HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1890-2-6, Page 711. Tin Seidler.
(Prom Gilbert(..t Sullivan's " GOndOliere..")
In enterprise of inertial kind,
When, hero was any lighthig,
He led hie regiment from behind—
ne found it lose exciting.
But when away his regiment ran,
Ws P1400 WsS OA the fore, ()—
That celebrated,
Cultivated, ,
_ Nobleman,
VI° Duke of Plaza -Toro 1 ,
In the first and foremost flight, ba, hal
You always found that knight, ha, ha I
fnia OdebratUd,
The Duke of Plaza-Torol
When,,to evade destruction's hand,
To hide they ell proceeded,
No soldier in that gallant band
Hid half as well as, no did.
He lay coneealed threughous the war,
And so preserved his gore, 0 1
That enaffected,
U detected,
The Duke of P,aza-Toro 1
Re, Sim or It?
Inlet a mother with a babe that was her per-
fect joy.
I said, to win her favor, what a charming baby
boy 1
I saw her flashing glances and her lip in anger
curl ;
In ornshieg words she told me that the infant
was a girl,
I met another mamma with a bright and charm-
ing child,
And murmured what a lovely girl I -the mother
never ensiled;
I knew I'd made the blunder which .mothers
sadly vex.
She mid in tones quite frigid," You're mistaken
in the sex."
And so it didn't matter how kind tho words I
'They'd always tumble censure on my inoffen-
sive head;
But nowthose blunderings of speech I never
more co ,omit.
'TO me a baby never has another sox but 'it"
Street Costumes Cave Not Been so Modest
Since the Filgrina Days.
Genuine antique Persian enabroideries
.are worn On cloth and cashmere dresses.
Striped cheviot la the best and most
serviceable geld that can be had for street
wear. Brown is a good color, and a few
,ornamental battons are the only decora-
tion required.
Never since the Puritan days have the
.Amerioan ladle!! been im quietly dressed for
ohureli and street as they now are.
The Fear Hundred put ran -abouts in
•dead black with black felt hats and velvet
Dutch dresses. Iufants wear all white,
and nothing but woolen cloth is used for
;young girls.
Little toques of close -fitting bonnets are
always appropria a3 for the street. Large
hats are seen on the promenade, but the
dresa with which they are most effective is
unsuited for a public thoroughfare.
Sleevea of real tapesptry cloth are put in
Deng weeps of velvet and brocade. The
contrast is novel, whatever may be said
about the taste. —World.
Miniature Lantos.
Some of the small lamps designed for
writing tables are a test of the artistic skill
and ingenuity required in this line of
decorative art, says the New York World.
Whether a lady uses sealing -wax or not, a
pair of candlea or a vestal lamp is consid-
ered as much of a necessity as a letter rack
or an ink map. Candle -sticks are seen in
fine porcelain, old china, solid silver and
carved bronze, with candles and shades to
snit tho faney of the owner. They may
have been purchased or handed down from
an old aunt, bnt they are sure to be beauti-
ful. The miniature lamp, with a body of
opal or Bohemian glass, mounted on carved
brass, provided with burner, wick, globe
and lace shade, is newer and quite the
prettiest ornament on the table. These
little lamps, if turned low, can be made to
burn three or four hours. You can buy
tome as low as 50 cents, in amber or tur-
quoise tint, but if the shade is real lace, the
!mounting genuine brass and the glass pure
Bohemian ware, there will be nothing left
of $15 for fragment coins too insignificant
for reckoning.
What is a Gentleman?
We know Mr. Cannot, and have known
him for years. We respect his ability,
admire his many excellent qualities. In
all the relations of life he is an upright and
clever gentleman, and as such is entitled to
fair and honorable treatment at the hands
of his contemporaries,—Elinira Advertiser.
This only shows that each man has his
own idea of what constitutes an honorable
and upright gentleman. The Mr. °Minot
referred to, editor of the Albany Times, and
recently chosen friend of Governor Hill,
was at one period of his career in the Peni-
tentiary for betraying a public tenet. Our
Elmira contemporary doesn't seem to mind
it little thing like that, and regards the
crime for which Mr. Callieat was thus
punished as entirely consistent with up.
'rightness. It is odd that opinions should
differ on a subject like that, bat they do.—
New York Herald.
(Actinism Frankness.
"Miss Gladys," said old Moneybag% " if
my snit is not agreeable to you say so
frankly, but do not, I beg of you, tell ran
that old, old story' that you will always look
opon me as a brother."
