The Exeter Advocate, 1890-2-6, Page 1"A UNITED
The Molsons.Bank.
(Chartered by Parliament, 18.5 S )
Paid up Capital ital . $2,000,000.
Rest Fund, , • . 1,000,000,
Head office Montreal.
Twenty Branch offices in the Dominion.
Agencies in the. Dominion, U.S. and Europe,
====i3Eare.�3RSS NCS,
every lawful day from 10 a, m• to S p.
Open v
m., Saturdays 10 a.m. to 1 p. m.
A general banking business transacted
Four per cont. per annum allowed for
money on Deposit Receipts.
Exeter, Jan 28, '8S. Manager.
buoj thk,
Is published every Thursday Morning,
tet the Office,
One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance.
131.86 if not so paid,
S rrert7 mSao G Marais osa $ pplicat-
No paper discontinued until all, arrearages
are paid. Advertisements without specific
directions' will be published till forbid and
charged accordingly. Liberal discount made
for transeient advertisements inserted JOB
longg - periods. Every description o
PRINING turned out in the finest style,
and at moderate rates. Chegnes,money ord-
ers, &e: for advertising, subscriptions, etc. to
' be made payable to
. William Sanders,
County Council
County clerk Adamson called the
council to order at 3.30 p.: en, on Tues-
day last, when all the members were
found presant except Reeves Proudfoot,
of Goderich; and McMeu•chie, of Clinton,
The first business being the election
of a warden, Joseph Griffin, Reeve of
Ashfield, was nominated by Messrs
Manning and Ratz and John Britton,
reeve ofHullett, was nominated by Dr.
Rollins and Mr. Cook. A ballot 'beim
taken resulted in a tle,each candidate
receiving 24 votes, and the municipal-
ity of Howie': having the largest equal-
ized assessment, the reeve of that mun-
icipality gave the casting vote in fav-
or of Mr. Britton,who was declared duly
elected, and sworn in. Mr. ,Britton re-
turned thanks for the honor done hhit.
Church IDireetory.
Robinson, Rector. Sunday Services, 11 a. m,
and 7 p. M. Sabbath School, 2.30 p. m.
METHopIST Caitritcn--James-st., Be.vB.
Clement, Pastor. Sunday Services,10.30
and 6.30 p.m. Sabbath School, 2 p. m.
fAlx STREET -Rev. J. Wilson, Pastor, Sun
day Services, 10.30 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. Sabbath,
School 2.30 p. m.
Pastor. Sunday Services, 11 a. m. and 6.30 p
m, Sabbath School, 3,45 a.m.
1 •
Office over O'N'ei1's Bank, Exeter, Ontario,
Nitrous Oxide Gas for painless
Goes to Luean every Friday.
tracts teeth without pain by giving
Vegetable Vapor, or using the new
Antesthetic on the gums. Makes Gold Filli
ings and other dental work the best possible.
Geos East side pf ich Ma nrst eet. Exeter. in month.
• and Surgeon.. Otstand residence—
Corner de
Victoria and Elgin
�RRes J. dencce Corner Andrew and.North
Streets, Exeter, Ontario.
rp A. AMOS, ILD., C. M. L.,, C. P., EDIN.; L
T . R, C. S., Edin•; L. F P.
L. M., Edinburgh and Glasgow,_. . C.bell at
5. -
Ontario; F. T. M.S, Toronto,'NightJat
' office. Crediton, Ontario.
Exeter, upstairs, oppposite Centra
Hotel. Side entrance on south -James street
leading to the Methodist Church.
1 V inary Surgeon. Graduate
ry a speciality.Veterinary
D and tRe-
sidenceone block east of Rich.
Pickard's store. Opposite skating rink, Ex-
eter, Ontario.
R. OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public.
Office—Samwell's $Lock, Exeter, Ontario
Money to Loan.
L . of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con-
Commissioner, &c,' Money to loan
Office-Fanson'0 Block, Exeter.
L itors, Conveyancers, &c. Money to loan
ata per cont.
