eanor,beloved wife of Francis Jon - 05. Abcolutely utel Pure. e. '.Chia' powder never varies; A marvel of , • purity . trefx g gt ' Ir and,wHolcr,omonass, Moreeconomical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the nnititude of low test, short weight alum or l'hospirsite powdora. Sold on1y in canis. Y Unir,►nF3Axiric ,h'71w$1li Co„ 100 Wall St. N oIs To Kill that Deceitful Old Bug, TAKE EQUAL PARTS OF IIONES TwagTrs AND APPLY AS OFTEN AS NECESSARY. THIS IS OUR REMEDY ALWAYS On Tap at Our Store. to z/2 m t/1 t/r11 W t/1 r/2 in tai r1.2 r/2 r/1 ra a2 t/2 i/2 tr W t0 W to t/2 Cn tQ HON PRIC ISS 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 VS Is our answer to the cry of Cheaper than any body else can sell, cheaper than the cheapest, BELOW COST and all the other poll parroting of Humbuggery. Truthful Statements are our answers to the Puffery and Quackery of Extravag- ant statements that stops at nothing to sell .,a bill of goods or humbug a buyer. HOS. I-+,S'I' G0OI)S, IIONKST PRICES, HONEST FACTS, Are what you will find at C,.. -.LINO EROS. FOUR BOOKS FREE ! THE RURAL CANADIAN for r8go, the leading Agricultural Journal of Canada, and your choice of any four of the following books for ONE DOLLAR: x. Dr.Rameau.' By Georges Ohnet. 51. The. Tale of Three Lions. By II. Rider a. Lady Audley's Secret. By Miss Braddon. Haggard. 3• The Texer's Revenge, By Jules Verne, 32. The Devil's Die, By Grant Allen. 4. The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde. 33. Cleopatra. By' ii. Rider Haggard. By Robert L. Stephenson. 34. Derrick Vaughan, Novelist. By Edna Lyall. 5. The Death of Ivan llutch. By Count Tolstoi. 35.'A Crooked Path. By Mrs. Alexander. 6. A Terrible Temptation. By Charles Reade. 36. Marooned. By W. Clark Russell 7. Tom Brown at Rugby. By Thomas Hughes. 37. A Hardy Norseman. By Edna Lyall. 8. The Sketch Book. By Washington Irving. 3S. Merle's Crusade. By Itosa N. Carey. g. The Last of the Mohicans, to. Widow Bedott Papers, rx. Knickerbocker's New York. By Washing- ton Irving. xa. My Husband and I. By Count Lyof Tolstoi. 23. Jack of all Trades. By Charlet Ronde. 24. Grandfather's Chair. By Hawthorne. 25. The Cloister and the Hearth. ' By Reade, 26. Spoopendyke. By Stanley Huntley. x7. Not Like Other Girls. By Rosa Carey. 18. Rambles from Russia to Sp aie 1 or, Out- door Life in Europe. By E. P. riming. 29. Esther. By Rosa Nouchette Carey. W. Charlotte Temple. By Mrs, Rowson. n. The Flying Dutchman ; or, The Death Ship. By W. Clark Russell. aa. The Pride of the Paddock. By Hawley Smart. 23. The Passenger from Scotland Yard. a4. Twice Told Talcs. By Nathaniel Hawthorne, 25. Bootle's Children. By John St,:v,ge Winter. 26. lalona's Choice, By Mrs. Alexander.. al. The Travels and Surprising Adventures o4 Baron Munchausen. 28. The Hon, Mrs. Vereker. By The Duchess. C tV I3. Norris. aq. bras. By 3o. Paul and Virginia. By St. Pierre. 39. Sweet Lavender: By 75. L Williams. 4o. The Beautyof the King. By Dr. Timing. 41. Mrs. Caudle's Curtain Lectures. By Doug- las Jerrold: 42. Salathiel; or, the Wandering Jew. rst . vol. By Dr. Geo. Croly. 43. Salathiel ; or, the Wandering Jew, and vol. 44., The Piccadilly Puzzle. By Fergus Hume. 45., Complete Book of Recitations and Dia- loguea. Ovaf aoo selections. 46. Complete, Doak of, Etiquette and Letter Writing.;: Comprising the Standard Letter ' Writer, SClecfions • for Autogr,, h Albums., 47. The•3ondenit.dCyclopediaofUaefuiKoons- ledge, oow'- l' d"ge,,Ifamiliar Science, and interesting iscnil tneo is ihforxnation. 43: ModernCtpolt Book tt 1Vied{crit Guide. A stcf,il handbook foreverylxasehold. 49. Live Stock Manual. . Profusely illustrated; 228 pa>'les, 126'61 handsome cover. 5o. Standard Poultry Book. rls•pigg""ea; hand- sinner - sten upntu er us iilu'trations. 5r. Book 4,j tiome Amusen ent, containing Charades, 'Tableaux, itiddles, Games; etc, Alvhnle ivinter's entertainment: 52, American Ftin, The funniest` book ever • pu chshedd ;•;7fio•laug ha.in 50o minute Work. 53. 'Ladies' om iete Guido to Pahcy. Almost coni leCe+t orlt • goo 11105 ratiens. . ,'y. , 54. Artist's, Etnbroidbry. ; .A. ;eli•.irnsing book, profusely illustrated. Write your name Ind post office .distinctly, .name your premiums'andInclose;$l;.oq. at once. Address- Register the letter'. Do not delay, but order R• , g yn' ('• ' CANADIAN AYU.Q3C,A;L' . V.f' 1.Y.lY 5 Jordan 5traot, TORONTO.