"Sir," replied the lovely young maiden
as her eye lit up with the deathless flame
of a pure young heart's devotion, or, as
another puts it, with the sincerity of a
smile on the lip, but a tear in the eye, " 1
do not love you well enough for a brother,
but I have no objection to take you as
a husband."
She—Yon are very kind to invite me to
go sleighing, but—did your horse ever run
He ---Often. You sae lam carelees about
horses, and often drive with my feet.
She --I'll go.—New York Weekly.
—Wife ---What are you eo busy ?
Young Phyainian—I am writing a letter to
the newspapers, abusing Dr Bier*, the
great ecientist. ,, But Dr. Blatikhae never
done yeti any harm, and you agreed with
• his theoriee." True; bat it is against
the rule for physicians to advertise, and I
meet get myself before the public some -
—The North American Review paid Mr.
Blaine and Mr. Gladstone each 81,200 for
the articles that appear in the current
nurnber, whioh ie st the rate of $120 a page.
The ordinary writer receives $8, $10, or
$12.50 a page fee= this magazine, accord-
ing to the value and character, of his con-
tribution. 'nacre aro about 300 words to
the page.
At Cannes there is a theinoeial chapel to
the late Duke of Albany. A recumbent
otatne of the Duke has been carved for this
chapel by the eonlptor Pignetelli, by Order
Of Queen Victorie, and the Peinon of Wales
will unveil it at hie next viait to that gator-
ing place.
—A contented spirit doteleleo a man%)
The followieg bills were introduced and
reed, A first time.:
To ponnit reeiproeity in wrecking and
towing of veseels aria rafts—Mr. Trow.
To admit vessels registered in the Vnited
States to wrecking, towing and coasting
privileges in Canadian , watera-eMr.
Ferguson (Welland),
To permit foreign vemels to aid vessels
uterre.cKkeirdkopratdriiepakbiled Cattedbal "1°1'8--
To melte further provision as to the pre-
ventiou 1 crueley to animals, and to
a,mand chapter 172 of the Revieed ptatutos
of Canada—Mr. White (Cardwell).
Relating to bills of exehange and prontio.
sory notes—Sir John Thompson.
To amend Act respecting eieetione of
Members of the House of Commons, other-
wise known as chapter tight of the
Revised Statutes of Clanada jonoas.
Sir John Thonapeon, in introducing his
Bill relating to bine of exchange and pro.
missery notes, said thin measure had
received consideration in the House beat
session, and was brought pp ngain on an
understanding then arrived at.
The Bill was read a firstnime.
Sir John Macdonald, in reply to Mr.
Desanlniers, said that the appointment to
fill the vaeanoy in the Senate caused by the
death of Mr. Ferrier was still under con-
Mr. Mills (Bothweli)—The vacancies are
being well considered. (Letightern
Mr. Landerkin moved for a statement of
Bills disallowed since Confederation and
cense assigned.
Mr. McCerthy asked. to have "added to
the motion that it be stated whether said
Bills were disallowed because they were
contrary to publio polioy or ultra vires
under the B. N. A. Act.
Mr. Landerkin—Wonld hon. gentlemen
consent to, have this return brought down
in English and French. (Laughter) If.
so, I consent to the addition.
Sir John Thompson said that the returns
had been brought down to the year 1888,
and the Government would bring down the
returns to the present.
The motion passed.
Mr. Lanrier—I would like to ask whether
it is the intention of the Government to
lay on the table the papers connected with
the Behring Sea fisheries dispute.
,Sir John Meodonald—It is 'not the in-
tention of the Government to lay these
papers before the House at present,
although we may do so in the course of the
session. •
• Sir Richard Cartwright—This matter
was refereed to in the Speech froth the
Throne, and when that is the case it is
always customary to lay the papers before
the House. If my memory serves me right,
this is the practice in England.
Sir John Macdonald—The subject was
not properly referred to in the epeeoh in
the way mentioned. As the hon. leader of
the Opposition said a few days ago, tho lan-
guage was very vague, and I may say it was
purposely vague. The subject is receiving
attention at Washington, and as his Excel-
lency said, I expect it will come to a satis-
factory conclusion. In the meantime it
would be against public interest to lay the
papers before the House.
Mr. Mills (Bothwell)—Against Govern-
ment, and not public interest.