B. V. ELLIOT. -------
TAMES OKF', Exeter, Ontario, Licenser.
rJ Auctioneer for the County of Huron.
Sales promptly attended to and satisfaction
guaranteed. Salus arranged at this ofli
BROWN Winchelsea. ; Licensed-Auli
�. ioneer for the Counties of Porth stied
Middlesex, also for the tow and t of Frisson
Sales promptly attended to
able. Sales arranged at Post office, Winehclsa
A selecting committee to strike the
standing committees for the year' was
then balloted for, resulting In Messrs
Milne, Ratz, Girvin, Cook and McKin-
zie being chosen.
On motion of Messrs Beck and Smith,
Mr. R. Radcliffe, of Godericht wax ap-
pointed auditor, and the warden ap-
pointed Mr. James Patton as the other
On notion of Messrs Kay and Man-
ning, Mr. Halls, of Goderich, and Mr.
Turnbull, of:Clinton, were appointed
on the boara of county. examiners of
school teacllrs.
' The memorial of the municipal con•
vention to the Lieutenant Governor in
Councilwasread and referred 'to the
special committee.
The council then adjourned -until 10
a. m. Wednesday.
Council resumed at 10 o'clock. All
the members present except Messrs
Proudfoot and McMurchie:-
The selecting committee' presented
the following list of standing commit-
Eataraziarlo3.--Dulmage, Griffen,
Milne, McLean,Proudfoot, Hess, Ratz,
McMurchie, Johnston, Wilson and Ben-
FINANCE.—Cook, Eilber, Taylor, Mc-
Pherson, Rollins, Oliver, Cox, Manning,
Saunders, Stothers, Kay, Kally,r Moon-
ey, Torrance,' McKenzie, ',
ROAD AN1*13Rf1YGE.-Gregory; "Bry-
an, Scott, Fleyrock Girvin, Bissett,
Kydd, Beacom, Howe; Beck, Jacques,
Thompson, Webber, Lochart, Castles.
Graham, Castles, Henderson, Smith,
Malloy, Wilson, Torrance, Taylor Hess,
BOSSENBERRY,HensallOntario. Lic-
B/.ensed Auctioneer for the Countys Of
Huron and Perth. Charges moderate and
satisfaction guaranteed.
HOLT; Khiva, Ontario. Licensed auct•
. former for the Counties of Middlesex
and, amhtkn, d the townships of Stephen
and Hay All sales
es )tromp£lya�tonded to.
awls lama
One of the
o e In
the M
ane wed, en lineally,
idp rlor ge, dad to III enti a it
eupsdo stash In each
, p,bo PeBn ty In onefi Ioanitiy,
as ahoea.' Only shook who write
to fat at open sen make flute of
the °bailee. All you have to do In
-*keen to to sheer oar 'geode re.
theta *he 2x11-yo,o neighbors
and theta hound yon. The be.
foment of abta advertinement
shears the 'mall end of the tele.
tcope. The folio ling eat fflree the aplieeranee of It,edutadte
nheut the eittath pits ofitidl,itt: if li i alae deudleiitat.ta
r20p2, na lergalP lasiittbl6tf. Wo 11a1ieehonyou howy7au
CAO inaka front totaloaday att`1Miit;,�theta totata,t,wlth.
out ,ui, reach Axa a le. se„ lrorhlW1fd, MAtith,
sadtairrts.futx,a'fTM �
NO. Ia
read and accepted. ; t . McQuai , repairing, • to Clinton,
Moved by Mr. Manning, seconded by 'atleaa, $.50; Wm. Moore gravelling at
Mr. Wilson, that the following trustees i.,ct eon Winghera. gravelroad, $8.12;
i h lin- .'oiie Mole cleanin •
be appointed;•Seafor h�Dr. Sm t , C g' drain etc., Man-
ton Roberts Coats. tend James Scott to b Ise ., Tsr.:bridge, $5; Goderieh township,
serveut the term of Mr. Menzies; and Ot ,l•.ceunt of bridge at Holme's flat,
o :�'' fir Win. Glen approaches and fence
ch;^jai: Urs. Ith` .� , tit PP A
..tLle bridge, $5; Alex, Fraser,
�11rfi half of approaches to 'Henfry n
Le,,428.5O Benj• Blair, approaches'
'r:,ripen and, Mill road bridge, $4.50;
e s .i nulin,'fiooring Mitchell's bridge,.
