HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2005-07-21, Page 12PAGE 12. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, JULY 21, 2005.
3 District Women’s Institutes amalgamate
New exec
The first executive ot the newly-amalgamated Huron Perth
District Women's Institute was elected. Back row, from left:
Isabelle Hislop, Winnie Trachsel, Audrey Orth, Leone
Foerter, June Cockwell, Everdina Bender, Marion Feldskov.
Front: Verna Coneybeare, Elaanor Elg, Darlene Harding
and Faye Herbert. (Photo submitted)
By Winnie Trachsel
Public Relations Officer
Huron-Perth WI District
The first annual meeting of the
Huron-Perth District Women’s
Institute was held May 31 at the St.
Peter's Lutheran Church. Milverton.
It was a day of change for WI
members in districts Huron East.
Perth North and Perth Centre. The
three districts united combining 17
branches to form the new
amalgamated Huron-Perth District.
The theme of the day being. United
We Stand.
The morning session included
each district conducting their last
annual meeting.
At the afternoon session, the first
Huron-Perth district annual meeting
was called to order by chair. Leone
Forerier. She congratulated members
on the amalgamation of the 17
branches, stating. United We Stand.
The roll call was to introduce each
branch and the presentation of
Pennies foi Friendship. The pennies
help with ACWW (Associated
Country Women of the World)
Cindy Rabstein, Guelph Area past
president ratified the Branch
directors. Everdins Bender presented
the nominations report.
Leone Forerter. alternate area
representative to FWIO conducted
the installation of the 2005-2006
officers list as follows: president.
North Huron reeve Doug Layton, left, congratulated Dave
Black on behalf of council Monday night for successful
completion of all requirements to qualify as a chief building
official. (Bonnie Gropp photo)
Darlene Harding; first vice-
president. Eleanor Elg; second vice-
president, Verna Conneybeare;
secretary, Faye Herbert; assistant
secretary. June Cockwell; treasurer,
Audrey Orth; ROSE education co
ordinator. Adeline De Brouwer;
public relations. Winnie Trachsel,
assistant public relations. Isabelle
Hislop; Tweedsmuir curator. Leone
Forerter; assistant Tweedsmuir
curator, Everdina Bender;
resolutions, Marion Feldskaw.
Appointments were: farm safety,
Beth Forrest; fun and learning
workshops, Ruth Dewar, Shirley
Nowak, Isabelle Hislop; financial
advisors, Edna McLellan. Linda
President Harding gave a brief
message. With the three districts
coming together there will be few
growing pains but let’s stand
together, united as one. Let’s have
fun and enjoy the good company and
good conversations.
Audrey Orth, reported on the Quilt
and Craft Show held on April 9 at
the Royal Canadian Legion in
Listowel. Next year’s show will be
held April 8 at the Agricultural Hall
located in Listowel. She announced
a charter bus is going to the FWIO
Quilt, Quills and Bears show at the
International Trade Centre. Sept. 16.
The bus will be leaving the Listowel
Zehrs at 8:30 a.m.
Kathy Bridge of Majestic WI
introduced Eric Coates, artistic
director from the Blyth Festival
Theatre. He entertained members
with a short rendition from the play
Powers mid Gloria, a comic batlle ol
Provincial board director. Joy
Trimble, reported that quilts are
needed for the WI Quilt. Quills and
Bears show held Sept. 16-18 at the
International Trade Centre. Ask
friends and family, old and new.
Final deadline for entering quilts is
Aug. 1. Volunteers are also needed
to assist at the show.
All showgoers are invited to bring
purchased or handmade teddy bears
to fill an emergency vehicle. They
will be donated to Good Bears ol
World Canada.
Author Lorecn Ambler, winner of
the storybook competition will be on
hand Sept. 16. 2 - 4 p.m. to
autograph books following her hook
launch of her storybook. Quincy and
his Quilt: A Northern Adventure.
Workshops to learn new ideas and
techniques will be made available.
Registration forms are available
from branch secretaries.
FWIO board approved the
recommendations for each district to
present a certificate of recognition of
women’s work at local fairs.
The Canada Area ACWW
Triennium 200-2007 project is
training women in Tanzania,
nutrition and catering skills,
improving the lives of their families.