Sir Richard Cartwright—We have been
called to meet earlier than usual this year,
and I presume Government business is in a
state of forwardness. I would like to ask
when we will have the estimates brought
Mr. Foster—I expect to lay the estimates
before the Haase at an early date, probably
about the middle of this week.
Mr. Taylor, in introducing his Bill to
prohibit the importation of foreigners to
perform labor In Canada, explained that
the measure was intended to protect the
laboring classes of Canada. A Bill on the
subject had been passed by the United
States Congress in 1885 and this was a
oopy of the American Act:.
Mr. Mills (Bothwell) -1 would like to ask
the Minister of Justice whether he has con-
sidered this Bill, and whether this Honda
has power to interfere with contracts of
this sort.
Sir John Thompson—I have not men
the Bill.
The Bill was read a first time.
Sir John Macdonald—I heard last right,
Mr. Speaker, that you had an attack of in-
fluenza. I gave notice yesterday that I
would naove for the appointment of a chair-
man of the Committee of the Whole Hones.
With the consent of hon. gentlemen I will
move it now.
Mr. Laurier—We have no objection.
Sir John Macdonald—I move then that
John Fisher Wood, member for the elec-
toral district of Brookville, be appointed
Chairman of the Committee of the Whole
Mr. Choquette introduced a Bill to
amend chapter five of the ROViSOCI Statutes
of Canada, entitled, an Act respecting the
electoral franchise.
The Bill was read a first time.
Mr. Casgrain introduced a 13111 for
farther securing the independence of Par-
liament, and explained that the object of
the measure was to enable members to take
oath that they were not disqualified 111 any
way from taking their Beats. It would be
taken in addition to the usuel oath of
allegiance, ,
Mr. Walleme preeented a petition from
this Grand Orange Lodge of •British
North America, asking for an Axe of incer•
- The following Bills were introduced and
read a first time
' To incorporate the Alberta Railway &
Coal Company, Mr. White (Cardwell),
Respecting the Port Arthur, Duluth &
Western Railway Company, Mr. Dawson.
For the relief of Samuel May, Mr. Deni-
Mr. Bergeron moved that the time for
receiving petitions for private Bills be ex-
tended to February 11, and the time for
introducing Bine be extended to February
18. Carried. ,
Mr. aostigan, in anewer to Mr. Small,
said that the Government were considering
the Inland Revenue Act, with a view to
making amendment� in the interest of the
tobacco trade, if it coald be done without
prejudice to revenue,
Mr. Carling, in reply to Mr. Jones, said
that the Agricultural Department had
received no information as to any special
cattle disclaim in the Western States lane
that the quarantine of ninety days, to
which cattle frotn the Western States were
subjected, was a eufficient protection egahast
any epidemic.
Mr, Wood (Westmoreland) move(t foe
returns allowing the quantity of freah beef
imported lino Canada from the United
States during the timed year ended Dem
31st, 1880. He pointed out that it was
impossible to gather from tho trade and
navigation retnrne the fresh beet imperted,
ao no aistincilion Was made between it and
the other kinds. Importations of froeh beef
into the Maxieime Provinces had of le.te
years been largely on the Menem. It was
the duty of the Government to take mine
ateps to protect Canadian interest% and he
believed that the tariff should he made
higher. In tact the present Charge should
be doubled, ,
Mr Betvell oedd the Governmeat had no
power to obtain the tnfornaation asked by
the metnber, as no eeparate statietios had
been forwarded as to the importation of
fresh beef.
The motion was withdrawn.
Rulea for Skaters.
lee an eighth of an inch, thiokisn't ice
any longer when you try to skete on it.
Some men donee well and pones can never
leara--that's the way with skating.
It looks mach better when eutting fanny
figures on the ice te use your feet rather
than your head.
Never give your sweethearb a pair of
skates for Christmas if your riv skates
better than you; ib is not wiee.
In taking out Ncoident insuranee policies
always state whether you know how to
aleate or are about to learn.
It you are altatieg with a girl and both of
you fall it is more polite to let your part-
ner fall Ott you than to do the reverse.—
'No Behate.
We desire to state in the most explicit
manner that no rebate will be allowed to any
of our Subscribers who may be obliged to
leave town for the benefi t of the community,
or who may be hung and buried for the same
reason. ,In several late instances friends of
such subscribers have called on us and
asked us to cash up for the unexpired term,
but we have invariably refused. Sub-
seriptione to the Kicker run for one year.
We contract to deliver the paper for that
time. If the subscriber is arrested, driven
'off or hung it is no fault of ours. Please
bear this in mind aad save yourselves
trouble.—Arizona Kicker.