tl•ropairing Wroxter; bridge, $17.14;
`.. ;Stewart, repairing 131uevale
;e $2.051 Wm. Dixon, repairing
s bridge, Tuckersmith, $6.50; It.
x?obinson, repairing ploughs broken
for Goderi
On motion of Messrs Eilber and Tor-
rance, Messrs .Peter Adamson arid. Jos.
Beekwere appointed ou the board 01
Criminal Audit for current year,
Moved by 11Ir, Milne, secoudcd by Mr.
Oliver, that the county engineer art
with the engineer for Perth. in, having'' '
a bridge built over the rider Mai.tlaild
on ,the boundary of'Grey and Mama , at
Sherritt, Jacques, Erratt, Howe, Morri-
son, Kydd, Heyrock, Webber, Lochart,
Gregory, McKinzie.
SALARIES.—Rollins, Griffin, Kelly,
Beck, Sanders, Beacom, Bryans.
SPECIAL.—Proudfoot, Girvin, Dul-
mage, Kay, McLean, Graham, MeMur-
chie, Bissett, Cox. •
WARDEN—McPherson, ` Cook, Moon-
ey, Eilber Milne, Manning, Ratz.
A circular from the county council of
Brant, requesting the co-operation of
this council to have farm stock assess-
ed as heretofore, was refered to special
A communication from the prisoner's
Aid Association was refered to finance
A circular from the clergyman of the
town of Goderich, requesting the coun-
ty council to erect a County Poor
House, was referred to the special cornRichard Miley, repairing Hall's and
the: fourth coucossio i. Befe red to •.s-otlnty work,a7; Wm. ' Wren, snow
finance committe, ,?£.r. ,. 4'at two bridges near Chisolliurst,
A letter from the county treaeurer, !fie eii'11a1f, 810.50; William : Mitchell,
and the statement of tion—resident lands aire,ing bride o' north of Seaforth, $21. -
etc., were referred to finance commit t• Jelin Barker, gravelling at Young's
tee.,„,+w.~,�.4'lan's•bridge, $32.75; McLean "Si
An application from the Ontario tlr,
t,ti3e reilooring and repairing bridges
Rifle Association for the'usual grand t s at•th of Wingham,. $22.24;, James
was referred to the finitpee" committee' ,Young, retooring Manchester bridge,
.A motion to grant $300, to be dc,via-i, $^ `?; James Gillespie, gravdl at Blyth
ed between the branch. agriculturaS�Cbrtn°L•, $13:06; Joseph Allinson, 'ap-
and horticultural societies, was referr, 1'r aches to Clinton bridge, $6.
ed to finance committee.' `fife total amount of orders issued
Council then adjourned atnf`l' 10 ar; fi:"rn°January lst 1889 to January lst
m.Thursday. 1"01 is $4,972.99. I have received and
1 ass d,to County Treasurer for sale of old
1;III oar OF IIOAD ecataiIsara a tilt is riillt y='41:
` Gentleman: -The a:416\111g report4 a alio followingbridaesshouldbe re
'embraces all` business horn Juno 30th; lsii1'b earlyin . simmer of 1890:--Graye-
to Dec, 31st that was under contract.
at orir June sessionand' lr, followin `brid e. east of Brucefield, Baekley,s
Yalu , -a. a a :da're, on L. S. roads in `Ashfield, as.