The FWIO board approved
supporting the Caribbean. Central
and South America ACWW societies
by sending them craft making items
such as embroidery floss, patterns,
coloured raffia, cross stitch and
huck and buck materials.
The FWIO board and Erland Lee
Museum Home committee are
grateful to members for Focus HI for
WI donations which will help
maintain the heritage home.
Don't forget to nominate a
deserving individual for the Woman
of Excellence in Agriculture
(deadline is Sept. 15. 2005) and the
Erland Lee Award (deadline March 1
each year).
Donations for disasters such as the
tsunami should be sent to the FWIO
office made payable to Red Cross.
They will be forwarded to Red Cross
under a cover letter of the president.
A ROSE (Rural Ontario Sharing
Education) kids program will soon
be introduced. Patty Stokes will
replace Julie Wheeler as the FWIO
ROSE program manager. Two
ROSE displays are available. Book
ahead. A $25 fee applies.
Eleanor Elg, Lilly Dempsey WI
introduced speaker Lynn Ruigrok,
FWIO executive director who
By Linda
The Helm reunion was held in
Belgrave at the ball park pavilion on
Sunday. July 10.
President Conrad Woolrich
welcomed everyone. Hosts were the
Campbells of Belgrave.
Contests and games were enjoyed
by the guests from Wroxeter,
Lucknow, Belgrave and Strathroy.
Next year the reunion will be held
in Belgrave again.
presented an armchair lour of the
Guelph provincial office. Questions
and answers followed.
Huron East and Perth North
districts presented their Educational
Workshop reports. All workshops
were well received.
Nancy Rothwell of the Perth
County Plowing Match committee
spoke about the WI involvement in
the IPM. A volunteer training
TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of
the Municipality of Huron East will hold a public
meeting on Tuesday, August 9, 2005 at 7:15 p.m. in
the Huron East Council Chambers located at 72 Main
Street South. Seaforth to consider a proposed Zoning
By-law Amendment under Section 34 of the Planning
Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended.
ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or
make written or verbal representation either in
support of or in opposition to the proposed zoning by
If a person or public body that files an appeal of a
decision of the Corporation of the Municipality of
Huron East in respect of the proposed zoning by-law
does not make oral submissions at a public meeting
or make written submissions to the Corporation of the
Municipality of Huron East before the proposed
zoning by-law is adopted, the Ontario Municipal
Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal.
proposed Zoning By-law Amendment is available at
the Municipality ot Huron East Municipal Office during
normal business hours.
* THIS 15th DAY OF July 2005.
J. R. McLachlan
Clerk, Municipality of Huron East
72 Main Street South, Box 610 Seaforth,
Ontario NOK 1W0
(519) 527-0160; 1-888-868-7513
(toll free from Brussels and Grey)
As a text amendment, this proposed Zoning By-law
affects the Brussels Zoning By-law, the Seaforth
Zoning By-law and the Tuckersmith Zoning By-law
and affects all of the Ward of Brussels, the Ward of
Seaforth and the Ward of Tuckersmith in the
Municipality of Huron East.
The By-law proposes to:
1. Add definitions for ‘Condominium Act’, ‘Planning
Act’, ‘Terms’.
2. Delete the existing Definition of ‘lot’ and replace it
with a new Definition for ‘lot’ to include:
• a lot in a plan of subdivision.
• a whole of a unit in a Vacant Land Condominium.
• a parcel of common elements within a Vacant Land
Condominium or within a Common Elements
Condominium Plan.
• the whole of the lands within a Standard
Condominium Plan;
• a conveyable parcel.
3. Delete the existing General Provisions for ‘Lots to
Front on a Public Road’ and replace it with new
General Provisions for ‘Lots to Front on a Public
• require lots to abut or front on a public road and that
such public road is of satisfactory construction and
• to allow structures to be built on lots in a Vacant
Land Condominium Plan or on a Common Element
Condominium on a private road provided that access
to the Plan is by a public road;
• to allow a condominium plan access to a public road
through lands entirely within one or more other
condominium plans.
session will take place on site, Sept.
10. 2005.
Rally dates are Perth County, Oct.
13 and Huron County. Oct. 4. The
ACWW church service is April 23.
The second Huron-Perth Women’s
Institute District Annual Meeting
will be held Wednesday, May 31.
The Huron-Perth district directors
fall meeting will be held on Oct. 4 at
7 p.m. at Fordwich Hall.