She Dreamed It.
He (about to ask for a kis3)—I have an
important question to ask you
She (playfully)—I know what it is,
George. Yea want me to be your wife.
Well, take me.
He (rather taken aback)—This is some-
what sudden, isn't it ?
She r(tenderly)—I don't knew, Gorge,
whether it is sudden for you or not, but I
have waited for it three years.
In the Parlor.
Young Man (with, a glance at Johnny) —
I see the Rev. John Jasper is mistaken,
Miss Bylo. The son does not move.
Young Lady (coldly)—He mOves, M.
Pipsley, when the right Joehne comes
nun in Chicago.
Robber (presenting revolver)—Hands up,
gentlemen !
Minioter (meohanically)—Blees you, my
A Strong Combine.
Earl -1 see the typewriters are forming
unions all over the country.
Wilson—Indeed ; I hadn't heard it.
Teades unions?
Earl—No; matrimonial.
Reform Demanded.
A ant Miranda—Wall, I never. These
modern ways be too rancla for me it dew
seem that there is no liberty in thisavorld
atter all.
Mellie—What is it now, auntie?
" I was jest a reading, child, that five
American girlie all as hananra as pictars,
were presented to the King of Sweden.
Friendly Hit.
Temperance Apostle—Do you know that
whiskey will eat a hole through sheet iron.?
Inebriate —Why don't yoa try beer?
A. Considerate Lebtor.
Collector—When are you going to pay
this bill? I can't be coming here every
day in the week,
Debtor—Wele what day could yea C3M0
on, conveniently?
" I could call on Saturday."
" All right • from now on I shall expect,
you every Saturday." •
A.; ed gint.
Ethel—George, Mother was looking when
you kissed me last night.
George—How did she ralm it?
Ethel—Well, she said she felt satisfied
now that you mean business.
A Peculiar Predicament.
Said a man to his bosom friend, who Was
about to get married: "1 suppose I onght
to wish you both much happiness ; but, as.
I don't know the bride, I cannot congrat-
ulate yen. On the other hand, as I know
you only too well, I cannot congratulate
the bride."
They Do Not Pay.
Mies Gnshington—Did you ever attend a
kissing bee, doctor?
Dr. Sarah Jones ((ridgidly)—Yon seem
to forget, Miss Gushington, that my prac-
tice is not extended to insects.
The Great Showman a Victina to Qripae
ante paeunaenia,
Adano Porepengb, who died of the grippe
on Thursday, woe bora in Philadelphia on
February 2811e, 1831, and began Wen! aetnel
work as a hatcher boy, iet the magnifieent
etipend of $4 per month, with board. Be -
aiming diasatisfied with this rate cif en-
muneration, young Forepeogla ran away
to Cinoineati and entered the =pion of
John Butcher, who vvas a butcher itt fent
as well as in name. He stayed there
year and then, walking over to Dayton,'
went to work for john Gray, horse trader
and . butcher, While etill in bis youth.
Adam mut book to Philadelphia and,
of Or a time, passed from batehering
te the operation "of tage lines, at
which he was kept busy till 1854.
'When the war made horses seams, Fore-
paugh got several contracts to furnish
equines to several street -oar companies,
and tradition says he put himself in snug
eirounestafroae by baying up the castaway
oar horses, rejuvenating, them throng'a a
temporary sojourn and careful treatment
on an island in the Sohnylkill and then
selling them back to tlae companies. In
1861 Forepsugh eold 62 horses to
John O' '
Brien the circus manager, for
$9,000, and in 1865 he took a notion to visit
the (drone. O'Brien had been in bad luck
and had failed to entirely equare himself
in the horse deal. Foreptingh conceived a
fancy for the show and bought it. Later,
he also bought Jerry Mabie's meatigerie in
Chicago for 842,000, the collection includ-
ing two elephants Data eight other animals.
This was the beginning of the career as
circus manager and proprietor wlaieh sub-
sequently made Forepaugh more, than a
millionaire and placed his name second
only to that of P. T. Barnum as a show-
intin, and emend to nobody's in its famil-
iarity to juvenile Americana. Forepangh
engaged Dan Rice for clown, paying him
$1,000 per week and allowing him eitra-
ordinar kr' privileges. He kept Dan
for three years, beginning in '65.