icls let
re old and not quitesafe for
Edward S1 rmir, vault for eountyi=ytems. The are not taai
registry office, $1245. • ;"i, feet long eachand
should be ; built
F. Galtteridgo, Seaforth, wing wall•to i, t ttodar.throughout.. The south span
Egmondville bridge, $9.26 per eubie t.i Clinton bridge `should he rebuilt,
yard, total $322.77. ; and"a,stone.wing wall added to the
J. & C Bear, Doon, bridge. over San- xtorth 1 6180' recommend that inside
ble river on boundary of Usborne and shutters be put on the vault windowsof,
Hibbert, jointly nith•County 'of 'i'erth; aastra y office, to give-„ reaterseour-
$5.50 per lineal foot; and mason, work ivy to the records.
for same to raise abutments, to Joseph •, • JOUN AI SLnY,
Hambl3 , $50. ' , Commissioner..
Owing to lack of space, the balance of thie.
report>will appear in our next issue.
pear on the pay roll. All the contracts'
.have been conploted,iu a satisfactory
manner, and the county bridge'e all ap-
pear in good state of repair and likela.
to so continue during the present :rwi;at
ter unless something worse .there,
ordinary freshets occur. i; a s
ra - ....dr;. 1 m. ti b"oxy�, ,. !.
The"folIowln a i . tire, or r n
f;'JptGpose tiavtng an oyster supper
issued since the Junesessio i some time in the near future
Robert Jamieson, first aude second`` ` The LiterarySocietyis progressing
payments on contract for Wring ham I -
in talent rapi4ly. We think it is a
orth bridge, $893 ;John.. Forster,brirlgo very good fling for old and young.
on Zetland creek, boundary of. Turn- The farmers are anxious for berry and East Wawanosh,$86: George
sleigh -
Hughes approaches to Wingham brid= ing as quite a:- number have consider-
;e, 893;John Forster. furnishing and 'able teaming „to do, hauling material
for the erection of barns and dwelling
next summer's world. They have al-
ready taken several eontraets,
Professor Brush was in town this
week giving lessons on horse training.
Ile has three wall trained horses, Sev-
eral took lessons.
There is lots of wood and bark being'
hauled here for shipment, About 1,-
000 cords a week come in and three
men are kept busy loading the same
on the cars.
The Sabbath Sehool Entertainment
on Monday was well attended. About
two hundred and fifty were present
and the programme good. Several tal-
ented parties tool.; part. Mr. C. Fair-
hall,A, Banslriugh and others tools part
and everything passed off to the entire
satisfaction of all.
Other contaracts for smaller jobs ape
.The la grippe`.'is raging in this vicin-
ty atpresentand quite a number are
: he I1r' care.
, a iaaa r_ grant
=c • , :I e_ , otinrr .t ,,
a. M�c.rni4•�,e �„ i l Cr r 3p
Our markets are: in full blast at pre-
Messrs Petty Bros. pay the highest
cash price for pork -
Mr. William Westeott our mason, ha s
several bank barns to erect this coming
driving 30 piles at Kippen bridge, $92;
John Forster', Rogerville bridge, bound-
ary of Tuckersmith and Hay,$195;Thos.
Stewart, repairs :at Bluevale,bkidge,$2-
40; Chester. Piouty,repairs to approach
es and bridge on Stephen and Hay
boundary, $15; J. J. Anderson, fence
while erecting Wingham bridge, $n12;
Alex. Mustard, 1420 feet flooring at
Bayfield ,$17.75; John Glen, gravel
on bridge south of Dungannon, $3;
George Johnston, gravelling at Craig's
bridge. Bayfield river,$5.50; Jno. Fors.;
ter, tightening Black's bridge and mov-
ing pile driver, $15.70; Robt. Jamieson,
Huron's half for erecting: Henfryn's
bridge. $196.50; Ahry & Edwards floor-
ing bridge north of Kirkton, Huron's
half $20.30: John Walker, 80 yards of
grav=el at Wingham budge, $480; vil-
lage of Exe•ter,.aravelling bridge, $12
John Brannan, use of land ; for road
while meting Wingham bridge, $5;
certificate of the lunacyof Bavfield bridges, $58.31; James Leck-
A Mary hart. repairing approaches to `Grieves'
Hays, of Morris was filed. bridge.: 89; J. H. Cornell approaches to
A circular from C. Chamberlain, re- Grand Bend laid go, Huron's half, $6.75;
licensing non-standard stallions, was L. Mirdy'repairing same bridge,' $137.
referred to special committee. 60: dito reflocring Black Creek bridge,.
