HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2005-07-21, Page 21THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, JULY 21, 2005. PAGE 21. What to do with sick or injured wildlife Members of the public should avoid handling wildlife to protect the health and wellbeing of both wildlife and humans. When an inexperienced person attempts to handle wild animals, bites and scratches are common, and many species of wildlife can carry disease and parasites that are harmful to humans. Also, every year many well- intentioned people needlessly remove young wildlife from a healthy, natural life in the wild. People who see young wildlife alone often think these animals are sick, injured or orphaned but that is usually not the case. It is common for young wildlife to be left alone for period of time, especially during the day. For example, female deer spend much of (he day away from their fawns in the weeks following the birth. By staying away, they minimize the chance of predators finding the fawn by following the female deer’s scent trail. If a human approaches a fawn, they will leave a scent trail putting the fawn at risk. Young squirrels often fall from their nests even before their eyes open, waits return do so. Also, young birds learning to fly and forage for food often fall to the ground. The adults may wait for the fledgling to return to the nest, or they may feed it while it is still on the ground. It is safe for a person to return a young bird to its nest if it is uninjured. Most birds have a poor sense of smell, so the adult will not reject the young if you touch it. Usually the adult squirrel to retrieve the young and it to the nest when it is safe to The best approach is always to a leave a young animal alone unless you are sure it has been abandoned. To determine if young wildlife is truly orphaned: • Check the animal periodically lor 24 to 48 hours to see it it is still there, but keep your distance to make sure you are not scaring off the parent. • Keep the area quiet and free ol cats and dogs. The adult will not return if it is noisy or it predators or people are nearby. • Observe the animal to see if it is well nourished and active. The animal probably is not an orphan if it is healthy and well fed. If you find an orphaned animal, contact your local Ministry of Natural Resources office for advice. Under (he Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act. a person cannot keep wildlife without approval. There are exceptions for up to 24 hours to transport sick or injuicd wildlife to a custodian or to transport a nuisance animal for release. Otherwise, it is an offence to keep a wild animal. It could endanger you and your family by exposing you to diseases such as rabies. If you must handle wildlife, always wear appropriate protective equipment to avoid injuries and the potential transfer of diseases. Sick or Diseased Wildlife If you come across sick diseased wildlife and you suspect there is a public health risk, such as rabies or West Nile virus, contact your regional or local health unit immediately. Symptoms of illness in animals can include tremors, aggressive behaviour. partial paralysis, convulsions, and loss of or fear of humans. If there is an immediate public safety issue with a wild animal, contact your local police department, l or a list of Ontario Public Health Units, visit www.health.gov.on.ca/english/publi c/coniaci/phu/phuk)c_mn.html Dead animals suspected of being rabid, that have been in contact with humans or other animals, should be reported to your local Animal Health Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CF1A) office. For a list of CFlA's offices, visit www.mspection.gc.ca/english/direct ory/offbure.shlml. You can also call the automated information line at I- 800-442-2342 between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p in. Monday to Friday Injured Wildlife If you f ind an injured wild animal, contact your local Ministry ol Natural Resources office lor details about authorized custodians in your area. Under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act. (he only people who may care for sick, injured or young game, or specially protected wildlife, are veterinarians for medical care, or authorized wildlife custodians for rehabilitation. Nuisance Wildlife Landowners are responsible for managing unwanted wildlife on their properties, including any costs. The preferred option is always to address the reason wildlife is attracted to your property instead of relocating or humanely killing the animal. New animals will continue to arrive if there is shelter, food, or some other feature attracting them. The Ministry of Natural Resources can help landowners by assessing options for deterring nuisance X and | on animal providing I control bchaviour information services The Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act allows property owners the option ol capturing, haiassmg oi humanelv killing nuisance wildlife where there arc reasonable grounds to believe that the wildlife is damaging, or about to damage, property Ibis option to capture, harass oi kill nuisance wildlife does not include deer, moose, caribou or elk Property owners can remove the unwanted wildlife themselves or use the services of a wildlife control agent. Under the Act. wildlile captured in defence of property must be released within 24 hours within one kilometre of the original capture site. This relocation provision is Three key steps to keep kids safe on wheels - | advice for parents of kids of all ages • Make sure your child wears a properly-filling helmet and other protective gear. Helmets and helmet straps should lit snugly. A helmet should sit level on the head and cover the lop ol the forehead. But many children push their helmets too far up off the forehead, or wear the straps too loose. This can cut their protection by more than 50 per cent. • Have children ride in a safe environment - away from cars and other vehicles. While injuries can happen anywhere, the most devastating and fatal injuries frequently involve cars. • Supervise children on wheels until they are at least eight years old. Know your child's abilities. Make sure children are the right age for their equipment. Children can start to use scooters and two-wheeled bikes at age five or six; in-line skates and skateboards al age seven or eight. Children need adults to check (heir skills and give feedback as they learn to ride or in-line skate. Parents can also use this time to emphasize safety and enforce helmet use. Early habits, backed up by family rules, may help maintain helmet use when the child is older and no longer supervised. essential for preventing the spread of diseases such as rabies. It also etjsures you are treating the animal in a humane manner by releasing it within its natural home range If you release it beyond its home range, the animal will have to fight for territory and resources. c ON $4.00 THURSDAYS Drop into either of out/offices any Thursday with your word classified (maximum 20 words) and pay only $4.00 + GST (paid in advance). That’s $1.00 off regular rates. The Citizen Business Directory ^holdice i j Insurance Ltd. w “Locally owned & operated” P.O. 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