In his almost a- quarter century of °irons
business Forepangh brought his show to
enormoae proportions, and never onee were
the predictions of his ill ,fortune made by
other managers verefied. Several times he
seemed on tha verge of finenoial disaster,
but each time his luck turned, and
he came out e100,000 ahead on one
season when he had been oompelled
to flee from his New England oironit.
He gave his personal attention to every-
thieg,about his show, fronanhe engagement
of his lieutenants and his star performers
down to the selection of the lowliest animal
specimen, or truck horse. He accumnlitted
a vast amount of real estate in Brooklyn,
and in Philadelphia his assessment on
houses built as investments, besides his
magnificent reeidence, rose above $700,000.
He • was a confirmed theatre.goer, ten
every -day humorist, imperative in his
orders for bnsinees, persevering and shrewd
as any Yankee. He leaves a wife and son,
Adam Forepangle, j an., the elephat trainer,
and an adopted son, John A. Forepangh,
arelent is really a nephew of the great show-
man -de
A Star Chamber Session.
.Landlady—lane, has Mre, Second Floor
Front gone out?
' Jane—Yis, mom.
Landlady—And is the o closed lead.
ing upstairs?
Jane—Yis, mom.
Landlady—Then you may shut the
leitoliem windows and pound the steak for
o. -`...-i•-.4/1:,.aer,;-• a Clear case.
Boarding Mistreat! (after watching a
boarder eat three sausages with great
calerity)—Yon must be an Odd -Fellow, sir?
Boarder—You've guessed it; but how
did yen know?
Mietrese—I knew you must be by the
familiar way in which yen handled those
three links.
Will Take Immense capital.
Larkin—Here's the biggest English syn-
dicate yet.
Gazzam—W'hat does it propose to bay?
Latkin—The Niagara haokmen.
A bill to increase the day's hours of labor
and one to reduce them have been intro.
demi in the Messachueette Legislature.
—It is a pity that old winter cannot
assert bis sway without interference from
Jupiter Plnyine. The prospect of sleighing
has for the nonce been rained by the rain.
Those who brought out their runners are
longing for frost and a sprinkling of the
beautiful, which would make the sleighing,
all right. It does holt as if the prophets
who predicted an open winter would score
—" Farewell, dearest,'; she eighed, as
she lay against the lapel of his double-
breasted coat; " and George, you; may kiss
me once, on my forehead, ere .yon go."
"Thanks, Augelina," thoughtfully mur-
mured the young man, "but the last time
I kiessd the girl on her forehead I got a
hong in the month." A moment later he
left the house, looking as if he had bEen
Gating marshmallows.
A.nd so you ne'er suspected
You wouldn't ho elected ?
Why,that you'd be rejected
Was ust what.I expected,
For, If you had reflected,
And oniy recollected
How some aro disaffected
And °there had deflected
Because your mind reflected
Some views whith they rejected
You'd quickly Istare detected
Why you'd not be selected,
• Your motives they nispooted,
Your Character dissected,
Your dead past restirreeted,
• Theirvatea when all collected
• Your oVerthow effected
And Made you fool dejected.
That's all,
—Nothing bat' the henna!o inany geed
resolutiorie remain to eitny. '
—The Engineering anerBuildihg Record of
NeW York offers prizes tentutieg to $150
'for ()mays on Making and Maintaining
Roads, The amount re divided into three
perts, and the Clonarnittee of Award ars
North of Now York, E. Collingwood Of
tlizabstb, N.J., end S. Owen nibdontolair,
N. J., all members a the American Soolety
Of Civil Engineers. no time for sending
in essays halimited t� Ildetroh 1, 1890.
.A Business WonISII.
.Jones to a former sweetheart—So you
are going to throw yourself away on old
jimson ?
She—Throw myself away 1 I geese you
don't know be has a million and a bad cane
of heart disease. Cell that throwing my-
self any? That's what I call getting
fancy prices.
The Thy was Right.
Teaoher—Now, children, by what is the
earth divided?
Tommy (whose father is a. kicker)—By
the politicians.
A Paying Job.
Reformer (to convict)—My dear friend,
why did you break into that bank?
Convict—'Cause there was money in it.
Anything Cheap Enough.
Grocer—That new customer of yours is
just married?
Delivery Clerk—Yes.
Grocer—Don't be partimlar about selling
at close figures; they won't kick on prices
while the honeymoon lasts.
Couldn't Drop Shop.
"My Queen !" said Algernon, raptu-
rously, just after his marriage to bis type-
eedy Dictator!" replied, the bride
nestling closer.
It Never Fails.