A circular from the county council $10, Robert Drives, gravelling on',Lon-
of Welland, in reference to the assess- esboro bridge, $14; Ben. Taylor. 23500
ment of railway property, was referred feet of flooring at Maitland bredge,$$40.
to special committee. 5;W. F. Kelly, repairing
circular from the county council same, $63; Wni. Arbuckle, approacsies
A to Zetland creek brid ee,$13; Wm. Moir,
of Simcoe in reference to'railway dis• making and fencing deviation at
crimination, etc., was referred to spec-
Wingham bridge, $22; Wm. Mitchell,
ial committee. repairs to bridge nn I:towick and Turn
A letter from MajorJordan thanking berry boundary, $81.50; Richard Tich•
the council on behalf of Col. Coleman bourne, laying floor at Maitland bridge,
for the grant to the volunteers, was $51.46; .Tames Yates, spikes , used at
read and filed. same, $23.55; township of Stephen, re -
A. letter from Jailor Dickson was pairing annronches to Mud Creek brid-
read and referred to : jail and court ge, Huron's half $15;1 H. Junco, repair -
house committee- ing storm work at Clinton 'bridge, $28. -
The report of Mr. Tom I. P. `S., was 69; Robert Sharman,' extras at County
p rcc'istry office, $57; James Moffat, re -
read and referred to school committee.
pairing anproaehes to Morristiank brid-
ley report of road commissionerbridge Ans. ge $7;•Joirn A. Mitchel fencing , ap-
was' referred to road and preaches to Warren •Creek bridge, $8. -
committee. 46: Alex.. Calder, flooring Blyth bridge,
A telegram from the county clerk 83520; John l.S arrow re airing rip•
re -widening sleighs was referred to road ' „ P 's hiktge $25.10;
:7 nrrnaehes to Turner's g '. .
and bridge committee. V{m. An nett, approaches I7en#rynches to
Four tenders for the county printing bridge, Traroti's half,. $7.50; Wm Steep
were referred to the printing ,commit repairs to Rathwell's bridge. 8o,18; Jas.
tee. Vengle. r epairin a stone work' of Man -
A. letter from the jailor requesting cheater iwiele'o, $26; village of Brussels
sundry sir aliosfolthe jail waS referred repairing brides, $38,61. Boat. Jamio
to committee. SOD, repairing. Da,;c-s bridge, $18; Mark
Cassell, Walla washout tit i''inghaal
' from the sheriff in reference,
A letter fl i ralirie, '161.'1.^°.Dnnn, piankingBatn'4
to lighting- the court room was refer p
t court house committee. bride, Ashfield, $8; Martin: ' Whitty,
acid to co u � � leaches at Rerrtarl s
The usual motion Midge, $5; Chas. U Corinth•; tlito at Port
the ;improvement of boundary lines Allrei t s bi ulo`A $6 William Walter,
repairing. Puri; iv's bridge Aeliflield,
1 p. :., l ,
i , , , iag
The resignation of Mr. Menzies as $15, Charles Barber, gravelling ap
High School trustee for Clinton wail
repaif nn , pp'
to raise $3,000 for ;
was referred to finance committee. �a r
proaches to bridge near ;Wingham,
We are sorry to learn that Mr. Thos.
C. Happle who has been confined to his
bed for sonic time past under the care
of Dr. Cowes, of Exeter, is still -very
low, there are but slight hopes of his.
recovery at present.
On Friday evening, January 31st,
the young. people of S. S. No. 6 and vic-
inity united their efforts in forming
a Literary' and Debating Society to be
held in the school house every two
weeks. The. necessary officers being
appointed the meeting adjourned to
meet again in two weeks, at 7., o'clock
p.• in. A good programme is expected.