"A cold snap will come along to -night."
" Efow do you know ?"
"Because I am just going to have my
hair ant."
Or Boiled.
"How do you like those cigars of mine,
Jimpkins," inquired TimPkins, casually.
"1 don't know, old man," replied Jirnp-
king, doubtfnlly, •they snight be good
A fir, CATUAEINZB Jana writes to the Star
that enionti ars a Kg@ miYanti'Ve of, the
grippe and many other diseeme. The beat
way to use them is '0 eat them raw, for
!nipper, with a "aprinlele of seat along with
breed and batter. AeYwnere front one to
two good sized ones is eufficlient for a dose.
The correspondent neglects to Say what,
disinfeetant he uses for his breoth.
AT a recent meeting a the Grand Lodge
of Nebraska, a rule wee adopted whittle
peonibets a salooekeeper atom leeetemieg
Meson or remainine in the order if he tot.
tinnea in the emplace% The KniE,,hts of
Labor have a similar retie. Now if these
societies will peas a lew boycottingthe
whiskey drinkers as well as the whiskey
sellers it would show they were earnest
temperance reformers. Whiskey selling is
pot a very great evil. It is the whiskey
drinking that OStlEISS the Mischief.
Tim Philadelphia. Record makes the
statement that had it net been for the acci-
dental presence of a doctor, an epileptic
wlaci had taken a ilt on the street would
have been dragged to ate cells and damped
down as a oommon drunk. The suggestion
is made that persons time &elided ehould
Wear a small badge intimating that they
are liable to each attache. But the he.bitual
drunkard might shelter himself behind one
of them, and instead of being locked up, be
taken to a drug store and treated tampions
draughts of liquor to revive hica. The very
thing he most desired.
the capital of Kentucky, has
a City Council which has exercised one of its
charter right!! by passing a nannicipal ordin •
tame absolutely prohibiting the pada of
cigarettes in that city. We are told. that
Pope Urban bVIbI. once issued a bell of
excommunication against smokers; James
I. of England wrote a very famous "coun-
terblast to tobacco," end Mdrad IV.- of
Turkey made smoking a capital offence.
TheFrankfort aldermen Wive only fel
lowed in their footsteps in doing as they
have done. The cigarette habit is said to
be fast undermining the health of young
erioan friends may in time have
a navy whittle will be numerals and strong
.enongh to try conclusions with some of the
great maritime powers in Europe, but
they have quite a lot of ship -s to build
before they can resole anything like the
strength necessary for such an attempt.
,We see that the effective force of their
navy, when all the ehips now authorized.
are completed, excluding those which, by
the process of decay and the operation of
law will by that date have been condemned,
will comprise 11 armored vessels, of which
only 3 are battle ships, and 31 nnarmored
vessels, making a total of 42. The follow-
ing statement shows the, number of war
vessels on the effective list of the principal
foreign powers, built, building or pro-
jected, at the present time, and exelneive of
sailing and praotice ships :
Country. Armored. tharmored. Total
291 367
57 203 260
49 119 168
40 65 105
24 70 94
12 78 90
19 19 86
7 6666 . 8731
The San Francisco Eight-hour League
represents 8,000 workers in the building
trades (carpenters, plasterers, plumbers,
gasfitters, etc). They have notified the
bosees that eight hears shall constitute a
day after May lat.
In free trade England printers average
$10 a week in wages; in "protected" Ger-
many they average $4.60 a week. In free
trade England the oiey laborer, not a skilled
workman, averages $4 a week; in " pro -
tented" France, 8125; in "protected "
John Olsen got 820,000 damages from a
Duluth (Minn.) railway for a lost foot.
The company claimed that he was a tramp
etealing a ride. ,
Joseph H. Craig, Of Kentucky, who
weighs 000 pomade, claims to be the
heaviest Odd -Fellow who ever got safely
theongh the third degreo,. and he carries
gold medal to commerate his feat. eaten
Gerotne, the Mulpter, is about to inaitato
Gibbon's experiment o "The Tinted
Venue." At his Stadia in the , Boulevard
des Batignolkal ho hes just finished a
figure in cetera called " Tanagra," teprft,
senting a young Woman ot Tanagrit in
eThuirnkaey .........
Sweden a,nd Nor-
way 20 41 64
Austria. • 12 44 56
As the European powers are busy adding
vessel to vessel, it may be many & day
before the Amerioana will be able to over-
take them. In fact it is not likely they
will ever be able to have a navy eggsb in
strength to that of Great Britain. As Mr.
Gladstone pointed out at Chester the other
day, the more 'ships America builds the
more England will be likely to build. Eng-
land's navy is her mainstay, and it is a
settled policy that it ehall be maintained
superior to any other force in the world.
Her facilities for the production of vessels
are also superior to those of any other
country. She will build four more iron -
clads during the year.
Wardens of Counties.
The following Wardens of counties were
elected yesterday :
Brant—Robert Hamilton
Bruce—James Gannt.
Carleton—W. H Berry.
Essex—John A. Auld.
• Elgin—J. J. Stalker.
Frontenea—J. Woodruff.
Grey—Robert Moffatt.
Halton—D. D. Scott.
Huron --John Britton.
Haldimand—C. Hoover.
Hastings—N. Vermilyea.
Lanark—W. J. Rintord.
Leeds and Greenville—J. Hughes.
Lennox e.nd Addington—Irvine Parks.
Lincoln—John McLean.
Lambton—Jos. Cairns.
Norfolk—L. S. Sovereign.
Northumberland. and Darhard—W. L.
Oxford—Joseph Pettigrew.
Ontario—Allan Gray.
Perth—John McMillan.
Prescott and Rassell--Ronthier.
Peel—Wesley Wright.
Prince Edward—Wm. FralicIL
Simcoe—John Ross.
Stormont—George Kerr.
Waterloo—James Plain.
Welland—Cr. L. Hobson.
Wellington—John Mutrie.
Middlesex—Wm. H. Taylor.
Peterboro'—W. H. Casement.
York—J. D. Evens.
Dry and Thirty.
Chapman—There is really a great deal
of dry humor in this play, Fiboone
Fibson—Yes, the manager won't let his
comedians go out between the ado.
Of 2,500 applicants for liquor licenses
in Boston only 780 received. them. Many
very questionable "joints' will have to
• close up.
There is talk of reviving what is known
as the '1 sobering rnnobine " in Doyletown,
Pa. It consists of the running gear of an
ordinary waggon with the hind wheels taken
off and a box fastened to the axle. The
victim is placed on the broad of his back in
the box, and run out of town.
—People who work for fame oeldom
acquire ea much as acoident thrusts upon
some fellow who was merely digging along
to make a living.
elneoffIng the Senator,
cc ntipt3 eiodt,hernittle Deoloorar; and OA beildeollf
I hear the 01110 roaring down tewetd the diatonic
Old etennorioVolotvberoPg about me aud deem. to
Wilat fainouS.$tato6man, "Little Cal," Witett tner
•elloSo tuna Senator,
e wa$ from Wall Street and wa$ rich, while
And riiltgthoYj-dt oowltlehal le4t4bopellttit'lvSe rS°01111°t 1 TA Seemod tog!
They wade hi$ choice unanimou$ Witla
$o ibua and fierce
Plat tkey waked up $01330 old MoSSbackS who'd
" 'Wvi:jot°•iitl'aV:1111:ller
'Littlee01 al?' Nia$ ho a State*
elau out ana bola r
liuti$ wore $old. •
Fk*. olSaid that he got eafgaina annthat "'Attie
No, Cacao: Yuiy wa$ areal:id When railroad
When everything vaS down $o low he didn't
have to try ;
a etttilliett tfivilgart. he came to Sell 'ern the price$ Irs
WotuoldrigookaitSetiigh a$ GilderoY'S far-famed, irlSr-
" DidvtbitelabtujoynoVerYtking ?" Oh• no; 1319 $0leatori*
Wailecocilvaenanatteiolnidlee, it waS Said neat day, "bj
N.Y. World..
A Lady's Chances of litarrying.
Every woman has a chance of " aatehing
a husband," but it is conceded that young
ladles between twenty and twenty-five
Tears of age are more likely to draw the
matrimonial prizea. However it is not an
unneual thing to hear of the marriage of a
lady who has passed the three-quarter cen-
tury mark. Yet, hoiv can a woman, weak,
dispirited, enerveted and tormented by
diseases common to her sex, hope to become
a happy wife and mother? Of course she
cannot; yet by the magic eid of Dr. Pierce's
Fevorne Prescription, all these obstaclee
are swept away. As a powerful, invigorat-
ieg tonic, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
imparts strength to the whole system, and
to the womb and its appendages, in par-
ticular. For overworked, "worn-out,"
run-down," debilitated teachers, milli-
ners, dressmakers, seamstresses, " shop -
girls," housekeepers, nursing mothers, and
feebIe somen generally, it is the greatest
earthly boon, being unequaled as an ap-
petizing cordial and restorative tonic.