We heartily wish our young friends
success at their meetings andfeel con-
fident that
on-fident'that it will prove a• benefit' to
young people of the section.
The following is the correct report of
the standing ;of the pupils in School Sec-
tion No: 0, Stephen; for the .month of
January, being based upon• written
and oral work,•regularity and good
conduct during the month:—
FOURTH CLASS.---lst Catherine Lip-
pert; and
ip-pert;'2nd Alexander Neebe; 3rd Emma
Krause, 4th Annie Barry.
Tamp Ci:ASSeaalst Caroline Fink-
beiner; and Elizabeth Ratz; 3rd Arthur
Paton; 4th William Mawhinney.
SEcoND SR. --1st Christena Melsaae;
Catherine Barry •,'3rd Christopher Din-
ney; 4th Adeline Ratz; 5th Ida Fink -
healer and Thomas Dinney equal
SECOND JR. -1st John Lippert; 2nd.
Rebecca Ritter; 3rd Arthur Glanville;
4th Jacob Ratz; 5th Philisky Holt.
Sa000n PART. -1st Matilda Witzzle;
2nd Emma Krein; 3rd Elizabeth Mc-
Donald; 4th Sarah *Isaac; 5th Angus
Fir'u CLASS.—IstJacob Ratz; 2nd
John Finkbeiner; 3rd Ezra IBrein; 4th
John Mclssac; 5th Lydia Schrader.
MAI' DRAWING. --1s6 Eliza Ratz; 2nd
Emma Krause; Mex Neebe.
Mrs. Hogarth, is seriously ill with la
grippe and inflamation, it is hoped she
will soon recover.
The members of the, church of En-
gland intends having a tea meeting
soon. A grand' time is expected.
The young' people's Mutual. Improv-
ment.Society held their meeting in the
Presbyterian church on 'Monday even-
ing last and was a grand success:
Mr- John Colter intee;ds builcltng a
new dwelling house in the spring ws
think our village will take a rest this
spring as no buildings of any impor-
tance will be erected.
Mr: GeorgeKydd, our enterprising
mason intends leaving the village in
the spring. Sorry to loose such a good
citizen. Success to you George where
ever you may pitch yonr tent,
Oars! OATS! WANTED. -I want a
large quantity of good white oats at
27 cts. per: bushel, Allivered at the
Hensall Oatmeal Mill Oatmeal ex-
changed for oats.
D, URQ'tIEART, Hensall•
ivlcls 11e administered sacrament to
large number,
Mr. Thomas Norths',P1101 to Ills leas
ing for Illinois, gave his plan ireaiacis
a farew 11 it 3 u t nig "Ut"
e p ty <1i Th �stla, n „h
last week. The .attendance was . vary
large and they amused themselves' by
tripping the light fantastic toe until:
the we sma ho us, when all left for
their homes well satisfied with the treat-
ment they had received and wished air,
and Mrs.,Nerthyovea:yesuceess in,tes:�iTr
new borne, Tiley, Will be muchuri,5.s,a.�
as they were very ] ind. and obliging
Mr. Redman, of Fantown, tvas ire
town on Monday last
Mr, Fred Kibler attended the S,
Convention m Seaforth one day last
Mr, Henafer was badly frightened on.
Tuesday last on account of fire starting '
in the chimney of his residence.
One of Mr- D. Sreinback's children,,.
Amy, has been suffering with inilani-
ation of the lungs. She is somewhat
A basket social will be held at Haft.
Currey's residence in Fansville on Fat,:
day evening next. All arecordial'lyine
vited to be present. A good timeisex-
Master Ezra Sehluchtermet with a,
painful accident:one day this ,week..
He. was getting over the fence when
missed his footing and injured his le&
not seriously however.
A singing class has been organize
with about 40 members enrolled. This
is a good start and we wish the .eran
all the success imaginable. 'Mr. Gabel
has been engaged as teacher.
ScaooL REPORT.—The following is. -a
correct report of the pupils of the Pub-
lic School for the month of Januar
The report is based on good cond re
and general proficiency "during the
Rosa Haikch,376; Eddie Steinbeek,274...
Samoa FoUR,TR.—Lydia Strenpfer,
456eteaura- Williams, '365; Wm. Joke -
son ^;365 John Kibler, 859; Wm. Hess,`
f r black ,315; EmmaJohnson;248;Jahn Gies199.
Messrs 73rewiraud. Rlatc.h a d s t, x .� „ � 2C�#:;
smith.sho - as • '-s en:inte one.' niaiht ; ;.IUtliok rou1t FY. 1 w I ,ss�,. T rt,..
ItAnrlse iii ehaldt 236 Ilorace siaru
last week and about ten dollars wrath.
pP , .ya
of tools taken away. This is not the
first time their shop has been broken
into. We presume there are burglars
in our quite village.
ACCIDENT.—On Monday afternoon
last as Mr. John McClymont of Kippen
who is engaged at the Hensall grain
house was shuntina cars for the pur-
pose of loading brain got his right
arm badly splashed between the cars
which will lay him up for sometime.
The Canadian -bred trotting stallion Am-
ber, by Clear Grit, formerly owned by Mr. P.
J. Pikey, of Brantford, stands at the highest.
fee of any of the stallions owned by the Ital-
ian Government, which paid $3;500 for him
in Germany last ear.—Ex. Amber F., own-
ed by Mr. T. Murdock, of Hensall. is son of
Amber, and is one of the best stallions in
Canada. He will stand at Murdock's stables
during the coming season.
Mr. Waugh our enterprising hard
ware merchant is calling around with
a subscription list for the villagers to
sign for the purpose of building a new
plank sidewalk to extend from the
post office to the Presbyterian church,
we trust the young men of this village
will give liberal donations towards
building it as it will be very benefice'
to them on Sunday evenings.
The La .Grippe hasabout left here.
MisS Martha Hill is the guest Of Mrs.
IIs burn.
Miss S
Cvnell'of Dashwood,visitin
at Mr. Essery, s.
Lots of niud at present, and the
le le all seen, to be in one 'mind. want-
ing snow`.
Messrs Glanville and Ariderson are
making preparations to go to Calvary
the corning, month,
Our fariners are busy preparing for,
Misses Ida Charck and M. Camm.
spent Sunday with Mr, E. Coultice.
Mr. Daniel Hodgison, of Whalen, was
the guest of Mr. Andrews on Sunday.
Miss E. R. Shute, of Usborne, spent
last week in Biddulph visiting friends.
2a7; Alf Moritz, 215.
SENILE Taino.-Alfie Johnson, 462;
Fillie Well, 444; Amelia Hess, 440; Net-
tie Web, 361; Eliz, Becker, 347Mfntddei
Doan, 325; Emanuel Faust 310, Milton
Buchanan, 293; Ida Brill, 278; Eddie
Geiger, 271; Reuben Becker, 266; Wait. .
Derskin, 240; Wm. Demuth, 214; Lev-•
ina Prang, 181; Tillie Johnson, 170,Ea-
mund Sippel, 151; Clara Smith, 112;
Wesley Schoel!i ;, 83; Maggie Rummel,
7S; David Cooper, 38.
JUNIOR THIRD.—Martha Stremprea
380; Eddie Wurm, 330; Mary Ra.ndeni;,
263; Theo. Happel, 253;Sasn Holtzmacs,
239; Annie Hess, 190; ,Alb. Hideman,
177; Noah Saruras, 138; Maggie De-
muth 37 S. J. Latta, Teacher.
Thrum.—John Deichert, 458;,VVT. Dame
mert, 413; J. Derstein,40S; Sam Faust;
404; Lesley Benedict, 401; Laura Kao
ler, 380; Garnet Stcinback, 359; Simoin
Saruras. 296; Ezra Schluchter, 259.