The Penalty of Pride.
He—And so you re really going to marry
thin. Professor? Yen, the heroine of a
thousand engagements I , How did you ever
come to e,ccept him?
His Cousin (from Boston) --Why, yon
SOS, ha proposed in Greek, and when I
released him I got mixed on my negatives,
and—Alchercule 1—accepted him; and now
I'm too proud to acknowledge my blander.
Oh, I'm his for life I
Dirt, Debt and the Devil.
A distinguished divine calla those three
D's, Dirt, Debt and the Devil, an nnmatehed
trinity of evil. If a man would be happy,
he must avoid all three, and as studiously
keep clear of Disease—another D you per-
ceive. This calls to mind another D: a
"G. M. D."; in feet Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery, the nnfailiug remedy
for consumption (which is lung-sorofnla), in
its early stages, as well as for chronic
catarrh in the head, and bronchial, throat
and lung affections generally. It ie a
nutritive, tonic and blood purifier, and
builds up the strength and flesh of those
who are reducied below the usuab. standard
of health in a, most marvelous way. It
allays irritation and subdues the worst
lingering coughs. Guaranteed to benefit or
core in all diseases for which it. is recom-
mended, or money paid for it returned.
New Comparslon.
Le Diges—Helle, Sappy, what's the mat-
ter with your 'McGinty?
De Sappy (my stifieo) —My what?
. De Diggs—Your mustache; it's down,
you know.—Fittsburg Chronicle.
Do Not Think for a Moment
That Catarrh will in time wear out. The
• theory is false. Men try to believe it
because it would be pleasant if true, but it
is not, as all know. Do not let an Amite
attaok of cold in the head, remain unsub-
,cined, It is liable to develop into catarrh.
Yon can rid yourself of the cold and avoid
all chance of catarrh by using Dr. Sage's
Catarrh Remedy. If already afflicted rid
yourself of this troublesome disease speedily
by the same means. At all druggists.
1 Mme. Carnot, wife of tho French Pres-
ident, made 400 poor children happy on
Christmas Day. Each received a savings -
bank with a $10 despoit.
Bih Hnlose, a lieutenant during the war
under Qaantren, the notorious guerilla,
died near Independence, Mo., on Saturday.
Though a desperate character daring the
war, lais conduct sines has always been
that of a peaceful, hard-working citizen.
The four libraries of the New York Free
Circulating Library now contain 50,000
volumes, the enterprise being eleven years
old. The circulation last year was over
420,000 volumes, an increase over 1888 of
mere than 100,000.
QUEENSLAND, Australia, lays claim to the
greatest and richest gold minein the world.
It is called Mt. Morgan, and will this year
pay to its owners not less than $0,000,000,
with the promise of a great increase when
more completely developed. The gold ob-
tained from it assays 99 3 pure, a test which
is believed to be without its parallel. The
original owner of this property bought it
for a shilling an acre and sold it at about
one pound sterling per acre, or in all for
about 83,000. It re now valued, judging
by the price of the company's shares, at
ID• C. N. L. 6. 90.
.1,z1 When I say Vitro I do not mean
:nevelt, to stop them for a tune and then
have them return again, II t'a CAN A RAbleALCuitia. I have made the disease of Fits,
Egconepsy or tflirig Slat:less a life-long study. 3 warrant inyremedy to Cure the
worst eases. Because ethers have failed is no reason for not now receiving a cure. Send at
once for a treatise and a Free Cottle of my infallible Reanerly. ,lire Express and
Post Office. It costs you nothing for a trial, and it will cure yon. Address :-111, G. 11200r1
M.C., Branch Officio, Ma WEST ADELAIDE 0TftE0T, tiontaerrea,
• • pratitztaramssuis..--itirs:e.wim7mrantatteseam,OTO arm ‚-CAllatb
Ttirn 111DITOft t—Please inform your readers that -3 have a positive retnedy far tea
• above earned diseaec, By its timely use thousands of hopdless cases have been, perinanently Wed.
'1 shall ' be glad to fiend two bottleS of my toinedy PRIM to ally of' yeti., readersjirbd„brafir
gumption if they will send Me their nxpress and Post Office Address. Respeettully, To' Ai aL
M.C., tee Weirt Adolaidc St., lrOttONT00 ONTANIO.