SENIOR SECOND.—Tillie Kibler, 6O€ln
E. Holtzman, 566; R. Hideman 558; E.
Hauch, 524; J. Weber, 506; L. Dura-,
mert, 503; Ida Well, 474; D. Williams;
464; C, Sippel, 423; Louis Foster, 86-1„'
James Johnson, 197.
JUNIOR "FCOND.-A• Hess,603;Coloin
Williams, 636E. Hardy,453R, • Strenrp-
fer,452; L. Deichert,450; Maggie Rupp,
437; Sam Becker, 425; Ida Lippert,380
W. Dummert, 366; R. Lippert, 353, L.
Prang, 357; S. Randell, 348; E. Schnell!,
341; N. Buchanan, 328; E. Moritz, n7, -
J. Schwalm 207; L. Brenner, 297, .£':
Haberer, 285; W. Geiger, 271;S. Zim-
merman, 267; K. Tremner, 253; L.
merman, 244; Wm. Greb, 225; 'Albert
Smith, 153.
SECOND PART.—,M. 17oa,, 571; a
Miss Ann Brock, of Zion, spent last
week 'visiting her sister, Mrs Wm.
Rowtcliffe' ;-
Mr. Thomas Oke, of Exeter was the
guest. of Mr. Robert Cooper,of Biddulph,
on Sunday last.
Mr. Enoch Cook and wife, of Win
cliielsea,spent last week visiting friends
around Winchelsea,
Mr Richard Coultiee, of Elimville,
spent a couple of weeks visitingfriends
in and around Strathroy.
Mr. William Bowman, who has had
the second attack' of La Grippe, we are
glad to.say is fast recovering, and will
soon be able to'be on his daily rounds
a ;sin.
Special services have been held in
the Elimvillc church during the past
two weeks, but have been attended
with comparatively little success, but
they are looking for greater success
this week.
We are much pleased to learn that.
Mr. Titotnas Russell, who has had a
very severe •attack of La Grippe is
slowly improving. He was for some
days in a very critical condition, but
his friends will be pleased to learn that
he is on the mend.
We are glad to be able to state that
the Rev. W. H. Parallel' is ably to re
shine his duties again, after suffering
from a very severe attack of La Grippe
11e was table to occupy his old position
he the pulpit and e'tpound the sorip•'
tore tb his hearers on Sunday last,after
Koehler, 435; 0. Peine, 382; L. Warta,
378; W. Libler, 366; W. Weber, 339;C
Deichert,351,W, Deichert,338;C. Hauck
330; M. Demuth, 313; H. Brown,276
Randell, 241; G. Reichert, 183. ,
Teacher.—JUNIOR PART Samara—Ma-
bel Hardy, Hilda, Strempfer, Heleusi
Koehler, Alf,' Pfaff, Vliet. Johnson, Llan.
Kochier,Nettie Demuth,Nettie Sarura,s,
Maggie Zimmerman, Eddie Rupp, A.
Kibler: Alb, Reichert,'' W Clegko n•
The Average attendanee for theater/du ,.
was 120. Sam J. Latta
Hay School Report.
The following is the monthly rcpott
for January for S. S. No. 2, names ate
in order of merit. I+n' rj:--••Iiotoer.
RUSSO!. SENIOR Fottia•rai.—John Ca31311
ell, James Campbell, Aggie Murray.s�
JUNIOR • FoURTuT.—Cecil Pose, Cherk
Aldworth, Chas, Chaprnan, Tram).—
Kate Chapman, Chas. Northcott, Rach-
el M. Atkinson. Sleaiolt
Ne O'Brien,Nellie ' Alice Gould, Annie
Northcott. .l t7mon SLCOND.•-13eatritl t
Maud Russell, Ralph Cher,;
i •
v I'ARm'. Irelho, XV`Ortdr-
man, StaeONl.
cott, Joseph Northcott, Beekie Noa:tle
Cott. Enter Parr, --Nellie Werra;
Henryarah Northcott:
y Bush,